How to create a technological map in Microsoft PowerPoint step by step with photos. How to make a technological map of a dish sample How to make a technical map using technology

The preparation, processing, sequence and combination of each product included in the recipe are described. It also discusses: possible interchangeability of products, time and temperature conditions, actions when serving a dish, its design and proposed combinations with other products (meat with side dishes).

  • Data on the recipe is entered strictly according to the collection, taking into account the weight of the raw product, semi-finished product and finished culinary product, minus quality categories and natural losses.
  • What can you learn from this document? Technological maps for dishes make the work of cooks of any level easier. It is no secret that many restaurant-type establishments undertake to train chefs from scratch, citing a specific menu and an experienced chef.

How to make a technological map for a dish


Similarly, we determine the dry matter content for all ingredients in the dish and sum up the resulting values. 2.5. To convert the dry matter content in a dish into a percentage, multiply the resulting amount by 100 and divide by the portion yield (100 grams).

2.6. We sum up this percentage with the maximum permissible salt content in the dish = 1.33%. Thus, we obtain the Maximum (theoretical) content of dry matter in the dish = 62.39%.
2.7. The minimum permissible content of dry substances is calculated using the formula: for first courses and sauces: 0.85*Maximum content dry in-in, for other dishes: 0.9*Maximum dry matter content. 0.85 and 0.9 are coefficients that take into account the loss of dry substances during the cooking process and permissible deviations when portioning dishes. Thus, min. permissible dry matter content in the dish = 62.39 * 0.9 = 56.15%.

How to correctly draw up a technological map of a dish, sample

  • information on the energy and nutritional value of the finished dish and other indicators of its chemical composition;
  • requirements for the design and serving of the specified product (for example, the dishes used when serving or the temperature conditions for serving the dish);
  • requirements for the storage and sale of the produced dish with a mandatory indication of the deadline for its sale;
  • organoleptic characteristics (color, smell, appearance, consistency, taste);
  • microbiological indicators determined in accordance with established sanitary norms and rules (SanPiN);
  • physical and chemical indicators determined according to the relevant GOST (for example, mass fraction of salt, fat and dry substances);
  • possible conditions for transportation of the finished product.

The completed technical and technological map is signed by its developer and process engineer.

How to correctly prepare December 17 Food costing is one of the main elements of the pricing process in a catering enterprise. In this article we will tell you how to quickly and easily calculate a meal using the 1C: Catering program for Ukraine.

Calculation of dishes in public catering is carried out in a special way, different from other areas of activity. This is explained by the fact that catering enterprises are engaged not only in the production of food products, but also in their sale.

The 1C: Catering for Ukraine program automates the process of calculating dishes. which greatly simplifies the work of the accountant-calculator and allows you to avoid errors when calculating food products. The composition of the dish and the technology for its preparation in the program are stored in the Recipe document.

The recipe is used to store calculations for preparing dishes and preparations.

How to make technological cards?

In order to ensure a sufficient level of competence of the employees involved in the departments, an example of drawing up a technological map of an enterprise is provided. Thus, their first function is educational.

The second task is to regulate a certain procedure where different work options can be used. Often, specialist developers choose the most rational methods.


The third task is to ensure that existing professionals are involved in the new process as quickly as possible and improve the skills of existing professionals. And planned, well-written instructions will help them with this.

It follows that the technological map should be drawn up in such a way that the least qualified employee of the enterprise can intuitively understand it, and competent specialists can find the required tips for themselves in the work.

Technological map of the dish. how to calculate?

The specific gravity of fatty acids is calculated by the proportion: Total proteins - 100% Proteins (Animal origin) - x The specific gravity of fatty acids is calculated by the proportion: Total fats - 100% Fats (Vegetable origin) - x When calculating the specific gravity of proteins of animal origin, only protein-containing products of animal origin are taken into account. The optimal content in a dish is 50% animal proteins.


In fact, this dish contains 54.24% animal proteins, which is as close as possible to the optimal value. When calculating the specific gravity of vegetable fats, only vegetable fats should also be taken into account.

The optimal content is 30% fats of vegetable origin, which ensure the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins into the body.

How to make a technological map of a dish

Guided by the recipe, indicate in the technological map the list of products needed to prepare this dish, the norm for laying raw materials and the weight content of the semi-finished product and the finished dish in grams. This will allow you to determine the total amount of food needed to prepare the estimated number of servings.
3Take into account the qualitative and quantitative composition of the dish when calculating the cost for it. If the preparation of a dish requires any unique conditions or requirements for the quality of ingredients, then they will also be reflected in the technological map. 4

Describe the preparation technology in detail, step by step. In this case, indicate the time required to complete each step and the total time required to prepare this dish.

