Season 7 on the global map. First season on the global map

The development team announces that Season Four is on Global map will begin on September 20, 2016 at 6:00 (Moscow time). The rules for dividing game fronts will be significantly changed, and new mechanics will appear.

What's new?

Change playing field

The settings for this front will be the same as the main Tier X front, but the provinces on it bring in less income and clan operations are not available. This front will give players the opportunity to try their hand at the absolute format, and the settings will be designed for clans that, in terms of their fighting qualities, are not ready to compete with the “top” gaming communities within the main Tier X front. We will analyze gaming activity on the front of the new format and together with you we will try to make the game on the Global Map more interesting.

Winner of the Fourth Season, 1st degree

Season 4 II degrees

Winner of the Fourth season III degrees

"Elite of the Season"

"Veteran of the Season"


September 20, 2016 The Fourth Season has begun on the Global Map. The rules for dividing game fronts have been significantly changed, and new mechanics have been introduced.

What's new?

Changing the playing field

New front for Tier X vehicles

The settings for this front will be the same as the main Tier X front, but the provinces on it bring in less income and clan operations are not available. This front will give players the opportunity to try their hand at the absolute format, and the settings will be designed for clans that, in terms of their fighting qualities, are not ready to compete with the “top” gaming communities within the main Tier X front. We will analyze gaming activity on the front of the new format and together with you we will try to make the game on the Global Map more interesting.

Disabling the front for Tier VI vehicles

Due to the fact that many clans do not strive to compete with stronger rivals, the overall dynamics of confrontation on the Global Map has decreased. Disabling the front for Tier VI vehicles is a kind of experiment in this area. During Season Four, we will be collecting your feedback and statistics.

As part of the upcoming Fifth Campaign, which is planned for the end of 2016, Tier VI vehicles will return to the Global Map and battle formats will be similar to previous campaigns.

Updated system for calculating victory points and rewards

In the new season, the system for awarding victory points will move away from the usual formula and will be implemented as part of clan operations. In addition, clans will be able to receive prizes not only in the form of emblems, badges and unique camouflage, but also in the form game gold, which will be distributed at the end of the season among the clans that made it into the prize zone. Clans will be able to compete for this reward by completing tasks as part of clan operations and receiving victory points.

Disabling province leveling

In the Fourth Season, the pumping of provinces will be disabled. However, the in-game gold that clans could receive through leveling will now be distributed as part of clan operations, and clans will be able to earn it depending on their gaming activity on the Global Map. This is done so that it is impossible to earn gold without taking part in active hostilities.

New tasks in clan operations

The list of tasks within clan operations will expand. Missions will be added to rebellious provinces, as well as missions to attack target provinces on the ground.

General rules for Season Four

On the first day game event all provinces on the Global Map will be landing provinces. After the end of prime time, the provinces will switch to the main mode of the game event according to general rules season.

  • The number of applications for landing tournaments on the first day of the event is 32.
  • In the event of a draw in the battle for the landing province, the contenders will be considered defeated.

During the Fourth Season, recruitment game mechanic and some settings of the Global Map fronts may change, which we will notify players on the official resources of the game.

Provinces of game fronts

  • Front for Tier VIII vehicles: 670 provinces. Landing provinces - 134.
  • Front for Tier X vehicles (test): 419 provinces. Landing provinces - 84.
  • Front for Tier X vehicles: 810 provinces. Landing provinces - 162.

Warfront game cards

Clan quests

In the Fourth Season, clans will receive victory points by completing clan tasks. In addition, you can earn in-game gold for tasks. Additional information information about the conditions, validity periods and balance values ​​of clan tasks will be posted in the Global Map interface.

