Legends of tankers. Myths and legends of World of Tanks All legends of World of Tank

Andrey Leonidovich Martyanov- Russian writer and translator of science fiction and historical works; The main genres are historical novels, fantasy, science fiction.

He first announced himself as a writer with the novel “Star of the West,” dedicated to the mythology of Ancient Scandinavia (Great Zilant Award in 1997 for the best work of the year). He is also known for the series of historical fiction novels “Messengers of the Times” (co-authored with M. Kizhina), the science fiction novels “Operation Rügen”, “Romance with Chaos”, etc. If you pick up his book, you can be sure that you will regret you won't have to talk about it.

Elena Vladimirovna Khaetskaya- Russian writer and translator of science fiction and historical works.

In 1986 she graduated from Leningrad University, Faculty of Journalism, with a diploma in the Department of Stylistics. She worked in newspapers and on radio.

She made her debut in literature with the novel “The Sword and the Rainbow” (1993), which, at the insistence of the publishing house (only books by foreign authors were published in the series), was published under the “foreign” pseudonym “Madeline Simons”. The novel gained unexpected popularity for the author, but she was able to publish the next book, the novel-duology “Conquerors,” under her own name only in 1996. The historical-fantasy mystery "Obscurantist" (1997) and the literary fantasy "Babylonian Chronicles" (1997) received much greater resonance. In 2005, a five-volume collected works was published.

In 2013, she took part in the creation of Andrei Martyanov’s acclaimed novel “The Architect.”
She was awarded the “Big Zilant”, “Bronze Snail”, “Sword of Rumata”, “Wanderer”, “Filigree” awards.

In any multiplayer game, there are many rumors about interesting cases in gameplay. Most of them are based on bugs of the game itself or features game engine. Secrets of the World of Tanks is of interest to a huge number of players, because this knowledge will help win a battle in the most unusual situation. We have selected for you the most interesting myths that exist in World of Tanks, as well as the answers to them. Many people are interested in “Is it possible to turn a tank over in a game?” The answer is quite simple if you delve into the features of the game engine, which in no way allows an armored vehicle to roll over. Or it didn’t allow it, because this feature will be added in new updates. “Is it possible to shoot down the tracks of two tanks at once?” This can only be verified experimentally, which is what users did on the Internet. It turns out that no matter how powerful a weapon your tank has, it still won’t be able to immobilize two opponents at the same time.

“How many tanks can be destroyed with 1 artillery shot?” Enough interesting question, which worries many users. It turns out that an artillery shot from a level 10 self-propelled gun can destroy more than 15 light tanks, if they are close enough to each other. One of the most interesting myths is “Can MC-1 kill Maus?” Taking into account that the MS-1 is a tier 1 light tank, and the Maus TT is a tier 10, this situation seems more than fantastic. But, in fact, the small MS-1 can still destroy its formidable rival. This will only happen if the LT shoots at the bottom of the Mouse. Under normal conditions this is impossible, but in principle such a situation can happen.

“Is it possible to fix a caterpillar in the air?” It happens that a tank's track is shot down while it is in the air. After landing, of course, it stops in place, but if you have enough good reaction, then you can repair the downed track before you reach the surface. “Does ramming damage in the air increase?” There has long been a rumor that it is better to ram an enemy in the air, because the damage from this will be much greater. If you check this in the game, it turns out that the damage not only does not increase, but is greatly reduced. It is not known what this is connected with, but the fact remains a fact. “Is it possible to shoot upward at a 90 degree angle?” Previously, you could raise your gun up and fire so that your charge would hit your tank. At the moment there is no such function; projectiles do not even return to the ground.

“Is it possible to destroy a Mouse heavy tank with a ram?” Only a fool can start ramming the heaviest and armored tank in the game, but if there are many of you, then you can inflict enough damage on him to destroy the giant. The vehicle must have the “Bam Master” ability, and also have the Underbore installed. “Is it possible to drive over tanks?” One of the myths in World of Tanks says that you can make something like a bridge from tanks, and then drive over them. In fact, the game engine prevents tanks from driving over each other. You will stand still, or simply fall off if you end up on another tank. “Is it possible to kill a tank with a flying turret?” A flying tower has been known to cause damage to anyone in its path. But will she have enough damage to destroy a tank with full health? For a tank of your level, the tower definitely doesn’t have enough damage, but if you recaptured the tower from a level 10 tank and it fell on a tank of the 1st level from a sufficient height, then the small tank will be destroyed. There are many more rumors in the game, but we have collected for you only the most interesting myths that exist in World of Tanks.

5 years ago Comments: 8

Even on the pedestal of history, he continues to fight his most formidable enemy.

