Calm children's games. Quiet games in a kindergarten group

When there is no opportunity or strength to arrange a fun, active game romp, calm games come to the aid of parents and educators. With the help of calm entertainment, you can perfectly captivate your child and at the same time gather all the little fidgets, for example, at one table. Believe me, children can really enjoy this pastime and at the same time they perfectly develop the ability to think logically and teach them to concentrate.



10 CALM GAMES in kindergarten


You will need a box of paper clips. Paper clips are poured onto the table. At the signal from the leader, the opponents (2-4) assemble the chain using paper clips. The winner is the one who collects the most long chain from paper clips.


You will need: Bean seeds, pumpkin seeds, large pasta, etc. Before the game, all seeds are mixed and divided into equal piles according to the number of players. At the signal from the host, the game participants must sort all the seeds into different piles. The first one to complete the task wins. Options: Hold a competition blindfolded, arrange a team competition.


Children sit in a circle and carefully look at each other’s clothes, trying to remember who is wearing what. Then the driver is chosen with a counting rhyme and he goes out the door. Several children change clothes and call the driver. He must determine who is wearing other people's things and who they belong to.


Children sit in a circle or at a table covered with paper or oilcloth. Everyone puts their shoe or slippers on the table. Then the children take turns coming to the table blindfolded and trying to find their shoes by touch.


Children sit in a row or circle. The driver walks in front of them and, pointing at each in turn, says: “Water, earth, air.” He can stop at any moment. If the driver stopped at the word “Water,” then the child to whom he pointed must name a fish, reptile or animal living in water. If it is called “Earth”, you need to name the one who lives on earth. If it is called “Air” - the one who flies.


A chest (box) filled is being prepared different things. Each player puts his hand into the chest (you can’t look!!!), feels for any thing and says what it is, and then pulls it out to check.


For any number of players. The first player draws a house on the board or easel. The next player remembers the drawing, then closes his eyes, turns around himself and, without opening his eyes, adds a window, door, pipe or bird on the roof to the house.

What kind of drawing will you end up with?


Participants in the game are invited to look at a jar, bowl or pan. You can't pick it up. Then take a piece of paper and try to cut out the lids for the jar so that they exactly match the opening of the jar. The winner is the one whose lid exactly matches the opening of the jar.


Everyone sits in a circle, the driver is in the center. He asks everyone in turn: “Do you like your neighbors?” If someone doesn’t like it, the question follows: “What kind of neighbors do you need?” The player must name either names or some characteristic that should be present in his new neighbors. For example: “I need neighbors in jeans” - then everyone who is wearing jeans changes places, two of them sit in the places of their former neighbors. The driver can also take the vacant seat. The one who doesn’t have enough chair becomes the driver, and everything starts from the beginning.


They play standing in a circle. The presenter begins: “Grandma went to the market and bought an old coffee grinder” and shows how she will grind coffee (with her right hand she turns the imaginary handle of the coffee grinder). The person standing next to you repeats the same words and also begins to turn the handle, etc. in a circle. When everyone is involved in the process, the turn again reaches the presenter and he shows the following movement: “Grandma went to the market and bought an old iron” (strokes with her left hand, without ceasing to grind). Next rounds: Grandma bought an old sewing machine (press the pedal with your foot), a rocking chair (rock) and finally a cuckoo clock ("Peek-a-boo, Peek-a-boo, Peek-a-boo."). The point is to perform all actions at the same time.

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Fish, animal, bird

The players sit on the sides of the room. They choose a driver. He walks past them, repeating three words: “Fish, beast, bird...” Suddenly stopping in front of someone, he pronounces loudly one of these words, for example, “bird.” The player must immediately name a bird, for example “hawk”. You cannot hesitate and name those animals, fish or birds that have already been named before. Anyone who hesitates or answers incorrectly pays a forfeit, and then “buys him back” (reads poetry, sings, etc.)


In this interesting game The dexterity and intelligence of the participants is tested. Three people play - the rest watch and wait their turn.
Two hunters stand at the edges of the table. The trap is a two-meter rope or cord tied in a large loop - only a half-knot is made.
Loop diameter 25-30 cm.
Hunters hold the ends of the cord so that the loop ring touches the table.
At a distance of 15-20 cm from the loop, bait (cube, toy) is placed on the table.
A player approaches the table, makes deceptive movements, checking the reaction of the hunters. Seizing the moment, with a quick movement he threads his hand through the loop and, grabbing the bait, pulls it back.
At this moment, the hunters try to tighten the noose so that their hand gets caught in it. The participants in the game take turns changing roles.
This attraction can also be carried out between teams.
To do this, each team is assigned two hunters who will catch all the remaining members of the enemy team.
Everyone is given one try. If he wins, he brings his team one point.
The winning team is determined by the highest number of points scored. Other competition conditions are also possible.

Don't touch me!

The players stand in a circle, holding hands tightly.
In the middle of the circle, pins are placed in a random order, approximately 50 cm from one another.
At the judge’s signal, each player, without unclenching his hands, tries to push his neighbors onto the pin.
As soon as the first pin is knocked down, the game pauses. The pin is set again, and the player who knocked down the pin is eliminated from the game.
The rest, holding hands, resume the game at a signal.
It should be remembered that pushing is allowed only with your hands, without letting go of your neighbors’ hands. And one more thing: if a player, without dropping the pin, breaks the chain three times (by releasing his hand), he is eliminated from the game.
Towards the end of the game, when the number of participants becomes small, you can reduce the number of pins and the distance between them.

