What is better to download the crew in world of tanks. How to choose perks (skills) in World of Tanks? Crew training in wot - leveling process

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MMO tanks




Recall that with the release of patch 0.7.2. tank personnel will have skills and abilities. Skills begin to act only when they are studied at 100%, and skills become active already from 1% study. To make it easier for you, by going through you can find a description of the skills and abilities.

What are the best skills to acquire first?

For artillery it is best to equip:

Commander first you need to pump the sixth sense skill and expert skill.
Gunner- sniper skill or vindictive skill.
Driver mechanic it is best to learn the virtuoso skill first.
loader In our opinion, it is best to learn the Intuition skill or the Desperate skill.
to the radio operator it is best to learn radio interception skill first.
After that, you can learn all the skills that are left.

For Fri Sau:

Commander- we advise you to learn the eagle eye skill first, then the sixth sense skill, the third expert skill, give the rest of the skills as you like.
gunner- here the sniper skill is definitely the first thing to learn.
Charging- optional, as all three skills: non-contact ammo rack, intuition and desperate learn depending on the style of your game. If you are sitting in the bushes and often defend yourself, then you need to learn the intuition skill first, then the non-contact ammo rack skill, and then only the desperate skill.

Driver mechanic- definitely the first thing we learn is the skill of a virtuoso.
radio operator- The ability to radio interception, then at your discretion.

Basic skills and abilities for light tanks in the game World of Tanks :

Commander- Be sure to learn the skill of an eagle eye.
gunner- definitely for the firefly, first of all we learn the vindictive skill, and then the rest as desired.
Charging- we learn the skill of non-contact ammunition, then the skill is desperate.
Driver mechanic. It all depends on the style of the game. If your main goal is to destroy artillery, then first of all we learn the skill of a smooth move, the skill of a virtuoso, then the skill of the off-road king, the rest at your discretion. If you are trying to just highlight enemies, then the first thing you need to learn is the Virtuoso skill.

radio operator. For a firefly, it is better to first learn a last-minute skill or a radio interception skill. Again, it all depends on the style of the game. If you are going to shine irrevocably, then it is better to first learn the skill with the last of your strength, and only after it the skill of radio interception.

Basic skills for heavy tanks in the game World of Tanks:

Commander- First you can learn the jack of all trades skill or the expert skill.
gunner- First of all, we learn the skill of a sniper.
Charging. Basically it's up to you here.
Driver mechanic. If you are on heavy tanks, then you can learn the skill of a ram master and, if possible, pinch enemies. For most heavy tanks, we recommend learning the smooth move skill first.
radio operator- the skill of radio interception, then the skill of the last forces.

For medium tanks:

Commander- learn the skill of an eagle eye, then an expert.
gunner- the skill of a smooth turn of the tower, then we learn the skill of a sniper.
Charging– we recommend learning the non-contact ammo rack first, since medium tanks often die due to the explosion of ammo racks.
Driver mechanic- first of all, the skill of a virtuoso, and then the skill of a smooth move, or vice versa.
radio operator- the ability to radio interception must be taught first, then at will.

The idea is that camouflage is most useful for those tanks that have a low visibility coefficient. Large machines, on the other hand, have poor basic disguise, so this perk will help them noticeably less.

Only here are the exact parameters in the world of tanks disguises no, so everyone already judges by their subjective feelings, and they are often deceptive.

I still think this skill is very useful for almost all tanks, except for very massive and large heavy tanks. Personally, I feel the benefits of camouflage even on large tanks, like the E 50.

Although I do not deny that the greatest effect of camouflage is achieved on low tanks and on all tank destroyers.


Firefighting can be safely called a skill that did not fit into the current concept of the game. The fact is that fire extinguishing reduces the burning time of tanks during a fire, which prevents damage to internal modules and saves durability points.

But first, consider average level on the crew, which forces at least half of the crew to study it for the high efficiency of the perk. Secondly, the burning time of tanks is a random value, so even with fire extinguishing, you can burn out quite well.

But most importantly, any fire extinguisher completely nullifies the benefit of this perk. Since even a hand-held fire extinguisher, if you have good reaction, will put out the fire more efficiently and faster than your tank firefighters.

I note that the only thing that is now often taken into battle instead of a fire extinguisher is a chocolate bar or an additional ration, so fire fighting can give some confidence in this case. But even here it is unlikely to help, since there are more useful perks, and reasonable players put additional rations only on those tanks that rarely burn at all.

The Brotherhood of War

The most controversial of the common perks. Brotherhood in Arms gives 5% Crew Skills, which is quite nice, but there are too many restrictions that greatly detract from the joy.

Firstly, Combat Brotherhood is a skill, so it will only work after learning to 100%. Secondly, absolutely all tankers need to learn this perk, otherwise the combat brotherhood will not work.

Thirdly, 5% for the crew increases the characteristics of the tank by 3% (2.5% of the perk and an additional 0.5% commander bonus). It is sometimes very difficult to notice such an improvement. Fourth, in the future, the mechanism of how the skill works can be changed, and if any member of the crew is shell-shocked, it can turn off. Perhaps it has already been implemented.

In fact, it is precisely on the usefulness of this perk that I still have not formed an unambiguous opinion for myself. On the one hand, the skill is useful, but very expensive. Moreover, it often makes sense to install it only for experienced crews (from three full perks), since there are more important perks to start with.

Also, the downside is that the correct installation of the brotherhood of arms requires resetting perks. That is, you can’t put it first, because repairs are needed. And the third to put - the brotherhood will swing for several months. And resetting perks is either a loss of crew experience, or a loss of gold, that is real money. Combat Brotherhood is the most costly perk in world of tanks.


The commander has a lot of interesting and useful perks, but there is one skill that is the best in the game. Here and below I will not go into numerical indicators, which are often felt in battle in a completely different way.

Sixth Sense

The most useful perk in the game, requires 100% learning. Indicates with a light bulb during the battle that you have been detected by the enemy. Yes, with a slight delay of three seconds, but this does not detract from the benefits.

In the new realities in world of tanks, a light bulb is needed on absolutely all tanks. Even on heavy ones, which allegedly always glow. Believe me, now it is very difficult to play in random battles without a light bulb.

Among other things, several game tricks based on this skill. For example, roll out from behind cover for a split second and back. If the light then lights up, one of the enemies is there. Otherwise, you may not find modern anti-tank guns with their camouflage even after the shot, having lost half of the strength points.


We have a typical example of a perk, the description of which looks good, but in fact does not give anything interesting. The commander's mentor increases the experience that other tankers get for the battle. You can get a maximum of +10% experience.

But, remember that very soon the growth of perks requires a real breakthrough of experience and we understand that the effect of this perk will be doubtful. Do not forget that the commander needs to download a light bulb and repair.

Yes, there is an option, dancing around the mentor, but with frequent paid dropping of perks from the commander. In the event of a silver reset, the loss of experience will be greater than the potential benefit from the mentor.

An eagle eye

A good perk that increases the visibility of the tank. We will not consider the bonus to the review during the breakdown of surveillance devices. It works from the start of the study, which is separately nice. However, you should not overestimate the eagle eye, the total bonus will be only 2% to the review. But the very importance of the review in the game compensates for this.


A fun skill that allows the commander to replace shell-shocked crew members. In fact, in a battle with this skill, in case of shell shock to crew members, your problems will be half as much. That is, the penalty for the parameters of the tank, for which the damaged tanker was responsible, will be half as much.

