Provinces map in the game forge of empires. Forge of Empires: Complete Guild Guide

World map (epoch map) Forge of Empires consists of different continents or eras. The game world map has a certain similarity with the world map of our planet, so it is doubly interesting to watch how the game developers, inventing new eras, add new continents to game map: At the top you can see the very first map that has been available in the game since 2013, and at the bottom you can see the most up-to-date Forge of Empires world map. To get to the general map of the continent, you need to click on the icon at the bottom left (or the M key for quick access) and you can start your journey as a great commander!

You will start playing in the Stone Age and progress through the Bronze Age, Iron Age, various stages of the Middle Ages, the Colonial Age and the Industrial Age. After that, you will be able to visit the later eras of the game: the era of Progressivism, the era of Modernity, the era of Postmodernity and Modern Times. Then, you will plunge into the Future, which will gradually change into something cold and mysterious - the Arctic Future (, and parts of the era), followed by the Oceanic Future era (, and parts of the era) and the Virtual Future era (while available, and parts of the era ) which will give you access to the second twin map (top left). On the general game map of the world has already been introduced 19 different eras, as well as access to guild map of continents () and exit to own City(Town):
On the continent map, you can expand your empire by conquering new lands province by province. And it's worth it because it will bring you valuable awards. The available historical eras in the game are listed below, by clicking on the links of the eras you can get acquainted with them full description, full size map each continent, what and how many resources can be obtained for capturing each map.

At the beginning of 2019, a new one was released in the game, which slightly changed the very format of the game - now you go into space to colonize new planets and stars!
Navigation between the standard "terrestrial" maps, the Virtual Future map and the following maps of other planets (only Mars is available so far) is carried out using tabs, where you can easily select the part of the territory or the whole planet that is currently relevant in your game and available for conquest.

The desire to get units of the older eras propels me into new and new lands, going further and further into the depths of the map of continents. After getting the previous units, the quests moved on... I had to do a quest to spend 80 CO and that was the end of the modern quests. Next quest get to new card continent, gave some postmodern goods as a reward. So we set foot on the path of postmodernity, having the town hall of the industrial era ... Well, let's see how the map will be passed, I think that the first province will be able to go through the battle (using free modern units)
First of all, we were asked to scout both provinces, which we did with success.

It is very important when switching to postmodern to decide on the opening of a new province, if you are a warrior and immediately plan to beat enemies and earn medals in this matter, then you are on the right. If you are a farmer and you need a new resource, then you are left.

Well, I went to conquer the right province, although I opened both - for the sake of the quest. Then the quest to spend CO and collect hammers, it is no longer of interest ... But the opportunity to recapture at least some areas of the new map is very interesting, especially for a player who is in the Industrial and has a limited set and supply of modern and progress units))
I started from the lowest region of Chai Chet Nui province, it seemed to me the simplest defense army there:

The tactic was simple, I took the robbers and one free modern unit (motorized rifle), cornered him. And he began to attack the robbers. The enemy opened two robberies and began to extinguish the opened units. But the robbers approached, beat and turned into motorized riflemen.

Usually the computer does not hit the robbers, but prefers to kill ordinary units (on the map of the continent), but this is a different story. The motorized rifleman is out of range and he artificial intelligence forced to open the robbers)) This trick rolls not only in this place, but in many places of the Map of the continents.

Goods in Forge of Empires are a special resource needed to unlock certain technologies and build Great Buildings. In addition, negotiating using goods can make it much easier for you to capture provinces and complete the Guild Expedition, eliminating the need to fight enemy units.

In each era, starting from Bronze, five new goods become available to the player. You should start producing goods only after you have captured a province with the corresponding raw materials on the Map of the continent, which will allow you to produce goods in a larger volume, spending a similar amount of coins, resources ("hammers") and, most importantly, time.

Instead of building industrial buildings for goods without raw materials, it is much more profitable to produce in excess the goods whose raw materials you have, and then exchange them on the market: in this way you will not only save space on the map, but also spend coins with resources much more rationally.

