Useful tips for beginners in World of Tanks that will significantly improve your game level. Tips for playing World of Tanks Wot tips

Dear tankers who recently started playing! Almost each of you, taking your first steps in World of Tanks, makes almost the same classic mistakes, which affect both your further gaming statistics for others and your personal opinion about the game as a whole. Based on them and the questions you most frequently ask, I am writing this very short and accessible guide to the most favorite rake of young tankers in random battles.

In World of Tanks, tank types are divided into two categories - the tanks themselves (heavy TT tanks, medium ST tanks and light LT tanks) and auxiliary vehicles, namely self-propelled guns (artillery) and tank destroyers.

Heavy tanks. This technique was created for the offensive and pushing through enemy defenses. Such tanks boast good protection and powerful guns that can penetrate almost any enemy armor. You need to play them carefully, because in World of Tanks are heavy tanks are the main offensive power of the team. The death of any of them is a tangible loss for the team.

Medium tanks. In World of Tanks, this type of tank was introduced to attack the enemy from unexpected directions. These are dynamic, fast and rapid-fire tanks that are small in size and ideal for breaking through flanks defended by only a few enemies. Medium tanks can decide the outcome of the battle - return to their base and destroy the invaders, capture the enemy base, destroy artillery or bring turmoil to the enemy camp. In World of Tanks average tanks are the most dangerous class of equipment for enemy tank destroyers, since, thanks to their dynamics and firepower, they can easily come from behind or from the side and first block a tank destroyer and then destroy it with impunity.

Light tanks They cannot boast of either strong armor or powerful weapons. Their main advantage is speed and maneuverability, thanks to which they can conduct reconnaissance on the battlefield and detect the enemy extremely effectively. This gives allies information about the enemy's disposition of forces and also allows friendly self-propelled guns and tank destroyers to conduct targeted fire from a safe distance. An experienced player on a light tank can cunningly reveal the enemy's combat positions throughout the entire battle. And, having seen a broken flank, a light tank can quickly get to the enemy’s rear and destroy artillery, which is a key task in a light tank battle. In addition, many players lose sight of the fact that highlighting the enemy is a very good way to earn money and upgrade your crew and equipment: if you transmit information about the enemy to your allies, you receive 50% of experience and credits for the damage done to him.

We have sorted out the types of tanks inWorld of Tanks. Now is the time to move on to the descriptionSelf-propelled guns and tank destroyers. These are very interesting classes, and playing them is radically different from any type of vehicle.

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery unit. In the game World of Tanks, almost all tank destroyers are so-called “shooting bushes”. By default, they have a high camouflage coefficient, which allows you to fire at the enemy unnoticed.

Almost all American anti-tank self-propelled units have good armor, Soviet - powerful guns, German - both, but their camouflage characteristics are slightly underestimated. French tank destroyers have good guns and are equipped with powerful engines that allow them to quickly move from one place to another. British tank destroyers have excellent armor and a good gun, but are large in size and cannot boast of high mobility.

Artillery. This type of technique is capable of inflicting the greatest one-time damage to the enemy. Playing with artillery is quite difficult, but in the right hands you can really ruin your opponent’s tank life. It must be remembered that this technique has very weak armor (virtually none), low mobility and extremely high reloading and gun aiming times. Any tank that gets close to the artillery can easily destroy it. The self-propelled gun has its own special sight and can destroy the enemy at long distances.

IMPORTANT! Remember that artillery is the main combat power of the team, take care of it and don’t let a firefly accidentally visiting the base destroy it.

Beginner players We advise you to first start getting acquainted with military equipment with heavy tanks, since they are sufficiently armored, have good weapons and are the easiest to play. After you have played several hundred battles on different maps, master them, remember the main directions of attack, as well as defense - you can move on to playing on other types of tanks. Just like playing tank destroyers, medium and light tanks requires more experience, knowledge of maps, weak and strengths different techniques.

Depending on the type of equipment used, we select the necessary tactics:

- playing on heavy tanks, select the main directions of attack. On open maps like Malinovka, it is best to choose camouflaged positions (bushes, trees, vegetation, folds of terrain). On city maps, it is best to choose positions in houses. Under no circumstances are we the first to go to an open area of ​​the map. We try to stay in a group of allies.

