What portals can be built in Minecraft 1.12. What portals are there in minecraft

You will need

  • - obsidian
  • - lighter
  • - glowing stone (glowstone)
  • - water
  • - Eye of the End
  • - flowers or mushrooms
  • - diamond
  • - mod for Paradise
  • - mod for the Twilight Forest
  • - space mod


One of the most frequently used man-made structures of this kind by gamers is a portal to Hell (Nether World). If, following the example of other “minecrafters”, you strive to get into that dimension full of dangers, to build a “door” there you cannot do without a durable material - obsidian. It is formed underground in those places where lava meets a source of water (the main thing is that they do not touch). Mine a couple of dozen obsidian blocks with a diamond pickaxe and place them in a frame so that there are at least four similar stones in width and five in height. Set the structure on fire using a lighter. Enter the frame and stand for a few seconds - after that you will be teleported to the Nether.

While in Hell and obtaining the resources and experience you need in the gameplay there, do not forget to collect a certain amount of a special glowing stone - glostone. It is found only in the Lower World and serves as material for the construction of a portal to the heavenly dimension - Paradise. You won’t be able to visit there without installing a special mod, thanks to which any player will discover the possibilities and resources of this transcendental world, entirely consisting of islands floating above the earth. Build a portal to Heaven using glostone using a frame of four by six blocks. To activate it, you will need to pour pre-prepared water from a bucket into it.

The portal to the Edge (End) is the only natural structure of its kind, which you, like any other gamer, cannot create on your own. It can only be found - in a special room of the fortresses found in the game. You will be able to find the nearest such fortress if you get the Eye of the End. Usually it is purchased in the NPC village, from local residents. Try to get at least a dozen of these items. You will need the Eye of the End in more than a dozen copies to restore the portal when you discover it. Keep in mind that there are only two ways to get out of this dimension - by dying (and then being reborn in the ordinary world) or by defeating the Ender Dragon, which is extremely difficult to do.

If you have the appropriate mods, several other dimensions will become available to you. One of them is the Twilight Forest. If you want to test your strength in battles with dangerous monsters living in the treasure caves of this world, or try to overcome the local labyrinths, you should go here. To go to the Twilight Forest, dig a two-by-two square one block deep in grassy ground, plant flowers or mushrooms around it, pour water inside it, and then throw a diamond into it. Be sure to jump to the side, because the moment a valuable mineral hits the portal, it will be struck by lightning. When the water begins to shimmer lilac, boldly step into the opened frame.

If you want to go to conquer outer space even in Minecraft, install first required mod, and then create a portal to go to this dimension. It is constructed in a similar way as for the Lower World, but the materials required for this are simpler - not obsidian, but iron. However, there is an alternative way to get there - by rocket, of course. When going to Space, do not forget to acquire a spacesuit (it is crafted like armor, but made of wool) and sufficient supplies of provisions, weapons and other resources, so as not to perish in the alien vast expanses.

Before you decide to build a portal to a city in Minecraft, you will need to search for a settlement. To do this, you will need a map, a compass, and provisions to be able to find your way. You can build a city in advance using a map. This can be done by using another method: choose a place and break the local spawn eggs. You need to calculate for the size of the village how many eggs you will need. Later, you can take a break. After the village is built, residents can begin creating a portal.
Of course, for this you need to install mods to gain access to direct movement from your place of residence to your settlement. There is another method, in the case of constructing a portal to the Lower World, the number of portals created and ready for construction does not matter. The transfer from Hell will be precisely there.

How to create a portal to a city in Minecraft?

Construction requires about 20 obsidian blocks, they are found in dungeons. Before filling the source with standing lava, water is poured into it; it is easy to find. You can mine it using a diamond pickaxe, and transport it using buckets made from three ingots made of iron. If you took 10 obsidian blocks, you need to come to the surface of the settlement. To start building a frame from quarried blocks, you need to decide where best to build by choosing the terrain. Then, you need to activate it using flint and an iron ore ingot.

Now in detail. Launch the game and select creative mode. Now just go straight (press the W key) until you come across a city.

