Game of who is the fastest. Outdoor games in football classes

Games that are very useful for a child's development! 185 simple games which every smart child should play Shulman Tatyana

The fastest

The fastest

Draw a circle in the middle of the site. Choose two or three players to drive.

They stand in the middle of the circle, and the rest stand behind the circle line.

On the count of “One, two, three!” players enter the circle and, quickly turning around, exit it.

At this moment, the drivers, without leaving the circle, try to catch someone.

If the drivers manage to catch the prisoners, they enter the circle and become assistants to those who caught them.

Drivers do not have the right to leave the circle and catch beyond the line.

The game continues until the majority of players are captured. Those who have never been caught are awarded the title “Fastest”.

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The balls are scattered scattered around the hall. Children - “hares” jump on two legs around the hall, while the teacher says the following words: Hares jump: hop, skip, skip On to the green meadow, They pinch the grass, eat, They listen carefully: Is a wolf coming?

The teacher shouts: “Wolf!” All the hares must quickly hide behind their ball house.


The villain Barmaley wants to catch many dolls for his theater. All children - “dolls” live in their own houses (they sit on their balls). Barmaley walks between the houses. The dolls tease Barmaley and run from house to house saying:

We are funny guys

We love to run and play.

Well, try to catch us.

Barmaley's task is to catch the mischievous dolls.


Children stand one after another and hold tightly to the child in front. In the hands of the first child there is a “dragon head” ball, last child- "tail". The “head” must catch its “tail” by touching it with the ball. It is important that the “dragon’s body” does not burst. The game is much more interesting if two teams participate in it, that is, “two dragons.”


Two teams play: one sits on the balls, the other stands behind her. At a signal, sitting children stand up, eyes closed take 6-8 steps from the ball, turn 3 times around its axis. At this time, the standing children pass the balls from hand to hand among themselves. At the signal “Stop!” the children of the first team open their eyes and try to find their ball and sit on it as quickly as possible.


Penguin children run freely around the hall. Ice balls are scattered in random order on the floor. A driving child “hunter” is trying to catch the “penguins” and stain them. If the “penguin” has climbed onto the “ice floe”, that is, sits on the ball without touching the floor with its feet, it is not allowed to catch it.


Children stand in a circle, holding their shoulders with their hands, forming a blank wall. In the center of this circle is the driver with the ball. The driver's task is to knock the ball out of the circle.

At these words, all the “mosquitoes” should sit on their balls. Another “frog” child jumps out from behind his mound and tries to catch the “mosquitoes.”


The game is played as the previous one. Children, imitating ducks, approach the “dog”, which is lying in its kennel. The teacher says with the children: You, little dog, don’t bark, don’t scare our ducks. Our white ducks are already timid.

At the same time, the naughty “dog” jumps out and catches up with the ducks, who run away to their balls and sit on them.


The teacher chooses a “sun” ball, and all the others choose “cloud” balls. The game is of average mobility, takes place at a calm pace. All the children calmly walk around the hall and roll balls in front of them. The teacher says the following words: “Clouds walked across the sky, catching the red sun.” The children answer in chorus: “And we will catch the sun, and we will catch the red one.”

“Sunny” stops and says: “I’m not afraid of clouds!” I’ll dodge the gray ones!” After these words, the “sun” tries to “roll over the horizon” with his ball; the “clouds” must knock down the “sun” with their balls and not allow him to hide.


Two stripes on the floor indicate “lake” on one side and “reeds” on the other. A hunter is sitting in the reeds. Children-"ducks" in a position on all fours push the ball with their heads to the "reeds". The teacher says the following words:

Come on, ducks,

Who's faster

Will it swim to the reeds?

The most dexterous

For the victory

Sweets will be given for lunch.

After the presenter says all the words, the “hunter” can shoot down the “ducks” with his ball. The “duck” that safely reached the “reeds” is awarded.


One “fox” child is selected, whose task is to catch all the other “jerboa” children. The teacher announces: “Day!”, and then all the “jerboas” jump on their balls throughout the hall, wherever they want. As soon as the command “Night!” sounds - all the “jerboas” freeze, taking the position in which the team found them. The "fox" can eat anyone who moves.


