Speech games in special moments. Card index of games “Regular moments Card index of games for preschoolers in regime moments

Tatiana Matunyak
Games in regime moments


Target: to form ideas about personal hygiene items.

Materials and equipment: items necessary for washing (soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, towel, etc., others various items, tables.

Progress of the game.

There are various objects on the tables. Children are divided into two teams. Each participant runs up to the table, selects an item needed for washing, returns to his team and passes the baton to the next player.

"Why do we need water".

Target: consolidate ideas about the importance and benefits of water in human life.

Materials and equipment: an attribute on the head in the form of a droplet.

Progress of the game.

Invite the children to stand in a circle. One of the children - "Kapitoshka". All the rest are drops from the cloud. Kapitoshka asks each one in turn a little bit: Why do we need water? The droplets must respond. For example: Water is needed to wash a person, refresh flowers, etc. If a droplet cannot answer, then it "evaporates"- drops out games. The droplet that stays in the circle wins. Then ask them to draw their answers. An exhibition is put together from the children's answers. "Why do we need water".

Target: consolidate cultural and hygienic skills.

Progress of the game.

Neat bunnies? Paws? Washed! Ears? Washed. Ponytail? Washed. Everything was washed. And now we are clean, fluffy bunnies!

Target: expand children’s knowledge about edible and inedible foods, about proper nutrition.

Materials and equipment: ball.

Progress of the game.

A leader is selected who throws the ball to the child and names a dish, object, or other food, the children catch what is edible, and throw away what is not edible.

Game "Prepare the bed for bed"

Target: to form independent actions: teach your child to make his bed.

Materials and equipment: bed, bedding.

Progress of the game.

Before nap time, an adult invites children to make their beds, shows and comments on the sequence actions: “First we remove and fold the bedspread, then we turn away the blanket and adjust the pillow.” After this, the adult invites the children to make their beds and helps them if necessary.

Target: Organize the use in play of children’s knowledge about the parts of the day, phenomena occurring in nature and in human activity at different times of the day.

Materials and equipment: watch.

Progress of the game.

Invite your child to select pictures for each time of day.

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Good morning, little eyes!

Are you awake?

Good morning, ears!

Are you awake?

Good morning, hands!

Are you awake?

Good morning, feet!

Are you awake?

Eyes look, ears listen,

Hands clap, feet stomp.

Hurray, we're awake!

"At the table"

Take a spoon, take bread,

And soon for lunch. Let's put cabbage on a spoon, potatoes - and hide them!

Try to find it!

The cabbage is not visible on the spoon, potatoes.

And it’s not on the plate - look!

So the afternoon tea has arrived,

The children all sat down at the table

So that there is no trouble,

Remember the rules of food:

Our feet don't knock

Our tongues are silent.

Don't litter at the table

If you make a mess, clean it up!


You love everyone, you warm everyone,

You caress and pity everyone,

Our Sun, our light,

We all send greetings to you!

We won’t pick flowers

Let them grow to the joy of people!

Red and blue

They're all so beautiful!

"Daytime Dream"

Guys, wake up!

Open your eyes!

Stretch your legs, lift your arms.

We will first take very small steps.

And then take a wider step, like this, like this,

Stand on your toes, stretch your arms up.

We rested peacefully

fell asleep in a magical sleep.

It's good for us to rest!

But it's time to get up!

We clench our fists tightly,

We raise them higher.

Stretch! Smile!

Everyone open your eyes and stand up!

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Card index of regime moments

Card No. 1 “Morning reception of children, examination, games”

Target. Gradual integration of children into the life of the group; creating an emotionally positive attitude; strengthening the teacher’s personal contact with each child.

Carrying out. Children are received outdoors or indoors. The teacher pays attention to the mood, health and appearance of the children. Fosters a culture of communication: reminds children not to forget to say hello and speak in a calm voice. Creates conditions for varied and interesting activities for children: offers them educational games, toys, materials for creativity, manuals for physical activity and sports games, conducts conversations, organizes observations, gives instructions, organizes the work of duty officers, etc.


Morning greeting

Hello sun!

Hello sky!

Hello, my whole Earth!

We woke up very early

And we welcome you!

Greeting game "Friends' Journey"

Purpose of the game: creating a friendly atmosphere at the beginning of the day.

Children sit on chairs in any order so that there is enough space between the chairs. From among the children, the adult selects three who stand one after another and hold them in front with one hand.standing by the waist, while the other hand remains free, this is a train of two passengers and a driver.

Cheerful music sounds, the train moves between the chairs, and the driver and passengers greet their friends sitting on the chairs with a wave of their hands. As soon as the music stops, the train stops, and the driver and passengers each choose one friend from among the children sitting on the chairs, inviting them on a journey. The one chosen by the driver becomes the driver and stands up first, the rest of the children stand behind him and continue to move to the music, greeting those sitting on the chairs. After several musical pauses, one long train is formed, all participants of which can greet the adult. The game can be repeated several times.

Game "Find the surprise"

Target: development fine motor skills hands, coordination of movements;teaching patience.

Material: candy wrappers (10-15 pcs.), small items (badges, buttons, etc.).

