Kings bounty legend about a knight quest. King's Bounty: The Legend: Walkthrough

A world called Endoria opens before you. The main character Olaf goes to fight various undead. He will have to fight enemies in the dungeons of the gnomes, icy wastelands and even in the kingdom of Darion. The hero will be helped by his friends, companions, as well as 5 Valkyries. He can use spells in battle and learn rune magic.

Olaf can also use a completely unique ability called vis. This ability is only possessed by skalds, who can cast certain verses that can affect the battle.


To play "King's Bounty - Warrior of the North", your computer must have at least 1 GB of RAM, or better yet 2 GB. Also, the sound card must work correctly with Direct X.

You will also need a DVD-ROM to read the corresponding disc. Your hard drive must have at least 5.5 GB of free space to play the game. And video memory needs at least 128 MB, recommended - 512 MB.

Processor frequency of at least 2 and 6 GHz. Operating system - XP or Windows 7. You can install and play the game on other OSes. Minimum requirements are listed here. In addition, you will need a keyboard and mouse to control the game.


As soon as the player starts the game, he is asked to choose which class his character will have. There are 3 classes in total, this can be: Viking (that is, simply a warrior), Magus (that is, a magician), Skald (a unique character).

You need to come up with a second name, which is essentially a nickname, choose a coat of arms and a difficulty level.

  • Vikings have a special skill - Fury.
  • In "King's Bounty - Warrior of the North", Skald's passage of the game has special features - he is a commander, he can read the verse and inspire his troops to fight. Also, after the battle, the gods can return part of his troops.
  • The Magus has magic and can heal and resurrect. Magi are powerful sorcerers and know the magic of runes. The Magus is not a general, but he can summon creatures and practice alchemy. The disadvantage of the magician is that he has the lowest level of leadership, and at the beginning of the game certain scrolls are generated, and then the card will fall. Random will help - if you come across good ones, you can try to play a sorcerer. Well, if the situation turns out to be unsuccessful, then there is nothing to talk about here.

In this picture you can see the parameters of the hero. At the top left is the hero's class, and in this case it is a sorcerer, character level, leadership points, attack and defense, and intelligence. You can also see how much gold, rage and mana the hero has.

Received awards are located at the bottom left.

Below the hero you can see the army that he can command, as well as his inventory. There are small windows around the character where you can see the items he is wearing - his weapons, armor, jewelry, and so on.

Available Valkyries are displayed at the top.

On the right you can see the spell that the hero uses. And if you press the button of a spell, you can read about it. Skills are also displayed - our hero owns rune magic.

In "King's Bounty - Warrior of the North," pumping up the player is simply necessary, because the character's level affects his parameters, which also increase. To gain experience, you need to fight with opponents and complete different missions.

  • Leadership shows which troops and at what level join your character.
  • Attack and Defense show the corresponding parameters for the creatures in your army.
  • Intelligence is a parameter that enhances spells.
  • Mana is the energy that is spent for spells. May accumulate over time.
  • When your hero fights, he gains the Rage parameter. You can spend the appropriate runes for development.

Races in the game

When playing through the game "King's Bounty - Warrior of the North" it is very important to know that there are seven races in total in the game. In addition, you can meet some creatures that do not belong to the above races.

  • The first is the Vikings, like our hero. These are very harsh people, they strongly dislike the undead. Vikings are usually warriors, but there are also sorcerers among them. This race has the ability to know runes.
  • People are friends with gnomes and also with elves. They do not like demons, various undead creatures, as well as orcs. People can fight, but there are magicians and priests among them.
  • Elves are protective of people, help them, and do not like gnomes. Elves have fairly low health, but they are excellent archers, and they are also very fast, and they have nature magic.
  • Dwarves do not like demons, and also create various devices. Dwarven comrades are rather slow, but they have great health and a good blow. Dwarves can be alchemists or mechanics.
  • Undead. Actually, the dead - they don’t care what races there are in the world. They don't care about poison, but they don't care about holy attacks. They can take away vitality from the enemy. Among them there are vampires and zombies, and necromancers are also considered undead.
  • Demons. Dangerous ones are both magicians and warriors; they have very strong attacks. They don’t care about fire, because their native world is fiery. They don't like the cold.
  • Orcs are mostly nomads and hate the undead. This is brute force, there are a lot of them, and they also have shamans. They wield catapults.

