Dark magician in the valley of dragons l2. Updated zones

Dragon Valley - Valley of the Dragons(travel from Giran), from the city go to the entrance to the location, there is an NPC nearby. The location consists of corridors and clearings located in a mountainous area, which is essentially an ordinary labyrinth. I will probably tell you about the main clearings in Dragon Valley, starting from the smallest at the entrance to the location and to the thickest at the end of the location at the entrance to.

Immediately at the teleport point there are two mobs:

- no one needs Nafik, he can drop high HP level 46, but with a scanty chance, and books that only clutter up the inventory.
- a very necessary mob, with a drop of keymats and whole things: Karmian Gloves, as well as top HP 46 lvl.

We reach the first fork, here the paths are from right to left: 1. to the right, ascent to the main clearing with mobs of 45-49 levels, all the undead, a haven for bigs and EEx, here they kill mobs so quickly that they constantly get hit by DDs who are jealous of them. This clearing turns into another with mobs of 50-52 levels - the main place for leveling. All mobs are undead, except for gargoyles, but they are not social to other mobs and are not aggressors.

2. also to the right there is another ascent to the top (there is also RB - ):

- And .
- a rather stupid mob, constantly stuns the player.

3. From the fork the road is straight, we’ll go along it:

Another mob is added here:
- spoil the recipe for and spoil the Ts veaponok.
We run along this path until we meet new mobs:

- the main mob here, drop of keymates and whole things Composite helmet and Composite shield, and 100% of the recipe for .
- drop and spoil of recipes for crafting C-grade weapons, spoil of paints +3 page -3 end. This was the first mob that dropped a mid-grade life stone for me. I was very surprised, I ran around Giran, showed everyone the trade and asked what it was.
- recipe drop on and recipe spoil on . The white hilks of the GHP will also be spoiled.

There are still the same mobs here, only a bunch of three mobs of levels 47-49 are added, however, if you went the other way, you have already seen them a long time ago.
- the main one in the group, spoiler keimatov on.
- minion, archer, shoots from afar, drops keymats and whole things on the submarine top and bottom, spoiler C veaponok.
- also a minion, also a drop of keymats and whole things on the submarine top and bottom.
Also in the center of the clearing is RB.

Please note that at this fork, opposite the rise to the clearing, there is a narrow passage in the mountains, which is not easy to notice; through a crevice in the mountains you can exit to the Republic of Belarus.

If we don’t turn left or right, but go straight at the fork, then we find ourselves in a clearing with two types of gargoyles, and this clearing ends with a long climb uphill. True, there are many clearings on the right, but there is nothing interesting there. Now we are interested in the path to the mountains.

In the clearing before the ascent there is a new mob - nothing interesting, so we go up the path, run past the NPC that is needed for the quest for, and turn right, passing another narrow path, we find ourselves in my favorite clearing in this location:

I spend quite a lot of time in this clearing, in its central part I plant a bunch of twinks for pumping, and I spoil the succubi myself. Succubi, by the way, are needed for the quest for nobless. In order about mobs:
- recipe spoiler for B nipples for a warrior, drop 100% of the recipe for .
- one of three mobs in the game that will spoil the recipe for Bless B nipples for a magician. The drop contains keys and whole armor, recipes for Berserker Blade, and.
- spoiler keys for Avadon Robe, drop keys and whole things, Avadon Shield, Zubei's Helmet, Zubei's Shield. And the recipe for Ice Storm Hammer is also dropped.

When you get tired of sitting in this clearing, we leave from its opposite end:

Left to the raid boss

Book one

Dedicated to my beloved readers.

In the Gollum forest, among the gigantic trees, the trunks of which cannot be grasped even by four people, along the only trade route in these places, carts and carts scurry from morning to evening, horsemen rush in a hurry and rare lonely travelers pass by, who for some sad reasons were unable to join the trade caravan and virtually doomed to robbery. But they scurry around only from morning to evening - at night no one travels along the highway, and the reason for this is the Phantom Coachman.

Judging by the gossip and speculation, there were many theories of his appearance, but one was repeated most often - he carried the king’s advisor from the border of the kingdom all the way to the capital, drove so that the horses were on their last legs, big jackpot I hoped, but when I got there, the adviser didn’t pay, he said, “Be grateful that you were able to help the kingdom.” And the driver’s horses both died that same evening, he had nothing to buy new ones with, and out of grief he hanged himself, and at night he rushed like a ghost along the trade route, carrying fear and horror and howling “You owe me, sir.”

