World of tanks blitz secrets. The best way to play World of Tanks Blitz on PC! What is World of Tanks Blitz

Thanks to this article, any reader will be able to learn how to consistently win in the game. The article will reveal to the players the multiple secrets of the game, as well as tell you how best to approach this or that case. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all the tips are well suited for fans of the computer version of tanks, that is, World of Tanks. For Xbox console 360 is also fine here. Pay attention to this and read the article to the end.

Do not hurry

Every gamer should understand that haste is one of the main enemies for us. The one who first goes to the battlefield quite often dies almost immediately. He does not bring any benefit, and he does not earn anything for himself. When diving into the game, you need to figure out what kind of tanks are on the opposing team, as well as on your team. Explore the mini-map various labels from comrades and read the chat. Sometimes there you can find a lot of interesting things. Move towards a certain group of players. If they play as a team, they will most often act together.

Use the chosen tank correctly

Most players already know that game world of Tanks has several types of vehicles. Among them are medium, light and heavy. In addition, there are tank destroyers. Everyone should understand that the weight of the tanks completely affects the performance. Armor, movement speed, and weapon power depend on the type of tank. Choose a specific role for yourself and upgrade tanks of the same type.

As soon as you moved to another tank, do not immediately rush into confrontation. Study its characteristics, read the manual and try to deal with different sides technology. Believe me, knowledge will definitely come in handy in battle. Go into battle prepared.

Thanks to light tanks, you can go on a reconnaissance mission. Move into the opponent's territory and try to show the targets for your comrades. They will have to shoot accurately and hit targets as soon as possible. Move during reconnaissance and then no one can hit you. Motion better armor. Sometimes there are moments when you just have to get involved in a fight, then try to circle it, drive around the enemy tank and shoot at the stern. Your comrades will definitely help you on the side. Do not drive through towns and cities, as the tank's maneuverability will be much less there. Constantly monitor the actions of your own team. Do not scout where your comrades are not at all. Such intelligence will not bring any sense at all.

In some ways, medium tanks even look like light tanks, but they have many other advantages. Their armor is a little more powerful, and their weapons are better. Thanks to all this, it is not so scary to enter into a confrontation. The speed of medium tanks is higher, and scouts can be transplanted from a light tank. Even if you are fighting in a medium tank, keep an eye on the whereabouts of your comrades. Attack the opponent exactly from where it will be really beneficial. The armor of your tank is not so strong that you can fight without fear with all your rivals. Be careful and you will definitely succeed.

Many players understand that the most powerful weapon have heavy tanks. But besides the advantages, they also have disadvantages. I would like to pay attention to the speed of movement. They move very slowly. Such tanks are very rarely suitable for playing alone. They need to be taken team play. Alone, you will most likely die. Watch your comrades, let the fast tanks move forward. Choose the right positions and destroy everyone who gets in your way.

Tank destroyers have incredibly powerful weapons and pretty good protection. The problem is that it is very difficult to use such weapons. The self-propelled gun does not have a turret, so you have to aim the gun by turning the hull. Not every player is able to deal with this on their own. It is very difficult to turn the body, and it turns slowly. In battle, almost any tank will be able to twist you. Try to aim at the enemy from afar. Be on the last line and be in cover. Work only on goals and you will be successful.

Forget about auto-aim

Try to forget about the auto-aim function from the first minutes of the game. It is only needed to shoot on the go. But try not to try to destroy the opponent on the go, because it is extremely difficult. Guns are not that accurate. Aim, teach yourself to wait for the right moment and look for weaknesses in the opponent. Thus, hitting the target will be much easier.

Position your tank correctly

When fighting with an opponent, try to place the tank as correctly as possible. The most armored place is the forehead. On the sides, the armor will be several times weaker. It is better to turn your forehead to your opponents, but not always either. You need to put the tank in a rhombus so that one of the sides and the forehead are turned towards the opponent. In this way, you can ricochet projectiles and prevent the enemy from inflicting damage on you. It turns out interesting, doesn't it?

Use Covers Properly

Try to use shelters as correctly as possible. Do not stop in completely open areas. Try to take some cover before stopping for a while.