Clan quests for in-game gold

Operation Golden God

Operation "Redistribution"

Name Condition Reward
"Combat debut" Win battles in landing provinces (technical victories do not count) Game gold to the clan treasury
"Way of the Warrior" A series of victories in landing provinces (technical victories are not taken into account) Game gold to the clan treasury
"Captured Bridgehead" Capturing landing provinces Game gold to the clan treasury
"Expropriation" Robbery of the rebel province Game gold to the clan treasury
"Indestructible Legion" Destruction of equipment in battles in landing tournaments in rebellious provinces Game gold to the clan treasury

Operation Gold Rush

Clan quests for victory points

"Valor and Honor"

These missions are carried out only in landing provinces, except for provinces where rebellions have occurred.


These missions are only completed in provinces where rebellions have occurred.

"Main Impact"

These tasks are completed in target provinces that will be issued to the clan. Will be available from September 24th.

Awards and commemorations

Clan standings for the season

The best clans at the end of the game event will receive in-game gold, which will be credited to the clan treasury.

Gold will be distributed depending on the clan’s position in the clan standings of the season. In the widget below you can get information about how much in-game gold a clan will receive if it takes a certain place in the season rankings. A total of 7,500,000 gold will be awarded in the prize pool of the Fourth Season on fronts for Tier VIII and X vehicles.

Second season on the Global Map

In 2016, the clans will again lead their tank companies into battle and battles on the Global Map will unfold with new strength. Past battles have revealed the strongest clans, but the time has come to confirm your achievements and challenge your opponents!

The development team announces the Second Season on the Global Map, which will begin January 12 at 6:00(MSK) and will last until April 15.

The end date of the Second Season may be slightly changed, which we will inform you about on the official resources of the game.

General rules for Season Two

Seasonal fronts will cover territories from the Far East to Western Europe and the Mediterranean. The geography of the fronts will remain similar to the First Season.

  • Provinces will appear on the Global Map, which can only be captured by ground attack.
  • Auctions included.
  • Province leveling is enabled.
  • Equipment freezing is enabled.
  • Robberies included.
  • The owner of the province does not participate in the tournament on landing provinces and battles in tournaments through auction or ground attack.
  • The number of applications for landing tournaments is 64.
  • The maximum number of landings is 3.
  • Clans cannot land on the Global Map if they have captured territories.
  • Protective bets are disabled.
  • Division modules included.
  • The maintenance of divisions is free.
  • Penalty system enabled.

Provinces of game fronts

  • Seasonal front for Tier VI vehicles: 1000 provinces, of which 200 are landing provinces.
  • Seasonal front for Tier VIII vehicles: 900 provinces, of which 180 are landing provinces.
  • Seasonal front for Tier X vehicles: 900 provinces, of which 180 are landing provinces.

Game cards

Conditions for pumping provinces

In the Second Season, the conditions for pumping up provinces have been changed. The values ​​of the ELO rating and pumping level are shown in the table below.

Province level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ELO value ≤1000 1001–1100 1101–1150 1151–1200 1201–1300 1301–1400 1401–1500 1500+

Victory Points

By fighting in battles, clans will be able to earn victory points, which will allow them to claim rewards at the end of the season.

Formula for calculating victory points

  • Victory_Points- victory points;
  • Victory_points_base- coefficient of victory points for the current game event: level VI - 100, VIII level- 200, level X - 300;
  • Battle_type_c- battle type coefficient;
  • Elo_c- Elo-rating coefficient;
  • Team_XP - the amount of experience gained by the team in battle;
  • Battle_XP- the amount of experience gained by both teams in battle.

Increasing coefficients

All increasing coefficients that apply during the season are shown in the table below. The final number of victory points is calculated after applying all coefficients.

Battle type coefficient (Battle_type_c)
Elo rating coefficient (Elo_c)

Awards and commemorations

At the end of the Second Season, clans will be awarded medals, emblems, clan badges and camouflage.

Unique seasonal front clan medals for Tier VI vehicles

Unique clan seasonal front medals for Tier VIII vehicles

Unique seasonal front clan medals for Tier X vehicles

Member emblem and clan badges

The participant's emblem will be available for use on only one player's tank.

