Metal gear solid rising walkthrough. Metal gear solid: guides and walkthroughs

Game description

A stealth action game developed by Hideo Kojima. It was developed and first published by KONAMI in 1987 for the MSX2 home computer and received critical acclaim and commercial success.

The premise of the game is that a special forces operative codenamed "Solid Snake" sneaks into enemy territory, the Outer Heaven fortress, to destroy Metal Gear, a bipedal walking tank capable of launching nuclear missiles from anywhere in the world. Most subsequent games in the series follow the same story premise, changing only the characters, locations, and weapons.

Originally released for MSX2 in Japan and Europe, later game was ported to the Nintendo Entertainment System (Famicom) the same year, although many significant changes were made to the game. Ports followed for various home computers, such as MS-DOS PCs and Commodore 64s.
It was also moved to mobile phones and Nintendo GameCube (as part of the Metal package Gear Solid: Twin Snakes Premium Package) in 2004. On the PlayStation 2 in 2005, as a component of Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, an MSX2 version of the game was included with some improvements and changes, such as typo corrections, some grammatical errors and inaccuracies. Which in 2011 was included in the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, on PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and Xbox 360.
Its success led to the creation of two sequels, released separately: the first, Snake's Revenge, was created specifically for the Western market for the NES, and in response to its creation, the second, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, was a canonical sequel developed by Hideo Kojima and released in Japan for MSX2.
The latter was followed by a successful series of games and their spin-offs.


200 km north of the Galzburg region of South Africa lay the fortress of Outer Haven, a fortified state founded by a legendary mercenary in the late 1980s. In 1995, the Western world received intelligence that warned of weapons mass destruction, which was allegedly built deep inside the fortress. The high-tech special forces unit FOXHAUND, commanded by the legendary soldier Big Boss, has sent its best agent, Gray Fox, to infiltrate the citadel. However, a few days later, contact with Gray Fox was lost, and his last transmission consisted of only two words: “METAL GEAR...”

In order to save Gray Fox and reveal the meaning of the mysterious message, he was sent alone on a missionrookie operative Solid Snake.

  • Metal Gear's cover is based on a photograph of Michael Biehn as Kyle Reese from the film "Terminator", and Snake's transceiver bag features the Triforce symbol from the series.. can be viewed in.
  • Nickname of the main character"Solid Snake", for Western players it sounds like"Solid Snake", which led to associations with an erect penis...
  • Other companies were involved in development and publishing for some platforms; more details can be found in.

A few secrets in MGS


I will try to describe as many possible features of this game as possible, most of them have been known for a long time, but maybe someone will learn unknown facts.


