Play challenging solitaire games. Solitaire games online

This legendary card game has gained incredible popularity all over the world. Moreover, there are many interesting facts associated with it, which you will probably be interested to know about.

Its name comes from the French word "patience", which means "patience". This is not just like that: it really requires a lot of patience and perseverance from its players. For this reason, it has been popular from time immemorial, allowing you to relax after a hard day of work.

As for the varieties, there are an incredible variety of them. Each type varies in difficulty level, the number of decks used and a number of other parameters. However, the rules may be different for everyone. There are both very simple ones, which take just a couple of minutes to unfold, and very complex ones, which you can struggle with for hours. In total, experts highlight more than 800 species, with 300 some of them were passed down to us from past generations, and the rest were developed after the advent of computers.

Fortunately, today you can play solitaire for free and without registration. You don't even need to leave your home to do this. All you need is a computer and a stable Internet connection.

Rules for playing card solitaire

Despite the huge number of variations, most of them differ only slightly in the rules. Let's consider the most popular type - “Klondike”, which is familiar to almost everyone.

So, our task here is to play solitaire into 4 decks in ascending order, gradually throwing 52 cards in ascending order. It all starts with an ace and ends with a king. You can also move not only individual cards, but also entire stacks between columns. The difficulty is that the suits must alternate, that is, after the black suit there must be a red one and vice versa.

    Basic tips for a successful deal:
  • Maintain an even stack, as one that is too long can make other moves difficult;
  • The more cards in a column are face up, the more sense it makes to open them, increasing the chances of winning;
  • Use empty spaces as temporary storage for future transfers.

  • We wish fans a successful layout in this wonderful intellectual entertainment!

    Solitaire is a fun and enjoyable game. He will help out if you need to pass the time, help develop such an important quality as perseverance, and answer the question of whether your wish will come true. In addition, this game does not require a partner. This book contains the most interesting solitaire games, simple and complex, modern and ancient, that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers played.

    Simple solitaire games

    A full deck of 52 cards must be laid out in horizontal rows of 6 cards each (Fig. 1). Cards of the same suit or the same value are moved from right to left if they lie next to each other or through the same card. Thus, the entire solitaire strip gradually moves from the bottom row to the top, moving to the left.

    The collected cards are moved in a stack, the top card in the stack continues to play. The vacated space is filled by shifting the remaining cards to the left. The solitaire game is successful if all the cards are collected in one pile.

    Rice. 1. "Bayan"

    "Twice two"

    A full deck of cards is placed on the table. 4 cards are taken out of it and laid out face up (Fig. 2). If you come across 2 cards of the same suit, then they are covered with 2 cards from the deck. Solitaire is played when the cards in the deck run out.

    Rice. 2. “Twice two”


    To play this solitaire game you will need a deck of 32 cards and both jokers. You need to remove the aces from the deck and place them face up in the top row. The remaining cards are shuffled and laid out in the same way, face up, in 5 rows. Each row should contain 6 cards (Fig. 3). You can only shift free cards, that is, those that lie on top of the pile and all from the fifth row. The cards are dealt in descending order, alternating black and red suits. For example, on the ten of diamonds you can put a nine of spades or clubs, on the nine of spades - an eight of diamonds or a heart. Free cards are transferred to the aces in ascending order only by suit. If the free card is a joker, it can be left in reserve and used at the right time. The joker replaces any card of any suit. For example, on nine hearts you can put a joker, which in this case will play the role of an eight of spades or clubs. It is permissible to use two jokers at once. If, during the process of rearranging the cards, the space occupied by some column becomes free, you can put a free card there. Solitaire is successful if all cards in ascending order lie on aces, that is, first an ace, then a six, seven, eight, etc. until the king.

    Rice. 3. "Joker"

    "Christmas trees"

    To play this solitaire game you will need a deck of 52 cards. Of these, you need to lay out two “Christmas trees”, each of which should contain 16 cards (Fig. 4). The remaining deck is shuffled and one card is taken from it. If in one of the “herringbones”, regardless of suit, there is a free card that is one point less or more than the one taken from the deck, then both cards are transferred to a separate pile. In this way, other Christmas tree game cards are moved into it. The solitaire game is successful if the “Christmas trees” are cleared before the cards in the deck run out.