Progress of the game.

The presenter wraps the badge in 4-5 candy wrappers. The child must unwrap all the candy wrappers, carefully fold them and receive a prize. The child is offered 2-3 “surprises”.

Game “Building a doll’s room”

Target: make the child want to take care of the doll; learn the names of pieces of furniture; expand ideas related to the arrangement of a room for a doll.

Material: doll, toy furniture (table, chairs, bed), teaware, dog.

Progress of the game.

On the table in front of the child there is furniture for the Katya doll: two chairs, a table, a linen closet, a bed, a sofa, an armchair. The adult names the pieces of furniture, and the child repeats.

“Our Katya,” says the adult, “bought new furniture. She will show us her purchases, and we will advise her on how to arrange the furniture in the room.” The adult invites the child to look at the furniture, then arranges it.

A “dog” comes to “look” at Katya’s furniture. The child tells her what kind of furniture the doll bought. The adult encourages the child to use the word “furniture” in his speech.

The dog tries to “remember” the names of pieces of furniture, but “confuses” a chair with an armchair, a sofa with a bed.

An adult suggests playing the game “What’s Missing?” to help the dog “remember” new words. The child closes his eyes, and the adult hides a piece of furniture. The child guesses which piece of furniture is missing.

The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Card No. 2 “Morning exercises”

Target. Removing residual inhibition after a night's sleep; ensuring training of all muscles; preparation for subsequent loads; children's health.

Carrying out. In preschool institutions with daytime children, morning exercises as an obligatory part of the daily routine are carried out daily before breakfast in the area or in a well-ventilated room. The teacher compiles a complex of morning exercises, health-improving exercises, selects physical education equipment, musical accompaniment. The total duration, intensity of the load, number of exercises and repetition depend on the age of the children. When conducting morning exercises, the teacher takes into account the well-being and mood of the children.


Tough kids

Tough kids

We went out onto the site

Tough kids

Doing exercises!

(T. Volgina)

Morning exercise complex

1. Forming and walking in pairs.

2. Running in all directions.

3. Walking and forming into links.

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. “Show your palms” - raise your arms to the sides, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times.

5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross-legged, hands on your belt. Turn right and left, saying: “W-w-w.” Repeat 4 times in each direction.

6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms lowered. Bend forward and down, touch your toes with your hands, and return to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times.

7. I.p.: lie on your back, arms along your body. Float around with your arms and legs, imitating the movements of a beetle, saying: “Zh-zh-zh.” Return to starting position. Repeat 3 times.

8. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, hands down. Jumping on two legs and running.

9. Walking in pairs.

Finger gymnastics

Breathing exercise"Geese"

Geese are flying high

They look at the children.

Raise your arms to the sides - inhale, lower your hands down with the sound “gu-u” - exhale. Repeat 6-8 times.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Massage of the cervical vertebrae "Pinocchio"

Pinocchio, with his long, curious nose, draws “sun”, “carrot”, “tree”.

1. Soft circular movements of the head clockwise, then counterclockwise.

2. Turn the head to the sides, up, down.

3. Tilt the head while “drawing” to the right, then to the left.


A massage of biologically active points is performed according to the text of the poem.

The gnome lives in your fingers,

He brings us health.

One, two, three, four, five,

Our gnome began to play,

With your finger on your nose

Draw circles.

And then I rose higher

And he went down from top to bottom.

The gnome looked out the window,

He laughed and flew away.

The gnome touched the point on his forehead,

Turned right, left

And he pressed quietly.

And then he went lower.

Closer to the mouth.

I was hiding where my ears were,

Replaced me:

“How funny you are!”

One, two, three, four, five,

I decided to catch him.

We will take it in our hands,

Let's wave our hands a little.

Card No. 3 “Preparing for meals”

Target. Formation of cultural, hygienic and self-care skills.

Carrying out. Before eating, children, independently or with the help of an adult, correct deficiencies in their appearance: put their clothes in order, comb their hair. The washing process is carried out gradually, in small groups of children in a calm, friendly environment. The teacher reminds the child about the algorithm for washing hands and washing his face, and the rules of behavior in the washroom: do not splash water, do not linger at the sink, turn off the tap. Forms and strengthens children’s skills: using the toilet, rolling up their sleeves, properly soaping their hands, performing oral and nasal hygiene, using only their own towel, and carefully hanging it in its place. Clarifies the names of washing accessories and the properties of water.


Didactic game “Find the consequence”

Target: develop logical thinking, phrasal speech; develop a careful attitude towards your own body and health.

The teacher invites the children to finish the sentence they started by determining the consequence of the event.

If you don't brush your teeth, then...

If you don't wash your face, then...

If you don't comb your hair, then...

If you don't cut your nails, then...

If you don't wash, then...

If you don't wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet, then...

Addition riddles

For a good hairstyle

Will come in handy...(combs).

So that the body is clean,

A shower and...(soap) will help us.

You always carry with you

Your own handkerchief...(handkerchief).

Card No. 4 “Meals (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner)”

Target. Formation in children of the basics of proper nutrition and table manners.