When moving, you also need to use the same shelters. Move towards the enemy along the elephant of the hill. When moving around the town, try to cut corners, always leave with a rhombus. Hide around the corner, too, with a rhombus.

Learn to hide in the hills

The gun of any of the tanks can deviate both up and down. Stick out only your forehead from behind the hill and shoot at the enemy. It will be hard to hit you, and breaking through is not as easy as it might seem.

Maneuver correctly in close combat

In close combat, you need to behave as correctly as possible. If it so happened that the opponent is spinning you, then try to turn the tower and the hull in the same direction. In this way, you can increase the speed of rotation of the gun.

attack together

If you understand that a serious battle is planned on some part of the map, then move there together with your team, group. The idea here is very simple. Even if there will be more than one tank, then having gone with a group, it will be possible to fight, but it will not be possible to cope alone. Leave one tank in cover and let it shoot enemies from afar little by little. They will not understand where the fire is coming from and will start to panic.

Small video guide:

In the World of Tank Blitz you can't hurry. You need to think over tactics, choose a strategy. At the beginning of the battle, a mini-map will help. At first, beginners can follow experienced players. In battle, it is desirable to follow a larger group of tanks. This is collective. However, everyone decides for himself.

World of Tanks Blitz – guide

Newcomers to WoT Blitz it will be interesting to know a little about the machines. Each tank has certain characteristics:

  • light tanks - vehicles for reconnaissance, suitable for "flare";
  • medium tanks - help cover heavy vehicles;
  • heavy tanks - combat vehicles, armored but slow;
  • anti-tank self-propelled guns - powerful and armored, good for aimed fire.

Tip: carefully read the characteristics of the guns when buying. High cost is not a guarantee of efficiency. The main thing is to remember about optimality.

How to quickly gain experience in World of Tanks Blitz?

Before the game, you should decide which level 10 tank will be directed to. Still need to select a few branches. Don't wait for the tank to come out of battle. You can play the battle on a different machine.

A heavy tank is suitable as the first "top". The gameplay on them requires less skill, and the dynamics of the battle is low. Medium tanks and tank destroyers are more demanding.

It is possible to upgrade several tanks from one development branch, due to the unification of modules. The pumped unit on one of the machines will be opened on the rest. Thus, time is saved.

It is useful to study the tank development tree. Every new car has characteristics. If you know all the advantages and disadvantages, it is easier to go to the next level tank.

To move to level 10, experience and credits are required. The amount of developed resources is determined by effectiveness in battle. It is worth taking a responsible approach to each battle.

You can strengthen the process of gaining experience and silver at the expense of a platoon. with a more experienced player will help you win more often. Yes, and you can gain experience with a co-platformer.

Leveling in World of Tanks Blitz can be accelerated by 50% by purchasing a premium account. Not everyone can afford premium. But what do you do to get level 10?!

Here are some practical tips for gaining experience in WoT Blitz:

  • you need to use beads - every day in the game they give 3 free containers;
  • participate in battles more often - the highest possible level (available);
  • accept the help of players in a platoon;
  • spend gold coins wisely - you can withdraw to the top (saving experience);
  • Every day, get double experience for the first victory of the day;
  • do not miss the opportunity to withdraw x3 or x5;
  • do daily tasks for experience.

In principle, in the game on Android there should be no problems with experience. Use promotions and combat missions. Equipment can be purchased at a discount, and for completing tasks you can get additional experience.

World of Tanks Blitz - shooting secrets

Auto-aim is a useful option. However, it is inconvenient while driving. You have to learn to aim on your own. Get used to waiting for the aiming of the cannon, and find the weak points of the opponents.

The frontal armor is the strongest, unlike the back and sides. Therefore, when you are fighting, try to turn to the enemy with the forehead of the tank. Do not substitute sides and stern.

But so that the enemy does not manage to break through you, try to put your car in a rhombus - a little half sideways. This position will increase the chance of a ricochet.

Shoot at especially fast enemies in the caterpillar. This approach will help slow them down. Try to go in from the rear if you have a fast tank. That way you can do the most damage.