  1. "Ghosts" Hidden Easter eggs in the form of developer photos are scattered throughout the game. How to find them is shown in.
  2. Shooting on the run in MGS, shooting is carried out from a standing position, while Snake can only turn around. But there is a way to shoot while moving, you need to press approximately simultaneously (or alternately quickly) the shooting and crouching (crawling) and direction buttons. If everything is done correctly, Snake will run with his weapon raised. To make this stance permanent, you need to hold down the crouch key while moving, but you can press the shoot key at any time. This helps a lot in some situations: a fight near the detention cells with Meryl, a battle with Ocelot, a run through communication tower A at the time of discovery, two fights in elevators if you need to quickly break through the guards.
  3. Trick with rations if you equip rations in your inventory during a battle, then when Snake’s life drops to zero, one ration is automatically consumed to restore part of the HP. It is impossible to die this way.
  4. Cigarettes in the game they can be used to stabilize the hands when shooting from the PSG-1 rifle and to detect infrared rays without a thermal imager.
  5. Kamikaze soldiers for this trick you will need C-4, approach the soldier from behind and attach explosives to him. If everything is successful, the soldier will turn into a living bomb, which can be used to blow up other soldiers, security equipment, and just for fun.
  6. Infrared glasses (thermal imager) by equipping this item in your inventory, you will be able to see enemies in stealth camouflage (cyber ninja, Psycho Mantis, 4 soldiers in the elevator), infrared rays, hole traps in the floor and Claymore mines.
  7. Capturing the enemy if you do not have a weapon in your hands, then when you press the shoot key, Snake will be able to grab enemies by the neck or throw them to the ground. To grab the neck, approach the enemy from behind and press and hold the attack key; if you continue to press the key at this moment, Snake will be able to strangle the enemy and he will fall unconscious. If you press the key ten times, Snake will silently break the enemy's neck. To throw, it doesn’t matter which side you approach the enemy from, just run up and hold the direction key and press the attack key once, Snake will throw the enemy to the ground. Two or three such throws will knock him out.
  8. EMF grenades grenades that disable electronics affect not only cameras and machine gun turrets, they can be used to fight bosses, namely: Tank, its main caliber sight is lost; Cyber ​​Ninja (Gray Fox), a grenade paralyzes him for the entire duration of the explosion effect; Rex, like a tank, gets his gun sights off, but the grenade has no effect on the rockets he fires.
  9. SSH grenades flashbang grenades affect all types of infantry, including bosses. They especially make fights with Ocelot and Raven and Liquid in Rex easier. They slow down the ocelot for a short time, making it easier to shoot him. On the contrary, it’s better to run away from Raven at this moment. Liquid, with the cockpit open, is also susceptible to the effects of this grenade.
  10. Controlling Nikita's missiles in first person After shooting Nikita, press and hold the first person view button. This will allow you to more accurately control the progress of the rocket, and you will also be able to see nearby enemies.
  11. Stinger this rocket launcher allows you to fire not only at enemies, but also at cameras, wall-mounted machine guns, crows, rats and everything in general.
  12. SOCOM muffler to install it on a pistol, you need to select it in the inventory and at the same time select the pistol in the weapon. The silencer will automatically be bolted to the gun.
  13. Fast travel between locations to do this, you must have boxes A, B, C in your inventory. There are three trucks at the helipad, nuclear warhead storage facility and snow field. If you climb into one of the trucks and equip the box, you will be transported to the location written on the box.
  14. How to trick wolves in a cave There are two ways. The first is to equip the Sniper Wolf scarf until the wolves attack you in your hands. The second method is more difficult, when you go through the cave for the first time, go to Meryl next to the entrance. Hit her and immediately hide in a box (any box you like), if everything is done quickly, the puppy will run up to you and urinate on the box. Now, if you run around the cave in a box, the wolves will not touch you, the main thing is not to forget which box is marked by the puppy.
  15. Blushing Meryl When you run with her, in first-person mode, look at Meryl for a while. Gradually she will blush and shyly make phrases like “why are you looking at that?”, “What’s the matter Snake?” etc. And if you come close and look at her chest through binoculars or a camera, then Meryl will give Snake a shot on the scoreboard.
  16. Women's toilet if you are in the women's restroom and call other characters using the codec, they will express their opinion on this matter, and Mei Ling will call Snake a pervert)
  17. Pantsu Meryl There are a couple of moments in the game where you can see Meryl in her underwear. To do this, at the beginning of the game, when you find the fake DARPA chief on the second floor of the tank hangar, climb into the ventilation. After crawling to Meryl's cell, look down, she must be doing some kind of exercise. Next, get out of the ventilation and climb in again, look at Meryl again, she should be doing another exercise, get out again. Climb up again, Meryl will change the action again, get out. When you climb into the ventilation for the fourth time and look at it, Meryl will do the first exercise, but in only her shorts. If you repeat the previous steps two more times, Meryl will do other exercises in this form. Another time you can see this beauty at the moment when Meryl needs to be found on the second floor of the nuclear warhead storage facility. As soon as she runs to the women's toilet, follow her, you will only have five seconds to get to the last stall, if everything worked out, about half of the next video Meryl will be sporting a T-shirt and panties)
  18. Mantis reads the past at the beginning of the fight with Psycho Mantis, he will read the “past” on your memory card. To do this, you need to have saves from games from Konami (for example Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Suikoden, Nagano Winter O1impics"98, Contra:
    Legacy of War, etc.), he will speak out separately if you have saves from the games Policenauts and Snatcher (Kojima’s first games).
  19. How to get rid of Mantis control Psycho Mantis can control the operation of the controls in the game and in every possible way annoy you in other ways, to get rid of it, you can do the following trick. Just switch the controller from one port to another, and Mantis can no longer do any harm.
  20. How to destroy Mantis statues during a fight with him in the office where the battle with this boss takes place there are two statues in the form of busts wrapped in belts (ribbon or something like that). They are invulnerable until certain point, if during the battle you dial Colonel Campbell several times on the codec, he will tell you in one of the dialogues that Mantis needs these statues for control (perhaps this dialogue will turn on if you die once during the battle, plus the colonel must first tell you about the trick with the controllers described above). After this, the statue can be broken and Mantis will lose power over the controls.
  21. Mask is needed to reduce oxygen consumption in the gas corridor, but there is one more point with it. If you enter Mantis wearing a gas mask, he will comment on this.
  22. Frozen rations During the fight with Raven, your rations may freeze and cannot be used for some time. To prevent this, equip them for the entire duration of the battle. If they still freeze, then run to the blast furnace in a heated room and stand there for a while. Either stand in any other non-frozen room, just longer, or go back to the men's room in the nuclear warhead storage facility and warm it up with a hairdryer (or something like that).
  23. Opening high level doors without a card if you do not have an access card of the required level, you can try to open the door with the help of a security guard. Grab one and take him to the door. If its level is sufficient, the door will open. But he must be very close and face her.
  24. Mei Ling sticks out her tongue if you call it several times using the codec, but do not save it, Mei Ling will show you her tongue.
  25. Liquid in Rex can be defeated with a sniper rifle when you destroy the radar on Rex and the cockpit opens, take the PSG-1 and shoot Liquid, a method for masochists really.
  26. Nikita for Sniper Wolf during the second fight with her, select Nikita as your weapon and attack from the safe zone until the boss dies.
  27. Meryl codec frequency - 140.15
  28. PS1 in the laboratory in Otacon's laboratory, where the battle with the cyber ninja took place, you can find the first PlayStation on the table in the middle of the room.
  29. Animal rights if you manage to kill a few crows and rats, they will contact you via codec and tell you that this is wrong and that is not what Snake is being paid for.
  30. Evil Raven When you go down the second freight elevator to the warehouse where you will fight with Raven, kill all the crows flying there. Raven will be furious at this and will chase you with renewed vigor.
  31. Parachute- in the snow field location you can find a parachute, if you look at it and contact the colonel, Snake and he will begin to wonder whether Liquid could have survived after the helicopter crash.
  32. Claymores can be used against a tank; if it hits a mine, it will be stopped.
  33. Subject Tips if you hold an object or weapon in your hands, and then contact the characters via the codec, you can get their description, tips on use, or just a funny dialogue. For example with a box)
  34. Advice to use stereo tested on a set-top box with a TV. During the battle with the helicopter, the Colonel advises Snake to determine the helicopter's position by the sound of its rotor. However, if you set the sound settings to mono, Campbell and Mei Lin will sympathize with the player due to his inability to buy a TV with a stereo system.
  35. 4th wall By contacting Miller via codec, you can hear advice that relates more to the player than to Snake.
  36. Jailbreak There are several ways. The first is to wait until the guard gets sick to his stomach and runs to the toilet, then crawl under the bed and wait for him to return. Without seeing you in the cell, he will go inside, at which point you can knock him out and escape. The second method will work if you call Otacon using the codec. When the guard runs to the toilet, Dr. Emerich will appear and give you ketchup and Wulf's handkerchief. While the guard is in the toilet, we lie down on the ground and apply ketchup, wait for the guard. He must run into the cell and accordingly he must be knocked out. The last way I know is to do nothing. Just survive a few tortures and Gray Fox will save you.
  37. Snake has a cold Sitting in a cell, you can catch a cold from the guard. Just don't run away right away, but constantly run next to the guard and Snake may catch a cold. This will cause him to start sneezing (or coughing, I don’t remember exactly), at such moments his enemies can hear him. A cold is treated with medicine that can be found on the second floor of the nuclear warhead storage facility, in the same place as Nikita.
  38. Box needed to freely travel between locations and hide from guards. Just equip the box and don't move, the guard will leave. Different boxes must be used in different locations, the names of which are written on them when viewed in the inventory. Also, sitting in the box, Snake is not detected by cameras, unless he moves, of course.
  39. How to get Nikita early- To get Nikita early in the game, go through the first three sections, then return to the truck in the airstrip area. Find the rocket launcher in the back of the truck.
  40. Laser FAMAS the last three cartridges in this rifle are tracer. For this trick you need a bandana (I’ll tell you how to get it later). Empty your clip down to those three rounds, equip your bandana and fire off the brightly colored ammo. Although there is no additional effect from this, it just looks funny.
  41. See through the eyes of Meryl and Mantis When Meryl falls under the control of Mantis, when you press a key in first person, we will see the world through Meryl's eyes. And during the fight with Psycho Mantis, we will watch through his eyes. Mantis can be found this way even without a thermal imager.
  42. Different title screen (Japanese version) Press the D-pad on the controller on the title screen to change the background color.
  43. James Bond costume- complete the game with both endings as Meryl and Otacon, so that on the third playthrough you will receive the costume, it will be put on after the first elevator.
  44. Red Gray Fox (cyber ninja)- similar to the previous point, only to see him like this, you need to get to Otacon’s laboratory in the DB suit.
  45. Stealth camouflage complete the game with the ending as Otacon, i.e. surrender to torture. Gives complete invisibility, but bosses and dogs can see Snake.
  46. Bandana complete the game with the ending as Meryl, i.e. withstand torture. Gives unlimited ammo.
  47. First person view is given after beating the game once, or at the easiest difficulty level immediately. By double pressing the first person view key, you can play like an FPS. But shooting like that won't work.
  48. Camera given after beating the game once or if found in the secret armory near the place where the fight with Ocelot took place. You can see how to find it.
  49. Infinite automaton Available only on the easiest difficulty level and not in all versions. Given immediately at the beginning of the game.
  50. Frequency 140.7 secret frequency, works in areas with interference (where the radar is acting up), enter it in the codec and listen to the message (I'm not sure about this, but in my opinion it is only available in the Japanese version of the game).
  51. Mine detector shows the location of claymore mines on the radar, and can also be used to find a lost key card in a moat of water near Rex. The rat that grabbed it is visible on the radar as a red dot.
  52. Fast recharge any weapon in the game reloads instantly if you put it away and immediately pick it up.

