What is the best poker bot. Poker bot - what is it and can you use it? Top button bar

In Hold'em, the player needs to collect the best five-card combination of cards from the two cards that are given to him in his hand and five community cards.

First, the player sitting behind the dealer pays in the small blind - half of the minimum bet, the next player after him pays in the full minimum bet (big blind).

Each player receives two cards face down (face down). These are the so-called (pocket cards). These are the only cards that the player receives individually. These cards will form a combination or "hand" with five community cards that will be dealt in the next rounds of the game. At the very beginning of the game, even before the cards are dealt, there is a mandatory betting process.

The situation when there are no community cards on the table yet, and the players have already received their pocket cards, is called pre-flop. At this stage, players place their first bets. Or they refuse to continue the game - they fold their cards (fold) if they see that their cards are not very good. you can accept the bet placed before you or raise it if you have good cards... If you raise the bet, the players either accept (call) or refuse to play further (fold). Then the bets are added to the pot and the next stage of the game begins - the flop

The flop is a situation when three community cards are dealt on the table. You can now make a combination of cards using your hole cards and community cards. For example: you are holding a King and a Jack. The flop dealt a common seven, nine and jack on the table. You now have a pair of Jacks. The second round of betting begins. Again, you can bet (call), raise (raise), or fold (fold).

Turn - four cards on the table. They are called the turn. Another round of bets.

River - The fifth community card appears on the table. The last round of betting. After that, those players who remained open their cards and find out who won. The player with the stronger combination of cards takes the entire pot.

The following actions are available to the player:

  • Check - if there are no bets in the current round, the player can check. In this case, the move goes to the next player clockwise. Checking does not mean giving up the fight for the pot, it is only giving up the opportunity to bet this round. If all players check, the round is over.
  • Bet - if there are no bets in the current round, the player can bet. If a player bets, the player to his left (as well as the following players) can fold, call, or raise.
  • Fold - Refusing to try to win the pot. The player who folds (discards) must not and cannot bet on the current hand, but loses the opportunity to win the hand.
  • Call - if a bet was made in the current round, the player can call by calling. This rate is equal to the rate of the last player.
  • Raise - if a bet was made in the current round, the player can increase it by making a raise. To do this, the player must make a bet that is higher than the last player's bet. All the following players must equalize already this bet (call) or increase it even higher (raise) in order to qualify for winning the pot.

Top button bar

Regulations- shows the current size of the blind, the time until the next increase in the blind and its size after the increase.

clue- turns on the display of hints about your current combination and possible combination of the opponent.

New game - starts a new game with the computer.

IN playing together button New game is replaced with a button Offer a draw, which allows you to request a draw from the opponent in a cooperative game.

Settings- opens the settings menu where you can:

  • Turn on the game table mode;
  • Change the face and / or back of the cards;
  • Turn sound on or off;
  • Prevent other players from inviting you to the game;
  • Open the blacklist of players.

History- history of all your games with the date of the game, the opponent and his place in the rating.

The games you won are marked in yellow, the games you have won are marked in red, and the games you have not won in white.

An asterisk marks the games you have added to your favorites.

Points are awarded only for victories over opponents (no points are awarded for draws and victories over the computer).

Elo rating system, Elo coefficient is a method of calculating the relative strength of players in games in which two players participate. This rating system was developed by Arpad Elo, an American professor of physics of Hungarian origin.

In your personal account, you can specify Additional information about yourself, upload a photo, change your password, as well as store and carry out personal correspondence with other registered players.

You can play without registering as a guest. After registration and / or authorization, you will have access to Personal Area and will be able to send other players private messages.

To register, you just need to enter a name (at least 3 characters) and a password (at least 5 characters). If such a name is already registered in the game, you will have to choose another one.

Large rooms are waging a merciless struggle with poker bots, rightly seeing them as a danger to their development. However, there are resources on the Internet where artificial intelligence products openly offer users to play against them and improve their poker skills, which will then come in handy when participating in cash games and tournaments against real players in the poker rooms.

One of these sites is the site CashPoker.org.

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Terms of use of CashPoker.org services

The first and foremost condition is not to be a registered user of the PartyPoker poker room. Then the resource will provide the player with a no deposit bonus for playing against bots in the amount of $ 50. But the site has information that it is planned to receive bonuses in other rooms.
The network received responses from players who tried all the delights of the new site for playing online poker. General opinion: it is useful for a beginner, because it is more entertaining to ride against artificial intelligence than on candy wrappers in some room - the site offers several levels of play against bots:

  • up to level 8 - beginner games:
  • from 8th to 14th - games for experienced players:
  • from 15th to 21st - games for regulars:
  • the levels above are games for the Olymp category, but none of the site's users have reached them yet.