Now we need obsidian.

And a lighter or any other source of fire.
We choose a place and start building. We place 4 oxidine blocks at the bottom and 5 blocks at the top and we get a 3 by 2 square.

Then we just set it on fire. We fill all the squares with fire.
And we go straight into this purple part.

How to activate the portal to the city

Activation will be considered successful if the space turns purple. Now the portal is ready for the game, what is required for this: you need to return to the housing, create the same one. We go into the portal and wait a little, then we are transported to the Lower World. To prevent mobs from attacking after teleportation is completed, it is better to think about building a fortification around the portal in hell. Upon completion, we exit, then enter the portal, the starting point from which you exited into the dark world changes. This is how a portal to a city is created in Minecraft without using mobs. The space is filled with water if all operations were carried out correctly, and after that you can begin your journey.

To build a portal to the city, you need to find or make it yourself, otherwise the point of building a portal is lost.

If creative mode is open on the server, to build a city, open your inventory, find a brown egg among the available items, throw it on the ground so that it becomes a resident of the future settlement. The larger the city you want to build in the game, the more eggs you will need.

When the required quantity appears civilians, you can leave for a while and do other useful things. A day later, return to the place where the eggs were broken, peaceful people will build a city there.

To build a portal to the city, the settlement itself does not have to be built; it can be found while traveling through the game. On or in the plain you can find a ready-made mob settlement with wooden or sand houses. This is exactly the place you need it.

Also, in order for the city to appear on the map, you can enter kedengkedeng in the Minecraft world generator key.

How to make a portal to a city in Minecraft

The portal is needed so that you can quickly move from one point to another.

To build it, knock out four blocks in the ground in the center of the city, surround this place with blocks of one type of stone, and place stones of a different type in place of the removed blocks. If you make everything from the same material, the portal to the city will not work.

Naturally, in order to teleport to another place from the city, you must have not only an entrance to the portal, but also an exit from it. Find the location you need outside the city (or in another village) and make exactly the same portal there.

How to activate the portal to the city

To activate a portal to a city made without , take the watch, point at the lower blocks of the entrance to the portal, and right-click on it. If you did everything correctly, you will see water flowing and filling the entrance.

Move to the portal built earlier and carry out the same procedure.

Thus, you managed to make a portal to the city in Minecraft, now you can move from the village in one click.

Don't forget to reinforce your portal at the exit so you won't be attacked immediately after teleporting.

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There are several worlds in Minecraft that require portals to get to them. The so-called edge is the final part of the game, where you need to find and kill the main boss - the End Dragon. To get to the end, you need to make an end portal in Minecraft.


To make a portal to the end in Minecraft, you need to visit hell and find a dungeon. Kill ten small blazes and take the fire rods from them.

In the normal world, take 15 pearls from the endermen. These creatures are black, tall and can teleport.

Divide the fire rods into 2 powders, combine one of them with the enderman pearl. Thanks to these simple manipulations you will get the eye of an enderman. You will need about 15 of them.

To make a portal to the end in Minecraft, or rather to find it, you need to throw the enderman’s eye into the air and watch where it flies. Follow him and cast your eye again. After several attempts it will burn out. if you see that the eye of the end will fly down to the water or to the ground, it means that the portal to the end is nearby. It can be located both on the ground and. Raise the enderman's eye and dig until you see a cave.

Explore the cave carefully. In it you can find grilles, doors, buttons that are useful for decorating your home. Only in the cave can you get mossy cobblestones.

You can find an end portal in Minecraft in a cave in a small room with lava and a spawner. The spawner can be killed or hung with torches, and the lava can be covered with blocks so as not to fall into it. In the room you will see steps that lead to a portal, but it will not be active.

Complete the end portal using the enderman's eyes, placing them on the portal blocks. As a result of these manipulations, the portal to the end in Minecraft should be activated.

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Please note

Before you start building a portal to the land in Minecraft, you should think it over very carefully. The journey to the end world will be very difficult. Wanderers and a dragon live here, and there is no dynamic light at all. You can’t dig down in the end world, otherwise you can fall into the abyss and die.