Prize with a secret

For this game you will need a large box, postcards for the number of participants in the game, prizes for each participant.
Cut each card in half. On the back of one of the halves write the name of the prize (card, sticker, pen, notepad, etc.), and on the other half write the tasks.
Tasks can be as follows:

  1. Sing a song
  2. Tell a poem
  3. Ask an interesting question
  4. Tell a funny story
  5. Make a riddle Say a wish
  6. Sing a duet with a friend
  7. Say a phrase, an aphorism for thought

If you have many game participants, you can write the same tasks twice or come up with others. Place the halves of the postcards with the task in a box, and place the halves of the postcards with the names of the prizes in prominent places in the room where the game is being played. Invite everyone present to take halves of a postcard with a task from the box and take turns doing what is written on the postcard. After completing the task, the player looks in the room for the other half of his postcard, where the name of the prize he deserves is written. When a half is found and the halves of the card match, the presenter must give that player the prize indicated on the card. All players should follow the same principle.

Let's draw together

Invite two players to come forward and draw a joint drawing on one piece of paper. In this case, one condition must be fulfilled: blindfold the players. Suggest a theme for the drawing (nature, pets, etc.). Let the players agree in advance who will draw what. Then blindfold them and ask them to draw a picture.

After the drawing is completed, untie the players' eyes and invite them to look at what is drawn. Most likely, the drawing will be uncoordinated and mistakes will be made.

Summarize. Often in our lives sin closes our eyes like this blindfold. And the episodes of our lives are sometimes uncoordinated, we make mistakes. But God removes the bandage called “Sin” from our eyes and we see all the imperfections of our nature. And this is even very funny!

Drawing on the back

How close are you to each other, how much cohesion and community does your group have? The following game will help you answer this question. Invite the group to sit or stand one after another in one line. If the group is large, divide it into two teams.

The leader must speak into the ear of the last person in the line. Words should not be complex, so that they can be depicted. For example: house, sun, flower, person, table, etc.

The last one, on the back of the previous person, must “draw” with an unsharpened pencil what the presenter said. The one on whose back they were drawing must understand what is being said and draw the same thing on the back of his neighbor in front, etc. from player to player.

When a picture is “drawn” on the back of the first one standing in the line, he must tell the leader what was drawn on his back. The presenter compares the word that he said to the last person and heard from the first. If the words match, i.e. “sun-sun,” then the team is close to each other, they can feel the other’s train of thought. If not, then it is necessary to advise them to show more trust in each other, to be closer in communication.

Ball with wishes

In a simple, free environment, you can play a game - a wish. Inflate a small ball and invite everyone present to throw it from one person to another so that the ball does not fall on the floor or other objects. In this case, the presenter must turn on the tape recorder or play any musical instrument.

After a short time the presenter stops the music. The person who last touched the ball before the music stops must say a wish out loud to everyone present or to one person.

Examples of wishes:

I wish you clear skies
Live without fear, sadness and evil.
So that the soul strives for beauty
And I found shelter with Christ.
(S. Svistun).

Without faith, life is dark, painful, unbearable,
Without faith there is no joy in it.
Ask God for fruitful faith
And a quiet light will spill into your life.

Don't be blinded by deceit
Mutilated by vanity,
Since you were born a man,
Always be human.
(N. Khosrow).

Life is a moment, just a moment,
But only it lasts for years
How important it is to treat everything as trash
And find salvation in God.
(S. Svistun).

What passes, we do not own,
Only the present belongs to us,
While we regret the past,
Life will turn the coming day into the past.
(R. Gamzatov).

Don't choose your friends based on appearance
On the difficult road of life.
After all, beautiful shoes
Our feet often get chafed.
(S. Svistun).

When you feel like grumbling,
Think about others who have a harder time
And learn to notice everywhere
Grains of happiness in the turmoil of days.

Loving Christ is the desire of my soul,
Love Him with all your heart and soul.
And always live according to God's command,
Just as my Redeemer commands me.

If you go the road of greed,
You will die soon.
Wealth is just a bait, you will perish
In a trap of grief.
(M. Salman).

We will all die, there are no immortal people,
And this is all known and not new.
But we live to leave a mark:
A house or a path, a tree or a word.
(R. Gamzatov).

Don't be sad, smile more often
Even if there is no joy
And then it will pour into your heart
God's endless light.
(S. Svistun).

This evening will pass and fade away,
Like everything else on earth it will fly by.
Only Christ can give you happiness,
Justify, reassure, forgive.
(A. Isaev).

Faith preserves the blameless,
Unrighteousness drags us into sin.
Faithful to the covenant of the Father
We will be successful.

Why suffer needlessly for the sake of common happiness -
It’s better to give happiness to someone close.
It’s better to tie a friend to yourself with kindness,
How to free humanity from its shackles.
(O. Khayyam).

Often give a person
It only costs us half an hour,
To create in his heart
True miracles!
(K. de Haan).

When your soul is in doubt
They are persecuted night and day.
Bow your knees before God -
You will find solace in Him.
(V. Kuzmenkov).

Life is a carpet. But I weaved clumsily,
And now I'm ashamed of myself.
Lots of extra lines and spaces
I find it in my pattern.
(R. Gamzatov).

In life there is no need for many reasons
To boast of your rank, and to boast of your rank.
Both old and young should remember
And the most ascended of this number:
To be a man in the sublunary world -
The highest position on this sinful earth.
(B. Karabaev).

Sometimes words are enough
To encourage a person.
So that from the heart of a sinner, sick
I was able to break through a spring of living water.
(S. Svistun).


Each player claims three things that apply to him. Two of them are correct, and one is not (the order is arbitrary). The rest of the players try to guess what is correct. The one who guessed correctly gets a point. You can play for the winner.

What's in the backpack?

Team players take turns running up to the leader, who is holding a backpack filled with various things. On command, each of them puts his hand into the backpack (you can’t look!!!), feels for any thing and says what it is, and then pulls it out to check. Teams are given a certain time, and those who learn the most things win.

Quack-quack! (Or oink, piggy, oink!)

