Planning a week of games and toys in the dhow. "Week of Games and Toys"

Olga Pupysheva

Subject: « Week of games and toys» .

Target: contribute to the formation gaming culture children, parents, teachers.

Main tasks:


To develop children's gaming skills, interest in folk games and toys, give an idea of ​​the folk toy, folk crafts and folk games;


Learn to conduct a game dialogue in accordance with the role, interact in the game in accordance with the plot, negotiate, follow the game rules,

To realize the social development of children in play;


Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys,

Bring joy from joint games. Develop character, intelligence, will.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal, demonstration, visual; game, practical, story, conversation, explanation.

Materials and equipment:

Vintage clay toys, wood, fabric. Modern toys. Projector. Computer.

Expected results:

Improving teaching skills.

Improving and expanding children's gaming skills; development of interest in various types games

The emergence of the ability to establish and regulate contacts in a joint game: negotiate, put up, convince, act; development of role communication

Parents' interest in the organization play activity children in preschool educational institutions and families.


Announcement to parents about week of games and toys, about the organization of the exhibition "Darling toy» (in any technique, about creating in group mini-museum of folk toys– about providing assistance in replenishing the museum with attributes.


1. GCD. Conversation on the topic "My beloved toy» . Writing a descriptive story about your loved one toy.

2. Drawing "Funny tumblers for kids".

Didactic game "Which toy- determination of the material from which it is made.

On a walk

Movable games: "We are funny guys", "Trap with a handkerchief"


Reading fiction literature:

Poems by A. Barto « Toys» and fairy tales "Ball".

Target: develop focused attention, imagination, empathy, cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Role-playing game "Trip to Children's World"(with distribution of roles by gender principle: boys - drivers, dad, son; girls - mother, daughter, salesman, conductor, cashier). Target: develop creativity, develop interest in games played together with peers, self-realization in the game; develop role-playing dialogue based on the plot.


Draw the attention of parents to consultations on the topic

"Which toys choose a child to play with?.

"Play with me".

Round dance game with all the children “We walk in circles, play merrily...”

Role-playing game "Hairdresser-beauty salon".


GCD: Making up riddles about toys.

Folk games to music(in the music room)-

"Golden Gate",

Didactic game "Wonderful bag"- determination of geometric shapes, small toys.

On a walk:Movable games: « Geese - geese» , "Carousels".


Reading the story by V. Oseeva "Watchman".

Conversation with children about the need to play together and share toys and negotiate with each other.

Movable games our mothers and grandmothers (gym)-

"Burn, burn clearly", "Paints".

Bell's toys

Gift for moms on mother's day (Subgroup of children) .

Role-playing game "Shop".


Decorating a corner of a folk doll.

Examining folk dolls for children

Construction game "Railway".

Game "Deaf Phone"- on the development of phonemic hearing.


GCD: "People's toy» . The teacher's story about folk toys.

View the presentation "Rag folk toy» .

On a walk:

Outdoor game "At Malanya's old ladies» - learning a new one games.

Ball games: "Pass the ball between the pins", "Toss, clap, catch the ball", "Hitting the ball with one hand".


Reading a story by T. Kryukov "Naughty Doll".

Making folk rags Bell's toys

Gift for moms on mother's day (Subgroup of children) .

Drawing (individual work)-"Decorate the matryoshka"-Yulia Sh.,

Nastya F., Yarik Ch.

Role-playing game "Polyclinic".

Outdoor game "Mousetrap".


Round dance game “If you like me, then do this...”

Role-playing game "My Family", "Salon",

"Shop", "Auto repair shop".


Conversation about puppet theater. Puppeteer professions.

Pageant "Flower for Mom".

Reading a fairy tale (excerpt) Tolstoy "Pinocchio".

On a walk:

Movable games: "Migration of Birds", "Geese-geese".

Role-playing game "Travel by Car".


Evening with moms “I love mom very much!”.