    Rice. 4. “Christmas trees”


    In solitaire, two full decks of 52 cards are used, which must be laid out horizontally into 8 piles of 12 cards (Fig. 5).

    The top card is revealed: it will serve as an “index”. Below you need to place another row - 8 stacks of 1 card each. From them, cards will be transferred to places located above the cards - “indexes”. The value of each transposed card must be one more than the value of the “index” card, that is, a two must be placed on the ace, etc. The suits do not matter. When all possible combinations have been exhausted, you need to lay out the “index” cards in the bottom row. Solitaire is completed if all cards, except for index cards, regardless of suit, are collected on 8 bases in ascending order.

    Rice. 5 "Desire"


    Arrange a deck of 36 cards into 4 piles in this way: in the first pile - 4 cards, in the second - 3 cards, in the third - 2 cards, in the fourth - 1 card. At the top, space is left for four bases on which the cards will be collected (Fig. 6). Nearby you need to put a deck with cards remaining after the deal.

    Rice. 6. "Carlton"

    Cards are moved from pile to pile in descending order, alternating the colors of the suits. That is, at the beginning of the base there should be an ace, then a two, a three, etc. When there are no cards left to move, you need to take them from the deck. Solitaire is considered completed if all cards are on four bases.

    For this solitaire game you will need a deck of 36 cards. They need to be laid out face down in 4 rows of 8 cards each, leaving room for aces.

    Unfolded cards are placed in a stack next to each other (Fig. 7). Next, take a card from this pile. For example, this is the six of diamonds. It must be placed in the third row in the first position. The card lying in this place turns out to be, say, the eight of diamonds. It should be moved to the third row in third place and, in turn, the card lying here should be revealed. If it is an Ace, it is moved to the end of the row corresponding to the suit, after which a card can be taken again from a separate pile.

    Rice. 7. "Coco"


    Cards (36 sheets) need to be laid out into piles - 4 side and 1 central (Fig. 8).

    Red and black suits alternate. Cards are placed in the central pile in ascending order - the ace should be followed by a six, and in the remaining piles - in descending order. Any cards from the reserve are transferred to the vacant spaces. They are taken from there if there is no card of the required value in the main piles. The solitaire game is successful if all the cards “migrate” to the central pile or lie at the “bottom of the well.”

    Rice. 8. "Well"


    A deck of 52 cards must be divided into 7 piles in this way: the first pile should contain 1 card, the second - two, the third - three, etc. (Fig. 9). You can shift open cards or groups of cards collected in descending order by value. Black and red suits alternate. First, aces are collected and placed on the four bases, then cards are collected by suit, starting with two and higher. After transferring the next card to an adjacent pile or base, the card lying below is opened and it becomes playable. If the stack is completely disassembled, either the collected group of cards or the king is placed on it. When all possible moves have been made, you can take cards from the deck in groups of three. In this case, the top card is considered playful, and if it is suitable for transfer to the base, the next one is opened. A solitaire game is considered to be successful if all the cards from the deck are collected in ascending order on four bases.

    Rice. 9. "Scarf"


    Solitaire requires two decks of 52 cards. Aces are selected from these and placed in the center in two rows located vertically, each with four bases (Fig. 10). Cards will need to be placed on them in ascending order, regardless of suit. On the left side of the bases, lay out a vertical row consisting of 4 stacks. On the right they lay out exactly the same row, also of 4 piles. To move, only game cards are used - the top ones from each pile. Cards are moved from pile to pile in ascending order: a deuce is placed on an ace, a three is placed on a deuce, etc. Solitaire is successful if all the cards are on the bases, regardless of the suit.

    Rice. 10. "Kings"


    Aces are taken from a deck of 52 sheets. The remaining cards are laid out 8 pieces in 6 rows horizontally. Above the rows, space is left for four bases with aces.