Do you know the voices in your group well? Everyone sits in a circle on chairs or just on the floor. A blindfolded person sits in the middle, holding a pillow in his hands. After he is blindfolded, everyone changes places and remains silent. The driver tries to feel someone's knees with a pillow, then puts the pillow on these knees and says: “Quack-quack!” The player who has a pillow on his lap must answer him in the same way (it is allowed to change his voice). The driver must identify the player by his voice and say his name. He is given 3 attempts. If the driver guessed right, they change places.

Test your powers of observation

Option A
3 players leave the room. The presenter invites those remaining to accurately describe the players who left (appearance, character traits, information about their place of study, etc.). To draw an analogy: someone will definitely be left out. Option B
The players stand opposite each other in pairs; at the leader’s command, they peer at each other for 15 seconds, then turn their backs and begin to answer the leader’s questions about each other. The one who gives the most complete and correct answers wins.

Option B
One player leaves, everyone switches places. One player is covered with a blanket. The player comes in and tries to guess who is sitting under the blanket.

Story from the header

10 people write one word of their choice on separate pieces of paper. The leaves are collected and mixed in a hat. The other 10 people take one piece of paper from the hat and read it to themselves. The point of the game: tell a coherent story using words from a hat. The first player starts with the word: “One day...” and comes up with a sentence with the word he pulled out. The second continues and so on. At the same time, those who pulled out the sheets of paper from the hat write their words on other sheets of paper and put them in the hat. They are taken out by those who first wrote the words. Then the story is invented by two teams in turn.

Pronunciation of words

Option A
Gather groups of 6 people, let each come up with a six-letter word (do not say it out loud!). Letters are distributed to each group member. Children pronounce all the letters at the same time, and the other teams must guess the word.

Option B
Proverbs according to the number of teams are written in advance on pieces of paper, taking into account that there should be as many players in a team as there are words in the proverb, for example: - If you drive more quietly, you will continue; -You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty; -Measure seven times and cut once. Each player chooses one word and everyone says their words together. The other teams must guess what was said. Instead of proverbs, you can use the names of songs or their first lines, Bible verses, but everything should be generally known.

Musical instruments

Divide everyone into several teams. Each team receives a piece of paper with the name of a musical instrument and must depict playing it, adding sounds and movements. The group is given a minute to prepare. Then, one by one, the groups introduce themselves and the rest guess the instruments.


Give everyone 10 nuts, a topic for conversation and tell them that they need to communicate in pairs, talking and asking questions about the topic. When one of the pair says the word “I”, his interlocutor takes one nut. The one with the most nuts after 5 minutes is the winner.


You will need pencils, crayons, sticky tape and a large sheet of paper. Give each team (no more than five people) a set of pencils. At different ends of the room, attach a sheet of paper to the tables or on the wall so that your opponents cannot see. Each player receives only one part of the task (description of the drawing). Everyone chooses a place on a piece of paper, and everyone begins to draw at the same time. For example:

1. Man in blue pants….
2. ...cries a lot...
3. ...a striped toy in his hand...
4. ...cries a lot...
5. ...on the street under the maple tree...

1. Baby in a stroller...
2. ...holds a bottle of juice...
3. ...drinks Coca-Cola...
4. ...reads a book...
5. a stormy sea...

Dogs and roosters

The players sit in a circle. The driver gives everyone the name of the city. Then he says: “I heard that in the city... dogs crow and roosters bark.” The player whose city was named replies: “No, sir, in the city... dogs don’t crow and roosters don’t bark. The city where dogs crow and roosters bark is called...” The player whose city was named responds in the same way. If someone does not answer immediately or is confused, he gives a deposit. When there are a lot of pledges, they are redeemed by completing some task of the presenter.

Electric current

Two teams stand in lines facing each other. Each team joins hands, forming a chain behind their backs, so that the other team cannot see their clasped hands. At the end of the chain there is a chair with a small thing on it, and at the beginning of the chain there is a leader who tosses a coin. Team captains, i.e. those who are first in the chain carefully look for the coin (the rest look only towards the chair, i.e. they do not see their captain). In the event of an eagle, the captains transmit the current, i.e. They quickly squeeze the hand of the person standing next to him, who then shakes the hand of the other, and so on until the end of the “electrical circuit.” The last one in the chain, having received a “discharge,” quickly grabs the little thing lying on the chair.
In the team that did not have time to grab the thing from the chair, a rearrangement occurs. The one who was supposed to grab becomes the captain, and the former captain becomes second in the chain. The captain may make the mistake of prematurely squeezing the hand of the person standing next to him. This happens when the captain is in a hurry to give the current. In this case, the team also loses.

Elephant bathing

Four people are participating. The three are led out the door. The remaining one acts out a pantomime that he will now wash the elephant. One person starts, he must watch carefully all the movements of the “washer” and then repeat them to the second, and that to the third player. At the end, all four take turns telling their versions of what they did.

Broken TV

Everyone knows about the damaged phone. What if the TV is damaged? 3-4 groups take turns showing each other skits. What will come of the initial idea?

Competition "Her Majesty Potato"

  1. One at a time from the squad - who can peel the potatoes faster and better.
  2. One at a time from the squad - whoever eats the potatoes faster.
  3. One at a time from the squad - who will be more accurate in getting the potatoes into the bucket.
  4. Units - write the names of potato dishes.
  5. Team - make a craft from potatoes. Who is more original?
  6. The squad is the best advertisement for potatoes
  7. Representative from the squad - plant potatoes in a bucket of potatoes. Lay it out in one line. Smooth. Tuber to tuber. Who can “Plant Potatoes” faster and better?
  8. According to the representative, who will “harvest the harvest” faster? WITH eyes closed, the squad can give hints.
  9. Relay race - within a certain time (10 minutes), the squad must peel as many potatoes as possible and of the highest quality (depending on how many knives you have, either in turn, or all together).
  10. Relay race - take turns moving the potatoes on a spoon in your mouth. Who is faster?
  11. Make cheese from potatoes. Do it in 3 minutes. As many holes as possible, but so that the potatoes do not fall apart.