Good afternoon, readers of the portal site, it’s me, Ronnie456. I bring to your attention an article on the topic: Legends of World of Tanks. Tank breakthrough. Today we will talk about tank building legends, embodied in WOT with some authenticity. The article examined not just good tanks, but the most legendary ones, the age of glory of which is eternal. So, let's start, of course, with the most famous and popular tank, the name of which is known to everyone, young and old, well, of course it is...


Created to counter the German Tiger, it not only fully coped with the task, but also instilled fear in the Nazis on the battlefields. Fast and maneuverable, he was always one or even two steps ahead of the Tiger. The Germans expected anything from the USSR, but not a masterpiece of tank building. Soviet engineers outdid themselves by throwing onto the battlefield not just a tank, but a weapon that became a symbol of victory in this difficult war. To this day, you will see these tanks in museums much more often than any other, because there are so many good tanks was produced in those days, but it is the only one, the most famous of all tanks, just like the Titanic is the most famous from the centuries-old era of shipbuilding. This is the fate of a legend.


The USSR was in painful anticipation of what the Germans would do, and now, embodying the power and pride of Nazi Germany, the first Tiger was born. The appearance of even one Tiger on the battlefield could change the course of the battle, this was so until Soviet engineers opposed it medium tank T-34, which was superior to the Tiger in speed, and therefore maneuverability. Any war is always a confrontation with engineering, and therefore, by bringing their heavy Tiger tank to the battlefield, the Germans gained dominance on the fields of tank battles. However, the short-lived advantage that the Tiger had before the appearance of the T-34 cost the German army twice as much as any tank of that time - 1,000,000 (or 300,000) Reichsmarks. Developed since 1937 and arriving on the battlefield only on August 29, 1942 near Leningrad, it was definitely Germany’s greatest hope and to this day talking about the T-34, no, no, let them remember its most formidable enemy, battles with which members crews of the thirty-fours are forever etched in our memories.


In 1943, when the 76.2 mm T-34 gun became insufficiently effective against the latest tanks Germany, Soviet engineers began working on new modification T-34, as a result of which the T-34-85 was born in 1944, which had improved armor, a new 85 mm gun and was slightly inferior to its predecessor in maneuverability. Most mass tank The Second World War, it was with the T-34-85 that we ended the Great Patriotic War, and there were many more good or even excellent tanks, such as the Joseph Stalin heavy tank or the T-44 medium tank, but they do not have such a balance of speed , protection and firepower like the T-34-85, their success was not as stunning. Having been created to fight the second modification of the German Tiger, the T-34-85 was in service Soviet Army until the mid-1950s, and was officially withdrawn from service Russian Federation only in 1993, participated in the Korean and Six-Day Wars and several others. And in the 21st century, it is still in service with a number of countries, which makes it a weapon of war in two eras at once: WWII and modern local conflicts abroad.

Tiger (Tiger)2

A German heavy tank of the final stage of World War II, designed to reverse the dominance of the Soviet T-34 on the battlefield. Tiger 2, also known as the Royal Tiger, was the most powerful production tank of WWII and the last production heavy tank Nazi Germany. Thanks to its powerful 88-mm cannon, it easily hit any tanks of the anti-Hitler coalition, and, moreover, had excellent armor against most anti-tank guns of that time. But as is the case with heavy tanks, the high weight had a negative impact on the maneuverability and speed of the tank due to insufficient engine power, which also affected the overall reliability of the Royal Tiger far from better side. However, being the most protected tank of the Second World War and having the most advanced weapon of that time, he felt great in defense and even though no more than 450 of about 500 Tigers took part in the fighting, he is undoubtedly a legend of his time, formidable and majestic, just by his appearance he showed everyone Kuskin's mother while soviet tanks did not dissuade him of the correctness of his beliefs.

M-4 Sherman (Sherman)

In the meantime Soviet Union fought with Nazi Germany, the American and British armored corps lit up American tank M-4 Sherman, trying to resist the Tigers and Panthers, which were superior to them in almost all respects, the destruction of which by the British Crusader tanks was much worse due to weak armor and equally weak weapons. And even though the M-4 Sherman could not withstand even the first Tigers of the German armored corps, the war in Africa is symbolized with this tank, ask someone about the main battle tank United States of America and in 99% of cases they will call you the M-4 Sherman.

That's all, your interest in my article is the best reward for me.
Prepared by: Ronnie456

1. There is the possibility of cheating in World of Tanks.

This is one of the most common and stupid misconceptions regarding WoT. Many “tankers” still dream of one day getting their hands on some magical “skins”, by installing which they will supposedly be able to destroy enemy tanks with one shot, killing the crew, setting fire to the engine or blowing up the ammunition rack. But instead of “magic chests”, these dreamers download hacker programs from the Internet that crack their password and steal their account (which, by that time, as a rule, has already been raised to level four). After which the guys return to the game extremely angry.

