Games to familiarize yourself with your native land for children. Local history games for preschoolers Didactic games on local history for elementary school

Didactic games on local history allow not only to expand and consolidate children’s ideas about native land, but also to cultivate a sense of pride in their region, to develop the speech, attention, and thinking of preschoolers. Theoretical and case study Given this problem, the lack of these games on sale gave me the idea to develop and produce them myself. Didactic games on local history, developed by me, can be used in joint activities of a teacher with older children preschool age, independent children's activities, as well as in family education. Illustrative material has been selected for the games. Based on the presented games, teachers can, by analogy, develop games to develop children’s ideas about any region of Russia.



Didactic games on local history.


It is well known that it is most effective to solve the problems of development of preschool children in the context of specific preschool types activities, mainly in game form. Theoretical and practical research of this problem, as well as the lack of games on local history in the stores of our city, gave me the idea of self-production such games. The games are aimed not only at developing ideas about their hometown and region, but also at developing children’s speech activity and expanding their vocabulary. When using the presented games, you should adhere to certain principles:

  1. Rely on the knowledge children already have;
  2. Ensure that the didactic task is accessible to children;
  3. Maintain interest and variety of game action;
  4. Gradually complicate the task and game actions;
  5. Explain the rules of the game specifically and clearly.

Here are games developed by me, as well as modified games from other authors. The games will be of interest to teachers of preschool institutions, parents of children of preschool and primary school age.

Word game "Why"

Target: Development of questioning and research activity of children (based on the symbols of the city of Krasnoyarsk).

Materials: Four sets of pictures depicting the symbols of Krasnoyarsk, three pictures in each set:

1 set: Image of historical figures of the city: Vasily Surikov, Ivan Yarygin, Dmitry Hvorostovsky;

Set 2: Symbols of the city and region: flag, city coat of arms and regional coat of arms.

3 set: Subject symbols: Krasnoyarsk Museum of Local Lore, Historical Gates of the City, Chapel on Karaulnaya Hill;

Set 4: Natural complexes of the city: Stolby Nature Reserve, Roev Ruchey Flora and Fauna Park, Bobrovy Log Fan Park.

Progress of the game:

The child is shown 1 set of pictures. It is clarified whether he knows what is depicted on them. The teacher offers to play the game “Ask” and ask as many questions as possible about what he would like to know about this object. A competitive motive is introduced: in parallel, he asks a question “in the teacher’s ear” game character“Why” or another child. The one who comes up with the most questions wins. First, the game is played using a test picture so that the children understand the conditions of the game. After the child has asked questions, he is asked to tell everything he knows about the object shown in the picture.

Didactic game “Pedestal of Honor”.

Target: Consolidating ideas about the architectural and sculptural features of Krasnoyarsk sights, developing coherent speech.

Material: images of architectural and sculptural sights of Krasnoyarsk, familiar to children, an image of the “podium of honor” - a ladder of three steps.

Progress of the game:

From a set of illustrations of architectural and sculptural landmarks, the child is asked to choose the three that he likes best, place them on the “podium,” talk about this landmark and explain why they attracted his attention.

Didactic game "Coat of arms of the city"

Target: consolidate children’s understanding of the coat of arms of their hometown and cities of the region; be able to distinguish the coat of arms of your hometown from other signs.

Materials: template – a sample depicting the city’s coat of arms; outline template of the same coat of arms; “mosaic” of 7-10 parts of the city’s coat of arms in an disassembled version, images of the coats of arms of the cities of the region.

Progress of the game:

1 option : Children are invited to look at the city’s coat of arms and note distinctive features. Using a contour template, children assemble the city's coat of arms from the mosaic using a template.

Option 2: The presenter names the city of the region, the children choose the correct option from the presented coats of arms, justifying the features of the image of the coat of arms.

Didactic game “City Attractions”.

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the architecture of the city.

Materials: photographs of historical places and buildings of the city; “mosaic” of the same photographs; illustrations of sights of other cities.

Progress of the game

Option 1: Children are invited to look at illustrations of the city's landmarks and note their distinctive features. Using a contour template, children assemble a selected city landmark from a mosaic using a template.

Option 2: The child chooses an illustration of a city landmark and, without showing it to other players, begins to describe it. Based on the description, players must guess a remarkable place in the city.