Ball - ah - show

  1. Fun ball
    Everyone sits in a circle. Everyone says the verse in unison.
  2. You roll, funny ball,
    Hands over quickly.
    Who has a funny ball
    He will sing a song for us.
  3. Aerial strongmen
    Those interested are invited. The presenter invites them to inflate at a signal balloons. The one whose balloon bursts the fastest wins.
  4. Architect
    Build a tower of balls
  5. Jet ball
    Participants line up on the same line. Their task is to inflate the balloons and release them on command. The one whose ball flies farthest wins.
  6. Air bridge
    The team stands one after another. It is necessary to pass the ball over the head from the first to the last participant and back - between the legs (you can pass 4-5 balls at the same time)
  7. The most friendly
    The team is divided into pairs. At the leader’s signal, the first pairs must run to a predetermined landmark and back, holding the ball between their heads. Pass the balls to the next pair.

Dear guests! We are glad to meet you on the official website of MAOU kindergarten No. 27 “Lesovichok”.
MAOU kindergarten No. 27 “Lesovichok” - preschool educational institution for pupils aged from two months to the termination of educational relations.
Main purpose of activity Institutions - implementation educational activities according to educational programs preschool education, supervision and child care.
Main activities Institutions:
- implementation of preschool educational programs educational education, including those adapted for children with musculoskeletal disorders;
- supervision and care of children;
- organization of health care for pupils (except for the provision of primary health care, periodic medical examinations and medical examinations);
- creating the necessary conditions for organizing meals for students and employees of the Institution.
Motto:Kindergarten will always live for centuries and years to come! Let there be cheerful laughter and success!
Credo: The principle of adaptability, creativity, individualization, readiness to make creative decisions, professionalism, responsibility.>>>

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Calm games for children at home, in kindergarten and on a walk

Updated 09/08/2011 14:27 Created 09/08/2011 14:27

"Calm games for children at home, in kindergarten and on the go"

Compiled by: teacher Dospalova Irina Leonidovna

Even for the most sociable child, kindergarten is stressful. Try to spend several hours in a large noisy company, and if you are a calm and “quiet” person, you will soon get a headache, irritation will begin to accumulate, and you will want to go home quickly. And your baby spends the whole day in such an environment, so by the evening the seething tension is ready to burst out along with tears, screams, and whims.
What can parents do to help their child relieve the stress of the day? Unfortunately, there is no magic cure - one for everyone. You always need to take into account the individual characteristics of a little person: age, character, temperament.
First, you should carefully observe the child and talk with teachers to determine what kind of help your daughter or son needs. If the baby is constrained and timid during the day, and in the evening he “catches up for lost time,” you need to help him relax, talk it out, but not allow him to become even more excited.
If the child is a “hurricane” even in kindergarten and cannot stop at home, it is up to the parents to smoothly and gradually transfer the energy “into a peaceful direction.” It is good to plan the evening in advance so that the child is gradually freed from accumulated tension, participating in the life of the family, and at the same time that he has time to be alone with his thoughts and events of the day.
One of the best anti-stress techniques is calm play. It allows the child to relax and relax. Try to follow a few simple rules. Firstly, the choice - to play or not to play - should always remain with the child. Perhaps just today he is so tired that he just wants to take a walk or read. Secondly, the “evening” game should not be noisy, accompanied by running and shouting.
Players hold hands and form a circle. The driver is placed inside the circle. A paper cap is placed on his head, covering his eyes. Everyone walks in a circle, chanting:
So we built a circle,
Let's turn around together suddenly.
(Turn and walk in the opposite direction)
How about we say: “skok-skok-skok”,
Guess whose voice it is?
The words “skok-skok-skok” are said by only one player, as directed by an adult (point to him with a gesture). The driver's task is to guess from the voice who said these words. If he succeeds, he joins the general circle, and the one whose voice he guessed becomes the driver instead.
Players line up in a circle and disperse at arm's length. The leader stands inside the circle. He shows the children various movements that they must repeat exactly. But there are two movements that cannot be repeated; others must be done instead. For example, when the leader puts his hands on the back of his head, the players should sit down with their legs crossed, and when he leans forward, they should clap their hands two or three times. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.
Prohibited movements must first be shown and the movements with which they are replaced must be thoroughly rehearsed. After this, the game is played at a fast pace.
Whoever makes a mistake, repeats a prohibited movement or replaces it incorrectly, leaves the game.
Everyone is divided into two teams (or even two pairs).
“When I give one whistle,” says the adult, “the first team (the right side of the hall) must say “tick” in unison, and when I give two whistles, the second team (the left side of the hall) must say “so” in unison. Let's try it.
The adult first alternates whistles correctly, then blows two whistles in a row, one after the other, then twice one at a time, etc. The guys make mistakes, shout out of place, this causes laughter and fun.
Based on the number of mistakes made, we determine which team won and announce its decision.
“Let everyone remember the three movements that I will show,” says the adult.
First, bend your arms at the elbows, hands at shoulder level;
second, extend your arms forward at shoulder level;
the third is to raise your hands up.
An adult shows the movements, everyone repeats after him two or three times to remember the number of each movement. Then the game begins.
Next, the adult demonstrates one movement, while calling out the number of another. The players must make those movements that correspond to the named number, and not those that the presenter shows, but inevitably get confused when looking at it.
The players sit on the sides of the room. They choose a driver. He walks past them, repeating three words: “Fish, beast, bird...” Suddenly stopping in front of someone, he says one of these words, for example, “bird.” The player must immediately name a bird, for example “hawk”. You cannot hesitate and name those animals, fish or birds that have already been named before. Anyone who hesitates or answers incorrectly pays a forfeit. After which he “ransoms” him (reads poetry, dances, etc.).
Everyone sits down at a long table. On one side of the table is the driver. Someone is given a coin (or other small object). With their hands under the table, the players quietly pass the coin to each other. Suddenly the driver shouts: “Hands on the table!” Everyone must immediately place their hands on the table, palms down, including the one who at that moment has a coin in his hand. The driver tries to guess who has the coin (by sound, hand position, etc.). By his order, you must raise your hand. If the driver makes a mistake, the game is repeated. If you guess right, then the one who has the coin becomes the driver, and the driver sits down with everyone at the table.