But the royal adviser was not ashamed and turned to the magicians with the demand: “Eliminate this minor nuisance.” The magicians, accordingly, immediately named the price, the price turned out to be significant. The adviser was saddened, but again did not lose his head, and proudly declared that so be it, he would show the greatest mercy to the magicians, and reduce their tax by ten coppers per year, therefore, in a hundred years, the amount would be paid in such a non-trivial way. Yes, the king's advisor was not just a famous one - a legendary miser. But so do magicians. Therefore, they entrusted the work of eliminating the undead seized with righteous anger to their native alma mater, that is, to the Mind. The head of the University of Magic did not particularly agree with this; frankly speaking, he was the only one whose desire to save money could compete with the royal adviser himself. Master Attinur freaked out a little, which resulted in another persecution of the educational institution's scholarship holders, but he found a way out of the situation - the work of students is, in principle, free. And the master was left with only one problem: students are resourceful people, they could deal with the ghostly coachman ahead of time, and the contract was for a hundred years... But even here, the magical ingenuity did not fail and as a result, all third-year students were given the task of obtaining a piece from vehicle The Phantom Coachman... It was twenty years ago, since then only three-quarters of the coachman’s bag remained - that is, the magicians’ calculation was correct, they planned to deal with him in just a hundred years. The king's adviser gnashed his teeth, the magicians grinned sarcastically, the students took a piece from the cart every year, the working people adapted and did not travel along the highway at night, stopping at taverns, the coachman continued to cause horror.

Although, how can I say horror - now, when we were sitting in the tavern in robes and with manuals on Phantom phenomena and fighting them, drinking warm herbal tea, I did not observe any horror on the faces of those present. Moreover, traders and merchants sat closer to the windows and, drinking wine with spices, looked at the road with excitement. It was rumored that the ghostly coachman is especially fierce on a full moon... Hmm, needless to say, we were sent here exactly on a full moon. It’s not surprising - besides me, there were Tihomir, the son of the village blacksmith, noticed by Master Voronir quite by accident, and the master was so shocked by the guy’s abilities that he dragged him to the UM and forced Master Attinur to take a new student on an increased university scholarship. The scandal, they say, was significant. I don’t know for sure, but I can say one thing - when Master Voronir dragged me, a dirty village girl, to the university, whose grandmother died that day and my grief was so great that a strong magical gift awoke, Master Atticus also screamed loudly - the windows were shaking! But I had a gift, such that in the middle of winter, grass and trees bloomed around our forest hut, and it was in such a blooming clearing that Master Voronir, rushing to the surge of magical space, found me. And since there was a gift, the master demanded that I be admitted to the university on a full magical scholarship and immediately. Principal Atticus gnashed his teeth when he signed the order for my enrollment and cursed quietly when he gave me an annual stipend. So I ended up at the University of Magic.

At first I was incredibly happy. There was a saying in our village: “It’s not enough to want, you have to have the MIND,” but in the sense that in this life all dreams come true only for magicians, while ordinary people have to somehow while away their lives. So, when I got to the university of magic, the first thing I thought was, “I suppose my grandmother prayed for me, so my dream has come true.” But this turned out to be only a first and very erroneous impression, after which it became clear that I was not at all welcome here, in the stern, gloomy castle. Master Atticus welcomed those who paid for all the tuition and also made donations to the university, so they had honor and freedom, indulgences and help.

The rest had to survive.

It is to survive. We, those who did not pay for the tuition ourselves, were seated at the back of the classrooms, immediately emphasizing our unpresentable position. Our works were checked with the greatest aspiration. We couldn’t miss a single lecture, get a grade below ninety points out of a hundred, appear on the university campus after eleven o’clock, end up in the dormitory of the opposite sex, and hundreds more “impossible”, “unacceptable”, “cruelly punishable”. They practically put us in an attic, citing the fact that living at the university was expensive, and we were already dependent. Therefore, in my room, which I initially shared with four neighbors, in the summer it was impossible to stay during the day, and in the winter at night you could actually freeze. Unfortunately, the difficulties did not end there, or rather, they were just beginning. The difficulties had beautiful, magically straightened faces, arrogance left by generations of illustrious ancestors, expensive fur coats and robes, unlike our uniforms, shabby and worn, which the supply manager reluctantly gave out once a year in the fall, and a desire, incomprehensible to me personally, to exterminate the “rabble.” They didn’t call us anything else.

Eh, trash, you don't belong in the cafeteria!

And you are forced to go eat once a day, in the morning, early, when everyone is still sleeping.

Let's practice on the trash!

And all the techniques of combat magic are practiced on you.

Hey scum, you stink!