It is impossible to motivate industrial buildings.

How to protect goods from robbery

Looting is an integral and interesting element of Forge of Empires, so it is not surprising that neighbors often rob each other. Goods are the most scarce resource in the FOE (with the correct development of the city, coins and hammers accumulate in excess), so when defeating the defending army of the city, they will try to steal them. The easiest way to protect your goods, if your city is still lacking buildings that increase protection, is to play on a schedule. We set the production for 4 hours, recorded the time on the computer and after 240 minutes we entered the game to collect. In this case, the likelihood that your goods will be taken away will be minimized.

Alternative ways to get goods

1. In Forge of Empires, there are three Great Buildings (GB) that produce industrial goods of the current era - they are the Tower of Babel, the Lighthouse of Alexandria and St. Mark's Cathedral. "Babylon" refers to the Bronze Age, and the Lighthouse - to the Iron Age, so you can collect their drawings quickly enough.

The amount of goods produced per day depends on the level of the building. Unlike industrial buildings, aircraft cannot be robbed, so in the initial eras (before Modern) they are quite capable of completely replacing industrial buildings. However, starting with Modern, Great Buildings begin to produce only goods from past eras.

2. Most fast way mining goods in Forge of Empires is a robbery of neighbors. In one successful raid, you can capture up to 30 goods! Although it is good to guess the moment when the goods will be ready, and the neighbor will not have time to collect them yet, it does not always work out.

3. A small amount of goods is also given for completing some quests.

4. When completing the Guild Expedition, you can also receive goods.

5. Some bonus buildings produce goods once a day. They can be robbed, but due to the fact that production is only completed once every 24 hours, it will be quite difficult to guess the time for robbery. Which goods will be produced depends on the era of the building.

6. And, finally, the necessary goods can be exchanged on the market. More on this below.

Trading on the FOE market

The economic system of Forge of Empires includes a number of restrictions that must be taken into account in order to make the exchange as profitable as possible.

  1. Only goods are used in trading on the market. You cannot buy / exchange anything for coins or “hammer” resources.
  2. Trade is carried out only between friends, co-guild members and neighbors. The rest of the players on the server simply do not see your offers. To accept an offer in the market, you need to spend one strategic point. Create your own offers for free.
  3. You can limit the players who can see your offer to only guildmates. Accepting offers put on the market by members of your guild does not require spending CO.
  4. The ratio between offered and received goods must be between 0.5 and 2.

Based on the last point, a nuance follows that must be taken into account for proper management trade in Forge of Empires. The fact is that the cost of producing goods in the game increases with each era. And if in the Bronze Age a unit of goods will cost you 20 coins and 20 resources, then in Modern times its cost will already reach 640.

More details in the tables.

The cost of producing a unit of goods in the presence of a source of raw materials

Epoch List of goods Coins/Resources
Bronze Age Marble, Wood, Stone, Wine, Paint 20/20
iron age Limestone, Ebony, Fabric, Iron, Jewelry 40/40
Early Middle Ages Red copper, Gold, Granite, Honey, Gypsum 80/80
High Middle Ages Rope, Salt, Dried herbs, Brick, Glass 160/160
Late Middle Ages Gunpowder, Silk, Brass, Talcum Powder, Basalt 320/320
colonial period Resin, Coffee, Porcelain, Paper, Wire 480/480
industrial age Textiles, Coal coke, Rubber, Fertilizers, Whale oil 640/640
Era of Progressivism Explosives, Machine parts, Gasoline, Tinplate, Asbestos 800/800
The era of modernity Reinforced concrete, Semi-finished products, Fragrances, Packaging, Semi-finished products, Expensive materials 480/480
Postmodern era Steel, Semiconductors, Renewable resources, Industrial filters, Genomic data 560/560
Newest time Plastics, Electromagnets, Gas, Robots, Bionics Data 640/640
Tomorrow Wood concrete, Transparent concrete, Preservatives, Smart materials, Nutrition research 720/720