Children sit on their balls and sway to the rhythm of the words. The first two lines, the leader walks in a circle, and at the word “leg” he touches the nearest child, who will be the “donkey”. In response to the remaining words, the “donkey” jumps behind the children’s backs, holding a “horseshoe” ball above its head. With the last word, the “donkey” stops between two players who are running behind the backs of the children, who will grab the horseshoe faster.

With a ringing horseshoe

Shoed the leg.

Ran out with new clothes

Donkey on the path.

New horseshoe

struck loudly

And your horseshoe

Lost it somewhere.


A long rope in the middle of the hall marks a swamp. A “heron” lives in it. Other children in the group - “frogs” - jump on balls in the swamp and say:

We are funny frogs

We are green frogs

We croak loudly in the morning:


Yes qua, qua, qua!

The “frogs” stop, freeze and listen carefully to the words of the heron, who walks around the swamp, raising her legs high, and says: After these words, the “heron” must call on the frogs.

I'm walking through the swamp

And I grab frogs.

I swallow them whole.

Here they are, frogs,

Green frogs.

Watch out, I'm coming

I'll catch you all.


Children stand in a circle. The leader with his eyes closed is in the center of the circle. The players roll the ball behind their backs, while counting to ten. The child who received the ball on the count of ten quickly sits on it. The host tries to guess by the shape of his hands and voice who is sitting on the ball. Leading. Come on, show me your hands, tell me, do you have the ball?


Children stand in a circle and, on command, begin to pass the ball from hand to hand. On the command “Stop!” the ball stops on any two players. The rest of the children shout in unison: “One, two, three - run!” One child runs to the right behind the circle of players, the other to the left; The winner is the one who returns to the ball faster.


Two teams of children play. Each team is a “caterpillar”, where all participants are connected to each other using balls, which they hold together with their torsos. On the command of who gets to the finish line faster, the children begin to move the caterpillar. The most wins quick command, without breaking the “caterpillar” and without dropping the ball.


The balls are scattered around the hall, one less than the number of players in the hall. All the children: “hares” are running around the hall. At the teacher’s command “Everyone go home!” - children sit on any of the balls. A “homeless hare” is the child who did not take the ball. He is out of the game. In each subsequent game the number of goals is reduced by one.


Exercise for concentration. A) Children stand in two ranks opposite each other at the same time to the music at the beginning of each measure and perform two opposite movements. One line does a squat for the ball and straightening up on your toes, and the other, on the contrary, does a straightening, raising up on your toes and squatting for the ball.

B) The same thing in advance, performed while sitting on the balls. One line does a clap over the head and a clap on the thighs, and the other, on the contrary, does a clap on the hips and above the head.


It's also a game for concentration. Children walk in a circle one after another, bouncing the ball off the floor. At the “Stop” signal, they stop and stand for 3 seconds, then 5, 10 seconds. At the “Hop” signal, they move in a jump, holding the ball in front of them, and when “One” sounds, they turn around their ball and continue moving in the original direction. The one who makes a mistake and who moves at the “Stop” signal leaves the game.

"Ball Traps"

A catch is selected according to the counting, which sits on the ball at the opposite end of the hall.

Children begin the game with the words:

“One-two-three – start the game!”, and they try to dodge the trap by jumping on the balls. The one who is hit by the trap leaves the game.

"Trap, take the tape"

The game is played in a similar way, only the children have colored ribbons inserted into their shorts; the one from whom the catcher snatched the ribbon leaves the game.


The trapper is hiding in ambush, in front of him is a basket with small foam balls. At the signal: “One - two - three - start the game!” kangaroos jump around the hall on balls, and the trapper shoots sleeping pills (foam balls) at them; the one he hits leaves the game, sits on the ball, and falls asleep. The trap is selected from the winners - the most dexterous kangaroos.

"Brown bear."