- playing tank destroyer, it is worth taking camouflaged positions (bushes, broken trees), sticking to the second line of attack or defense. Under no circumstances should you go ahead of everyone on the attack; it is more effective to be at a distance of 300-500 meters from your opponent. This will allow you to deal damage to your opponent without being exposed. The most optimal positions are elevated to increase visibility and fire.

- playing on medium and light tanks, we choose an open area, since the use of other types of equipment is less effective there. The task of light tanks is to reveal enemy positions, which makes it possible to inflict damage on allies. For medium tanks, the main task is to break through the enemy’s weakest flank. Thanks to the high mobility of this technique, the player can quickly change the direction of attack from one flank to another.

- playing artillery, we occupy firing positions in the depths of the defense, at the farthest lines. We try to support our allies with fire, both in attack and defense. The main task of artillery is to destroy enemy tank destroyers and heavily armored vehicles. When we detect an enemy artillery tank, we first destroy it.

Tips for the most common beginner mistakes:

1. Do not face the enemy with the stern or sides, because these are the most unprotected places of the tanks. Always turn the tank body towards the direction of fire. It’s most convenient to re-warm the body between shots. While moving, it will be much more difficult to hit your opponent.

2. Try not to get ahead of the main allied forces. An enemy ambush may be waiting ahead. It is better for beginner players to stay behind more experienced players.

3. Finish off enemies at the first opportunity, try to finish off the enemy tank. Focus fire on one enemy tank. When choosing from several targets, choose the one that you can destroy in one or two shots. In the first half of the battle, it is very important to achieve a numerical advantage.

4. The ammunition load of any tank must contain several high-explosive fragmentation shells. They will come in handy when you need to stop the capture of your base. Armor-piercing and cumulative shells can ricochet off an opponent, and this type of shell, although it will cause little damage, will break the capture and give time for slower allies to reach the defense of the base.

5. Work as a team, do not support your allies and do not interfere with moving around the map. Never be idle and remember, if you are idling somewhere, then your team is outnumbered by one tank. Don't stop each other from shooting.

6. Learn to work with the minimap, always keep an eye on it. This will give you a tactical advantage and assessment of actions. It will help you determine where and what forces the enemy is, the place where allies need help, and where you can make a breakthrough.

7. Try to use the advantage of fast tanks in battle. They are ideal for attacking the flank of enemy forces. This will constantly distract the enemy's attention and give an advantage to the allies.

8. The key to victory is endurance. Don't rush when shooting, wait for complete aiming, even if the opponent is not that far away. Even in close combat, you shouldn’t rush to send shells at the enemy without taking aim: even thin armor can cause ricochets.

9. Always remember that not only the one who discovered you and lit himself up, but also those for whom he “shines” you can shoot at you.

10. Know and remember the capabilities of your tank. These include such simple things as speed, maneuverability, acceleration, armor, gun accuracy, aiming time, and the rest. This is the basis of the basics, without it your behavior in a difficult situation turns into Russian roulette.

World of Tanks- a very multifaceted team multiplayer game and advice for beginners can be continued for a very long time. We hope that the basic recommendations described in this article will help you quickly understand the nuances gameplay and will save you from making many mistakes.

World of Tanks has many different game mechanic and formats. However, there are unspoken rules that every aspiring tanker must follow. Be sure to familiarize yourself with them before heading into your debut battle.

1. Know your car

Before going into the first battle, carefully study the characteristics of the tank. From them you can determine his capabilities in battle. For example, if the viewing range is less than 380 meters, it makes no sense for you to scout the area. You will not indicate the enemy's positions to your allies, but you will give away your location. It is just as dangerous to face a heavily armored vehicle in a frontal attack if you are in a light tank. There are exceptions among the light class, for example, the French Bat.-Chatillon 25t, but such a technique is not available to players at the first levels.

2. Keep track of equipment, ammunition and equipment

Don't forget the importance of equipment like rammers and improved ventilation. This way you will strengthen best sides cars. Also be sure to buy repair kits, first aid kits and fire extinguishers. Playing with a damaged ammunition rack is a sea of ​​problems and suffering.