Among neutral creatures, such as pirates, dragons, spiders, snakes, griffins, and so on, you can find an ally. If you make friends with one of them and pay well, you will most likely lure them to your side.

Who to play?

Experienced players are advised to choose a Viking to play “King's Bounty - Warrior of the North”, because it is easier for them to play. Skald will be more difficult, but Magus is recommended only for experienced players.

As soon as you choose a hero class, indicate a nickname and choose a coat of arms. After which the difficulty level will be available to you. Pay attention to the parameters, equipment and skills.

Below is the official trailer for the game, where you can see what adventures await the brave Olaf.

The main thing for the hero is a journal where all his tasks are recorded. When the hero completes missions, he receives some kind of reward. This could be gold, objects, scrolls on which spells are written. In the log you can see what kind of task it is, what mission it belongs to (plot or secondary), and also indicates the reward that is given for completion.

When the task is completed, it will be noted in the journal accordingly. If the mission is complex, then the tasks may have several stages. And at the same time, more than one reward is given for them. Usually the task is easy to complete, since there are characters associated with the mission or providing one, they are marked with symbols. There are ordinary tasks, and there are those related to killing some enemy. If such a task is present, then the icon in the journal shows crossed swords and a portrait of the victim. It is very profitable to fulfill such contracts, because as soon as you kill an enemy, you are immediately given a reward, and you no longer need to run to the customer for it.


If your character uses an amulet in battle, calling on the Valkyries for help, then their combat skills will increase. They provide assistance in the game; you can take all five of them on a journey, but first you need to choose which one is the main one. Her bonus will be valid at 100%, and the rest - at 25%. This bonus depends on the level, which can be increased by giving various items to the celestial maidens.

In "King's Bounty - Warrior of the North", a complete passage of the game is impossible without the help of the Valkyries. They have preferences in the choice of items received. For example, Krista prefers regalia.

Regina will choose shields or armor, Hilda needs to give weapons.

To Mist - artifacts, to Gudrid you must give boots or gloves, as well as belts.

The maximum level of any Valkyrie is 5th.


The Book of Magic stores various spells and scrolls. You can either buy them or find them somewhere, and they are sometimes given as a reward for completing a task. After opening the book, you select a scroll and cast your spell. However, after this the scroll will disappear. Only a certain number of such scrolls can be stored in a book.

All magic is divided into 4 types:

  • Order - divine magic, healing, protection, special abilities.
  • Distortion - strengthens, weakens, illusion aimed at the mind.
  • Chaos - destroy, weaken, exterminate, destroy.
  • Runic - defense and attack.

The spell is used mainly in combat, their effects are completely different.

Wandering magic is particularly prominent and is used for travel. At the same time, the hero’s parameters are increased or characters are added to the army. The spell requires scrolls that cannot be learned or improved.


The "King's Bounty - Warrior of the North" quests begin at this stage of the game.

To begin with, your father will tell you that the undead have begun their invasion. You will need Runolv, this is a magician and your compatibility uncle who can give good advice. You will also find some kind of tooth, it is unclear whose it is, you need to show it to Runolv. He will ask you to bring Deadman's Whip, 4 pieces. You can find the undead wandering nearby and take these things from them. From each squad you will receive one whip.

Ahriman is the Death Knight, you need to kill him. Once you do this, you will receive a dragon tooth, and your father has another one. The third tooth is with brother Eric, who will exchange it for animals and Vikings. There is Uladar Maritarius in the cave, you need to kill this guy. Then you tell your father about the death of this citizen.

Eric is lost, you need to find him and bring him back. My brother is hanging around somewhere near the harbor. It turns out that he joined the undead detachment, he attacks you, you defeated him, but now you are afraid that your father will be angry. Your uncle sends you to Westlig and gives you a map.


As soon as you land on the island, you realize that things are bad. And the undead have reached here, so you will need the ruler of the island, Ingvar. He will tell you what happened. Further on Fastland, find Runvald, show him a fragment of the mask. Tell Ingvar about this.

You should find any survivors who are on the island. Tell the king about them. You will need four fragments of the artifact, which is a mask. Near the lighthouse you find a Valkyrie who will help you with this.

Runvald tells you that his brother has disappeared somewhere, go to Ingvar. It turns out that the brother mysteriously disappeared, and later turned out to be a traitor - he was able to open a portal of darkness.