But in fact...

Why do they think this is possible? Yes, because we encountered such situations in the game. It happens more than once that your ammunition rack is blown up or your crew is killed. Or you see someone nearby doing this to an enemy. So legends begin to circulate about “skins” that allow all this. But everything is deciphered somewhat more prosaically. It’s just that a player who leveled up the “Expert” skill on at least one of his tanks began to see damage to enemy vehicles, including the ammunition rack. Having remembered where it was located on which models of tanks, the next time he aimed precisely at this place. Sometimes it worked. It's the same with the crew. We know very well that in order to shoot down a caterpillar, it is not at all necessary to have x-ray vision. It's enough just to shoot at the caterpillar.

2. The players of the allied team are to blame for the drain.

What kind of curses, what numerous derivative swear words can you see in the team chat, when it becomes obvious that things are in trouble and the game can no longer be saved by any effort! “Goat-rat-crawfish-deer-roosters” are the kindest animals that can be found in the world of tanks. But is it always the team's fault that the team can't do practically anything?
Of course this is not true. You have probably encountered situations of this kind more than once: you are driving quietly somewhere on the sidelines, and suddenly your “Sixth Sense” light comes on. But you don't see anyone! They start shooting at you from all sides and kill you in a few seconds. What's the matter?
It’s just that you came across an enemy tank, whose vision is better than yours. Your car has a stereo tube and coated optics, yes, “Eagle Gaze” is pumped up by 50%, and he has a pipe, optics, but “Vzor” is pumped up to 100%! Or at least 70. And there’s also “Radio Interception” at 50 percent. This seemingly small advantage is enough to illuminate your tank while remaining invisible. Well, since you are already overexposed, everyone who can see it starts shooting at you. And that's it, my friend, we've arrived.
The same thing happens when you sit in an ambush on a tank destroyer somewhere on the outskirts - and you are surprised to see how gradually there are fewer and fewer allied tanks, although there is not even a single illuminated enemy on the map. These guys may not even have a light bulb, they don’t even have time to understand that they are overexposed. But they are overexposed. And they're screwed.

Another reason for a crushing defeat could be the presence of bots or AFK tanks in the team (I don’t think anyone needs to explain what this is). The worst thing is that there can be several of both in a team - for example, I happened to be in a battle in which two obvious bots took part on our side, and another tank stood motionless the entire battle. Sometimes even such battles can be pulled out - but more often they remain lost. For the reason that those, even tiny roles that these few tanks were supposed to play, remain unplayed. But if this LT had given a good light, how could it have, if it had not been a bot - and that TT over there fired only a couple of shots, not allowing the enemy tank destroyer to get out from behind the mountain and finish off our main damage dealer - in this In this case, everything could have been completely different...

Unfortunately, most players don't notice these things. “Artha, you goat-rat-rooster, shoot, why are you standing there?!” - they squeal, without even thinking about the fact that the owner of this art slipped into the hangar at the very beginning of the battle, because he simply pumps it up automatically, and he is not at all interested in playing for some shabby "Bison" - he is better at " Hetzere" will show off.

3. A player's efficiency shows his real skill

Measuring efficiency is one of the favorite pastimes in team chat. You scold someone for an incorrect combination - and in response: look at yourself, the efficiency is 700! What’s most interesting is that these screams continue and will continue until your efficiency grows to 1500. I had an efficiency of 400 - they poked me in the nose with these 400. Now it has grown to 750 - so what do you think, they poke me in the nose with 750 Meanwhile, under the world of tanks tag you will find screenshots on the blog indicating that the author of these lines is far from a cancer. It’s as if they themselves don’t realize that this parameter goes up after about every hundred battles. If you play more or less decently, of course. That is, the more you destroy, damage, discover and capture (and everything else for which game experience is awarded) - the higher your efficiency becomes. This, of course, will not happen to Custodrota players who play on the principle of “just to survive.”
The same can be said about the statistics of wins/losses, because, as can be seen from the game process itself, something, and you don’t make these statistics for yourself. In some battles, I took a “warrior”, hit 3500 damage, held off the enemy’s onslaught in important positions until the last moment... but the rest of the team did everything possible to reduce my efforts to zero. Perhaps this happened for the reasons described above - it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that no matter how great your steering is, taking out the entire enemy team alone is a rare piece of luck. In one battle you survived, being left alone against three and became a hero of the battle twice - and in the next you were the first to fade away, finding yourself in the light in front of a mountain covered with enemy tanks, half of which you cannot see. And it's just a game, ladies and gentlemen.
So don't be nervous.

Update: as it became clear from the comments, the skins still exist. The rumor about their potential danger is probably spread by the development team in order to maintain the spirit of fair play.