Games with moms: “Guess the child by his palm”,

"Golden Hands"- coming up with outfits for daughters from scarves and ribbons, coming up with hairstyles for daughters.

"Swaddling the Doll", "Lullaby for a Doll".

Making a folk doll "Pelenashki" with moms.


Design of an exhibition of children's works in the locker room on the theme "My beloved toy» .

Round dance game "Let's do everything as I do",

Didactic games"Tooth - Neboleyka", "Vitaminka and her friends".


Theatrical games: "Three Bears"-table theater.

"Masha and the Bear"- theater behind a screen.

Watching a cartoon "Story toys» (Part)

On a walk:

Movable games"Crucian carp and pike", "Golden Gate".


Theatrical games of children's choice(with costumes).

Role-playing games for children's choice.

Tabletop games(at the request of the children).

Games with Lego constructor.

Lyubov Olegovna Semenova
Calendar and thematic planning on the topic “Week fun games and fun."

Group: senior speech therapy

Target: To develop in children the ability to organize their leisure time. Introduce a variety of games and entertainment. Develop gaming skills. To instill in children a desire to enjoy playing together with peers and adults.



Morning exercises.

Conversation “The diverse world of games” (To form in children an understanding of the variety of games, to introduce them to their classification. To develop the ability to plan and agree on joint games.)

Learning and discussing proverbs:

Play, play, and know the deal.

In the game and along the way people are recognized.

D/i “Yes - no” (for the development of auditory attention, endurance)

Caring for plants in a corner of nature (techniques of spraying, watering, loosening the soil)


Photo exhibition "Let's all play together."

Board game "Funny Racing"

Individual work: writing a story about your favorite board game


Observing plants in the beds

Research activities (within the project). Find out: where in the beds the soil dried out the most, why? (develop cognitive research activities, the ability to independently draw conclusions based on what is seen.)

P/n “We are funny guys”, “Knockout ball”

(formation of children’s motor activity skills, development of attention, dexterity, dexterity, education of the ability to play in a team)

Work on the site - watering the garden

D/i “What game is this?” (classification of games)

Situational conversation “Where can’t I play?”

S/r game “Family” - “On Vacation”

(Develop the ability to distribute roles, develop storyline, ability to organize your leisure time. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards team members.)

Game with a mirror “Sunny Bunny”

Individual work: Jumping on one leg - to develop coordination of movements


Reading E. Schwartz “The Tale of Lost Time”


A minute of health - health-improving gymnastics after sleep: “Stretching”, “Sleeping exercise”

Game-presentation “My favorite board game“- to develop children’s ability to compose a coherent story about their favorite game using a mnemonic table, to develop children’s interest in board games.

Labor - washing doll clothes

S/r game “Toy Store” - “Buying a game for a friend”

(Develop the ability to conduct role-playing dialogue, help in developing the plot, the ability to express one’s desire, cultivate the desire to bring joy to other people, cultivate cultural communication skills)

Individual work on instructions from a speech therapist


Monitoring weather conditions, working with a weather calendar.

P/i for the development of coordination of movements and dexterity “Knock out the ball”.

Board game at the request of children.

Independent play activity with balls

Working with parents: Consultation for parents “Developmental environment for the child at home.” Individual consultations with parents on whether children should wear headwear.



Joint activities between adults and children:

Morning exercises.

Conversation “Why do physical education and sports?”

(To help children develop an awareness of the value healthy image life, develop ideas about the usefulness and expediency of physical activity, physical education and sports)

Reading and discussion by S. Marshak “Napping and Yawning”

Labor on site

Making a slide in the sandbox, moistening the sand

Organization of children's independent activities:

Looking at illustrations of sports

Game "Learn the game by words"

Independent activities based on interests


Individual work: exercises to determine the first and last sound in a word


Observing plants in a flower garden

(to develop the ability to independently decide what care plants require).