After leaving the water, contact the command via radio (called by the select button). Your first task is to get to the elevator. Go down the stairs and take the ration. Run up past the two guards, be careful not to step in the puddles - this may attract the attention of the guards. Having reached the mine, hide behind the loader (on the right) until the elevator arrives. When the elevator arrives, wait for the guard to get out. Get into the elevator.
The first step is to arm yourself. Go right from the elevator, to the mountains. Crawl up along them so as not to leave traces. Crawl to the stairs, Snake will notice a security camera (you cannot get within its visibility radius, the alarm will be raised). To the left of the stairs there is an all-terrain vehicle, there is a socom gun in it, take it (until you find the muffler, it is better not to use the socom gun). If you wish, you can take chaff grenade on the helipad, which is illuminated by two spotlights... Climb the stairs to the second floor. Hide behind the column (on the right), when the guard turns his back to you, disable him using the “square” button. There is a ventilation hole in the wall (on the left), climb into it.
Tank Hangar.
Sneak past the camera (on the right) and go into room #1. Take a thermal goggle. Go down the stairs. Be careful, there are two guards below. Your goal is to get to the elevator. When you approach the elevator, call it (to avoid waiting a long time for the elevator to arrive, press the call button again). Enter the elevator and go to floor 81.
In 1 Tank hangar.
Run down to the stairs and climb up them into the ventilation. Crawl through the ventilation into cell No. 2, in fact, look into cell No. 3, Meryl is sitting there. After receiving the Lv1 card from Dagr, wait until Meryl opens the cell door. Once in the corridor with Meryl, start shooting back at the guards. It is better to do this in the corners next to the door (in the sense of shooting back). When the guards start running through the door, open fire; Having killed one group of guards, collect the socom cartridges and rations that were left from them, and again stand with the guards without losses. After the fight, take the ammo in rooms No. 4 and No. 5. Get in the elevator and go to floor B2.
B2 Tank Hangar.
In room #6, take the C4 explosive. Be careful, there are pits and traps all over the floor. Place explosives in the top left, top right, bottom left corners. The places where explosives should be placed are highlighted by color, and if you knock on them, you will hear an empty sound. Collect weapons in rooms #8 and #9. Run into the lower left gap. Two more walls will stand in your way, blow them up.
No. 1. Boss of Revolver Ocelot.
Ozeroth, as befits the first boss, is a very weak enemy, but quite playful. He moves around the room much faster than you, so running after him is pointless. We must wait until he stops and starts shooting. At this moment you should shoot at Ozerot. When you fight Ozeroth, do not approach the AT President under any circumstances, otherwise the explosives he is tied with will detonate.
B2 Tank Hanger.
After receiving the Lv2 card from the president, go out through the gap in the wall. Blow up the wall on the right, but do not go into the resulting gap. Run back to the elevator, be careful, there are now two soldiers walking around there. Go to rooms No. 10 and No. 11 (Fa-MAS automatic rifle). In room No. 11 there are infrared rays, crawl under them. Get into the elevator and go to the first floor. When you arrive on the first floor, do not exit the elevator. Contact Meryl (frequency 140.15). Take B1 and immediately return to the first floor. A passage has opened to the right of the elevator, but before you go there, look into room No. 12. (get the socom suppressor there). No. 13 (card box), No. 14 (mine detector). Then carefully enter the passage. You should carefully walk through the five infrared rays. Use thermal g. After passing one beam, stop and wait for the next one to rise.
Using thermal g. collect claymore mines. Run up.
Boss #2. Gunner.
As you probably guessed, this is a tank that used to be on the first floor. As soon as you get within his range of vision, he will start shooting at you with his very large cannon. To get closer to him, it is best to crawl towards him, being under the cover of the hill on the left. As soon as you get close to
tank, a soldier will get out of it and start shooting at you with a machine gun. Throw two grenades into the hatch, after which the lifeless warrior will fly out of the tank, and Snake will take the Lv3 card from him.
Nuke Dldg 1.
Weapons may not be used in this room under any circumstances. Also, if you are discovered, poisonous gas will be released, which means death. As soon as you get to nuke bldg, the command will tell you the coordinates of Natasha Romanenko (141.52). Wait for the guard to pass by you, then run left to the stairs. Go up to the second floor and quickly run to the elevator before the guard on the right notices you. Take B1.
B1 Nuke BLDG.
Go to room No. 15. It is better to shoot the guard in it. Take the nikita launcher and rockets for it in room No. 16. Go up to B2.
In corridor No. 17, the floor is energized, so it is impossible to walk on it. To de-energize it, you need to blow up the transformer in room No. 18. To do this, use nikita launcher. There are cameras installed along the way to the transformer; it is better to destroy them first, and then the transformer. Don't forget to replenish your air supply, as you are in a chamber filled with gas. When the floor is de-energized, take the gas mask in room No. 19. Head to the Otacona laboratory.
Boss #3. Ninja.
At first glance, the Ninja may seem like a very strong opponent, since he is capable of repelling almost all of your weapon attacks with his super sword. In addition, it can cause significant damage to your health. In order to kill him with minimal losses, you should challenge him to a “fair fight”, to do this, hit him in the face. After which the touched Ninja will hide his “kladinets”. Now it won't be difficult to kill him.
After defeating the Ninja, Otacon, who has peed himself, will give you the LV4 card. Visit rooms No. 21 and No. 22 (night vision gjggles). Take B1. Go to room No. 15. The guard on the left wall is Meryl in disguise. When she sees you, she will run to the women's restroom (poor thing). Run after her. After a long conversation, you will receive a Lv5 card from Meryl. Go with Meryl to passage number 23.
Boss #4. Psycho Mantis.
Mantis can compete with the last boss in complexity; you will have to tinker a lot with this Reptile. First of all, Mantis, using his ability to penetrate people's brains, will force: Meryl to shoot you. Therefore, Meryl should be carefully “turned off”; it is best to use a choke hold. When Meryl “comes out of the game”, we should deal with our telepath. It is better to fight Mantis when you are wearing Thermal goggles, then he will not be able to use stealth camouflage. Mantic's attacks repeat in a cyclical manner. First, he will throw clots of energy: to dodge them, you should continuously run around the room. Other attacks can be avoided by lying on the floor. Number two for Mantis are chairs, which he spins around himself, using them as a shield. After manipulating the chairs, Mantis will launch busts at you. The viper uses vases as homing missiles. When the vases fly into place, boomerang-like deer antlers will launch (!!!). The final attack of the cycle will be the graceful flight of paintings. And all this will begin to repeat itself again and again... It is very difficult to advise at what moment to attack Mantis the psychopath, everyone must choose their own individual tactics. After some time, Mantis will again force Meryl to attack you. Use the same technique to “turn off” it. But Mantis will not stop there, he will force Meryl to shoot herself. We'll have to "knock out" the poor thing again. When your friend calms down, poor Mantis's party will begin. He will fly randomly around the room and shoot bolts of energy at you. When only Mantis has just a little bit of energy left, he will completely go crazy and start launching all the objects at you at the same time. Whether you kill him or not depends only on your luck...
