Fairy Game: Fairy Fashion Party. Scenario for a girl's birthday in Winx style "fairytale journey" Fairies fashion fairy party game

Here you can play for free online game- Fairies: Fashionable Fairy Party, original name - Fairy Party. This game has been played 6744 times and has a rating of 4.1 out of 5 with 9 votes.

  • Platform: Web Browser(PC Only)
  • Technology: html5. Works in all modern browsers

How to play?

The gameplay cannot be called standard. The choice of clothing is made only after a combination of several elements has been created (for example, a blouse, skirt and shoes). New things appear very quickly, and the space to place them on the playing field is becoming less and less. This leads to a simple conclusion - do not store things in a chaotic order, but carefully plan your actions. For successful combinations you will receive money, and the items themselves will be removed, so you can place other items in their place.

There is also a store where you can spend the money you receive. Compare available clothes, look at the cost and admire the enchanting transformations game character, who will be in seventh heaven!

My daughter Sonechka turned 5 years old - she is already quite an adult. Therefore, it was decided to spend her birthday like an adult. I developed a holiday script based on the popular animated series “Winx” and called it “Party in Alfea.” But first, a few words about preparing for your birthday.

Room decoration

Since the theme of the holiday was a party in Alfea (a magical school of fairies), the decor of the room had to be magical. To create the appropriate atmosphere, I inflated many, many colorful balloons that hung on the walls and simply lay on the floor. I hung Sonechka’s drawings on clothespins, and her certificates and diplomas received for participating in various competitions also hung on the walls. I also decorated the room with beautiful carriages for the princesses and made an anniversary poster on which guests and relatives could leave wishes for Sonechka.

Alfea Party: Beginning

It all started with a buffet for Sonechka's friends. When the guests arrived, I made fruit canapés, pizza, and took out beautiful plates and glasses. We poured “children's champagne” into the glasses of our little guests.

During the reception, there was also a photo shoot with a princess poster (it was my first time drawing something like this), but the girls liked it, and we took several shots: everyone wanted to be in the role of a princess!

After the buffet table there were competitions that I had prepared in advance.

Magic dust enchantix

All girls - fans of the animated series "Winx" - know what "enchantix" is. This is the name of the magic dust that gives fairies superpowers. For this competition, the girls were divided into two teams. Each team was given a “magic enchantix dust collection” (children’s plastic scoops). The girls had to scoop up magic dust (plastic multi-colored balls) into a scoop and, after passing obstacles (a stool and a coffee table), bring the enchantix dust to their team’s box.


On a landscape sheet I printed a “labyrinth” through which the Winx fairy must go and get to the exit. Along the way she must save 5 goldfish.

(I didn’t think that the competition wouldn’t be so popular: each of our guests got out of the maze several times! They queued up one after another again and again.)

Fairy Flora and the seven-flowered flower

Fairy Flora sent Sonechka a telegram. In it, the fairy asks you to remember what the name of the magical fairy-tale flower is that can fulfill any wish?

The girls thought for about five minutes... Then they started giving out options: tulip, cornflower, chamomile... Then I decided to make their task easier by telling them a magic spell:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through west to east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion...

And then it rained from all sides: “Seven-flowered flower!”

- Well done! You guessed it! Now let's draw this magical flower!

I hung whatman paper on the wall and gave the girls multi-colored markers so that they could eyes closed We drew one flower element each. (The markers were drawn by lot, because everyone wanted to draw... in pink! We tied a scarf over the girls’ eyes.)

Guess the fairy's name

In advance, I wrote printed letters on circles of different diameters (some girls are just learning to read, and printed letters are more recognizable to them). In total I got 14 circles. Letters must be written in pairs - 2 letters “B”, 2 letters “I”. It is advisable to write paired letters on circles of different diameters. In addition, you should still have unpaired letters from which you can assemble the name of the birthday girl.

I introduced this competition to the girls as follows.

- Girls, an unusual envelope came into my hands, and in it was a task from the Queen of Magic. There's a real commotion in Alfea! Today, the award ceremony for the kindest fairy is supposed to take place in the magic castle, but the evil Trix, as always, want to interfere with the holiday. The envelope contained the name of the good fairy, but the Trix replaced the envelopes and mixed up all the letters. Let's help our friends from Alfea and unravel the name of the kindest fairy.

I lay out all 14 circles on the floor and ask the girls to find paired letters. They completed this task quite easily.

As a result, we were left with 4 circles. I ask the girls to arrange the circles starting with the largest and ending with the smallest. It turns out the word “Sonya”.