P/i “Football”, “Throw the ball over the net” - to form children’s motor activity skills, develop the ability to play in a team

Labor: assisting the teacher in weeding, loosening and watering flowers in the flowerbed.

D. game “1,2,3 – run to the tree” - develop orientation in space, the ability to find a tree by its distinctive features.

Etude “Find out the mood” (working with pictograms)

S/r game “Family” - “Organizing a home party”

(Develop the ability to organize leisure time for your guests, distribute roles, build dialogue)

Independent play activities of children

Individual work: develop the ability to jump over a short rope with rotation forward and backward


Reading by V. Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower”


A minute of health - learning a new physical exercise

You need to play sports

Train every day.

We will start without delay

And stomp your feet together,

And clap your hands loudly.

Turns left-right

We do it well.

Now jumping in place.

Come on, come on, come on together.

We will be healthy

Let us all be strong.

Let's go from gymnastics

The most beautiful.

Labor order “Let’s put things in order in the business center. games"

Situation for communication “What is personal hygiene?”

(development of understanding of the meaning and necessity of hygiene procedures)

S/r game “Polyclinic” - “Calling a doctor on the phone for grandma” Develop the ability to conduct a dialogue over the phone, use polite turns of phrase, develop the ability to interact).

Drawing on the theme “Sports emblem” (development of fantasy, imagination)

Individual work on instructions from a speech therapist


Observation of nature (Develop the ability to see beauty, notice the characteristic signs of summer, convey your impressions in speech)

P/i for the development of auditory attention, reaction speed “Paints”

Independent games for children



Joint activities between adults and children:

Morning exercises.

Conversation “My favorite toy”

(introduce children to a variety of toys and the materials from which they are made)

Discussion of the proverb:

Young - with toys, and old - with pillows.

Those who have not played with dolls have not seen happiness.

D/ game “Who will remember more?” (development of auditory memory and attention)

Labor Helping the janitor in cleaning the area

Organization of children's independent activities:

M/n game “Damaged phone”

Independent play with your favorite toys


Individual work: an exercise in selecting definition words for the word “toy”


Monitoring the work of the janitor

(Education of hard work, formation of habits of cleanliness)

Discussion of the proverb: “It is clean not where they sweep, but where they do not litter!”

P/n “Day and Night”, “ Marine figure» - formation of children’s motor activity skills, development of reaction speed and running

D. game "Fourth wheel"

Labor on site

Helping the janitor clean the area

Experimenting with sand (as part of a project) - painting sand with gouache

S/r game “Let's go by bus”

(Develop children’s ability to follow basic rules of behavior in public transport through game situations, independently distribute the roles of driver, controller, passengers with children, elderly people, develop role-playing dialogue, cultivate politeness and modesty)

Independent play activities of children

Individual work: high jump exercise


Reading J. Rodari “The Magic Drum”


A minute of health - walking barefoot on a massaging surface

D/i "Tangram" (development of constructive skills, logical thinking)

Game – presentation “Guess my favorite toy”

Develop auditory attention, thinking, and develop children’s ability to describe their favorite toy.

S/r game “Friend’s Birthday” (Discuss with children the rules of behavior at a party, remind them how to give and receive gifts correctly; encourage children to independently develop the plot, use polite figures of speech, develop dialogical speech)

Individual work on instructions from a speech therapist


Observing clouds (determine what clouds are in the sky, what they look like, invite children to think about why the clouds float)

M/n game for the development of auditory attention and logic “Edible - inedible”

Situation for communication “I offended a friend”

Drawing on asphalt according to plan

Independent games for children

Working with parents: Booklets for parents “Play with your children!” Individual consultations “Lightweight clothing for children in summer.”



Joint activities between adults and children:

Morning exercises.

Teacher's story "Folk Toy"

(Introduce children to the concept of “folk toy”, talk about folk toys “Dymkovskaya and Bogorodskaya”. Foster a desire to learn the history of their native country).