Portal of darkness

Valkyrie will tell you that in fact the undead came to the island for a reason, Runorm, Runvald’s brother, is to blame for everything. This comrade decided to study necromancy, and everything would be fine, but that’s not enough, he decided to open a portal of darkness and call in an army. Valkyrie says that he is hiding on Mount Galskap, at the very top. You need to kill the Dead Spider.

Then go up the mountain and kill Runorm. Next you will find yourself in Greenworth.

Regina and Guildford

First you need to help the Valkyrie. To do this, go to the Verlon Heath. The vampire prince is there, you need to kill him, take away the weapon and give it to Regina.

It is located by a necromancer with the appropriate name, you must go to the wasteland and find this terrible necromancer there, the Valkyries will help you defeat him. After which you take the artifact to the prince.

He tells you that there is another artifact for defeating the forces of Darkness, called the Staff of Star Light. This is a very powerful thing and destroys not just one or two representatives of the undead, but entire armies. It is located in Arlania among the magicians. You need to go there and pick up the artifact. You need to talk to the magicians and tell them about the staff. Unfortunately, the magicians will not want to give up the staff, and you will have to fight them.

When you give the staff to Guilford, the prince talks about another artifact - a valuable thing called the "Dragon's Tear". You will need to go to Demonis to find this very Tear.

It is necessary to sign four peace agreements with the demon lords. Two of them are quite peaceful, but two are not, so they have to fight. Next, all agreements must be taken and given to Xeona.

The "Dragon's Tear", accordingly, is guarded by a dragon, which is located in the cave; it must be defeated, the artifact taken away and given to the prince.

But it turns out that the prince deceived you, he is a traitor and commits an attack. Even if you just try to defeat him, a whole bunch of undead will attack. A Valkyrie appears and drags you away from there.


Your primary goal in "King's Bounty - Warrior of the North" is completing quests. After deceiving Guilford, the next quest begins with the search for allies.

The traitor prince's castle is now guarded by none other than your brother. The armies there are very large, and there is no way for you to defeat them. Rezo is an archmage, he gives the hero advice that he needs to find allies. You must go to the Vikings, gnomes, elves and form alliances with them. You may also need demons. Of course, you can do without them, but it is best to take them with you.

The elves will join you if you find an antidote for spider bites, find Il Taera and kill the spider that bit her. However, the elves will put forward a condition: they need a legitimate queen. This is Amelie, and she was going to the dwarves, she should be found. You will be allowed to go through the passage into the mines to find the queen.

Dwarves and Vikings can't divide the gold mine; you have to do it for them. Ice dragons are interfering with developments and must be killed. And as soon as you tell the lord of the gnomes that the ice dragons have been defeated, the gnomes will agree to sign a treaty with the Vikings, which you need to tell the king about.

To conclude an alliance with the Vikings, you need to go to Southern Vinland. It also turns out that the orcs began to fight, and you need to find out why. Once the war between the Orcs and the Vikings is over, you can form an alliance with the Vikings.


Unfortunately, the prince turned out to be a deceiver; Guilford dreams of power. You need to destroy the undead and report this to the archmage, then go to Greenworth and talk with your brother Eric to collect data on the composition of the armies. In "King's Bounty - Warrior of the North" quests always come down to this task - you will need to destroy all the armies and kill the prince.

You should remember that your brother is under a spell, so you need to remove it. As soon as you do this, he will go to fight with you.

Guilford is very strong, it is recommended to take creatures into the army that cause the most physical damage. You will also need various artifacts that reduce damage from magic. It is best to take cavalrymen because they are fast; You will need paladins who attack well, can resurrect the dead and walk one more time.

Trolls are recommended - they have the ability to self-generate, and they are, at their core, strong “tanks”. It would be good to recruit black knights, they are also “tanks” and attack with great damage. You need to take resurrection, teleportation, acceleration spells with you.

Do not be distracted by the creatures surrounding the prince, attack only him, it is advisable to also kill the necromancers, otherwise they will raise the undead, which you will kill.

Two stages of the battle

It should be understood that in the battle with the prince you will have two stages. In the first, Guilford will be a man, he has little health, he sits on a throne and is the commander of his army, a commander.