Comfnder Room.
Before you die, Mantis will open a secret passage for you, go there.
In the cave, use a night vision device. Follow Meryl, shooting tops along the way. If you want to laugh, then when the puppy approaches Meryl, hit him, then they will explain to you that it is not good to offend animals.
U.Grnd Pssge
Clear the mines on the ground and approach Meryl. Meryl will come under fire from a sniper and be seriously injured. You won't be able to get close to her because of the sniper. To get rid of him, you need a sniper rifle (they knock out a wedge with a wedge), which is located in room No. 24.
There are infrared beams in the room with the sniper rifle, so be careful. Taking the rifle, run back to u.grand pssge.
U. Grnd Pssge.
Shoot a sniper with a sniper rifle. Run up to the door, where you will be captured.
In captivity, Ozeroth will torture you. Whether you surrender or not will determine whether Meryl or Otacon survive. After inhuman torture you will be sent to a cell. When the guard runs to the toilet (poor guy), Otacon or Ninja will come to you. If Otacon comes, he will give you ketchup, a sniper scarf and a Lv6 card. The ninja will simply break down the door. While the guard is in the toilet, lie down on the floor and crush the ketchup. The guard who comes running will mistake the ketchup for blood and cover the cell; at this moment he should be suffocated. Behind the thing you were tortured with, in the box is your inventory. Now that you have the Lv6 card, you can grab the camera from the passage you previously blew up. Go back to the door where you were grabbed, be sure to collect ammo for famas along the way. Once you enter the tower, run along the corridor. The camera will notice you and the alarm will be raised. Take the rope and stinger. Quickly go up the stairs. About fifty guards will rush after you, who will follow you all the way to the roof.
Roof/Comm. TWR.
There is a satellite dish on the roof; as soon as you get close, a hail of missiles will fall on it. And Liguid will appear in a helicopter. While you are still alive, tie the rope to the edge and jump down. When you climb down, the annoying Liquid will shoot at you with a machine gun.
Having landed safely, look around. There are three machine gunners at the top. If you try to approach them, they will open fire. To kill them, use a sniper rifle. Liquid will appear again, quickly run to comm Twr b.
Comm. Twr b.
Go down the stairs. When you reach the gap, run back. Otacon will appear near the elevator, which will open the passage to the top. Go up the stairs, there are cameras on many floors. At the top, collect ammo for the stinger and get ready for battle. Go out onto the roof.
Boss #5. Hind.
The doe piloted by Liquid should be brought down to earth. For this you will need a stinger. The tactics for passing the boss are very simple. Shoot the stinger at . Then hide behind two cylinders from his machine-gun fire. Repeat this move several times and Liquid will slam down with his gazelle.
Comm. Twr b.
After winning, go down to the elevator. Call him and go to the first floor. Otacon will get in touch and inform you that four of Liquida’s henchmen in stealth camouflage are riding with you in the elevator. Figure out what needs to be done with them. Get out into the fresh air. On the street you will immediately fall under the Sniper Wolf's crosshairs.
Boss #6. Sniper Wolf.
There are two ways to deal with Otacon's beloved. The first is to compete with her in the ability to shoot with a sniper rifle. The second one is easier and safer. Hide behind the rock on the right and shoot with the nikita launcher. Aim the rocket right at the legs of the charming sniper. The rocket is best piloted by switching to first-person view. When you control a rocket, it is worth considering that it cannot overcome very steep mountains.
Snow Field.
After the heartbreaking scene of the death of Sniper Wolf, when you come to your senses. Collect ammo around the area. Go through the first upper door. Go down to the basement. Insert Disc.
Blast Furnace.
Get rid of the guard snooping around here and there. After that, use the nikita launcher to blow up the cargo from the crane. Walk along the ledge to the other side. Go down the stairs and go through the large door. Go to the elevator control panel and start it. As soon as the lift starts moving, two guards will jump from above. Deal with them. Get on the next lift and go down. Go up to the warehouse.
Boss #7. Raven.
This is the scumbag you didn't finish off when you fought the tank. Ravena can be killed with several types of weapons, but the best choice is the Stinger. When you take away more than half of Ravena's energy, he will start running after you at double speed. So be careful.
Open the door with the Lv7 card that Raven gave you before he died. Run up, be careful, there are pits on the floor - traps. There are cameras around the stairs; use chaff grenade to paralyze them. Go up the stairs.
U.Grnd. Base.
Here it is, the great and terrible Metal Gear Rex.
You should climb on this thing. To do this, use the ladders attached to it. After climbing to the top of the giant, look through binoculars at the room opposite. Do you recognize the sweet couple in it? These are two friends Liquid and Ocelot who are racking their brains on how to launch Metal Gear. Run to them. After Ocelot shoots Snake, he injures his PAL key. So, Ocelot and Liquid are barricaded in their booth, the alarm is raised, and the PAL key is somewhere below. First of all, you should find the PAL key. He may be on the ground floor in the water, to find him, just run from one end of the channel to the other. And also a mouse can drag it down below. Then you will have to run after the rodent quite a bit to get it to give you the PAL key. Once you've found the PAL key, head back to the Metal Gear control room. Insert the yellow PAL key into the yellow computer. Now you need to get two more keys, blue and red. PAL key is not a simple key, but a temperature key. In order for it to change its color, you need to place it in the appropriate conditions. For example, for it to turn blue, you need to place it in a room with a cold temperature, and for it to turn red, you need to place it in the blast furnace. First, take the PAL key to the warehouse, insert it into the blue computer. And then take it to blast furnace. When you change the color of a PAL key, be sure to select it in your inventory. As soon as you insert the last key into the computer, the doors in the room will close and the gas will be released. Put on a gas mask and contact Otacon by radio, after a while Otacon will open the door. Leaving the room, you will see Liquid scurrying, run after him.
Boss #8. Metal Gear Rex.
Liquid sits inside Metal Gear and wants to tear you into small pieces. He is armed with lasers, missiles, machine guns, in general, everything full program. Rexa should be killed in two steps. First you need to blow up the round thing on his shoulder from the stinger. To do this, detonate some chaff grenade to paralyze Metal Gear. Then shoot at him with the stinger. When you blow up the Metal Gear piece, a Ninja will appear and will soon die. To finish off Metal Gear, hide behind the barrels in the lower left corner, where he won't be able to see you, and shoot him with a stinger.
Boss #9. Liquid.
After the destruction of Metal Gear, there will be another fight with Liquidom himself. All you have to do is defeat him hand-to-hand. Which is quite easy to do, since Liquid is a rather weak opponent (after Rexa, no one is afraid of us).
After getting down from Metal Gear, run after the second hero. Having reached the jeep, wait until it is started, do not forget to shoot the guards. When you drive a jeep, you will be stopped by soldiers; you should get rid of them very quickly. After a while Liquid will catch up with you (what a tenacious bastard!). You need to destroy this toadstool once and for all. It's better to shoot at Liquid by switching to first-person view. Follow him to the end of the tunnel.