GOSTUSHKA(according to E. Blaginina)
The guest puts on a scarf, enters the middle of the circle, bows to everyone and says:
- So I came to visit you.
The guys answer:
- We are very glad that we came.
The guest smiles, looks at everyone and asks:
- Tell me guys
How did you spend your day?
The guys answer unanimously:
- We'll tell you everything
In order -
We did exercises in the morning!

- Like this and like this,
Another way and like this! -
The guys answer and show how they did the exercises.
- And then? - asks Gostishka.
- We sat down for breakfast,
Everyone ate without leftovers!
- How?
- Like this and like this,
Another way and like this!
The guys show how they ate porridge, drank milk, wiped themselves with a napkin, and thanked us for breakfast.
- And then? - Gostishka asks again.
- We went for a walk,
Variegated butterflies were caught.
- How?
- Like this and like this,
Another way and like this!
The guys show how they caught butterflies with nets.
- And then?
- Then we swam
They swam and splashed in the river.
- How?
Like this and like this
Another way and like this!
The guys lie down on the carpet (on the grass), tumble, splash, and swim.
- And then?
- We sat down to dinner,
Everyone ate with gusto.
- And then?
- We went to bed later
And they fell into a deep sleep.
Everyone goes to bed, snoring and snoring. Then Gostishka says:
- Well, I see, kids,
You had a great day.
The guys bow and say in unison:
- Goodbye!
We're very glad you came!
Come tomorrow afternoon
We'll sing you a song!
- How? - asks Gostishka.
The guys sing their favorite song. When the song ends, Hostushka says:
- I'm not in much of a hurry,
If you ask, I will dance.
- How? - the guys shout.
- Like this and like this,
Still like this and like this, -
Gostishka says and starts dancing. All the guys join hands and dance with Hosteshka.
One of the players - the guesser - is asked to leave the room. In his absence, the guys agree on what action they will portray. Having returned, the guesser addresses them with the following words:
- Hello, guys!
Where have you been
what did you see?
The players answer;
- What we saw -
we won't say
and we’ll show you what they did!
And they begin to depict some action, for example, playing the button accordion, balalaika, riding a horse, riding a bicycle, rowing, swimming, etc.
The guesser must determine from their movements what they were doing. If he guesses, they choose another guesser, and if he makes a mistake, he must leave again to give the players the opportunity to think of another action.
You can play the game in another way. The players are divided into two groups and agree who will guess and who will guess. The guessers go into the next room. The rest of the guys agree on what profession they will pretend to be.
When the guessers return, they are asked the question:
- Do you need workers?
- What can you do? - asks, in turn, one of the guessers. In response to this, the guys begin to depict what they have in mind. For example, they show work in a carpentry workshop, and everyone does different things: one planes, another saws, a third hammers nails, etc. You can depict any work that is familiar to the children.
If the guessers answer correctly, the groups change roles.
The guys sit down, leaving most of the room free. One of the players is asked to leave for a while. While he is away, they take out some small object (a book, a toy, a scarf) and hide it in one or another place accessible for inspection.
When the player returns, it is explained to him that he must find the hidden object. The song will help him with this. When he approaches the object, everyone will sing loudly, and when he moves away, everyone will sing quietly.
The search begins. The guys sing a song and carefully watch the actions of the player. The song sounds louder, then quieter, then stops completely when he makes the wrong decision.
As you repeat the game, you can make it more difficult.
The player must not only find the object, but also guess what to do with it (put it in another place, hide it in his pocket, put it on his head, etc.).
The guys also help him with this with their singing.
On a noisy day, a “quiet haven” awaits him; eight hours in kindergarten will not seem like such a deafening eternity to him, and stress will recede.
You will need a box of paper clips. Paper clips are poured onto the table. At the signal from the leader, the opponents (2-4) assemble the chain using paper clips. The winner is the one who collects the longest chain of paper clips within a certain time.
You will need: Bean seeds, pumpkin seeds, large pasta, etc. Before the game, all seeds are mixed and divided into equal piles according to the number of players. At the signal from the host, the game participants must sort all the seeds into different piles. The first one to complete the task wins. Options: Hold a competition blindfolded, arrange a team competition.
All children leave the room. Someone hides a big, loudly ticking alarm clock. The children return and look for the alarm clock. If someone finds him, he whispers in the presenter’s ear where the alarm clock is and silently sits on the floor. The last child left standing entertains all the children by singing or reading a poem as punishment. Tip: for small children, it is better to place the alarm clock on a saucer or something metal so that it can be heard better.
Children sit in a circle and carefully look at each other’s clothes, trying to remember who is wearing what. Then the driver is chosen with a counting rhyme and he goes out the door. Several children change clothes and call the driver. He must determine who is wearing other people's things and who they belong to.
You will need many pairs of shoes and towels. Children sit in a circle or at a table covered with paper or oilcloth. Everyone puts their shoe or slippers on the table. Then the children take turns coming to the table blindfolded and trying to find their shoes by touch.
Option: For older children, everyone should look for their shoes on the table at the same time. Guess by voice. Children sit in a row. The driver sits with his back to them, with an assistant (preferably an adult) nearby. The assistant calls the children one by one, without calling names. Children behind the driver's back pretend to be some kind of animal. The driver must guess who it is. If you guess right, change places with him.
Children sit in a row or circle. The driver walks in front of them and, pointing at each in turn, says: “Water, earth, air.” He can stop at any moment. If the driver stopped at the word “Water,” then the child to whom he pointed must name a fish, reptile or animal living in water. If it is called “Earth”, you need to name the one who lives on earth. If it is called “Air” - the one who flies.
A chest (box) filled with various things is being prepared. Each player puts his hand into the chest (you can’t look!!!), feels for any thing and says what it is, and then pulls it out to check.
For any number of players. The first player draws a house on the board or easel. The next player remembers the drawing, then closes his eyes, turns around himself and, without opening his eyes, adds a window, door, pipe or bird on the roof to the house.
What kind of drawing will you end up with?
Participants in the game are invited to look at a jar, bowl or pan. You can't pick it up. Then take a piece of paper and try to cut out the lids for the jar so that they exactly match the opening of the jar. The winner is the one whose lid exactly matches the opening of the jar.
Everyone sits in a circle, with the driver in the center. He asks everyone in turn: “Do you like your neighbors?” If someone doesn’t like it, the question follows: “What kind of neighbors do you need?” The player must name either names or some characteristic that should be present in his new neighbors. For example: “I need neighbors in jeans” - then everyone who is wearing jeans changes places, two of them sit in the places of their former neighbors. The driver can also take the vacant seat. The one who doesn’t have enough chair becomes the driver, and everything starts all over again.
Everyone plays in a chain. You need to count in order from one to infinity (as many as you can), but instead of numbers that end in three or are divisible by three, you need to say “good afternoon.” That is, the first one says “one”, the second one says “two”, the third one says good afternoon, the fourth one says four, the fifth one says five, the sixth one says good afternoon, etc. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game until there is only one winner left.
They play standing in a circle. The presenter begins: “Grandma went to the market and bought an old coffee grinder” and shows how she will grind coffee (with her right hand she turns the imaginary handle of the coffee grinder). The person standing next to you repeats the same words and also begins to turn the handle, etc. in a circle. When everyone is involved in the process, the turn reaches the presenter again, and he shows the following movement: “Grandma went to the market and bought an old iron” (strokes with her left hand, without ceasing to grind). Next circles: Grandma bought an old sewing machine (press the pedal with your foot), a rocking chair (sway), a cuckoo clock ("Pu-ku, Ku-ku, Ku-ku."). The point is to perform all actions at the same time.
The king is sitting on a chair. The other players sit in a semicircle a few meters away from him, so that they can see him clearly. With a hand gesture, the king calls one of the players. He gets up and silently goes to the king and sits at his feet to become a minister. During this movement, the player listens carefully. If a player makes even the slightest noise (rustle of clothes, etc.), the king sends him to his place with a gesture of his hand.
The king himself must remain silent. If he makes a sound, if he makes a sound, he is immediately dethroned and replaced by the First Minister, who takes his place in complete silence and continues the game (or the tired king announces that he must be replaced and invites the minister to sit in his place) .
The players sit in a circle. The leader begins by saying to his neighbor on the left: “This is my nose,” but at the same time touches his chin. The neighbor should answer him, “This is my chin,” pointing to his nose. Having received the correct answer, he turns to his neighbor on the right and tells him: “This is my left foot,” showing him his right palm. His neighbor should answer: “This is my right palm,” pointing to his left foot, etc. You should always show a part of the body other than the one being talked about.