Usually the deterioration is twofold, so it will only be half as bad. So already some tankers, in principle, can not be treated. I agree that a first aid kit is better, but there are times when it is not enough for a fight. Yes, and sometimes it is the first-aid kit that is changed for an additional ration, in this case a jack-of-all-trades is simply necessary.

Naturally, if the commander himself is shell-shocked, given skill will stop working. In case of concussion of the second crew member, the effectiveness of the skill will be halved. In fact, only one wounded tanker can more or less replace a commander with a jack of all trades.


Completely incomprehensible and useless perk. Allows you to see in the sight those modules that are either already damaged by the enemy, or can be damaged by a shot. It is also a skill, requiring 100% study.


The gunner has a set of good skills. There are plenty to choose from, but difficult decisions are unlikely to be made.


A skill that requires 100% learning to work. The enemy tank will be exposed to 2 seconds more. Sounds good, but it's actually bullshit. There is a limitation on the viewing angle (10 degrees in front of the gun), it is very narrow.

In addition, the time spent by the enemy in the light changes randomly, so it is problematic to control the operation of the perk.

Master Gunsmith

A gunner's skill that reduces the spread of a damaged gun by 20% when fully trained. In fact, it allows you to shoot effectively if your gun is damaged, but there is nothing to repair it with. In other cases, a damaged weapon is usually repaired all at once with a repair kit.

On tanks where the gun gets damaged a lot, it may make sense to research the master gunsmith. You can also pay attention to this perk on tanks that often trade towers. In this case, enemy shells often damage the gun.


A controversial perk that increases the chance of critical damage on enemy modules. Requires 100% research and gives a final bonus of 3%. But there are problems here. Firstly, the chance of inflicting critical damage on modules in world of tanks is generally unknown to ordinary players. So it is difficult to judge the importance of this characteristic.

Do not forget that tank tracks are also modules, so the perk can result in more frequent hits on the track. But, again, it is impossible to reliably verify this. In theory, a sniper will help small-caliber rapid-fire guns, but it's hard to download something unambiguous.

Smooth turn of the tower

Good perk, starts working immediately. Reduces gun spread when traversing the turret, by a maximum of 7.5%. Personally, I really like this ability of the gunner, I feel it well in battle. There will never be superfluous accuracy and speed of fire in world of tanks. Now the game is often won by the one who shoots faster and rolls back into cover.

Driver mechanic

The richest tanker in terms of perks. In fact, the driver does not have useless perks, on the contrary, there are a lot of interesting ones. So here you have to choose, sometimes even the thought arises not to study general perks for the driver.

Ram Master

The skill, starts working immediately, in full form increases damage to enemies from ramming by 15%, reduces damage to your tank by 15% when ramming. A fun perk, especially on heavy and fast tanks. Only now the ram itself, although it looks fun, its effectiveness should not be overestimated. Moreover, the driver has a lot of interesting and more versatile abilities.

off road king

Significantly improves the tank's patency on poor soils. As a result, on viscous soil, your car will move and turn more confidently. Let me remind you that the dynamic characteristics of any tank depend not only on the parameters of the engine and running gear, but also on the resistance of soils of various types.

Just the king of off-road and improves the last feature. The bonus is quite felt, many, not without reason, consider this driver perk one of the best, one of the most useful. This perk is especially well felt on heavy tanks that get stuck on bad soils.

Smooth running

And again, a very useful perk aimed at improving the accuracy of shooting. Smooth running reduces dispersion by 4% when the tank is moving. In fact, this improves the stabilization of the gun, which is useful for virtually any tank. A lot or a little of 4% is another question, especially since the driver has many other interesting perks.

Speaking my personal opinion, it is the choice of driver perks that is the most difficult and ambiguous. A smooth move can also be taken into service if you lack accuracy during the game right away and immediately after the tank stops.

Cleanliness and tidiness

The perk simply reduces the chance of a tank engine catching fire by 25%, the perk needs to be learned 100% in order for it to work. This ability needs to be thoroughly explained, otherwise some misunderstand the mechanics of its work.

The perk essentially just reduces the chance of an engine catching fire. For example, like many Germans, it is 20% on a tiger. If the driver learns cleanliness and order, then he will become 15% (20% * 0.75 \u003d 15%).

Do not forget that you can set fire to the tank through the tanks. This does not affect cleanliness and order. Let me remind you that you can set fire to the engine by simply hitting this module with a certain chance, which is recorded in the characteristics of the engine. Cleanliness and order will reduce this chance.

Tanks will be set on fire if the health of this module is completely depleted. The cleanliness and order of the driver will not help the tanks. Light up with the same success as without this perk.

Still, in the current conditions, a fire extinguisher is quite enough, they are not set on fire twice so often. I can recommend the cleanliness and order perk if you are already very tired of being set on fire through the engine, otherwise it’s easier to choose other perks.


The perk increases the speed of turning the tank on the spot, starts working from the beginning of the study. When fully researched, the tank will turn 5% faster. This perk directly increases the tank's maneuverability. It will be easier to change the direction of movement, it will be easier to turn the body under the enemy's shots.

Personally, I like this perk, I put it on many tanks. But it would be more correct to choose it on machines where it is critically necessary to improve maneuverability. Since there is a serious choice between a virtuoso and an off-road king, but this aspect is on www..


The loader has a set of personal perks that cannot be called unambiguous. On the one hand, they can be very useful under certain conditions. On the other hand, these same conditions do not occur so often.

The downside is that all of the loader's personal perks only work at 100% learning, making them difficult to learn consistently. After all, then the perks open oh, how slowly.

Although it is not uncommon for the loader to also act as a radio operator on many tanks, so you can take radio interception instead, the only useful radio operator perk, but we will also consider his abilities in detail in this article.


Intuition allows the loader to quickly change the type of projectile. That is, you loaded an armor-piercing one, and an armored enemy creeps out in front of you. We choose immediately silver gold. If intuition works, then there will be no need to reload, the desired projectile will be loaded immediately.

It has a 17% success rate, and the advantage is that if you have two loaders, you can increase your intuition by learning this perk from both loaders. Let me remind you that the rest of the perks in the game do not sum up their value.

It will not work to deceive the game, intuition only changes the type of ammunition, it does not speed up reloading. But let's see if intuition is needed at all? How often do you have to change the type of ammunition.

In fact - no. The fact is that most of the guns in the game do not require a frequent change of shells. Often reloading is not so long, so you can just wait for the standard reload, changing the type of ammunition usually does not require haste.

Perhaps intuition will come in handy on tanks, where all types of shells are used, and reloading is very long. But apart from the E 100, I can’t immediately remember anything, and in this case, changing the shells is not at all necessary.

Sometimes it's easier to use a more powerful and versatile type of projectile. Yes, and intuition itself does not always work, so you can’t rely on it in contact combat. It seems that the perk can be useful, but in too limited situations.


The reload time of the gun is a critical indicator on any tank, which should be increased by all means. The Desperate perk speeds up reloading by 9%, which is a major improvement. But do not rush to rejoice, now there will be a list of restrictions.

Firstly, this perk will only work at 100% learning, but it's just inconvenient, nothing more. More importantly, the cooldown will be reduced only if your tank has less than 10% hit points left.