My Sonya is shocked that she is the kindest fairy! The girls, in turn, do not believe that Sonya is a real fairy, and then I give my daughter a magic wand (a huge plastic lollipop with real small lollipops hidden inside). I suggest everyone say the magic words together and... hop!

Sonya takes out a lot of small ones from a large lollipop and gives them to the girls. They are happy and ask to repeat the magic (to conjure dolls for them, a fashionable handbag). I had to say that the kindest fairy could perform such powerful magic only once a day.

Search for a cake

Thanks to the weather - it didn’t let us down. And we go in search of a birthday cake.

- Girls, I'm afraid we will have to end our holiday.

- Why?

- What would a holiday be without a birthday cake? And there was a problem with our cake.

- What's the problem? Was it eaten by a cat? (Sonya’s assumption, since our cat has a sweet tooth.)

- No! It was stolen by the evil sorceresses Trix! And they hid it! I won't be able to find him without your help.

- We will help! (We get dressed and go to the garden.)

- To find him we will have to split into two teams.

We break into teams using the mirror game: I stand with my back to the girls, they take turns coming up and touching my back with their palm, and I show them which way to stand. I give the teams a basket in which they must collect multi-colored candies (the candies are hidden in the garden, under leaves, hanging on trees, on bushes.) The girls, joyful, run to collect the “harvest” (I have so much joy in my eyes during all the time of the competitions I haven’t seen it!). After some time, all the candies were collected.

- Well done! Found all the candies! How friendly you are! But we still have to guess a secret number to find our cake! To do this, select from your baskets only the candies in red wrapper and place them on the chair.

When all the candies in the red wrapper have been found, I invite the girls to count how many candies we have. We counted 13 pieces.

- Yeah! This means our cake is hidden behind the number 13! Let's look! (In advance, I wrote numbers from 1 to 13 with chalk. I wrote everywhere - on poles, a fence, a shovel, a gate, a barn.) Finally they found the number 13 - it was written on the door. We carefully open the door... and there is our miracle cake!

After tea, it was time for a real disco. And then my daughter and I began the award ceremony and initiation of our guests into real fairies. Sonechka presented each guest with a medal for their ingenuity, resourcefulness, courage and friendship!

When the parents arrived, the girls did not stop talking about how the holiday went, and asked their mothers to also take a photo with the princess. And I, in turn, asked my parents to write a wish for Sonechka on our anniversary poster.

Fairytale parties allow girls to dress up and use their imagination. Magic wands, sequins, dresses with frills and soft wings will help set the tone of the party and add magic magical world. Parents can entertain their little guests with games in which they will have the opportunity to take part. These games can immerse girls in a world of fantasy and emotion that they will undoubtedly enjoy.

Game "Pin a star on the fairy's magic wand"

Pin a Star on a Magic Wand is a party game where players must place stars on a magic wand. This game is very similar to another game "Tail the Donkey". Each player (fairy) is given a star with a number, which will need to be attached to a poster with a picture of a magic wand. The parent blindfolds the child and turns him around three times. After the third turn, the parent positions the child towards the poster. The player must find the poster by touch and attach the star as close to the top of the magic wand as possible. The player who places the star closest to the top of the wand wins.

Game "Fairy Dress Up Race"

The fairy dress up race will require two teams and two piles of fairy clothes. The parent organizes two lines of players and places a pile of clothes three meters from each line. As soon as everything is ready for the game, the presenter gives the command “Start”. The first players in the ranks run to the piles of clothes and get dressed as quickly as possible. After the players are dressed, they run to their ranks and pass the baton to the next participants. The next player runs to the pile of clothes, gets dressed, returns and passes the baton on. The team that gets dressed the fastest wins.

Game "Fairy Fairy Freeze"

The Magic Freeze game involves the use of music and the ability to maintain balance. Fairy players line up at a sufficient distance from each other to move and dance. The parent turns on classical music to make the playing children dance, frolic and pose. As soon as the music stops, players must freeze in the position they were in. Those players who continue to move after the music stops are out of the game. The music is turned on again and turned off again. Each time, several players will be eliminated until the last player remains in the game, who is awarded the victory.

Game "Magic Phone" (Damaged Phone)

Magic Phone is a game that allows participants to use their imagination and social skills. Children playing sit in a circle. The birthday girl must whisper a silly message about fairies to the player sitting to the left. This player, having slightly changed the message, whispers it to the next player in the game to his left. The message will go around in a circle, changing a little each time. After the player sitting to the right of the birthday girl gives her a message, the birthday girl announces it to everyone sitting in the circle.

