How to help older people avoid debt bondage - Rossiyskaya Gazeta. How to help older people avoid debt bondage - Russian newspaper Cabal character story

“Editorial office? Help. There’s no money even for bread,” says the voice on the phone, and I’m frozen. Over the many years of working at the newspaper, all sorts of things have happened, but nothing like hungry old people asking for help. Eighty-two years old. Blockade keeper. A regular reader of RG in the Kemerovo region - we have already talked to her on the phone, but about other, familiar problems: for example, about difficulties with medical care in the village.

And now she’s slowly talking about how she hasn’t bought any firewood or coal for the winter, but she’s in deep debt. And although the pensioner has a “good credit history” (she says this with pride), banks no longer give her loans. The son died. The common-law husband is paralyzed. Who will help? With trembling hands (for some reason this conversation incredibly scares me, although the woman does not scream or cry), I dial the numbers of the village council. I ask you to do at least something, but so that the person does not freeze and starve. The head of the settlement, Sergei Grishin, reassures her: we will bring her firewood tomorrow, and these old people will definitely not starve. He knows the sad story of my interlocutor: her deceased son is a drug addict and gambler. The loans were taken out for his sake. The old woman will obviously no longer be able to pay for them.

“What, are you going to help everyone who gets into debt?!” - my colleagues hiss at me. They are right, if you think logically. The army of old borrowers is huge. According to the United Credit Bureau, as of July 1 of this year, about 8.3 million Russians over sixty could boast of debts to banks. And banks are more likely to approve loans to them than before; the growth rate of loans in this age segment is called a record. Over six months, the amount of loans issued to them increased by 45 percent, and now each “60 plus” borrower accounts for an average of more than one hundred thousand debt rubles. These are just banks. Legal segment. The next step into the depths of the debt hole is loans from microfinance organizations, where even the same old people take money at wild interest rates, 730 per annum. This is already a semi-legal area, which, despite all efforts and legal restrictions, is difficult to regulate. The story of a 62-year-old pensioner from the village of Beloyarovka, Tomsk region, thundered throughout Russia. She hid her debts from both her family and neighbors. She has several loans, one of them is from a microfinance organization. I took it when the village store asked me to return the money before the audit - not only this woman, but also a good half of the village borrowed food. I couldn’t pay, I got confused. And the collectors, having obtained the numbers of the debtor’s neighbors, raised the whole village to its feet. There was an uproar, the pensioner’s secrets became clear, and she now considers herself disgraced forever.

But, as it turned out, this is not the bottom yet. Having exhausted the resources of microfinance organizations, older people turn to so-called “black lenders”. Here they are, these brokers and “helpers”, in principle, cannot be counted. This is an illegal market with all the ensuing consequences. "The worst thing is that in this case old man risks being left without housing," says Anton Kanunnikov, coordinator of the ONF project "For Borrowers' Rights" in the Novosibirsk region. And these are not empty fears. About a hundred (!) real estate properties are registered under one of these "black lenders" in Novosibirsk. These are apartments of those who approached him for money. The purchase and sale agreements were drawn up under the pretext of registering a pledge, and for the time being the borrowers did not even suspect that their apartments no longer belonged to them. law enforcement agencies But so far nothing has come of it: the victims have been denied the opportunity to initiate criminal cases, and their civil claims for the return of their apartments have not been satisfied.

I wouldn't want to exaggerate the danger. But it cannot be denied that now millions of people (44.7 million to be exact) in Russia with unpaid loans are in a risky situation. Because we are a long way from civilized methods of debt collection (the total debt of the population is 13 trillion rubles, over the last six months it has grown by more than a trillion). And to the manifestations of sympathy and desire to help those who are confused, too. There are exceptions. In Vologda, a 72-year-old pensioner who took out a loan for firewood last winter and was unable to pay off was helped by concerned residents: they collected money and brought firewood. Here’s another example: a Novosibirsk borrower who had taken out three million in loans was turned away by her relatives. The second scenario seems to play out more often.

It’s hard to resist the temptation of a loan when sometimes you don’t even have enough to buy bread... Photo: Vladimir Smirnov/TASS

Lawyers are trying to push the situation towards civilized solutions. A very proud borrower from Tomsk Beloyarovka is “accompanied” by Alexander Gorshkov - he served in the police for 20 years, and now he helps those who are entangled in debt. He resolves all issues with creditors only in court. Old people are especially afraid of ships - it’s a shame! - but this must be overcome. As a result of the courts, the borrower will only be left without half of his pension every month, and not without a single apartment, for example. And you can still fight for part of your pension. As Anton Kanunnikov says, his maximum result- reduction of the amount collected monthly from 50 percent of income to 17. No one will leave a sick old person without the necessary medicines, not a single court.

