Games in the gym with ending with hands. Category: indoor games

Balanina Ekaterina
Outdoor games in gym, outdoors and group room

Outdoor games one of the most popular and effective ways of education and full-fledged physical development for a growing person. It is natural that games should be planned taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child.

Outdoor games for children in a group, is carried out mainly in two ways. This is frontal (involving all children groups) And group(the general team is divided into two or more groups) . Another type of organization is individual. Used in cases where one of the children is not able to complete the exercise together with group.

Target outdoor game- increase a positive attitude and strengthen psycho-emotional health.

1. Outdoor games must be included in classes physical culture. They

carried out after exercises in basic movements in order to increase

physiological load and emotionality of the lesson. For this purpose are selected games,

requiring active actions of all children at the same time.

Outdoor games in the hall:

Game: "Trap, take the tape".

Age group: preparatory.





Exercise children in running with dodging, catching and lining up in a circle;

Improve coordination of movements, ability to navigate in space;

Learn to fairly evaluate your results and the results of your comrades


To instill in children a desire to participate in games.

Game actions: Children line up in a circle; each has a colored ribbon tucked into the back of the belt. There is a trap in the center of the circle. At the teacher's signal: “One, two, three - catch it!”- children run around the playground. The trap runs after the players, trying to snatch a ribbon from someone. At the teacher's signal: “One, two, three, quickly run into the circle!” everyone is built in a circle. The teacher invites those who have lost their ribbons to raise their hands, i.e. lost, and counts them. The trap returns the ribbons to the children, and the game is repeated with a new driver.

Rules: The catcher should take only the tape, without delaying the player. The player who has lost his ribbon steps aside.

Equipment - tapes according to the number of children.

Preliminary work:


Organization games:

Venue outdoor game games: sports games, high mobility games should be carried out on sports ground,



games - during the game

3. Summing up.

2. Before classes are appropriate medium mobility games. During the day outdoor games can be organized from all over group, and by subgroups. This depends on the nature of the game actions, the number of players, their preparedness, conditions and other factors.

Outdoor games in a group room:

Game: "Cosmonauts".

Age group: average.

Target: increase positive mood and strengthen psycho-emotional health.



Improving the body's performance.


Develop agility and speed;

Learn to perform actions in accordance with the instructions of the teacher.


To instill in children the ability to follow basic rules games

Game actions: Rocket hoops are laid out along the edges of the site. There are several more people playing than there are rockets. Children stand in a circle and hold hands. They go in circles reciting the text:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

To fly to the planets.

Whatever we want

Let's fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers!

Only after the last words do the children run away and occupy the rockets.


Equipment - hoops according to the number of participants.

Preliminary work:

The teacher must know the content games, its rules, in what conditions and with how many children it is carried out. Prepare the necessary equipment, attributes, posters.

Organization games:

Venue outdoor game must correspond to the type, goals and objectives of the ongoing games: sports games, high mobility games should be carried out on sports ground, medium and low mobility games are held on the territory of the walking area.


1. The teacher’s explanation is a crucial moment that influences the course games.

2. Direct implementation games - during the game immediately correct mistakes and clarify what the children did not understand, and take part in it as necessary.

3. Summing up.

3. Most useful and appropriate outdoor games, while walking. On the morning walk after classes, there are different types of activities. outdoor games. Their number and duration are not the same on individual days of the week.

When selecting games, previous activities are taken into account. So, after classes

native language, drawing, modeling, it is advisable to play the game with more active

actions. However, after activities that required concentrated attention from children,

It is not recommended to learn new ones games. If physical education or music lesson was carried out in the first half of the day, it is advisable to carry out games and exercises average mobility, and organize them in the middle or end of the walk, and at the very beginning give the children the opportunity to play on their own.

Outdoor games:

Game: "Sparrows and the cat".

Age group: 2nd youngest group.

Target: increase positive mood and strengthen psycho-emotional health.



Improving the body's performance.


Teach children to run without touching each other, to dodge the catcher, to quickly run away, to find their place;

Teach children to be careful when taking up space and not to push their friends.


To instill in children the ability to follow basic rules games, coordinate movements, navigate in space.

Game actions: Children - "sparrows" sitting in their "nests" (in circles marked on the ground or drawn on the asphalt) on one side of the site. On the other side of the site - "cat". As soon as "cat" will fall asleep "sparrows" "fly out" on the road, "fly over" from place to place, looking for crumbs, grains (children squat, tap their fingers on their knees, as if they were pecking). But here "wakes up" "cat", "meows" and runs after "sparrows", which "fly away" to their "nests". Role first "cat" performed by the teacher, and then by one of the children.

Rules: take seats without pushing, pushing or taking someone else's place.

Equipment - hoops according to the number of children, masks.

Preliminary work:

The teacher must know the content games, its rules, in what conditions and with how many children it is carried out. Prepare the necessary equipment, attributes, posters.

Organization games:

Venue outdoor game must correspond to the type, goals and objectives of the ongoing games: sports games, high mobility games should be carried out on sports ground, medium and low mobility games are held on the territory of the walking area.


1. The teacher’s explanation is a crucial moment that influences the course games.

2. Direct implementation games - during the game immediately correct mistakes and clarify what the children did not understand, and take part in it as necessary.

3. Summing up.

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Dear guys. The game takes a long time to load. Therefore, be patient. Everything will be loaded soon :)

What kind of lifestyle a person has, such is his health. Today we will talk about how to make your health strong and resistant to all diseases with the help of games. Naturally, we will not talk about injections and various preventive vaccinations, the topic will be about the game. Indeed, exactly sports game makes a person 100% healthy, and only thanks to it a person is always in excellent physical shape. You can play sports anywhere: in the park, for example, you can go for a run in the morning, and at home you can do a lot of exercises that develop flexibility and plasticity. What do they do in gyms? Let's try not only to find out about this, but also to create a place where all athletes in the world will feel comfortable. gym game.

This game will appeal not only to fans of dumbbells, jump ropes and treadmills, it will also appeal to designers. Here, each player can create his own sports ground, independently arranging sports equipment. In the game, you can select a gym as a place where everything for training will be created and arranged; you can also select visitors who will be in this room and do their thing. This game is a great way to establish yourself as a gym owner, and good way create an atmosphere that makes everyone happy. The owners strive to ensure that their services are used by as many visitors as possible, and they take into account their wishes: lockers, a cool room, modern equipment, inexpensive use of a subscription. In general, today you must create a unique super gym where our heroes will have fun. You can start arranging the game with a general view: perhaps it will be with a view of big city, or maybe it will be an ordinary house, where everything is done in a hard and gloomy style. In order to select the option you like, you click on the cell at the bottom of the panel and click on it with the mouse. Having settled on one option, you proceed to the next items: for example, lockers. You can find them at the top of the screen on the line with game pictures.

In the game you can place them anywhere you like. Then you select various dumbbells, treadmills and at the very end you invite clients. You can also find them at the top of the panel line. Having placed athletes in the gym, you begin to make a profit and rejoice in the fact that you were able to create the most convenient and functional gym in the game, which many guys will admire.