3. Decide on development branches

Try to immediately decide on the country and tank branch you want to study. To do this, study the characteristics of level 10 vehicles and choose the one you like. Remember, tens are the crown of development of design thought, because along the way there was a lot of trial and error.

4. Always keep an eye on the team composition

Studying the lineup at the beginning of the match is often forgotten, and this is extremely important. You can see the number and types of vehicles in the enemy and in your own team, which can help in predicting events. In addition, it will be easier to understand where your car is most needed. Remember: traveling alone is not heroism, but a stupid idea. You will die in vain, without bringing any benefit to your comrades.

5. Timeliness and the minimap

By keeping an eye on the minimap, you can always understand where your allies need help, which flank is about to be broken through, or where, say, a retreat has begun. If you get in the way of an enemy advance, you will die ingloriously, so don’t try to take cover behind a rock. It will be a surprise for the enemy if he lets you through and then suddenly fires a high-explosive shell into the gas tank.

6. Fulfill your role on the battlefield (vehicle classes)

There are often cases in the game when a heavily armored vehicle defends a base, and no one presses the enemy front. Artillery flying with a whoop towards the IS duo is also a bad idea. A light tank on duty at a self-propelled gun, and not conducting reconnaissance, betrays a beginner who could not understand the purpose of his vehicle.

World of Tanks is a role-playing game, so the tasks of certain vehicles are enclosed within strict gameplay boundaries. The purpose of heavy tanks is to push the direction. Medium tanks play the role of a kind of cavalry that rushes across the battlefield and bites everyone by the tracks. Light tanks must study the enemy rear and “shine” enemy positions for the allies.

7. Etiquette in battle

The game is “toxic”, like any multiplayer project. They don't really like newcomers here, so be patient. Just look at the map and think. Do not react to angry messages from your allies or provocation from your opponent. Learn for yourself and be sure to follow the mistakes of others. A useful skill.

8. Make decisions quickly

An important point. You should always leave your opponent in the minority. Pay attention to the almost destroyed tanks. Destroy them first. because otherwise, not one enemy vehicle will fire at you, but two.

Take care of your own, covering your comrades in a timely manner. It makes no sense to expose yourself to a lot of strangers for the sake of one shot. In this case, just keep the enemy in sight. Your artillery or allied tanks in a more advantageous position for shooting will themselves destroy the enemy. In the game, experience is given (and a lot of it) for helping your team.

Playing WoT is interesting, but quite difficult, especially for beginners. You go into battle, you want to play, but - bam - you were killed, and the mood immediately disappeared. What needs to be done to make the game successful and enjoyable? In this article we will tell you about the most necessary skills to play tanks well.

World of tanks - let's start playing

The main mistake of beginners is that they immediately rush forward, expecting to start the fight right away. Thus, they simply expose their car, turning themselves into a quick and defenseless target. Hence the advice - never get into the front row.

Understand a simple thing - there are no super tanks in this game. Even if you are driving an armored heavy tank, if you do it alone, it will be destroyed quickly. There are no indestructible vehicles in this game. Therefore, it is important to remember the following rules:

The tank needs to be protected

The main task of any tank is to survive in battle. This is especially important for light tanks, which can “shine” and transmit data about the enemy. If you see that your car has already exhausted its safety margin, then it is better to quickly change position. Especially when any next shot will be fatal.

Why is it so important to survive in combat? Because the goal of your fight is to win. How will your team achieve victory if every player quickly fades away? Therefore, the task of survival is inextricably linked with achieving victory. If you take a shot at an enemy, but your tank is hit, then you are positioned incorrectly. You will soon be destroyed and you will not be able to help the team.

Choosing the right position

Always monitor not only the condition of your tank, but also the situation in battle. If you are injured, it is better to quickly move away and stand in a safer place. You need to act in the same way if you see that your position is about to be broken. Assess the situation in your area and figure out a safe route to change positions. If at the same time there is an opportunity to finish off one of the advancing opponents, do it. And go to another place where you will have support.

The game has a huge amount various cards where battles take place. But, in principle, their number is limited, depending on current version, one and a half to two dozen cards are used. Each map has certain positions that are beneficial for certain types of equipment. Experienced and skillful players specifically study new maps in order to decide where to go at the beginning of the battle. They know in advance where to stand on artillery, where to go with a light or medium tank.