Another piece of advice for borrowers - don’t be afraid to miss a bank payment, don’t rush to God knows where to get money. Taking out a new loan to close the old one is a step into a vicious circle. “It seems to us that we will gain time, and then something magical will happen, everything will work out on its own,” psychologist Sergei Dyachkov explains this behavior with “magical thinking” and strongly advises stopping. As for deadlines, according to the psychologist, this concept is firmly built into the picture of the world of older people - a legacy of the Soviet planned era.

Anton Kanunnikov leads the ONF project "Financial ABC". He traveled around the region and gave lectures. An interesting observation: every single person in the room is financially literate. They understand that they cannot live in debt. And they condemn frivolous borrowers! But then, one by one, they come up and consult, and it turns out that everyone has been stuck with loans for a long time. So, according to Kanunnikov, the problem cannot be solved by lectures and seminars. But he has many proposals to the state. The first is to legally prohibit anyone other than banks from issuing money secured by real estate, and above all, secured by a single home. This will destroy the business of "black lenders". The second is to simplify the law on bankruptcy of individuals. So that those whose debt does not exceed 500 thousand rubles can do without expensive arbitration managers who charge at least 100 thousand for their services. This proposal has many opponents, firstly, these same managers, and secondly, judges who are afraid of a serious increase in workload. Finally, the third is to prohibit lenders from issuing new loans to citizens with a high debt load (over 35 percent of income). And for violations it is harsh to fine.

A 67-year-old resident of the Kuzbass city of Anzhero-Sudzhensk contacted RG. Five years ago, she took out a loan from a bank for an apartment for her daughter, and her husband acted as a co-borrower. The couple paid regularly, ahead of schedule. We returned more than a million to the bank, with 380 thousand rubles left to pay. “We thought we’d pay it off in a year and a half. But my husband died last winter,” the woman wrote. “The pension is 11 thousand, I put more than half of it in the bank. There’s barely enough for food and medicine. They don’t hire me. My daughter is on maternity leave. My son-in-law is actually registered with her parents and is not going to change anything until “the mother-in-law leaves the apartment.” Other relatives have their own problems, there are no friends and girlfriends left, and you won’t get any sympathy from the neighbors. I contacted the city and wrote to the region. There is no money." Help for Christ's sake. Maybe people will at least send alms through the newspaper - some 10, some 15 rubles?"

We advised the pensioner to first contact the bank for a restructuring of payments due to suddenly changed life circumstances. Still, discuss with the children what else can be done.

The other day we called Anzhero-Sudzhensk again. The voice on the phone sounded more optimistic. The woman said that in the summer, as best she could, she planted a garden and sold vegetables and berries at the market. The harvest could have been larger, but still the money raised was enough not only to provide a fence for the late husband, to inherit the same apartment for her daughter, to buy coal and firewood for the winter, but also to pay off the loan. “In a year, the debt has decreased by 90 thousand rubles. I think I’ll pay it all off within three years. On my own! And then, lo and behold, my hut, as promised, will be demolished under the emergency housing program, and I’ll move to a comfortable apartment. In general, I’ve decided : Stop crying, you have to live and pay!"


Race: Human
Origin: Earthrealm
Worldview: evil
Status: leader of the New "Black Dragon"
Weapon: hook swords (Hookswords)
Fighting styles: Sun Bin, Goju Ryu
Enemies: Kano, Mavado
Allies: Kira, Cobra, Havik
First appearance: Mortal Kombat-3

Kabal was once a member of the Black Dragon crime gang until the Emperor tookEarthrealm by storm. Kabal's soul was saved: he was the chosen warrior, destined to fight against Shao Kahn. Surviving an attack by Outworld kill squads, he was mortally wounded, but was sustained by artificial respirators and an indomitable will to fight. The events of Shao Kahn's invasion deeply changed Kabal: he left his life of crime in the Black Dragon and vowed to become a force for good, but the warrior's fate was different.

Before Shang Tsung and Quan Chi formed an alliance, a mysterious warrior from the Red Dragon clan appeared. His goal was to destroy everyone who was part of the Black Dragon organization for the betrayal they committed many years ago. Cabal has joined Mavado's roster. The "Red Dragon" warrior attacked Kabal and left him for dead, taking his hook swords as a trophy.

Havik visited the Cabal on the brink of life and death and restored him, then convinced him to bring back the "Black Dragon" as a force of anarchy and decay. Not Despite the fact that he helped earthlings cope with Shao Kahn's invasion and swore an oath to put an end to crime and injustice, he supported Havik's idea.

