War games. War games online Children's war games from 6 years old

War games are a great opportunity to defend your territory and enslave your worst opponents in the game. Are you hungry for battle? Are you ready to sacrifice yourself to save a beautiful princess or state? Do you like khaki colors, wallowing in the mud and crawling through trenches? Then try hundreds of our beautiful, exciting war games that will allow you to plunge into combat battles, into the most complex confrontation between two sides and the brave seizure of territory! What lengths do people go to to restore justice! We have both bloody games and more peaceful ones, after all, these are online games.

Sometimes battles can be very tricky and playing sniper games will help you feel the importance of endurance and prudence. Sometimes you want something on a larger scale, like tanks with real big tracks. We have games for this occasion too!

Fight on your own or coordinate large battalions of soldiers to capture the entire field and defeat any opponents. Here you will find completely different war games: from simple graphics and simplified design to absolutely realistic design and depiction of field battles. Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, we have a lot of games and one of them will definitely help you show off your military skills and army ingenuity.

War does not wait, and villages and peoples are waiting for you to help them cope with terrible opponents. Let the online war begin!

Ruthless and bloody war has always been an activity for real men. Only in extreme conditions of close combat can you demonstrate all your ferocity, power and courage, desperately rush towards the enemy and hit him with a proven and reliable weapon. War games will allow you to feel like a real strategist, undergo the necessary combat training and prove to everyone that you are able to cope with even the most dangerous enemy.

This category of games will instantly take you into the atmosphere of real combat. You will have to storm impregnable fortresses and dilapidated cities, fight hand-to-hand on the battlefield and mine river crossings, control a supersonic fighter and rush towards enemies in a powerful military tank. You can travel back to any era and take part in the Second World War, a medieval battle or a nuclear confrontation between two great powers.

War games include not only classic battles, but also battles with aliens, zombies or cutting-edge robots. The main thing is not to lose strength of spirit and provide a worthy rebuff to any enemy!

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Main genres of war games

All mini-games about war are divided into several genres, which we will tell you about now.

The very first and most popular genre is first-person games. It is believed that they are the ones that allow you to be most immersed in the online universe of large-scale battles and merciless duels with death. Most often, in such war games, you will be a professional special agent, eager to fight and eager to fulfill the mission entrusted to his shoulders. Your playing field will most often be made in fairly good 3D, from the times of 2004-2005. Control consists of moving with the wasd keys or arrow keys, and ctrl, spacebar or the left mouse button are responsible for shooting. The choice of weapons is quite large - here you have an M16, a Kalashnikov and a revolver, and sometimes even grenade launchers and laser rifles may be available.

Screenshot from Battlefield 3, Electronic Arts.

In this genre, you can not only control a character, but also drive a car, a tank, and even a military aircraft. Opponents in such games are most often quite “stupid” and have few lives, which is why they are eliminated with just a few shots, which is why such an action can quickly get boring, especially if you are not offered any interesting scenario or variety of opponents. You may also encounter bosses, the destruction of which will require you to spend a lot of vital energy and time. The most commonly available bonuses are first aid kits, armor replenishers, ammunition and new types of weapons.

Strategies about war

The second genre is strategy. Most often they work in 2D or pseudo 3D modes and are adaptations of old games, such as the first StarCraft, Warcraft and the like. The action in such strategies most often takes place in a fictional universe or in the world of the future, but it happens that the action takes place in our universe, for example, during the Great Patriotic War.

Screenshot from Blitzkrieg II, 1C companies.

As for the ease of completion, strategies are clearly inferior to the previous genre; at the last levels, the gamer is required to have experience, the ability to think and make the right logical moves. But the strategies are much more addictive, so be prepared to spend more than one hour of your time completing them. Often in strategies you need to develop your base, build new buildings, hire troops and only then destroy your opponents. At one time, the game War of the Worlds was very popular, but later it was forgotten and, unfortunately, this happens with many strategies, the support of which was discontinued by the developers.

Less popular categories

  • The third major genre of such games is considered to be 3rd person arcade games, in which you have to go through level after level, destroying hundreds and sometimes even thousands of enemies. Most often, such arcades operate in 2D or pseudo 3D mode and are very often ports of old games that worked on consoles and sometimes even dandies. But there are also new arcade games, and some even have a plot, but, unfortunately, these are in the minority. Control in arcades is most often carried out using the keyboard and is limited to walking and shooting from several types of weapons. However, thanks to their dynamics, arcade games can keep you engaged for more than one evening.
  • Well, the last major genre of war games is defense, which translates as protection. This genre is divided into several varieties: firstly, it can be tower defense, then it will be located in the middle or on the right side of the playing field, and you have to defend it from opponents, who can be anyone, from monsters, zombies and aliens, and ending with ordinary terrorists. You can defend the tower using small arms, magic and various bonuses invented by the developers. With each new level, protecting the tower from many enemies becomes more and more difficult, thanks to which you are drawn more and more into this process. The second type is considered to be not just the protection of one structure or military base, but the destruction of chains of enemies walking through its territory. You will have to destroy the chains using guns installed on the territory of the base. Such guns have several properties - they can fire damaging, slowing and paralyzing projectiles. War games in the defense genre are very addictive to gamers, so they can keep you busy for at least several hours.