The bear sits in a den (on a ball), children jump towards him on balls, saying:

Brown bear, brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

I didn’t treat myself to honey,

That's why I got angry with you...

After this, the bear catches the children, as in the game of trap.

"Snowballs on the ball."

Two teams line up opposite each other at a distance of 10m. There is a large ball in the middle between them. At the leader’s signal, the teams throw snowballs at the ball. In which direction the ball rolls the most, that team wins.

"Stop, hop, one"

Children walk in a circle, one after another, hitting the ball off the floor. At the “Stop!” signal stop and stand for 3 seconds. At the “Hop” signal, they move in a leap, holding the ball in front of them, and when “One!” sounds. - turn around their ball and move in the opposite direction. The one who makes a mistake and who moves at the “Stop” signal leaves the game.

“Play, play, don’t lose the ball!”

Children are located randomly around the room. Everyone performs any actions with the ball of their choice: throws, rolls, hits, jumps. After the signal, everyone must quickly raise the ball up and freeze. The one who did not manage to pick up the ball is eliminated from the game.

"Snow Fortress"

Children use large hop balls to build two fortresses - one opposite the other, a distance of 7-10 meters. On signal

“One, two, three,

Start the game."

Children begin to throw balls into the opponents' fortress, trying to hit the players. The one who is hit by the snowball leaves the game. The team with the most players left wins.

"The sea is agitated"

The driver turns away from the children. Children walk around the hall, performing arbitrary swings of the ball, and say the words:

The sea is agitated once

The sea is worried two

The sea is agitated three times

Marine figure

Freeze in place!

At the end of the words, children should turn into naval figure and freeze. The driver chooses the most interesting figure.

"Mosquitoes and a sparrow."

A game for the little ones. All the “mosquito” children squatted down and hid behind their balls.

The teacher - the “sparrow” - flies and asks: “Alive, alive, alive! Where should I sit?”

Mosquitoes, sticking their heads out from behind the balls, answer: “Z-z-z-z.”

Sparrow: “What should I eat?” Mosquitoes: "Z-z-z-z."

All the “mosquitoes” have scattered and are running all over the hall. "Sparrow" catches "mosquitoes". If a “mosquito” sits down behind its house, then the “sparrow” cannot catch it.

Game - attraction "Who is the fastest".

To the music, children run around balls arranged in a circle. When the music stops, everyone must sit on the ball. Whoever did not have time to take the ball leaves the game. each time there are 1 -2 fewer balls. The game continues until the last ball.

Game "Freeze".

The game is played by analogy with the game “The Sea Is Troubled.” Children perform free dance movements with a ball to the music. At the signal “Freeze!”, they must take any figure from those named by the driver: a sports figure, a domestic animal, a wild animal, dishes, furniture, transport...

Creative improvisation.

(Musical and creative game.)

The leader gives the children various music: waltz, march, polka. To the music of the waltz, children come up with light, smooth movements. They depict butterflies, birds, dragonflies, etc. To the music of the march, children come up with various general developmental exercises: squats, bends. They depict soldiers, gymnasts, etc. To polka music, children jump, run, squat, pretending to be bunnies, foxes, squirrels, etc. The leader notes the best creative improvisation and shows it to everyone.

Play occupies the most important place in the life of a preschooler and is therefore considered as one of the main means of education. Among the many children's games, special attention is given to outdoor games, which are varied in content and organization. Some games have a plot, roles, rules that are closely related to the plot; game actions in them are carried out in accordance with the requirements. In other games there is no plot and roles; only motor tasks are offered, regulated by rules that determine the sequence, speed and dexterity of their implementation. In the third, the plot and the actions of the players are determined by the text, which determines the nature of the movements and their sequence.

During the games, favorable conditions are created for the development and improvement of children’s motor skills, the formation of moral qualities, as well as habits and skills for living in a team. Outdoor games are mostly collective, so children develop basic skills to coordinate their actions with the movements of other players and navigate in space. The game helps the child overcome timidity and shyness. Submission to the rules of the game instills in children organization, attention, the ability to control their movements, and promotes the manifestation of volitional efforts.

