Walkthrough of the game the room android. The Room Three game: ending passage

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The passage is relevant for Steam-versions of the game for PC

Game interface

On game screen, on its left side, during the game, inventory cells are displayed that are constantly open for use. In the upper right corner of the screen there is an icon, clicking on which opens the game menu. In the training stage, in the first part of the game, and with hints mode turned on, in certain moments Explanatory notes appear on the screen. After detecting the necessary components and combining them, there will be a lens icon on the right side of the screen, with which you can view the object in a different color range for detection additional information. There is no cursor as such in the game.

Shell interface

Options settings allow:

Enable/disable hints;

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We can turn the end of the key to give it a different shape.

We move back and look at the walls of the cabinet.

We bring our gaze closer (double-click LMB) to the wall with a vertical plate and rivets in the center. Moving asiderecord at one of the sites. Let's examine the configuration of the keyhole. Take the key (click on the image of the key in the inventory). Rotatelimit switch so that it matches the configuration of the well. Close the inventory (click on the arrow on the right). We hold the key LMB and drag it onto the keyhole (the image of the key becomes clear when it enters the active zone). Turn the key in the lock. From the opened niche we take out the “Metalplate with ornate engraving." We are leaving the approach. We turn the camera to the right.

Let's take a closer look at the manufacturer's plate. We use the plate onscrew affixing a sign. Turn it counterclockwise and unscrew the screw. We take the lens out of the niche. We automatically move away from the locker. The lens is also automatically installed in the eyepiece. Let's click on it. We see the image of the wall in a different color range. We consider the manifesteddrawing . Click on the eyepiece and switch to normal vision mode.

We turn to the wall with a circle in the center. We bring our gaze closer to the window above the circle, covered with a curtain. We move the curtain. We look at the key, turn the limit switch 90°, insert the key intolock , and turn the key clockwise.

The segmental cover is removed from the circle on the wall.

We click on the eyepiece and parts of the picture appear on the rings. We rotate the rings, restoring drawing. Open the wall of the cabinet.

The training is over.

Chapter 2

There are three locks to open on the box.

Castle 1

Click on the eyepiece. We examine the box.

We notice prints on one of the ribsfingers . Click on the edge and remove the “Ancient Leather-Bound Book” from the hiding place. We examine the find in the inventory. Rotate rings : top, bottom, center, right. We take the key from the opened book.

It looks like this key is used to wind the clock mechanism.

In the niche where the book was taken from, we see hint. We are leaving the approach.

We turn to the wall of the box, on which there is a square with combination lock inside. We bring our gaze closer to it and click on the eyepiece. We see a hint - in the left window you need to set 5, in the right - 7.

We rotate the box so that we can see which numbers should be at the top and bottom.

We install the suggested ones in the windowsnumbers . In the window that opens, lower the lever.

We automatically turn to the side of the box from which the device extends. We look at its left side. Reclinehook . We insert the key into the lock of the opened mechanism, rotate the key clockwise (the disk inside the device begins to rotate). Let's look at the bottomlegs caskets, to the right of the casket. Double-click on it with LMB. We rotate the rotating part, remove the “Small” leg from the cavitypiece cotton fabric”, smelling of paraffin. We are leaving the approach. Then we bring our gaze closer to the right side of the device. We insert the wick into the hole, turn the wheel on the left, striking a spark.

We pull out the lever on the right, pull it up - the burning wick rises up, illuminating the window from the inside. We are leaving the approach.

We turn to the side of the box with the lock in the center. Let's take a closer look at the ring on the foot of the box on the left. Rotate the ring. We take out the “Miniature Telescope” from the sliding upper part. We examine it in the inventory, rotate the rings - the working telescope acceptsview . We install it incoasters devices. We look through the telescope and see the film. We click on the eyepiece and look through the telescope again - it opensclueTRIAL. We automatically approach the window that opens on the left and click on the eyepiece again.

We set the pattern by rotating the rings. We take out the “Copper plate with the letter L” from the opened niche. We turn again to the side of the box with the lock in the center. We bring our gaze closer to the windows above it. Place the letter in an empty slot. Spin the wheels, set the wordTRIAL.

One of the locks is open.

The Room Three (Room 3) – continuation famous game quest for android. As before, you have to solve a bunch of different puzzles in order to leave the scary house. Your task will be to understand the operation of a certain mechanism, connect two objects together to obtain a third, or find a way out of a locked room. Most of the puzzles are simple and fun, and their solution lies right on the surface of your device; you just need to look closely and logically use the suggested clues. Some of the puzzles require returning to them multiple times to finally solve them. Buttons, levers, mechanisms, hidden objects and much more fill the mysterious rooms and you will have to figure it all out. Sometimes the entire level and one single puzzle turn into a single mechanism, the solution of which is to move to the next level.

The game is so confusing, sometimes you have to activate just one mechanism and the room will open and you will be taken to another level. And sometimes this mechanism is part of another mechanism, which in turn gives you a chance to open the box, which contains the long-awaited key to exit the room. Sometimes there are situations when you can’t find a solution; there are tips for this in the game. But the hints do not indicate the exact and only correct decision, but only hint at what next step you should take. At almost every level you will come across notes from the main villain of the castle, adding a little horror and even more mystery to what is happening. The main difference between this part and the first two is that you will have to explore and get out of an entire castle located on an island.