Socom gun.
The first weapon you find is used throughout the game.
Automatic rifle. It is best used against large concentrations of enemies and bosses.
Sniper rifle. Capable of hitting enemies at long distances. Kills any soldier with the first shot. It has one significant drawback: when you aim, the sight shakes (you wanted realism), and it becomes very difficult to aim.
Remote - controlled - missile (nikita launcher)
Radio controlled missiles. When you fire this weapon, you are given control of the missile. Using rct you can destroy distant targets. Y rct may run out of fuel.
Stinger missile.
Stinger, he's a stinger anywhere.
Grenades are the most rarely used weapon. Moreover, they are not very effective.
Chaff grenade.
After the explosion, grenades paralyze all electrical equipment of the enemy. The most effective weapon against security cameras.
Stun grenade.
In theory, stun grenades are supposed to blind enemies, but for some reason they don't blind anyone.
An explosive that can blow up some walls.
A completely useless weapon.


Restores some health.
They take away some of your health.
Mine detector.
Allows you to find out the direction of min.
Thermal goggles.
Vision in the infrared range.
Night - vision goggles.
Night vision device. Allows you to see in the dark.
Magnifying scope.
Binoculars. Allows you to see at a longer distance.
Gas mask.
Mask. Wearing a gas mask will allow you to stay longer in gas-filled rooms.
Card box a,b,c.
Box. In the box you can move unnoticed through enemy territory.
Body armor.
Body armor. Damage from enemy hits is reduced.
id card.
Card. Allows you to open locked doors.

  1. Your enemies can see and hear, so you should move very carefully.
  2. If the enemy notices you, it is better not to engage in battle, but to try to hide.
  3. Do not get within the camera's visibility range; an alarm will be raised.
  4. The best way to neutralize the cameras is to detonate chaff grenade.
  5. Before main game It's better to practice in training mode. This way you can study the habits of your enemies.
  6. If the alarm is raised, do not try to shoot all the guards, as they will appear endlessly.
  7. Be careful with explosives when blasting.
  8. Take care of your ammo.
  9. Don't smoke, remember, the Ministry of Health warns: smoking is dangerous to your health.

The principles of completing a mission at S rank were described in. Below are some basic tips on how to rank, as well as video guides.


To get S rank, simply skip all the cutscenes. In a room with two enemies, shoot them in the head. When you reach a room with several enemies, turn around and fall into the hole, now crawl to the exit.

Mission 1

Complete this mission at least once before bothering with the S rank. This will allow you to change the helicopter's landing zone at the end of the mission, and you will be able to avoid the skulls. Hurry to the prisoner. It is better to approach the village from the east to let most of the guards through. Pick up the prisoner, put him on a horse, call a helicopter and complete the mission.

Mission 2

Mission 3

Very simple and short. Use your sniper rifle to eliminate your target from afar. Land east of the mission. The commander will always be near the building. He will be wearing a red cap. From the landing zone, climb into the mountains and shoot from there. After this, leave the area on horseback.

Mission 4

It will be easier if you destroyed the enemy anti-radar from the air in a previous playthrough of this mission. If you are playing for the first time, then destroy the antennas with explosives. If the second time, then you will be able to destroy the radars directly from the helicopter machine gun, you won’t even have to land.

Mission 5

Mission 6

It will be easier if you destroyed the enemy anti-radar from the air in a previous playthrough of this mission. At the beginning of the video I choose new zone disembarkation to save a lot of time. When approaching an enemy base, destroy the radar with a machine gun. Get out of the helicopter and immediately run towards the main target. Skip the cutscenes and call your horse to get out of the fog faster.

Mission 7

You need to steal 3 commanders. Select the landing zone in the north. One commander will travel along the northern road. Another one is located in the mission area (village with enemies, inside a building). The third is driving along the southern road. You can reach them before they reach the village. Leave the horse outside and use the tranquilizer on the soldiers in the car. After this, fulton.

Mission 8

Don't try to get S rank on your first playthrough! Continue playing until you upgrade Fulton (this will allow you to Fulton tanks and other vehicles). Land at the western point. Head west, past the enemy outpost and follow the road until you see an empty house. As soon as you reach the house, the trigger will start and the transport equipment will start moving. Place your horse on the road and drive the equipment yourself. After this, quickly run out of the area on your horse.