How to play World of tanks correctly

What is the essence of the battle? The two teams begin to intensively destroy each other, therefore, the main goal is to cause damage to the enemy. Many beginning players forget about this and start riding fireflies or busily studying the position. But the main thing is to cause damage to enemy vehicles, and for this it is important to remember the following points:

  • - Hit the enemy tank weak points. There are non-banned mods that show enemy vulnerabilities. Even better is to study the technique and remember the weak points.

  • - You need to shoot from safe place. The enemy either shouldn't see you, or you're shooting at him while his tank is reloading.

  • — The main thing is the effect of concentration. If you see that your allies are asking to support fire on specific tank, respond. Add your shots to quickly destroy the enemy with concentrated fire.

— Reduce the number of tanks. Sometimes newbies will shoot at an entire tank to cause more damage. At the same time, they can ignore another, already almost destroyed tank, because it will do little damage. But any enemy tank is a shot at an ally’s vehicle, and this can lead to defeat. If you see that you can finish off an enemy tank, do it immediately.

Is it possible to play World of tanks on one tank?

Beginners, as soon as they install the game, begin to get confused in various tanks. There are so many of them and they are completely different. Therefore, it is important to understand the basic classification.

There are five main types of vehicles in the game:

  • — Light tanks, they are also called “fireflies.” The task is to provide light, that is, to reveal the location of enemy tanks so that the allies can shoot at them.
  • - Medium tanks, which are universal tanks. Basically, their task is to support heavy tanks, break through the flank, protect allied artillery or tank destroyers.
  • — Heavy tanks, the personification of real combat. These are huge and not very fast vehicles, covered in armor and with good one-time damage. A group of heavy tanks can easily push through the main direction in a battle and decide the outcome of the battle. Therefore, it is important to track where and where the enemy’s “heavies” are going.
  • — Tank destroyers, real hunters who can hit from afar and cause a lot of pain. Classic anti-tank vehicles, their main feature is high one-time damage, excellent visibility and excellent armor penetration. PT-shki also have high degree camouflage, so they can mock, causing damage, and remaining invisible.
  • — Self-propelled guns, a class of equipment that many players sincerely hate. This is artillery that hits from afar and sometimes hits very painfully. It has high one-time damage, which is compensated by a long reload. A real bane for heavy tanks, which tend to be slow and therefore vulnerable to self-propelled guns.

Each class of equipment has its own pros and cons that must be taken into account in battle. Which tank from these groups is worth playing on depends on your character and play style. Cautious players prefer tank destroyers for their "bush" and secretive style of combat. Players who are fast and sharp choose light or medium tanks to gain game dynamics and the ability to influence the battle. Many beginners opt for heavy tanks, reasonably believing that with their armor they will have a better chance of surviving a battle.

How to play World of tanks without errors?

Mistakes in the game are inevitable, even experienced players who have tens of thousands of battles behind them make them. And certainly newbies who have just started playing tanks will make a lot of mistakes. But if you want to understand typical mistakes, you can figure out how to avoid them. This is how beginners turn into experienced tankers with high skills and excellent victory statistics.

All of these errors are fairly easy to fix. Analyze each battle, try to understand what exactly you did wrong. Only by understanding your typical mistakes will you begin to fight correctly, wisely. And this is important, because in this game the most important thing is to act wisely and calmly.

World of tanks watch how they play

Another mistake newbies make is that they immediately leave the battle as soon as they lose the tank. Well, this is more likely not a game error, but a methodological error that interferes with learning. There is a convenient feature in tanks - if you lost a tank, but stayed to watch the battle, you can always watch how your allies play.

You just need to click on a live tank in the list of allied vehicles, and the same picture as that player sees will appear in front of you. You just won’t be able to control his technique, but you will see the battle the same way. It's a great free lesson to follow an experienced player in battle.

You will be able to see how he chooses a position, shoots or moves around the map. Another important point is that by watching the actions of an experienced player, you will know the best positions. But then you will be able to ride the tank in another battle on the same map. Sometimes the position may turn out to be so good that you alone can decide the outcome of the battle.