He is dangerous because he uses the Amardeggon spell. This spell deals great damage to your troops. And the faster you reduce his health to zero, the better, otherwise the prince will be able to cast the spell several more times. Such a spell poses a significant threat; you need to complete the first round of the battle faster. It is recommended to use the "Ghost Armor" spell. You kill the undead, after which the prince rises from his throne and his combat becomes aggressive. Once his health is reduced to zero, he will become a dragon and the second stage will begin.

Guilford now has more health points. He also calls upon the undead, including Kill them, otherwise they will poison your troops. It is recommended to collect creatures that do not react to poisons. It is also best to use knights because they deal very high damage. Amardeggon Guilford no longer casts the spell, but can use another, no less dangerous - Burning of Souls.

This spell raises undead that were killed in 3 lines. It also deals damage on these lines. Do not build troops in rows, otherwise not one detachment will die, but several.

7.5 from the editor




King's Bounty: Legend of the Knight

  • Publisher: 1C EU Publishing
  • Publisher in Russia: 1C
  • Developer: Katauri Interactive
  • Website: Official website
  • Game engine: TheEngine
  • Genre: RPG
  • Game mode: Single player
  • Distribution: DVD, digital download

System Requirements:

  • Windows XP/Vista
  • 3 GHz
  • 1 GB
  • Nvidia GeForce 6600 128 MB and more powerful
  • 8.8 GB

About the game

An adventure saga, created in the best traditions of the legendary King's Bounty, is a fascinating fusion of role-playing games and intense tactical battles. In real time, the main character travels over land and water, underground and in the skies, exploring the world in search of treasures, meeting friends and enemies, improving your skills and fulfilling the orders of the kings. “The Legend of the Knight” is replete with unexpected plot twists and original endings. The player will have to face many interesting mysteries and secrets, form an alliance with a powerful necromancer or steal treasures from the treasury of the gnomes - a lot is possible in this world. The main thing is not to forget about the oath of allegiance to your king, because he does not forgive mistakes.

"King's Bounty. The Legend of the Knight" received a positive response among the Russian and most of the Western gaming press.

Game plot

IN « Legend of the Knight » There is only one game mode - story campaign. At the same time, the campaign does not have a division into missions, as, for example, in The Witcher. The plot is presented in the form of unvoiced dialogues between the hero and the characters; voice acting in the game occurs only once - in the introduction. As the player progresses through the story, he receives titles that give him an increase in his leadership. The game begins with the protagonist having to take final exams at school to determine what job he will be assigned - treasure hunter, dragon hunter or evil slayer as one of the tests The hero has to save the princess's mannequin from the dragon. Regardless of the player's actions, he will receive the title of royal treasure hunter.

Having received a job at the court of King Darion Mark Leonard, the hero begins to carry out tasks for him - to look for robbers who robbed a tax collector, to help the king’s elder brother, who has renounced the throne, and to deliver special cargo. After completing the third task, the hero receives a box of rage.

Role system

The player can control one of three character classes - warrior, paladin or mage; the class is selected at the start of the game and cannot be changed. There are no fundamental differences in controlling characters of different classes; only the abilities and additional skills of the characters differ.

As in most role-playing games, the hero can develop, receive bonuses and increase his level. You can get it in two ways - completing tasks and fighting. With each level increase, the hero is asked to increase one of his characteristics - attack, defense (added to the corresponding parameters of units), intelligence (determines the power of spells), the maximum number of rage and mana points (rage is used to summon Spirits, and mana is spent on spells) and leadership. There is also a separate skill tree, divided into three components - the skills of Strength, Spirit and Magic. To learn each skill, you need a certain number of runes of a certain type, as well as, in most cases, learned other skills.

Artifacts, wives and children can also influence the characteristics and abilities of the hero. Each artifact occupies one of the special slots - helmet, shield, cloak, etc. Some artifacts have “morality”, which depends on various factors - the parameters of the hero, the composition of his army, his behavior, etc. If the “morale” of the artifact falls below a certain threshold, then it stops acting and must be “pacified” - fight with its guardians.

The hero’s wife can give birth to children; to do this, you need to choose the appropriate line during dialogue with her. In total, the game provides six different wives, access to which opens as you progress, while the hero can only have one of them at a time. Each wife has her own bonus and also provides four additional slots for carrying artifacts. But if you have a child, then he, along with a permanent bonus, occupies the cell forever. If you divorce your wife, then she takes with her the contents of her slots, be it artifacts or children, and a fifth of the hero’s monetary fortune.