And you sit by the slightly open window, the icy wind blows through, but the gentlemen “do not smell.”

It’s not surprising that by the third year, the entire room with a crooked ceiling went to me alone - the girls couldn’t stand it and left the university. And it was so scary to spend the night alone, but now I could make myself a royal bed and cover myself with five blankets at once... although this didn’t help in winter either.

And, probably, I, too, would have given up long ago and left, and not just left, but would have run away from here, but the whole problem is that I had nowhere to run. My mother died in childbirth, my father disappeared in the forests without a trace, my grandmother died when I was sixteen, and in grief the gift that awoke did not leave anything suitable for habitation from our rickety hut. Therefore, all I had was this little room with crooked, lopsided walls and a sloping ceiling. And I often had to remind myself of this when, huddled on the windowsill, I choked on sobs from yet another unfair insult.

And the fact that today, on the full moon, we were sent to the highway to do the practical part of the test was also unfair. The main part of our group - twelve ladies and twenty lords - had passed this test a week earlier, with them there was a teacher on Phantom Phenomena, and also two graduate students from battle magicians were present as an escort. And this is on an ordinary night. Today is the full moon, which means the Phantom Coachman has become three times stronger than usual. So there were only three of us against him - me, Tihomir and Slaven. We were all villagers in the past, we were all brought to the university by Master Voronir, we were all on scholarships. True, it was higher for me, due to my success in studies, and accordingly there was more demand from me - for example, the leadership of our suicide group was entrusted to me.

1. Previous monsters in the updated zones have been moved to the Watcher's Tomb.
2. The Lair of Antharas and the Valley of Dragons have changed their appearance.
3. The warriors of Aden collected the Cursed Bones from the mercilessly killed Dragon Keepers, and moved to another place. Thanks to this, there were much fewer undead, and many warriors appeared who wished Antharas dead. Antharas, in order to protect himself, surrounded the lair with even more dangerous monsters.
4. With the help of the Restless Spirits, which are located in the territories of the Hunter's Village, the Valley of Dragons, and Antharas' Lair, you can move around these territories.

You can easily move to the desired territory from the Hunter Village.

Location of added Restless Spirits in the Valley of Dragons

5. You can get the Will of Antharas from the Raid Boss in Antharas' Lair and the Sealed Blood Crystal from the Raid Boss in the Valley of Dragons. Then take them to the Restless Spirit to turn it into the Antharas Blood Crystal.
6. The Blood Crystal of Antharas restores the experience of all deceased allies and resurrects them. (Can only be used during the Antharas raid)
7. When teleporting in Antharas' Lair and the Valley of Dragons, the character is teleported to the Hunter's Village.

Antharas' Lair

  • The interior of Antharas' Lair has been slightly changed and new monsters have been added.
  • In the Lair of Antharas there are the following Raid Bosses: Lord of the Drakes, Monstrous Dragon, Head of the Behimos.
  • You can receive quests related to the Lair of Antharas through the Restless Spirit.
  • Be careful, there is a Conorix patrolman inside Antharas' Lair.
    Sometimes Konorix appears during a raid.
  • Using Appropriate on some monsters can give you an Energy Filling Effect.
Valley of the Dragons

  • You can get buffs useful for hunting by destroying some monsters for group hunting.
  • With the help of the Huge Dragon Bone Fragment, which you can get while hunting in a group, you can summon Raid Bosses. To do this, use them in the Dragon Vortex, which are located in 4 places.
    Emerald Horn | Bleeding Fly | Black Blade | Shadow Summoner | Spiked Slayer | Mighty Blaster | Dust Storm Rider
  • In the Valley of the Dragons, earthquakes occur in different places and at different times, and special monsters appear that form heaps.
  • The monsters that were previously in the Valley of the Dragons were transferred to the Watcher's Tomb..
  • Using Assignment on group monsters can give you an Energy Infusion Effect or a Mana Tincture.
When entering the Valley of Dragons, the group is afflicted positive effect Strengthening Fighting Spirit, the level depends on the composition of the group:



1 Strengthens the Morale of warriors in the Valley of the Dragons, which increases Resistance to Paralysis / Bleeding / Poison / Stun by 50, chance of critical damage by 10%, damage critical hit by 10%.
2 Strengthens the Morale of warriors in the Valley of the Dragons, which increases Resistance to Paralysis / Bleeding / Poison / Stun by 80, chance of critical damage by 30%, critical hit damage by 15%, P. Atk. by 15%, M. Atk. by 15%.
3 Strengthens the Morale of warriors in the Dragon Valley, which increases Resistance to Paralysis / Bleeding / Poison / Stun by 90, chance of critical damage by 50%, critical hit damage by 20%, P. Atk. by 15%, M. Atk. by 15%, Attack Speed ​​by 15%, Magic Speed ​​by 15%. It also increases experience gained by 20%.