Carrying out. When organizing meals, the teacher draws the children’s attention to how the tables are set and evaluates the children on duty. Depending on the menu, he clarifies the names of some dishes. Notes the care of the assistant teacher and cooks for children, and in a few words indicates the importance and necessity of these professions. During the meal, the teacher constantly monitors the children’s posture and motivates them to eat all the food offered. Also, during the breakfast process, the tasks of developing cultural and hygienic food intake skills are solved: eat independently and carefully, use cutlery correctly, do not talk at the table, chew food carefully and slowly, follow the rules of etiquette.


Proverbs and sayings

Eat mushroom pies and keep your mouth shut.

Eat more and talk less.

Eat rolls and less babble.

When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.

Card No. 5 “Games and children's activities”

Target. Creating a positive attitude in children for upcoming activities, increasing performance.

Carrying out. The teacher creates conditions for organization different types children's activities, as well as individual work with children. The choice of games depends on which activity with the children will be carried out first. If it is associated with significant physical activity, you need to offer games that are less active and make sure that children do not get overexcited or overtired. If it is planned to hold music lesson, then the teacher organizes games with small building material, desktop-printed. Before an activity that requires mental activity, it is more advisable to offer children physical education equipment for the development of movements: jump ropes, hoops, balls, skittles, and serso.


Game "Clothes pegs in a basket"

Target: development of fine motor skills of the three main fingers of the hand(thumb, index and middle).

Material: basket with wooden clothespins. (The edges of the basket should not be toothick. The basket can be replaced with a flat figure made of thick cardboard.)

Progress of the game.

The child puts a basket with clothespins on the table. The leader takes the clothespin with three fingers, attaches it to the edge of the basket and invites the child to repeat what he did.

After the child has mastered this, he is asked to attach all the clothespins along the edge of the basket.

You can complicate the game: attach clothespins at speed; attach with one hand and unhook with the other.

Repeated repetitions of squeezing and unclenching movements with force provide excellent training for your fingertips.

Game "Shooting Range"

Target: development of coordination and speed of movements of large and small muscle groups; development of various ball throwing skills.

Material: balls, a target (ring or box), various target toys.

Progress of the game.

At the distance to which the child can throw the ball, a box is placed or a ring is hung. The child tries several times to hit the target. Modified version: target toys are placed, and they must be knocked down. For a knocked down toy or a ball that gets into the box, the presenter gives out a forfeit (token). The one with the most forfeits wins.

Outdoor game "Snake"

Children stand in a circle. The driver is in the center. He walks and says: “I am a snake, snake, snake. I'm crawling, crawling, crawling." He stops near a child and asks him: “Do you want to be my tail?” If the child refuses to become the “tail,” then the “snake” asks the next player, and if he agrees, then the leader spreads his legs wide, the “tail” crawls between them and stands behind the “snake’s” back. The game continues.

After the “snake” has a long enough “tail”, it says: “I want to eat!” The children run away. The one who is caught by the driver becomes a “snake”.

Card No. 6 “Direct educational activities”

Target. Development of children's cognitive activity.Implementation of educational, developmental and educational tasks in the process of joint organized activities.

Carrying out. GCD is carried out according to a plan that specifies the number of classes, timing, duration and program content. The teacher provides that classes in which children move little are replaced by physical education and music. If children experience fatigue (excitement, inattention, motor restlessness, etc.), a physical education minute is held.


Ritual for starting the “Magic Ball” class

Children sit on chairs or on a carpet in a circle. The teacher passes the ball of thread to one child. He winds the thread around his finger and at the same time says a kind word, or a good wish, or affectionately calls a peer sitting next to him by name, or says a “magic word,” etc. Then he passes the ball to the next child. The transmission continues until it is the teacher’s turn.

Ending ritual for the “Friendship Relay” lesson

Participants join hands and pass a handshake like a baton. The teacher begins with the words: “I convey to you my friendship: it goes from me to Masha, from Masha to Sasha, etc., and finally returns to me again. I feel like there is more friendship as each of you added a piece of your friendship. Let it not leave you and warm you.”

Card No. 7 “Preparing for a walk”

Target. Formation of self-care skills, proper and consistent dressing.

Carrying out. Before you go for a walk, you need to restore order in the group. The teacher reminds children of the rules of conduct in the dressing room. In the process of dressing, he solves educational problems: he clarifies and consolidates the name of the clothing, its details, and purpose. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the sequence of dressing, and before going out for a walk, to the children’s appearance. If during the process of dressing someone shows obvious mistakes or difficulties, the teacher eliminates them together with other children in the group, while making the children want to help each other.



Winter is coming.

I knit the sweater myself

Made from fluffy warm yarn.

Mom is knitting a scarf nearby.


Winter time is coming,

We put on sweaters.

Choosing wool:

Both patterned and simple.


Fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandchildren -

Everyone, of course, loves trousers.

Because it's fashionable

Both beautiful and comfortable.


The threads are wound into a ball.

Grandma knits a sock.

Warm, thick, woolen,

So that you don't freeze in winter.


Jackets are worn by everyone in the world -

Worn by adults and children.

Summer, autumn, winter

You and I wear jackets.