Useful advice

Do not forget where the portal to the end was made in Minecraft, since the probability of being killed in the world of enders is very high. Prepare properly for the battle with the big boss, it will be quite difficult to kill him.


  • how to build a portal in endgame minecraft

Portals are an important component gameplay in Minecraft. Considering that the player has the opportunity to build several settlements, he can make a portal from one city to another.


Build at least two cities before starting to create a portal. You can build a settlement in a short time using blocks of matching color, marking the boundaries of internal streets. Build outer walls, lay roads and provide lighting to prevent buildings from being destroyed by treacherous creatures. Use readily available materials such as stones and wood to construct the main buildings. More valuable rocks - brick, iron, and leave them for decorating buildings. This way you can quickly build several cities and begin connecting them with portals.

To make a portal to a city in Minecraft, use a clock tool and several stone blocks of various types. Remove four blocks on the floor anywhere in the city from which the portal will begin. Instead of the two outer ones, install one vertical stone block. Place a horizontal block on top of them so that you get a structure resembling the letter “P”.

Place two blocks of a different color on the floor between the vertical blocks. Take hourglass from your inventory and click them on the bottom of the structure, after which it will begin to turn into a portal, filling with liquid. Repeat the procedure for creating a portal, but in a different city. Please note that the structure must be exactly the same as at the entry point. Now you can instantly travel between two cities.

Having explored and become fed up with the ordinary world, Minecraft players want new experiences and begin to look for them anywhere and everywhere. That's why the developers introduced the Lower World, popularly called Hell. We will figure out how to make Hell in Minecraft, or rather a portal leading there.


The Nether or Hell contains a lot of lava, which means that traveling there is extremely dangerous. Its ceiling is composed of bedrock and a thick layer of hellstone. From the upper world you can only find gravel and mushrooms here. After dying in Hell, the player appears in the normal world at respawn.

To create Hell in Minecraft, you need to build a vertical frame with dimensions of 4 by 5 from obsidian blocks. To activate the portal, you need to light the bottom with a flint. If obsidian blocks are a pity, you can build a frame without corners, and then only 10 blocks will be spent.

When you enter the portal, the image on the screen will begin to “float”, and after a few seconds the loading screen will appear. However, in the new update, vehicles and mobs are transferred between Hell and the normal world instantly, without loading.

Regular mobs can enter Hell through the portal. Moreover, in the Lower World there are local mobs: zombie pigmen, ghasts, ifrits, lava cubes, wither skeletons, and ordinary skeletons. Some mobs drop useful and valuable items. For example, by killing, you can get a fire rod, which is very necessary for crafting. Lava cubes drop lava cream. By killing pigmen, there is a chance to get golden and rotten flesh.

You learned how to make a portal to Hell in Minecraft from obsidian, now you have a chance to acquire new enemies and knock out useful things. Particularly bored players can simply go in search of adventure in a new, unknown world.

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We live in the quantum age, and the fact that our world is multidimensional is no longer new to us. There are other dimensions that are not yet accessible to our perception. Minecraft, designed, within the limits known to Notch, in the image and likeness real world, is also not limited to the easily observable macrocosm. Minecraft also has parallel universes. Of course, a bad crafter is one who does not dream of going beyond the ordinary. But other dimensions are not neighboring rooms; getting into them is not at all an easy matter. And, nevertheless, since they exist, it means there must be some “corridors” that lead to them. In Minecraft, the role of such “corridors” is played by so-called portals.

What portals are there in Minecraft? Or, more precisely, where, in what dimensions? In pure Minecraft, in addition to the regular world, there is also the End and the Nether. By installing some mods, the crafter can create portals that are not in the original version:

  • To heaven
  • To space
  • To the moon
  • To the Twilight Forest.

Let's take a closer look at these portals.

Portal to the End

edge is an empty, dark world in Minecraft, inhabited by wanderers and a dragon. The portal to this dimension is a kind of miraculous structure consisting of a dozen frames. Activation of the portal becomes possible only after all frame blocks are filled with the eyes of the End. The End Portal can be found in the fortress. Teleportation of the player to the Edge occurs after the crafter contacts the activated portal. The movement is instantaneous, the traveler has no chance to change his mind. Sometimes Minecraft creates an underwater portal into this dimension.