Changes in other areas

To make hunting more efficient, changes have been made to some areas.

Tower of Insolence

  • Now some monsters in the Tower of Insolence do not use stun skills.
  • You can now gain more experience when hunting monsters in the Tower of Insolence.
  • Using the Spatial Whirlpool, you can move to the desired level.
  • The Dimensional Stone required for movement can be purchased from Keplon in the Tower of Insolence.
Swamp of Screams
  • The number of monsters that attack players first has increased. Monsters also change their behavior depending on the time of day.
Other changes

1. You can gain more experience by hunting monsters above level 76.
2. Fixed a bug due to which the Seed of Annihilation would not attack a pet or servant.
3. Fixed a bug due to which the bodies of Recruit Xel-Mahum, Experienced Warriors of Xel-Mahum sometimes did not disappear in the School of Powers.
4. Fixed a bug due to which the body of the Labyrinth Captain did not disappear in the Steel Citadel.
5. Fixed a bug due to which during a raid in the Castle Snow Queen Freya (Normal) does not use the Eternal Blizzard skill.
6. Fixed a bug due to which you sometimes ended up in another dungeon when using the Pathfinder in the Pirate Ship.
7. Fixed a bug where the Invincible Will effect was not issued if the server was restarted after the death of Queen Shyid.
8. Fixed a bug where the Bloody Queen was not affected by the Fear skill.
9. Monsters in the Rift Between Worlds give more experience.
10. Improved the item dropped by Level 83 Labyrinth Captain in the Abyss Labyrinth.

Changes during installation High Five 1 and before installing the High Five 2 update, most likely they are not relevant, but still.

1. Fixed a bug due to which the Orc was an assistant to the Bloody Guard.
2. Seed of Annihilation monsters now notice the pet or servant first and attack it.
3. Now in Kamaloka level 66 (Hall of the Abyss), after the death of the raid boss “Kel Bilette”, his assistant monster “Follower of Bilette” disappears.
4. The settings of the monsters “Lord of the Drakes”, “Head of the Behimos”, “Monstrous Dragon” in Antharas’ Lair have been changed.
Increased the radius at which they notice PCs.
The number of assistants has increased.

5. The settings of the monsters “Bloody Karik”, “Bloody Berserker”, “Bloody Kariness” in Antharas’ Lair have been changed.
Fixed a bug where they did not attack the character.
They now return to their original location if they move too far from it.
Increased movement speed.

6. Fixed the disappearance of the legs of some monsters in the Forest of the Dead into the ground.
7. Non-standard behavior of monsters in the Forge of the Gods has been fixed.

Guide to the Valley of Dragons in the party of magicians. Each party adapts these tips to suit itself. There is no standard here.

Update. I spent a long time looking for where to upload a video without losing quality. I had to pay a deposit. The download speed is yg - so downloading is at your discretion.
11 minutes video,
800 Mb.
Background Grind.FM

Greetings. The time has come to take stock of the Dragon Valley location, which was changed in . If I have time, I will definitely record a movie with comments. At the moment I will report only with screenshots.

We have been preparing for quite a long time to move to the Valley of the Dragons from FoG. There were reasons for this:

  • low lvl (no matter how you look at it, it’s still hard at 80);
  • S weapons (easy in fog, but in this location they only scratch mobs);
  • DK sets and bad jewelry in the party (you need at least dynasties for darkness and S jewelry).

In the end, what can be concluded? Level up in FoG until the mobs in the Valley of the Dragons turn white (if the magicians still have the Staff of Secrets) or yellow if you already have S, S80 weapons with 300 attribute and are well dressed.

Another thing worth paying attention to is your Over. If he is still in the recreation center, then it will be very difficult - the bishop will not survive even if 83+. Without a good Over there is nothing to do in the Valley of the Dragons. So try to dress it up.

Well, now, a short excursion to the hottest places to level up and some tips on leveling up in magician parties.

Dragon Valley in a very tasty location, so be prepared to meet fierce resistance for spots from strong server packs.

Let's start the tour

We make a teleport to the Hunter Village and approach the Restless Spirit. This is where it all starts. You can almost always find crowds of people here.

We take all the quests. Later I will explain why they are needed and what benefits they have.

We teleport to the entrance of the Valley of Dragons. We also take quests from Gilmore.

