When will patch 0.63 dayz be released? A full-fledged DayZ Standalone game, grown from the regular DayZ add-on

Development News: Brian

Hello survivors!

Some of the information may disappoint you, and some may catch a little hype. An important goal of this report is to convey to you the reasons why we are making certain decisions, why we are moving away from the DayZ canon, and also to show what stage we are at now.

I give the floor to Eugene.

Development News: Eugene

Hi all! Openness is the basis of the relationship that exists between our studio and you, our community. And here we cannot do without a frank discussion of things that can certainly cause a lot of disappointment and negativity. I’ll start with this: unfortunately, this is the last major release of 2017 (but this does not mean that we will not release patch 0.63 on experimental or stable branches).

Plans for the rest of 2017 and experimental goals for 2018.

Let me be clear: in addition to the Stable 0.62 patch, reaching the Experimental 0.63 patch this year was our main goal, as stated in the April 18 report. We spent almost all our resources on this, but at the moment we know for sure that by the end of 2017 we will not be able to implement DayZ on a full scale (accordingly, 0.63 Experimental patch too).
Huge pieces of main gameplay are already becoming quite stable, but there are still basic functions that work with a stretch or are not implemented at all - for example, jumping, swimming, vehicles - and, unfortunately, this means that all the progress we have achieved in other areas game is not enough to release the Experimental Patch. We understand that all of you guys want to play the 0.63 patch. Yes, this year it would be possible to release a relatively stable Experimental version of the 0.63 patch, which would be more or less stable and playable, but we do not see a way out of this. Both the Experimental and Stable branches of the 0.63 patch (= Beta) are key releases for us, as these are the last steps before leaving early access.

And because this is so important, we have a set of so-called core goals that are implemented in everything we do on the new engine:

  • Performance
  • Stability
  • Control
  • Balance

We want to avoid any problems arising from a lack of control in the development or architecture of the project - for example, we want to make sure that the number of players and the number of infected on the servers is as large as possible, and that the game client and servers are stable and without interruptions.

To reach better understanding of what still needs to be done before 0.63 Experimental is released, check out the long list below.
List of goals for the Experimental release:

All these developments are at different stages of development, each of them has a responsible person or team. This is the functionality that we want to prepare before the release of the Experimental 0.63 patch. Any existing features in the 0.62 patch that are not here or in the task list below are either being finalized or debugged.

Character development in DayZ Standalone Beta


  • Climbing stairs
  • Swimming
  • Jumping
  • Throws
  • Dodges
  • Falls

Player Dynamics:

  • Player inertia
  • Player turns

For the functions above, all the data is ready, all that remains is to debug the bugs or make small changes to the technologies to make them “playable” and “polished” for the Experimental 0.63 patch. We are mainly talking about visual errors.

Fights in the DayZ Standalone Beta

Advanced Combat

  • 360° aiming

Hand-to-hand combat:

  • Dodges
  • Blocking
  • Combined Attacks

Combat and stances are mostly done, but there are still problems with aiming while crouched - this is mostly due to visual bugs. Dodging and blocking will be a fun gameplay element.


  • Camera collision

There are still issues with the player camera when it comes to camera collision in indoor environments. We want to eliminate any loopholes that could be used to gain advantage.


  • Character rework
  • Diseases
  • Endurance
  • Stats (Health, Energy, Water, Blood, Shock)
  • Reaction to impacts
  • Environmental exposure
  • Injuries
  • Loss of consciousness

The list of stats above is already there, but still needs a good debugging to become an integral element of survival.

General gameplay:

  • Actions with objects
  • Craft
  • Interaction with the environment

By the way, about interaction with players and crafting. All this is already present on the internal branch, but, like many other things, it requires numerous tests, as well as some changes in management.

  • Player audio

As you may have noticed in previous reports, a lot of attention is focused on the implementation of the player's audio, adding many different signals about your state. Since the system is event-based and linked to animation data, we will only be able to add it after its logical completion.


  • Sights
  • Recoil
  • Rocking up
  • Reloading (including loading 1 round each)

This part of the game is almost finished, we just need to finalize the dependence of weapon wear on the quality of ammo, as well as some sights.