By the way, the game suggests 4 options for the development of events, depending on what steps you will take, which of the clues you will miss and which side of the castle you will take yourself to. It will be impossible to go back, but you can always replay the game from the beginning and find a different course of events. The graphics in the game are pretty good high level. The interiors of the rooms are drawn to the smallest detail so that you can catch every even insignificant detail. But some rooms are a little dark and you almost have to peer into them to see anything. And their equipment changes subtly, which becomes a little boring. The soundtrack and sound effects fit perfectly into the gameplay. The controls in The Room Three are simple and intuitive, so you can fully concentrate on solving the task assigned to you - leaving the ominous castle as quickly as possible!

Here is the third part of one of the best series quest puzzles. It is necessary to search for objects, solve complex ones logic problems, interact with mechanisms, unraveling the thread of the storyline in parallel.


The third part of the excellent puzzle has received many innovations. You will notice them with the naked eye the first time you enter. You'll notice even more detailed graphics. Your ears will catch a thematic sound design that immerses you in the atmosphere.

And soon you will realize that you are on a mysterious island from which you need to get out. However, you will still be in different indoors, solve puzzles, find answers, interact with different mechanisms.


The gameplay of the third part corresponds gameplay the first two. Closed rooms, interactive objects, complex puzzles, difficult mechanisms, a constant search for answers to questions - this is what awaits you in The Room Three.

You can still use the eyepiece, which allows you to look at objects in a new way, seeing hidden clues and secret mechanisms. At the same time, the developers kept the tips. True, you shouldn’t count on ready-made answers. You will only be given a hint where to look for the next answer. However, you will still have to find the answer yourself.

Examine the panel on the door. Slide open the latch and look inside. You can now access this podium. Look through the eyepiece to see three messages. Then peel back the circular windows to find the element that solves the riddle. Here are the solutions: The power of flight, and knowledge - a pen Poor me, I don't need the rich - nothing My face is silent without my hands - a clock You will get a rich window for trouble Look at the field in your inventory. Spin the dial into the front latches to unlock the box and remove the lens. This will be attached to the eyepiece and allow you to look inside a nearby keyhole. Rotate the dials until all three toggle switches light up. You just need to spin one of the two left dials until both left toggle switches light up, and the same for the right side. Inside, place the pyramid into triangular shapes on the table. You will receive an emblem. Place the emblem in the empty slot on the chest of the weapon image on the wall. Then rotate the rotating parts to match the image above. Look at the panel on the wall. Move the sliders to the positions shown to the power on the machine. Then flip the large switch on the table. Flip all four switches and press the button inside this machine to open it. Spin the left stick until the lamp in the background turns on. Then twist the correct dial until the green signal matches the black one. This will open a portal. Look at that odd knob on the side of the central table. On the one hand, pull this lever back. On the other hand, unlock the latch at the bottom. Open the box and take the wooden gear. Place the gear in the slot in the center of the top table. Spin until the church jumps off the table. Look at the floor to find tiles with plaque that reads the fire. Take the sphere inside. Look at the sphere. Turn the ball upside down in its cradle, then rotate it until it opens. Take the magnet from inside. Return to the tabletop, find this building, and spin the wheel until the small door opens. Viewing with an eyepiece. Pull the snake's tail to make a stepped body appear. Spin three segments until the diamonds line up, as in the example above. Click the button on the open head of the snake to make it open its mouth. Take the magnet from inside. Look at this car. With the selector on the first letter, turn the dial 9 and 8 to highlight the letter p. Then move the selector to the second letter slot, and turn dials 9 and 2 for Y. Move the selector to the third letter slot and Twist dials 2 and 5 for R. Move the selector to the fourth letter slot and Twist dials 1 and 6 for E. Take the wooden carved arch. Place the arch on the table here. Then turn it and use the eyepiece to go inside. On the three pillars you will find a couple of points. Hold them with two fingers to reveal the picture. Do this for all three, and make note of them. Draw all three models on the center panel so that three batches of writing appear. When all three are present, a new structure will appear. Look at this back panel through the eyepiece to see the compass letters drawn from the shape. You can click on the button in the center to rotate the arms and drag the shapes in the middle. Use this to complete the compass as above. Take the wooden model piece from the inside. Open the drawer and take the dial model. But also note the symbols are on tiny plaques. Find and mark these symbols too. Rotate the viewfinder in this part of the structure so that the rows and columns match the same set of symbols you saw on the tiny plaques. Then double-click on the viewfinder to see a line of constellations on the graph. Write down both of them, which you can see below. Did you receive them? Then return to the front surface of this structure. Use magnets to push and pull the four diamonds so that you match the layouts shown on the constellation diagrams. If you put both magnets on the same line, the diamond will move towards the center. The easiest way to do this is to start at the bottom, so that you end up at the very top of the icon, which is in the middle on both diagrams. After matching one diagram, one of the latches will open. Repeat the process for the other pattern to open the second latch and then the door. Take a piece from the inside.