Clan camouflage for the seasonal front on Tier X vehicles

Distribution of prizes

Seasonal front for Tier VI vehicles
Seasonal front for Tier VIII vehicles
Seasonal front for Tier X vehicles

The “Season Elite” and “Season Veteran” awards will be distributed in certain ranges of places in the clan standings. For example, a clan ranked 4th or lower and included in the 10% best clans, at the end of the season will be awarded the title “Elite of the Season”. And the clan that falls into the range from 10% to 50% of the best will be awarded the title “Veteran of the Season.”

After a long break, the strongest clans will meet again on the fronts of the Global Map. February 8, 2018 at 6:15 (Moscow time) The seventh season starts on the Global Map. It will last until March 15 inclusive.

Main changes

  • The seventh season will only take place at vehicle level X.
  • The playing field for X levels has been significantly expanded, its profitability has been increased, and areas with different levels profitability and number of landings, which will allow the division of clans with different levels of gaming skill.
  • Influence has been seriously reworked and is no longer earned in Fortified Areas. The influence accumulated by clans before the start of the season will be reset for all clans. From now on, influence can be earned and spent exclusively on the Global Map.
  • The season rating will be based on only one criterion - the amount of gold earned on the Global Map.
  • As a reward, fighters of the best clans in the season rankings will receive exclusive clan camouflage, medals and emblems.
  • Clan tasks will appear again. They will consist of two groups: for gold and for influence.


We have read your feedback and suggestions and have come to the conclusion that the current concept of influence as clan currency earned in Strongholds has exhausted itself. Clans actively playing in Fortified Areas earned a huge amount of influence and thus received a serious advantage in all mechanics that use this currency. In such conditions, it is impossible to balance the mechanics so that both strong and weak clans can effectively use influence. Therefore, we decided to take a radical step and completely reworked the mechanics of obtaining it.

Before the start of the seventh season, all clans all accumulated influence will be reset to zero , and in the future this currency will be earned exclusively on the Global Map. In this case, the influence will accumulate within the current season and will be reset after its end. Thus, all clans will start the war on equal terms.

Influence will be earned by completing special clan tasks, and it can be spent at auctions and by increasing or decreasing the resistance forces in the provinces.

Clan tasks

In the seventh season, clan tasks will again appear on the Global Map - this time significantly redesigned. They must motivate clans that are not yet free to seize provinces and fight on the ground.

There will be two types of tasks: to gain influence and to obtain gold. But you won’t be able to earn a lot of gold by completing tasks.

Tasks to gain influence can be completed mainly in landing tournaments (including in rebellious provinces), which will allow clans that are deprived of provinces on the ground to accumulate enough influence over a series of battles to land through an auction.

Playing field

  • In the seventh season, battles on the Global Map will take place exclusively using Tier X vehicles. Fighting, like last season, will unfold in North America, from Canada to Mexico.
  • Compared to last season, the playing field and its profitability are increasing. In total, there will be at least 828 provinces on the map with a total income of about 400,000 per day. Landing provinces will make up approximately 20% of the playing field.
  • In Operation Gambit, we added prime time at 00:00 (Moscow time) and, after analyzing statistics and reviews, decided to leave it in the new season.
  • Profitability in the provinces is distributed in such a way as to divide the playing field according to interest for clans of different strengths. Profitable provinces are grouped in the south of the map, and fewer landings are made in these regions. Thus, for strong clans, the strategic component of the map has increased, and for weaker clans, conditions have been created for playing both on landings and in territories in which strong clans are not interested.
  • The overall share of landing provinces has been reduced, which, while increasing the area of ​​the playing field, will allow more clans to start playing on the ground. We hope that this configuration of the playing field will increase the strategic component of clan play on the Global Map.

Weekend on the Global Map

Like last season, the situation on the Global Map will be frozen for two days, Friday and Saturday.

During this time, the map will not generate income; it will be impossible to apply for landings, move divisions, or be removed from the map.