Sub-caliber projectiles can cause serious damage. True, they cost more. And that's why you shouldn't use them every time. Such are the tricks of World of Tanks Blitz.

World of Tanks Blitz - battle tactics on maps

Try to always be on the move, so it's harder to hit you. If you need to stop, then be sure to look for shelter. Use the environment: hills, ravines and houses.

Work as a team, go to battles together with other players. After all, the more equipment, the greater the chance of achieving victory.

In general, do not rush to capture the flag. It is advisable to focus on the destruction of opponents. As mentioned, more experience and money are awarded for this.

For close combat - "nose to nose" maneuvering skill is useful. By the way, about proximity. You should not shoot at allies - penalties are due for this.

Moreover, you should not block the road with your own. Learn how to properly use cover, avoid moving through open areas.

What else is important?

Remember: players can be divided according to the way they are controlled. If you play on a phone or tablet, then choose the same players. Those who play from a PC or laptop will have an advantage over the first group. Management can be changed in the settings.

The game World of Tanks Blitz is available on the official resource. There shouldn't be any problems with this. Concerning additional information, then write in the comments if you are interested in the secrets of WoT Blitz 2018!

Here are collected helpful tips which will help beginners to get acquainted with all the subtleties gameplay and also help them in the game.

Know your role. At the first launch world Of Tanks Blitz, you will have three tanks at your disposal. All of them are relatively light armor, which makes them vulnerable, but at the same time they have a high movement speed. You may feel like there's nothing you can do against heavy tanks, but every member of the team has a role to play, and for new recruits, that role tends to be reconnaissance. You can also help the team by trying to knock down the tracks on the big tanks. Thus, in the preparation phase for the upcoming fight, you should decide who will play what role in the team in order to know what ammunition to take or buy.

Take the ammo you need for your role. By using starter tanks, you will be focused on reconnaissance, using the agility of light tanks to get away from heavier ones. Carry plenty of AP rounds with you and take some HE rounds, just in case, for emergencies. Approximately 50 armor-piercing and somewhere around 5-10 high-explosive, they should be more than enough for you for one round. As you advance through the ranks, you'll want to bring more ammo, as you'll be spending more time in high heat.

Keep emergency commodities on hand. If you would like to bring consumables with you, the best choice is an:

  • A repair kit used to repair any damaged equipment;
  • First aid kit, used to treat wounded members of your team;
  • A fire extinguisher, well, everything is clear here, is used to extinguish fires that have arisen as a result of an enemy projectile hit.

Other items are also useful, but these are the ones that are vital. Keep in mind that consumables such as the Coke Crate (gives +10% Crew Skills and Abilities per Battle) are used automatically at the start of the battle and you will have to pay for them every round, which can be very expensive.

Information on tanks

Light tanks. Light tanks are fast but easily damaged and are best used for reconnaissance. All three tanks given to the player at the start of World Of Tanks Blitz are of this type, and the best way to help your team if you're driving one of them is to go looking for enemy tanks. Once you've spotted a member of the enemy team, you mark on the map for all of your teammates, thereby providing a valuable service to the entire team. Another advantage for a light tank is its maneuverability. You can easily end up behind heavy tanks where their armor is weaker. Once you reach a certain point in the tech tree, you won't see many light tanks anymore, so they're mostly for beginners.

Medium tanks. Medium tanks are medium in every way and can fill a variety of roles. They are presented on the HUD with a diamond with a single stripe through it. You'll unlock them pretty soon after starting, at least one of them, and depending on how you'd like to play, this could end up being your favorite tank type due to its versatility. You have to be careful as you can be outmaneuvered by light tanks and overwhelmed by the superior firepower of heavy ones.

Heavy tanks. Heavy tanks can inflict serious damage, but at the same time have a very low movement speed. Their symbol is on the HUD, with two stripes across it. It will be a long time before you unlock your first heavy tank. The role of a heavy tank is to protect its teammates by taking enemy shots. This type of tank is very slow and if someone knocks your tracks, then soon the enemies will surround your weak sides so be careful.

