Play the big bob thief. Robber (Thief) Bob games play online

Therefore, he managed to become the star of "predatory virtual stories", the passage of which is a crime mission, quite risky and exciting. A handsome man in a camouflage outfit and a roomy bag for the loot cannot be called a specific villain. Bob the robber will never take the last thing from the poor man and will not take the candy from the child.

He has a different approach to his "hobby" and, frankly, to look at the situation from a special angle, the robber Bob is a kind of Robin Hood. He steals exclusively from millionaires and will never get into the house of a simple, modest worker. All parts of the adventure with his participation are new puzzles dedicated to robbing wealthy mansions.

Noble looting

Do not be afraid to take risks, in the computer world you can always make any number of attempts. Yes, in the event of a series of failures, it will be possible to return to the starting point and repeat the previously done tricks, but with the acquired knowledge it will be easier to play in familiar locations. But how to pass the next levels will need to be disassembled. Do not worry, there are enough tips in the games, they are not difficult to understand, since they are all in Russian.

Get ready for intriguing tasks and ambitious quests. Ahead are entertaining adventure games, divided into stages and separate storylines. We will carry out operations to open safes, break code locks, bypass laser traps and complex alarms. To notice all the small details of the gameplay, it is better to open the picture in full screen. Then nothing will escape your tenacious gaze.

Let's make the moneybags tremble over their gold

There was a rumor among the rich that the robber Bob had taken on representatives of the wealthiest segment of the population. All the billionaires in Russia, Europe and even America have begun to strengthen their security strategies, and we on android will try to outwit and overcome them. It just won't, we don't have a funny cartoon about Peppa's pig, but serious and important tasks, the implementation of which requires precise mental activity.

You will not be hurt by various equipment for games the robber Bob, helping to overcome difficulties. For kids, these adventure challenges can seem daunting. But for boys and older girls, on the contrary, it will be interesting to go through such applications. You need to constantly think about your steps, make decisions and be responsible for mistakes.

On a computer or phone, the robber Bob is done with games - choose based on your personal preferences. You can download a game for several devices at once, in order to choose later where it is more convenient to perform manipulations. There is no mode for two yet, since only one hero appears in the plot, but it is possible that in another version he will have a partner, and then a friend will come in handy. Good luck!

Not all criminals can be considered notorious villains. Not everyone likes to cash in on other people's good for easy enrichment or selfish plans. It turns out that there are bandits who commit their intrigues to help those in need, and a good proof of this is the games of the thief Bob. Although this weasel steals all kinds of jewelry or gold, he does it exclusively for noble purposes.

New Thief Bob games

    The game Bob the Thief 5: Adventure in the temple is the last part of the legendary adventures of a professional thief. He will find a loophole anywhere! Play with...

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The good-natured swindler once decided that the greedy bankers, rolling over huge sums of money, should give part of their earnings, and - not always honestly, to the poor. Naturally, greedy tycoons do not intend to voluntarily share their savings, because the robber Bob sneaks into the wealthiest houses and office premises in order to steal expensive gems or several packs of bills from there. And then robbery Bob simply gives them away to the poor.

So the nimble sly can be safely called a modern Robin Hood. But not all operations in games he manages to crank alone. Often, a thief needs a reliable partner who can warn of an impending danger or track the owners while a handsome robber searches cabinets and safes. This is exactly the role that the games of the thief Bob offer you.

Are you ready for risky adventures that can easily end in prison? Then start playing with the nimble guy and try to clear more dwellings.

Addictive gameplay

According to the plot of the games, robbery Bob will often have to sneak into other people's apartments or business centers indicated on the map. It is also noted there how many structures need to be robbed. But without difficulty it is impossible to penetrate into the protected abodes - traps are set up everywhere, and the guards are not asleep. Run into a trap - and, at best, Bob will go to jail, or even lose his life altogether. Therefore, carefully think over each manipulation, otherwise the cold punishment cell cannot be avoided.

By the way, some games in the Bob Thief series are designed for two. But if you are going to play on your own, then do not worry that you will not cope with the controls. It is convenient and distributed so that you can direct both characters. The creators also provided hints.

At the start of each level of the game, as well as during the execution of missions, advice is given on how to overcome some obstacles, and which keys will facilitate the development of new robbery techniques. The hero can improve the acquired skills, so do not forget to pump the ward.

The games of the thief Bob will serve not only as great entertainment, but also as an excellent training in mindfulness. So, in the process, you will have to notice even minor details, otherwise you will be thundered into a trap or will be under arrest. For the passage, you will also need remarkable accuracy, because sensitive alarm devices will instantly raise the alarm if you do not observe extreme caution.

And the thief Bob cannot do without excellent dexterity and speed. For example, if the siren blares, the timer will turn on, and you will have to quickly get to the intended landmark, and then, without hesitation, find the way out of the building. In addition, while playing, get ready for unpleasant encounters with robots, dogs, law enforcers and other opponents.

How to control a character?

All the machinations of the thief Bob will perform using the keyboard and mouse. So, arrows are enough to open a mechanical lock. The up icon will advance the key, and the left / right arrows will move the well. Since they do not go to villainy with bare hands, your protégé will have, though not very powerful, but still a weapon. With a baton, you will be able to stun the security guards or beat them with a shocker. But attacks affect the opponents of games in different ways.

They immobilize police officers, watchdogs and ordinary sentries for a long time. But zombies and soldiers, dressed in yellow overalls, move away almost instantly. A thief can make only four mistakes like getting into the field of view of the camera. If the limit is reached, the scam will fail.