We get an interesting picture. The Desperate can literally save the tank during a firefight, because you can take the final shot first. And now in the game it often happens that the tank has a crumb of health, instead of complete destruction.

On the other hand, successfully fighting on the last points of durability is difficult and does not happen often. However, for myself, I personally consider this ability useful and interesting, however, on tanks without armor, you can find a more useful alternative.

Non-contact ammo rack

Again, you will need to learn the perk to 100%. It increases the ammo rack durability (AM) by 12.5%. Let me remind you that in world of tanks, any internal module has its own health, and all shells have a damage parameter by modules. As usual, these characteristics are not publicly available.

Many players misunderstand the mechanics of the non-contact ammo rack (BMU). This comes not only from the poor description of perks in the game client, but also from ignorance of the game mechanics. Meanwhile, the topic of BC is very important.

Damage to ammo doubles the reload time of the gun, critically reducing the effectiveness of the tank. But undermining the BC completely ends the game, you can be killed with one shot, even if there are still a lot of durability points left.

So, the ammo can be damaged (yellow state) by any hit with damage. That is, it does not matter how much strength the BC took off the projectile. If hit - there is a chance of damage (crit). Hit the BC area - they can damage. A non-contact ammunition rack will not help here.

The BC explosion occurs if its durability drops to zero. For some tanks, it is weak, located in vulnerable places and often explodes, especially from large-caliber enemy shells with high module damage.

Here, a non-contact ammunition rack can, in theory, help. But, again, it is very difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of the perk, since the exact parameters of the strength of the BC in the game are unknown. Yes, with this perk the BC of the tank will be stronger, but will this gain be enough?

Personally, I put a non-contact ammo rack on those tanks that, in my opinion, blow up too often by detonating ammo. But I am aware that there is an element of simple faith that the perk will help. It is difficult to really assess its effectiveness. If the BC on the tank is rarely blown up, the perk can be considered useless, since it does not reduce the chance of damage to the module.

radio operator

The most unfortunate tanker in the world of tanks. Not only does no one heal him when he is shell-shocked, but only one personal perk is useful. The problem here is that the communication radius in the game does not affect anything. The cards are small, even with a killed radio operator and a broken radio, there will be no problems in battle.

radio interception

The only useful perk of the radio operator, which begins to act immediately. At 100% research, radio interception increases the tank's view by 3%. A useful skill, there is never a lot of visibility on any tank. The exception is blind armored vehicles, it is desirable for everyone else to maximize the viewing range.

The idea is that you will find opponents more often, which will affect not only your survivability, but also the accrual of silver and experience for the battle, since you will fire at your reconnaissance, helping your allies as well.

From the last strength

The perk requires 100% learning, but it is already useless. After the destruction of the tank, you will shine the enemies for an extra 2 seconds. In the current realities of the game, you can’t count on allies to support with fire, so an extra 2 seconds won’t change anything.


Crazy perk that improves the parameters of the radio station. No benefit at all. There is no point in studying.


Improves the parameters of allied radio stations. Even more nonsense, there is no benefit from the perk. Learning is contraindicated, it is better to choose more useful general perks.

Perks are overrated

I want to talk about the fact that the benefits of perks are often overestimated. In fact, only a few perks are critical to the game. All the rest improve the characteristics of the tank and the comfort of the game, but the value of these bonuses is very modest.

Yes, perks are useful and should be chosen wisely. But do not overestimate their importance. You can play well and effectively with two full perks, or even one perk is enough.

A qualitative breakthrough is provided only by some perks, which in any case are worth downloading. So a lot of the hard perk alternatives aren't really hard.

What perks to choose?

You can start philosophically, noting that perks should be chosen in accordance with the characteristics of the tank, with its own playstyle. But, like all wisdom, the recommendation is true, but useless. Most players will not be able to personally evaluate all the perks on all tanks, it takes a lot of time and gold.

So, first of all, we examine the commander's sixth sense. This rule is mandatory, there are simply no exceptions in world of tanks. The first perk we choose for everyone is repair, we must put it on the commander after the light bulb. There are exceptions. Light tanks and artillery do not need repairs. LT take disguise, arte can download combat brotherhood (if the commander is without a light bulb) or also disguise.

The second perk already gives some variability. Here you can either go into disguise, or you can choose personal perks. In fact, both directions are worthy of life. Perhaps only the driver's personal perks are very interesting.

One way or another, we take a smooth turn of the tower for the gunner, radio interception for the radio operator, and a smooth ride for the driver, the choice of the off-road king, virtuoso. The loader can take a desperate or disguise, depending on the tank. The fact is that a tank without armor quickly goes to the hangar if it has few hit points left.

The third perk can be devoted to disguise or personal perks. It depends on which path you chose initially. However, the loader and radio operator are already running out of useful personal perks (there are only one of them), so we boldly take disguise there.

The gunner can take a sniper, but then you have to wait for 100% research, and the third perk is not quickly researched. So the gunner can take a disguise. In general, I recommend not to forget about disguise, in my opinion, a very useful skill. Whereas many personal perks provide a ridiculous or very limited bonus.

On the fourth perk, you will already have to do a reset, it seems to me. The fact is that it will be studied for a long time, so in its place you need to take perks that begin to act from the start of the study.

Now let's look at the main issues that torment tankers when choosing perks, and only then we'll talk about resetting perks.

Off-road king or virtuoso?

In fact, both perks are very good. The off-road king noticeably improves the tank's behavior on soft ground, and the virtuoso improves overall maneuverability. So, in fact, this choice should not cause any heavy thoughts. Whatever you choose, you won't go wrong. However, the king can be considered a more versatile perk.

Do you need a brotherhood?

My opinion on the military fraternity cannot be called unambiguous. The usefulness of this ability cannot be denied, only the price is very high. In my opinion, Combat Brotherhood makes sense to explore for those tankers who have already reached three full perks. Then it makes sense to reset the perks and redistribute.

I believe that it is during this period that the choice of other perks becomes limited, so the benefits of BB will be greater. However, this perk is most effective and noticeable when used simultaneously with a fan and additional soldering. The pure effect of BB can be overlooked in battle.

Reset Perks

The system of skills and abilities is built in such a way that it will not be possible to effectively first learn perks that require 100% study, and then easier-to-manage abilities that work right away.

And it will take a very long time to wait for 100% of the study already on the third perk, so the effective use of additional crew abilities without resetting them is impossible. The most basic example is the combat brotherhood. This perk actually requires a reset of old perks, otherwise it will be very sad and long to wait for its research.

We will not consider free resetting of perks at all, this is irrational. There are only two ways: fold for silver and fold for gold. In the first case, the crew will lose 10% experience, in the second, you will lose 200 gold.

I regret to note that there are actually no alternatives to resetting perks for gold. Perks require too much experience, so even a 10% loss would be very significant. I cannot recommend resetting perks for silver, you will lose a lot of valuable crew experience.

So I can only give a recommendation to use promotions during which you can reset crew perks with a 50% discount. Naturally, the number of these same discharges must be minimized, as well as your monetary losses. So think about the overall perk structure of your crews ahead of time.


It is with the help of the crew that you can increase combat characteristics machines when other reserves have already been exhausted. So perks take on considerable importance on late stages games to help you play even better.

Despite the fact that bonuses from perks often seem not too serious, with the right training of an experienced crew, in total, it turns out to be quite a good help in any battle. Well, some perks are simply necessary, they can be considered a mandatory set for any tank.