Weapon visual:

  • Small particles

The system is already fully functional, we just need to add more particle effects for different aspects of the game.

AI in DayZ Standalone Beta


  • Stealth
  • Improved Attacks
  • Improved behavior and movement

Most of the problems with the infected are related to AI problems. We have already prepared all the necessary data, and next year we will begin improving the AI ​​of the infected.


  • Taming behavior

All data regarding animals is already ready and awaiting implementation in the game. However, we want to further improve the behavior of the animals relative to what we have on our internal branch.

Interface in Beta DayZ Standalone


  • Sensors
  • Character status (hunger, thirst, etc.)
  • Action widget

Main menu:

  • Character selection
  • Settings window


All interface systems have been redesigned using new technology. There are still many bugs that need to be fixed, as well as possible visual errors.

I know this sounds a little dark, but from my personal experience I know that you can’t look at the 0.62 patch without regret after you’ve played the 0.63 patch at least once, even in the form in which it is now. We made a promise that there are a lot of cool things waiting for you ahead, many of them in the Experimental branch stage. And everything listed above will most likely be there too. We just have too much to work on:

  • new craft
  • new Central Economy
  • new infected
  • new animals
  • completely redesigned combat process, both hand-to-hand and ranged
  • more strategies: map changes, diseases, injuries, new movements and stealth, changed spawn points, changed damage and hitbox system
  • new blood effects
  • new animations
  • recycled buildings
  • more players on the server
  • more infected on the server
  • much less ping problems
  • stability!
  • and much, much more.

In the interval between Experimental 0.63 and stable, we will introduce a certain number of innovations into the game that are not included in this list. In particular, transport, helicopters and construction. We will also continue to add weapons to adhere to the standards of the 0.62 patch.

There are specific gameplay elements that we talked about earlier, such as fighting or climbing over obstacles. These and many other elements are quite complex to develop, but at the same time they are important visual details that we will work on between the Experimental and Stable 0.63 patches.

In addition, we are no longer introducing any new technologies, so we are completely focused on developing content and refining what we already have. Considering the current state of our internal build and the fact that there is a month left until the end of the year, it becomes obvious that this year we will not have time to complete what we planned, so we will try to prepare Experimental Patch 0.63 as early as possible in 2018.

Goals, objectives and content for the Beta release on PC

Let's start with the obvious: Beta will not be released on PC before the end of 2017. We've done our best, but we can't keep up. Beta, and all subsequent updates up to 1.0, will be released in 2018, which promises to be the most important for the game. We've all waited too long already, and now we're finally close to finishing the work.

In our eyes, Beta will not be anything like technical perfection. This new platform, which we will develop to version 1.0. When we first started working on DayZ. We immediately set ourselves the task of bringing to you excellent gaming platform, and almost all the company’s resources were devoted to this. It was a difficult task that slowed us down a lot, but as you can see, we are coping.

By system I mean the environment in which we work on content for the game and move towards Beta and beyond. We have already talked about numerous features that we wanted to add to the game, but were too busy developing the core of the game. And after the release of Beta on PC, we will only partially touch on the core of the game and will pay more attention to the content.

Just so you understand: the game's capabilities play a very important role, for example, infected. By content I mean weapons, vehicles or the environment. Simply put, content gives you the freedom to choose the options applied to the game's features.
For the PC version of Beta (again, for the first stable patch 0.63 and subsequent fixes - patches 0.64, 0.65, etc. will not be available until 1.0) we have compiled a specific list of goals and objectives.
Beta Features DayZ Standalone.

Along with new features, everything that was present in patch 0.62 will also be presented in patch 0.63. Everything that is presented in the list below is either completely new or an improved old one.


These changes are some of the key ones because they will completely change the way you approach the game. It is this section that makes the 0.63 patch stand out the most.