All games preschool age can be divided into two large groups: outdoor games with rules (can be plot-based or plotless) and sports games.

Due to the variety of content, plot-based outdoor games help children consolidate their knowledge and ideas about objects and phenomena of the world around them. The use of fitballs (balls) in these games makes the games more creative and enhances the therapeutic effect.

Children of older groups willingly play various plotless games with a competitive element, relay races, games with various objects, and only by the age of six to seven years are children ready to participate in sports games. Plotless games are very close to plot ones - they just don’t have the images that they imitate. These games are based on performing certain motor tasks with simple rules. The main goal of plotless games with fitballs is motor adjustment of the development of pupils. The teacher is tasked with teaching children to act in accordance with instructions, which teaches them to navigate in space, develops dexterity, resourcefulness, and speed of reaction.

Games and fun are also used when working with preschool children. Motor tasks in these games are performed under unusual conditions and often include an element of competition. Fitballs allow you to diversify these games; they give children joy and health.

Games with fitballs can be used not only for physical education classes, but also in everyday work (classes, walks, children’s independent games, entertainment and as individual work). Many of these games are aimed at correcting and developing all properties of attention: concentration, switchability, stability and distribution (Appendix 1).

It should be noted that the effectiveness of games is determined not only by the content, but also, to a greater extent, by the organization and methodology of their implementation, which takes into account age characteristics, changes in periods of physical activity, intervals for rest and differentiated assessment of children’s activities.

Active play is one of the child’s ways of activity, which requires compliance with established rules in mobile play conditions.

About the benefits of outdoor play for kids:

This type of play requires a lot of physical and mental stress from children in the second year of life and has the following effects:

1. Call large number positive emotions;
2. Stimulate breathing;
3. Improve the supply of blood and oxygen to the child’s body;
4. Accelerate metabolic processes;
5. Develop motor skills;
6. Helps increase reaction speed;
7. Helps develop memory and attention;
8. Enrich the child’s vocabulary;
9. Develop discipline.

During the second year of life, the baby actively develops basic movements. By the age of two, the baby should already be able to confidently walk, run and crawl. Therefore, outdoor games should be aimed at developing these important movements.

How to play with a 1-2 year old child:

Outdoor games should last from 5 to 8 minutes. You need to repeat the same game 4–5 times.

Important when choosing active play for the child, take into account his state of health and mood. Play the same game until your child understands its rules well. Try to organize active outdoor games as often as possible. This will bring maximum benefit to the baby. It is very important to play the game in a good mood.

Game "Let's get through the hoop":

Take the hoop in your hands and hold it vertically. Invite your child to climb through the hoop. Over time, lift the hoop higher off the floor. To prevent the child from touching the hoop with his hands, you need to give him a small toy.
Then turn the hoop horizontally. Invite your child to step over it and get inside the circle.

Game “Walking over bumps”:

Place several books in a row on the floor. At the end of the book path, plant a toy bunny (bear, fox, cat). Explain to the baby that there is a “swamp” around the “bumps” (books). You need to go over the bumps, “save” the bunny and bring him to his mother.

Game "Roll the Ball":

Sit on the floor opposite your baby and spread your legs wide apart. Push the ball away from you to the child, and let him push the ball to you.

Game “Hide and Seek with Toys”:

Invite your child to play hide and seek with his favorite toys. The child, together with one of the adults, claps his hands and counts out loud to 5, and the other adult hides the chosen toy. The baby's task is to find his toy.

Game "Hide and Seek":

Kids' favorite game. The adult covers his eyes with his hands, and the child hides. Adults should comment on all their actions: “Where is my son (daughter)? Maybe he (she) is behind the closet, under the table or behind the door? When you find the baby, invite him to switch places. He closes his eyes, and you hide so that the baby finds you.

Game "Catch-up":

The child should run away, and the adult should catch up with him. Then switch places.

Game "Who is the fastest?":

Invite your child to run to the selected object (table, chair, bedside table) at the same time as you. The adult must make sure that the baby runs to the goal first and feels like a winner.