How to correctly draw up technological maps in public catering

This list is used when there is a shortage of the original product, and is also taken into account when writing off products and calculating food products (preparing calculation cards). The original product and its analogue are interchangeable. To account for the costs of food products, the use of which in terms of one serving is extremely small (for example, spices, salt, sugar), a special accounting regime has been developed in the 1C: Catering program for Ukraine.

To avoid rounding errors when preparing dishes, such products are accumulated in a special register and written off at the end of the reporting period. Thus, in the 1C: Public catering program for Ukraine, a more accurate accounting of spices has been implemented, which allows you to avoid rounding errors that are common in such cases.
If your company has created a lot of technological maps, then it may be advisable to put it in a separate document. In documentation you can also often find the definition of “routing and technological map”. An example of it will not differ much from that discussed above, since this is one of the terms that describes the sequential course of the entire technological process. A similar compilation principle can be used when an example of a technological map of a dish, construction work, agricultural operations and other projects is needed. You will never prepare the right dish if you do not follow a clear recipe (proportions, sequence, ingredients). Examples of a technological map are indeed present in any production, be it a bakery plant or a local cafeteria.

How to make a recipe for a dish sample

This methodology is based on the Methodological Instructions, and all documents are generated automatically in the “Chef Expert” program for chefs and technologists. Let us consider, for example, the calculation of all indicators for the TTK for the dish “Odessa Sausages” 1. Calculation of the nutritional and energy value of the dish We calculate the nutritional and energy value of the dish based on the methodology given in the Guidelines for laboratory quality control of public catering products, M., 1997, (Letter No. 1-40/3805 dated November 11, 1991) (Part 2). 1.1. We determine the protein content in the first ingredient of the recipe - ‘Fat mesh (Pryatine)’. We find the protein content in 100 grams of the ingredient using reference tables of chemical composition recommended for use by the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor).
Examples of a technological map are present in any production facility, be it an aircraft factory or a public catering facility. This standardized document is mandatory in the enterprise, but the form and appearance differ from industry to industry.

What is it Examples of a routing include the required information for workers performing a specific operation. It can take the form of a procedure or instruction, presented in the form of text, tables, graphs, recipes, action plans, and so on.

What it should be. Whatever form the examples of the technological map are made, it should answer the following questions: 1. What to perform (what operations or procedures). 2. How to perform (specific steps are described in a certain order and sequence). 3. How often they should be performed (regulated regularity, periodicity). 4.
In the case where manufactured products are subject to long-term storage, the technological map should reflect the conditions and period of storage. 6 When drawing up a map, adhere to the requirements of the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 50763-2007 “Catering Services. Catering products sold to the public. General technical conditions". It regulates the content and design of the technological map for public catering products. 7 Sign the technological map by the chef or production manager, and approve it by the head of the catering establishment. Please note The site contains a collection of the best recipes and technological maps of dishes: recipes for baking bread, technological maps for fish dishes, a catalog of salad recipes, etc. Useful advice Organization of catering production / Ready-made menu (download).

Contents of the card In addition, the card contains information about the quality of the raw materials used in the preparation process and the basic safety requirements that must be observed during the technological process. The safety of the created dish is confirmed by the results of laboratory tests, which are also reflected in the technological map. A technical and technological map is drawn up directly by the manufacturer for each dish included in its product range. For products manufactured by other companies, the card is not valid. Mandatory card details include serial number document assigned to him at the time of registration. As a rule, this responsibility is assigned to the HR department employee. The validity period of the technological map is determined by the manager or person responsible for its subsequent storage.

How to make a technological map for a dish

Cooking technology - what is it? The technology of preparing a dish includes all concepts about products, from their quality to their chemical composition and consumer value, about methods of processing raw materials and semi-finished products, about the correct methods of storing products, blanks and finished products. It also contains requirements for equipment and kitchen utensils with step by step instructions all actions of the cook. In general, working in food establishments means technological maps for dishes.
Thanks to these nondescript tables and descriptions, it becomes possible to correctly, beautifully, tasty, healthy and on time feed the client with the ordered food in the amount stated in the menu. Then get a certain price for such a service, which will ensure profit for the restaurant or cafe, and a random person, satisfied with the combination of food quality and its price, becomes a regular customer.