Both girls and boys

They wear warm coats.

It's good to walk in a coat

And play snowballs in winter.

Card No. 8 “Walk”

Target. Strengthening the health and hardening of children’s bodies, enhancing their motor activity and cognitive abilities.

Carrying out. The daily routine of the kindergarten includes a daytime walk after classes and an evening walk.During the walk, the teacher provides the children with time for joint free activities. To do this, toys and auxiliary equipment must be available. The teacher teaches children the rules for handling it during a walk or beforehand in a group. Outdoor games are required. From time to time, children are involved in carrying out work assignments. Half an hour before the end of the walk, the teacher organizes a calmer activity: observes with the children the changes taking place in nature, conducts conversations, word games. Before returning from a walk, children put the area in order, collect takeaway materials, and discuss the rules of behavior at the entrance and in the locker room. In kindergarten, the teacher monitors the process of changing clothes, instills in children a careful attitude to things and neatness skills.


Bird watching walk

Target - continue to introduce children to birds, remember the names of their houses.


Note that in the summer there are many birds, they sing in different voices and are busy with their chicks. At the beginning of summer, you can hear birds singing, but it is difficult to see them: they are sitting in their nests or fluttering among the green foliage. They have little chicks that need to be fed and warmed. It is important to tell what benefits birds bring, to observe what rooks and starlings do.

Draw the attention of older children to how quickly swallows and swifts fly, catching insects. Show the nest of swallows, note how often they fly to the nest with food for the chicks. Tell us that birds feed their chicks with insects in the summer, thus helping to preserve plants.

Artistic word

Tongue twisters

There were jackdaws visiting the wolf cubs,

There were wolf cubs visiting the jackdaw cubs.

Nowadays the cubs are making noise like jackdaws,

And, like cubs, the cubs are silent.

M. Boroditskaya


In the spring it flies to us from the south

Black bird like a raven

There is a doctor for our trees.

Eats different bugs...(rook).

F. Talyzin

There's a palace on a pole,

There is a singer in the palace,

And his name is... (starling).

Who glued it on a May day

A mitten over the window,

Having settled tenants in it -

Restless chicks?(Martin)

N. Krasilnikov

There's a happy house on the pole

With a small round window.

So that the children fall asleep,

The house is shaking in the wind.

Father sings on the porch -

He is both a pilot and a singer.(birdhouse)

V. Orlov

Didactic game “Guess by description”

Target - develop the ability to compose a descriptive story, attention, coherent speech, find similarities and differences.

The teacher describes the birds, the children guess.

Exercises “Onomatopoeia”

Target - consolidate the pronunciation of individual sounds.

The teacher names the birds, the children pronounce onomatopoeia.

Exercise to develop fine motor skills of the hands

“Lay out of pebbles” - lay out a birdhouse and a bird out of pebbles.


Sweep the area.

Individual exercises

Jumping rope, elastic band.

Outdoor game "Grasshoppers"

A large circle is drawn on the site. IN They choose a “starling” (driver), he stands in a circle, “grasshoppers” - behind the circle. The “starling”, having left the circle, begins to stain the “grasshoppers”, chasing them in any way: jumping on one leg, goose-stepping, etc. The “grasshoppers” must move the same way as him.

Having caught the “grasshopper,” the “starling” leads it into a circle and remains there. The caught “grasshopper” becomes a “starling”. He must chase the grasshoppers in a different way, and they must move the same way as he does.

The game ends when all players are in the circle.

Card No. 9 “Preparing for bed, daytime naps”

Target. Providing rest after active wakefulness, accumulating strength for further activities in the afternoon, developing self-care skills.

Carrying out. During preparation for bed, a calm environment is created in the group. To do this, children are taught to calmly do the afternoon toilet, undress and neatly fold their clothes. Sleep should take place in a well-ventilated area, protected from direct sunlight and bright light. Before bedtime, the teacher relaxes, reads fairy tales to children, tells nursery rhymes, and sings lullabies. He checks how the children are settled in their cribs and wishes them a restful sleep.


Exercise "Relaxation"

Children sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back, place their hands loosely on their knees, and legs slightly apart. The teacher says in a quiet voice at a slow pace, with long pauses:

Everyone can dance, jump, run, draw,

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.

We have a game like this - very easy, simple:

Movement slows down, tension disappears...

And it becomes clear: relaxation is pleasant!

Card No. 10 “Gradual rise, water procedures, hardening activities”

Target. Preserving and strengthening children's health, developing personal hygiene and self-care skills.

Carrying out. Rising from naps occurs gradually as children wake up. Invigorating gymnastics are carried out, water procedures and recreational activities are organized. Work continues to ensure that children follow personal hygiene rules. After sleep, children consolidate the skills of consistent dressing, learn to notice problems in their appearance, and fix them independently or with the help of adults.


Nursery rhyme

Stretchers, stretchers

Across the fat girl,

And in the hands there are grippers,

And in the legs there are walkers,

And in the mouth there is a talk,

And in the head there is reason.

Invigorating gymnastics “Let's play with our ears”

(With elements of self-massage)

It is carried out in bed.

