Whose ears? "Whose ears are these sticking out?" or games that people play

The technology for deceiving TV viewers is very simple and unpretentious.: unwanted words are cut out, and paid words are left. And we believe it! This impudent deception continues for many years, because for some reason no one is punished for it...

Whose ears are those sticking out?.. or “Games People Play”
Antonina Borovleva

Should you tell me about how I starred in a TV show on TVC about vaccinations? Why not tell? Moreover, this article (unlike the TV show “Rugrats” in the talk show “DOCTORS” dated September 28, 2010 on TVC) will be published without cuts.

Perhaps I would not have started to engage in this graphomania, if not for one thing...

Colleagues at work (homeopathic doctors) unanimously refused the “honorable” mission to appear on a TV show about vaccinations. Each had their own valid reason. Some couldn’t because they were busy, and some because they had already been through a similar “alteration” and decided not to participate in it anymore, since the ending was always like a “carbon copy.”

Skillfully done cutting of footage completely killed the message (as it is usually expressed in marketing slang, and in Russian speaking - the idea) that the homeopathic doctor was trying to convey to TV viewers, trying in vain to tell people the bitter truth about vaccinations...

Instead of the cut-out footage of the poor homeopath, in the background best case scenario his wandering smile (Jesuitically subtly inserted in the most inappropriate place) with a broad brush and without cuts painted a convincing story, woven from the opinions of the medical establishment about the necessity, importance, safety, and historical significance of vaccinations.

What remained in the minds and hearts of TV viewers after watching such a program? Right! The unconvincing image of a homeopathic doctor, unfoundedly opposed to vaccinations, who didn’t really say anything smart, and the skillfully formed conviction that vaccinations are “power”!

And none of the TV viewers will ever guess that there was so much information behind the scenes that everyone who filmed the program had something to think about...

The power of television is difficult to exaggerate. It reliably produces opinions in the required manner, and this technology is “tried” and flawless...

Remember what V. Pelevin said about multimedia marketing? His goal is “to pave a furrow in the mind of the TV viewer along which he could continue to think, deepening it with every movement of thought...”.

The required depth and direction of the furrow is determined by the financial interests of the sponsor of the television show.
Aware of everything that was happening, I, like my colleagues, for a long time rejected the proposed “honorable mission” also because I knew too well the kitchen of forming public opinion and all its manipulative technologies.

Unfortunately, once upon a time, due to the meager salary of a doctor and the prevailing life circumstances, I had to work for almost ten years in the pharmaceutical business (first as a medical representative, then as a regional manager, and then as a marketing department manager)…

Therefore, when the editor of the program began to actively convince me that they were inviting me to an independent program, and there was no sponsor (and, accordingly, there would be no censorship), I could not believe her, hinting that the federal channel, Surely there is at least federal censorship...

As a result, I agreed to the video shooting, but not because of the sudden trust in the program editor, but simply because my conscience stubbornly and efficiently reminded itself of itself, not giving me peace... Well, at least someone should try to break through this wall of silence , hushing up, actively concealing the truth about vaccinations! Even if it's a fight with windmills, and an absolutely futile activity...

Somewhere inside there was a hope: “What if there really is no censorship?” And I went to the TV show like a lamb to the slaughter.

Since my entire speech on the TV show “Rugrats” in the TV show “DOCTORS” about the harmful effects of vaccinations was mainly based on arguments and facts, the editors of the program had no choice but to simply cut them out, leaving only videos with castrated arguments of the opponent, as well as footage of my smile and “emotional stories” from life.

But for any thinking person in this complex issue, like vaccinations, which cause a huge amount of controversy, there must be at least some kind of argumentation, otherwise what are all these emotions worth?
This is such a nice and simple censorship.

On the one hand, TVC makes a democratic gesture and invites experts to speak both “FOR” and “AGAINST” vaccinations, but at the same time in a way invisible to TV viewers at the right moments, he simply shuts the mouths of those who are “Against”.
A win-win scenario, the main thing is that no one looks into the kitchen while preparing this beautiful dish that the TV viewer is supposed to eat...

And now a little more about what thoughts “splashed out” behind the scenes of the broadcast of the “DOCTORS” program on September 28, 2010.

1. I tried to convey to the audience in the hall (who wouldn’t let me lie, since they heard everything I said, and not just what was left in the “cut”), information that Vaccinations deplete the immune system.

The opinion of oncoimmunologist Professor V.V. Gorodilova was cited (her open letter was posted on the Internet) that the continuous post-vaccination period (with such an intensive vaccination schedule) is often the cause of the formation of immunodeficiency and even cancer in children.