“Good night,” parents say to their children. But, repeating this phrase every day, they rarely think about its deep meaning. Doctors say that a calm, sound sleep is vital for a child. It is in a dream that the baby frees his consciousness from all impressions and allows his body to “reboot”. In order for your baby to have a restful sleep, it is necessary to develop a daily ritual that will help your baby fall asleep quickly and soundly.

  • Psychologists recommend that parents stop all outdoor games 2 hours before bedtime. And they are absolutely right, because an overly excited baby will not be able to fall asleep immediately and his sleep is unlikely to be restful.
  • English pediatricians advise parents to give their children a soothing massage, which consists of gentle stroking, 40 minutes before bedtime.
  • The Guatemalans have a very interesting tradition - they place 6 small dolls near the baby’s crib. The baby goes to bed, takes one doll at a time and tells it what unpleasant happened to him that day. After which the dolls are placed under the pillow and sleep with the baby. In this country, it is believed that all worries and troubles will leave the baby along with the moon, and dolls will help him with this.
  • The French do not stand on ceremony with their children. The children go to bed strictly according to the clock, and their mother gives them their favorite toy, “duda.” This toy is usually passed down from generation to generation.

6 quiet games before bed for children 2-4 years old

Very often our children perceive sleep as a punishment. Just now they were “rolling” on daddy’s back or playing ball, and now for some reason they need to go to bed. It seems to them that mom and dad will continue to play, but without them. No wonder they start acting up. It is necessary to explain to the child that everyone sleeps at night, including adults. People used to say that it was in the evening that a child would be attacked by a “jumper.” How to tame capriciousness? 2 hours before bedtime, engage your child in calm activities. 6 games, described in the table below, will help calm children 2-4 years old before bed.

Bedtime games for children 2-4 years old

"Treasure Chest"

Parents make a fairytale chest from an ordinary box. The box can be covered with shiny paper or painted. Then, together with the baby, they must fill this chest with treasures. For example, together with your child (from bugles or buttons) make beads for fairy princess, from shiny foil - a crown, from scraps - weave a small rug for it, draw a portrait of the princess. Place all these treasures in a magic chest and put it under the bed. This game develops a child's imagination and creativity.