How to correctly draw up a technological map of a dish, sample


Calculations for the period. The report can be built depending on the calculation of the cost amount based on the value of account balances (the cost amount will be calculated based on the value of the standard price). Thus, using the 1C: Catering for Ukraine program, you can significantly simplify the task of calculating dishes. which allows you to keep records of the preparation and sale of dishes as accurately as possible. Try calculating a dish in the 1C: Catering for Ukraine program! We invite you to familiarize yourself with the demo version of the program: demo version of 1C: Catering for Ukraine Ask a question about the program 1C: Catering for Ukraine: How to draw up a technological map for a dish: How to correctly draw up technological maps in catering Technological map for a specific dish - an official document on the basis of which its cost is calculated.

All dishes and culinary products that are catering products.

  1. Net weight in TTK and should not coincide with the weight in the plate. For example: 1. You take 60 g of beets for borscht (with peel and tail) - this is gross.2. Peel it - this is the net weight, i.e. how much of the product, ready for production, remains after removing the inedible part.3.
    Then there is heat treatment, when the product loses weight (or increases weight - as with noodles, cereals, dried fruits, etc.). This is how much the beets will weigh after all the cooking (sautéing, boiling) and this is what it costs in the last column of the Inspection Report. This is why it is done (to determine technological losses).
  2. A technological map for a specific dish is an official document on the basis of which its cost is calculated.

How to make technological cards?


The content of dry substances in 100 grams of the ingredient is determined from reference tables of chemical composition recommended for use by the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor). The content of dry substances in 100 grams of the ingredient ‘Fat mesh (Pryatine)’ = 94.3 grams. Net weight of the ingredient ‘Fat mesh (Pryatine)’ according to the recipe = 42 grams, therefore, the amount of dry matter in the ingredient = 42/100 * 94.3 = 39.61 grams.

2.2. The ingredient 'Fat mesh (Pryatine)' HAS NO TECHNOLOGICAL LOSSES after heat treatment (Article 13 in Part 1), therefore the total amount of dry matter in the ingredient = 39.61*(100-0)/100 = 39.61 gram. 2.3. The ingredient ‘Fat mesh (Pryatine)’ IS taken into account in the yield of the dish (Article 17 in part 1), therefore the content of dry matter is taken into account in the total content of dry matter in the dish. 2.4.

Technological map of the dish. how to calculate?

The collection of recipes (technological standards) is required to develop a document “Technical and technological map”. However, not everyone understands how the TTK differs from the Technological Map and what it should look like. In this article we will try to give a detailed answer to this question.
So, the requirements for the design of the TTK and the information contained therein are set out in detail in GOST 31987-2012. We will not describe in detail the contents of GOST, we will limit ourselves only to a description of the main features: Unlike the Technological Map, in the Technical and Technological Map, along with the calculation of calorie content, it is necessary to indicate the following indicators:

  • Organoleptic characteristics

Below we present the methodology for developing the TTK and describe in detail the calculation of all the necessary indicators.

How to make a technological map of a dish

Also meticulously and painstakingly include here everything that appears in the text. Don't forget the names of the companies you work with that are mentioned in the document. Perhaps you use the services of hired vehicles, then be sure to indicate who falls under the definition of a carrier. If your routes have separate names, be sure to spell them out. Be aware of abbreviations. They should also be included in this section. 5. General provisions and main text of the technological map.
This is the longest section of the document. It includes a description of the organization of the process, technological features, and routes. This can also include requirements for the quality of work and methods for assessing this quality. Describe all the materials and resources you need to organize the process.

How to correctly draw up technological maps in public catering

In fact, this dish contains 18.22% fats of vegetable origin, which is 1.5 times less than the optimal value. Dishes containing vegetable fats should be recommended in the daily diet. Technological map of the dish: features and rules for preparation. In restaurants, a visitor’s question about the components of an unfamiliar dish causes bewilderment or the answer that this is a big secret. The client wants to know exactly what he ate - this is a completely normal requirement.

To give the answer, you can look at the technological map. Why do you create a technological map? In the work of catering establishments focused on various levels of providing such services, a mandatory requirement is the presence of such a document as a technological map of the dish. Without it, the company is not allowed to operate.
Technological map of a dish, how to calculate the center How to correctly draw up technological maps in catering | Rating: 6 / 10 (48) READ ON THE TOPIC Technological map of the dish. How to calculate? It's no secret that all enterprises that do not operate in accordance with the Collection of Recipes (Technological Standards) are required to develop a Technical Technological Map document. However, not everyone understands how the TTK differs from the Technological Map and what it should look like.