I said that such children with weakened immune systems, as a rule, constitute the category of those who are often sick, and endless courses of antibiotics do not improve their health, which is why their mothers try to turn to alternative medicine.

2 . I said that vaccinating newborns is irresponsible madness, since infants have an immature immune system, and it begins to function within a certain “norm” only after six months, and that the child should be allowed to adapt, mature, and doctors should study his immune status ( for immunodeficiency) before being introduced with vaccinations.

3. After an opponent objected to the fact that the entry of neurotoxic mercury and aluminum salts (contained as a preservative in vaccines) into our bodies is complete nonsense compared to what we get through food, I had to remind doctors that different ways When poison enters the body, it has different consequences.

It’s one thing for the poison to pass through the internal barriers of the body to neutralize toxins, and quite another thing when the poison is injected directly into the blood, bypassing these stages (nature did not foresee that salts of heavy metals would be introduced into the blood of babies, so it did not have time to build evolutionary methods of protection from this disaster...).

4. I talked about the connection between vaccination and the increase in autism among children, cited US statistics that if in 1950 (when the national calendar consisted of only four vaccinations) autism developed in only one child out of 10,000, today autism affects one in 100 boys and one in 400 girls.
Unfortunately, this information was cut out, like much else.

Viewers never learned that the neurotoxic effects of mercury salts included in vaccines are similar to those that occur in Alzheimer's disease and autism.

And since the male sex hormone testosterone increases the neurotoxicity of mercury, this explains the fact that four times more boys suffer from autism as a result of vaccinations than girls.

5. I also said that, in addition to heavy metal salts, Viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi penetrate into vaccines during their preparation.

About what many batches of vaccines are contaminated with mycoplasma infection(which is very dangerous, because mycoplasmas can cause autoimmune diseases), avian leukemia virus (oncogenic virus).

6. I said that our poor outpatient doctors, exhausted by huge appointments, have absolutely no knowledge of clinical immunology (since, firstly, they were not taught such a discipline in medical institutes, and, secondly, they don’t feel tired because of desire to study it).

For this reason A pediatrician cannot be an expert on vaccinations. From all this thought, the phrase remained in the “cut”: “doctors have no desire to study this topic.”

I tried to convey the idea that before taking their child for vaccinations, parents should at least consult a specialist immunologist in order to avoid post-vaccination misfortunes.
(I’ll add on my own behalf - from an independent immunologist, if there are any left. Because, for example, the immunologist at our clinic simply began to intimidate me, and when I convincingly proved that I was right and offered to bring materials, this lady leaned back in her chair and, waving her hand, cynically stated the following: - Yes, we know all this, but we have an order from the ministry. Why are you ordering me to fly out of my chair? (N. Dmitrieva)

7. The episode with statistics data was very funny in the program. In response to my statement that we do not have proper statistics on vaccination complications (I meant the availability of this data), my opponent’s opinion was cited that such statistics are available in a special institute that collects this data. However, as far as I remember, the next clarification of the opponent, that these statistics are not available, was cut off by the editors of the television program as unnecessary and inconsistent with the intended scenario.

8. When it comes to the terrible diphtheria outbreak, I gave an example of how conventional anti-epidemic measures can be successful using the example of Poland (it was they that prevented the spread of diphtheria from Ukraine to Poland, while in Russia the authorities desperately and unsuccessfully tried to solve the problem with “maximum vaccination coverage”).

What followed was a very funny episode. My opponent was asked if she was vaccinated. It turned out that she was often sick as a child, and for this reason she was not vaccinated (like her sister), which is why she had to suffer from whooping cough, the memories of which were etched in her memory for the rest of her life. To the question: “Did your sister get sick too?” came the answer: “No, she was isolated from me.”

I tried to draw attention to this striking example of the effectiveness of banal anti-epidemic measures, but the editors "killed" the entire filmed episode(probably as inappropriate to “the direction and depth of the grafting furrow being laid in the minds of the TV viewer”)...

9. The opponent further stated that our national vaccination calendar is not so large compared to other countries. She also complained that parents who do not vaccinate their children are depriving them of their international right to be protected from infection.

I tried warn against blind faith in the goodness of international organizations and such enshrined rights, and gave the example of the northern states of Nigeria, which in 2004 boycotted polio vaccination, suspecting the WHO of carrying out a sterilization campaign.

Research carried out at that time found that this vaccine was capable of causing infertility because it contained estradiol(the main and most active female sex hormone), and during vaccination the body produced antibodies to this hormone.