Controls and features

As we have already written, the controls in most of these games are quite simple and most often consist of a couple of keys. First of all, games about war are intended for boys who dream of great battles and battles. But they are also suitable for girls who like to shoot monsters and other enemies. Due to the fact that small children visit our site, we try to select military simulators that are safe for the psyche and not scary.

In childhood, many boys love to play one wonderful game - war. After all, for such a wonderful game you only need free time and a certain number of friends and acquaintances. Over the years, free time becomes less and less, and it is difficult to gather friends in one place. But the craving for those sensations remains. This can be partially compensated for by playing war games for boys. There are a large number of them on our website. As a rule, most of the games in this section are somehow related to the theme of military operations. Conventionally, such games can be divided into several subgroups: land, sea and air. Let's start with games that involve combat on the ground. Many of these flash drives are shooters. Among the variety of games, you can choose which conflict to participate in and how to fight. The player can be transported from prehistoric times to the period of feudal wars. Of particular interest here are games dedicated to warriors from the East. Skilled ninjas and samurai are fluent in using deadly weapons. And the gameplay is filled with oriental flavor. There are games dedicated to the recent past. They cover world wars and modern conflicts. Here the player already has access to various types of firearms, as well as other military devices. Some games are completely dedicated to battles in the distant future, where laser and plasma pistols and machine guns are in particular demand. In a word, there really is plenty to choose from. As for naval battles, games can be strategies or simulators. The first type of games are tactical puzzles in which the player can take on the role of the commander-in-chief of the naval forces. Simulators are also very diverse. In such games you can control combat boats, ships and even submarines. Air battles also receive a lot of attention from flash game developers. As a rule, such games are arcade simulators in which you can control combat aircraft from different times and eras. Due to its specificity, air battles are a tense, but very beautiful spectacle. This is especially true in the era of the first air battles, when opponents needed to get closer to each other at a distance close enough for targeted shooting. In addition to serious games dedicated to military themes, in this section you can find many flash drives in which the gameplay is a fun and interesting spectacle. Thus, anyone can play war games online on our website, choosing the most suitable game for themselves. The most important thing is not to get confused at the sight of all the variety of games!

Boys rarely play with dolls, but even those who occasionally allow themselves to look at them still remain true fans of machine guns, rifles, pistols, and slingshots. They know all brands of weapons and are well versed in combat tactics. Their favorite games are to run around in the yard with friends, making war games. In their personal arsenal there will always be a couple of toy firearms, several grenades, a mine detector, binoculars, swords and a bow and arrow. In summer you can hide in ambush behind a bush or tree, and in winter the game takes on a new flavor. Snow forts and shelters grow in the yard, and snowballs turn into deadly weapons - grenades. But it happens that the weather is not conducive to walks and games, and then computer games for boys come to the rescue. This is no less exciting, since the products offer a lot of ways and opportunities to feel like a general or grow into one, starting from the rank of an ordinary soldier.

Games for kids and adults

These games are presented in such a variety that even young men who have matured for a long time cannot deny themselves the pleasure of blowing up something or shooting a couple of dozen opponents. You can play realistic simulators for a single day, but we suggest paying attention to flash games that will not take much time and you can get acquainted with several variants of this genre in just one evening. Playing war games online is simple and does not require special knowledge of military art. But that's their beauty. Very often, such games are filled with a kind of humor, and the process only benefits from the unconventionally presented plot. And believability is a completely optional component for such entertainment.

Choosing a hero:

  • The battle of koloboks or emoticons is pure fantasy of the developers. These little round creatures roll funny around the field, but, despite their round physique, they feel very comfortable in the role of warriors.
  • The game Worms, where militant worms launched a real military campaign, has become so popular that even adult users turn to it with excitement, installing it on their PC and mobile phone or playing online. Here, not only machine guns and machine guns are used, but even atomic bombs!
  • It seems that the entire animal world has decided to become like humans, since even hedgehogs have adjusted their spines and sort things out by using force. You can saddle a dinosaur instead of a horse and ride it to attack. The dragons also parked at the edge of the field and took their turn.
  • People from fantasy worlds also did not share something and went to war against each other. War games for boys encourage you to take one side and help win. It seems that the world has gone crazy and everyone is getting involved in the war - monsters, bugs, gangsters and even viruses, money and shadows are not far behind.
  • Medieval wars are no less common than modern ones. You can fight one on one with another knight or fight as part of an entire army, besieging the castle of the opposing side. Or maybe the glory of Robin Hood haunts you? Then arm yourself with a bow and arrows and head into the forest, waiting for the carriage of a rich nobleman or a detachment of horsemen of the king.

Conquest of space

Wars in the air, on land on water or under it - the main thing is that you like what you see. You can fight while controlling a tank, an airplane, a submarine, a space rocket, or an absolutely fantastic device. War games are games for brave warriors with a sense of humor.

Since ancient times, boys had one very simple game - war games. Nobody knows the exact rules, and there never were any. The main idea of ​​such a game is a confrontation between two opposing forces. Everything was used - water cannons, hands, sticks. Probably, aggression occupies a lot of place in the blood of men, despite the fact that modern society no longer requires them to possess combat skills. With the advent of the first computers, war games moved into virtual space - shooters are almost the same age as modern personal computers. We invite you to fight the battle by playing War games online.