Mission 9

This is one of the most difficult missions. Best advice: Ignore this until you beat the game.

You need an upgraded Fulton and durable vehicles (like a tank). Place a tank on the northern path to create a jam, and also place a horse. When the vehicle appears, go around behind it and attack.

Mission 10

When you go north on western road, then the trigger will go off, causing the convoy. Place your horse on the road to stop the convoy. Now deal with the guards in the jeep and destroy the tank (go up from behind and plant the C4), then extract it with the Fulton. If you have an improved Fulton, you can remove the tank as well instead of destroying it.

Mission 11

There is one trick. Instead of fighting Silent, just throw supplies at her. One hit removes 50% of her health. Mark it with binoculars, and then drop off supplies. Repeat a couple of times and keep her alive.

Mission 12

This is the longest mission and you will always start at the same point. Start this mission at night. In the first camp, always stick to the left wall. Now use your horse to get through the next checkpoint undetected. Once you are in the central camp, take the right side and always stay in the shadows until you reach Emmerich. Go back along the same path. When Metal Gear attacks you, run between his legs, grab Emmerich and throw him onto his horse. Call a helicopter to the southern point. Stick to the left. Cross the road and keep to the right. By the time you reach the landing, Metal Gear will have lost sight of you. If he catches up, then boot from the checkpoint.

Mission 13

Mission 14

A very easy and short mission if you already know the Viscount's location. Choose daytime (06:00) because the Viscount is transported at night. Just go to the place shown in the video and hit the target.

Mission 15

It will be easier if you destroyed the enemy anti-radar from the air in a previous playthrough of this mission. If not, then throw explosives at the radar. In your next playthrough, select a landing zone in the enemy camp and destroy targets with a machine gun.

Mission 16

It will be easy if you already know the location of the truck (mission goal). He always stands in the same place. Use the Fulton and leave the area on your horse.

Mission 17

It will be easy if you already know the location of the two Intel agents. Start with the agent in the north and fulton him. Now go to the camp in the south (go around it to avoid enemies), capture the agent and lead him to the helicopter (it cannot be hijacked).

Mission 18

I highly recommend upgrading the Fulton to a state where children can be removed. You must pass 113 side quest to improve fulton (after 26 story mission). Eliminate the target in the first enemy camp, you will need a sniper with a silencer. After that, use the Fulton to extract the children and call the helicopter (if you destroyed the radar, you can call it directly in the mines).

Mission 19

I recommend using sleeping gas or stun grenades. Go straight to the commander. It is guarded by a group of soldiers. Throw a grenade to neutralize everyone at once and fulton the commander, then leave the area on horseback.

Mission 20

You will need explosives (C4 or a grenade launcher). Make your way through enemy camps as quickly as possible. The trick is that the boss fight will be at the end. Place C4 on the gas tanks by the pool and wait for it to pass between the tank and the pool, then explode. This action will drop the boss into the water and the battle will end. Run through the tunnel to complete the mission.

Mission 21

A very easy and short mission if you already know where your goal is. He is always in the same building. Kill him and then leave. You can speed up this mission to increase your chances of getting S rank.

Mission 22

Mission 2, 22 and 43 without ranks. Complete this mission as you please.

Mission 23

The trick to this mission is that you can avoid the boss fight by knocking him out before the fight begins. Keep to the right side of the camp and enter from the back of the ship. Now wait until Mamba turns his back to you and then shoot him in the head with a tranquilizer. Evacuate him using a helicopter.

Mission 24

Ride your horse into the camp and use it to get past the guards. After that, throw sleeping gas grenades to deal with the guards. Now fulton the prisoners and escape from the area on horseback.

Mission 25

Immediately run to the soldier's child. Put him to sleep and put him in the jeep. Now look at the second target in the center of the camp (under the roof). We also throw him into the jeep and evacuate both of them by helicopter.

Mission 26

The enemy is always at one point. Go there and snipe him, then run out of the area.

Mission 27

Use your horse to get to the goal as quickly as possible. He always ends up in the same place. Use the tranquilizer and place it on the horse or truck, then leave the area. You don't have to play stealthily, use rapid speed and kill enemies who block your escape route.

Mission 28

At the beginning of the mission, skip the fight with the skulls. Just run on a horse and that's it. Make your way to the target and evacuate it using the helicopter at the northern landing zone. Put the guards to sleep to get bonus points. Ignore the soldiers and just run towards the landing zone (it doesn't matter if they notice you or not).

Mission 29

For this mission you must acquire a machine gun. I recommend ALM 48. Also take explosives (C4, grenade launcher, grenades). There will be a silent one best choice as a partner for this mission. The trick here is to hide in the hangar at the beginning, but be sure to tag the Skulls when the fight starts. This way you will know their location and health status. Now you can shoot them from the machine gun through the hangar windows. You can also place a C4 at the front of the hangar and lure the skulls there. Avoid the spikes coming out of the ground as they will kill you instantly.

Additionally, you can use the D-Walkers' Gatling guns. It kills skulls pretty quickly.

Mission 30

You have only one goal - to reach the boss at the end of the enemy camp. It's best to go unnoticed and complete the mission as quickly as possible. Always stick to the right or left side of the camp. This allows you to miss most enemies. The enemies have helmets, so take a sniper with a silencer and during the rapid (if this happens) shoot the enemies in the eyes. Although, if you complete the mission without a single detection or shot, you can get 120,000 points.

Mission 31

Two things will be useful to you on this mission: a rocket launcher (GNOM-11) and a grenade launcher (Isado RGL-220). The essence of the mission will be a fight with the boss. Once you run out of ammo, supplies will drop automatically. So empty all the grenade launcher and then use the rocket launcher and grab the supplies as soon as they arrive. Repeat this tactic a couple of times and you'll defeat the boss fairly quickly. His weak point there will be a belly (when it glows) and 4 white canisters on the upper back.

Mission 32

Very easy and fast mission. Use your horse to get to the target (it's near the mountains) and kill him. If you do everything quickly enough, you won't run into enemies. Use your horse to leave the area.

Mission 33

It will be easier if you destroyed the enemy anti-radar from the air in a previous playthrough of this mission. If not, then destroy it. In the next playthrough, land on the enemy base and shoot the radars with a machine gun.

Mission 34

You will need a cargo fulton and a tank. Place a tank on the northern path to create a blockage and place a horse in front of the tank. When the vehicle approaches, go around behind it and rush over. If you remain undetected, it will be enough to extract 6 cars out of 11. If you do everything quickly, then there should be no problems. However, if you fail to extract, you can destroy all 11 cars. This will give you 160,000 points and a guaranteed S rank.