Fair exchange rate for goods from different eras

Epoch List of goods BV ZhV RS sun PS KP IE
Bronze Age (BV) Stone, Wood, Marble, Paint, Wine 1:1 2:1 4:1 8:1 16:1 24:1 32:1 Iron Age (ZH) Limestone, Ebony, Iron, Fabric, Jewelry 1:2 1:1 2:1 4:1 8:1 12:1 16:1 Early Middle Ages (RS) Red copper, Granite, Gypsum, Gold, Honey 1:4 1:2 1:1 2:1 4:1 6:1 8:1 High Middle Ages (VS) Brick, Rope, Salt, Dried herbs, Glass 1:8 1:4 1:2 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 Late Middle Ages (PS) Basalt, Brass, Silk, Talcum Powder, Gunpowder 1:16 1:8 1:4 1:2 1:1 3:2 2:1 Colonial period (CP) Paper, Coffee, Wire, Porcelain, Resin 1:24 1:12 1:6 1:3 2:3 1:1 4:3 Industrial Age (IE) Rubber, Coal coke, Textiles, Whale oil, Fertilizers 1:32 1:16 1:8 1:4 1:2 3:4 1:1

In this regard, it is simply not profitable to exchange goods that differ from each other by more than one era, for example, Porcelain (Colonial period) for Marble (Bronze Age). Therefore, you should stock up the goods of the current era in advance, as they may be needed to discover some sciences and build Great Buildings.

The cost of goods is indirectly influenced by other factors:

  • the size of the area occupied by the building,
  • the number of coins and resources needed for construction,
  • the number of people employed on it, as well as the costs of public buildings and decorations necessary to ensure an appropriate level of happiness,
  • the presence of a source of raw materials, which reduces the cost of producing goods by 5 times (usually not taken into account, since most players keep only industrial buildings with the presence of raw materials).

Finally, a few tips.

  1. Be sure to keep several positions in the market with a favorable ratio for you. Many players accept trade offers, even if they lose a few units of goods on this. By doing this, you will not only increase the number of your goods, but also save strategic points.
  2. If you see a profitable offer on the market, be sure to accept it, even if you don’t need the offered product at the moment. If you don't want to spend CO on bartering, trade with your guild members.
  3. When robbing, try to collect resources from industrial buildings. If they are not available, do not immediately rob industrial and residential buildings, but rather go to your neighbor after a while - perhaps by this time the goods will be ready.
  4. Analyze the costs of discovering the sciences of the new age in advance and prepare required amount goods, taking into account its further costs.

Application. Goods by era in the game Forge of Empires.

Guilds are one of the most important locations, thanks to which you can significantly speed up the process of developing your city. As a member of one of the guilds, you will be able to conduct effective trade with your allies, comrades, acquiring the necessary goods at low prices.

Moreover, trading is carried out without any additional commissions from the system! In guilds, it is also possible for players to help each other to improve territories and buildings. If you invest strategic points in the buildings of your comrades, you can hope for mutual assistance. In this case, development is much faster.

Team battles are available in any of the guilds, as a result of which you can not only conquer new lands and increase the level of your guild, but also receive permanent bonuses. Thanks to teamwork you will constantly receive advice and help from the players, which, in turn, is expected from you! To understand all the principles of the game, being in guilds, we have compiled a detailed guide especially for you!

Rights of guild members

By joining an already established guild or creating your own, you will have a certain status, which determines your capabilities. In total, 6 statuses are available, each of which has certain capabilities. Let's start with the simplest ones:

1. Trusted member of the guild. A person with this status receives full rights on the map, namely: to establish and lift sieges, move headquarters, open cells in sectors, grant freedom to certain sectors. He can also view all the restricted sections on your guild's forum.
2. Herald. The player can send messages to all members of the guild.
3. Recruiter. The player can invite other users to this guild.
4. Moderator. The player gets full control of the forum: deleting and editing topics, player messages, blocking and restricting access to certain users, viewing closed forums.
5. Guild leader. Gets all the rights that are described above, and can also expel players from the guild, assign statuses that are lower in rank than the leader.
6. Founder of the guild. This right is assigned to the player who founded the guild. He has full management rights, including the ability to disband players.