Game "Feed the Bunny":

Place some carrots and apples (or other fruits) on the floor. Place a toy hare on the children's table. Invite your child to collect only carrots for his hare. Instead of a bunny, you can choose another toy.

Game "Stop":

You need to do simple movements with your child: clap, stomp, squat, dance. When an adult says: “Stop,” all movements must stop.

Game "Day - Night":

When an adult says: “Day,” everyone should jump, dance, squat, and clap their hands. When the word “Night” is pronounced, all movements immediately stop.

Game "Big - small":

The adult says: “That’s how big we are.” At the same time he raises his hands up. Then he says; “That’s how small we are.” They squat together with the baby. Repeat these phrases several times, constantly increasing the tempo.

Game “Run to the toy!”:

Plant animal toys in different corners of the room. Stand with your baby in the middle of the room and say: “Run to the bunny (bear, wolf, fox). When the baby touches the desired toy, name another. It’s good to choose two identical animals of different sizes. Invite your child to run up to the little one, then to the big one.

Game “Repeat after me”:

Invite the baby to repeat the mother’s movements: patting the head, jumping, squatting, clapping, and others.

Game "We are the birds":

Mom (dad) and baby are imaginary birds. Run around the house or street, waving your winged arms. When an adult says: “Rain,” the “birds” must hide in their “nests” (hoop, chair, sandbox, house).

Try to develop physical activity in your child, make games exciting and varied. If possible, play outdoor games outdoors! Be sure to introduce other developmental elements into the game (speech, counting). Remember that when you play with your baby, you develop him both physically and mentally.

Game “The Most”


Creating conditions for the development of children's creative and intellectual abilities


1. Create conditions for maximum comfort in children’s relationships with each other;

2. Promote development creativity among the game participants (creating success for the participants through the child’s presentation of his achievements and talents)

3. Expanding the range of the child’s abilities

4. Create conditions for creative space and satisfaction of children's interests by involving them in play.

Progress of the game:


Today is our “record day.” This means that record holders are hiding among us, you just need to look hard for them.

Guys, what does the word “record” mean?

(Translated from English language the word “record” denotes the highest indicator achieved in any field. This could be an achievement in science, art, sports...)

Hugh Beaver, originally from Ireland. And the book is his brainchild. He created it more than 45 years ago, when he managed the Guinness company, he came up with a very interesting idea: to record all the achievements of people in one book called the Guinness Book of Records. By opening it you can read who is the fastest, the most dexterous, strongest, tallest, most, most...


. And today the book is republished every year, the “Guinness Book of Records – 2014” is already on sale, people who want to become record holders in the new 2014 are already racking their brains over new records, or improving their previous records, or improving the results of other people’s records.The Guinness Book of Records celebrates its anniversary - one of the most famous publications in the world is 55 years old. HOST:

In our orphanage There are also a lot of guys who will become record holders, and today we will try to write our own book of records. Do you want it? But for this I need your attention, patience and of course discipline.

And so we begin our “Guinness Show” the most, most...

We need an expert commission, let's appoint the most honest and fair ones to it...

After each competition, the expert commission awards a certificate to the winner.


I invite one of the smallest members from the squad (a girl or a boy) to the stage. Presentation of the certificate.


I invite to the stage one of the most attentive participants from the squad (a girl or a boy

Listen to the rules of the game. Stand up straight and lower your arms. I will alternately name two birds: the raven and the sparrow. For the word “crow” you raise your hands up, but for the word “sparrow” you need to lower your hands. Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated from the game. Presentation of the certificate.


This competition is especially for our girls. Let's see who has the longest braid. (All girls with long hair)


I invite to the stage one of the most erudite participants from the squad (a girl or a boy)

The main task of this competition is to answer the quiz questions, but one mistake and you drop out of the competition, the most erudite remains.