    If, during the distribution of cards, there are those that can be placed on the aces in ascending order, they are immediately transferred to the bases. The cards in the bottom and top rows are considered playable. If a card is taken from the top row, it reveals the card in the row next to it. In the same way, a card from the lowest row reveals a card located in the upper row adjacent to it. If the face-up cards are suitable, they are placed on the bases in ascending order - ace, two, three, etc. Solitaire is settled if all the cards are on the bases in ascending order of value.

    "Monte Carlo"

    The deck (52 sheets) is laid out in 4 rows of 5 cards. The remaining ones are placed in a separate pile (Fig. 11). Cards of the same value are gradually removed from the rows if they lie next to each other or diagonally. Empty spaces are filled with cards from the bottom row, and spaces in the bottom row are filled with cards taken from the stack.

    Solitaire is settled if there is not a single card left in the rows.

    Rice. 11. "Monte Carlo"


    A full deck of 52 sheets must be laid out into 5 cards in 7 rows. The remaining cards are placed on top and one base is left (Fig. 12). The collected cards will be transferred to it. They need to be transferred from the deck to the base. You should start by shifting cards from the rows, provided that the free card is one point higher in value. So, you can move an ace to a deuce or vice versa, but you cannot move a king. The solitaire game is successful if all the cards are on the base.

    Rice. 12. "Foundation"


    The deck (36 sheets) must be laid out in 4 rows of 9 cards face down, leaving four spaces free (Fig. 13). Aces are taken from the deck and placed to the left of each row of cards.

    On the empty spaces you can put cards that are a point larger than the card lying next to you. For example, if there is a nine of clubs on the left side, then you can put a ten of clubs in the free space; if there is a jack of clubs on the right, then it is also allowed to put a ten of clubs. The solitaire game is successful if all the cards are placed in their places in ascending order: ace, six, seven, etc.

    Rice. 13. "Paganini"


    For this solitaire game you will need a deck of cards of 36 or 52 sheets. It needs to be laid out in 4 horizontal rows of 9 cards face down (Fig. 14).

    Rice. 14. “Memory”: a – layout of a deck of 36 cards; b – layout of a deck of 52 cards

    The essence of this solitaire game is that the player must remember the location of the cards and reveal everything in the least number of moves.

    Every correct move earns a point. If the open cards do not match in value, they are again placed face down and the player loses points. Then he reveals two cards again - and so on until all the cards are revealed. The maximum number of points is 36.

    To play this solitaire game you will need two full decks of 52 sheets each. The cards must be laid out in 4 horizontal rows of 8 pieces each. A stack of remaining cards is placed nearby. The goal of the game is to move cards from the stack and the bottom row to the top 3 rows (Fig. 15) in strict sequence. You need to shift in the following sequence: put a five on the deuces, and then a jack of the same suit; on threes they put a nine and a queen; for four - seven and king. Empty spaces are filled with twos, threes and fours taken from the bottom row. When all options are exhausted, the bottom row can be replenished with cards from the deck. The solitaire game is successful if there are no cards left in the deck and the bottom row.

    Rice. 15. "Parade"

    A deck of 36 cards is laid out face down into 9 piles of 4 pieces each (Fig. 16). The top cards are revealed in random order. If these are two cards of the same value, they are put aside. The solitaire game is successful if all 18 pairs of cards are revealed.

    Rice. 16. "Couples"

    To play this solitaire game you need two full decks of cards. First you need to mix them and arrange them in 10 piles horizontally, face down (Fig. 17). Place the remaining cards in 5 piles of 10 pieces each (according to the number of horizontal piles). They are used in the game when the next row of cards needs to be dealt. Cards are moved by moving them from one horizontal pile to another according to the following rules: any card of any suit is transferred to an empty space in descending order. A collected stack of cards of the same suit can be moved from one place to another, freeing up another card. When all options have been exhausted, you can deal another row of cards from the reserve pile. However, this requires that at least one card remain in the horizontal column. The deck is not re-dealt during the game. Solitaire is successful if all the cards are collected according to suit and rank from king to ace. In the computer version of the game, there are layout options with one, two and four suits.