Destroyer tanks. Destroyer tanks (in the game they are better known as tank destroyers) they are referred to as tin. Their HUD symbol is an inverted triangle. They are a little tricky for beginners to use as they are rather weak in almost every respect. They should be thought of as snipers, and if you're playing alone, then you should act as such. Stay behind and find the hidden safe place, in order to conduct aimed shooting from this place. A well-placed tank destroyer can turn the tide of a match.

Use cover properly. No matter what your role, hiding is your best friend. Don't move around open areas unless you want to draw too much attention to yourself. Move from cover to cover, especially if you are a scout. You will be informed that the enemy has noticed you, a light will appear in the middle of the screen (in the computer version, such a signal had to be purchased separately, in mobile version it is available by default). If you see this signal, then head for cover as quickly as possible.

Wait for the right moment to shoot. If you see an enemy first find good cover, take aim and wait for a good moment to shoot. Depending on the type of your tank, different parts of the enemy vehicle will be your target. For example, if you have a light tank, then it is best to hit the tracks, since you will not be able to penetrate other parts of the tank. Most tanks have a long reload time, if you miss a shot or miss, you will be in danger of an enemy counterattack, so hurry up to take cover while reloading.

Do not rush to the base for the flag. Yes, this is a base capture, but since there is only one base in the game, both teams will strive for this place. Therefore, it is better to find yourself some kind of secluded place from which the area closest to the base is clearly visible. Let the enemy give himself away, after which he can be fired upon. "Leaders" are just asking to be victims.

Also, for the capture of the base, significantly less points are awarded. Therefore, try with the team to hunt down all the enemies and destroy them. This way you will get more points and increase your rating.

Don't waste shots on the front armor. Almost every tank is hard to damage in the front where it has thick armor. The turret also has heavy armor, so don't try to headshot where you shoot their cannons. The sides, and especially the back, are usually very vulnerable. Use the zoom feature to see which parts of the tank are the most vulnerable. If a piece is lit red, it means you won't be able to pierce it with your shot. If you are in a light tank, use your agility.

Be aware of possible ricochets. Tank armor is designed in such a way that it would receive minimal damage from a hit. Very often it is angular, which contributes to the ricochet of the projectile when it hits at a certain angle. Try to hit in straight planes, that the budget is many times more efficient.

Diamond position. Similar to the previous tip, when you are under fire and there is no way to hide in the shelter, then try to become a diamond in the direction of the position from which you are being fired. This way you minimize damage and increase the chance of a ricochet.

Motion. In especially difficult situations, when you are being fired on, in no case do not stop, try to constantly move, even in a circle, since it is more difficult to hit a moving tank, and you will have a chance to survive an enemy projectile hit.

Sometimes it's better to run away. If you are in a difficult situation, don't try to counter the enemy with military might, better get ahead of them. Remember the high-explosive shells that you had to grab in case of emergency. So, if someone is better armed than you, you need to run from there. Use high-explosive shells to damage or kill the enemy's caterpillar. This negatively affects their mobility and gives you a great chance to escape. Of course, it may also happen that the enemy has a repair kit, then this plan will not work. Remember, try not to turn your back on the enemy and keep him out of the rear, as the back of the tank is the most vulnerable.

friendly fire. Under no circumstances open fire on your own team and its members. If you kill a member of your team, you will earn yourself a blue name, which means that any person on the battlefield can attack you, without penalty (including other team members). In addition, you most likely do not want to get banned or banned from your Wargaming account. Accidents do happen (for example, during an active fight, when several tanks are gathered in one heap), but be careful, try to avoid them. The consequences will be severe. Similarly, if you see someone with a blue name, they are a direct target.

Stick to your team. It's a bad idea to approach a group of enemy tanks on your own. The best strategy will stick to his teammates. This guarantees you more chances when meeting with opponents, while alone you were destroyed.

Always double check your ammo. It's very easy to forget to replenish ammo before heading into battle. Therefore, try to make sure that your tank has required amount ammunition. You don't want to lose every chance of winning during a fight just because you ran out of ammo that you forgot to replenish. In addition to ammo, make sure you have enough other items such as first aid kits or fire extinguishers.