Didactic game “Thinking about our hometown.”

Target: consolidation of rules of behavior in the city and in nature, development of environmental ideas.

Equipment: ball.

Progress of the game.

D The kids stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to each child in turn and asks in what situations a person can be considered to love his city. If the child thinks that a person loves the city, he catches the ball, and if not, he doesn’t catch it and explains why.

A man returned to the Stolby Nature Reserve with a bouquet of lilies of the valley.

A man plants trees in a park near his house.

A man washes his car in the Yenisei.

A man threw garbage into a ditch near his house.

After a vacation on Tatyshev Island, a man collected all the garbage.

Then a leader is selected from among the children. The chosen leader comes up with the situations himself.

Didactic game "Fourth odd"

Target: consolidation of ideas about the nature of the native land. Development of logical thinking.

Equipment: a model of a TV, the screen of which is divided into 4 parts, cards with birds, animals and plants living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Cards with birds, animals and plants of Russia and other countries.

Progress of the game.

The presenter inserts cards with images of animals, birds or plants into the screen. Children find and exclude those who do not live (do not grow up) in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and explain why. This game is constantly updated as material accumulates.

Didactic game “Animals of our region.”

Target: Consolidating children's knowledge about the animals of our region. Development of coherent speech in children.

Equipment: diagram - flower with symbols on the petals: habitat, food, sound, appearance, young.

Progress of the game.

The cards are laid out face down on the table. Each player has a flower diagram with trick symbols. The child chooses a card with an image of an animal, puts it in the center of the diagram - a flower, in accordance with the symbols, tells about the animal:

  • What is the name of the animal?
  • Where does it live?
  • What does it eat?
  • What sounds does it make?
  • What it looks like;
  • What are the baby animals called?

Didactic game "Red Light".

Target: consolidating children's knowledge about plants and animals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory listed in the Red Book.

Equipment: Red books of plants and animals, cards with pictures of plants and animals.

The board game “111 Questions for Local History Experts of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug” is intended for students in grades 3-4 who study literary local history and are interested in the history and culture of their native land.

The game can be played within educational process, and in extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

Material can be used by teachers primary classes, GPA teachers, heads of local history clubs, parents of students and children.

Purpose of the game: expand and enrich schoolchildren’s knowledge about their native land, instill love and respect for the history and culture of the indigenous peoples of the North, cultivate a sense of pride in their small homeland- Yamal.


· Attracting the attention of schoolchildren to the history of the district); involving students in research activities in local history.

· Familiarization with the customs and traditions of the indigenous people of Yamal.

· Instilling in the younger generation respect and love for their small Motherland and its people.

· Identification of erudite and most prepared students in the field of local history.

Dear friend!

You are holding in your hands board game“111 questions for local history experts.” We invite you to go on a trip to Yamal. Remember the customs and traditions of the indigenous people, solve northern mysteries, and join the wisdom of a modest and hard-working people.

During the game you will visit a reindeer herders' camp, stay in a tent, and enrich your knowledge about the main occupations of the indigenous people of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (reindeer husbandry, fishing, hunting, handicrafts). You will learn about the originality and diversity of Nenets lullabies and games. Be convinced of the caring attitude towards nature of the inhabitants of the tundra, and admire the diversity of the flora and fauna of our district.

We hope that the game will help cultivate a sense of respect for the traditions and customs of the peoples of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, increase a sense of responsibility for the state of the environment, and develop interest in studying their native land.

The game can be played in three ways. An additional question or a question of increased difficulty is marked with *.

1 option. Each player takes turns rolling the dice and going to as many circles as the number of points rolled on the dice. On the track there are question numbers that need to be answered. The presenter asks questions and monitors the correctness of the answers. If the answer is correct, the player receives 2 points and moves forward 2 circles. In case of an incomplete answer, the player receives 1 point and moves forward 1 circle. If the answer is incorrect, the player remains in place. The first one to reach the end of the path wins.

Option 2. Before rolling the dice, players (or a team of players) choose a category of questions. For the correct answer you get the number of points that fell on the dice. The points are summed up. The one who scores the most points wins.