Viewing the exhibition “Folk Dolls”

Situational conversation “What does it mean to be able to give in”

Organization of children's independent activities:

Review of the albums “People’s Toy of Russia”

Russian folk game "Wonderful bag"

Independent play activities of children according to their interests.

Canteen duties (serving tables, helping adults clear dishes)

Individual work: exercise “The same, more, less by 1”


Bird watching on site

(Continue to introduce children to the birds living on the site. Practice recognition by appearance, voice, habits. Fostering a caring attitude towards birds)

Research activity: find bird nests on the site.

P/i “Mousetrap”, “Pass the Ball” (relay race) - developing children’s motor activity skills, developing reaction speed, coordination of movements

Labor - weeding the garden from weeds

S/r game “Family – holiday on the lake”

(to help children develop a plot, develop skills for safe behavior near water, develop the ability to conduct role-playing dialogue)

Experimental activity (as part of the project) - drawing in the sand

Independent play activities of children

Situational conversation “When sand is dangerous”

Individual work: exercise to develop movements “jumping forward.”


Reading p. n. fairy tales "Elena the Wise"


A moment of health - walking barefoot on a ribbed surface

Creative activity - coloring folk toys

D. game “Collect a fairy tale”

S/r game “Family – holiday on the lake” - continuation

Making toys with your own hands - origami.

Individual work on instructions from a speech therapist


Watching the wind

(Observe signs of windy weather with children, compare summer and winter winds, invite children to determine the direction of the wind using a pinwheel)

P/n games to develop accuracy, running exercise “Hares in the garden”, “Knock out the ball”

Labor helping the teacher in washing toys

Independent games for children

Working with parents: Organizing the “Folk Doll” exhibition. Individual consultations and conversations at the request of parents.



Joint activities between adults and children:

Morning exercises.

Conversation “Such a different ball”

(Introduce children to the variety of balls, their classification by purpose and the materials from which they are made).

Reading “What is good and what is bad” by Mayakovsky (conversation on what was read)

D/game “A word walked along the road - divide it into syllables”

Organization of children's independent activities:

M. p. ball game “Edible - not edible”

Coloring books, working with stencils and templates.

Independent activity in activity centers


Individual work: exercise “Count the cars by the train” (composing numbers from units using Cuisenaire sticks)


Insect observation

Research activities

Observation of aphids on peppers and bushes (Introduce children to the names of pests on plants and ways to combat them).

Conversation “Logical chains in nature”

P/i “Carry it through, don’t drop it”, “Get into the basket” - to form children’s motor activity skills, develop coordination of movements, accuracy

Labor on site

Washing pepper leaves with soapy water to remove aphids.

S/r game “Young nature defenders” - “Cleaning the environment from garbage.”

Develop the ability to build a storyline, distribute roles, and come up with dialogue. Foster respect for nature)

Laying out figures from stones (developing imagination, fine motor skills hands).

Individual work: “Jump over, don’t hit”


Reading Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea"


A minute of health

What a miracle - miracles:

One hand and two hands!

Here is the right palm,

Here is the left palm.

And I’ll tell you, without hiding,

Everyone needs hands, friends.

Strong hands will not rush into a fight.

Kind hands will pet the dog.

Clever hands know how to sculpt.

Sensitive hands know how to make friends.

Children's drawing competition “I am playing”

Plot- role playing games according to the wishes and intentions of the children

Labor - putting things in order in the book corner, repairing books if necessary.