Educator. Let's play with the ears.(Calm music sounds.)

“Show me your ears.”Children with eyes closed find the ears and lightly tug on them. Repeat five times.

Find your ears

And show me quickly.

An option is to invite children to find the left ear with their right hand, and the right ear with their left hand.

"Let's clap our ears."Place the palms of both hands behind your ears and bend your ears forward, first with your little finger, and then with all the other fingers. Pressing your ears to your head, quickly release them. In this case, the child should hear cotton. Repeat five times.

“We put earrings on our ears.”Grab your earlobes with the tips of your thumbs and index fingers of both hands and pull them down, and then release. Repeat five to six times.

“Let’s twist the trestle.”Insert your thumb into the external auditory canal and press the tragus with your index finger. Having grabbed the tragus in this way, lightly squeeze and rotate it for 20-30 s.

"Beautiful ears."Using the index fingers and thumbs of both hands, rub your ears from bottom to top and top to bottom until redness and a feeling of warmth for 30 seconds.

“We wash behind the ears.”Rub behind the ears until you feel warm and for 20 seconds.

"Let's warm our ears."Warm your palms by rubbing them together until you feel warm. Then apply to your ears and rub them all over the shell.

(Children get up. Perform hardening procedures.)

Hardening procedures

Air baths;

Rinsing the mouth with water at room temperature;

Pouring feet;

Wiping the entire body with a damp mitten, followed by rubbing with a dry towel.

Poems about clothes


Summer day is dry and hot.

It's good to wear a light T-shirt.

And in the cold, snowy winter

We wear a T-shirt under our clothes.


Katya loves her very much

Dress up in dresses.

On Katyusha's dresses

Lace and ruffles.


Lena's skirt is fluffy.

And the length is knee-deep.

Sewn fashionably, neatly,

And it's nice to wear.


Maybe a T-shirt can be made

Both cotton and silk.

It is convenient to play football in it:

And not hot, and free.


Here is a shirt with sleeves

And with straight stripes.

Striped, she

We need it in the wardrobe.


Misha puts on shorts

And he walks down the street.

And when does this happen?

Well, of course, in the hot summer.

Card No. 11 “Games, independent activities of children”

Target. Formation of children's communication skills, development of interests and abilities in children during play activities.

Carrying out. In the afternoon, collective work is organized with the children, entertainment is provided, and dramatization games are organized. Much attention focuses on creating conditions for experimentation, experimental work, and modeling. Particular attention is paid to organizing independent activities and forming positive relationships between children. The teacher creates a developmental environment based on the interests of the children, and they themselves choose activities based on their needs.


Outdoor game “Musical hugs”

Children jump around the hall to the music. When the music stops, each child hugs someone tightly. Then the music continues and the children jump around the hall again (together with partners, if desired). At the next break in the music, at least three children happily hug each other. As the game continues, the number of hugs increases until finally all the children form one big “musical hug.” This is a great way to help shy children feel confident.

Role-playing game "Sea Voyage"

Target: formation of communication skills.

The teacher offers to take a sea voyage.

What do you need to build to go around the world? What can you build a ship from? Who will be the captain? What other roles need to be distributed between the players so that there are people of different maritime professions on the ship? Who is at the helm and guides the ship across the seas and waves? (Captain or his mate.) Who cooks the food? (Cock.) Who looks forward, climbing onto a high mast? (Jung.) What do you need to prepare to sail exactly on course and not get lost? (Map, compass, globe.)

Counters for distribution of roles:

Children embody their creative ideas in play.

Game "My Family"

Target: teach your child observation skills; development of long-term memory; acquaintance of the child with relatives, awareness of his belonging to the family, age relationships.

Material: 5-6 photographs of relatives.

Progress of the game.

The teacher shows photographs of the child’s relatives and asks to name everyone who is depicted in them. For example:dad, grandma, aunt, sisteretc. Then he lays out photographs on the table and calls relatives by name and patronymic, or tells which of the relatives works for whom, where the family lives and about their other distinctive features. The child tries to remember new information and repeat it.

Game "Embroiderers"

Target: development of fine motor skills, clarification of finger movementshands; concentration, development of coordination.

Material: On the tray there are sheets of cardboard with lines drawn on them. There are simple drawings, and there are more complex ones. The lines have segments along which the needle and thread will pass (in more complex tasks, these segments are only marked with dots). A ball of woolen thread, 1-2 thick tailoring needles.

Progress of the game.

An adult talks about embroiderers. If possible, he shows various embroideries and invites the child to play embroidery, explaining how they embroider.

Then the child takes the needle and inserts the thread into the eye of the needle. At first, an adult helps him with this. Later he does it on his own. The ends of the thread are connected and a knot is tied.

Then the child makes stitches on cardboard with holes (for a lighter version, you can use a cord instead of a needle), threading the needle up and down.

It should be noted that working with a needle, especially threading and tying a knot, is very difficult for a small child. At first, it is better not just to show, but to perform these operations together with him, hand in hand, showing patience, and accurately catch the moment when you can let go of the child’s hand and invite him to act independently.

Card No. 12 “Children go home”

Target. Formation of a child’s positive attitude towards kindergarten.