In the article, I gave not so much a dry description of additional abilities as their real impact on the battle, on the behavior of the tank, I gave, including personal comments, which, I hope, will help you make your own choice.

Additional skills and abilities available for study by a crew member after mastering the main specialty by 100%. When this mark is reached, a “plus sign” will appear in the menu, by clicking on which, you can select the first additional skill or skill. After studying it, it is possible to learn the second, third and other skills. Theoretically, a tanker can learn all the additional skills and abilities available to him. But to learn each subsequent skill, you need twice as much experience as the previous one, so the average crew usually has no more than 3 skills and abilities. For this reason, the question of which perks to download on a tank should be approached wisely.


The skill begins to operate from the very beginning of training. The effect of its action gradually increases from minimum to maximum.


Description: Accelerates the repair of damaged modules. The effectiveness of the skill increases as you learn. The average skill level of the crew is taken into account. The effect is enhanced when combined with the Toolbox equipment.

Digital Action: Maximum value: +100% Repair Speed

Limitation: -

Summary: Repairs are needed primarily for heavy and medium tanks operating under enemy fire, as well as heavy anti-tank guns with high visibility (Ferdinand, Jagdtiger, T28, T95). For them, the ability to quickly repair under enemy fire is very critical. Secondly, almost any vehicle in the game needs repairs, except for artillery.


Description: Reduces the overall visibility of the tank. The effectiveness of the skill increases as you learn. The average skill level of the crew is taken into account. The effect is enhanced when combined with the Camouflage Net equipment.

Digital Action: Max Value: +100% Initial Stealth.

Limitation: -

Summary: The skill is absolutely necessary for light tanks due to the class bonus (visibility in motion is equal to visibility while standing), as well as most tank destroyers and self-propelled guns, with the exception of the most cumbersome ones (for example, SU-14-2). Therefore, the answer to the question of what perks to download on tank destroyers is quite obvious.

For more details, see Overview and disguise


Description: Speeds up fire extinguishing. The effectiveness of the skill increases as you learn. The average skill level of the crew is taken into account.

Digital Action: Max value: +80% fire extinguishing speed.

Limitation: -

Summary: The skill has lost its importance - a fire extinguisher copes well with one fire, and two fires in one battle rarely happen.

For more details, see Fire and firefighting

Repair, Concealment and Firefighting are most effective at 100% leveling for all crew members, so it's best to level one of these skills for all crew members at the same time.

For example, with four crew members, of which only two have learned stealth, the tank gets only 50% stealth (that is, the average value is taken over the crew).


Description: Allows the commander to master all specialties and replace incapacitated crew members. Only the main specialties are replaced. The replacement efficiency drops when the next crew member is disabled.

Digital Action: The level of proficiency in the main specialty of a shell-shocked crew member increases by 50% of the percentage of proficiency in the main specialty lost as a result of shell shock (in case of shell shock, the proficiency in the main specialty is reduced by 50% of the initial level). In other words, if the "Jack of All Trades" skill is maxed out to 100%, then when a crew member with a main specialty maxed out to 100% is shell-shocked, their mastery will drop to 75% (50% + (100% - 50%) / 2) .

Limitation: Commander.

Summary: A useful skill with frequent crew crits, useful for some heavy and medium tanks, as well as French tanks with automatic loaders. The skill is useless if the commander himself is disabled.


Description: Grants additional experience to all crew members, except for the commander. The amount of experience increases as the skill improves.

Digital Action: Coefficient of 0.1 for each percentage of skill. Max value: +10% experience gain.

Limitation: Commander.

Summary: The increase in experience is not great, but the skill can be used for forced pumping of the crew. Later it makes sense to replace the skill with another.

For more details, see Training and retraining

An eagle eye

Description: Increases the maximum viewing range. The effectiveness of the skill increases as you learn. With faulty observation devices, the effectiveness of the skill is higher. The effect is enhanced in combination with the Radio Interception skill, Coated Optics and Stereo Tube equipment.

Digital Action: A coefficient of 0.02 for working devices and 0.2 for broken devices per percent. Maximum value: 2% for working and 20% for broken.

Limitation: Commander.

Summary: Useful skill for tanks with good overview- This is especially true for light tanks, for which it is critical to notice the enemy at maximum distance.

For more details, see Overview and disguise

Master Gunsmith

Description: Reduces the dispersion of a damaged weapon. The effectiveness of the skill increases as you learn. If the skill is acquired by two gunners, it is taken into account maximum level crew skills. The effect is enhanced in combination with the Vertical Stabilizer equipment.

Digital Action: A coefficient of 0.2 for each percentage. Maximum value: -20% to the dispersion of a damaged weapon.


Summary: It makes sense to take it only with frequent gun crits (typical for tanks playing from turret armor). In other cases, it is better to take something else.

Smooth turn of the tower

Description: Reduces spread when turning the turret. The effectiveness of the skill increases as you learn. If the skill is acquired by two gunners, the maximum skill level of the crew is taken into account. The effect is enhanced in combination with the Vertical Stabilizer equipment.

Digital Action: A coefficient of 0.075 for each percentage. Max: -7.5% turret traverse spread.

Limitation: Gunner (including a part-time worker, in whom this role is secondary).

Summary: A good choice for almost any tank, except those for whom full mixing takes less than 2 seconds. It can also be useful for self-propelled guns and anti-tank guns, especially with a large horizontal aiming angle (for example, G.W. Panther).


Description: Increases the tank's turn speed. The effectiveness of the skill increases as you learn. The effect is enhanced in combination with the Additional Grousers equipment, the Lend-Lease Oil consumable, the Twisted Engine Speed ​​Control consumable, and the 100-,105-Octane Gasoline consumable. Increases gun spread when turning.

Digital Action: A coefficient of 0.05 for each percentage. Max Value: +5% Turn Speed.

Limitation: Driver mechanic.

Summary: An important skill for those who are forced to act actively in maneuverable combat - primarily for light and medium tanks, although it can also come in handy for all other classes.

off road king

Description: Reduces the resistance of weak and medium soils when the tank is moving. The effectiveness of the skill increases as you learn. The skill increases the maneuverability of the tank and reduces the recruitment time. top speed. The effect is enhanced in combination with the "Additional grouser" equipment.

Digital Action: Coefficient of 0.1 on soft ground or 0.025 on average for each percentage. Maximum value: +10% soft terrain and +2.5% average terrain.

Limitation: Driver mechanic.

Summary: The choice for fast vehicles or tanks with difficult maneuverability, such as Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f) .

Smooth running

Description: Reduces gun spread on the move. The effectiveness of the skill increases as you learn. The skill does not affect spread when turning and standing still. The effect is enhanced in combination with the Vertical Stabilizer equipment.

Digital Action: A coefficient of 0.04 for each percentage. Max value: -4% to spread while moving.

Limitation: Driver mechanic.

Summary: Contrary to popular belief, the skill is useful not only for vehicles actively firing on the move. "Smooth Ride" reduces the circle of convergence and, as a result, after a stop it takes a little less time for full convergence, which is useful for almost all machines.

Ram Master

Description: When ramming, it reduces the damage of your own tank and increases it for the enemy. The effectiveness of the skill increases as you learn. The skill only affects moving tanks and is not taken into account when colliding with allied tanks.