Coordinate with your team. During battle, use team chat to coordinate with teammates to make sure everyone has the same game plans.

If you get killed, feel free to go out and play using one of your other tanks available in the hangar. Whenever the game ends, you will still receive your reward, so there is no point in sitting and watching your tank burn when you could be in the thick of another round. Time is money, as the old saying goes, and it's also experience points in this game.

However, if you are an absolute beginner and you die very often, then you should not go out. After the defeat, you get the opportunity to observe the actions of other players. Watch how other players behave and learn from their experience. This will allow you to understand a little better how to behave on the battlefield, as well as what not to do.

Decide on your specialization. The sooner you unlock more tanks the better, so it's a good idea to pick one branch and focus on it. American tanks tend to be more balanced, which is great for beginners. Russian tanks are faster, but they have weak armor. German tanks have high firing accuracy and good armor. You also have to decide which tanks you want to focus on, medium or heavy, or maybe fighters.

Upgrade priorities according to your playstyle. Do you like to play offensively? Upgrade guns. Do you do a lot of reconnaissance? Improve mobility and mobility. Choosing the right upgrades first will help you earn Silver and XP, allowing you to move through the tech tree more smoothly.

There are two types of experience points. You will earn different types of experience depending on how you play. One type is free, that is, it can be applied to upgrade any tanks, while the other type can only be used for the used tank. This means that you will have to buy every tank in the specific lane you are following, because in order to reach the next tank you have to earn experience with the previous one. If you have fully upgraded a tank but are still using it, you have the option of converting its experience points into free experience at an unfavorable exchange rate.

Sep 13, 2016 Game guides

A game WoT: Blitzwill not only make you a cool tanker, but also allow you to create your own style of play based on different classes of tanks. What tanks are, how they differ and how to play them - that's what I would like to clarify in this guide.

What are the classes of tanks?

In total, 4 main classes of tanks can be distinguished: light, medium, heavy and tank destroyers. The class names suggest the properties of these tanks, but let's look at them in a little more detail.

Lungs tanks, as one would expect, are distinguished by their lightness. On the one hand, this makes them faster and more maneuverable, but on the other hand, they explode from a couple of successfully fired enemy projectiles. The development branches of all countries, except Great Britain, start with a light tank of the 1st level - so you will most likely spend your first battles in this role. The main ways to play with light tanks are to divert enemy fire towards yourself and mark enemy tanks on the map. These tanks are not capable of carrying heavy and powerful weapons and, as a result, do not deal huge damage with their shots - but can deal sufficient passive damage with their fast-firing machine guns. The main thing weakness of a light tank, these are its tracks, breaking which you will deprive a light tank of its main advantage - mobility.

Medium tanks are a universal class. Think of them more like commandos, which are flexible and adapt to any situation on the battlefield. Able to take more damage and deal more damage than light tanks and faster than heavy tanks, medium tanks are inferior to heavy tanks in durability and light tanks in maneuverability. Unlike light tanks, they are capable of carrying heavy weapons and will withstand a couple of hits, so they can be used in direct open combat with the enemy - but alone, such a tank is not very scary to several similar opponents.

heavy tanks are exactly what “tanks” are, in the terminology of various multiplayer games. Capable of taking massive damage and inflicting massive damage themselves, these representatives of the armored forces are clumsy and slow. They can perfectly cope with the overwhelming number of medium tanks alone and, with proper leadership, perfectly destroy similar enemy heavy tanks, but are completely weak against maneuverable light tanks. Of course, as soon as a light tank stops, it will be destroyed by one salvo from a heavy tank, but if a light tank maneuvers intelligently and goes behind a heavy tank, then a heavy tank will be in big trouble.

If you look at the listed classes of tanks, you can see that in general they interact with each other according to the “triangle” model: light ones hit heavy ones, medium ones hit light ones, and heavy ones hit medium ones. Of course, it all depends on the situation on the battlefield and specific tanks, so this model should not be taken literally - but it is intended to illustrate the relationship between tank classes even more clearly.