Bob Thief Games

You are probably firmly convinced that all criminals are bad people who do evil for their own gain, gain and simple selfishness. However, in this game section, we want to show that not everything is so simple, and there are exceptions. Meet the site of the modern Robin Hood on the portal, which has been dealing with this "case" for quite a long time, because no one else can cope with the tasks that he performs.

Thief Bob- this is a real professional who skillfully cope with master keys, collects batteries, activates and chops off mechanisms, avoids surveillance cameras or simply turns them off, knocks out security guards, collects money, penetrates the closed doors of houses and banks, where no one has been able to get before. And all because he works alone, and you can become his only partner in order to carry out assignments and learn to avoid obstacles, because Bob's life is at stake. Moving from one floor to another, step by step, you have to get to a certain place in order to get to the most intimate center of the building, where the main treasure that you need to get to complete the game always seemed to be safely hidden behind closed doors with an alarm.

Thief Bob - how and how can I help you?

Each part of the game, starting with the first, teaches you the art of invisible penetration into a multi-storey building and a multi-level bank. The first steps are usually easy enough and mainly serve to teach you how to behave correctly, what to move, where you can and where you should not go, until you have the appropriate set of tools in your hands and bag. Get ready to learn how to cleverly open the lock mechanism, which can constantly move inside, and the guard is about to come up, or, for example, the camera may turn and you will lose. And there are times when the door is closed, and you need to get there. What to do then? Look for batteries, resume power, find a loophole, and only then after this series of ingenious, but well-thought-out actions, you can get where you need to.

Although this is a two-dimensional quest, there are tactical and strategic elements in it, because any level is unlike the others, and all the way from beginning to end must be thought out in advance. The first time, it is unlikely that you will be able to get through, so you need to replay it over and over again in order to develop an ideal algorithm for penetrating the same bank or mansion. Imagination is not particularly required here, but attention is even very much.

As a rule, there will be a large number of guards and CCTV cameras in the places where there will be a sweep. That is, the eyes are not only real, but also artificial. Most often, Bob will steal valuable documents and, of course, money. During the passage of stories, you will have to face traps, secret stairs and encrypted locks. Be observant, follow the logical chain of actions and then you can charmingly reach your destination.

  • In the first episode, help a representative of the criminal world to pick up valuable things.
  • In the second part, the thief will run away from the guard robot, so carefully make your way to your jackpot.
  • In the third part, Robber Bob will try to steal secret documents from the base.
  • The fourth part is divided into several stages of the big theft. First, the case is in Paris, and after that the main character will go to Russia.

People like Bob will never work, it's easier for them to take risks and get their reward as a result. If the thief is experienced, like the hero of these stories, then he easily commits thefts with the calmness of a boa constrictor.

Noble thieves are the consequences of hard times and ossified corruption in the life of the state. Analogs of Robin Hoods arose at different times and in different countries, but today we will talk about a wonderful altruist thief named Bob, who, like the hero of Sherwood Forest, decided to go in a roundabout way, but for a good cause. Initially, the boy named Bob adhered to all the proper rules of a good citizen. He remembered from childhood how he was taught - to steal is bad and you can go to jail for it. In addition, being a thief is a lifelong shame, which, like a stigma, holds on to human reputation and does not allow one to live freely in society. But there was too much injustice in the world of our hero. Rapidly impoverished people, corrupt authorities, greedy businessmen, destroying not only the environment, but also the normal human life. All this whipped up the atmosphere and forced Bob to reconsider his moral principles.

The primordial desire to help people in difficult situations pushed Bob to the beginning of a thief's career. The first thing our hero did was to rob the house of a well-to-do politician, because of which the city only fell into decay, and the standard of living dropped significantly. Bob is alien to murder and violence, so he chose the lesser of evils - to rob the villains, leaving them with their lives, but taking away their property. All the loot, as befits altruists, Bob distributed to the poor, the poor, deceived investors, orphanages and people in need. Realizing that he has a certain talent for well-planned robberies, our hero continued his noble criminal activity.

Already in the second part of the game, Bob becomes a real savior of the world. He learns that a famous corporation has created a deadly zombie virus that should question the existence of humanity. The heads of the company planned to spread the infection, and then blackmail all world governments - pulling money out of them in exchange for an antidote. Bob was unlucky enough to be in one of the first epicenters of the spread of the infection. He witnessed how people die and come to life again, but in terrible, predatory likenesses. It was necessary to urgently stop this madness, which threatened a catastrophe for the entire human civilization. To save humanity, Bob comes up with an ingenious plan to steal the antidote. But it would be almost impossible to get into the very heart of the largest laboratory if the players did not help our hero. After all, only thanks to attentiveness, dexterity and logical thinking, you can crack the most complex locks, codes and bypass all the traps.

The adventures of Bob the Robber did not end with saving the world. In the third part, our hero continues to fight the corporation, which plans to take revenge. A brilliant microbiologist, he developed a new terrible infection, against which there will no longer be a vaccine. Bob urgently needs to get into a new, even more secure laboratory and steal a deadly virus, having previously learned how to destroy it. Gamers are once again waiting for exciting puzzles, dangerous traps, creepy mutants and watchful guards, which intend to no longer allow "punctures" of the past. But that's why Bob is the best thief of the 21st century, to once again twist the most modern protective technology around his finger.

Bob's later life became, in a sense, a burden for him. What he just did not trade to keep the form of the best robber. He was more than once provided with exclusive orders by the richest and most influential people in the world. Fighting against the system, Bob himself became a part of it, carrying out missions of some rich people against others.

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