At the entrance you can swing in solo and mini-parties. Stones of darkness (Dracos) and wind (Necromancer), and codes of giants fall in large quantities. You can earn good money in a day.

We run to the intersection and go right.

There is a vast valley with Dracos and Necromancers. You can also level up in solo and mini-parties. A little later I will show you a place where you can collect mini wigs.

We run to the left and go all the way. Already taken 🙂 You can’t swing solo here anymore. We read the requirements above and assemble the following pack:

  • magician, magician, magician (nekr), DB, svs, bishop, over, EE (if necessary, you can do without filling at all), spoil (required!).

Tactics (applicable almost everywhere in the Valley of the Dragons).

In this case, someone alone collects worms in a clearing, the over runs after him and scatters the lard, the bishop insures, and the spoiler does its job. We try to collect them in one pile and then the over throws a root! Nekr casts mass darkness on cooldown, as well as mass slow when necessary. Constantly move, do not stand point-blank towards the monsters (they cause a lot of damage if you just came to the Far East). Lard and rue should always hang! Well, then the massive skills of magicians are used. After killing the monsters, a mountain of herbs remains on the MP. Use wisely. There should be enough for everyone.

That's all with this spot. I made some soya and ran to the intersection again. This time we go up to the right, where you can see only Drakos. In this place, you can collect wigs in mini parties (much more profitable than running solo). You just have to take one nuance into account - for some reason, mobs constantly run back to their places when they are collected throughout the clearing. When you come here, you will see everything for yourself.

Behind the bridge is the same clearing.

Let's run further. As you can see, we have a game in front of us again :) This spot is similar to the first one I described above and is the easiest. If you start leveling up in the Dragon Valley in a party, then I advise you to first go here to assess your strength. The swing tactics are the same. I want to note only one thing - if a flying dragon aggroes at you, then kill it immediately with an assist. In fact, it is not scary, but it causes terrible inconvenience.

I looked at more or less easy spots in the Valley of the Dragons. Now let's move on to serious things).

We fly to the Hunter Village and make a teleport from the Restless Spirit to the SOUTH.

There are only 2 spots here, very good spots that are always worth fighting for (if you have the strength for it).

Easy spot - worms. Here they are collected in 5 piles (2 of which need to be collected). We run towards the arrow on the screen and you will see everything for yourself. The tactics are the same as described above, only the mage or necr tanks with mass skills. It is very good to kill ready-made heaps with fields under enlightenment.

Difficult spot – Scorpios. We definitely take it to remove the poison from the party. You shouldn't go here at all without it, you'll suffocate. Everyone must do their job on time and correctly. The weapon is better than the 300, but the S80 150 also pulls well. We swung around collecting 3 wigs - usually not for long - stronger ones come and push them out. There is a lot of experience as well as mana. It is better to collect wigs from SWS and fit them to the root of the over, which then throws the lard. We constantly move, do not expose ourselves to attack.

Now, let's come to the last attraction of the Valley of the Dragons. In the screenshot below you can see the portal.

If you haven’t read the entire article, let me remind you that you need to take quests from the restless spirit:

(read description)

At Gilmore's at the entrance to the Far East (read the description)

At this place you can call a Boss Raid to complete the above quests and quests.

How to call RB?

To call you need to buy or knock out in this location Huge Dragon Bone Fragment. We approach the portal and talk. 1 out of 7 rubles will appear randomly.
I’ll note right away that RB is difficult (not so difficult that you need to immediately run away and give up). You can die many times while farming. The main reward for all death and disappointment is Venus, a weapon of your choice (quest In the Name of the Legend).

The quest Wings of Sand is taken daily. Read the description, you can also get a lot of tasty things.

If you don’t have a fragment of the bone of a huge dragon, then each person in your party can complete the quest and get the desired item in a couple of minutes.

I won’t say anything about RB farming. It’s difficult for young people in the Valley of the Dragons, but it’s possible. If the weapon is not yet 300, then some rb can cause very great difficulties (for example, Bleeding Fly, Spiked Slayer...)

Some advice for those who get people in the party to level 80.

The fact is that teleport to the valley can only be done from level 80. What to do if you have recruited a person of lvl 79 or lower into your party.

1. If there is a summoner in the party, then there will be no problems. He knows his job :)

2. In another case, the entire party teleports to the Entrance to Antharas' Lair.

If this is your first time here and you can’t figure out where to run next from this point. We look at the screen and move in this direction.

You will stumble upon the 5th pile of worms (this was mentioned above).

We go straight and exit to the teleport SOUTH of the Valley of Dragons.

That's all. Happy farming.

Kreo, Airin server, was with you. Read us and stay in touch.