  • The game contains the Ultrax location. Its name corresponds to the name of one of the enemies in the 1990 game King's Bounty.
  • The name of the main character of the game - Bill Gilbert - is the pseudonym of the cult hacker, who became famous for hacking games for the ZX-Spectrum in the 80s and 90s, and left his autograph in them in the form of the line “Cracked by Bill Gilbert”. The name is known mainly in Russia and Eastern Europe, since this is where hacked games were relevant, the hacker himself, hiding behind the pseudonym Bill Gilbert, presumably a resident of Poland.
  • One of the game's minor characters is the artist Alex the Artist, who claims to have served Master Catauro. This name is the nickname of Alexander Yazynin, the main artist of Katauri Entertainment. The name of one of the children who may be born to the main character, Ivan, is the nickname of game designer Ivan Magazinnikov.
  • King's Bounty also contains several hints to the developers' previous project - the "Space Rangers" duology: among the coats of arms that the player can choose, there is a game icon, one of the minor characters uses a common phrase from this game in his speech, and the names of frog people similar to the names of space pirates. In addition, the game features merchant Lew Klisan, and when one of the characters is killed, an inscription is displayed on the screen, almost identical to the message about the death of the hero in “Space Rangers”.
  • According to one of the secondary tasks, the hero needs to catch the Govorun bird, which flew away from its owner - a direct allusion to the work of Kir Bulychev.
  • Among the names of children there are Guglik and Gandalf.
  • After completing one of the tasks, the hero receives as a reward a magic castle, in which two gremlins are doing repairs: Ramsh and Jamsh. The dialogues with them contain hints of Ravshan and Dzhamshut, characters from the sketch comedy “Our Russia”.
  • The Liberty Islands are home to pirates Bill Kill (an allusion to the movie Kill Bill) and Bill Murray.
  • In the belly of a giant fish in the Underground Sea can be found a dwarf philosopher named Umdar Digen, who became famous for living in a barrel. This is an allusion to the famous ancient thinker Diogenes.
  • In the mines there is an innkeeper, whose surname Golm is a reference to Gollum from The Lord of the Rings, who also lived underground, and also in the dwarven mines - the mines of Moria.
  • You can talk with the astrologer, brother of King Leonard, about the structure of the world. From the conversation you can learn that according to Gulivers' theory, the world is a ball. This is a reference to Lamuel Gulliver, a hero from Jonathan Swift's works.
  • In the game there is a priest, Rezo, who needs to be rescued from the tower. This is a reference to the series "Slayers", where there is also a red priest, Rezo, who sat in the tower and was looking for a piece of the staff of the gods (the philosopher's stone).

The guys from the domestic company Katauri Interactive managed to create not just a computer game, but a real, “living” world into which you plunge headlong. I just want to walk along green lawns, talk with numerous characters, fight enemies, start my own family and earn money. Be careful, “King's Bounty. The Legend of a Knight” can easily take away several weeks of your life!


The pages of all gaming publications without exception are full of enthusiastic headlines “The best game of recent years”, “The Golden Age of the Russian gaming industry” or simple and laconic phrases like “Must have!” All these statements refer to the company's project Katauri Interactive- "". Yes, yes, the game that not only domestic players, but also King's Bounty fans around the world have been waiting for is already on sale.

Act, Hero, act!

The first thing that immediately catches your eye after a few minutes of play is the almost complete change in the well-known world of the original. And the most surprising thing is that in this case this is a huge plus. Journalists and ordinary gamers expected from Katauri a wonderful resurrection of the old game with minor changes and a new picture. But the developers have prepared a real bomb for us! From now on - a full-fledged role-playing project with a significant quest part. No city management or development of any mines, forget about " » . Get ready for tasks that will be generously showered on our hero by all the NPCs he meets.

The quests, for the most part, are in the classic spirit of fantasy role-playing games, but the most amazing thing is that they don’t get boring here. Perhaps this is facilitated by the subtle humor noticeable in almost every text. A simple request for the return of a family artifact can plunge you into a global war. From a gameplay point of view, nothing gets in the way - all the same simple instructions, but thanks to the scriptwriters, they are not burdensome. The game contains tasks of varying difficulty: from easy to very difficult. The latter can infuriate even the most persistent gamers, who, after another failure, will swear a bad word, but in the end they will start from the last save for the hundredth time - after all, it’s simply impossible to tear yourself away from the game!