It is not difficult to realize that an experienced grinder may well play on the site for the sake of training, because playing on the upper steps requires very serious skills. Then, when playing for real money, the experience gained can be very useful! Experts also note double + EV, because playing at CashPoker.org is essentially a freeroll for a no deposit bonus. It is issued for passing from 1 to 10 levels. If more passed, no reward is due.

To move up the levels, the site user is obliged to earn a certain profit for a certain number of hands. If he loses more than a certain amount, then he is eliminated from the game - the passage will have to start over.

The no deposit bonus for playing with bots on the site is issued after the player passes the 10th level of difficulty in the game against poker bots. A player's Telegram account (if not, you should definitely create one!) Will receive a notification with a list of rooms where you can get a bonus - at the moment only PartyPoker cooperates with the site. The player will register on it according to the instructions sent and receive a cash bonus from this room. At PartyPoker, the bonus must be wagered - to generate $ 30 rake.

Note: the creators of CashPoker.org are negotiating with other rooms for the same cooperation as with Party Poker.

How to play at CashPoker.org?

First you need to register on Telegram. After logging into the system, the player receives an application to download and installs it, comes up with a game nickname and can get acquainted with the list of levels - Level and the list of leaders - LeaderBoard.

The first tab Level contains a list of levels for playing against bots.

After activating by pressing any of the levels, the player can read its description and start playing in the training mode. That is, the game will take place without losing progress for the player. The site user can track his progress in a non-practice game on the panel to the left of the playing field.

If the player loses the hand, he can press Fast Fold and continue playing against other bots.

If the player goes into negative territory, he will have to go through this level again. it will be considered lost, and the passage will have to start again.

The number of attempts to complete each level is not limited.
And here's what the leaderboard looks like at the moment:

Questions and answers to important questions

CashPoker.org support service answered questions from users of its resource. We have selected the most important ones.

1. How real is each difficulty level?

If a player goes through 10 levels, then this does not guarantee success in the game against real players. According to the support, those who quickly passed 10 levels often play NL5 successfully in any poker room.

2. How long does it take for a mid-stakes player to complete your levels?

Most of the newcomers of the rooms apply for a no deposit bonus through our website. According to our estimates, a player with basic poker skills should complete 10 levels on the site in about 3-4 hours.

3. Will it be possible to register on the site through other tools besides Telegram?

4. Will there be bonuses for site visitors not only from PartyPoker?

Negotiations are underway with several rooms - among them there is a very large international one and there is a popular Russian room. We express our hope for future success.

5. Do you think in any way to expand the bonus program on the site?

It is planned to issue repeated bonuses at 15 and 20 levels, but so far the rooms do not want players to run from room to room, collecting no deposits. There is also a desire to offer an individual bonus for a player who has shown outstanding results on the site, but does not play online poker regularly yet.


Our opinion about playing at CashPoker.org is a good opportunity to improve your skills and prevent you from losing your bankroll.

The very scheme of the site's work attracts - using the resources of real poker rooms, helping them to increase the number of their users.

On the other hand, you need to be aware of the fact that the site organizers should constantly keep the brand - ensuring the proper level of complexity and at the same time attractiveness of the game, especially for beginners. It would be nice to check the adequacy of the virtual trainer.

But these are just ways of development, and getting pleasure from the process, a skill and no deposit in addition is very good!

We all have probably heard more than once stories about incredible programmers who use poker bots to cheat ordinary players in poker rooms and constantly win from them, earning almost millions of dollars a month. In addition, in the news every now and then there is information that some university in the United States has already developed its own poker bot, which already knows how to beat any professional in this card game. But is it true? And can you create a really good poker bot that will provide you with money for the rest of your life? Let's figure it out ...


First of all, it should be noted that poker from a mathematical point of view is a rather primitive game, even despite all its complexity and ambiguity. After all, any player in the course of the distribution has the right to do, in fact, one of three possible actions: either raise the bet, or fold the cards, or equalize the previously made bets. And only by varying these three parameters, we can build an ideal strategy for the game, consistently outplaying our opponents.

However, it should be noted that there is a lot in real game also depends on the size of the bets that we will make. After all, professional poker is not only and even not so much mathematics as the psychology of the players taking part in the distribution. If we want to become a successful player (or write a really powerful poker bot), then we must be able to sort our opponents into categories, highlighting “sharks” and outright “fish”. Of course, this is much more difficult for the program to do ...