I was promised upon leaving the television studio that this episode would not be cut, but it was destroyed, like the other: in 2007, information leaked to the Ukrainian media that mass vaccination of residents of Ukraine against measles and rubella is a hidden campaign to reduce the population.

One of the sponsors of this “humanitarian vaccine” for Ukraine was a private foundation, founded by American billionaire Ted Turner (widely famous for his fight for allowing abortions and limiting the birth rate in third world countries).

10. The finale of the filming of the program was emotionally exciting, but it was also not included in the “cut”. The TV presenter asked me: “Could you give a mother of an unvaccinated child a guarantee that her child will not get sick or die from an infection if he has not been vaccinated?”

I had to answer the question with a question: “Could you give a guarantee to the mother of a vaccinated child that he will not suffer from this vaccination and will not become disabled?” There was no answer to my question.

After the program aired, I wrote a letter to the editor who persuaded me to film this video, and expressed to her my “non-positive” attitude regarding censorship on the TV channel. In response, I received a letter saying that “it is impossible to broadcast a 40-60 minute conversation with one doctor,” and also that my “speculations about some kind of censorship about vaccinations are more than a delusion.” .

By the way, realizing that cutting of frames is inevitable, since there really is not enough time in the program to fully demonstrate the footage, even at the stage of negotiations before the television shooting with the editor, I asked for my presence in the formation of the final version of the video story (so that the emphasis of my speech would not be shifted) , but they refused me this, promising that everything would be fine. But as it turns out, everyone’s concept of what “good” is is different...

The letter also urged me not to tilt at windmills and directly hinted: “You are greatly exaggerating the significance and sensationalism of your speech.”

I had to answer: “I had the opportunity to tell the bitter truth about vaccinations, but you cut off all the arguments that were presented (which my opponent did not), and I, as a former marketer, understand well why... God will be your judge.

Your program could have made convincing arguments, and if they had aired, innocent children might have been saved from complications because their mothers at least thought about what they were injecting into their children. Let this remain on your conscience."

The response message sounded human: “Antonina, I myself am personally against vaccinations, since I personally suffered from them as a child, being hospitalized and having been ill with the virus for which I was injected with the vaccine in the kindergarten without my parents' knowledge. And I am against vaccinations for newborns in the maternity hospital. But this is my personal opinion. It may not coincide with the opinion of the program director, and even more so with the opinion of our leading doctors.

But again, this has nothing to do with censorship. It’s just that each program has an ideological leader (chief editor, directors, producer), their professional right to approve and limit the range of topics, and work on editing. Neither you nor I have the authority or ability to decide this for them, even with our great desire.”

It's that simple. “They have the right to limit”... Of course, the one who pays calls the tune. Who do you think pays in this case? Whose ears are these sticking out of? new program, updating the topic of vaccinations in the current 2010? Can't you guess? And don’t... Why do you need to know this now.


This rut ​​becomes deeper and deeper with each similar program, and when the conviction that “vaccinations are power” reaches the desired degree, you will again be given another idea about the need to be vaccinated with some new vaccines (for example, against chickenpox, hepatitis A, etc.).

Better yet, raise the level of public opinion to the point where it will be possible to pass a new law that will make vaccinations mandatory in Russia. Wow, how many vaccines can be purchased for the country then!
This is the game...

It’s just a pity that our children are involved in it... God knows, they are not guilty of anything! And, if TVC had a real desire to show both points of view on this problem (and not “cut” the necessary footage to create a springboard of public opinion in order to replenish the national vaccination calendar or tighten current legislation), then many TV viewers would have a chance though to find out what their children are injected with.

Antonina Borovleva is a homeopathic doctor.

From birth, the baby begins to accumulate a passive vocabulary. Therefore, from the very first days it is already possible and necessary to talk with the baby and conduct targeted games - exercises in this direction. This is very important for the further development of the child’s active speech.

1 month

What are you crying about?

When a baby cries, he wants to tell us something. Try to understand the baby, ask: “Do you want to eat?”, “Do you want to see mom?”

Sponges - tongues

By the end of the month, the baby will be able to copy the simplest movements of adults: move his lips, open and close his mouth, make his lips a tube, show his tongue, move it.

Item names

Take the child in your arms and walk around the apartment with him. Draw your baby's attention to various items and clearly name them: window, picture, table, mirror, etc. This exercise will contribute to the development of the baby's conceptual apparatus.