Individual work on instructions from a speech therapist


Weather observation (comparison of daytime and evening weather, its characteristics)

P/i for the development of agility, attention, running - “Geese - swans”

Situational conversation “Meeting mom (dad, grandma) in the evening kindergarten»

Games with hoops and jump ropes

Week of games and toys in senior group.
Goal: We continue to develop children’s interest in various types of games, create conditions for free creative initiative and self-realization in the game. Interaction with parents as part of the “Games and Toys Week”. - Assistance in organizing various thematic exhibitions: “Child’s Favorite Toy”, “Folk Toy” (from home collections), “Toys of Our Parents” Active participation in various events. - Help in learning funny poems, fables and nursery rhymes with children. - Reading chapters from N. Nosov’s fairy tales “About Dunno” at home with children. Method of implementation: - Participation in events of the living character “Dunno” in order to create a surprise moment and increase children’s interest in various activities. Day of the week Time of event Events Goals Monday “Favorite Toy Day” Morning. Day. Morning exercises. Morning of “Joyful Meetings” Organizing an exhibition in the group “My Favorite Toy” with inviting guests from other groups. “Tell Dunno about your toy.” Independent play activities of children with their favorite toys. Didactic game “Guess it” We develop children’s skills to perform physical exercises figuratively, emotionally, expressively. Creating an emotionally positive mood in children. Discussing the topic of the day, identifying the interests and needs of children for the day. We continue to develop children's ability to work together. We cultivate hospitality and reinforce the rules of etiquette when receiving guests. We develop children’s coherent speech, develop the ability to pay attention to the story of their comrades, and listen to the end. Develop the ability to interact with toys and with each other as partners. We develop children’s skills to describe an object without looking at it, to find significant features in it, to recognize it by description.
Walk. Evening. Carrying out outdoor games “We are funny guys” and “Entertainers” Drawing “My favorite toy”. Thematic role-playing game “Toy Store”. Reading fiction: A. Barto’s poem “Toys” and the fairy tale “Ball” Development and enhancement of play culture in children, organization of interesting and useful recreation. We develop children's creative abilities, the ability to convey the basic shapes of an object in a drawing. We foster independence, initiative and creativity in children through play. Ability to conduct role-playing dialogue based on the plot of games. We develop focused attention, imagination, empathy, and cultivate a caring attitude towards toys. Tuesday “Day of Theatrical Toys” Morning. Day. Walk. Evening. Morning exercises “We are wind-up toys.” Morning of “Joyful meetings” Theatrical games “We are artists” and “Puppet theater” “Tell, Dunno, about the puppet theater.” Didactic game “What first, what then” Dominoes “Toys” Outdoor games “Magic Wand”, “Zaryazarnitsa”, “Paints” Creative game “Mysterious Shadows” (work with shadow theater) Construction “Theater Stage” We continue to improve our health children (a set of exercises to develop correct posture). Creating an emotionally positive mood in children. Discussing the topic of the day, identifying the interests and needs of children for the day. We create conditions for children’s independent creativity in play and develop interest in theatrical activities. We continue to work on the development of coherent speech, replenish the vocabulary with emotional and evaluative vocabulary, and develop the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives. We train children in the ability to arrange pictures sequentially and tell a fairy tale. We strengthen the ability to follow the rules of the game, develop visual perception and attention. Developing running skills, attention, ingenuity, fostering respect and tolerance for each other. We develop children's ability to transform shadows from their hands into figures of animals and birds. We develop imagination, fantasy, and fine motor skills. We develop children’s ability to conceive and construct an object from memory and imagination, reinforce constructive