Digital Action: A coefficient of 0.15 for each percentage. Max value: +15% ram damage for the enemy and -15% ram damage for the player.

Limitation: Driver mechanic.

Summary: An excellent option for heavy-weight but mobile vehicles (IS-7, T14, E 50, E 50 Ausf. M, KV-5, AMX 50 B, AMX 50 120, FCM 50 t).


Description: Increases the communication range of the radio. The effectiveness of the skill increases as you learn. If the skill is acquired by two radio operators, the maximum skill level of the crew is taken into account.

Digital Action: A coefficient of 0.2 for each percentage. Maximum value: +20% communication range.


Summary: This skill makes sense either for tanks with a weak radio, and even then, mainly at low levels, or for light tanks that go far behind enemy lines.

radio interception

Description: Increases viewing range. The effectiveness of the skill increases as you learn. If the skill is acquired by two radio operators, the maximum skill level of the crew is taken into account. The effect is enhanced in combination with the Eagle Eye skill.

Digital Action: A coefficient of 0.03 for each percentage. Max value: +3% vision range.

Limitation: Radio operator (including a part-time worker, in whom this role is secondary).

Summary: The only one for real useful skill radio operator, useful on almost any tank.

For more details, see Overview and disguise


Description: Increases the communication range of allied tanks within the radius of the player's radio station. The effectiveness of the skill increases as you learn. If the skill is acquired by two radio operators, the maximum skill level of the crew is taken into account.

Digital Action: A coefficient of 0.1 for each percentage. Maximum value: +10% to the communication range of allied tanks.

Limitation: Radio operator (including a part-time worker, in whom this role is secondary).

Summary: The skill makes sense to learn only when playing at low levels.


Skills begin to act only when they are studied at 100%.

The Brotherhood of War

Tankman! Learn this skill for all crew members at the same time. The study of the "Combat Brotherhood" does not make sense for all crew members. The Combat Brotherhood works regardless of the gender of the crew.

Description: Improves the level of mastery of the main specialty and all skills of all crew members. Begins to act when all crew members improve to 100%. The effect is enhanced in combination with the “Improved Ventilation” equipment, the “Add. Ration, Chocolate, Case of Cola, Strong Coffee, Improved Diet, Tea Pudding, and Onigiri.

Digital Action: All crew members get +5% to their primary skill and to all additional skills. The skill is not lost when crew members are shell-shocked.

Limitation: Works only when pumping for all crew members.

Summary: Quite a useful skill, but having too many contraindications for its use. Most appropriate to use with improved ventilation and in combination with skills aimed at strengthening a specific parameter of the tank.

Sixth Sense

Description: Allows the commander to determine if his tank is detected by the enemy. Starts working when upgraded to 100%. When the commander is shell-shocked, it stops working.

Digital Action: Information about the detection of a tank appears with a delay of three seconds.

Limitation: Commander.

Summary: An excellent choice for any tank, as knowing that the enemy has revealed the location of the player is very important in any situation. Knowing this, it is possible with relative ease to escape from artillery strikes and ambush snipers.


Description: Allows the commander to determine the critical damage of tanks in the scope by own light. Starts working when upgraded to 100%.

Digital Action: Starts working 4 seconds after continuously aiming at an enemy tank.

Limitation: Commander.

Summary: A good choice for ranged combat or coordinated platoon/company play. In other cases, the realization of the advantage is difficult. A useless skill for self-propelled guns. You can learn more about this perk by watching a video about the "Expert" skill in WoT on the Internet.


Description: Increases the chance of dealing damage to modules and the crew of an enemy tank. Starts working when upgraded to 100%. Only for armor-piercing, sub-caliber and HEAT shells.

Digital Action: 3% bonus.

Limitation: Gunner (including a part-time worker, in whom this role is secondary).

Summary: One of the most useful gunner skills, especially good for fast-firing cannons, guns with automatic loaders and guns with a relatively small caliber for their level and class (AMX 50 B, T110E5, Object 263).


Description: Allows you to see the enemy tank in a small sector relative to the gun for two seconds longer after it leaves the "light". If the skill is acquired by two gunners, the effect does not stack. It works if the player sees the enemy himself, and not through someone else's "light". That is, on self-propelled guns it will be practically useless.

Digital Action: Effect duration: 2 sec in a 10 degree cone.

Limitation: Gunner (including a part-time worker, in whom this role is secondary).

Summary: It makes sense to learn the skill for ambush tank destroyers, or for ranged combat vehicles in combination with the skill Expert. Moderately useful for light tanks using passive flare tactics. It is completely useless for artillery, since it almost never fires at its own light.

Note: can be used by active scouts, for this the most important targets are taken on the auto-aim, after which the driver's attention is concentrated on the road.

Cleanliness and tidiness

Description: Reduces the risk of engine fire by preventing oil and fuel leaks in engine compartment. Starts working when upgraded to 100%. The effect is enhanced when combined with the Automatic Fire Extinguisher consumable.

Digital Action:−25% to tank engine fire chance. For example, for an engine with an initial fire probability of 40%, the final chance will be 30%, for 20% - 15%, for 15% - 11.25%, for 12% - 9%, for 10% - 7.5%.

Limitation: Driver mechanic.

Summary: A good choice for tanks with a very high engine fire hazard and a short hull.

"Contactless" ammo rack

Description: Increases the durability of the ammo rack: the shells are stacked in such an order that they do not touch each other. Starts working when upgraded to 100%. If the skill is acquired by two loaders, the effect does not stack. The effect is enhanced in combination with the Wet Ammo Pack equipment.

Digital Action:+12.5% ​​ammo rack durability.


Summary: For vehicles with the risk of frequent ammo rack crits, i.e. To detonate an undamaged ammo rack from the first shot, a weapon with high damage per modules is required.


Description: Creates a chance that when changing the type of shells, the required one is already loaded. Starts working when upgraded to 100%. To use the skill again, you must fully reload the weapon. If the skill is acquired by two loaders, then the probability of triggering will double and amount to 34%, and if three (French crews), then it will triple and amount to 51%.

Digital Action: The probability is 17%.

Limitation: Loader (including part-time, in which this role is secondary).

Summary: It can be useful for tanks with frequent changes in the type of projectile (E 100 for example), for players who rationally use their ammunition in battle.


Description: Speeds up reloading of the gun if the tank has less than 10% HP left. Starts working when upgraded to 100%. If the skill is acquired by two loaders, the effect does not stack. The effect is enhanced in combination with the Gun Rammer equipment. For drum technology, it speeds up the reloading of the entire drum, but not the shells inside it.

Digital Action: If the tank's durability is less than 10%, reloading takes 90.9% of the original time value.

Limitation: Loader (including part-time, in which this role is secondary).

Summary: It makes sense to pump for vehicles with very strong armor and a large supply of hit points (Maus , E 100). Will give a noticeable effect on the drum technique.

From the last strength

Description: Allows a radio operator who was not incapacitated at the time the tank was destroyed to transmit enemy tank positions for an additional two seconds. Starts working when upgraded to 100%. If the skill is acquired by two radio operators, the effect does not stack.

Digital Action: Additional 2 seconds of "light".

Limitation: Radio operator (including a part-time worker, in whom this role is secondary).

Summary: A very useful skill for light tanks - "fireflies".