Carrying out children's day birth is the most important and emotional event of any presenter (animator). After all, children are very impressionable, receptive, inquisitive and responsive. Therefore, it is important that from the very beginning of the holiday a positive emotional space is created between the host and the young guests. How to achieve this? Take a journey into the world of children, their fantasies and be not a “holiday teacher”, but a bright hero who will go with them on any journey and give everyone present a cheerful mood

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OPTION #2. Themed birthday party for girls 7-9 years old "Alfea School"

Presenter: Hello guys. Today (Name). But you didn’t end up at an ordinary holiday, but at the Alfea school. And I am the main fairy of this school. Today you will learn the secrets of magic and learn how to use it. All girls will be initiated into fairies, and boys into wizards. You will receive a real magic wand as a gift. And even complete your first fairy task. Are you ready? But first, let's get acquainted and check how well you know the birthday girl.

Sample questions:

How to study?

Which child? did you go to the garden?

What does he like to do most?

What's your favorite animal?

Who does he want to become? Etc.

Presenter: Before you set off on this difficult and interesting journey, you need to refresh yourself. And a table with magical dishes that will give you energy is already waiting for you.

(Festive lunch).

1 lesson. The magic of music.

Presenter: So, stand in a circle, close your eyes and spin around. (Music from the cartoon “Wings” sounds). We are starting our magic lessons! (reads a spell)

Spell : I'll wave my magic wand, I will summon the Magic of Music!

Presenter: Now I will teach you the magic of music. Do you think music can only be created using musical instruments? But no. After all, you and I are fairies, and fairies know how to create music from everything that is at hand.

(Hands out spoons, pot lids, jars of cereal (rustling), a grater and fork to the children. One girl hovers over the tool with a magic wand and casts a spell. To the music, he first shows each child how to play in order to get in time with the music, and lets them try. Then everyone plays music together).

Presenter: And now it's a change. And we will play with you.

Change. Game "Who's the odd one out"

Progress of the game. There are candies on a small table or stool (one less than the participants). Children run around the table to the music. When the music stops, they grab the candy. Whoever doesn't win is eliminated, taking one piece of candy from the table as a consolation prize.

Lesson 2. The magic of dance.

Presenter: Do you like to dance? Do you know how? Now I will show you how you can easily learn to dance, even if you have never done it. And who will tell us the spell?

Let's learn to dance.

Flashmob “Wash” (or another) is being held

Spell : I'll wave my magic wand, I will summon the Magic of Music!

Change.Game "Freeze".

The essence of the game. Children dance to the music. As soon as the music stops, they freeze in some figure. Whoever moves is out.

Lesson 3. The magic of water.

Presenter: Now you will see the magic of water and make sure that it is simply magical. ( Before the experiments, one girl moves a magic wand over the water and casts a spell.)

Spell : I'll wave my magic wand, I will call upon the Magic of Water!

(The essence of the trick. Pour water into one glass, sunflower oil into the second. Close the glass of water plastic card and turn it over. Place it on a glass of butter. We move the card a little to create a hole between the glasses. After a few seconds, the oil and water will switch places. The water will be at the bottom, with oil on it. To save money, you can take small glasses or shot glasses.

Pour a glass of water, cover it with a sheet of paper and turn it over. The water does not flow out, but the paper sticks to it.

Let's prepare a strip from a regular napkin. Draw bright dots on it every 2 cm with a felt-tip pen. Immerse one end of the napkin 2 cm in a glass of water. The water will quickly move upward along the napkin).

Change.Game "Carry the water in a spoon."

The essence of the game. Children are divided into two teams. Each team member, in turn, must transfer water from one pan to another in a spoon (preferably a deep one, for example, a wooden one).

Lesson 4. Animal magic.

Presenter: Guys, do you know what magic animals have? They have acute vision and hearing. They are also great at camouflage. What animals can camouflage themselves into their environment? And now we will try to be animals. And don't forget about the spell. Otherwise nothing will work out.

Spell : I'll wave my magic wand, I will call upon the Magic of Animals!

(Task. Hands out cards with the name of the animal. Depict the animal so that others can guess).

Change.Game "Name the baby."

The essence of the yoke. The presenter names the animal, the children must say in chorus what the baby is called and pronounce the sound that this animal makes.

The tiger has a tiger cub, and he screams RRRR

The cat has a kitten, and he screams MEOW

The horse has a foal, and he screams IGO-GO

The cow has a calf, and it screams MOOO

The dog has a puppy, and he screams WOOF

The goat has a baby goat, and he screams BEE

The sheep has a lamb, and it screams MEEE

The hen has a chicken, and he screams PEEP-PEE

The duck has a duckling, and he screams QUEACK-QACK

The crow has a little crow, and he screams KAR-KAR

Hippopotamus - baby hippopotamus has a loud roar

Lesson 5. The magic of technology.