Carrying out. The teacher discusses the past day with the children, organizes goodbye games, and reminds the children of the rules of good manners. Talks with parents: talks about the child’s well-being, mood, achievements, gives advice on education and upbringing.


Game "Good News"

Children answer the question: “What good happened to them over the past day in kindergarten?” They speak in a circle, passing the ball from hand to hand. The teacher limits the time of speaking with a sound signal.


Games for a walk all year round / Magic chest. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2012.

Kharchenko T.E. Invigorating gymnastics for preschoolers. – SPb.: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” LLC, 2010. – 96 p.

Galanov A.S. Mental and physical development child from three to five years old: Benefit for preschool workers educational institutions and parents. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: ARKTI, 2003. - 96 p. (Development and education of a preschooler).

Development of cognitive and emotional spheres of preschoolers Methodical recommendations/ Ed. A.V. Mozheiko. - M.: TC Sfera, 2009. - 128 p. (Journal Library " Preschool teacher") (3).

Lyutova-Roberts E., Monina G. Greeting games for a good mood. – St. Petersburg: Rech Publishing House, 2011.

Morning exercises to music: A manual for educators and music. Head of Det. garden (From work experience) / Comp. E. P. Iova, A. Ya. Ioffe, O. D. Golovchiner.-2nd ed., Spanish. and additional - M.: Education, 1984. - 176 p., ill., notes.

Nishcheva N.V. Card index of outdoor games, exercises, physical education minutes, finger gymnastics. Ed. 2nd, supplemented. – SPb.: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” LLC, 2010. – 80 p.

Savelyeva E.A. Finger and gesture games in verse for preschoolers. - SPb.: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” LLC, 2010. - 64 p. (Speech therapist's office.)

Knushevitskaya N. A.Poems, riddles, games lexical topics. - SPb.: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” LLC, 2014. - 176 p. - (Speech therapist’s office).

Yakovleva N. N. The use of folklore in the development of a preschool child St. Petersburg: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” LLC, 2011.

Children's speech is beautiful in itself,

in addition, scientific value, since by studying it,

we thereby discover bizarre

patterns of children's thinking.

K. I. Chukovsky

It is known that preschool age is a unique period in the development of a child, which has its own logic and specificity. The most important prerequisite for improvement speech activity preschoolers is to create an emotionally favorable situation that promotes the desire to actively participate in verbal communication. And it is the game that helps create situations in which even the most uncommunicative and constrained children enter into verbal communication and open up.

The formation of speech activity is the process of interaction between a child and people around him using material and linguistic means. Speech is formed during the child’s existence in a social environment.

What does it mean to develop a child's speech? The answer to this question is both extremely simple and at the same time extremely complex. Of course, developing a child’s speech means teaching him to talk. A child can learn this with the help of an adult in the preschool years. Any delay and any disturbance in the development of a child’s speech affects his behavior, as well as his activity in its various forms.

As teachers of a speech therapy group with children with disabilities, we consider the development of children’s speech to be a fundamental part of pedagogical activity and we try to pay as much attention to this issue as possible. After all, the development of speech leads to the development of all forms of child activity. And a special place here is occupied by lullabies, nursery rhymes, sayings, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, and riddles. This is due to the age characteristics of preschoolers, primarily the properties of their memory, as well as the ability to concentrate attention only for a short time.

We all know that for the full development of the speech of our pupils, we must constantly talk to them. One of the techniques is speech games in sensitive moments. And therefore, in our work with children, we pay special attention to the development of their speech in everyday life, unobtrusively and without coercion. After all, every minute of communication with a child can be turned into exciting game, which will contribute not only to the development of children’s speech, but also to the formation of the child’s personality.

Every morning starts with a greeting. In order to very quickly gather children in a circle, you just need to start saying: “Hello, right hand! Hello left hand! Hello friend! Hello, friend! and to the words “Hello, hello, friendly circle!” children from all sides of the group gather in a circle (this is how our children learned to create a large and even circle). After which we begin to greet each other: each child takes turns saying: “Hello, Mashenka,” etc. Or you can make it more complicated: “Hello, Mashenka, what a beautiful dress you have.”

At all routine moments we include various techniques for speech development.

While washing in the toilet room, we say sayings, for example,

"Ay, okay, okay

We are not afraid of water,

We wash ourselves clean,

We smile at everyone!”

Physical education minutes are also of great importance. As you know, children have short attention spans, they get tired from sitting, so they need to relax.

“Pinocchio stretched, bent over once, bent over twice.

He spread his arms to the sides - apparently he couldn’t find the key.

To get the key, we need to stand on our toes.”

In educational activities we very often use exercises with SU-JOK balls:

Stroke my palms, hedgehog,

You're prickly, so what!

I want to pet you

I want to get along with you.

We also use commenting techniques in educational activities.

In direct educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development, we effectively use the technique of commenting, which consists in the child verbally accompanying his actions. For example, “What are you doing now? What will happen after this? What color do you think would go better with red?” etc.

Each musical lesson also begins with saying a greeting with speech accompaniment:

Hello pens...

Hello legs...