1.Talking bird (parrot)

2.They hammer nails with it. (hammer)

3. Food is stored in it (cold)

4.Fairy-tale hero baked from flour. (gingerbread man)

5. It is placed under the head. (pillow)

6. Five letter day of the week. (Wednesday)

7. White mushroom. (boletus)

8. A song about a creature that every mongrel knows. (Cheburashka)

Presentation of the certificate.


I invite one of the most attentive participants from the squad (a girl or a boy) to the stage.

You need to take turns calling the magic words, the last one to name the magic word will be the winner.

Presentation of the certificate.


I invite one tallest participant from the squad (a girl or a boy) to the stage to present a certificate.


I invite one of the most dexterous participants from the squad (a girl or a boy) to the stage. You are given a balloon, and your task is to keep your balloon in the air for as long as possible by blowing on it. Presentation of the certificate.


I invite one of the most artistic members of the squad (a girl or a boy) to the stage.

1. Depict with facial expressions and sounds:

Anxious cat

Sad penguin

funny bunny

Angry pig

A car that won't start

8 COMPETITION "Energizer Girl"

Now we find out the name of the girl who can jump rope the longest.

Presentation of the certificate.

9th competition “Chocolate Bunny”

I invite the tanned guys.

Presentation of the certificate.

10. Competition "Sea Wolf"

The presenter gives each participant a piece of toilet paper. All you need to do is tie as many knots as possible on this piece of paper in 1 minute without tearing it. Let's support our participants with loud applause. Let's start!

Presentation of the certificate.

11. COMPETITION "Frau Claw"

I invite girls who have long nails. (We measure the length and choose the winner)

Presentation of the certificate.

12. Competition “The Strongest”

I invite one strongest participant from the squad (a girl or a boy) to the stage.

You have to inflate the balloons. Whoever's balloon bursts the fastest will be the strongest.


So our game has come to an end, today you and I created our own “Book of Records, the very best,” and despite the fact that you so actively competed with each other for victory, we all saw that you are the most friendly guys.





Amusement games are short game exercises. These games do not require a lot of space or sophisticated equipment. During the attraction games, participants perform exercises in turns, so it is not difficult to determine who copes with the task better than others. There are a lot of attraction games, only a few of them are given here. The goal of all attraction games is to demonstrate dexterity, speed, eye and coordination of movements.

Who is the most dexterous

Equipment: cord 2 m long.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: a cord is placed on the ground. One player stands on both sides of the cord, facing its ends (the cord is located between the players’ feet). Players perform movements as directed by the teacher (arms forward, to the sides, up, on the waist, etc.). At the signal, players quickly bend down and try to pull the cord out from under their feet. The one who manages to do this first wins.

Around the chairs

Equipment: cord, two chairs.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: a cord is placed on the ground. Two chairs are placed above the ends of the cord, on which the players sit. At the signal, the competitors run around the chairs, run around the opponent’s chair (without touching it), sit back on their chair and quickly pull the cord out from under it, trying to get ahead of the opponent.

Come back to the circle

Equipment: cord (3–5 meters), chalk.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: Two circles with a diameter of 50 cm are drawn on the floor. The ends of the cord are in the circles. The competitors also sit inside the circles with their backs to each other. The game is played in the same way as in the previous version. You can pull out the cord only when the player, having run near the opponent’s circle, again stands over the cord with his back to him. Before the signal to start running, players can be given the task of performing three or four simple exercises.

Who's faster

Equipment: A 3-4 meter string with a ribbon tied to the middle. The ends of the string are tied to large spools (relay batons).

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: two players take the reels and move away from each other at a distance of the length of the string. On a general command, players quickly rotate the reel, winding the string around it and moving forward. The one whose reel touches the finish line first wins.

The fastest

Equipment: gymnastic wall, multi-colored ribbons - 20 pieces.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: 10 narrow ribbons of equal length are tied to the slats of the gymnastic wall, to racks or gymnastic sticks fixed horizontally. Two players compete. At the signal, they must tie bows on all 10 ribbons. The one who does it first wins. You can also arrange a competition to see who can tie different types of knots the fastest.

