A game where there is an electric shock. Board game: lightning-fast reaction or get an electric shock in Vladivostok

A party game for those who are bored and want to tickle their nerves.
Great entertainment after drinking some strong drinks.
Each player takes a joystick in his hand. The presenter or one of the players starts the game by pressing the main button on the central console, to which the players’ joysticks are connected. After this, the console begins to flash red to alarming music in the best traditions of horror films.

The music plays for 5-10 seconds, building up the atmosphere more and more. And then, suddenly, when the tension reaches its climax - bang! – the music stops and the console lights up green. And now you need to press the button on your joystick as quickly as possible. Whoever pressed last received an electric shock.
If the player loses his nerve and presses the button before the green light comes on, he will also receive an electric shock.
Just don’t worry: the galvanic current with which this original gift “beats” is completely safe for the human body, even in the “maximum” mode.
Bought with my own money.
Anyone interested - welcome to the cat
I first encountered this game at a corporate event several years ago.
Hired mass entertainers brought this device to the holiday. And of course, there were enough people who wanted to test their reaction.

IN overall game She captivated me with her uniqueness. When I saw it on AliExpress, I without hesitation put it in my cart until the next sales season.

And then the momentous day of 11/11 came, and the purchase took place.

Proof of purchase:

Tracking is of course extremely uninformative. Well, that is what it is

Almost two months passed, and on the second of January I received a call from the post office. The parcel has arrived. To be honest, the speed of delivery was disappointing. Another corporate event has passed. New Year met. And the game has only now reached its recipient.
Well, what else can you expect from such purchases on the day of the sale?.. Peak trade, you know...

The parcel arrived in a black plastic bag. The game itself was simply in a bag, generously wrapped in bubble wrap. So nothing was damaged.

The quality of plastic and assembly is good.

There was also a piece of paper with instructions in the bag.

Below there is a compartment for three AAA batteries.

Four strong suckers

On the side there is a wheel for turning on and adjusting the power.

We turn it, there is a click. The console turns on. Further twisting regulates the power of the electric shock.

There is also another switch that changes the game mode.

The first mode shocks the last person who pressed it. The second mode shocks everyone who did not manage to press first.

A green LED is lit opposite two of the four joysticks. This indicates that the game is in two-player mode.
Next, press the button to select the number of players

After each press, the LEDs opposite the other joysticks light up in turn. This way you can play from two to four people.
Press the center button and the game begins

In general, I gather guinea pigs of my family members and start testing the game. And then it turns out that the loser does not receive an electric shock. And in general, he never gives an electric shock to anyone.
Reading the instructions did not help to understand the reason. Pressing all the buttons and turning the wheel too.
In general, one disorder.
I open the product page, go to reviews, filter by 1 star. There are three entries with a similar problem. The game doesn't shock you.
And no refund. How can you prove that you are not being electrocuted? :)

In general, I was upset and decided to disassemble the game.


I checked all the contacts and the quality of soldering. I turned on the game and lo and behold, I got an electric shock :)
I put it back together, periodically checking its functionality.

Subsequently, there were no more complaints about the work. It’s really strange, what was the matter...

About electric shock power:
On low there is a very slight tingling sensation. I couldn't test it to the maximum. Fingers cramp.
In general, you can adjust it to your taste, both for children and for inveterate masochists :)

Unusual and interesting entertainment. But not everyone will like it.
The performance problem certainly made me nervous. There is a chance of getting a non-working device and you won’t be able to prove anything to anyone.
The price is of course clearly too high. I think it would be advisable to buy for those who, by the nature of their work, entertain people at various events. The thing will pay for itself. I’m not one of those people, but from time to time I like to have fun with friends and employees at parties. Well, tea has taken off quite a bit of my shirt. :)
Happy with the purchase

Thank you for your attention.
All the best.

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Repeating and generalizing on the topic:

« Laws DC"

Goalsat r o k a: - control the degree of knowledge acquisitionOhm's lawsJoule-Lenz, parallel and followerconnection of conductors;

the ability to assemble electrical circuits, use the formulas of the studied laws when calculating electrical circuits and analytical problems;

skills in using electrical measuring instruments;

Fostering motives for learning, a positive attitude towards knowledge, and a conscientious attitude to work;

To develop independent thinking in schoolchildren (analyze, synthesize, abstract practical skills);

Equipment: projector, ammeter and voltmeterlaboratory (3 pcs each), key 3 pcs, flashlight batteries 3 pcs, light bulb on a stand 3 pcs, spiral (2 Ohm)- 3 pcs, stands for equipment.