The turn-based mode is partially a thing of the past - now our ward has forgotten about the agonizing wait for the enemy. NPC monsters are peacefully strolling around the map and stumble upon our knight. In this case, the game switches to the familiar battle mode with a hexagonal map.

There are not many changes to the combat system, and they are unnecessary. The player first selects the main character's class: warrior, mage and paladin, and then attaches clothes and strong armor to him. I was pleasantly surprised by the presence of “living” things that have their own will. For example, our protégé may own a chest filled with rage. This means that real devils live inside it, that is, the spirits of Fury. These creatures with unique abilities will save your skin more than once.

In addition, the hero hires loyal assistants. Their list is very large, so you will have to think about who to take as your assistant and with whom to go to perform this or that task. The battles themselves are painfully reminiscent of the battles from the last part - three-dimensional soldiers, a freely focused camera, bright flashes of spells. Interactive objects appear randomly on the battlefield and often change their tactics. In addition to regular battles, there are also castle sieges, in the best traditions of the series. Everything is standard and does not cause any complaints. There is no point in changing anything here.

I don’t want to study, I want to get married!

The main character is a graduate of a real knight's school, so he no longer needs to study. But getting married is just right! The developers gave us the opportunity to create a family. Our dear wife and children were given to us for a reason - they help the knight on his travels. After the wedding, the hero’s characteristics will increase, and for each child he will receive an allowance. By the way, no one forbids him to tell everything to hell, get a divorce and remarry. True, in this case you will have to pay alimony, so parting with your fiancée will significantly lighten your wallet. Don't walk left and right, otherwise women will leave you penniless!

Legendary world

The game is addictive not only thanks to the detailed battles and vibrant world, but also to the excellent graphics. The guys from Vladivostok are so strict that they approached this with love and enviable scrupulousness. Detailed models of unprecedented creatures roam back and forth across maps drawn to the smallest detail, green trees stand around them, bright blooming plants reach for the sun, and special effects, in particular spells, look mesmerizing. In addition, outsourcing companies TriHorn Productions managed to create atmospheric music and excellent, realistic sounds, which only enhance the pleasant impression of the game.

However, there were some annoying oversights: various minor bugs found by players. For example, the main character sometimes gets stuck in objects in the game world, or using a spell book in some battles leads to an imbalance. But such flaws are not critical, and will almost certainly be corrected with a patch.

Surprisingly, the developers managed to create an excellent game with a lot of advantages and an almost complete absence of disadvantages. A high-quality plot, interesting tasks, battles worked out to the smallest detail with a bunch of interesting spells and very beautiful “fairy-tale” graphics will not let you tear yourself away from “” for a very long time. You want to live in this world, not play, friends!

If you act on a whim, it’s a different matter when you use cunning hints and not entirely obvious secrets.

Most users go through the game the standard way - when they first clear the four starting Viking islands, and then kill the powerful spider boss. After the fight with the boss, the losses turn out to be horrific, but also all the troops are ultimately “lost”, as a result of a plot twist... After which the main character finds himself “naked” on a completely alien continent, where there are no Vikings, no weak opponents, no opportunities It's okay to use the sea. If by this moment a lot of gold has not been accumulated to hire five full-fledged squads, then it’s a lost cause. Of course, on normal difficulty all this feels less painful, but it can still lead to a hopeless situation.

Correct passage

Nordlig (island no. 1)
The game begins on the island of Nordlig, which is notable for several things: a secret raven, the presence of an ancient scroll of a random type, and also the ability to cheat quite coolly. During the passage, try to first search all retail outlets for the presence of the “Trap” spell. It doesn’t matter at all what character class you have chosen and what tactics you prefer - the trap is useful for everyone. Mages can use it to kill enemy units without using soldiers at all, and warriors and skalds benefit more from the passive property (an enemy who steps on the trap loses all movement points that turn). Any class can upgrade a trap if it finishes off enemies with it, so you should try to do just that on the starting island, saving the lives of weak opponents for the future if the scroll with the spell has not yet been found.