Independent creative activity of children with various types of puppets for theaters (finger, flat and bi-ba-bo). skills. We develop children’s ability to act out familiar stories from fairy tales with toys, and the ability to act together. Wednesday “People's Toy Day” Morning. Walk. Evening. Morning exercises “Bring the toy to life” Morning “Joyful meetings” Free games with folk toys. Organization of the exhibition: “Folk toys” “Tell, Dunno, how they played with them in the old days.” Didactic game “Before and Now” and “Lost Toy” “Funny Round Dance” (round dance games with kids) Russian folk games “Burners”, “Burn, Burn Clear”, “Baba Yaga”. Modeling of the Bogorodsk toy “The Little Humpbacked Horse”. Reading the fairy tale by E. Zheleznova “How the hut found its owner.” Reading jokes, nursery rhymes and We develop children’s ability to perform physical exercises figuratively, emotionally, expressively. We form a sense of rhythm and tempo. Creating an emotionally positive mood in children. Discussing the topic of the day, identifying the interests and needs of children for the day. We continue to introduce children to folk toys, folk crafts, and cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards products folk craftsmen, respect for their work. Development of dialogic and monologue speech, consolidation of the names of folk toys and crafts. We continue to develop the ability to compare objects with similar purposes, strengthen the ability to navigate in space and ordinal counting. We cultivate a friendly attitude towards children and continue to develop the desire to care for and help the younger ones. We combine the joy of movement with the spiritual enrichment of students, the formation of physical skills with a respectful attitude towards the culture of their native country. We develop interest in Russian folk games. We develop imagination, improve basic sculpting techniques, and the ability to convey the movements of an animal. We continue to introduce children to folk life, consolidate children’s knowledge about the functional purpose of the premises of a Russian hut.
nicknames. We continue to introduce oral folk art. Thursday “Day of Favorite Games” Morning. Day. Walk. Evening. Morning exercises “My favorite game” Morning “Joyful meetings”. Sports and intellectual leisure “Travel with Dunno” (alternating sports games and relay races with mathematical tasks, logical problems and educational games) Story-role-playing game “Trip to the Children's World” (compliance with traffic rules). Outdoor games: “Mice”, “Hares and the Wolf” Individual ball games (football, basketball, volleyball). Drawing: “How we played in kindergarten.” “Riddles and answers” ​​(about various games) Games for children based on their interests (story-based - role-playing, theatrical, educational). We develop children’s ability to use hand and body movements, facial expressions, and describe their favorite sports game. Creating an emotionally positive mood in children. Discussing the topic of the day, identifying the interests and needs of children for the day. We continue to develop children’s ability to complete tasks in a competitive environment, as well as the ability and desire to work in a team. We practice agility and speed. We develop creativity, the ability to imagine images in the imagination and show them expressively, teach dramatization, and self-realization in the game. We increase speech and motor activity, perform basic actions at the teacher’s signal. We improve children's skills to work with the ball, observing the basic rules of games. We develop creative imagination, the ability to convey people in motion. We consolidate children's knowledge about types of games and their names, develop coherent speech, memory, and thinking. We develop children’s ability to unite into interest groups and improvise according to their own ideas. Friday “Our Parents' Toy Day” Morning. Morning exercises “We are funny toys” Morning “Joyful meetings”. Strengthening the health of children (a set of exercises to strengthen vision) Creating an emotionally positive mood in children. Discussing the topic of the day, identifying the interests and needs of children for the day.
Day. Walk. Evening. Organization of the exhibition “Toys of our parents”. “Introduce Dunno to your mom or dad’s toy.” Didactic games “Name the toy”, “Which toy is gone?”, “What is it made of?” Outdoor games: “Mousetrap”, “Polar bears”, “Hit the target”. Theatrical game "Visiting the toy." Plot-role-playing game: “Family”. Construction of a “House for Favorite Toys.” We develop the ability to work together and evaluate the results obtained. We continue to develop coherent speech and the ability to compose stories based on an object. We unite children in games, train logic, strengthen memory, develop mutual assistance and the ability to manage their behavior. We strengthen health, develop accuracy, agility, speed and reinforce the rules of games. We develop the ability to improvise in conveying a particular image. We continue to teach children to play out a situation related to personal experience, and develop the ability to take on a certain role. We develop initiative, independence, and the ability to negotiate when distributing roles. We develop constructive thinking skills, the ability to create objects taking into account the overall plot.