Option 3. The game’s questions can be used to conduct the “My Northern Land” quiz. The whole class can participate in the quiz at the same time, after dividing into teams. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

Thematic block of questions

Yamal - Russia's younger brother

Visiting the hunters

Visit, to the tundra! (camp)

In the world of northern mysteries

Nomad's Dwelling

Pharmacy under your feet

In the land of reindeer paths (about reindeer herders)

Who lives in the northern region

Yamal craftswomen (handicrafts)

The kingdom of lingonberries and cloudberries (berries)

Lullaby for a tundra dweller

According to the laws of ancestors (customs and traditions)

Games and toys of Nenets children

"Blue" gold of Yamal

Folklore collectors

“Enter nature as a friend!”

In the land of blue lakes

Block question number

“Yamal is Russia’s younger brother”

What is the name of our district?

In what year was our district created?

How is the word Yamal translated from the Nenets language?

What is the name of the capital, the main city of our region?

Find the flag of our district in the picture

What is depicted on the coat of arms of our district?

What was Salekhard called before 1933?

“On a visit, to the tundra!”

Name the indigenous people of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

List the main occupations of the indigenous people

What is the name of the temporary settlement of Nenets shepherds?

What is the name of the Nenets dwelling?

How many people is the nomad's tent designed for?

How many kilometers a year do reindeer herders travel following their herd? A) 200 km; B) 500 km; B) about 1000 km;

Do you know what the names of the indigenous nationalities mean?

"Dwelling of the Nomads"

What are tents made of?

How is the winter chum different from the summer chum?

Who is assembling the chum?

How long does it take to install a chum?

How many poles are needed to install a chum?

How many reindeer skins are needed to cover a chum?

What is the place of SI in the plague?

"In the Land of Deer Paths"

What is the main food for reindeer?

Why do reindeer herders lead a nomadic lifestyle?

How long can a herd stay on one pasture?

What benefits does reindeer husbandry bring to humans?

How do reindeer herders care for their herd?

Who is Avka?

Name favorite treat reindeer?

"Yamal craftswomen"

Eliminate the wrong answer. The skill of the housewife is judged by:

A) the ability to sing and tell stories;

B) on the casing of the plague;

C) according to the clothes of children and husband

What tools does a craftswoman need to make traditional clothes?

What are the Nenets clothes used to decorate?

Why, according to the inhabitants of the tundra, do they need ornaments on clothes?

What is the name of the Nenets men's national clothing?

What is the name of the Nenets women's national clothing?

“Lullaby for a tundra dweller”

What is characteristic of the Nenets lullaby?

A) one song is written for all the children of the family;

C) the lullaby song is passed down from generation to generation.

Do the words and music of a lullaby change over time?

What songs are not in Nenets folklore?

What is a cradle for a tundra dweller made of?

Why is the center of gravity of the Nenets cradle at the bottom? (According to the Vanka-stand principle)

Eliminate the wrong answer. A bell is sewn to the baby's hat to:

B) so that the ringing of the bell drives away evil spirits;

C) so that he can be easily found if he has moved far from the tent;

What outdoor games do Nenets boys like to play?

What is a Nenets doll made of?

What toys do they play in the tent?

Name one of your favorite children's games that girls and boys play together.

What indigenous holidays do you know?

How often do Nenets celebrate birthdays?

"Folklore Collectors"

In what fairy tale did the mother turn into a bird without waiting for help from her children?

Who is Menkv or Menkv-iki?

A) a good wizard;

B) Yamal Santa Claus;

B) a giant is a cannibal.

Continue the sign.

The stars sparkle - become bright by...

Which proverb belongs to the peoples of Yamal:

B) The timid even fears the shadow.

C) Be afraid of wolves, don’t go into the forest.

Continue the sign.

The sun in a foggy circle towards...

Which proverb does not belong to the peoples of Yamal:

A) To eat a fish, you need to get into the water.

C) Not fish, not nets, but hands that feed.

"In the land of blue lakes"

What is the name of the largest river in our district?

Which sea does the Ob flow into?

What is the name of a Nenets fisherman's boat?

What plant were nets made from?

What types of fish are found in our county's waters?

Name the main commandment of the Nenets fishermen.

What are we talking about? It goes and goes, but there are no traces to be seen

"Visiting the Hunters"

Name the animals that are allowed for commercial hunting in our district?

What animals of our region are listed in the Red Book of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug?

Why do people say: “Where the mouse runs, the hunter must hurry there.”

What nature reserves (sanctuaries) are located on the territory of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug?