In this article we will try to give a detailed answer to this question. So, the requirements for the design of the TTK and the information contained therein are set out in detail in GOST R 53105-2008.

How to make a recipe for a dish sample

All dishes and culinary products that are catering products are prepared in strict accordance with the technological map, which indicates the recipe and technology for their preparation. Instructions 1 The basis for drawing up a technological map for a culinary, bakery or confectionery product is a collection of recipes, which provides the content and necessary standards for laying out products, yield of semi-finished and ready-made dishes, and cooking technology. If this dish is branded or new, and there is no official recipe for its preparation, then it is necessary to draw up a technical and technological map for it, the content of which is identical to the content of a regular technological map.

We will not describe in detail the contents of GOST, we will limit ourselves only to a description of the main features: Unlike the Technological Map, in the Technical and Technological Map, along with the calculation of calorie content, it is necessary to indicate the following indicators:

  • Organoleptic characteristics
  • Physico-chemical indicators (mass fractions)
  • Microbiological indicators for the corresponding food group

Below we present the methodology for developing the TTK and describe in detail the calculation of all the necessary indicators. This methodology is based on the Methodological Instructions, and all documents are generated automatically in the Chef Expert program for chefs and technologists. Let's consider, for example, the calculation of all indicators for the TTK for the Odessa Sausages 1 dish.

The technological map of the excursion (an example of the structure is given below) will include the following components: 1. Introduction (includes general description technological map, enterprise). You can include here the history of the creation of the tour agency.

Describe how the divisions of the enterprise are interconnected, how the documentation structure is arranged. 2. Scope of application. In this section, it is worthwhile to clearly and reasonably describe exactly which procedures and operations are covered by the route flow chart, an example of which is being considered. 3. Regulatory documents. List here everything that may affect your activities, from legislation to internal instructions. Please note that this section is your kind of cheat sheet. You can contact him if you have any questions not described in this map. 4. Terms and definitions.

The creation of any product takes place in several stages, and the first of them is the design of the future product.

Don't rush to start making it right away. You can make a mistake, do something wrong, and all the work will have to be redone. No wonder there is a saying: “Measure twice, cut once.”

First you need to make sketches, or outlines, of various options for the future product. Then they analyze in writing the advantages and disadvantages of each option, which allows you to choose the best one.

For the selected product option, technical documentation is developed: a sketch, a technical drawing or a drawing indicating dimensions.

After preparation technical documentation begin selecting quality workpieces and marking them. A blank is a material of certain dimensions from which a part will be made (the dimensions of the blank for any part are always larger than the part itself). One or more parts are obtained from the workpiece.

The connection of parts into a product is called assembly.

The transformation of a workpiece into a part or product must strictly comply with the technological process, i.e., a certain sequence of actions.

The technological process of manufacturing a product consists of a number of technological operations. For example, technological operations are sawing out a workpiece on a carpentry bench, drilling holes on a drilling machine, painting the product in a special room, etc.

The sequence of operations for processing a workpiece and making a part from it is recorded in special technological or route maps.

The technological map (Table 6) describes in detail the sequence of technological operations, provides a graphic representation of the workpiece corresponding to each operation, and indicates the tools and devices used.

Table 6
Technological map for making a cutting board


Sequence of operations

Graphic representation

Tools and accessories

Select a blank from a board or plywood with a thickness of 10-12 mm and mark the outline of the product according to the template

Template, pencil, workbench

Cut the product along the contour

Hacksaw, carpentry workbench

Prick the center of the hole with an awl. Drill a hole

Awl, drill, brace or drill, workbench

Clean the product, round sharp edges and corners

Workbench, sanding block

Route maps indicate only the sequence of operations (Table 7).

Table 7
Route map for making a cutting board

Practical work No. 25
Drawing up a simple technological map

Work order

  1. Select one of the product parts in your project.
  2. Carefully study the part to be manufactured or its graphical representation.
  3. Using Table 6, develop a technological map for the manufacture of this part.
  4. Check the correctness of the technological map yourself, and then give it to the teacher for checking.

New concepts

Stages of product creation, design, procurement, part, assembly, technological process, operation, technological map, route map.

Security questions

  1. List the steps involved in making your project wood product.
  2. What is the difference between a workpiece and a part?
  3. What are technological maps for?
  4. Why are the dimensions of the workpiece larger than the dimensions of the part?