Character image:

  • character appearance
  • skills
  • life expectancy
  • environmental impact and on the environment

Player Control:

  • stable improved physics
  • stable synchronization


Reworking character actions:

  • actions with the environment
  • actions with objects

Door recycling:

  • the size of the doorways has been changed

Improved movement:

  • stairs, swimming, drowning, jumping, climbing, falling
  • animations for character death and unconscious states
  • suicide animation
  • throwing objects and grenades
  • reactions to taking damage
  • gestures
  • endurance and weight of objects
  • driving from and onto hills/any inclined surfaces
  • inertia of movements
  • movements and animations associated with interaction with vehicles or other players

Ranged combat rework:

  • new aiming model: recoil, weapon swing and breath holding
  • behavior of mechanical sights
  • behavior of optical sights
  • new animation systems for weapons

Melee rework:

  • improved target selection
  • simple combo attacks, blocks, dodges
  • new animations for melee weapons

Fight in a prone position


DayZ is famous for its richness in interaction with the world and players, and the infected, being part of this world, should pose a serious threat in cities. Here's what we want to add for the infected:

Improved target selection

Improved movement in crowds

  • hordes of zombies

Improved behavior in combat

  • different types of attacks
  • expanded tactical capabilities
  • impact on transport

More moves

  • climbing
  • jumping
  • crawling


  • realistic sensors for players


Animals are also an important part of the environment in the game and can be both a source of food and a serious enemy.


  • realistic sensors for the player

Improved behavior

  • domestication
  • life cycle


Improved movements

Much more variety

Transport in patch 0.63 DayZ Standalone

Cars, along with base building and helicopters, represent the pinnacle of player progression in DayZ. Vehicles need maintenance and parts that will improve their reliability and utility.

Much improved timing, physics and simulation

Damage system

  • major improvement to how damage affects vehicles

Transport service

  • introduction of service system and parts


  • improved and more comfortable transport control

DayZ Standalone Beta Gameplay

We have a huge number of gameplay features that maintain interest in the game. And although most of them are ported from the mod, here is a small list of completely new ideas.


  • improved optimization and stability

Central Economy of Loot

  • increased number of settings
  • improved tools
  • loot spawn accuracy
  • dynamic events (objects, zombies, animals)

Base construction

  • electricity
  • improved placement of objects on the ground
  • observation towers
  • fences
  • barriers



Technology in Beta DayZ Standalone

We have done a lot of work to make sure that the game engine runs smoothly, although in addition to this we already have a lot of work to implement content. However, thanks to this, we and future modmakers will have the following in our arsenal:

  • New programming language
  • New render
  • New management
  • New AI
  • Network optimization
  • Synchronization refactoring
  • New animations
  • New information transmission system
  • New small particles
  • New user interface
  • Console support
  • New physics
  • New tools
  • Localization

Mods in DayZ Standalone Beta

Modding has always been a part of all our games, and DayZ Standalone is no exception. Thanks to new technology, you yourself will be able to bring all your ideas to life.

New set of tools:

  • Small particle editor
  • Material editor
  • Animation editor
  • Script editor
  • Interface editor
  • Editor of Central Economics


  • server configuration
  • client configuration
  • news
  • access to tools
  • publication of modifications


Servers in Beta DayZ Standalone

As Beta progresses, we will publish a complete set of tools for your servers. Available on both Linux and Windows, we hope this set of tools will be a key part of building a new DayZ community.

Public on Steam (free)
Login and statistics

  • advanced login options

Advanced server configuration
Accelerated program response when entering/exiting
Local database

  • player database
  • Setting up a Central Loot Economy
  • server side mission

Application for game branches

  • full access to our tools for creating your own game world

If you think back to our plans for 2015, when we originally wanted to release Beta, you may notice that some promised innovations are missing. That’s right - instead of wasting time and implementing all our ideas at once, we decided to transfer some of them to release 1.0:

  • transport modification
  • barricading
  • birds
  • air transport (in particular airplanes)
  • bicycles/motorcycles

The only feature that we decided to completely remove from the plans for 201 is animal taming and animal companions. The idea was too ambitious - the technology was not developed enough to implement such a model of NPC behavior, and even in the near future we do not plan to work on it.