Walk along the winding path

Equipment: 5 pins, blindfold.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: The pins are placed in a straight line 80 cm apart. A blindfolded player stands two steps from the outer pin (behind the line). He must go to the other end of the site, going around each obstacle in turn. Anyone who knocks down or misses at least one item is considered to have failed the task.

Who can build

Equipment: towns, blindfold.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: 5 towns are placed in front of each player. They are blindfolded and asked to blindly build some kind of figure from the lying towns, for example a well or a cannon. The one who manages to do this first wins.

Don't get your feet wet

Equipment: bricks from building material(4 pieces).

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: The player stands on two bricks and holds the other two in his hands. At a signal, the player leans forward, puts bricks in front of him and steps on them, takes two other bricks, steps on them, etc. The goal of the game is to walk as quickly as possible, stepping on bricks, a distance of 10 m, without touching the floor or ground . It is possible to hold a competition between two players at the same time. A similar competition is using two stools. The player stands on one of them, moves the other forward, then moves onto it, etc.

Running with rackets

Equipment: rackets, tennis balls.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: the player holds a wooden or string racket in both hands; each racket contains two tennis balls or two matchboxes stacked on top of each other. The player's task is to run to a certain subject, for example, a chair, go around it and come back without dropping the objects placed from the rackets. At first, you can play the game with one racket.

With balls in hands

Equipment: 8-10 balls.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: behind one line there are 8-10 medicine balls or some other balls. The player’s task is to take and carry as many balls as possible over the other line (ten steps), holding them in his hands, squeezing them between his legs, at the chin, etc. No auxiliary means can be used. It is prohibited to provide any assistance to the player.

Who is the most accurate?

Equipment: stool, 4 sandbags.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: A line is drawn, near which the players stand, and a stool is placed six steps from the line. The player holds four small bags filled with sand or peas (weight 120–150 g). The players' task is to throw the bags so that they remain lying on the stool. This is not easy to do, as the bags slide off the stool onto the ground.

Target - pin

Equipment: skittles, table or chair, thick rod or stick, plastic ring, rope 60–70 cm.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: The pin is placed on a stool or table. A plastic ring (rope length 60–70 cm) is tied to a thick rod (a fishing rod 1.5 m long) or a gymnastic stick.

The player's task, standing one step from the pin, is to try to put the ring on the pin within a minute.

Ring throwing

Equipment: rings, chair, pegs.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: rings with a diameter of 20 cm (made of rubber or polyethylene) are thrown onto the legs of an overturned chair, pegs driven into the ground, or onto the hand of a player standing 5–7 steps from the thrower.

The one who managed to send it to the target wins larger number rings


Equipment: various objects, matchboxes, rackets, tennis balls, hoop, gymnastic stick.

Progress of the game: Players must complete the following tasks during an individual or team competition:

1) without getting off your chair, collect 10 various items, placed within a radius of 1 m from the chair;

2) carry, holding in your hand, 3 matchboxes placed edge-on one on top of the other;

3) climb into a hoop with a racket in your hands, on which there is a tennis ball;

4) using a gymnastic stick as if it were a stick (but without hitting), pass the wooden club or town into the gate (between the legs of the chairs) and return back.

Rooster fight

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: A circle with a diameter of 2 m is drawn on the floor. Two players (roosters) go to the center of the circle. Each of them stands on one leg, bends the other, and places his hands behind his back. In this position, the combatants, at a signal, begin to push each other out of the circle with their shoulders and torsos, trying not to stumble. The winner is the rooster that manages to push the opponent out of the circle or make him stumble on both feet. According to the rules of the game, it is prohibited to remove your hands from your back. The match ends in a draw if both players are outside the circle.

Strong grip

Equipment: gymnastic stick.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: The competitors stand with their backs to each other and raise a thick stick up, holding it with their hands. The players' task is to lean forward and try to lift their opponent off the ground. The one who ends up in the air or lets go of the stick loses.

Game option. Players sit opposite each other on the ground, resting their feet on their partner’s feet, and grab a gymnastic stick. At the signal, the players begin to pull the stick in their direction. The winner is the one who manages to lift his opponent, holding him in this position for 5 seconds.