Sweet talk

Talk kindly and tenderly to the baby, trying to evoke a response - a smile, the first hum.

Human sounds

Talk to your baby using sounds - hum, snort, whistle, hiss, purr, cluck, click, etc.

On a high wave

Talk to your child, changing your intonation (questioning, affirmative, ironic, doubtful, enthusiastic, etc.), intensity (loud, quiet, whispering) and speech rate (slow, fast, with stops).

Singing sounds

Bend over the baby and sing vowel sounds to him, while clearly articulating with your lips: a-a-a (mouth wide open), o-o-o (mouth rounded), o-o-o (lips like a tube), etc. Soon the baby will join you and begin to repeat the sounds you make.

Nice conversation

Sit comfortably, bend your legs. Place your baby on your lap and have a nice conversation: tell your child about how you met his dad, the composition of your family, what you love, your plans, etc.

Sound echo

Sing to your baby pairs of sounds “A-a-a - O-o-o”, “U-u-u - E-i-i”. Stop after each sung sound, inviting your baby to repeat after you.

My name

Bend over the baby and call the baby's name. Pull away and call again. Stand to the left of the baby, and then to the right and call the baby by name again, encouraging him to look for you with his eyes.

Gymnastics for lips

Give your baby a massage around his mouth. Then move the child’s lips: lift the upper lip up, lower the lower one down, press lightly on the cheeks so that the lips form a tube, etc.

Teach your baby to say “aha.” Tell him: “Say ahu-gu.” “Say aha-gee.” “Say agp-ga,” etc. During the lesson, stimulate sound interaction - stroke his cheeks, chin, eyebrows.

Whose ears?

Place your baby on the sofa and sit next to him. Talk tenderly to your baby, gently touching the following parts of the body and face:

Whose ears?
Whose eyes?
Whose legs?
Whose hands?
Arinins, etc.

La-la-la instead of songs

Leaning over the baby, sing one affectionate song to folk music: Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, etc. Sing without lyrics “la-la”. Pause and repeat this song again.

First dialogue

Somewhere after two months, children begin to hum - a melodious and expressive pronunciation of vowel sounds [a, u, y], often in combination with consonants [g, m] - agu, gu-gu. Be sure to respond to your baby by imitating him. And then the baby will be happy to enter into a dialogue with you.

Audio recordings

Young children are able to perceive and distinguish many sounds. But over time, due to lack of demand, children lose this ability. Play recordings for children with sounds of nature, bird voices, as well as folk songs, children's songs in Russian and English.

Yes, yes, yes

Sing a song to your baby while gently stroking your baby’s arms, legs, neck, and tummy with a piece of fur:

Yes, yes, yes, I'm singing
Arina has her own song.


Hang a poster with the alphabet on the wall. Bring your baby to the poster and, pointing to the letters, sing the alphabet: A-B-C-D-D, etc.

Subject pictures

Hang object pictures throughout the apartment. Take the baby in your arms and, while “walking” around the apartment, bring him to the illustrations and in a calm, clear voice name the objects depicted: flowers, ball, sofa, etc.

In front of the mirror

Bring your baby to the mirror and, clearly articulating, pronounce individual sounds and syllables. The baby will watch you in the mirror and try to imitate you.

Our ears are missing

The baby is lying on his back. Bend over him and say:

Our ears are missing (cover the child’s ears with your palms). Here they are (open your ears).
There are no our cheeks (cover the child’s cheeks with your palms). Here they are (open your cheeks).
Our nose is missing (cover the baby’s nose with your palms). Here it is (open the spout), etc.

A story about you

In a serious, business-like tone, tell your baby about himself: how he lived in his tummy, how he was born, how he learned to hold his head up, how he washed himself, how he ate, how you worked with him, etc.

My body

The baby is lying on his back. Take his hands in yours and tap them on parts of the child’s body and face.

We'll knock on the cheeks:
Knock, knock, knock, knock.
We'll knock on the chest:
Knock, knock, knock, knock.
We'll knock on hands:
Knock, knock, knock, knock.
We'll knock on your feet:
Knock, knock, knock, knock.

Sponges slap-slap-slap

Place your baby on your lap with his feet facing you. And play with his lips: pull your chin down, lowering your lower jaw and bringing it back. In this case, the sponges will make a light cotton sound. Speak the syllables as if for a child: ba-ba-ba, ma-ma-ma, ga-ga-ga, etc.

Quiet - loud

Bend over the child and pronounce or sing the syllables in a loud or quiet voice: MA - ma, BA - ba, GA - ga, Tata, etc.