Each crew member has a specific list of skills that should be upgraded for maximum effect in combat. Not all players, especially beginners, know which skills are most effective for which technique, and which ones will be completely useless.

For each technique there is a certain crew, consisting of a different number of people. There are 5 professions:

  1. Commander. Responsible for the detection range of enemy vehicles.
  2. Gunner. Responsible for the aiming speed of the gun and the rotation of the turret.
  3. Driver mechanic. Responsible for the dynamics of the tank and its maneuverability.
  4. Radio operator. Responsible for the communication range with allies.
  5. Charging. Responsible for the ammo rack and gun reload time.

Each technique is managed by a different number of people, but they all replace the missing profession. For example, the commander can simultaneously act as a radio operator, and the driver mechanic as a loader. These nuances should be taken into account when leveling crew skills.

An experience

After each battle, all crew members receive a certain amount of experience, everything will depend on the game and the result of the battle. By default, the crew is 50% trained, while all technical characteristics of the tank will be reduced. The difference can be seen in the hangar, the current characteristics will be indicated on the left with red marks. Upon reaching 100%, the performance characteristics of vehicles will begin to correspond to standard indicators. You should know that the tank commander adds 1% experience to each crew member. That is, with 100% experience, the rest of the tankers get +10%.

The crew can be pumped in accelerated mode. To do this, the tank must become "elite". In order for it to receive such a title, it is necessary to research all the modules and the next tank coming along the branch. The exception is premium tanks and all tier 10 vehicles. They receive elite status immediately after purchase.

Crew training

If there is no crew for new equipment, it can be recruited. You can do this in 3 ways:

  1. Tank Academy. This training costs 200 gold, but the tanker gets 100% experience.
  2. Regimental School. The crew member gets 75% experience. The cost of training is 20,000 silver.
  3. Accelerated courses. Such training is free, however, the tanker receives only 50% of the experience.

At low rates experience, the technical characteristics of the tank will be too low, therefore, it is better not to regret at least silver and pump the crew up to 75%.

If the crew was removed from the vehicle and put on another tank, then there will be a small fine during retraining. The experience of the crew members will directly depend on the transfer to another type of equipment.

Only the crew of one nation can be transferred, that is, Soviet tankers cannot be transferred to a British tank. If the crew from a heavy tank was pumped up to 100%, then when transferring to a new TT, it will be trained up to 90%.

Also, in tanks, you can perform a certain fraud, so that when transferring to new equipment, tankers get 100% experience.

To do this, you need to have at least one pumped additional skill. Having planted and retrained the crew for new equipment, you need to go into the personal file of each tanker and click on the "reset" button at the bottom of the screen.

Additional skills will be reset, while the missing experience will be added. However, when performing such an action, the percentage of additional skills will decrease. talking in simple words, you can sacrifice part of the additional skill to make the crew members become 100%.

However, this method is effective only when changing the same class of equipment.

If the crew from tank destroyers is transferred to LT, then in addition to a large decrease in the experience of tankers, there will also be a huge penalty when resetting "perks".

Also in the personal file, you can speed up the training of a tanker for free experience.

Extra skills

Additional crew skills play a big role in combat, because when they are fully mastered, the tank gains certain advantages. Exist general skills for all tankers, and individual, according to the profession.

General Skills:

  • Repair
  • Disguise
  • Firefighting
  • Combat BrotherhoodEach of the skills has its own abilities and is most effective for each class of vehicle, taking into account technical characteristics. For example, for tank destroyers, it is very important to pump camouflage, and for vehicles with a high chance of engine fire, it is recommended to study fire fighting. The Combat Brotherhood skill gives +5% to all crew skills, however, it only works if all tankers have mastered it at 100%. It is also worth noting the importance of the “repair” skill, since it allows you to quickly repair failed modules. The effectiveness of individual skills will also depend on the class of equipment and technical characteristics.

The most popular skill that is used on all tech classes is "sixth sense". At 100% study, it becomes possible to determine the light of the tank by enemy vehicles.

The rest of the skills should be pumped depending on the weak and strengths armored vehicles. Tank Destroyers, STs and LTs need a good view radius, so the Commander's "Eagle Eye" and Radio Operator's "Radio Interception" skill will significantly increase the view range.

Tanks with good power density but heavy weight need to learn "ramming master" in order to effectively deal damage by ramming enemy vehicles.

Medium and heavy tanks often fire on the move, making a breakthrough or retreating. In order for the gun to hit the target more often, the gunner needs to learn the “smooth turret turn” skill, and the driver “smooth ride”.

The rest of the skills are less popular among the players, because they are not as significant in combat. Each tanker chooses for his crew those additional skills that he considers the most effective.

"Light Bulb" - "Sixth Sense"

This skill allows the tank commander to feel the light, as they say, "spinal cord". At the same time, after 3 seconds from the moment of light, a light on the screen lights up. This is the most valuable perk in World of Tanks. It must be downloaded on all tanks, including tank destroyers and even ART SPGs.

However, like all skills, Sixth Sense only starts working after 100% learning. Therefore, you will either have to ride for a very long time with the “idle” first perk, or

choose some other skill for the commander and then, after the first skill is pumped up to 100%, retrain the commander, which, however, does not solve the problem of long suffering from driving without a "lamp", but there is one budgettrick to speed up skill leveling 2+ times:

We teach the commander the necessary skill and transfer him to any other suitable elite tank, preferably premium, we transplant only the commander, we do not touch the rest of the "nubo" team

Since the commander’s overall “driving” experience will lag behind the rest of the team, then according to the rules game mechanics, it is he who will receive x2 crew experience every battle, regardless of victory or defeat, the tank’s prem bonus will also be at least + 61% to experience, for exampleif you earned 1000 experience in battle, then the captain will receive not 1000, but 2610 experience, the fastest is even more, but even so, this is an acceleration of pumping more than twice! Well, if you additionally turn on personal reserves to speed up the leveling of the crew... :) Realistically, you can open a light bulb this way in one evening of the game.

"BB" - "Combat Brotherhood"

This skill increases the characteristics of the crew by 5% and the tank itself by 2.5 (actually by 2.15, but everything is rounded up for simplicity), and also increases the level of proficiency in the skills taken by the same 5%, that is, you may not have disguise 100% and 105% (By the way, any increase in the level of crew training by 1% increases the characteristics of the tank by 0.43%) ventilation or additional rations, which is actually just illogical. Perhaps this is the second most important skill that needs to be pumped out on any tank, because it:


by 2.5% reload speed and average damage per minute

by 2.5% Aiming Speed

by 2.5% Hull Turn Speed

by 2.5% Turret traverse speed

by 2.5% Maximum weapon accuracy (no, this is not a mistake! accuracy can be increased)

by 2.5% Tank camouflage when firing, standing, riding, jumping and swimming.

by 2.5% Module Repair Speed

by 2.5% Tank Overview

by 2.5% Permeability on all soils and hence the overall mobility of the tank

by 5% the effects of all learned crew skills (Smooth Ride, Camouflage, etc.)


by 2.5% spread from riding

by 2.5% Spread per shot

by 2.5% Spread from turret traverse

by 2.5% Spread from hull rotation

I'm sure I forgot something, but I think it's already clear

Of course, 2.5% seems a little, and it’s hard to notice the effect right away, but other skills don’t have much more effect either: for example, “eagle eye” gives only 2% to vision, a smooth move beloved by many -4% of the penalty to scatter when driving, and BB is only -2.5% but from all fines! Virtuoso +5% to the sharpness of the rotation of the body, etc. In reality, if you calculate the theoretically possible bonuses from a set of the best other skills (except for camouflage and repair), then they are not even close to BB. But of course, there is a big and fat minus - it is that the skill works only with 100% mastery by the entire crew, which means that you cannot be the first to take it - after all, the first to study the "Sixth Sense" and learning it second for many players can take half a year, but you want everything you want right now...