Thus, the Global Card will give out a week's income in 5 days.

Season rating and rewards

For clans, the Global Map is primarily a source of gold to replenish the clan treasury.

In the season ranking, clans will compete based on how much gold they were able to earn. Each receipt of gold from the Global Map to the treasury, whether it is received for completing tasks, owning a province, or plundering, increases the clan’s position in the season. Thus, the measure of clan success on the Global Map is quite simple and obvious. Whoever was able to earn the most gold is better.

Season 7 Rewards

Max. position Min. position Medal Clan camouflages Member logo Clan Badge
1 - Winner of the seventh season, 1st degree Yes Yes
2 - Winner of the seventh season, II degree Summer, winter and desert camouflage Yes Yes
3 - Winner of the seventh season, III degree Summer, winter and desert camouflage Yes Yes
4 10% "Elite of the Season" Summer, winter and desert camouflage Yes Yes
10% 50% "Veteran of the Season" Winter and desert camouflage Yes Yes
50% 75% No Desert camouflage Yes Yes

Clan rewards (medals, badges, emblems and camouflage) will be received by players who are members of the winning clan at the end of the season, as well as those who have played 10 or more battles in this clan on the Global Map after the last time they joined this clan.

Pay attention! Clan camouflage is awarded one set per nation, and once the camouflage is applied to a tank, it cannot be applied to another tank of the same nation.

General rules for the seventh season

  • The Global Map will include regular, auction, and landing provinces.
  • Clan operations enabled.
  • Weekends on the Global Map are included. Weekends are Friday and Saturday. The first weekend of the season is from February 16th.
  • The profitability of the Global Card has been increased.
  • The fog of war is on.
  • Provincial pumping is disabled.
  • Provincial income cap enabled. The current balance value is 10 provinces.
  • Auctions included.
  • Protective bets are disabled.
  • Equipment freezing is enabled.
  • Robberies included.
  • Riots included.
  • The shift of battles for influence is disabled. In 50% of provinces, the start time of battles is shifted by 15 minutes relative to their prime time.
  • The owner of the province does not participate in the tournament on landing provinces and battles in tournaments through an auction or a ground attack on his province.
  • The number of applications for landing tournaments is 64.
  • The maximum number of simultaneous applications for landing tournaments is 6 (if there are at least 90 players with Tier X equipment in the clan)
  • Clans cannot land on the Global Map if they have captured territories.
  • Clans cannot attack landing provinces by land.
  • Division modules included (strategic effect).
  • The maintenance of divisions is free.
  • Penalty system enabled.

On the first day of the game event, all provinces on the Global Map will be landing provinces. After the end of prime time, the provinces will switch to the main mode of the game event according to the general rules of the season.

  • The number of applications for landing tournaments on the first day of the event is 32.
  • In the event of a draw in the battle for the landing province, the contenders will be considered defeated.

Provinces of game fronts

Front for Tier X vehicles: 828 provinces. Landing provinces ~20% of the total number of provinces on the game front.

Prime times of game fronts: 14:00 (Moscow time) - 00:00 (Moscow time).

Game locations of the season

"Westfield", "Karelia", " Live Oaks", "Lasville", "Robin", "Monastery", "Murovanka", "Pass", "Sandy River", "Prokhorovka", "Mines", "Ruinberg", " Fisherman's Cove", "Steppes", "Tundra", "Cliff", "Highway", "Himmelsdorf", "El-Halluf", "Ensk".

During the First Season, new mechanics and operating principles of the seasonal model of the Global Map will be tested. The seasonal model represents periods of time in which clans will fight on special game fronts. Each of them will have its own settings. Seasonal fronts will operate for a limited time, and at the end of each season, winners will be determined in each format - on Tier VI, VIII and X vehicles.