Mission 35

You must land in the south. Also bring decoys with you to distract heavily armored enemies. Go to the container in the jungle and fulton it. After that, go up the mountain and jump onto the container. Fulton the second container and you will leave the mission with it.

Mission 36

Take baits and C4 on the mission. Use a stealth suit and land at night. Approach the camp from the east and crawl to the targets guarded by the enemies. Drop decoys as a distraction and place C4 on the ground near the targets (one C4 per enemy). Leave the camp and detonate the charges, then run away on horseback.

Mission 37

It will be very easy if you already know the location of the truck (mission goal). She is always in the same place. Use the Fulton and then leave on your horse.

Mission 38

Your goal in this mission is to find the collectible. The item has 3 different spawn locations and the video shows these locations. Infiltrate at night using a stealth suit and night vision goggles. Using the glasses you will see the collectible.

Mission 39

There will be a crack in one of the rocks to the west. Go there and you will miss almost all the enemies. There will only be two enemies and a prisoner. Knock them out and kill them. After this, fulton the prisoner and get out of the area on horseback.

Mission 40

Unlike last time, you won't be able to defeat the Quiet One by dropping supplies. At the last second, she will jump away from the landing site. You should use sniper rifle. Stay on point (in video). From here you can always see the Silent One and defeat her. You have two seconds before she notices you and shoots.

Mission 41

Bring a rocket launcher for this mission. You will need it to shoot down the helicopter in the end. Land in the center and go west. All vehicles will pass through here. Disarm the guards (be sure to fulton, otherwise they will wake up later). The first car to arrive is from the north, the other two are from the south. They always stop at the outpost and you can take them down. For the 4th vehicle you will have to put a horse on the road to stop it. At the end, destroy the helicopter and that's it.

Mission 42

The skulls will have more health in this mission. The same as last time, but this time I advise you to take a powerful sniper rifle (Brennan LRS-46 or Serval AMR-7). Quiet would be the best choice as a partner for this mission. The trick here is to hide in the hangar at the beginning, but be sure to tag the Skulls when the fight starts. This way you will know their location and health status. Now you can shoot them from the machine gun through the hangar windows. You can also place a C4 at the front of the hangar and lure the skulls there. Avoid the spikes coming out of the ground as they will kill you instantly.

Additionally, you can use the D-Walkers' Gatling guns. It kills skulls pretty quickly. Try to stay away from their fog, as it can stop the D-Walker.

Mission 43

Mission 2, 22 and 43 without ranks. Complete this mission as you please.

Mission 44

Ignore all camps at the start of the mission. Just drive to the main objective and stay away from the outposts. After you turn off the pump in the center, run away from the camp and use the rocket launcher to destroy the target (you must leave the camp before destroying the target). Jump on the horse and run away from the area.

Mission 45

To gain access to this mission, you must raise your reputation with Silent to the maximum. After that, go through side mission 150 and this mission will unlock. Use the CGM 25 rocket launcher, which will destroy enemy tanks in two shots. If you don't have it, then use Killer Bee or FB MR. Always request supplies before you run out. When you have picked up supplies, immediately request the next delivery. You can place ATB and C4 mines to destroy two vehicles. Always stay in cover (the rocks will help you with this). Alternatively, you can tank the tanks to complete one of the mission objectives, but there will be additional risk.

Mission 46

This mission will answer all your questions. Watch the final scene at the end of the video. You will find yourself back in the prologue and find out what really happened.

To unlock this mission you must:

  • Complete all other missions
  • Complete important (yellow) side quests
  • Improve the Base (build FOB online to speed up the process)

In this mission, S rank is easy to achieve. Just skip all the scenes and your rank is yours.

Mission 47

This is a very easy mission if you know where your target is. He will always be in the same building. You can use the broken fence on the west side of the airport and go there to get past most of the guards. There will be two guards in the building. Cut their throats, kill the target and escape from the area.

Mission 48

Take a light tank on this mission. With its help, you will calmly drive past the 4 skulls at the beginning. Also take baits to distract the guards near the mansion. Enter the mansion, complete the objective and call the helicopter to the northern landing zone. Now run to the helicopter (you can ignore the enemies).

Mission 49

Land in the left (west) corner of the map. Head west past the outpost and follow the road until you reach an empty house. The trigger will start and a convoy of 3 cars will drive. Hide behind cover until the first tank is close, then run up to it and fulton. After this, repeat the same trick with another technique. Leave the area (by helicopter is faster).

Mission 50

Take the ZHUK-BR 3 light tank, Isado RGL-220 grenade launcher, CGM 25 rocket launcher for this mission. With this equipment you can easily achieve S rank. Use the tank until it is destroyed. Now aim for the gas canisters on the stomach and back when they glow. When the tank is destroyed, use the rocket launcher and order ammo. Now use the grenade launcher while supplies last. Always move and when the boss sends a wave across the ground, run away from it and shoot back.

If you are having problems with Walkthrough of the game Metal Gear Solid, you can always use our advice and information to take action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to completely complete the game. Metal Gear Solid. In the most difficult places we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Metal Gear Solid read on our website.

Mission 1. Doc

Climb under the pipe, it is on the left. Without being seen by the guards, go to the elevator from above. Your boss will call you. Hide in the boxes on the right, the elevator will still be moving. Get into it.

Mission 2. Helipad

To begin with, there will be a mission briefing, they will talk about why we are here. We have a new assistant, Mei Ling, her frequency is 140.96. After all this, move on, climb into the truck and take the weapon. But know that you need to shoot extremely rarely. Only as a last resort. Crawl into the ventilation, which is located near the main doors.

Mission 3. Tank hangar

Miller frequency is 141.80.

Move further through the tunnel, following the mice. Call again.<Теперь влево и ступеньками поднимайтесь на второй этаж, заходите в комнатку. Тут вы обнаружите термические очки. Они помогут вам видеть в слишком темных комнатах. На балконе подберите гранаты. Теперь идите к лифту и в нем нажмите на B1.

Mission 4. Prison

Ring. Go down the corridor and move to the right. Another bell. Climb up. Move through the tunnel to the left, there will be supplies of ammunition there. Now go to the main passage and move on. At the end to the left. Bell. Go down, click on the bars in the cell. There you will talk to Anderson, he will give you a key card. After which he will suddenly die. Another call. Go out of the cell, kill the guards. There will be supplies behind the doors. Run to the elevator and press B2.