Protecting the owner, the hunting dog enters into a fight to the death with a bear. Name the breed of this dog.

Name the main commandment of Nenets hunters.

Not letters, but written on a line.

Without language, they will tell the hunter everything.

"In the world of northern mysteries"

Flies in the sky, dies in the water

Without arms, without legs, and the tree bends

Dancing with golden pillars,

Splashing with sparkling flowers

Rainbow flames above the ground

The deer always runs away from them, but they never lag behind.

There are no legs, but he walks. No eyes, but crying.

It goes on and on, but no trace is visible.

There is a white pebble lying on the ground, and inside the heart is beating.

"Pharmacy under your feet"

Name the medicinal plants of the tundra.

How do the inhabitants of the tundra use the healing properties of wild rosemary?

What plants do nomadic reindeer herders prepare vitamin tea from?

Why can’t you trample fly agarics, because they are poisonous?

What medicinal plant is mentioned in the riddle: The dress was lost, but the buttons remained.

Which tundra berries are included in the diet of astronauts?

“Who lives in the northern region?”

Gray in summer and white in winter

Ears on top of head, tail like fluff

Red, cute little animal.

On thin legs it trembles in the wind.

As soon as he dries, he runs after his mother.

On a starless night until the plague

Who will help you get there?

Who will find the way in the wind,

If the tundra is off-road?

She hides from the sun, and the mice hide from her.

Why is the wolf called the “orderly” of the tundra?

At the end of a white hill a coal turns black

"The Kingdom of Lingonberries and Cloudberries"

A forest berry grows on a bush,

Exposing a bright blue barrel to the sun.

What berry is called northern lemon?

Which berry growing in our region improves vision?

In the tundra there are bushes, there are leaves on the bushes,

Red berries shine under the leaves

In summer it is bitter, and in frost it is sweet. What kind of berry?

Name the berry, the jam from which is called Yamal honey.

"According to the laws of the ancestors"

What religion do the Nenets profess?

Who are Num and Nga?

Who are shamans?

Name the sacred tree of the Nenets.

Continue the Nenets prohibitions:

A) Don’t tease the old man -

B) Don’t learn to swear -

C) Do not torture the animal -

What should a well-mannered person do when leaving the table wearing a chum?

A) thank the owners;

B) invite you to visit;

C) warn the hostess that he is going to leave.

What is ritual?

A) type of hunting; B) shaman ritual;

B) a festive event.

"Blue" gold of Yamal"

Natural gas

A) 1972 B) 1962 B) 1982


“Enter nature as a friend!”

Find an old fire pit.

Answer block

Block question number

“Yamal is Russia’s younger brother”

Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region

A) December 1930 B) November 1940 C) January 1950

End of the Earth


The flag is blue-blue, at the bottom there is a white-blue-red national ornament

The coat of arms consists of a shield topped with a crown, which is supported by two polar bears; on the field of the shield there is a walking white deer.

“On a visit, to the tundra!”

Nenets, Khanty, Selkups

Reindeer husbandry, fishing (fish production), hunting, handicrafts.


On average for 20 people.

B) about 1000 km;

Nenets is a man. Khanty - bear, army. Selkups are taiga people.

"Dwelling of the Nomads"

From poles, tanned reindeer skins (nyuks), boiled bark in the summer and sewn together.

The winter tent is covered with reindeer skins, and the summer tent is covered with boiled bark and sewn together.

A) men B) women C) elderly people

A) 1 hour, B) 3 hours C) 40-50 minutes

A) 30-50 B) 10-30 C) up to 10

A) 50-60 B) 60-70 C) 30-40

A place in the tent where family shrines are kept.

"In the Land of Deer Paths"

Reindeer moss (reindeer moss)

You can’t stay in one place for a long time, because eating and trampling moss can destroy the natural environment

One week

Clothes and shoes are made from deer skins, and housing is built. Deer meat is a healthy food product. Reindeer is a reliable transport in the tundra.

They make sure that there is enough food in the pasture, protect from wolves, identify and treat sick animals, and make sure that the deer do not fall behind or get lost.

Tamed deer

"Yamal craftswomen"

A) is the wrong answer

Scraper, mallet, knife, needles, thimble, scissors.

Ornament. Applique made of fur or colored cloth. Bead weaving.