Rain outside the window

When it's raining outside, bring your baby to the window. Say that it is raining, droplets are dripping “drip-drip-drip.” Say a poem:

Rain-rain - drip-drip-drip,
Ding-dong along the path.
We can't go for a walk -
We'll get our feet wet.

5 month

Quiet - quiet - silence

Place your baby on your stomach with your faces facing each other. Rock your baby slightly from side to side and recite the poem in a quiet voice:
Quietly, quietly the hedgehog sleeps,
Hush, hush the mice sleep.
Don't shout too loud
Rocked the teddy bear.
(V. Ignatiev)

Where is mommy's nose?

The baby is lying on his back. Ask: “Where is mommy’s nose”? Take his hand in yours and touch it to your nose. Then ask: “Where is ... (child’s name) nose?” Touch your baby's hand to his nose. In the same way, ask your baby about yours and his eyes, cheeks, hands, etc.

Pictures of animals

Hang illustrations of animals around your apartment. Bring the baby to them and call them in a clear voice, voice their voice: “This is a cat. Meow - meow. This is a dog. Woof - woof”, etc.

Where's the clock?

There are many attractive things in a child's home, such as wall clocks. Bring the baby to it, show it and say: “This is a watch.” Next time ask your child: “Where is the clock?” If the child finds it difficult to find them, show them again.

You can tell your child a poem about a clock:

There's a clock hanging on the wall,
All day long they knock:
Tick-tock, tick-tock,
Tick-tock, tick-tock.

In the same way, teach your baby to establish connections with objects and words that are meaningful to him.

Let's clap our hands

Place your baby on your lap, take his hands in yours, clap them and say:

The girl can clap so well
He doesn't spare his hands.
Like this, like this, like this
He doesn’t spare his hands!

A ram was walking

Build imaginary mountains out of pillows. Pick up a soft toy lamb. Tell the sitalka and depict how the lamb “walked along the steep mountains”:

A ram walked along steep mountains,
He tore out the grass and put it on the bench.
Whoever takes it will go out.
Hide the lamb on the last line. And then start the game over again.

The fox lost his tail

Take a piece of fur that can serve as a fox tail. Tell your child a nursery rhyme, while either showing him the “fox tail” or stroking it.

The fox ran through the forest,
The fox lost its tail.
... (child's name) went into the forest,
Found a fox tail.
Lisa came early
... (child's name) brought berries,
She asked me to give her the red tail.

Good morning

When your baby wakes up in the morning, tell him the poem “Good morning!”:

I rise with the sun,
I sing with the birds:
- Good morning!
- Happy clear day! –
That's how nice we sing!
(E. Blaginina)

At the end of the poem, hug and kiss the baby and say: “Good morning, ... (child’s name).

Magpie - white-sided

Take the child's hand in yours. Use your index finger to move in a circular motion over the child’s palm, touching each of the child’s fingers in turn:

- White-sided magpie! Where were you?
- Far!
- What did you do?
- I cooked porridge and fed the children.
Gave this one (pat your little finger)
Gave this one (stroke your ring finger),
Gave this one (pat your middle finger),
Gave this one (stroke your index finger),
But I didn’t give it to this one (rub your thumb).
You didn’t carry firewood, you didn’t light the stove!

While searching for games about animals, I saw a picture on the Internet where ears—geometric figures—were attached to cards with images of animals. I liked this idea! The game is overseas, whether it is sold here or not, I don’t know, so I decided to make it myself. I got even more animals and more varied geometric shapes. I suggest you make this useful fun for your children too!

How to play? There are only 12 cards in the game with images of the faces of different animals. The child’s task is to choose the right ears – geometric figures. These are circles, semicircles, triangles and ovals. But not everything is so simple, there are three of each type - different colors. Here the baby must also choose the right color. Here is your task - both geometric figures and colors, and not primary colors, but shades of primary colors, because animals do not just come in one color. While playing, you can also remember what these animals are called and what geometric shapes the ears are.

How to do it? As always, everything is very simple! Print three sheets of a PDF document on thick paper. Two sheets are cards with animal faces - they are better. The size of one card is 9 by 9 cm. The third sheet is blanks for the ears. The ears need to be double-sided. To do this, on the sheet you will see details of the same color - geometric figures are the ears themselves, and a rectangle of the same color for reverse side. Stick them on top of each other with the non-colored side facing inward. Let dry in sheets of a thick book. and cut out the shapes according to the office.

For storage, you can sew a small bag with a drawstring.

Write, did your children like this game?