The main differences between the seasons and the usual war on the Global Map:

  • A flexible system for customizing the Global Map will allow you to set the parameters of the seasons depending on the need: levels of equipment, size of fronts, conditions for capturing territories or their profitability.
  • Now the confrontation on the Global Map will not be endless and without clear goals. The deadlines for each season will help determine the real winners and reward them with special season awards.
  • At the end of each season, the fronts will be cleared, and a game event or campaign with a large prize pool will be held on the Global Map. Thus, the season will be a time when clans can prepare to battle for big prizes and achievements.
  • Unlike game events or campaigns that follow a strict scenario, clan actions in seasons will be more free and each clan will be able to choose its own level of activity.
  • Throughout the season, clans will improve their achievements in a special rating, which will be similar to the Walk of Fame in a game event or campaign. The results of each season will be stored on special information pages, the data will be available for viewing at any time.

On October 27, seasonal fronts will open on the Global Map for technology VIII and X levels. Let us remind you that the First Season started on October 16 with the opening of a seasonal front for Tier VI vehicles, which, simultaneously with the other seasonal fronts, will work until the end of the First Season. On seasonal fronts for vehicle tiers VIII and X, the map will be cleared, and provincial upgrade levels will be returned to basic levels. At the end of the First Season, the best clans will receive unique medals, clan badges and emblems of the First Season participant for each tier of vehicles, as well as a unique clan camouflage for the seasonal front on Tier X vehicles.

The exact end date of the First Season may be slightly changed, which we will inform you in advance. All fronts will close simultaneously at the end of the season.

In the infographic below you can see the approximate time frame in which activities are planned to take place on the Global Map. The exact start dates for each event will be published on the portal.

Seasonal front settings

Seasonal fronts will cover territories from the Far East to Western Europe and Mediterranean.

What changes will be made to the Global Map?
  • Rebalancing of provinces towards their enlargement, which made it possible to significantly expand the geography of game fronts.
  • The total number of provinces of the game fronts: VI level of technology - 1000, VIII level of technology - 900, X level of technology - 900.
  • Added a new prime time - 23:00 (Moscow time).
  • Set changed game cards for seasonal fronts:

  • The number of applications in landing tournaments for all fronts is 16.
  • Added a system of penalties for clan failure to participate in battle.
  • Improved system for distributing provinces by prime time.
  • The strategic effect of the Bomber Squadron module has been disabled: when the module is installed, it will not cover the borders of the attacked enemy province.

Otherwise, the settings from the seasonal fronts will coincide with the settings standard fronts, which are valid for Tier VI, VIII and X vehicles from the moment the new Global Map is launched.

Victory Points

By fighting in battles, clans will be able to earn Victory Points, which will allow them to claim rewards at the end of the season.

Victory points will be awarded according to the following formula:

  • Victory_Points- Victory points;
  • Victory_points_base- coefficient of Victory points of the current game event (100);
  • Battle_type_c- battle type coefficient;
  • Elo_c- Elo-rating coefficient;
  • Team_XP- the amount of experience gained by the team in battle;
  • Battle_XP- the amount of experience gained by both teams in battle.

Increasing coefficients

All increasing coefficients valid during the season are shown in the table below. The total number of Victory Points is calculated after applying all coefficients.

Battle type coefficient (Battle_type_c)

Elo rating coefficient (Elo_c)

Awards and commemorations

At the end of the First Season, clans will receive the following prizes:

Member logo

The participant's emblem will be available for use on only one player's tank.

Distribution of prizes

Seasonal front for Tier VI vehicles

Seasonal front for Tier VIII vehicles

Seasonal front for Tier X vehicles

The “Season Elite” and “Season Veteran” awards will be distributed in certain ranges of places in the clan standings. For example, a clan that takes place 4th or lower and is in the top 10% of clans will be awarded the title “Season Elite” at the end of the season. And the clan that falls into the range from 10% to 50% of the best will be awarded the title “Veteran of the Season.” To receive a reward, you must be a member of the clan at the end of the season and fight at least 5 battles on the seasonal front of the Global Map where the reward was received.