    Rice. 17. “Spider”: a – a game with one suit; b – game in two suits; c – game of four suits


    To play this solitaire game you need a full deck of cards of 52 sheets. Lay out a “cross” of 5 game piles, 1 card each (Fig. 18). The remaining cards are put into reserve. The top cards of the stacks and the top card of the reserve are considered playable. Cards are removed from the game in pairs of the same value, regardless of suit. When all pairs have come out, the top reserve card is placed in the central pile, and the vacancies are filled with the next reserve cards. The solitaire game is successful if all cards are removed in pairs of the same value. The deck cannot be mulliganed.

    Rice. 18. "Crossroads"


    To play this solitaire game you will need a deck of 52 cards. First, 28 of them need to be laid out in 7 rows in the form of a pyramid (Fig. 19). The remaining cards will form the reserve deck. It is placed face down next to it. The lower, uncovered cards at the base of the pyramid, the top reserve card and the top coupon card are considered playable. The goal of the game is to remove all cards from the pyramid in pairs so that the sum of the points of the paired cards is 13: for example, two and jack, six and seven, queen and ace, etc. When all options have been exhausted, you can go through the reserve deck. The solitaire game is successful if all cards are removed from the pyramid. Advantages of the cards:

    Jack – 11

    King – 13

    Queen - 12, etc.

    Rice. 19. "Pyramid"


    A deck of 52 sheets must be laid out horizontally in 5 rows. Each row should have 10 open cards (Fig. 20). The remaining two cards are placed in the sixth row under the first column. Cards accessible from below are considered free. During the game, pairs of cards of the same value are removed - queens, threes, etc. The removed cards open access to subsequent ones. The solitaire game is completed when all pairs of cards are removed from all rows.

    Rice. 20. "Scarf"


    A deck of 52 sheets is laid out in a row of 7 piles face down (Fig. 21). The rest of the cards should be placed nearby: this is a spare deck from which you can take cards to put into piles. The cards are moved so that, as a result, all the cards are collected on the four bases in ascending order of value and by suit. In this case, the solitaire game is considered to be successful.

    Rice. 21. "Secret"


    A deck of 52 cards is laid out in 8 rows of 6 pieces each. Above you need to lay out one horizontal row of 4 cards (Fig. 22). Even higher, you need to leave space for the bases on which the cards are stacked during the game. These bases can also be used when moving cards from one column to another. Only face-up cards are transferred, alternating red and black suits and stacking cards on top of each other in descending order. If empty spaces in the rows of cards and the presence of a free base allow, a stack of cards can be moved from one row to another.

    End of introductory fragment.

    What to do in the game

    Spider Solitaire is a card game where the goal is to stack all the cards from King down to two and cover the two with an Ace. As soon as the stack on the table is collected, for example, king, queen, ... deuce, ace, then the entire stack is removed from the table. As soon as all the cards left the table, the game of solitaire was settled. Spider Solitaire is played with two decks, i.e. 104 cards. First, 54 cards are laid out in 10 columns. The first 4 columns are 6 cards each and the remaining columns are 5 cards each. All cards in the columns are face down, except for the top ones. The top cards, one in each column, are face up. The remaining 50 cards are placed in a deck at the bottom of the screen. Spider can be played in three different ways, which affect the difficulty of the game: beginner, advanced and expert. In online solitaire for a beginner, all 104 cards are of only one suit, this game is called “Spider of one suit”. In the advanced version of the game (Spider two suits), there are the suits Hearts and Spades. And in the version for experts - all 4 suits. The number of cards on the table remains unchanged - 104 pieces.

    What to do in the game

    When playing in one suit

    The game begins with 10 cards face up on the table. From ten open cards, you need to find serial combinations and add them from the highest (king) to the lowest (two, which at the end still needs to be covered with an ace). In other words, a card can always be transferred to another card of lower value. For example: 4 can only be placed on 5, and the entire combination of 5+4 can only be placed on 6, etc.
    Please note that the combination 9+8+7+6 can be pulled, but 9+8+K+4+3 cannot be carried. But in the second option you can take 4+3 and move them to 5.
    The goal of solitaire is to collect a complete stack on the table from the King to the deuce with the ace. Once the stack is completed, it leaves the table.
    You can also shuffle one card or a partial stack to replace an empty column, regardless of the suit or value of the card.
    If the available combinations of open cards are over, click the deck located in the lower left corner of the screen. New 10 cards will be opened, which will cover the cards lying in 10 columns on the table.
    The collected stack - King, Queen... deuce, ace - are automatically removed from the screen.