After you destroy the necromancer breeding undead on Nordliga, do not hand over the main task to the king, but immediately go to the port. Since the wall protecting it has disappeared after the death of the boss, you can safely board a local ship and start plundering the islands. If you immediately tell about your feat, the port will be blocked by another powerful mini-boss squad. In the sea you can find a bunch of chests, artifacts and even some new troops, and an extra pumping up of the trap won’t hurt before the fight with the future mini-boss. You also need to swim to the lighthouse and talk to the NPC about the talking parrot. After which you should continue to complete story tasks, for which you will be given a map of the second island - Westliga. But, you should not attack the auxiliary strong armies of opponents, as they will come in handy a little later. Even if you have the strength to win, it is better to hold your horses.

Westleague (island no. 2)
First of all, on the second island you need to get the Valkyrie Christa as a companion. It is located on a snow-covered mountain near the starting location (the center of the island), guarded by one weak detachment of enemies, which they are also allowed to bypass. As soon as Valkyrie is obtained, you should immediately begin a new search for the “trap” spell, if you have not found it previously. Immediately after this, go to the previous island and start cleaning it out at 100%, since now you have a chance to upgrade your magical warrior in every battle. The more powerful the opponents, the stronger the Valkyrie's leveling experience, especially in the very first rounds of each battle. When playing as a warrior, I would recommend first of all improving the ice wall, since by the mid-game it can block all passages to your troops. Even with thousands of enemy troops, it will take several hits to destroy one wall, and the losses they will suffer are simply colossal (it works better against numerous enemies of levels 1-2).

Vestlig is not an interesting or noteworthy island, as there are no secrets or opportunities to cheat. On the other hand, powerful Viking sorcerers are often generated, as well as evil-eyes with the effect of controlling opponents. One of the houses near the center of the island sells thorn seeds, which will be indispensable in the future, so you should not use them to summon thorn units.

Fastland (island No. 3)
One of the castles is located on Fastland, and access to it is quite quick. It is profitable to store three types of troops there, which are not needed yet, but it would be a pity to dismiss them. You can also sell extra spell scrolls in castles to gain some coins. By completing the story missions here, you will receive a second Valkyrie in your squad, and it is better to do this as soon as possible in order to give more choice when leveling up the Valkyries’ skills. The “sweeping blow” ability often likes to pop up when taking the next level, but developing it is extremely pointless. The rage costs are small, the benefits are also quite small, the coverage radius is weak, and there is also friendly damage. There is a lighthouse on the island, which, miraculously, I lose sight of every time. It starts a long chain of side quests, designed for experienced players who have cleared all four base islands.
Isterreng (island no. 4)
It's already getting hot here. Once you gain access to this island, immediately head inland to the smugglers' hideout. There you need to pick up the talking parrot from NPC Gregory, then take the bird to the Nordliga lighthouse and exchange it for a raven. This raven is a cheat. If you talk to him, and not just use him as an item, it becomes clear that the bird can eat scrolls of wanderings, and then reproduce them after a certain number of battles. If you are lucky enough to get the "Ancestors' Experience" scroll, congratulations, the game is a success! This scroll increases the amount of experience gained from battles by 50%, but only works five times, after which it burns out. However, Rind the raven is capable of making an infinite number of such scrolls, the main thing is that there are those very sprouts of thorns for feeding. Usually, it takes me 7-8 battles and 1-2 units of grain to create one scroll. This means that you can use the experience bonus almost constantly.

However, I advise you not to use the “Ancestral Experience” until you advance further in the plot, since the extra boost in leveling up even on Isterreng is insignificant. The next thing you need to do is talk to the pirate Simon, who is standing right on the icy territory. He will ask you to complete a simple task, after which he will hand over a secret map of the elf continent - Merlassar. In fact, this is not part of the main plot and is a big bonus. On Isterreng, things have not yet been completed - we again go to the smuggler Gregory and this time we chat for a long, long time. It is necessary to ask him persistently about distant lands (about three times), since during the first dialogues it may seem that the game is simply scrolling through randomly generated refusal phrases, but this is not so! Ultimately, he will offer to buy maps of two secret islands of “freedom” at once. If you were going through the storyline normally, you would have gone to beat the boss spider a long time ago, since the path to it opens up quite quickly. Instead, we hammer the creature down to character level, like, 30th... Yes, yes!