"Three Silences"

Dad, mom and child fall silent for two or three minutes and listen carefully to the sounds outside the window. When the time of silence ends, everyone takes turns telling what they heard. For example, a mother heard two birds arguing outside the window, she can tell what the argument was about. Dad heard one car complaining to another that it had a bad owner. He doesn't wash it and forgets to fill it with gas. What interesting thing did the baby hear?

“Who came to us?”

Dad, mom and children sit on chairs. Dad announces that today a variety of animals will come to visit them. Mom starts first. She parodies some animal, and everyone must try to guess who came to visit them. For example, a mother, pretending to be a dog, barks and waves her tail (her hand behind her). The kids must not only guess, but also tell everything they know about dogs. The next player represents another animal. This game allows the child to learn new animals and get acquainted with their habits.

"Remember the toy"

Parents lay out the toys and let all participants remember what objects are on the table. Then, they cover the toys with a cloth and ask the children to turn away and not peep. At this time, mother removes one of the toys from the table. Children must guess which toy has disappeared. The game develops observation and attention in children.

"Magic Carpet"

A small carpet is laid on the floor. Mom tells the baby that this carpet is magical and he can fly. Together with the child, she sits down on the carpet and asks the baby to close his eyes. After which, she asks – where do they want to fly today? Then he says the magic words, the rug supposedly takes off and they go to fabulous trip. Mom starts telling a story. During the “flight progress” the narrative is told one by one.

"Magic Pencils"

  1. For this game you will need a sheet of Whatman paper and colored pencils. The child begins to draw. For example, a house. Mom asks him to turn away and tell who lives in this house. While the child is talking, the mother quickly draws these characters. Turning around, the baby sees them and continues to draw. For example, he draws the sun. Turning away, he tells how bright and warm the sun is. Mom draws flowers and trees, etc. With the help of “magic” pencils you can draw a beautiful landscape or an entire fairy tale with a large number of characters.
  2. You can change the game plan: the child draws a line - the mother continues the drawing. And so on one by one. Of course, it is desirable that the mother has artistic skills, but this is not at all necessary. Funny and absurd drawings most often delight children. Pictures and instructions on our website will help parents and children easily.

We did not describe games with mosaics, modeling from plasticine, assembling construction sets, etc. We think that parents have adopted these activities a long time ago. By the way, why not use a traditional Guatemalan game? There are several small dolls in any home.

6 evening fun games for children 4-6 years old

With children 4-6 years old you can play before bedtime mind games, which will not only calm the kids down, but also teach them useful skills.

How to calm a 4-6 year old child before bed: 6 calm games

Fantasy game “Why”

Little “why girls” are especially active at this age; they love to ask all sorts of questions and it would be a shame not to take advantage of this. The essence of the game is that an adult asks a child a question, and he comes up with a fantastic (implausible) answer. An adult asks the question: “Where do snowflakes come from?” A child can come up with the most fantastic answer to this question: “Father Frost raced across the sky in his chariot, preparing for the holiday. He rushes so fast that sparks fly from under the hooves of his troika, which turn into snowflakes.” This game allows you to develop your child's imagination.

Find the letter

Children at this age already know letters or are learning them. As a rule, each of them has their own “favorite” letter. For example, the letter Z. Open the book to any page and ask your child to find his favorite letter. Count together how many of these letters are on one page. Then ask him to remember words that begin with that letter.

Game "Hugs"

Hug your baby and say ten kind words in his ear. For example: beloved, smart, obedient, strong, brave, talented, caring, beautiful, fearless, kind. Switch roles and listen to pleasant words about yourself. This game will bring you closer and instill in your child a sense of self-confidence.

hidden word

While your baby is getting into bed, write three words on a piece of paper. For example: “Yalok” - “Kolya”. Ask your child to try to guess which word you “hidden.” Another example: “shokak” - “cat”. Words must be written in large letters. You can take one hint. For example, a child can find out what letter a hidden word begins with.

Drawing from memory

Place 5 items on your bedside table. Give your child a chance to remember them. Cover the objects with a cloth and ask him to draw them on a piece of paper from memory. Remove the fabric from the bedside table and compare whether the child has drawn all the objects. This game is aimed at developing visual memory.

A tale for two

The point of this game is for everyone to name one sentence. The result should be a funny fairy tale. Proposals are made one by one. For example, a mother says: “In a certain kingdom-state there lived a little boy.” Child: “He once went into the forest and met a bunny there,” etc. It's a matter of your general imagination. By the way, then you can draw illustrations for a new fairy tale and “publish” your own book. Little writers are usually very proud of their book and show it off at every opportunity. Who knows, maybe the first book will be followed by a second. And then you look, and a new Pushkin or Tolstoy will appear in our country. This game can be used to help your child overcome various psychological problems.

As you have probably already noticed, all of the above games are aimed at the creative and intellectual development of children.

Don't rush to leave the bedroom immediately after your baby falls asleep. Japanese scientists, studying the functioning of the brain, found that the child’s subconscious is still awake for the first five minutes of sleep. And it is at this time that it is most receptive. Therefore, if you sit for a few minutes next to your sleeping child’s crib, quietly telling him how kind, good, brave and beloved he is, your baby will get rid of all fears and complexes. Just five minutes, and what benefits they can bring to your child!

A restful sleep is the key to not only physical health, but also psychological health. During sleep, the child's blood circulation improves, the pulse becomes even, and the brain is enriched with oxygen. By the way, don’t forget to sing your baby a lullaby before bed.

And let your children have only the most wonderful dreams!