The decision to postpone the development of some innovations to release 1.0 requires clarification.
We are absolutely sure that in the future we will expand the game's vehicle fleet and the number of available actions with them, but the vehicle modification system will add too many difficulties to transport in general, and the introduction of this system now will greatly limit the number of vehicles that we will be able to introduce in the near future.

Barricading stands on a significant part of the new code, which will soon be available to everyone. And to further develop the idea of ​​building we had to choose between barricading and base building - and as you can see, base building came to the fore as the more interesting feature of Beta.

Regarding air transport, we want to make helicopters available before 1.0, but introducing aircraft at the same stage means a lot more time spent in development and will delay the Beta release even further. There will be planes, but not before 1.0.
And finally, your favorite: bicycles and motorcycles. We've said this before, but it's hard for anyone outside of game development to understand that creating a two-wheeled vehicle requires a huge amount of coding and animation work, and that time would be better spent working on the key Beta changes.

Content in the DayZ Standalone Beta

Beta transport

They will definitely get into Beta:

  • SUV (Niva)

Perhaps they will go into Beta/release before 1.0:

  • Sedan (Volga)
  • Bus
  • Littlebird helicopter

Weapons in Beta


  • FNX45
  • Magnum
  • Makarov
  • Red 9


  • CZ61 Scorpio
  • UMP45


  • Izh43 (Both options)
  • MP133

Assault rifles


  • Mosin rifle (all variants)
  • CR527
  • Winchester 70

Bow and Crossbow

  • Most likely after Beta, but before 1.0


Beta Animals

  • Deer
  • Cow
  • Chicken
  • Rooster

When it comes to content, we rely on the priority of visuals and gameplay. However, this process also applies to all content that we have implemented previously and that now needs to be reworked for a new engine and programming language.
This is far from a small problem. We've been working on this for about 2 years now. However, let's be honest: there is content that does not greatly affect the gameplay, and therefore is of low priority.

Items and their variety should primarily support gameplay, and some of them you've been waiting for will soon see the light of day.

Any previously announced content (from any of our official sources) and all content from patch 0.62 and earlier will be present in the final game.
Goals for 1.0, post-release plans and console version

We talked about what we want to see in Beta and after its release. Most of what we'll be doing after Beta and 1.0 is outlined in the list below. Please do not ask us about features that were announced but not included in this list.

Goals for 1.0 and post-release

As we said, we will continue to develop the game after 1.0, and the list below describes the priority tasks we will work on after 1.0:

  • shooting from vehicles
  • barricading
  • two wheeler
  • bleeding separately for limbs
  • infectious and contaminated areas on the map
  • river flows
  • different types of cartridges in the store

Content before and after 1.0

During Beta testing, we will try to bring the amount of content closer to what we had in patch 0.62 as quickly as possible. However, we are not sure that we will have time to add everything before the 1.0 release, so, just in case, we added something to that list.



  • Amphibian
  • Colt 1911 (all variants)
  • Glock 19
  • Derringer (all variants)
  • LongHorn


  • UMP45
  • Mini UZI
  • Buffalo


  • MP133 pistol grip (police)
  • Saiga

Assault rifles

  • AK101
  • AKS74U
  • OC Groza


  • Scout
  • FN FAL
  • CR550
  • Sporter
  • Trumpet

Machine guns

Grenade launchers

Not a lethal weapon

  • Dart thrower
  • Shocker
  • Recurve Bow


  • Skoda 1203
  • Skoda 120
  • Volkswagen Golf
  • Multicar
  • Bicycles
  • Motorcycles
  • Airplane


  • Pig
  • Ram
  • Bear
  • Rats
  • Crows
  • Pigeons
  • Seagulls
  • Mallards
  • Pheasants

The rest will be added over time, because as I already said, we will continue to develop the game after 1.0. DayZ is a game and a platform, and it's in our best interests to keep it alive for as long as possible (look at Arma 3 for example - we're still working on it for 4 years!). We've also prepared some fantastic features for modders.

As soon as we are satisfied with the state of the Beta on PC, we will begin porting the game to Xbox, whose owners can't wait console version games. All of this should - and most likely will - happen next year, meaning 2018 will be the game's biggest year yet. Simply put: next year the games will be released from Early Access and will be available on Xbox.


