Neverwinter - About swimming and fishing in the add-on "Sea of ​​Flowing Ice". Neverwinter online sea of ​​flowing ice treasure maps Neverwinter online maps in a bottle

Quickly and easily find all the Neverwinter Treasure Map locations with this helpful guide. Here you will find where to dig up those buried treasures. Players can get all kinds of great items from these treasures. These include rare fish, refinement items, relics, rare fishing gear, and fast personal watercraft! It is definitely worth your time hunting these down. Hopefully this guide will help you find these Treasure Map locations easily. I will keep updating it as I get information. Please post any maps or information I am missing so I can make this the most comprehensive Neverwinter Treasure Map location guide possible.

A Primer on Fishing

A large part of the quests and activity in the Sea of ​​Moving Ice is fishing. There are fishing Heroic Encounters and fishing quests that need to be completed.

To fish, all you need is a fishing pole and some bait. You start with worms. However, some of the quests also give out bait. Bait can also be purchased in the campaign store or from the general vendor for silver pieces.

Once you have your rod (from starting quests), bait and a boat. Head out into the water and start fishing. If you fish in the fishing hotspots, the glowing rings full of jumping fish and swarming birds, you have a chance to catch a Map in a Bottle.

Double click this bottle and it gives you an image to where a buried treasure is hidden. Find that location, dig up the treasure, and enjoy the loot!

The trouble is you can only have one map in your inventory at a time. So if you do not know where to go you are stuck without the ability to dig up all that treasure. This is where this guide comes in. It will show you where and how to get these treasures!

Treasure Map Locations

Here is a great map that just came out with most of the treasure spots on them. I moved the coordinates on the map so you can see the images better to make it easier to identify which one you have.

Thanks to @imgeneralwei and the guild Vier Elemente for their work in compiling these treasure maps locations!

To find these locations open your map by pressing M. On the lower left of the map window it will show your current location (loc) numerically. The first number is your left/right/east/west location and the second number is your up/down/north/south direction. The increase numbers as you go up/north or right/east. They go down as your move left/west or down/south. This way you can find out exactly where you are and where those tricky treasures are buried!

Tips and Tricks to Treasure Map Locations

YouTube Playlist | Finding Map in a Bottle Buried Treasure

Some of these Treasure Map locations are easy to get too. While others can be quite daunting. I will post video guides to help players reach the more difficult or frustrating of the treasures. Keep an eye out here and subscribe to my Twitch channel for updates.

Treasure Map Location Images with Locations

Click image to advance.

Subscribe to my Twitch channel for great tips and tricks!

Please let me know any map locations that are still missing. Images and details on how to get them would be very much appreciated. I will update this guide until we have all of the Neverwinter Treasure Map locations. This way we can all get them fast and easily. Thanks and good luck on loot!

Players will discover the currently largest zone in the MMORPG Neverwinter, the Sea of ​​Shifting Ice, but some might already be wondering how to navigate such a space.

As you progress through the zone, you will receive a one-person boat that can withstand the passage of the open sea. They come in several categories, differing in speed of movement and appearance. Such transport cannot be summoned outside the Sea of ​​Shifting Ice. But boats are more than just a means of transportation.

In the depths of the Sea live bizarre and mysterious creatures that can be caught with the right equipment. Unfortunately, your Lonelywood and Winterfest fishing rods won't be suitable for this, but don't despair - the new play area will be full of new equipment, specially made for sea fishing.

By the way, you will soon understand that this type of fishing requires much more skill than sitting on the shore with a stick with a fishing line wound around it. In the boat, your character's abilities will be replaced by an entirely new set of fishing skills, allowing you to select bait, cast a shell into the water, hook a fish and bring it to the deck.

You can fish in any sector of the Sea of ​​Shifting Ice, but larger and more varied fish will be found in active spots that randomly appear on the map. To effectively organize fishing, players will have to scout the territory and exchange information, but remember: the more fishermen at a point, the faster its resource will be used up.

There are a number of benefits associated with fishing, whether you do it as a collector, explorer, or trader, or simply want to strengthen your character.

Any catch can be handed over to soldiers and refugees to feed them and receive reputation points in return. For these points in Svardborg you can open chests with special reagents necessary to improve relic weapons - new artifacts that will appear in the Sea of ​​Shifting Ice expansion.

In addition, some materials for restoring such weapons can only be obtained from the insides of certain fish. For those interested in details, there is a whole collections page entirely dedicated to various types fish that can be caught from the waters of the Sea of ​​Shifting Ice, and an exclusive title as a reward for the most persistent anglers.

And for those for whom this is not enough, the addition contains treasure maps, after deciphering which you will be able to find buried treasures. Such cards will be found in bottles, occasionally caught on a hook at points of fish activity.

The map will contain clues about one of dozens of random places, quite possibly difficult to reach, but with rich rewards: count on gems, materials for restoring relic weapons, supplies of bait for fish and krill, and in case of special luck - a fishing rod or boat of the highest quality.

Neverwinter online sea of ​​flowing ice treasure maps

What is a geographic map

A geographic map is an image of the Earth's surface with a coordinate grid and symbols, the proportions of which directly depend on the scale. A geography map is a landmark by which you can identify the location of a massif, an object, or a person’s location. These are indispensable assistants for geologists, tourists, pilots and military personnel, whose professions are directly related to travel and trips over long distances.

Types of cards

Conditionally divide geographical maps There are 4 types:

  • in terms of territory coverage and these are maps of continents and countries;
  • by purpose and these are tourism, educational, road, navigation, scientific and reference, technical, tourist maps;
  • content - thematic, general geographical, general political maps;
  • by scale – small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale maps.

Each of the maps is dedicated to a particular topic, thematically reflecting islands, seas, vegetation, settlements, weather, soil, taking into account the coverage of the territory. A map can only represent countries, continents or individual states plotted on a certain scale. Taking into account how much a particular territory has been reduced, the scale of the map is 1x1000.1500, which means a decrease in distance by 20,000 times. Of course, it’s easy to guess that the larger the scale, the more detailed the map is drawn. And yet, individual parts of the earth's surface on the map are distorted, unlike the globe, which is capable of conveying the appearance of the surface without changes. The Earth is spherical and distortions occur, such as: area, angles, length of objects.

Neverwinter online treasure map sea of ​​flowing ice

What is a geographic map

A geographic map is an image of the Earth's surface with a plotted coordinate grid and symbols, the proportions of which directly depend on the scale. A geography map is a landmark by which you can identify the location of an array, object, or place of residence of a person. These are indispensable assistants for geologists, tourists, pilots and military personnel, whose professions are directly related to travel and trips over long distances.

Types of cards

Geographic maps can be roughly divided into 4 types:

  • in terms of territory coverage and these are maps of continents and countries;
  • by purpose and these are tourist, educational, road, navigation, scientific and reference, technical, tourist maps;
  • content - thematic, general geographical, general political maps;
  • by scale – small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale maps.

Each of the maps is dedicated to a particular topic, thematically reflecting islands, seas, vegetation, settlements, weather, soils, taking into account the coverage of the territory. A map can only represent countries, continents or individual states plotted on a certain scale. Taking into account how much a particular territory has been reduced, the scale of the map is 1x1000.1500, which means a decrease in distance by 20,000 times. Of course, it’s easy to guess that the larger the scale, the more detailed the map is drawn. And yet, individual parts of the earth's surface on the map are distorted, unlike the globe, which is capable of conveying the appearance of the surface without changes. The Earth is spherical and distortions occur, such as: area, angles, length of objects.