A) for beauty; B) to preserve heat;

C) so that evil spirits do not penetrate through the collar, sleeves, or edges of clothing.

Malitsa, owl

Yagushka, gentlemen

“Lullaby for a tundra dweller”

B) a lullaby is composed for each child;

Yes. The character of the baby changes, and the motive of the song also changes.

A) labor; B) road; B) New Year's; D) lullabies.

Made from soaked birch bark, and the bottom made from spruce wood.

So that when tipping over from the sled into the snow, the child is in an upright position.

A) so that the baby gets used to music from childhood;

“Games and toys of Nenets children”

Archery. Catch a deer! Jumping over sleds.

Beak of a goose, duck, swan, pieces of multi-colored cloth, remains of fur

Vyvko (button on a thread), neso (bones).

Girls make a doll family “Nukhuko”, and boys make “Argish” for a distant nomad.

Reindeer Herder's Day, Fisherman's Day, days of great joy (wedding, meeting with relatives and friends).

Once in a lifetime.

"Folklore Collectors"

Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo"

B) giant - cannibal

To severe frosts

A) Fear the wolf - and run from the squirrel.

B) You can’t catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.

"In the land of blue lakes and lakes"

Kara Sea


Willow bush.

Vendace, cheese, shchekur, muksun, nelma, chebak, pike.

Don't catch all the fish from the lake - leave it for your descendants!

"Visiting the Hunters"

Squirrels, arctic foxes, sables, moose.

Siberian crane (white crane), white-tailed eagle, golden eagle, peregrine falcon, wild reindeer, polar bear.

Arctic foxes eat mice. Where there is a mouse, there is an arctic fox.

There are a total of 18 nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries in Yamal, the closest is the Nadymsky State Natural Hunting Reserve.

Do not hunt more game than you need to feed your family.

"In the world of northern mysteries"

Northern lights

"Pharmacy under your feet"

Ledum, rose hip, rowan, chaga - tree mushroom, birch (buds), lingonberry, blueberry, Rhodiola rosea.

Ledum infusion is used to treat wounds and treat coughs.

Princesa flowers and leaves, fireweed, leaves and fruits of lingonberries, blueberries, rose hips.

They are used by animals for treatment.

“Who lives in the northern region?”



polar owl

Hunts sick, weakened animals.

"The Kingdom of Lingonberries and Cloudberries"



"According to the laws of the ancestors"

The whole world is inhabited by spirits. Worship of spirits (water, earth, fire, hunting, etc.)

These are the gods. Num is the creator of all living things. Nga is the lord of the underworld, a hunter of human souls.

Mediators in communication between people and spirits.


A) you will grow up stupid.

B) bad words leave a stench on the tongue.

C) terrible torment may befall you

C) warn the hostess (so that she has time to “hold the table” and the guest does not take the well-being of this family with him).

B) shaman ritual.

"Blue" gold of Yamal"

Natural gas

Natural gas - best view fuel. It heats homes and helps prepare dinner. Many cars operate and move using gas. Natural gas is used to produce plastics, dyes, detergents and even medicines.

A) 1972 B) 1962 B) 1982


Medvezhye, Yubileinoye, Yamsoveyskoye, Kharasaveyskoye, Bovanenkovskoye.

Oil, natural gas, iron ore, manganese, copper, chromite, phosphorites.

“Enter nature as a friend!”

A) 2-3 years; B) 12-13 years old; B) 20-30 years;

Siberian crane (white crane) raised in captivity.

A) 20-30 years old B) 12-13 years old; B) 2-3 years

Perennial grasses are planted, water is drained so that the area does not become waterlogged, and the area is cleaned.

Find an old fire pit.


1. Laptsui L.V. Edeyka. - Sverdlovsk: 1978.

2. Netrebo L.V. Pangodas. - Ekaterinburg: IPP Ural Worker, 1999.

3. Nyaruy V., Nyaruy S., Lullaby for a tundra dweller. - St. Petersburg: Education, 2001.

4. Okotetto E.N. Nenets outdoor games. - Salekhard: 1993.

5. Prikhodko M.S., Prikhodko O.B. Khomani. - St. Petersburg: publishing house “Firefly”, 2002.

6. Susoy E.G. From the depths of centuries. - Tyumen: 1994.

8. Fedorova L.V. Literary local history. Training course program for primary school. - Salekhard: 2006.

9. Yamal Kaleidoscope / Textbook on literary local history / Compiled by L.V. Fedorova. Tyumen: Publishing House IPOS SB RAS, 2003. 152 p.