Kabal decides to return the "Black Dragon" to its former greatness and become the leader of the "New Black Dragon" . He recruits two young and capable warriors - first the calculating terrorist from Afghanistan - Kira, and then the brutal kickboxer from New York - Cobra. With them, he goes to the Outer World to complete Havik’s task, and at the same time test the strength of young recruits.

Soon the last battle awaited him in the crater of E Denia. Kira and Cobra followed him, but that was the end of the New Black Dragon. All three died in the battle without fulfilling all their plans.But this was not the end...

Lord Raiden dies at the hands of Shao Kahn, who absorbed all the Blaze, but before his death, the God of Thunder manages to send a message to himself in the past that should change the future forever. The story takes us 10 years ago, to the time when Emperor Shao Kahn invaded Earthrealm with his army. History had previously told that Kabal had embraced the side of good and taken his place among the Earth Defenders, but nothing specific had been said about his transition and what happened to him during his capture. MK-2011 corrects this gap, telling us something about the Cabal that we never knew. It turns out that Cabal was a partner of Curtis Stryker, with whom he served in an elite combat unit USA - SWAT.

Together, they participated in the resistance to the forces of Outworld. At that moment, the main question of who mutilated the Cabal is revealed. Kintaro attacked them with Strikerm and struck Kabal with a blast of fire.

While Stryker fought with Kintaro and Ermac, Kabal was kidnapped by Kano. Kano wanted his former ally to remain alive and take his side. Once upon a time, Kano and Kabal were tied, being prominent figures in the world of crime, but Kabal decided to take a different path and use himself for the sake of good. He's done with criminal world and the "Black Dragon", devoting himself to the police and the fight against those who he used to be. But now he has once again come face to face with the ghost of his dark past. At Kano's request, Shang Tsung restored the Cabal, but his life was still in danger. Then Kano provided him with a life support system, which put him back on his feet.

Kano gave Kabal his old weapon, which he had never parted with for a minute. But the Cabal was forever changed. He did not want to return to what he had been running from for so long. The Defender of Earthrealm forces Kano to show him a portal through which he could leave Outworld, but Milena and Noob Saibot stand in his way. Kabal defeats them, noticing a strange phenomenon behind him - inhuman speed, which appeared in him as a side effect of Shang Tsung's magic.

He escapes to Earth, where he is immediately overtaken by Cyber ​​Sub-Zero and Shiva. After defeating both, he meets Raiden and Smoke.

Thunderer offers to join the special squad of Earth Defenders, which already included his friend Stryker. Cabal agrees, helping Smoke take Cyber ​​Sub-Zero with him, to whom they manage to restore humanity.

Unfortunately, the Earth's defenders are soon attacked by the Empress of Outworld, who brings death to almost all of the Defenders, including the Cabal, and later we learn that these souls did not find peace, but were kidnapped by Quan Chi.

Answer from Borgir -[guru]
Kabbalah (Heb., literally: receiving, tradition) is an occult Jewish teaching with pronounced elements of mysticism and magic. Unlike pure mysticism, Kabbalah is associated with understanding the Creator and Creation, the role and goals of the Creator, human nature, and the meaning of existence. At the same time, Kabbalah, like mysticism, is characterized by the desire to lift the veil of the mysterious and incomprehensible, the use of symbols as the only appropriate means of expression and the preference for intuitive thinking over discursive thinking.

Reply from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: what is the meaning of Kabbalah?

Reply from Alone on the ice[guru]
God gives a person something that, when used in everyday life, helps the soul, after the death of the body, to rise to the creator...))

Reply from 1111111 [guru]
Jewish racial mysticism, the basis of Freemasonry, the eye in the triangle...
If we speak in the words of a simple man in the street, this is the delirium of jesters who imagine themselves to be the powerful of the world, the elite, who are worthy of knowing the secrets of everything.
Medieval Jews racked their brains, drawing up their delusional schemes in order to know everything, everything...
As a result, it turned out that not those who have a lot of money can go into bondage, but those who have a LOT of money (although they say that anyone can go into bondage - but this is deceit).
In short, the meaning of bondage is to say that the essence of the universe is open, and to lure VIP rednecks with these pretentious phrases, so that they finally feel like rulers over us.

Reply from Perpetuum Kobele[guru]
the same thing as the meaning of astrology, or alchemy... Another question is how it is used. It's better to stay away from her.

Reply from SILENT[guru]
Kabal - character game world Mortal Kombat.