2018 promises to be a very important year for our studio, because the fruits of our labors will soon see the light of day. Of course, it took us a long time, but I'm sure the players remember good games, not how long they took to make.
I hope this report didn't disappoint you too much, especially since there won't be a Beta release this year. We will continue to monitor the Question-Answer forum, where we will try to answer all your questions as fully as possible.
At the end of the year we will publish a video that will show everything that was present in this report.
Thank you all for staying with us. We have reached the finish line, after countless tests and years of waiting. We believe in Beta!
Eugene Harton /Lead Producer

Translation: Yura Runtsov

DayZ Standalone is a survival shooter, the essence of which is to survive in a world infested with zombies. DayZ Standalone is an improved version of the original DayZ, developed on the ArmA2 engine and having phenomenal popularity. Together with the Standalone console, the game acquired a more advanced picture, smoothed animation, redesigned physics and a lot of content.

The game begins with a character with a minimum amount of equipment and a very weak weapon under our control. In order to get better equipment, you have to comb the nearest cities and towns in search of swag. Also, you can get equipment by killing another player, which is much faster and more dangerous. It is worth noting that the death of a character means the complete loss of uniforms and property, and you will have to start playing from the very beginning. It is this fact that gives the game the lion's share of hardcore, and with it, insane popularity.

Although the first DayZ became the founder of such survival games, it itself remained only a crude mod, with a bunch of bugs and irregularities familiar to players of the site. The developers were not happy with this state of affairs and, of course, they decided to take on the project and ensure its future. Thus, DayZ was funded and released as a standalone project called DayZ Standalone.

No major changes were noticed in the project, but this is good; the best was left and the shortcomings were eliminated. This is still the same survival action game, with MMO elements, where players fight for survival with zombies and with each other. However, there are still differences and they benefited the project.

Standalone acquired a new engine, and along with it got rid of the unnecessary functionality of ArmA 2. Now we have a world filled with various high-quality textures, dynamic shadows and beautiful design. New engine made it possible to fill the world with atmosphere: the behavior of zombies will become more realistic, the facades of buildings are decorated with small details, and the player will have more and more contact with the environment, for example, it will be possible to cut himself on broken glass if there are no shoes.

As in the previous part, all conflicts between players will arise over water, food and medicine. By the way, there will be much more medicines in the game than before, and each of them will be used for different diseases.

One of the striking innovations was the ability to create clans and participate in joint battles. The developers paid special attention to transport - the behavior model of vehicles has become much more elaborate. Also, tuning will now be at our service (the same applies to weapons). A system of underground shelters has been implemented; in some locations, we will be able to create them ourselves.

At the moment, we are talking about 150-seat servers. Naturally, in the future, the number of DayZ Standalone players is planned to increase. Of course, the project is worthwhile and of high quality.

DayZ Standalone is a sequel free add-on for the ArmA 2 game called "DayZ". To be precise, this is not even a continuation, but rather the transformation of an ordinary game add-on into a full-fledged game.

DayZ Standalone- This tactical shooter with horror elements or just a shooter against zombies. Work on turning the ArmA 2 modification into a full-fledged game began on August 8, 2012, when Bohemia Interactive announced this to all players. Now the first demonstration of the game’s gameplay has already appeared, but more on that later.

Plot of DayZ Standalone
The plot is very similar to the DayZ modification, which is understandable. All events take place in an imaginary state called Chernarussia. It so happened that after a natural disaster, most of the population became infected with some unprecedented virus and turned into aggressive zombies. But there are still a few people who survived and were not affected by this virus.

For such a person against whom huge horde of zombies, You have to play. But fighting off zombies is still half the trouble, because you also need to look for weapons, food and ammunition in abandoned buildings and do this while avoiding encounters with a large number of zombies, because the number of cartridges is very limited.

In addition to everything, main character not insured against illness or injury- you need to behave very carefully. And hunger and thirst, like nothing else, force you to look for food in abandoned shops and buildings. By the way, not only the main character, whom you play for, survived, but there are also other people who are scared and can easily mistake you for a zombie - so you need to always be on alert.