    What to do in the game

    Spider solitaire game in 2 and 4 suits

    The rules remain the same, however, with some additions. In the process of playing solitaire, you can stack cards of different suits on top of each other. For example: 2 hearts can be folded into 3 spades. Red cards to black and vice versa, only in this sequence. However, in general this combination remains temporary, since the final deck must consist of only cards of the same suit.
    As for moving stacks, you can move stacks in which the cards are in the correct order of seniority and at the same time have the same suit. Those. You can move the stack with “Queen of Spades, Jack of Spades, 10 of Spades”, but the stack of “Queen of Spades, Jack of Hearts, 10 of Spades” cannot.
    NB: The spider variant in the 4th suit is already ready and you can play it.

    What to do in the game

    Rating in Spider Solitaire

    Points in the spider are counted differently and ratings are built differently in different versions of the game. We adhere to a simple rule in building the coolness of our players - the faster a player plays solitaire, the faster he thinks. Although we adhere to this rule, in the near future we will switch to a move counting system. The fewer moves a player makes, the better. +1 for a move, +1 for a hint, +1 for canceling a move.

    What to do in the game

    Features of our game

    We have added new functionality to Spider, you will not find this anywhere on online services - this is a full screen solitaire game! This feature is very convenient, especially for laptop owners whose small screens do not always fit all the content of a web page. We have unique layouts for Spider in 2 suits, which will help even beginner players to play solitaire. Our Spider solitaire game almost always works. Over time, we remove from the database the layouts that players cannot collect and leave only those that have already been matched by someone. Those. Crowdsourcing helps not only fill the database, but also filters layouts that cannot be sorted out. We do not charge money for the game, so you can play Spider Solitaire completely free of charge. Our solitaire is cross-platform, i.e. you can play it both on a computer and on your smartphone (iphone or android). The designers worked hard on the deck of cards, so you can yourself appreciate the beauty of the deck, its convenience when playing both on a computer and on a smartphone, where clarity and The size of the cards directly affects the usability of the solitaire game. While you cannot save the layout opened on the table, you can remember the number of this layout and replay it at any convenient time. The last 20 layouts issued for collection are available in your personal account, if, of course, you are logged into the site through social networks. Registration of users allows you to participate in the rating with other players. You can track the most popular and most difficult layouts and try to improve their results.
    Full list of our Spider Solitaire chips

    What to do in the game

    Spider Convergence

    There is an opinion that any solitaire game, when played correctly, converges. This applies to a suited Spider, taking into account A) that the player does not make mistakes. B) the card layout is generated in a special way and is subject to certain rules. The first rule depends only on you, the second on us. If both you and we do our job correctly, then the game converges. It should be noted here that the convergence of Solitaire is much higher, so it is more appreciated by players. There is a mathematical model that we use when distributing cards (more correctly, when generating a distribution), according to which our Spider almost always converges (99%). Although we write 100%, this is not entirely true.

    Welcome to free solitaire games: play online and without registration, in Russian. It has long been proven: card solitaire games are logical games that can develop intuition and train memory. Their purpose is to place cards in a certain order, sorting by suit or taking into account seniority.

    How to play

    We are ready to show the rules of the best solitaire games: Solitaire, Spider, Pyramid, Three Peaks and Solitaire are presented in modern and classic versions. Choose the cutest design and play with pleasure!

    Solitaire card games have a long history. Today it is a type of online games in many versions for tablets and computers. In the old days, card solitaire was credited with the mystical property of predicting good luck. Several decks and certain suits were used. Fortune telling by solitaire was practiced: you were supposed to make a wish during the layout and, if you managed to easily fold the cards, it was a sure sign of the success of the idea.

    Test yourself with free online solitaire games: all the best and new ones are waiting for you to play!