The exception to this model is the classtank destroyer. Tank destroyers, or “anti-tank self-propelled guns,” outperform virtually any other class of tank in a direct open battle. Her strength lies in her monstrous weaponry, capable of smashing the enemy to pieces over long distances, and her weakness lies in her lack of a turret. The lack of a turret limits the ability to aim, and the tank can only shoot in front of it in a very limited field of view - in order to aim the other way, you have to move the entire tank (which does not move as fast as light or even medium tanks). The tank destroyer class is a tank for snipers who want to kill enemies with accurate shots at a great distance.

How to play for tanks of different classes?

As you can imagine, the game for different tanks should be different. How exactly to play for tanks of different classes and what to do when choosing for battle specific tank? Now we will try to figure this out.

  • Light tanks.The advantage of light tanks noted above - mobility - suggests that you should never stand still. Another advantage of light tanks is that they have excellent "seeing" - on light tanks you can quickly detect enemy tanks at a fairly large distance. As mentioned above, on a light tank you are extremely vulnerable, so try not to get involved in combat unnecessarily. For your team, you perform a much more important function when you mark enemies on the map - by doing this, you will coordinate the actions of your team and, perhaps, you will not even have to go into battle yourself. If a fight is unavoidable, then, again, try to move as much as possible and never drive in a straight line - zigzags and sharp turns can save you from a direct hit from heavier tanks. Your advantage in combat lies in the fact that it is easiest for you to get to the enemy's rear - maneuver and try to achieve just that. Also, when fighting, your friend will be the height of the landscape - quickly peeking out from behind the hill and driving back, you can deal damage to opponents and protect yourself from them. Of course, flat cover also serves this purpose well, but high ground is a more "desirable" place for your combat position - cover can be fired on from multiple sides, while holding high ground (especially in the company of allies) is slightly safer and more effective for you. , because you can quickly go down from either side of the elevation and bypass the enemy.
  • Medium tanks.Are you familiar with the tank rush winning principle from the Command & Conquer games? If not, then I explain: it consists in the fact that there should be a lot of tanks and they should attack all together, preferably in different directions. This principle works well in WoT: Blitz in relation to medium tanks - when driving a medium tank, always try to “cling up” with allies. Left alone, you will become easy prey for almost any enemy, but if your back is covered by allies, who, in turn, are covered by you, then together you can effectively fend off light tanks and bypass heavy tanks, causing them impressive damage. Cover not only mediums, but also heavy tanks - they are in dire need of your protection against enemy medium and light tanks coming in from the sides or from the rear. As soon as the light tanks mark the opponents, try to move closer to them and switch fire on yourself, thus delaying the enemy and allowing the light tanks to better maneuver, and the heavy tanks to get to the battlefield and support you with powerful fire. The main principle of the effective operation of medium tanks is mutual assistance! You can engage in open combat, hide behind cover or rely on speed - but not alone.
  • Heavy tanks.By choosing a heavy tank, you choose powerful armor, but sacrifice mobility. Heavy tanks different countries differ from each other and some are more mobile or more accurate, and some are able to take dozens of blows and serve as an excellent shield for their “younger” comrades. They are all united by the fact that they are aimed at destroying enemy vehicles - so you need to play for them accordingly. Don't be afraid to go to the front and stand facing the enemy on a heavy Soviet tank, or destroy all enemies at medium range using rapid-fire cannons German tank. However, heavy armor does not grant you immortality, so try to look around and avoid the fire of medium and light tanks from behind. The correct tactic is to use elevations - peeking out from behind the hill with a tower will protect your weaker side parts from enemy fire.
  • tank destroyer. Technically, a tank destroyer can't even be called a "tank" - it's just an artillery mount. The rules of behavior in battle for such a vehicle are different from all previous ones, preferring stealth and a significant range of fire to armor and maneuverability. When playing as a tank destroyer, you don't want to be detected - stay a little far from the battlefield and try to hit the enemy with precise strikes at the moment when he is distracted by your heavy tanks or reloading. Keep in mind that even with all the power of your heavy weapons, you should in any case try to hit the enemies in the sides and rear - in such cases, you are more likely to inflict a one-time killing blow on your opponent. Your role is a support role, so try not to engage until the light tanks have detected enemies and the medium and heavy tanks have made contact with them. Ideally, you should completely avoid being marked by enemy tanks, so try to quickly finish off already "wounded" enemies and do not risk shooting at powerful heavy tanks with a high level of health. Remember, if one enemy detects you, then everyone will know about your location, so stick to stealth tactics and do everything not to be detected by the enemy. At the same time, remember that this does not mean at all that you should act alone - it is quite logical to enter into cooperation with heavy and medium tanks, which divert fire on themselves in order to help them quickly destroy opponents. your best friends when playing as tank destroyers, bushes and shelters will become available - they will allow you to hide from the eyes of the enemy. Don't stand still, change position after firing and reload in cover - and then you are more likely to survive until the end of the round!