Guild levels

Each guild has a certain level, which determines its overall ranking in the standings. The higher the level, the more bonuses the guild receives, as well as the players who are in it. That is, bonuses apply not only in general, but also to each participant as a whole.

The level depends on how many sectors you have occupied, what types of sectors have been conquered by your comrades. If you attack a new sector or defend your own, if you win, you get a certain number of points. Recalculation occurs at the end of the day.

Bonuses. By participating in team battles, you can constantly receive certain bonuses, namely: recruiting (training units is somewhat faster), research bonus (strategic points will be increased), construction bonus (building construction will cost you a little less).

In addition to bonuses for players, there are also general bonuses for the guild: prestige and rear support. The more you conquer and hold sectors on the map, the higher the percentage in each bonus will be.

Guild map for wars, provinces

All battles between guilds are carried out on global map, which was created specifically for battles. The entire map is divided by default into certain sectors. They can be separated from each other by rivers, mountains, and each sector belongs to a certain era, for example, iron or stone Age. Accordingly, if you decide to conquer a particular sector, you need to use materials and troops of the same era as in the selected sector.

The map displays complete information about all sectors. The green marker is your territory, the red marker is the enemy territory, and the orange marker is the NPC sectors that can be conquered by any guild, including yours. At the same time, you can fight both for one sector, and for several at once. It is only worth considering in advance the resources spent on each territory, the era to which each sector belongs and the position of your guild at the moment.

You can always view detailed information about the selected sector by clicking on it on the global map.

Each sector on the map is displayed as a hexagon. Wars are fought within each sector. Here you must not only conquer, but also defend territories. The capture will usually consist of two stages. First you will need to besiege a certain sector, and then attack.

On the province map, you can find shaded areas. These are sectors that have not yet been explored by you. To occupy this sector, you must first send intelligence. Then you can already capture it, build a headquarters there. Capture is available immediately after entering the sector. All that remains is to place siege weapons, bring in the main troops and carry out an attack. The event log will display all your actions on the global map, so you can view reports on any battle at any time, even if you were not online and other players attacked your territories.
Guild Treasury

Your guild will have its own warehouse, which is necessary for the general collection of resources, which are subsequently needed to capture new territories and send troops. As soon as you choose a certain sector to capture, you need certain resources. All of them are taken from the general warehouse. If some resources are not enough, guild members can contribute them from their own reserves.

From the treasure management window, you can view a list of players who have the goods you need. Each player can deposit an unlimited amount of resources into the warehouse at any time, thereby increasing the chances of fast development and the capture of new territories. If you will conduct constant battles in your guild, then replenishing the warehouse with resources will be the main task!

In general, we can say that the team game in Forge of Empires not only brings additional resources and bonuses for players, but also makes you work in a team, constantly exchanging experience and advice. Much also depends on the founder of the guild, because it is he who chooses the tactics of capture. For example, he can capture only certain areas, which will allow the production of certain resources, or capture the entire area in order to control all sectors and receive maximum profit and bonuses for his comrades. As soon as you start playing the Forge of Empires browser game, immediately join a guild to speed up the development process and understand all the basics of the game! If you consider yourself an active player and can manage a large mass of people, create your own alliance and enter into an unequal struggle with other guilds!

Released in April 2012, the multiplayer browser-based strategy Forge of Empires quickly began to gain popularity. A million members were beaten instantly, and in just a year the number of registered users exceeded 10 million, who began to unite in guilds. And that became the most exciting part of the development.

The goal of the game is to build a city in a limited area, and build an empire by conquering neighboring territories. Gradually developing, the player moves from one era to another, from the Stone Age to the Arctic future.