A bit of history

If we turn to history, it turns out that poker bots have long tried to create the most “progressive” minds of mankind. So, one of the very first bots that we know about was a program called "Orac", which was created by a professional in the world card games Mike Caro. Distinctive feature This program was that it could not only calculate the possibility of making a particular combination, but also could determine the probability of an opponent's bluff! Moreover, this was done according to a very simple algorithm - if the opponent of the program thought too long about his move, then the program believed that he was most likely bluffing. And if a person made a decision instantly, then the program considered that he was playing cards.

Of course, this algorithm could not beat real poker professionals, and when it was tested in practice in the 90s, it turned out that people, unlike programs, are able to adapt to the opponent's play. And those people who played against “Orac” very quickly realized how you can cheat the program, making it “think” in the wrong direction.

If you want to download a poker bot now, then you will immediately come across hundreds of different offers from various stores and simply dubious offices. Moreover, some of these programs are distributed completely free of charge, while for others you may be asked for very serious money, up to several thousand dollars. However, one thing unites them all - sellers will always assure you that with the help of his program you will consistently win in poker, and no one will ever know that you are playing with the help of a bot.

However, why would a person sell a bot if he can consistently bring him a good income in some well-known poker room? It's no secret that the administration of any room has an extremely negative attitude to the use of any programs that make decisions for a person, and to the use of poker bots in particular. And this is logical, because when we ourselves play on the Internet, we want the same person to sit on the other side of the screen, and not a machine that beats us mathematically. And that is why the administration of the same PokerStars blocks all accounts that, in one way or another, have been seen using this technology. And money from these accounts is never returned.

Therefore, it turns out that the more identical bots will be used within the same room, the more likely the administration will be able to calculate them and block all accounts using this bot. Therefore, it turns out that selling a really working poker bot is simply unprofitable, it would be much more logical to use it yourself!

How does a poker bot work?

So let's take a look at how the simplest poker bot works, which you can easily download on the Internet. Basically, his entire algorithm is divided into three large modules:

  1. Receiving the information. The poker bot must receive information from the poker room about the size of its stack, the size of the opponents' stacks, the bets made, the position at the table, the size of the blinds, as well as the cards with which it will play for you and me.
  2. Analysis of information. The bot must decide what to do with certain cards in certain conditions. Immediately, we note that most of the simplest poker bots act in a stereotyped manner, according to a predetermined plan, while the smartest bots created on the basis of neural networks are able to learn the game on their own, based on the hands already played and the analysis of lost hands.
  3. User simulation. The bot must apply its decisions in practice, that is, click on the buttons that a real user would have pressed (pass, call, raise, etc.). In addition, at the same stage, the bot must do other actions that a real player performs during the game, for example, move the mouse from corner to corner, switch between tabs, turn on Vkontakte music, etc.

At the same time, a poker bot can also receive information from several sources:

  1. First of all, it is often used for this log files that every poker client has. The advantage of these files is that they record absolutely all the actions that we saw in the distribution, starting from our cards with you and ending with the actions of our opponents.
  2. API messages. In fact, this is a chat in the poker client window, in which everything that happens at the table is written in a text version. Probably, you yourself have repeatedly seen a record like “Player1 won the pot $ 0.56 with the combination QQ994”. These are the very messages.
  3. Client screenshot. The most advanced poker bots can even take permanent screenshots of the screen in order to read information directly from the resulting images. This method is the most secretive, since it is the most difficult to figure out, but not all bots are able to do this.


Thus, we can conclude that poker bots exist today, and they can be completely downloaded to your computer on the Internet without any problems. A clear proof of this is the site poker-bot.ru, where Russian-speaking users communicate with each other and discuss what bots they use in their practice, and how effective they are in general.

However, the administration of any poker room will always oppose the use of these programs, as they undermine the very essence of poker. After all, we always want to play against real people, because real poker is first of all positive emotions, and only then money.

In addition, on the same forum there are a lot of offers for the sale of profitable bots, in which the sellers swear by oath that it is their brainchild that can really make you rich and happy. Immediately, we note that a lot of bots that are sold there (or even given away for free) are completely useless, since it will not play a plus.

In addition, by downloading suspicious software on suspicious resources, you run the risk of installing a virus on your computer, due to which you will simply lose all data from your account at one moment, and with it all the money on it.

You need to understand that creating a really profitable poker bot is a process that takes years, and it is impossible to write such a program in just a few months. In addition, these programs cannot be used on all poker rooms. The same one has several degrees of protection against bots at once, and therefore such programs are completely useless there.

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