Rules for drawing up technological maps

The technological map is a normative document. It is being developed in accordance with Decree of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine No. 210 of September 25, 2000 “On the procedure for distributing and confirming technological documentation for companies, culinary and confectionery stores of the restaurant state.”

Technological maps are developed for new branded dishes and culinary products, manufactured and sold only in this enterprise.

Along with the technology for preparing products and standards for storing products, it includes requirements for the safety of the raw materials used, the technological process, requirements for the safety of the raw materials used, the technological process, requirements for the design, serving and storage of the finished dish or semi-finished product, as well as the results of laboratory studies of products according to indicators security.

The technological map is drawn up based on collection of recipes or test report and consists of the following sections:

Technological map is drawn up in the prescribed manner and consists of the following sections:

  1. Product name and scope of application. Here the exact name of the dish (product) is indicated, which cannot be changed without approval, and the list of enterprises (branches) and subordinate enterprises that have the right to produce and sell this dish (product) is specified.

  2. List of raw materials used for the manufacture of a dish (product) or semi-finished product. All types of products needed to make a given dish (product) are listed here.

  3. Standards for laying raw materials with gross and net weight, yield of semi-finished products and finished products. Here are indicated real standards for storing products with gross and net weight for 1, 10 or more servings, kilograms or pieces, yield of semi-finished and finished products.

  4. Requirements for the quality of raw materials. A mark is placed on the compliance of food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for the manufacture of this dish (product) with the requirements of regulatory documents, as well as on the availability of a certificate of conformity and a quality certificate.

  5. Description of the technological process of preparation. This section should contain detailed description technological process of preparing a dish (product), degree of stripping and type of cutting of raw materials, indicating the size in mm in preparation for cooking a dish. The modes of cold and heat treatment are also fully described. The technology for preparing dishes and culinary products must ensure compliance with the safety indicators and requirements established by current regulations, in particular SanPiN 42-123-5777-91.

  6. Requirements for registration, submission, sale and storage, providing for design features and rules for serving a dish (product), requirements and procedure for the sale of culinary products, conditions, terms of sale and storage, and, if necessary, conditions for transportation of food items, conditions for take-out sales.

  7. Quality and safety indicators– these are the organoleptic indicators of a dish (product) or semi-finished product: taste, color, smell, consistency, as well as basic physicochemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish (product).

  8. Each technical and technological map is assigned a serial number. The card is signed by the manager. production, chef and accountant, approved by the head of the enterprise or his deputy. The validity period of technological cards is determined by the head of the enterprise.

As a rule, this document is prepared in a couple of hours. Video lesson drawing up technical cards. Given the good design, this may take a day. The figure below shows the main elements that should be present in the flow chart and. They are described in more detail in the explanatory note.

Technological map

Also you can download the technological map for installing a suspended ceiling from this site. Its main points are given below

To begin with, we will select the material for the correct preparation of the technological map. For this we are looking typical tech. cards. They contain everything necessary - a description of the work, the most profitable methods of its production, the allotted time for each process, the number of personnel, wages, the required inventory and equipment, technical and economic indicators. From all the proposed material, it is necessary to select the most important for the explanatory note, and from this weed out the main thing for the technological map. This applies to a greater extent to instructions on work performance and safety precautions. Here's what needs to be displayed on whatman paper:

Instructions for safety precautions (HS) and work performance

After you have figured out the nature of the work being carried out, you need to decide on the place where it will be carried out. In the example given, this is the attic floor of a residential building. Its diagram and division into plots also needs to be given. Work plan

On the left, a plan for the installation of a suspended ceiling. Arrows indicate the movement of workers, Roman numerals delimit plots: highlight roofing material, windows, indicate dignity. technical devices. It should be noted that you must make the installation plan yourself in accordance with your building, this is not included in the standard technological maps. The next page discusses the compilation of the remaining parts of this document.

It is better to start scheduling work and calculating wages and labor costs in a spreadsheet editor. This will be the easiest and fastest way. The resulting tables can then be saved as a drawing and inserted into a drawing program. Labor cost calculation and work schedule are also present on the technological map (they are located on the top-right and bottom-left in the figure below).

It is better to make all drawings in color. To do this, you will have to go around more than one site, but it’s worth it. All of the listed elements of this document look great in color. It will also be a big plus to use a large, well-designed list of tools. Work techniques, tools and equipment

The final stage is the compilation of technical and economic indicators. From them you can see how efficiently the work is being carried out, their timing and cost. After drawing up the technological map on Whatman paper, they proceed to its preparation in an explanatory note. In general, you will get an analogue of this article, only more detailed.