It is possible that the game DayZ Standalone will introduce some save points, unlike the DayZ expansion, in which the death of a character meant the end of the game and you had to start from the beginning. But it’s too early to talk about that.

When will DayZ Standalone be released?
The developers said that the game's release date is not yet known. But after that they added that DayZ Standalone will be released on sale then when will it be ready. This does not mean that the release of this game will take a long time, because there is still more to come alpha And beta testing, where you can probably try out a new horror game and chop up zombies.
At the moment, even alpha testing has not yet begun, but we will be keeping an eye on this game.

Well, the gameplay itself from the developers of the game DayZ Standalone:

DayZ 0.63 Beta - what to expect?

Attention! This list innovations are not official.



DayZ developers pay great attention to new mechanics and systems. Let's start with the fact that the developers announced a year ago “ infected locations“For example, a military facility in the north-west of Chernarus called “Tisy”.

It is at this facility that it is planned to spread the deadly virus, the foci of infection of which will be scattered throughout Chernarus. In order to loot these objects, you will need to acquire a set of personal protection against chemical and biological contamination.


Construction of bases - players are looking forward to this feature most of all, and it is understandable; in the aggressive environment of Chernarus, every survivor dreams of his own small fortress, where he could transport his spirit, replenish supplies and lick his wounds. The developers promise an advanced system for creating bases where you will need to cut wood, fill bags with sand to create barricades, supply electricity to lanterns and much, much more. This will clearly not be a matter for one player; to create a full-fledged base you will need a clan consisting of 5-10 people and transport.


The developers plan to introduce a passive skill system into the game. Some skills will help the character recover health faster, some will help the character repair objects better, and some will help him get more meat from animals.


Players are looking forward to this system no less than building bases, because this system is well suited for both clan players and individuals. The developers will provide the opportunity to completely barricade any room and adapt it to the player’s needs, for example: Install a lock on the front door, barricade the windows, and use the room as a huge storage facility for your loot.


This system should once and for all put an end to those who like to sprint well-equipped fighters. Now each item you pick up has its own weight; the more equipment your character carries, the slower he moves.


The last weapon that was added to DayZ was the FN-FAL in patch 0.59, right from that moment on the developers began reworking the animation system.


Aiming will look much more realistic.


In addition to weapons, the developers have stopped adding new equipment, here is a rough list of what should appear in the beta version of the game:


One of the main innovations in the beta version can be considered a new 3-phase character animation system. This system will allow the character to perform several animations at the same time, such as walking and eating food.



The developers plan to radically redesign melee combat, adding combined attacks, enhanced attacks and blocks.


The developers will expand the list of social gestures.


In case of severe damage, the character will behave in accordance with his condition.


In addition to all of the above, the developers plan to diversify the palette of buildings in Chernarus, it is planned to add a bunch of military, industrial and civilian buildings.


Designers will do diversity work settlements in Chernarusia.


Vehicles occupy a separate niche in the fate of DayZ; the developers have repeatedly tried to remake the physics of cars, but so far they have not been very successful in this, all hopes are for beta. And here is the list vehicles which should be added in patch 0.63.


Air transport has always been an integral part of the gameplay in DayZ. (The plane will be available after release)


The developers plan to release DayZ on , a demo version for consoles will appear in the near future.


The new engine is the main innovation in global update 0.63. The developers promise to improve server response, game performance, raise the level of graphics and much more.


Ring menu for selecting gestures around the cursor.


The developers decided to add a visual interface for a more interactive visualization of the character’s state.


Interaction with the outside world will become simpler and more understandable.


Advanced damage to vehicles - collisions with objects will cause dents in vehicles.


This innovation will clearly appeal to all players.


Let's be honest, the boletus are not able to survive on the server, especially for them the developers made a single-player mode that has everything: zombies, loot, huge map etc. In the future, it will be possible to test amateur mods in this mode.


After the beta version is released on the stable branch, the developers will provide the entire list of tools for modmakers.


For convenient downloading of custom modifications, the developers will create a launcher.

That seems to be all we have, good luck to everyone, let the beta arrive,