Plan of activities for the thematic week "Games and Toys" in the senior group with children with mental retardation

Kuzmina Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher of the 1st qualification category, GBOU No. 1571 preschool department "Fairy Tale".
Description of material: The material may be useful for educators and parents. Kindergartens often have themed weeks, then you need to make a short report. I offer a short report from
Target: Developing children's interest in various types of games and supporting their free creative self-realization in play.
-Carrying out outdoor games taking into account the age and individual characteristics of preschool children;
- Optimal use of play equipment, aids, tools and materials that promote the activation of children’s play activities;
- Involving parents in active participation in the “Games and Toys” week, creating conditions for the development of the child’s play at home.

Week of games and toys

Monday "Favorite Toy Day"

- Conversation with children: “My favorite toy” (children talk about their toys, show how to play with them)
- Exhibition in a group: “My favorite toy” (children bring toys from home, together with the teacher they arrange an exhibition and invite children from other groups)
- Games in the play space with your own toys.
Outdoor games with running, throwing, jumping (E.A. Timofeeva "Outdoor Games"
- Role-playing game "Hospital"
- Builders competition "Fairytale City"
Parents Corner

Tuesday "Day" role-playing game"

- Games with cubes “Build it yourself”
- Creation game situations: “The bear is sick” “Let’s feed the doll lunch”, Dress the doll for a walk”
- Role-playing games: “Mothers and Daughters”, “We are drivers”, “Firemen”, “Library” (children’s choice)
- Design and production of attributes for role-playing games.
- Conversation with children: “Modern professions” (designer, fashion designer)
Outdoor games: “Hunter and Hares”, “Hedgehog and Mice”, “Sunshine and Rain”
- Exhibition of children's drawings: "My favorite toy"
- Preliminary work for the production of homemade toys (selection of literature, natural and improvised materials)
- Reading stories, poems on the topic of the week
Parents Corner
"Raising a child in a family"
Wednesday "People's Toy Day"

- Games with dolls, large pyramids, cars
- Conversation with children: "Dymkovo toy. How they played with them in the old days"
- Productive activity. Drawing: “Tablecloth. Elements of painting” (E.V. Sallinen. Classes on Art. p. 174)
Russian folk games: "Blind Man's Bluff", "Burners", "Baba Yaga"
- Listening to the ethical fairy tale “Ball” (E.A. Alyabyeva “Cultivating a culture of behavior in children”, p. 106)
- Educational didactic and board-printed games
Parents Corner
Consultation "Family play corner"
Thursday "Day of Theatrical Toys and Dramatizations"

- Conversation with children: “Types of puppet theaters”, “Who works in the puppet theater”
- Games in the theater corner (tabletop, finger, shadow theater)
- Productive activity. Modeling "My favorite theater character"
Outdoor games: “Damn is on fire!”, “Reel”.
- Physical education lesson - theater "Teremok" (V.N. Shebeko. Variable physical education classes in kindergarten, page 93)
Parents Corner
Recommendations for parents on creating game layouts in the family.
Friday "Day" music games and musical toy"

- Musical and didactic games with sounding toys and instruments.
- Musical disco: “Dance of the little ducklings”, “Dance with umbrellas”, “Dance movement “Cheburashka”
Outdoor games using musical and noise instruments (tambourine, rattles, drum, whistles, rattles)

- Entertainment. Children's dramatization of A. Barto's series of poems "Toys"
- Participation of parents in the competition: “Homemade toy.
- Organization of the exhibition: “Do-it-yourself toy” (together with parents and children)
- Summing up. Awarding medals.

Presentation on the topic: Game and toys

Plans a week of games and toys and, according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, this topic is reflected in all educational areas. During the week, preschoolers remember the correct handling of toys, consolidate their knowledge of Dymkovo and Gorodets toys, and get acquainted with the Kargopol toy and the features of its painting. Reading poems and stories about toys allows children to expand their understanding of the stages of production and the purpose of toys. Detailed description stories from the teacher, speech exercises on the topic, script for the puppet show “Katyushin’s toys”, etc. you will find in the annex to the plan “ Thematic week"Games and toys."

Social and communicative development

Children remember the Victory Day and get acquainted with the coat of arms native land, solve the problem situation “All the toys have disappeared from the group.” Social and communicative development is also facilitated by conversations about male and female professions, household work and self-analysis “My good deeds.”