Important point– you can see an experienced player if you install the allowed mods. As for mods, we will tell you in another article, we will do it in detail and thoroughly. In the meantime, understand one thing - good mod will help you in many ways, including seeing the class of players. You can choose the most experienced fighter to monitor his actions in battle.

How to play World of tanks better

The outcome of the battle in the game, first of all, depends on your skill, that is, personal skills and abilities. Of course, there is also a considerable amount of chance, luck and bad luck. It happens that sometimes the battle is forced, most of the team quickly merges, and nothing can be done. However, skilled players are able to survive even bad battles, not to mention even initially equal battles.

But the level of your skill directly depends on your personal qualities, in fact, only on psychology. Everything matters here - temperament, learning ability, ability to think quickly, composure. Knowledge is especially important: all “extras” have one thing in common - they know the features of maps and equipment very well.

In this regard, the game is connected with life, because a person’s personal qualities also decide a lot there. And a person’s character can be immediately understood by his behavior in battle. After playing with him a few times, you will already know his qualities well. Just like in life, in tanks you can raise your level by improving your qualities.

First, you must understand what style of play you like. Just don’t go to YouTube to watch water makers talking about tanks. This will lead you astray from the right path; water experts will not help you understand your personal preferences. The correct way, as described above, is to stay in the fight and keep an eye on the best players.

Watch literally everything that an experienced player does. Watch how he chooses a position, try to understand why he changed it. Remember all the details, and if something is not clear, even ask the player himself after the battle. Another nice feature of World of tanks is that you can remember the player’s nickname and contact him after the battle. Polite treatment, precise question, and an experienced player will be happy to explain his actions to you.

Regular observation will help you understand which class of equipment you like best. Choose those tanks that you like and suit your personal qualities (temperament, motor speed, lack of restraint or composure, etc.). Then you should study the weak and strong points your tank to use them in battle. By knowing your tank, hiding its weaknesses, using excellent positions in battle, you can truly influence the course of the battle. This is how, over time, you can become an experienced tanker with a purple “statue”.

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Good day, dear readers. Like any game, World of Tanks has small

1. We use tank armor correctly.

In almost any tank, the strongest point is the front of the turret. So you try to play from it, hiding your vulnerable lower armor plate and showing only the tower to the enemy. He is unlikely to penetrate you there, but if you have a tank with a large commander’s turret, then try to rotate the turret, drive back and forth, in order to make it difficult for the enemy to aim it.

This is roughly how we tank with a tower:

2. Clinch

When playing on a tank with a strong turret, especially against various tanks and tanks with commander turrets, we enter into a clinch in order to expose, again, our strongest armor. We also try to point the gun of your tank at the enemy’s gun, so we have a chance that when the enemy fires, our gun will take damage, maybe it will crit, but we won’t receive damage. We also rotate the turret to make it difficult for the enemy to target the hatches. Many heavy tanks with strong tanks, as well as ST (for example, T-62), are ideal for clinching.

This is approximately what a clinch looks like, on an IS-7 with a very strong turret, we huddle up to the E100 and don’t let him shoot at us at the NLD or VLD, he can only see our turret.

3. Side tanking

Many heavy tanks have powerful side armor, but many do not even know how to drive around corners correctly and quickly die. Let's analyze the situation, the enemy E100 leaves like many inexperienced players, thereby exposing our roller, we shoot at the roller, and if the enemy does not have a repair kit, then it is unlikely to get off (many simply do not even download the repair). So let's use this.

Here is an example of an incorrect exit:

This is how to properly drive a tank with strong sides, make a minimum angle and drive away from the side, thereby hiding our vulnerable NLD, which in most cases of shooting at us will result in ricochets and not penetrate.

4. Targeting vulnerable areas

No matter how strong a tank in World of Tanks is, it has its own vulnerable areas. For example, even the strongest tanks of level 10 can be penetrated into the NLD or the commander's turret.

For example, with the E100 gun, which has weak armor penetration with an armor-piercing projectile, we can easily penetrate the T110 into the commander’s turret, since it is only the main frontal armor (even though the T110 is on the side, but that’s not the point).