Hello ears......

Hello cheeks.....

Hello sponges......

On physical education classes Breathing exercises and outdoor games with speech accompaniment are used.

Our children really like to say the talkers while getting dressed for a walk:

One, two, three, four, five-

We're going for a walk.

Katya tied up

The scarf is striped.

And let's quickly go for a walk

Jump, run and gallop.

We use it while walking various games with a ball: “Call it affectionately”, “Say the opposite”, “It flies or doesn’t fly”, “Who moves how?” etc.

While walking we use the following rhymes:

Behind glass doors

There is a bear with pies.

Mishka-Mishenka, my friend,

How much does a pie cost?

The pie costs three,

And then you will be naked!

During the walk we also use various outdoor games with speech accompaniment: “Geese, geese...”, “Mousetrap”, “Bear in the forest”, etc.

Before lunch we use finger exercises:

The fish swam and splashed

In clean, warm water.

They will shrink, they will unclench,

They'll bury themselves in the sand!

Before meals we have a wonderful talk, after which the children eat almost everything.

"And we have spoons

A little bit magical.

Here is the plate, here is the food.

There is no trace left."

Don’t forget to say the talkers when you wake up:

We rested peacefully

We fell asleep in a magical sleep.

It's good for us to rest!

But it's time to get up!

We clench our fists tightly,

We raise them higher.

Stretch! Smile!

Everyone open your eyes and stand up!

And during hardening we conduct exercises with speech accompaniment:

We need to play sports!

We need to toughen up!

You have to be the first in everything

We don't care about frost!

It is very captivating and uplifting if, while combing, children say:

I scratch, I scratch my hair,

I'm combing my braids!

What do we do with a comb?

We're doing Eva's hair!

The children's names change according to who gets their hair done.

Correctional hours must include articulation exercises, which are recommended to us by the speech therapist.

Children's individual work in independent activities (sculpting, cutting with scissors, burning, etc.) also takes place with speech accompaniment (repetition of songs recommended by the music director).

Texts with poems, talkers, and myrils are located in a group at their destinations at the children’s eye level, since some children are already reading them on their own.

Speech, in all its diversity, is necessary component communication. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities, the more meaningful and fulfilling his relationships with peers, the more active his mental development is.

Talk more, joke, encourage any speech activity of the child and soon you will get the most interesting interlocutor for yourself!

Sedentary games for younger and older children middle group kindergarten in the Federal State Educational Standard.
The games are aimed at developing the child as a comprehensive personality. They are intended for children of primary and secondary preschool age. These games can be used both in direct educational activities and in independent activities.

Goal: To teach children to move according to a signal, to develop auditory skills.
Silence by the pond
The water doesn't sway
The reeds don't make noise,
Go to sleep, kids.
Children walk in a column one at a time.
After the words, the children stop, squat, bow their heads and close their eyes. The one who moves stands at the end of the column.
Interactive technologies: work in pairs, round dance, chain.

Goal: To develop children's activity in motor activities. Encourage children to play. Develop physical qualities.
Tick-tock, tick-tack,
There are crayfish walking in our river.
They walk backwards, looking for crayfish in the ford river,
The crayfish began to drink water -
Come out, you should drive!
The players get into pairs and stand in a circle. Each pair turns their back to each other and offers their hands. With the beginning of the text, all pairs move in the same direction in a circle so that the first in the pair goes straight in the direction of movement and leads the hands of the second, walking backwards (this is cancer). At the end of the text, the game is repeated with a change in direction.
Interactive technologies: work in small groups (triples), “round dance”, “chain”, “carousel”.


Like snow under the tree, snow,
And there is snow on the tree, snow,
And under the hill there is snow, snow,
And there's snow on the hill, snow,
And a bear sleeps under the snow
-Hush, hush, don’t make noise!
Children stand in a circle. A bear is selected, sits in the middle of the circle, and closes its eyes.
On lines 1 and 3, children go into the circle, on lines 2 and 4 - out of the circle, on line 5, children carefully approach the bear, line 6 is said by one child as directed by the teacher. The bear must recognize by the voice who spoke.
Interactive technologies: “round dance”, “interview”, “chain”.

"The gray bunny washes himself"
Goal: To develop the ability to monitor the development of the game. Develop the ability to imitate characteristic actions.
Gray bunny washes his face
Apparently he's going to visit
I washed my nose, I washed my tail,
I washed my ear and dried it.
the children stand in a circle, the bunny is in the middle, he plays out the text and approaches one of the children, who becomes the bunny.

work in small groups (triples).

"Recognize by voice"
Goal: Teach children to play by the rules. Develop speech skills and physical qualities.
Vanya, you are in the forest now.
We call you: "A - y!"
Well, close your eyes,
Don't be timid
Who called you?
Find out soon!
Children walk in a circle and say the text in the middle of the circle.
The driver closes his eyes and guesses which of the children called him.
Interactive technologies: “round dance”, “chain”, “carousel”.

"The guys have a strict order"
Goal: To develop the ability to act on signals and physical qualities.
The guys have a strict order,
They know all their places.
Well, sound more cheerful:
Tra - ta - ta, tra - ta - ta!
children walk around the hall in all directions. At the signal, the children line up in a column.
Interactive technologies: “round dance”, “carousel”.