Elena Pavlova
Local history games for preschoolers

Small homeland. Each person has his own, but for everyone it is that guiding star that throughout life determines a lot, if not everything.

Not the land in general, but the region where he was born and raised, where the stars of childhood shine - this is exactly what every person needs. One of the forms of studying one’s native land is local history work.

Local history is a kind of"parent's chest" This is the totality of the inheritance left to us by our ancestors. This is a living legend and grandmother's stories, the customs of the native land and the wealth of mineral resources, fields, forests, labor achievements and military accomplishments of fathers and grandfathers. This is the experience of economic development of the region and its age-old culture. This is the very inheritance that we must not only use for its intended purpose in life, but also cherish like the apple of our eye, developing and distributing it among our descendants.

Local history is, first of all, the golden reserve of our spirituality. This is a treasure for centuries, a guarantee of our sovereignty in the eyes of other nations.

Everyone knows the fact: the formation of a person’s personality occurs in preschool age. This fact also applies to the timely formation of preschoolers feelings of patriotism: love and affection, devotion and responsibility, the desire to work for the benefit of the native land, to protect and increase its wealth.

Local history games relevant and interesting for children preschool age. Playing these games, children get a holistic view of their native edge, city, about your homeland. The enormous importance is well known gaming methods and techniques. Their advantage lies in the fact that they arouse increased interest in children, positive emotions, promote concentration on the learning task. Game motivation is present in every lesson. A special place is occupied local history games, which provide an opportunity to introduce a child to history, archeology, geography, and nature. Local history play is not only a form of organizing a child’s life, but also an active way for a child to appropriate social experience

Local history games- a powerful pedagogical tool. Thanks to them, children get to know their region more deeply and broadly, learn what is unique to this area, what the inhabitants of this area love.

Gaming activity is leading in preschool age, and educational games are one of the means of raising and developing children. Didactic game for preschooler in classes on St. Petersburg studies - this is an interesting way to get to know your home city. In progress games In addition to learning, children develop intelligence, resourcefulness, and initiative. Usage didactic games in St. Petersburg Studies is a good means of consolidating acquired knowledge both in joint and individual activities.

All didactic games conditionally divided into groups. The essence of most games is reflected in the title.

1. Games aimed at the ability to reproduce in memory the appearance object:

"What's missing?"

"Choose the missing part"

"Find the extra picture"

“Recognize a picture by its part”

“Put the picture together from parts”

“Make an architectural and sculptural ensemble”

“Collect pairs of pictures”

"Recognize by silhouette"

“Match his image to the silhouette”

"Find the artist's mistake"

2. Games aimed at reproducing received information in memory knowledge:

"Make Pairs"(match the author’s architectural monument or sculpture; match the portrait of a famous and great man to his monument standing in our city)

“Who can name more?”

"Auction of St. Petersburg names"

"Truth is not true"

"Petersburg cube"

“Who will answer faster?”

"Find out by description"

"Come up with a question"

"I know five names"

3. Games aimed at developing oral and written speeches:

"Find the extra word"

“Call it in one word”

"Half a Word"

“Make a word from syllables (from letters)»

"Say the word"

"Finish the sentence"

“Guess the word by its first sounds”

"Petersburg rhymes"

"Which - which"

4. Games aimed at developing the ability to perform mathematical calculations related to numbers.

"Petersburg Mathematics"

"Find the correct number"

5. Games aimed at developing associative thinking, imagination:

"Petersburg Associations"

"Make a sculpture"

“Guess the sculpture by pantomime”

"Black box"

6. Games aimed at developing spatial orientation:

"Petersburg Navigator"

"Stand up correctly"

Team competitions include: games, How:

"What? Where? When?"

"Field of Miracles"


"Travels around..."

"Walk around..."

"Tour of..."

"Salvation... (fairy-tale hero.) from…"

“We are collecting a collection of exhibits for the museum...”

"Search for a missing landmark" (treasure.)»