5. Gold shells

Since many vehicles in the game have very strong armor, we are not always able to penetrate someone, especially if we are at a lower level. However, we can always load a cumulative or sub-caliber projectile (most often they act as gold projectiles) and penetrate a given tank, but we should not always do this, only in cases where you are dragging out a battle or really cannot penetrate the tank in any way point. If you shoot gold too often, you can run into big losses on loans, so don’t be overzealous. We'll definitely take a couple.

As an example, the E100 tanks with its turret; if you don’t have time to aim, as often happens in tense situations, we load a gold shell and freely shoot the E100 into the cheek of the turret. We wouldn’t be able to do this with an armor-piercing shell; we would have to aim the bar under the turret or the rangefinder on the roof and hope to pray to the VBR for a hit.

6. Penetration skins

A very useful thing that shows the weak zones of tanks, where it is easiest to penetrate, as well as the location of all modules (ammunition rack, engine, etc.) and crew members. This will make it easier for beginners to shoot at weak spots, so try to always crit the ammo rack, tanks and engine first, which can have a very bad effect on the enemy tank. You can download penetration skins from our website, for example, at.

7. Study the performance characteristics of the tanks you are fighting

Especially their armor and weapons, which will be a huge plus for you in the future. You will know reloading, armor, its strengths and weaknesses, and you will understand whether it is worth engaging in a duel with this tank. If you spend a couple of days on this, you will get much more. As they say, know the enemy by sight.

8. Carousel and swing.

Such simple names are also found in World of tanks. A carousel is a “spin” of an enemy tank due to its speed. Extremely useful thing for ST and LT, which will allow you to safely rotate tank destroyers and many tank destroyers, with a slow rotation of the turret. But any competent TT player will not just move the turret after you, so we knock down his track, which will reduce the chances of catching us even more, and so we spin, keeping him on the rink with shots. The main thing is not to let them press against the wall, otherwise they can easily push us away and smack us. However, we will not be able to turn all AT and TT, knowledge of their rotation of the chassis and turret will be useful. We use it wisely.

Here in the screenshot, we shot down the track of the enemy E100 and are just spinning this slow barn.

Swing. This is also a very useful element that will be useful on Soviet and Chinese STs, as well as on some others. A low silhouette and a strong tower play a big role here. In tanks there are many tall tanks with a high silhouette, for example, E100, Mouse, Goose, etc., by getting used to the side of which we will make them practically helpless. You can do the same with other tanks if you have a strong turret. When “pressing” the enemy’s tank, we make sure to drive back and forth, thereby worsening the enemy’s chance of targeting our hatches on the turret.

This is how we got used to the E100 at object 140 and simply killed it by CD, rolling back and forth.

9. Artillery

This is what you should always remember when playing any class of vehicle. If you stand and shoot outside cover for a long time, the brown ones may attack you and take you away. So, let’s not be too heroic and play carefully.

10. Correct shooting from behind a bush

Almost every map has various bushes and trees that camouflage the tank well. Trees, for example, can be felled and they will work like a bush. So, many stand in the bush, shoot from there and wonder why they lit up. That's right, drive back 15 meters from the bush and shoot (15 meters is when the bushes become opaque). At the same time, our visibility is limited, you will only be able to shoot at the red outlines, but most likely we will not be illuminated. However, don't rely on not being exposed to light when shooting at close range. Also, do not try to stand in the bushes on huge tanks (such as Mouse, Waffentrager E100, etc.), even in them you can be easily detected.

This is how bushes should be displayed for safe shooting.

11. Deer Measuring

This mod downloads full player statistics and displays them in battle, according to different ratings (RE, WN8, WN6, LR, etc., depending on the player’s choice. It will be extremely useful for players who have already played a couple of thousand battles to learn how to analyze lineups commands. It is also useful for assessing the enemy with whom you are skirmishing, what to expect from him, and so on. This modification is also available in.


Another integral part of the game. When playing on heavy tanks, on ST, you can always accelerate well and ram a lighter enemy tank. But you need to do this wisely, try to fly into the stern or sides of the enemy with your ram in order to inflict as much damage as possible. Also, do not try to ram enemies that are larger than you in mass, if this is vitally necessary.