Merlassar (island no. 7)
In fact, it is better to go through this island seventh in a row, since somewhere up to level 25 your troops will not be able to do anything against the local fauna. But, there are a whole bunch of retail outlets with a huge abundance of elven units, and even available for free (they are not guarded). If you're lucky enough to find the Avengers, congratulations - the game is a success again. Although these archers do not deal much damage, they are capable of putting units of level 1-4 enemies to sleep twice for 2 turns. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all whether there are ten opponents or a million - sleep will take care of everyone. Actually, it makes sense to divide the Avengers into two or even three squads in order to permanently keep all enemies asleep at once, while the remaining troops arrange a quiet hour with axes and clubs. It is best to save the “Ancestral Experience” scrolls for this island, since it is home to an incredible number of named mini-bosses. One important nuance - the elf Gwenwynn is too pompous, so after your first visit she will refuse to trade... In general, make all purchases from her at once (I missed the exorcism scroll, which I could not find anywhere else later).
Freedom Islands (island No. 5 and No. 6)
The islands of freedom differ little from each other - both are inhabited by pirates, orcs and the undead. There are weak enemies here and there near the outer sides of the islands. It is very profitable here to engage in mass robbery of chests and altars, since access to them is usually free. I advise you to take a closer look at the Catapult units, as they cause enormous damage to structures (towers), which are very common in battles with artifacts. At this stage, you should thoroughly upgrade your three Valkyries by sacrificing appropriate low-level items (1-3) to them. After a Valkyrie reaches the fourth level of development, she can issue a special task. I don’t know the exact conditions, apparently it’s tied to the plot, and since we went against it, it’s not a fact that we’ll be able to take these quests.

On the islands of freedom, it is also convenient to kill the most powerful opponents under the “Ancestral Experience”, but clearing 100% will not be so effective, since there simply are not enough thorns to feed the raven. Here we can advise you to examine all the buildings of Merlassar, but personally I found only one pathetic sprout of an ent, which was not enough for a long time. This marks the moment when it’s time to go to the boss spider. After victory, access to the huge continent of Greenworth will open, where nutritious sprouts will definitely be found. And then the first thing left is to find a port, buy a ship (ask for permission) and set sail for your past affairs. It is worth noting that it is better not to take important warriors for the boss, especially those that are not widely available on store shelves. Troops that attack without surrendering (fairies, royal snakes, assassins, etc.) are perfect here - this way you can lead the boss by the nose.

After going through the game several times, I came to the conclusion that it is best not to develop more than two magical schools at the same time;
Equipping items to drop coins is completely pointless;
Instead of foaming at the mouth when level 3-4 units die, recruit level 1-2 soldiers who can be easily resurrected with the appropriate spell without deep development of the school of “order”;
Any +1 damage bonuses will work wonders with level 1-2 units that initially only have 1-3 damage - even peasants will become killing machines;
Sometimes troops have unexpected skills that are so-so in description, but in reality are extremely useful. For example, the Forest Fauns’ “nightmare” skill deals enormous damage to sleeping opponents, without bringing those out of their sleep state.

King's Bounty: Legend of a Knight is a fantasy role-playing game with turn-based strategy elements, in which the main character, as a treasure hunter, completes various tasks of the king and additional quests, earning money and receiving new noble titles.

When choosing a coat of arms at the beginning of the game, you can choose the "Iron fist" coat of arms, which is a reference to the Ironfist dynasty from the game Heroes of Might and Magic.

Also among the coats of arms there is a game icon Space Rangers.

In the game you can meet the pirates Bill Murray and Bill Kill, this is an allusion to the American actor and the film “Kill Bill”. Pirates live on the Liberty Islands.

As the game progresses, you meet characters with interesting names. For example, on the island of griffins lives the artist Alex Artist, named after the main artist of the Katauri Entertainment studio, and among the names of children there are such as Guglik and Gandalf.

The main character may have a son, Ivan. This name is the nickname of the game designer Ivan Magazinnikov.

The main character of the game is named after a hacker known under the pseudonym Bill Gilbert, who was involved in hacking games for the ZX-Spectrum.

The pirate's wife, while talking about the enchanted ring, says the phrase " My darling. Show me my beauty" This is an allusion to Gollum from The Lord of the Rings.

The castle, which the main character receives as a reward, is being renovated by the gremlins Ramsh and Jamsh. The dialogues with them are reminiscent of Ravshan and Dzhamshud, the heroes of the series “Our Russia”.

The pirate Jimmy Doggins is a reference to Jimmy Hawkin from the novel Treasure Island by Lewis Stevenson.

The orcs in the game have their own version of "Little Red Riding Hood". This is a tale about two young orcs who met a werewolf on their way to their shaman grandfather.