Cognitive development

Solving problems cognitive development The teacher offers the children the games “Tangram, Geocon, Columbus Egg.” On a walk, older preschoolers watch insects, potato growth, and experiment with sand and clay. The teacher tells the children about the history of the toy, about who makes the toys for us. In games with a ball, children consolidate their knowledge of animals of the North and continue to learn how to draw in squares.

Speech development

In the field of speech development it is planned finger gymnastics“I have toys...”, reading “Naughty Doll” by T. Kryukov, playing “What Happens in Spring” and writing descriptive stories according to plan.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The week begins with viewing the presentation “Kargopol Toy”, then children look at the album and color Kargopol toys. Puppeteering skills are reinforced in the production of the puppet theater “Katyusha’s Toys”; children draw their favorite toys and make homemade toys from paper, which promotes artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development

The teacher does not ignore outdoor folk games. In the area physical development Folk games “Tea, tea, help out”, “Wand - knocker”, “Burners”, etc. are planned. Children learn about foods that are good for teeth, solve riddles about personal hygiene items, which contributes to the formation of neatness and neatness.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation “What I saw at the parade.” Goal: remember with children about the holiday of May 9.Conversation with children about Russian folk toys and games. Purpose: to give an idea of folk toy, folk crafts and games.Game "Throwing syllables." Goal: learn to form words using the first syllable, develop phonemic awareness.Presentation "Kargopol Toy". Goal: to introduce children to the craft, to give an idea of ​​the peculiarities of painting.Morning warm-up “Favorite toys”. Goal: develop physical qualities.
Introducing children to proverbs that accompanied people in their work. Goal: to help children understand the meaning of proverbs.Watching a ladybug. Goals: expand knowledge and understanding of the features appearance ladybug; cultivate an attentive and caring attitude towards all living things.S.r. game "In a toy store." Goal: to consolidate the ability to write descriptive stories according to plan.Independent games in the theater corner. Goal: to liberate children, develop imagination.P.i. “Tea, tea, help me out.” Goal: develop physical qualities. Folk game"Burn, burn clearly." Goal: remember the words.
2 p.d.Conversation “What our coat of arms tells about.” Goal: to form patriotic feelings.Cognitive and research activity “Who makes toys for us?” Goal: to expand understanding of professions and technologies for making toys from different materials.“My toys” O. Kras. Purpose: to teach to listen carefully to the work.Drawing “How we play in kindergarten.” Goal: learn to distribute the image across the entire sheet, maintaining the proportions of objects.Exercise “Who will collect the most toys with their feet.” Goal: to develop psychomotor functions and dexterity.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Discussion of the story by T.A. Shorygina "Scarecrow". Goal: to cultivate the desire to be neat.Games "Tangram, geocon, Columbus egg." Goal: to develop perception, analytical thinking, and the ability to focus on a model.Reading nursery rhymes, jokes, chants. Goal: to continue acquaintance with folk art.Coloring pages "Kargopol young lady". Goal: to cultivate aesthetic taste, to consolidate the ability to work with a brush.Game exercise “Tell Dunno who ... football players (hockey players, athletes) are.” Goal: expand ideas about sports professions.
Role-playing game “Trip to Children's World” (with the distribution of roles according to gender: boys - drivers, dad, son; girls - mother, daughter, salesman, conductor, cashier). Goal: to develop creativity, the ability to imagine images in the imagination and show them expressively.Observation of different types transport. Goal: to consolidate knowledge that a person uses a bicycle that does not require gasoline; a person moves by turning the pedals.Di. "Why did this happen." Goal: to teach children to find the cause of events and express it in words.Game "Changes". Goal: to teach children to create images of objects in their imagination based on the perception of schematic images of individual parts of these objects.Team game “Change the flag”. Goal: to develop the ability to play in teams. P.i. "Don't get your feet wet." Goal: develop balance.