Type of rock: Role-playing game Rescuers." Lesson type: repeating-generalizing

Progress of the lesson.

Lesson stages and times

Activities of a teacher

Government activities control

Student activities


    Greets students and expresses wishes for fruitful work.

    Announces the topic and form of the lesson, reveals the goals.

    Introduces the criteria for grading assignments.

    reminds you of the rules of teamwork.

    Represents government control

1.Welcome students.

1. Greet the teachers.

2. Listen and comprehend the goals of the upcoming lesson.

3. Get acquainted with the procedure for conducting a lesson and the rules of working in a team


1. Announces tasks

2. Determines the time for discussion.

3. Stimulates students' learning activities.

4. Provides teams with information about the passage of time.

Observe and evaluate

1. Receive assignments

2. Team – ponders the task.

Discuss assignments.

3. Complete tasks.

4..Formulate answers and present completed work A bot.

5. Having completed the required tasks, they do additional ones.

Summing up the lesson

The state gives the floor. Commissions.

After listening and checking the work of the teams, grades are called.

Lesson progress

    Write the topic on the board, the date.

    Mark absent

Write the topic of the lesson in your notebook. Today we have our final lesson on the topic "Laws of DC"

Introduction .

For 10 hours, you and I repeated the concepts of direct electric current previously studied in 8th grade and studied the laws of direct current, talked about sources and consumers of electric current, performed laboratory work in which you assembled electrical circuits with serial and parallel connections, calculated these circuits, and also learned to use electrical measuring instruments.

Today we want to see what you have learned, and for this I invite you to play the game "Rescuers".

We'll fly to spaceship to another planet unknown to us.

And for this it is necessary to create rescue groups that have their own tasks. First of all you need light, heat, ventilation and production.

Any business is first designed designers, calculated engineers and is executed practitioners.

We select a group of state control from senior students of 3 people. and present it to the whole group.

The group is divided into three squads



"Ventilation and production."

Each squad includes three teams


    3). Practices.

Each team receives tasks orally and in writing. Team from2-3 people They sit at shifted tables, on which there are sheets of assignments.First, the designer’s tasks are carried out, then the engineers and after thatpractices. Tasks are completed on a piece of paper and written on the board.Having completed the task, the designers pass it on to the engineers, who pass it on to the practitioners. In the time free from the main task, students perform additionaltask, which is stated in the envelope.-The envelope contains cards andinstructions with tasks of varying difficulty.

Any completed task is controlled state control.

When the tasks of the designers and engineers are written on the board and the practitioners have assembled the electrical circuits, we begin to protect them.

In turn, each group reads the task and explains the calculations or diagram; the practice shows the result.

Supervisors evaluate the work of the whole group. Additional work is submitted and the results are reported at the next lesson.

Assignments for practitioners



1 From the available devices, select those specified by the engineers.

    Assemble an electrical circuit according to the diagram developed by the designers.

    Measure currents and voltages at consumers, compare the obtained values ​​with the calculated ones.

4. After completing the task, demonstrate the assembled circuit and its operation, and show that it meets the requirements.

"Ventilation and production"

    Assemble a circuit from existing devices according to the diagram drawn up by the designers.

    List the devices needed for assembly.

    Give measurements of the quantities necessary to calculate the current power.

    Demonstrate the operation of the circuit and show that it meets the specified conditions.

    Answer the question: what current will a fuse be needed for?

    Demonstrate the operation of the fuse.

Assignment to engineers.

"Ventilation and production"

1. For a circuit drawn up by a group of designers, calculate the current power consumption, provided that the voltage of the current source is 4.5 V and the permissible current is 0.7 A. 2. Calculate how much work the current does in the circuit for 1 hour.

3 After completing the task, repeat all calculations on the board next to the diagram.

4. Name the required devices for determination.


    After completing the task, repeat all calculations on the board next to the diagram.


    After completing the task, repeat all calculations on the board next to the diagram.

    Name the required devices.

Assignment to designers.

"Ventilation and production."

    Make a project electrical diagram, according to which you can assemble an installation for operating the fan and the machine. The installation has two electric motors designed for the voltage of the current source (flashlight battery), provide for simultaneous
    turning both engines on and off.

    After completing the task, draw a project (diagram) on the board.


1. For a circuit drawn up by a group of designers, calculate the currents and voltages in individual sections of the circuit. The voltage of the current source is 4.5V, and the resistance of each lamp is 14 Ohms.