Goal: To develop attentiveness, intelligence, sound culture of speech.
Inflate our balloon
swell up big
stay like this
don't burst!"
children form a tight circle, hold hands, move back in small steps, expanding the circle,
At the teacher's signal:
"The balloon burst!" children squat
or walk slowly to the center of the circle and
pronounce: "sh - sh - sh - sh"
Interactive technologies: “round dance”, “chain”, “carousel”.

"Sun and Rain"
Goal: coordination of speech with movement, development of general speech skills, enrichment of vocabulary, development of creative imagination and motor imitation, teaching elements of pantomime.
The sun looks out the window,
shines into our room.
We'll clap our hands
very happy about the sun.
Top, top, top, top / 2p.
Clap, clap, clap, clap / 2p.
children walk in circles
children clap their hands
children stomp rhythmically
children clap rhythmically
When the teacher signals “it’s raining,” the children crouch down and “hide.”
Interactive technologies: “round dance”, “chain”, “carousel”.

Goal: coordination of speech with movement, development of general speech skills, enrichment of vocabulary, development of creative imagination and motor imitation.
On the water, lads,
Palm clapping
Yes, bare feet.
Children stand freely. Game exercise performed according to the teacher's instructions. While reading a nursery rhyme, children shake their hands with both hands, as if hitting water.
On the last line they stamp their feet, stepping from one foot to the other.
Interactive technologies: “round dance”, “chain”, “carousel”, “work in pairs”, “work in small groups”.

"Wolf - top"
Goal: To develop coordination of movements, hearing, physical qualities. Teach using a counting rhyme to choose a leader.
Wolf - top, woolen barrel
He ran through the spruce forest,
Fell into the juniper
Got caught in his tail
Spent the night under a bush.
Children stand in a circle. They choose a wolf using a counting rhyme. The wolf walks in a circle with long strides, and at the last words he crouches behind someone’s back, and that person becomes a wolf. The game repeats itself. You can choose two wolves
Interactive technologies: “round dance”, “chain”, “carousel”.

Goal: To develop auditory qualities, physical qualities, and the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text.
On the lawn
Warmed by the sun,
Behind the flowery moth
Summer has passed.
Swimmed in the river
Lying on the sand
Flew by
And disappeared into the distance.
Children stand in a circle. As the reading begins, the poems jump in one direction, while Summer jumps in the opposite direction inside the circle.
On lines 6-7 he stops, Summer jumps in place with swinging movements of his arms (“mill”). On the last 3 lines, Summer runs out of the circle and sits down behind one of the players. With the end of the text, the children look for where Summer has hidden. Who finds him behind his back, goes out into the middle. This is a new Summer.
Interactive technologies: “round dance”, “chain”, “carousel”,
“work in pairs”, “work in small groups”.

Goal: To train children in coordination and orientation in space when performing various tasks. Develop auditory attention through play.
The children stood in a circle, saw a flag,
Who should I give it to, who should I give it to, Who should I give the flag to?
Come out, Olya, to the circle,
Take the flag, Olya!
Come out, come out, take it,
Raise the flag higher!
Children stand in a circle, in the center there is one child with a flag. After the words: “come out, come out...” the named child goes into the middle and takes the flag. The first child stands in a circle, the game is repeated
Interactive technologies: “round dance”, “chain”.

"Make a riddle"
Goal: Develop speech, imagination, memory.
Try to tell the children when they have difficulty, for example, is it glass, transparent, do fish live in it?
The child comes up with riddles about familiar objects.
Interactive technologies: “chain”, “carousel”.

Goal: To develop memory, speech, the ability to analyze, present and defend arguments.
Continue the game by helping him draw a certain conclusion.
The game begins like this: “It seems to me that the calf’s mother is a horse. After all, they have hooves, they are covered with hair, they eat hay, etc.”
Interactive technologies: “chain”, “carousel”, “work in small groups”, “Interview”, “Aquarium”.

"Big Circle"
“We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.”
Goal: To teach children to call an action a word, to use verbs correctly (tense, person), to develop creative imagination, intelligence.
A more complex version of this game is individual reproduction of similar actions. The organization of such a game is approximately the same as in “Broken Phone”. All participants close their eyes, except for the first two, one of whom shows the other some action (watering flowers, or chopping wood, or playing with a ball). Then the second child shows the same action to the third, the third to the fourth, etc. So, in turn, children pass on the same action to each other. The last child in the row must guess this action.
Children are divided into small groups (4-5 people), and each group, with the help of an adult, thinks through a staging of some action (washing, or drawing, or picking berries). Children must choose the plot themselves and agree on how they will show it.
After such preparation, each group silently demonstrates its action. Each show is preceded famous phrase: “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.” Spectators carefully watch their comrades and guess what they are doing and where they are. After guessing correctly, the actors become spectators and the next group takes the stage.
Interactive technologies: “chain”, “carousel”, “work in small groups”, “Interview”, “Aquarium”, “Big circle”, work in small groups (threes)