Now you know about the tank classes in WoT: Blitz and are able to present their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the basic principles of playing for each class. Remember that different representatives of the same class may differ - for example, Soviet tank destroyers are less accurate than German ones and inferior in maneuverability to American ones, but they have much greater destructive potential and destroy any opponents with one hit shell, and British medium tanks are faster than others , but inferior to the Soviet in strength. There are a lot of such differences, but within the same class, tanks have much smaller differences than between classes. Choose the tanks that are more convenient for you to play and become the master of tank battles in World of Tanks: Blitz!

We all love war games, but only as a game. And we also love big and powerful cars. And all this is available in one wonderful game from our Belarusian brothers, and this game is called World of Tanks Blits . Yes, these are the same tanks, but for mobile devices. Who am I kidding, of course you know what game this is. Therefore, we immediately move on to the essence of our article, namely, tips for winning.

How to survive on the battlefield

To get started, you need to get trained. Yes, it seems like a waste of time, but it's not. No need to learn the game already in battle, go through training and win from the very beginning. And after the start of the battle, study the map. You should not immediately burst into battle if you do not know the cards. And "fast" driving around the map is not always a success. Better take a closer look at the map and find a convenient cover for yourself and gain a foothold, defending your position. But if you met with a powerful, heavy opponent, and you yourself are in a small tank, then do not stand still. Circle around him and shoot his ass. Well, or just maneuver around and hide from him. After all, you can win not only with a constant attack, you need to hold out in battle for as long as possible, especially if you are a beginner. And if open combat is not for you, then use tank destroyers. It's like this anti-tank installation, which hits very far and very painful. Therefore, take the height and start bombing the battlefield. And remember that one in the field is not a warrior, so you should not rush into battle alone.

How to hit a squirrel in the eye with a projectile

Well, when we figured out the first movements in the battle, it's time to figure out how to still fight the battle itself. The main thing to remember is that the armor in front, in other words, frontal, is always the strongest. Therefore, shoot from the side or go to the rear of the enemy. But there are also ricochets in the game, so try not to shoot at oblique angles so that the projectiles do not bounce. And you yourself use the ricochet to the maximum, during the battle, try to get up to the enemy with a diamond. This greatly increases the likelihood of a ricochet, that is, either a ricochet or frontal armor. Well, if you met with a very fast enemy, then try to hit him in the caterpillar. Such a hit will seriously slow him down. And during the whole battle, try to attack the weakest ones first, who have the least lives. We bring out the smallest ones in an accelerated manner, and then together we finish off the strongest.

We stand on a par with Kutuzov

Now we know how to drive and shoot, it's time to delve into the game. In the "Capture the Flag" mode, it is the capture of the flag that is not very important for you if you want to level up. Since for the very capture of the flag of experience and money they give less than for the destruction of the enemy. Therefore, do not ride with a flag, but ruin your opponents. What does it take to destroy your opponents? That's right, a good trunk! That's exactly what you look at when choosing a tank, the general parameters of your chariot are not as important as the level of penetration and damage. And if it so happened that you often lose, then do not despair. Just exit and come back to the game later. Sometimes servers are dominated by tanks with high levels and you only to them and throws.