2. After completing the task, all calculations
repeat on the board next to the diagram.


1 Using the diagram drawn up by a group of designers, calculate the amount of heat generated by three heaters for 1 hour, if the voltage of the current source is 4.5 V, the resistance of each heater is 2 Ohms.

2. After completing the task, repeat all calculations on the board next to the diagram.

3. Name the required devices.

Do this in your free time from the main task


Choose the sequence of tasks and their number yourself.

Follow all decisions (inscriptions, diagrams, calculations, etc.)

with a pen on a task card or on a blank sheet of paper carefully

and clearly.

Below write the names of the group members and put everything

together a labor participation assessment (LPP) for everyone. At the same time

Please note the following:

grade "4 m(highest) is given if the person proposed

decision, idea;

rating "3" -if you helped in the decision;

grade "2"- worked poorly, but showed interest;

grade"1 "-" the raven counted

After deciding, put all the cards in an envelope and hand them over.

An unusual way to have fun with your friends. When you win, shock them. The shock level of the Shocking Lightning Reaction can range from normal levels (for wimps) to extreme (for tough guys). With the best name on the gadget market, the Shocking Lightning Reaction is every bit as shockingly fun a device as it sounds. By the way, this is an ideal way to test your reaction against your friends.

Just gather somewhere (2-4 people are enough), each take a joystick and press the button in the middle of the base unit to start. Whatever you do, don't relax because once the music stops and the lights switch from red to green, you have to press the button on your joystick as quickly as possible. If you are the fastest of all, congratulations, you can sit back and enjoy. After all, everyone else, the slow ones, will receive a short, sharp electric shock through their sweaty palms.

The shock level of the Lightning Reaction can range from normal levels (for weaklings) to extreme levels (for tough guys). This is a great toy when you have friends around and only requires 3xAAA batteries.


Produces electric current. Interference with electrical devices such as pacemakers may occur. Do not use if you suffer from epilepsy or any similar condition, and not suitable for pregnant women.

High or low electrical charge level
Includes 4 gaming consoles, connecting wires and base station with suction cups
From 2 to 4 people can participate
Requires 3 x AAA batteries
Size: 13 x 15 cm (W x H)

Board game for adults: test your lightning-fast reaction or get an electric shock!!! Original gift for a company of brave and adventurous people.

Description: console with 4 joysticks. New!!! Brought from England, but from there there is a well-known inscription on the box: MADE IN CHINA. :)
Made of very high quality.
The essence of the game: participants (minimum 2, maximum 4 people) select the number of players by clicking on the “No. of players” button, the joysticks active for the game are highlighted with green LEDs. Participants in the game each take a joystick. The start button in the middle is pressed, it begins to glow red, while a melody plays in rhythm with the increasing tension. As soon as the button in the middle changes color to green, you need to press the button on your joystick as quickly as possible. The last one to do this will receive an electric shock. However, the one who presses the button before the color changes to green will also receive his portion of the current. The strength of the electric shock depends on the selected mode (moderate or extreme).

Approximate dimensions of the console: 13.5 cm x 15 cm x 13.5 cm

The lot includes:
- game console with 4 joysticks*;
- instructions and warnings about possible health hazards in English;
- original (from the manufacturer) retail packaging.

* the set-top box requires 3 AAA batteries - “pinky” (not included in the lot).

Attention: this board game is stated by the manufacturer to be over 14 years old and he (the manufacturer) is far from joking. The manufacturer reminds you on the box that this item is not a toy.
The same lot has already been given as a gift to a friend, where it was tested by me personally.
The game is not for the faint of heart. The current from three little finger batteries is strong (apparently, there is a built-in current multiplier, etc.) (this is not a “crown” in “language” :)).

I warn you about possible harm to health, since electric shocks can harm him.
Consider your physiological characteristics before playing this game.
Responsibility for the health of the game participants lies entirely with them; the winner of the lot do not forget to mention to them about possible harm to health.

Epileptics, people with heart disease and other similar and related diseases are NOT PLAYED with this console!!!

Auction conditions: ==========
1. After purchasing a lot during the bidding process or at a blitz price, the winner contacts me within 48 hours via call, SMS or internal mail. My contact details will be visible to the auction winner.
Attention!!! The winner gets in touch first!!!
2. Remarks and comments not related to the lot and auction conditions will be ignored.
3. During the redemption of the lot, the buyer (winner) must try to ensure that the transfer of funds occurs without fuss with change and change.
4. Bids from users with negative ratings will be deleted.
5. Bids from users with a zero rating and whose phone number is not verified will be deleted.