Using the E100 as an example, with a mass of 130 tons, even after accelerating from a couple of meters, we shoot 110, which always weighs 2 times less. If you accelerate down the mountain, you can fly at 1000+. But it’s better without fanaticism, only if necessary and confident.

13. Maps

Many players simply do not know the maps and go as a “herd” in one direction. If you re-read the forums and consider each tactic separately, you will increase your effectiveness in battle. So knowing the maps is no less important than knowing where to break through. Be sure to study the location of the art so that you know where they can attack you.

14. Blindshots

They're shooting blindly. Try in those moments when a standstill occurs to leave the bushes where enemy tanks usually stand. So, for example, on the Malinovka map you can leave from the lower respawn along the edges of the stones, where enemy tanks usually hide and simply remove their HP without being exposed, which will always be useful in battle. The main thing is not to blindshot too much; a couple of projectiles at predictable positions will be enough.

An example of a fake blindshot, but in a random game in 90% of cases there is someone standing and waiting for the light to appear

One of the most important components of a good game, when playing with a calculator you are unlikely to become a bender. Don’t chase a good picture, try to keep the FPS at least 30-40, less than that you will be extremely uncomfortable playing. Lower the settings, use it (in a modpack) and just keep an eye on the clutter of your computer/laptop, update the drivers, clean it on time and you will play well. Personally, the author rides on a laptop with 40 fps, because he’s studying, but nothing, it seems to play well.

16. Know your tank

Always, if you don’t know what your tank is, what tactics to use on it, what modules and perks to install, always read the forum or watch reviews from water makers (you can find a guide for almost any tank). By knowing your tank, its strengths and weaknesses, you will increase the effectiveness of playing it.

17. Platoon

In tanks, you can create a platoon of two or three people and play together in battle, which will increase your chance of winning when competent game. However, try to play with more experienced players or friends first to learn tactics, etc. In a platoon you will play harmoniously and you can hope that your platoon mates will help you in difficult times, which will not be the case in a solo random game.

18. Useful mods

Currently, a huge number of modifications are being released for the game, from tank skins to hangar clocks. I would like to touch on the topic of useful mods. Try to install the most necessary things, because if you install everything you can simply specifically reduce the FPS, install only what can help you, all the pretty things are of no use to you. Many useful mods are provided in, install wisely, or better yet, watch the video to understand what each mod is.

I have already fought more than 500 battles, which means that now I have at least some right to give advice to beginners on the game World of Tanks. This week I finally took the Master badge. That is, I earned as much experience for the battle on this tank as 99% of players did not receive over the past 7 days.

The very first piece of advice I want to give to any aspiring tanker is to find yourself a mentor. Comrade DerBunge, who brought me to the World of Tanks, accelerated my learning process several times, fighting next to me and constantly correcting my actions.