TT - Heavy tanks

In terms of perk leveling, heavy tanks differ little from medium tanks. The main difference is their size - since heavy vehicles are larger than medium ones, in most cases it is pointless to disguise them by pumping. the Brotherhood of War.


It may not be useful at the beginning of the TT battle, but at the end, when only half the team remains alive and the enemy is not clear where, it will save your life more than once.

2) "Combat Brotherhood". Detailed description at the beginning of the article. This skill increases the characteristics of the crew by 5% and the tank itself by 2.5%, and also increases the level of proficiency in the skills taken by the same 5%.

3) "Repair". Repair The most important skill for a medium and heavy tanks. The repair time for modules is different for all tanks, and for heavy ones it is the maximum, and no matter how tempting other skills look, you should not forget about it.

4) “Jack of all trades”. The skill is most useful on “thick” vehicles, which, even with a wounded crew, can still benefit the team for a long time. It is also recommended to take it with the learned “BB” skill - with it, “BB” is not interrupted by crew injuries.

5) Eagle Eye- Increases vision by 2%. Although you can take other skills depending on the tank (Mentor, Firefighting, Camouflage)


1) “Repair”

2) "Combat Brotherhood".

3) “Smooth turn of the tower”

4) “Master gunsmith”- Reduces the spread of a broken gun by 20%, it is recommended to put on tanks "tanking" with a tower, T34, ST-1

5) "Sniper" - Increases the probability of inflicting critical damage to the module or concussion of a crew member by 3%. Due to the mechanics of the game, it is almost useless. The sniper is most effective for tanks with low damage per shot and for drum tanks that can reliably fire several shots at one point.

Driver mechanic

1) “Repair”

2) “Combat Brotherhood”

3) “Smooth running”

4) “King of off-road”- A very useful skill that increases the speed and maneuverability of the machine on medium and soft soils. (+10% for the swamp, +2% for the ground). Most suitable for LT and ST, but it will not hurt other tanks either.

5) "Virtuoso" - increases the speed of rotation of the tank chassis by 5%. No comment.

6) “Master of Ram”- a useful skill for tanks that have a large mass in combination with good dynamics (KV-5, AMX-50-100). Reduces damage to own tank when ramming by 15% and increases enemy damage by the same amount.

radio operator

1) “Repair”

2) “Combat Brotherhood”

3) “Radio Interception”

4) “Disguise” - the main skill of all LT and small st / pt. Since the bonus is a percentage, it makes no sense to bet on tanks with low camouflage, because +50% of zero will still be zero! On the other hand, the radio operator simply has no other good options.

5) “Fire Fighting”


2) “Combat Brotherhood”

3) “Repair”

Increases ammo rack durability by 12.5%. For tanks like t110e5, AMX CDC, t44 - very useful, but it won't hurt others either.

5) “Disguise” We take from hopelessness ....

ST - Medium tanks

The crew of medium tanks, up to level 7 inclusive, is first of all recommended to upgrade the camouflage, and then repair. After level 7 (8+), the crew of most STs first learns repair, then camouflage. After that, the crew can be retrained for combat fraternity. Of course, it is better for the commander to take the sixth sense as the first perk, that is, it is better to retrain when the crew has a completely pumped out second perk. If the tank has a front transmission/engine, the driver should pump out "Clean and Tidy". Below is an option for the top levels.


1) Light bulb "Sixth sense".

2) “Combat Brotherhood”. Detailed description at the beginning of the article. This skill increases the characteristics of the crew by 5% and the tank itself by 2.5%, and also increases the level of proficiency in all skills taken by the same 5%.

3) "Repair".

4) “Disguise” -the smaller (the more "flat") medium tank, the more relevant "Disguise" is for him.

5) Eagle Eye- Increases vision by 2%.


1) “Repair”

2) “Combat Brotherhood”

3) “Smooth turn of the tower”- Reduces gun spread when traversing the turret by 7.5%.

4) “Disguise”

5) "Sniper" - Increases the probability of inflicting critical damage to the module or concussion of a crew member by 3%. Due to the mechanics of the game, it is almost useless. The sniper is most effective for tanks with low damage per shot and for drum tanks that are guaranteed to make several shots at one point, confidently breaking the internal module ..

Driver mechanic

1) “Repair”

2) "Combat Brotherhood".

3) “Smooth running”- Reduces dispersion when firing on the move by 4%. Damage and maneuverability are everything!

4) “Disguise”

5) “King of off-road”- A very useful skill that increases the speed and maneuverability of the machine on medium and soft soils. (+10% for the swamp, +2% for the ground).

6) "Virtuoso" - increases the speed of rotation of the tank chassis by 5%.

radio operator

1) “Repair”

2) “Combat Brotherhood”

3) “Radio Interception”- Increases vehicle visibility by 3%. The best special skill of the radio operator, due to the fact that the rest are generally useless.

4) “Disguise” - the main skill of all LT and small st / pt. Since the bonus is a percentage, it makes no sense to bet on tanks with low camouflage, because +50% of zero will still be zero! On the other hand, the radio operator simply has no other good options.

5) “Fire Fighting”- Accelerates fire extinguishing by 50% (when fully studied by the entire crew). An almost useless skill, if you carry a fire extinguisher with you, take it in the absence of other normal options.


1) “Desperate” - when your HP falls below 10%, it speeds up reloading by 9.1%. A very useful skill for a technique that is able and able to survive for a long time even with a small amount of HP. Since it starts working only with 100% development, it makes sense to take one of the first.

2) “Combat Brotherhood”

3) “Repair”

4) “Non-contact ammo rack”- Increases ammo rack durability by 12.5%. For tanks like the AMX CDC, the T44 is very useful, but it won't hurt others either.

5) “Disguise”

tank destroyer

(anti-tank self-propelled artillery mounts)

Due to the fact that tank destroyers have a class bonus to invisibility when stationary, any vehicle of this type can be trained in camouflage. Therefore, if the PT is quite compact, then the first perk is undoubtedly downloading the disguise and playing in the bushes, while the repair is one of the last to pump out, but if its dimensions are “Ferdinand”, then it makes sense to upgrade the repair instead of the disguise and go tanking in the forefront.


1) Light bulb "Sixth sense".

2) “Combat Brotherhood”

4) “Repair”

5) Eagle Eye- Increases vision by 2%.


1) “Disguise”

2) “Combat Brotherhood”

4) “Repair”

Driver mechanic

1) “Disguise”

2) “Combat Brotherhood”

3) “Smooth running”- Reduces dispersion when firing on the move by 4%.

4) "Virtuoso" - increases the speed of rotation of the tank chassis by 5%. For "barn" PTs, it makes sense to take it before PX.

5) “Repair”

radio operator

1) "Disguise"

2) “Combat Brotherhood”

3) “Radio Interception”- Increases vehicle visibility by 3%. The best special skill of the radio operator, due to the fact that the rest are generally useless.