Fight for the stick

Equipment: gymnastic stick.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: standing facing each other, the players take hold of a wooden gymnastic stick with their hands, holding it horizontally with a straight grip. After the signal, the players twist the stick, trying to force the opponent to let go of one of its ends. Whoever lets go of the stick first loses.

Game option. Without releasing the stick, push the opponent outside the circle (line).

Car competition

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: The players, distributed in pairs, stand behind the starting line. One player (wheelbarrow) takes a lying position and spreads his legs shoulder-width apart. His partner holds his legs. At the teacher’s signal, the players roll the wheelbarrows forward: those who are in a prone position move their hands. When the driver of the car crosses the finish line, the players change roles and go back. The pair that completes the task first wins.

Tug of War

Equipment: rope 6-10 m long.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: the rope is placed in the middle of the platform. The middle of the rope is marked with a colored ribbon, and a line is drawn across the platform on the ground under the middle of the rope. Parallel to it, on both sides of the rope, 2–3 m apart, two more lines are drawn (borders that players cannot cross). Two players approach the rope one at a time and take it in their hands by the opposite ends. At the teacher’s signal, the players begin to pull the rope each in their own direction. The winner is the one who pulled the rope over a line parallel to the middle one in one direction or another (the ribbon serves as a guide). Not just one player, but a team of several people can play tug of war.

Reverse couples

Equipment: soft cords.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: 2-3 pairs are tied back to back (arms and legs are free). These couples must dance at the starting line. When the music ends, the couples begin to run, like Siamese twins, to a landmark (pins) placed at a certain place and back to the starting line.

We dance sitting on a chair

Equipment: chairs, scarves.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: participants are invited to dance while sitting on a chair without getting up. There are different melodies: dance, waltz, lambada, etc. You can offer to dance with your legs tied (you need to tie your legs with something soft - a towel, a scarf).


Equipment: balloons, chairs, mop.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: you can invite children to dance with different objects: with balloon, riding on a broom, with a chair, a mop, etc. The one who dances the most beautifully wins.

Who will sew faster

Equipment: spoon tied with twine.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: two teams must quickly “seam” all the team players to each other. Instead of a needle, there is a spoon to which a string or strong thread is tied. You can “sew on” through a strap, strap, loop on trousers, etc.

Dashing drivers

Equipment: children's cars, buckets of water.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: Buckets of water filled to the brim are placed on children's cars. Twine (10–15 m long) is tied to the cars. You need to quickly wrap the string around the stick, pulling the car towards you. If the water splashes, the presenter calls the player-driver, and he stops shaking for a second. The winner is the one who pulls the car towards him faster and does not splash the water.


Equipment: 2 ropes. Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: Two circles are drawn on the starting line. Before the game begins, all children must take off their shoes and keep their socks on. Children are divided equally into two groups. Each group stands in a circle and is tied with ropes. You get two “spiders”. On command, both “spiders” begin to race to the finish line, where 2 circles are drawn in which they must stand.

Rip off your hat

Equipment: 2 ropes, 2 hats.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: two guys are competing. They enter the circle. Each person has a left arm tied to their body and a hat on their head. You need to take off your opponent’s hat and not allow him to take off your own. Whoever leaves the circle is considered a loser.

What's behind

Equipment: pictures with drawings, cards with numbers.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: two opponents have a drawing and a paper circle with a number attached to their backs. The players converge in a circle, stand on one leg, tuck the other and hold it with their hand. The task is to stand, jumping on one leg, look behind the opponent’s back and see what is shown in the picture.

Who will win

Equipment: 2 ropes, prizes.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: two ropes of 2.5–3 m each, identical in size and thickness, are tied in the middle so that there are 4 identical ends. 4 people compete. Everyone takes their own end of the rope, pulls it, and it turns out to be a cross. A prize (toy, bag of sweets, etc.) is placed on the floor approximately 2 m from each player. On command, participants pull on their end of the rope, trying to be the first to grab the prize.