"Search for the secret (mysterious.) places in St. Petersburg"

It is important not to consider each object separately, but in unity with others that make up the artistic ensemble. This allows children to develop the desire to see the integrity and unity of architectural monuments, sculptures, to understand the significance of each individually, the ability to navigate the city, develop artistic taste, and the desire to enjoy the beauty, grace, grandeur and power of St. Petersburg. I consider the main result of my work to be the education of a modern, cultured little man - a young Petersburger who loves his city in which he lives.

List of sources

1. Batyasheva L.P. Search and research activities in preschool educational institutions / L.P. Batyasheva

2. Lavrova T. B. Moral and Patriotic Education. “My incomprehensible city” / T. B. Lavrova website Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open lesson"

3. Laptenok E. Yu. “Classes on St. Petersburg studies in preparatory group kindergarten» (from work experience) website of preschool educational institution No. 1 of the Admiralteysky district

4. Mironova A. A. Petersburg studies for kids. Creating conditions for the formation of initial ideas about your hometown (and not only about that)/ A. A. Mironova

5. Serova Z. A. “Do you know St. Petersburg?” Local history games. St. Petersburg Publishing House "MiM", 1998

Publications on the topic:

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Local history games Hello, dear colleagues! It is no secret to us that the main activity of children is play. So I created a series of games that...

A series of didactic games to familiarize yourself with your hometown

By getting to know the native city and its attractions, the child learns to recognize himself as living in a certain time period and at the same time become familiar with the riches of national and world culture. The successful development of preschoolers when getting to know their native land will become possible only if they actively interact with the world around them in an emotional and practical way, that is, through play, objective activity, communication, and work.

The proposed didactic games on local history for children of senior preschool age will help organize and carry out interesting activities. joint activities teacher with children.


1. Expand children’s understanding of buildings and their purpose.

2. Reinforce the rules of safe behavior on the street.

3. Strengthen and expand spatial representations (left, right, in front, behind, between, next to, opposite, in the middle, etc.)

4.Develop coherent monologue speech.

5. Foster love and respect for your hometown.

"City Trip"


Exercise children in grouping cards with a specific theme;

Expand knowledge about your hometown;

Develop thinking and memory.

Progress of the game:

The teacher distributes large cards to the children, and keeps the small ones for himself. The presenter takes one small card at a time, shows it to the players and asks them to look carefully at the large cards. The person to whom the card belongs names what is depicted on it and tells everything he knows. Other players can add to his story.

Game rule:

Game action: Finding the cards you need.

"Find a Pair"

(the game is intended for children 5-7 years old)


Strengthen the ability to establish relationships between objects and people working at these objects;

Develop visual memory, perception;

Develop the ability to analyze your answer.

Progress of the game:

The teacher distributes cards with images of city institutions to children, and keeps others for himself. The presenter takes one card each with pictures of people working at these facilities, shows it to the players and asks them to look carefully at the cards they have. The person to whom this card belongs names what is depicted on it.

Game rule: The one who finishes picking the cards first wins.

Game action: Finding the cards you need.

"Fold the picture"

(the game is intended for children 5-7 years old)


Strengthen children's knowledge about appearance buildings in the city of Tyumen;

Learn to put parts together into a whole.

Progress of the game:

1. The child assembles from parts a picture with a view of the museum (other attractions of the city).

2. 2-3 children participate. Several sets of cut pictures are used, parts of the pictures are mixed. Children select the necessary parts of the pictures and combine them into a common image.

Game rule: The one who collects the pictures first wins

Game action: Selecting the necessary parts of the pictures.

"Find our coat of armshis city"

Tasks: consolidate children’s understanding of the coat of arms of their hometown; be able to distinguish the coat of arms of your hometown from other signs.

Material: Cards with images of coats of arms of different cities of the Tyumen region.

"Collect the coat of arms of our city"

Task: To consolidate ideas about the symbolic meaning of the image of the coat of arms of the city of Tyumen.

Material: Cutting pictures coat of arms of the city of Tyumen.

"Find out the coat of arms"

Task: teach children to recognize the coats of arms of the cities of the Tyumen region.

Material: pictures of coats of arms of the cities of the Tyumen region, a map of the Tyumen region with the locations of cities marked on the map.

"Sights of Tyumen"

Target: Teach children to recognize the sights of their hometown and classify them by purpose.

Material: Pictures of various city attractions in several types: bridges, theaters, museums, fountains, monuments, squares, etc. .