Buryat folk game “Drive the Mitten”

They choose a driver and sit around him in a tight circle or opposite the leader on a bench, but also so closely that there are no gaps between those sitting. All players keep their hands behind their backs. One of the players has a mitten in his hands. He begins to loudly chant: “Get the mitten!”, while simultaneously passing the mitten to his neighbor. He, in turn, loudly picks up the song and passes the mitten on as quickly as possible. The driver points to the player who must show his hands. If they are wearing a mitten, then the loser becomes the driver; if not, then the game continues.


1. Only the one with the mitten sings.

2. You cannot try to hold onto the mitten; you must quickly pass it to the next player, who immediately begins to sing. This creates a “cacophony” effect when several players sing at the same time, with a slight time delay.

3. If the driver correctly indicated the player who has the mitten, he does not have the right to pass it on, but must show it to the driver and take his place.

Russian folk game “Rumors”

Several children play this game and sit in a row, closer to each other.

The driver whispers any phrase into the ear of the child sitting on the edge so that other children cannot hear it (you can ask all the children, except one child who will now be addressed, to cover their ears). Then the phrase is passed along the chain from child to child, and the last child, sitting on the opposite edge, pronounces it loudly. If the phrase is distorted, then along the chain they find the one who first distorted it: they ask everyone to repeat what he heard, starting with the first player.

The first player to distort the phrase must move to the last place on the edge.


1. You cannot speak in such a way that anyone other than your neighbor can hear.

2. You can’t ask again if you didn’t hear something.

Russian folk game "Game of forfeits"

Sometimes this game is called “yes and don’t say no,” referring directly to the name of the traditional chant for this game.

They sent you a hundred rubles. Buy what you want, Don’t take black and white, Don’t say yes and no,” says the driver and immediately begins asking the participants trap questions like: “You, of course, know

what color is the sky? If the player to whom the question was asked shouts "Yes!" — he lost forfeit. If the player was attentive, he will answer: “I don’t know!”, and the game continues.

If the driver fails to collect forfeits from the players, then he is replaced by a smarter player who will be able to ask more tricky questions and conduct dialogue with players at a fast pace, confusing and confusing them with unexpected questions and tasks.


1. You cannot give hints to the person answering.

2. You cannot laugh, even if the question or answer was actually funny. For this they also take away the forfeit.

Russian folk game "Drawing forfeits"

Forfeits collected from unlucky players can be played individually at the end of the game. One of the most interesting variants of such a drawing is when all the forfeits are laid out on the table so that everyone can see their forfeit. They choose a driver, seat him with his back to the table and, raising each forfeit in turn, ask what this forfeit should do. The driver's instructions must be carried out. They can be anything: testing dexterity, memory, attention, resourcefulness, the main thing is that their implementation does not humiliate the player.


1. You cannot argue with the driver, demanding that the task be changed.

2. You cannot ask to perform obviously impossible things - in this case, players can change the driver or demand that he complete this task himself.

Oral counting "Bones"

(Tuvan folk game)

Children are divided into two teams, and each team chooses its own driver. Drivers receive the same number of bones (alchiki, ankles). Counting material for preschoolers can also be used.

Each driver distributes the “bones” among the players of his team, and some of the bones can be hidden in another place, but so that the players of the other team do not see how many bones have left the game. The other driver does the same.

Each team then tries to guess how many tiles are hidden in their opponents' hands. The driver names the expected number. If it is correct, then all the bones hidden in the hands go to the players of the other team.

Players from both teams hide the bones again. The players of the losing team might have few of them left (we don’t know how many bones the driver put aside before the start of the game), and then some players on the team might have no bones left at all. But they still have to clench their fists and show with all their appearance that they also have bones.

The game continues until the players of one team have no bones left.


1. It is necessary to announce loudly, for all players, the number of tiles given to the teams

2. Drivers should not call the same number when guessing the number of bones in the hands of the players.

3. The game continues as long as the team has at least one bone.

By mutual agreement, the game can be interrupted and the winning team can be determined: it must collect more tiles than the opposing team.

Yakut folk game “Guess where the middle finger is”

The secret of this game is the ability of the players to change the position of their fingers in a pinch, which is achieved through training. Among hunters and shepherds, who had to deftly untangle ropes in a harness or trap, such dexterity and flexibility were greatly valued.

If you put all the fingers on one hand together in a pinch, and then clasp them with the other hand so that only the tips of the joined fingers are visible, it will be very difficult to guess where the middle finger is “hidden”.

You can invite any child to show with his index finger the finger that he considers to be the middle one. Then, without removing his index finger from your “middle”, slowly release all your fingers from the girth and spread them apart.

It becomes immediately clear whether the finger is guessed correctly or not. If the child correctly guessed the middle finger, then he can now put his fingers into a pinch.

Russian folk game "Mail"

Before the game starts, each child loudly names a famous settlement of his choice (usually children name major cities, but can also use local names settlements, which are also well known to all players).

Any child starts the game by imitating how the bell rings.

They ask him: “Who is going?” - "Mail!" - “Where from and where?” - “From Moscow to Vladivostok” (the child can only name the city that he himself chose at the beginning of the game (Moscow) and the cities that other players chose).

Now the child who named “Vladivostok” when choosing a city asks a question to someone who came from Moscow: “What are they doing in Moscow?” - “They take the subway.” After these words, all the players, except for the one who came from Moscow, begin to pretend to ride the subway. The player who failed to show how to ride the subway gives away a forfeit, and the game continues. Now the child who named Vladivostok carries the mail further (“ding-ding-ding”) to any other city and answers the recipient’s question: “What are they doing in Vladivostok?”


1. If the “postman” is confused: he sent mail to a city that none of the participants in the game chose, or simply distorted the name of the city, then he also pays “forfeit”.

2. The activities that city residents engage in must correspond to reality. For example, if there is a river in the city, you can ride a boat along it, fish, etc.

3. If the player representing the city cannot come up with anything original, then he can say that they “dance” in Voronezh. Then all players will pretend to dance.