Portal to the Nether

The nether world of Minecraft, aka hell– this, as you understand, is not a place for quiet walks. The “door” to it, unlike the previous one, can be made with your own hands - from obsidian. I must say, this door in Minecraft looks just cool. Even if you know for sure that you will remain there in hell, you still wildly want to crawl there. P. blocks glow and have a whirlwind-like animation. In order to teleport to the Nether World of Minecraft, the crafter must stand between the obsidian blocks for several seconds. These moments enable the teleporter to realize that he is quite comfortable in the ordinary world, and to make a “rollback”.

Corridor to heaven

What cool possibilities Minecraft opens up for us! Unlike the real world, you are a sinner or not, you can make your way to both hell and heaven. We talked about the first one, but the last one is a mass of islands floating above the ordinary world. P. in this and subsequent dimensions of Minecraft can only be tinkered with the help of mods. It is into this happy dimension that the “indulgence” - the Aether mod - will help you get into it. The Paradise “turnstile” is made similarly to the previous one, but instead of obsidian, a luminous stone is used. It is activated in Minecraft using water.

Portal to space

To space you can fly on a rocket, or you can use cool technology and get into interstellar space through p. It will help in its “production” Minecraft mod ModLoader. In general, building a point into space is similar to the procedure that sends you to the Lower World. Only beautiful obsidian is replaced with ordinary iron. This whole thing in Minecraft is also activated by a lighter. You should not move into airless space without thinking about what obstacles await you there. The main thing is the lack of air. It’s logical, since space is airless. Therefore, if you have a spacesuit, good. If it doesn’t exist, it will have to be done.

"Door" to the Moon

This is a special case of the previous “tour package”. To get to our native satellite in Minecraft, you need to install a lunar mod The Moon v1.1. But for this add-on to work you will need Mod Loader and ShockAhPI r6. The item itself must be “cooked” from cheese, because the Moon consists of this product. Oh, if only it were true. There is and there is her. After completion of construction, the item needs to be activated with a sonic screwdriver to perform its functions.

Many players have always been interested how to make a portal to a city in minecraft and we will try to answer this question clearly. There are portals to the lower world (hell), to heaven and to the land (Ender world), which we will talk about another time, since today I would like to talk about portal to the city minecraft.
For the portal we need the city itself. If there is great, and if not, we move on to the point of building a city or searching for it.

How to find or build a city in Minecraft

There are 2 options for finding or building a city.
1. When generating a world, a settlement is also generated where mobs live - Residents. He is not offensive and their villages are often very beautiful. You can find one of these cities and make a portal.
2. City of inhabitants. To do this, turn on creative mode, go to our inventory and find brown eggs (Residents) and lay out as many as possible on the ground (or less, depending on what city you want - large or small). In a couple of days, a city will be built by residents on the site where the eggs were. It may take a little more than a couple of days. In any case, the option is the easiest, but time consuming.
Is there a city? Yes, then let's move on to the next step.

Building a portal to the city in Minecraft

Why do you think portals are needed? That's right, for fast travel to the city. Let's start by choosing the point where our portal will stand. For example, in the center of our city. Found it? Now we remove 4 blocks in the ground, in the place where the portal will stand. Then, around these dug up blocks, we place stone blocks, and where 4 blocks were dug, we place some others.
That’s why we make a “window” from obsidian, so to speak. Did you do it? That's it, the portal is built. Let's move on to the next step.

How to activate a portal to a city in Minecraft

When everything is ready, we need to take the final step: activate the portal to the city in minecraft. We need to create a lighter (aka fire). Made from silicon and iron ingot. Using a lighter in place of the portal, we activate it. When the portal is activated, it will be purple inside (like water is purple).
That's all, you know how to make a portal to the city more open in Minecraft and you can make your own portals. We wish you successful portal constructions and see you soon.