Presenter: What does technology mean? (Children give their answers). And now you will see real magic. And this magic is called science.

Spell : I'll wave my magic wand, I will call upon the Magic of Science!

1. Elephant toothpaste.

To conduct the experiment we will be needed:

- 6% hydrogen peroxide solution,

- dry yeast,

- liquid soap or dishwashing detergent,

- 5 drops of any food coloring,

- 2 tablespoons of warm water,

- liter plastic bottle, funnel, plate, tray.

(Caution! 6% hydrogen peroxide solution can bleach the skin or even cause a burn! Therefore, do not neglect safety precautions and use gloves. Elephant toothpaste stains, so be sure that the stained surface can be washed. Do not taste the resulting foam and especially don’t swallow it.
Important. It is not necessary to use less than 6% hydrogen peroxide solution. Nothing will work out. The higher the concentration, the better. But the higher the concentration, the more dangerous the hydrogen peroxide solution becomes, and we are performing the experiment with children! Therefore, 6% is the best option for us).

So, in a plate, mix a spoonful of dry yeast and warm water. Stir them for about a minute. Set aside.

Using a funnel, carefully pour the hydrogen peroxide solution into the bottle. Add food coloring there too. You don't need to pour a lot, 5 drops are enough. Next, add about a spoonful of liquid soap. Mix the resulting liquid thoroughly by shaking the bottle:

Now attention! Be extremely careful at this stage! Pour the yeast into the bottle and leave immediately.

2. Pharaoh's snake.

We will need:

- Soda

- Sand (construction sand, can be taken in a children’s sandbox and dried)

- Granulated sugar

- Hydrogen peroxide 30%

- Lighter fluid or alcohol

Pour sand into a plate and soak it in lighter fluid. Mix 40g sugar and 10g soda in a cup. Pour into a plate with sand. And we set it on fire. Sugar turns into a big black snake.

3. How to inflate a balloon with soda and vinegar

We will need:

- bottle;

- balloon;

- baking soda;

- vinegar.

Pour a little baking soda into the ball (no more than 3-4 teaspoons). For convenience, you can use a funnel or a regular spoon. Pour a small amount of vinegar into the bottle and carefully place the ball on the neck of the bottle so that the soda does not spill into the bottle. After the preparatory process, lift the ball so that the soda pours into the bottle. The vinegar will begin to gurgle and foam, don’t be afraid of this, this will release carbon dioxide, which will eventually inflate our balloon. A few seconds and the balloon is inflated.

Change. Game "Who has the fewest balls"?

The essence of the game. Children are divided into two teams. Each has its own territory, which is divided by a line. There are a lot of balloons in each area. The task of each team is to throw all the balls into the opponent’s territory.

Lesson 6. The magic of nature.

Presenter: In this lesson we will play the role of nature ourselves and use our magic to create beautiful flowers.

Spell : I'll wave my magic wand, I will call upon the Magic of Flowers!

(The essence of entertainment. Children sit at the table and use the prepared templates to make a paper flower. (For example, a daisy made from corrugated paper). Then all the flowers are combined into a bouquet and given to the birthday girl).

Initiation into fairies.

Presenter: So, you have completed all the lessons and now, by right, can be called Fairies. (He gives each girl a “Water Fairy”, “Nature Fairy” medal, etc. He gives them to those who cast a magic wand in which lesson. He gives the boys “Wizard” or “Fairy Assistant” medals. And gives everyone a magic wand) .

And now it’s the first for you fairy task . Our main enemies, the witches, stole the gift that her parents had prepared for her. He needs to be found. They left clues

Task "Find a gift for the birthday girl"

You need to hide notes with clues in advance so that in the end the gift is found and solemnly presented to the birthday girl.

Presenter: All the clues are hidden by mom's assistants. If you guess who they are, you will find a gift.

Examples of hints:

It always helps when washing clothes.

The powder and water she needs. (Washing machine)

There is no price for her in every house,

It will heat up lunch in half a minute. ( Microwave)

It's very fast with him

The house will be clean. (Vacuum cleaner)

Everything will be crushed, cut, chopped,

Even minced meat will be ready in it . (Food processor)

What a miracle it is fashionable these days.

She cooks anything herself. (Multi-cooker)

I'll show my mom the series

He will tell you all the news. (TV)

The needle jumps on the fabric,

Helps mother sew a dress. (Sewing machine)

It helps mom to be beautiful

Everything that is in front of it, it reflects. (Mirror)