Joining and leaving a guild

A guild in Forge of Empires is a trading community of players who help each other. You will be able to negotiate a profitable sale or exchange, trade without charging fees and reducing the points required for researching technologies. You can leave a guild and join another one at any time.

Since the Iron Age, joining a guild by invitation and creating your own is available. For the latter, you will have to spend a fair amount of time inviting companions and maintaining the union, newcomers should join the established community without hesitation.

Leaving the guild is simple: go to the menu and exclude yourself from the list.

Participant rights

There are no military alliances in the game, alliances are formed only on the basis of profitable trade relations, therefore, the benefits of membership are associated with them:

  • Implementation of trading operations without commission;
  • Help for beginners with any questions in the chat;
  • Visiting allies in order to raise the mood in their buildings (and they will help in return);
  • Faster level up with bonuses;
  • Participation in expeditions and wars.


The battle for the top lines of the rating is the main task of any guild striving to become the most influential in the game. The rating depends on the level and the higher it is, the more nice bonuses participants receive. The level is made up of the number and type of occupied sectors.

When capturing a new sector or successfully defending your own, additional points are awarded. They can also be obtained by taking part in team battles. Rewards include a kit to speed up unit training, a research bonus to increase strategic points, and a construction bonus that reduces the cost of new buildings.

In addition to personal bonuses, general guild points will become available. The more the player wins and holds the sectors, the more significant the percentage will be.


At the beginning of the guild expedition, the map is closed. As you advance along the "path of discovery", new locations and tasks will open up. Everyone has their own area of ​​the map for research, respectively, and everyone sees their own site.

Players are united by a common menu of goals and progress of the current expedition. You can see it at the top of the computer screen, or at the bottom mobile application.

By passing the tests, you make a personal contribution to progress. The arrow shows an obstacle and when crossing, a battle with the guards begins if a peaceful overcoming is not available.

The difficulty of passing depends on the level of development. Some obstacles are easy, others will take some effort to overcome, especially if they are located in a large area with several waves of battles. You can learn about your own contribution by clicking on the progress bar.

Regardless of the outcome of an individual battle, any player contributes to the progress. But with constant defeats, he, of course, will not be big.

The goal is fixed at the start of the expedition and depends on the number of participants and their eras. If a player is excluded or accepted from the union within a week, the task will not change.

Eight attempts are given to pass the obstacle: if all the chances have been exhausted, but the task has not been completed, you will either have to wait for the restoration of attempts at one per hour, or buy them for or. The more attempts you buy, the more each next chance will cost you. At the end of the expedition, the price is reset, the starting cost of attempts becomes minimal.


Guild wars take place on a global map divided into sectors. Each belongs to its era and to conquer the area, the troops must correspond to the era.

On the map, you can see information about all sectors: when you click on it, it opens detailed information about this area. Own lands are green, enemy lands are red. The orange areas belong to NPCs and can be captured by either side. It is allowed to wage war for several territories at once, if the army and resources allow.

On the province map, unexplored territories are shaded. Before attempting to capture them, you must first send a reconnaissance detachment, and only then attack. The capture begins after you enter the sector: siege weapons are placed, an army is introduced.

All your actions on the global map are written in the event log: it displays information about any battle, including those during which you were offline and the enemy attacked your territories.


The guild treasury is used to store shared resources.

Resources will be required to annex new territories. When choosing a sector for potential capture, the resources required to wage war are displayed. If there are not enough of them in the treasury, any participant can add them from their own stocks.

At any time, you can put resources into the common piggy bank at will and opportunities, increasing the chances of winning and accelerating the pace of development. If you constantly enter into battles, then do not forget to regularly replenish the treasury!

Team game in Forge of Empires significantly accelerates development: the community helps each other useful tips, makes it easier to get resources and bonuses. And having learned all the subtleties, you can establish your own alliance, uniting other players under its flag.