Cabal is a fairly noticeable person due to the mask on his face; remotely, this mask resembles a gas mask and acts as a respirator connected by a hose to a cylinder with a breathing substance; the cylinder is attached to the belt under clothing.
From under the mask, long dark flowing hair falls down his back, and the skin of his face, uncovered by the mask, is covered with severe scars and burn marks. In one of the Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 3, Kabal removes his respirator and reveals his disfigured face, the very sight of which can scare the hell out of anyone who looks at it.
Kabal has well-developed muscles, as can be seen from his pumped up arms and visible muscles through his clothes. Prefers spacious and comfortable clothes - shirts, pants, raincoats. Always wears elbow and knee pads.
Favorite weapons are Jiang-gou, paired blades with curved blades in the form of hooks; other names: Hookswords, Hook Swords.


We continue to discuss the characters of the Universe, and this time at the request of Cabal readers (the next one will be the character that absolutely everyone wants to know about). I always had a strange attitude towards this hero, either because I didn’t like playing him, or because I didn’t like his appearance. In any case, he is one of the important characters and it is impossible to do without him.

Basic information:
Name: Present unknown
Age: 35 years

Height: 188 cm.
Weight: 79 kg.

Current world: Underworld
Place of birth: Earthrealm

Race: Zombie
Worst Enemy: Kintaro, Kano,

Weapon: Hook-swords
Fighting styles: Goju Ryui, Sang Bin

Current side: Evil under duress
Interesting facts: not only did they initially want to call this character the Sandman, but instead of his current weapon they wanted to equip him with circular saws

All members of the Black Dragon clan had a difficult fate. The Cabal was no exception, tired of using their abilities to harm society. The criminal was able to radically change his life by joining the New York police. For a short period, everything stabilized, the hero almost stopped suffering from what he had done earlier, but soon Cabal, along with the rest of the residents of New York, survived the attack on the city. On the one hand, he was lucky - he was able to survive. On the other hand, Kabal was severely crippled in the battle and physically changed so much that he was forced to constantly wear a special suit with a built-in life support system.

Kabal first appears in the game before the fight with - the lizard sneaks up on the hero and his partner - Stryker - during their duty. Together, the police defeat Reptile, and after him, Mileena, but with Kintaro, everything was not so easy: he was able to neutralize the Cabal, whom he immediately took and transported to the domain of Emperor Kano.
In the Outer World, Kabal ends up with the main sorcerer, who is trying to heal the hero and restore his abilities. But even he cannot repair the damage caused to Kintaro - that is why Kabal is given a special mask, thanks to which he can breathe.

Of course, Kano brought Kabal to the Outer World for a reason; his goal was to return the hero to the Black Dragon clan. Cabal agreed to the offer, got his money back favorite weapon- hooks, but I really didn’t want to return to the clan. He defeated Kano, tried to kill Emperor Shao Kahn, but was stopped by Noob Saibot and Mileena. Despite obstacles created by Shao Kahn and Quan Chi, Kabal was able to escape Outworld and reach Earth.

True, Cabal was able to use the portal only thanks to the super speed that suddenly appeared in him. Using the path to Earth without permission became the cause of his conflict with, but the Cabal emerged victorious from this fight, as well as from the next one - with the Shokan Shiva.
Appearing after a fight with Shiva and Raiden, they offer the hero to choose the side he supports. Kabal joins the ranks of the Earth Warriors and takes part in an attempt to save Sub-Zero. Like many of Raiden's supporters, Kabal died during the final attack on Earth. In the Underworld, he joined, albeit unwittingly, Quan Chi's army and tried to attack Raiden, but to no avail.

However, there is another option for the development of events - the Cabal still defeated the emperor, however, the victory turned out to be Pyrrhic. In battle, his respirator broke, and the hero was forced to find a scientist who had already helped him once. The Cabal was saved, but there will be a price to pay...

Hello Kanobu users!
I continue to tell you about the Mortal Kombat universe and today I will tell you about one of my favorite characters, Cabal!

About the character

Race: human
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: evil (formerly good)
Weapons: Hookswords
Fighting Styles: Sun Bin, Goju Ryu

Kabal was introduced in the third game in the series, Mortal Kombat 3. During his debut, he was introduced as a mysterious chosen warrior whose face was disfigured during an attack by Shao Kahn's fighter squad. Kabal's most memorable external feature is his respirator mask. She is part of the life support system that keeps him alive. At the time of his introduction to the game, he was a supporter of the force of good.