  • You should write in the chat only for business purposes (pointing to enemy concentration areas, warning artillery about the enemy’s approach, etc.). This point clearly demonstrates the consciousness of tankers. Many newcomers start insulting other players or discussing topics unrelated to combat.
  • It is convenient to track enemy locations using tracers (smoke trails left behind by shells). After all, you can kill a tank without even seeing it.
  • Your primary target is enemy artillery. By destroying it, you will tip the scales in favor of your team. Just don't blindly chase after her. Sometimes it is more profitable to capture the flag or defend your base, depending on the situation.
  • If you are playing for anti-tank self-propelled guns(like I do) - choose good shelters. It is advisable to look for several shelters nearby. Then, if detected, you can quickly hide and fire at the enemy again. If you want to fight in the open field and constantly attack, choose medium or heavy tanks.
  • On some maps it is more profitable to defend and wait (Westfield, Sand River, El Halluf). This is largely due to the fact that the defenders occupy heights and use a stereo scope to shoot ahead.
  • Don't be afraid heavy tanks. Without support, they can become easy prey, especially for high-speed vehicles.
  • From the first battles, get used to aiming without auto-aim. In the future, this will allow you to fire with greater accuracy.
  • When driving a light tank, try to constantly maneuver. This will increase your survivability.
  • Most tanks have weakly armored weak points: commander's cupolas, gas tanks, hatches...
  • The main task of a light tank is to quickly detect the enemy and not die in the process.
  • If you can't penetrate the armor of an enemy tank with a regular shell, try a land mine.
  • Constantly move away from enemy fire. Otherwise, you will become easy prey for artillery.
  • Light tanks and artillery can be destroyed by ramming.
  • The bushes stop camouflaging you after the first shot. Therefore, you need to constantly change shelters.
  • To stop an enemy tank, knock down its track. This is especially true against light and heavy tanks.
  • The lower the tank, the harder it is to notice.
  • A stationary tank is harder to spot.
  • Do not break trees or buildings under any circumstances. Enemy artillery immediately notices such changes. Especially on more high levels. You won't even see the one who will kill you.
  • Initially, destroy those tanks that your allies highlight on the map. Concentrating fire on one tank is the key to victory.
  • At the very beginning of the game, try to destroy all enemy light tanks. Otherwise, they will get to yours with lightning speed. starting location and destroy the artillery.
  • The more tanks there are in the capture circle, the faster the capture occurs.
  • A draw is tantamount to defeat.
  • While reloading, hide behind buildings, rocks, and damaged tanks.
  • For shooting at teammates, a fine or even a ban is issued.
  • If you are kicked out of the game, reconnect. You have exactly 2 minutes to do this.
  • Capturing the flag is equivalent to destroying the entire enemy team.
  • Don't chase frags, think about the good of the team!
  • Upgrade your tank to the maximum. Sometimes only 10% superiority plays a decisive role.
  • Everything is important in a gun: caliber, rate of fire, armor penetration.
  • Artillery – dangerous opponent even in close combat.
  • If you have a curse filter, instead of obscene language in the chat you will see asterisks.
  • While the tank is moving, shooting accuracy decreases.
  • The greater the angle of the armor, the higher the chance of ricochet.
  • The odds decide the outcome of the battle.

Video tutorials for beginner tankers

Cheat codes

The most common myth Games World of Tanks - cheats. Many sites offer to download various programs to increase the amount of experience gained, money, or, for example, to become invulnerable. But by downloading such files, people simply open their computers to malicious attacks and receive nothing in return. Rumors about cheat codes began to spread since the official launch of the game.

How it happened in practice:

  • A gamer came who successfully used cheats in some other game.
  • Without enough experience in tactical simulators, the gamer lost a lot of battles.
  • As a result, he concluded that his opponents use cheat codes, which is why he is killed so often.

Many people are prompted to think like this by the (in their opinion) unreasonable artillery hits at the very beginning of the game. People don’t even realize that shooting is being carried out “blindly” at the most common places where enemy tanks are concentrated. Another factor generating rumors is the carelessness of the players. Using primitive passwords and setting dubious software, they themselves give account passwords into the hands of attackers and lose their accounts.

But you can still get a certain advantage over other users of the World of Tanks game. There are two solutions here.

Official cheats

Or, in other words, paid services. By buying gold for real money (via SMS or e-wallets), you get an advantage in the form of more powerful shells (gold), premium tanks, consumables, as well as an increased amount of experience and game money.

Although, according to many experts gaming industry, so far in the World of Tanks influence real money feels much weaker compared to most online games. A striking example here is a strategy that is entirely based on real money.

Unofficial cheats

Young and not so young craftsmen throughout history WoT development They are constantly coming up with ways to make the game easier. In another way they are also called mods. To avoid running into viruses and other crap, I recommend looking at the corresponding section of the game’s official forum, which is called Mods and Software. Among other things, the most commonly used are the following:

  1. Sniper sights for tanks and self-propelled guns.
  2. Deer meter (deer meter, XVM, calculator).
  3. Skins with marked penetration zones.
  4. Modifiers for the minimap.
  5. Damage panel modifiers.
  6. Icons of shells, modules, tanks.
  7. Sound mods.
  8. Hangar modifiers.
  9. And others...

I myself am indifferent to these “cheats”. I have never used it, and I don’t plan to use it. In pursuit of beautiful numbers and achievements, many forget the essence of any computer game– enjoying the process itself. And if you worry about every lost game, then the game turns into endless nervous stress.

That's all for today. I hope I’ll write more than one post on tanks. Stay tuned for more news.