Mission 5. Armory warehouse

Wear thermal goggles. You can see the tiles, you don't need to step on them. Move to the main building using the card. Take C4 there. Blow up the wall with a huge blue spot. Crawl into the hole.

Mission 6. Armory 2

Blow up the wall on the top right. Crawl in there. Now there will be a fight. We will fight with Revolver Ocelot. Run after him in a circle, because he threatens to blow up the hostage. When you kill him, the hostage will give you another key card and also die. Call. Return to the armory. The path to other weapons depots is now open to you. Take more. Get into the elevator and press one. Here, go right to the room. Immediately kill the guard and pick up the silencer for the pistol. You don’t even need to put it on, it will already be on it itself. Call Meryl, this is frequency 140.15. Climb to the second floor. Call. Go down and there to the huge door in the corner. Put your glasses back on so you can see the rays. Do not touch them. Ring, after which open the door using the second level access card.

Mission 7. Canyon

To avoid stepping on bombs, attach a mine detector to yourself. Head up and left. Another enemy awaits you here - Vulcan Raven. It is located in a tank, so conventional attacks cannot do anything to him; in order to somehow resist it, you need to use a grenade against electronics. Now throw regular grenades at his tank. After defeating him, another key card will be available to you.

Mission 8. Building with warheads

Move on and crawl under the door. Call. Don't use weapons. Enter the elevator, press B1. Follow to the right corner of the map and to the second office below. Pick up a bazooka and supplies for it. Get into the elevator again and click on B2. Go through two doors, blow up the electrical panel box, then the floor will no longer be energized. Call. To detonate, use a rocket launcher, but first blow up the machine guns that are nearby. Then follow down. Don't go to the intersection, go into the room on the right. There will be ammunition here.

Move further, passing to the right along the intersection, you will come across a sophisticated ninja. Engage in hand-to-hand combat with him, you can see him in an invisible suit using glasses. At the end of the battle, you can simply shoot him with a pistol. Call. You will see a new ally - Otacon (141.12), he will also give you a key card. Return to the elevator and click on B1. Head to the office. The guard will see you and will run to the right. Follow him to the door above. This will be the women's cleaning room. Meryl will meet you here. She will have a key card already at level five, and she will also give it to you. Move to the door to the left of the elevator.

Mission 9. Command Center

In a room with a mirror floor, your next enemy is already waiting for you, his name is Psycho Mantis. Try to dodge his attacks and shoot at him. He controls Meryl's mind, so she attacks you, but don't try to kill her. Beat the enemy, he will close with the help of your friend. But deal with the boss quickly, because the girl may commit suicide. Call. Move towards the door. Crawl into the hole. To see dogs, wear glasses. But don't bother with them, run through them. Crawl into the hole in the rock again. There you will see Meryl. Follow her steps.

Mission 10. Underground bunker

You should get shot. After which, you need to return. To the armory, it will take quite a long time. There we need to get ourselves a sniper rifle and run back to that sniper again. Kill Sniper Wolf. It will not be so easy. The bell rings. Go through the right door. Here they will tie you up, and you will wake up in the operating room.

Here you can decide what the ending will be. If you choose to give up, you will get the bad ending, but if you press the action button with all your might, you will get the good one. Then you will find yourself in prison. But they will torture you several more times, act in the same way as before. The call. Approach the cell door, there you will see Otacon. He will offer you ketchup and a handkerchief.

Choose ketchup and lie down on the floor with ketchup. The guard will think that something happened to you and when he runs into your cell, beat him. Take your things from the camera. Go to the right doors, and take the elevator to the first floor and go to the gate. Back to where they tied you up. You will be informed that there is a bomb on you. Take the bomb from your inventory and throw it away. Near the tower, go to the right door. The bell rings.

Mission 11. Communications Tower

Go along the corridor to the left. There you will be detected by a security camera. Take everything you have and kill the guards. Climb up the stairs. Otacon will send you a message. Then go up the stairs. Use the fire escape to climb onto the roof. Here the main character’s brother, Liquid Snake, appears in front of us. Beware of being hit by helicopter shots and approach the edge of the roof. Use the rope to lower yourself down. There, using a rocket launcher, kill three guards on the bridge. After that, move to another tower.

Go down to the very bottom, there will be a destroyed staircase. Using the elevator, go upstairs, there will be a meeting with Otacon.

Now you can go to the roof. Climb higher. Here you will need to deal with the machine gunners. Shaff grenades will help in this matter. Shoot down the helicopter with a rocket launcher. Call. Go to the elevator and go down to the first floor. Call. In the elevator, get rid of the enemies. After the elevator, go right. After going through the tunnels, you will be in a field. Field, Russian field. Sniper again. Take him out with a sniper rifle or rocket launcher. Run, dodging bullets, run through the door, go downstairs.

Mission 12. Smelter

Go down to the very bottom. First, kill the guard on the right, shoot the metal partition. And along the edge, climb to the opposite side, going down to the bottom. Follow to the elevator. Click on the console and go down. Kill the guards. When you arrive, move right. Another elevator, it will take you even longer.

Mission 13. Frozen warehouse

There will be a fight with Vulkan Raven. Sit behind the boxes and fire at him with a rocket launcher. This will give you another key card.

Mission 14. Underground base

Head towards the door, but be careful as you will come across a huge number of turrets on the way. Metal Gear Rex will be located here. You need to climb on it. Climb up using the ladder located on the right. Call. Now at the top, climb over the robot's head and drop down to the bottom. Come into the room. There you will hear Liquid Snake and Revolver talking.

Our goal now is to install the card into three computer slots. To find the card, go down, it should be in the water. But you don’t stay in it for long. Be careful, the card may be grabbed by a mouse, or a bomb may stick to you; you need to throw it away immediately. Insert the card into the left computer. To install in the second slot, we need to go into the freezer compartment, where our last battle was, stand there, selecting this card. Now it will turn blue. Now use it on your computer.

Run to the smelter again, there this card turns red and run as fast as you can to the computer, this is the last connector. Now the room will be filled with gas, call Otacon, he will open the doors for you. Exit to the right. Now the battle with that same robot will begin. Run into his legs and shoot at the radar that is on Rex's right shoulder.

Now aim for his mouth. Now we will fight Liquid. The fight will take place without weapons. Also keep in mind that there will only be two and a half minutes to win; otherwise, a loss will follow. After defeating Liquid, there will be a final part, it completely depends on the choice in the conclusion. In the good ending, Meryl will remain alive, but in the bad ending, she will be dead. In the good ending, you still have to chase Liquid, finishing him off in a jeep.