Character history

For many years, Kabal was a member of the Black Dragon clan, but after Shao Kahn's invasion of Earthrealm, Kabal switched to the side of good. When Kahn began taking people's souls, Kabal did not fall under the emperor's influence because he was one of Earthrealm's chosen warriors. Seeing all Earthrealm warriors as a threat to his dominance, Shao Kahn ordered his troops to destroy them. Kabal managed to escape, but his face remained scarred and disfigured. He was forced to put himself on life support, which included a respirator. These events deeply changed Cabal, who abandoned his life of crime and vowed to stand on the side of good.

Between Mortal Kombat Trilogy and Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, Kabal was injured in battle against Mavado, a leading member of the Red Dragon organization from which the Black Dragon Clan had broken away many years ago. After leaving Kabal for dead, Mavado took Kabal's weapon Hookswords as a trophy.
Havik found Kabal on the brink of death, he nursed him back to health and convinced him to recreate the Black Dragon as a force of anarchy and decay rather than a struggle for power and money like the old Black Dragon. Despite his previous battles alongside the Earthrealm warriors against Shao Kahn and his oath, he listened to Havik.

Having fully recovered, Kabal went in search of Mavado and the Red Dragon. The Cabal managed to find Mavado. He won the fight, leaving Mavado to die as he had once done to him, and took back his Hookswords.
After this, Kabal set off to travel the world in search of recruits for the new Black Dragon. IN New York he found the insane karateka Cobra, whom the Cabal saved from arrest, and in Afghanistan, Kira, a female arms dealer. Together they headed to the Outer World, where Havik had already prepared a task for them.
Although his reason for recruiting Kira and Cobra as new members of the Black Dragon was to fill the void left by his deceased comrades, the Cabal also had ulterior motives. The Cabal wanted its recruits to be truly worthy of the Black Dragon. To test the capabilities of his new comrades and weed out those who were not strong enough, he sent them to fight with Onaga's enemies.

Soon the final battle awaited him in the crater of Edenia. Kira and Cobra followed him, but that was the end of the New Black Dragon. All three died in the battle without fulfilling all their plans.

Combat abilities

Kabal is ruthless and level-headed, as befits a member of the Black Dragon clan. He masterfully wields hook swords. After being attacked by Shao Kahn's fighter squad, the Cabal was forced to use life support. However, this did not make the Cabal weaker. He learned to use his mask to concentrate energy in it and shoot it at the enemy in the form of energy balls. Kabal's main strength is his super speed. He can run at such high speeds that he becomes a blur to his opponents.

Special moves

Raging Flash: Kabal runs past an opponent at very high speed, spinning them around.
Gas Blast: Kabal fires a ball of energy from his mask.
Sawblades: Kabal summons a saw blade that crawls across the arena and attacks an opponent if they are standing on the ground.
Nomad's Touch: Kabal extends his arms towards the enemy, and if the enemy is within the range of the technique, he will be pulled towards Kabal and they will collide with each other. Only his opponent will receive damage from the collision.

Head Inflation: Kabal connects a pump from his life support system to the enemy and inflates his head. The inflated enemy flies off the screen, where it explodes.
Freaky Face: Kabal removes the mask from his face and yells, first towards the screen - at the player, then towards the enemy. Out of fear, the enemy's soul runs away from his body.
Hook Up: Kabal throws the enemy into the air. As the enemy falls, Kabal lashes out with his hook and cuts him in two.
Tornado Cut: Kabal spins the enemy, then takes out his hook sword and swings it at the spinning enemy, slicing him into pieces.

Kabal transforms into a rhinoceros skeleton and rams his opponent.

Cabal roasts marshmallows over a fire.

Kabal thrusts the hook-sword sharply into his head.

Some facts
The Cabal's original name was "Sandman". Also during development, Kabal was called "Nomad" or "Tusk", short for "Tusken" - Tuskens, a tribe of nomads from the saga Star wars. The second name is used to refer to Cabal in codes and files in various versions of MK3 and its updates.
Instead of hook-swords, it was planned that Kabal would be armed with two circular saws attached to his wrists, but this idea was abandoned.
Back in MK3, it was planned that Kabal would fight in a cloak, but due to technical limitations, this idea could not be realized then. The cloaked Kabal only appeared in MKD.
The image of the Cabal is based on the characters from Star Wars - the Tuskens and Darth Vader.
Cabal weapons, hook swords, were originally intended to be owned by Baraka during the development of Mortal Kombat II.
There's a strange glitch in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 on the Sega Genesis. If you type in the code for Animality, which is not in this game, Kabal's head will fall off.
According to the developers, Kabal was too strong a fighter in MK3, so in the update to this game, UMK3, Kabal was made a little weaker.
In the crossover Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe Kano mentions the Cabal. He talks about how Flash would give Cabal a run for his money, referring to the fact that both characters can run at super speed.

And finally =)
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