4) “Repair”

5) “Fire Fighting”


1) “Desperate” - when your HP drops below 10%, it speeds up reloading by

9.1%. A very useful skill for vehicles capable of surviving for a long time with a small amount of HP. Since it starts working only with 100% development, it makes sense to take one of the first.

2) “Combat Brotherhood”

3) “Disguise”

4) “Repair”

LT - Light tanks

For light vehicles that have low visibility both in a stationary state and in motion, we first pump over the disguise. Highly recommended!

As for the repair, its pumping in the first skill does not make any sense. This is due to the fact that light vehicles have weak armor and quite little HP, literally two shots of a good heavy or anti-tank gun, and if LTs knocked down a track, it is better to quickly repair it with a repair kit, without waiting for repairs. Well, the firefly simply won’t survive the second caterpillar downing, and the skill is not needed.


1) Light bulb "Sixth sense".

2) “Combat Brotherhood”. Detailed description at the beginning of the article. This skill increases the characteristics of the crew by 5% and the tank itself by 2.5%, and also increases the level of proficiency in the skills taken by the same 5%.

3) “Camouflage” - Increases the tank's native camouflage by 50-100% (when fully studied by the entire crew). Since the bonus is a percentage, it makes no sense to bet on tanks with low camouflage, +50% of zero will still be zero!

4) "An eagle eye"- Increases vision by 2%.

5) "Repair"


1) “Disguise”

2) “Combat Brotherhood”

“Smooth Turret Rotation” - Reduces the spread of guns when turning the turret or tank destroyer, artillery gun by 7.5%.

3) “Sniper” - Increases the probability of inflicting critical damage to the module or concussion of a crew member by 3%. Due to the mechanics of the game, it is almost useless. The sniper is most effective for tanks with low damage per shot and for drum tanks that are guaranteed to make several shots at one point, confidently breaking the internal module ..

4) “Repair”

Driver mechanic

1) “Disguise”

2) “Combat Brotherhood”

3) “Smooth running”- Reduces dispersion when firing on the move by 4%.

4) "Virtuoso" - increases the speed of rotation of the tank chassis by 5%.

5) “Repair”

radio operator

1) "Disguise"

2) “Combat Brotherhood”

3) “Radio Interception”- Increases vehicle visibility by 3%. The best special skill of the radio operator, due to the fact that the rest are generally useless.

4) “Repair”

5) “Fire Fighting”- Accelerates fire extinguishing by 50% (when fully studied by the entire crew). Pretty useless skill, take in the absence of other normal options.


1) "Disguise"

2) “Combat Brotherhood”

3) “Desperate” - when your HP falls below 10%, it speeds up reloading by 9.1%. A very useful skill for vehicles capable of surviving for a long time with a small amount of HP. Since it starts working only with 100% development, it makes sense to take one of the first.

4) “Repair”

5) “Non-contact ammo rack” or “Fire fighting”

Art SAU Artillery

It's simple: first of all, we learn all the skills that improve firepower - mixing and reloading - the rest is optional. The only controversial question is whether it is necessary to teach the tank, which spends the entire battle in the rear, the first skill "Light Bulb"? If "Yes" - then together with the light bulb we first take the set: "smooth turn of the tower", "smooth move", "desperate", if not, then we immediately learn the Battle Brotherhood.


1-2) Light bulb "Sixth sense". For quick and inconspicuous ART, we teach the first skill, for the "barn" - the second.

1-2) “Combat Brotherhood”. Detailed description at the beginning of the article. This skill increases the characteristics of the crew by 5% and the tank itself by 2.5%, and also increases the level of proficiency in the skills taken by the same 5%.

3) “Disguise”


1-2) "The Brotherhood of War"

1-2) “Smooth turn of the tower”- Reduces gun spread when turning a turret or artillery gun by 7.5%.

3) "Disguise"

DO NOT TEACH: “Sniper”- Increases the chance of inflicting critical damage to the module or concussing a crew member by 3%. Does not work with land mines!

Driver mechanic

1-2) “Combat Brotherhood”

1-2) “Smooth move” - Reduces dispersion when firing on the move by 4%. And hence the speed of mixing after the move.

3) “Disguise”

4) "Master Ram"- surprise the enemy before death!

radio operator

1-2) "The Brotherhood of War"

1-2) "Disguise"


1-2) "The Brotherhood of War"

1-2) "Disguise" or“Desperate” - when your HP falls below 10%, it speeds up reloading by 9.1%. Very rare, but arte can help.

We can draw an undeniable conclusion: the more experienced the crew, the more your tank will influence the battle. This will give you sometimes an unconditional, and sometimes a minimal advantage, thanks to which you can decide the outcome of the battle in your favor.

Undoubtedly, skills and abilities enhance most of the qualities and parameters of the machine. Give specific or even general tips relatively specific tank or all the cars in a row is still difficult, because everyone has their own style of play. With skills and abilities, the situation is even more complicated than with the choice of equipment and equipment. Just try to approach the choice wisely, think over completely what exactly your crew needs, plan the pumping, focusing on your model of behavior in battle. Take your time with the choice. Read forums, watch VODs.

Think about hard-to-implement skills, such as:

Expert” - shows damage to modules and crew of an enemy tank. But! Provided that you have aimed a weapon (sight) at the enemy and you see (“shine”) it yourself, and also hold the sight on it for more than 4 seconds. All this makes the use of the skill inconvenient, but even knowing its crits or their absence, this knowledge can rarely be realized - what's the difference in destroying a tank with a crit gunner or a healthy one? - In any case, it is more correct to play as if there is a healthy sniper sitting there, from God.

vindictive- allows you to see the tank in its line of sight in the sight for an additional 2 seconds, provided that the gun is aimed at it.

Works only on tanks that you point the barrel at and which you shine yourself.

This means that for artillery and all support equipment it is useless, a little less than completely. Usefulness for the rest of the technique, on most maps, is also doubtful. But it can be useful for fireflies, especially on the CG, since together with them the rest of the team will see the enemy 2 seconds longer (the duration of a simple light is 5-10 seconds, that is, with the skill it will be 7-12 on the tank at the LT in the scope )

Sniper- Increases module crit chance by 3%. Apparently they mean that these 3% are added to the standard chance to inflict damage on the module (equal to 33% for the crew, and 45 for equipment), that is, instead of 33% there will be 36% - not great in any case, but if you remember that the modules are in the tank there is not everywhere, and you first need to hit it, but if you hit it, there is still a 64% chance that the damage will not be counted, but if it is counted, it probably will not cause enough for a crit. damage damage….In general, the wisdom of studying it is highly questionable. And also this skill does not apply to land mines - all “land mines” pass by ....

Indoor unit damage probability table

“Inventor”, “Relay”- improve radio communication. Well, who in our game after level 3 does not have enough radio range? I have not met such people. But if you have a favorite tank for bending 1-3 levels, then you can learn for it.

"From last strength"- go to shine and die ... and after death, shine for 2 seconds longer .. pffff .......

"Master of the Ram"- a skill loved by many, the problem of which is not in complexity or in the small effect of the application, but in the fact that a competent player, in principle, as a rule, avoids even such an exchange of his HP, and in general, situations where it could be applied. Exceptions: the end of the battle and there is nothing to lose, the need to ram at LBZ, or just you - "KV-5".
