Fallout shelter mysterious stranger how to find. Fallout shelter mysterious stranger

The essence of the game Fallout Shelter from the world-famous Bethesda is to develop an underground shelter called “Vault-Tec” right in the middle of an endless wasteland, repel attacks and make sure that everyone does not die, but also remains in good health and happy. All this is seasoned with healthy irony and humor, as well as characters from all over famous game Fallout. Dress your charges, arm them. Give them a little fun, sex and rock and roll, and they will give birth to healthy offspring that can cope with all dangers. We will tell you the secrets and tricks of Fallout Shelter and write a small guide for beginners. All you have to do is stick to tactics and follow the advice, and then all the inhabitants of your dungeon will survive.

  • There should always be water in the shelter, keep an eye on it. Without water, radioactive contamination will begin and then everyone will feel bad.
  • When letting one of the residents go hunting in the wasteland, hand over: 20 Stimpaks and 10 radx.
  • To make money in Fallout Shelter, use rush. To do this, you need to have enough water and weapons on the inhabitants of your shelter. Protect your shelter from cockroaches.
  • Bring the best couples together. Always. Important Note— men in the park must have charisma, the higher the better. Remember that pregnancy takes 3 hours. The child grows in the same 3 hours.
  • It is advisable to build a radio for 1-2 cells as a replacement for childbearing.
  • It is imperative to build production facilities for 3 fields, and training facilities for 1 cell.
  • Remember to constantly train someone for production.
  • Simple armor and weapons for your villagers are found in the wastelands. The good ones are mostly through lunch boxes.
  • You cannot turn off the room. You can only sell it.
  • Parameter Good luck affects the chance and size of the reward for producing water/energy/food, so you need to pump up L (luck) first. It also affects the degree of coolness of a trip to the wasteland, or more precisely, the objects found there.
  • If you build rooms in a checkerboard pattern, cockroaches, rats, and fires will not spread to adjacent rooms. This is useful especially for survival mode.
  • Immediately after collecting a resource from a room, activate acceleration. This is not needed for additional resources, but for leveling up the people in the room. It’s not scary if the acceleration fails, people will still get the experience.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L - Fallout Shelter role-playing system

  • Strength: Reduces the timer when working in a power plant
  • Perception: Increased chance of winning in battle
  • Endurance: affects health points (inside and outside the shelter)
  • Charisma: Reduces the time it takes for girls to get pregnant. Also gives a chance to make friends with enemies outside (gain experience, zero damage).
  • Intelligence: Affects timers for medicine production (Stims and Radaway)
  • Agility: Affects the cooking timer
  • Luck: Affects the number of things collected outside, the number of caps when the job is finished.

Some tips for beginners on building a shelter in Fallout Shelter

The width of the “pit” for the shelter is ideal for building each floor (except the first) in the configuration “three-room premises (A) - elevator (1) - three-room premises (B) - elevator (2) - two-room premises (C)” . Probably not without reason. It makes sense to build in this configuration. “Three-room premises” in the previous paragraph is a three-room premises. And not three rooms of different premises. Strategically, there is no point in building a room if you don't want to grow it to the maximum (at that location).

The only difference between the first floor is that the vault door is two-room (and, strangely enough, can accommodate two people, not four), and the elevator (1) will start immediately after it.

If you don’t know yet, then, despite the fact that there is a mountain above you, and, it would seem, it would also be possible to build something in it, the second floor, the third - no, you cannot build anything upward. The first floor has an entrance door and only goes down from there.

Building three-room versions of premises is more profitable than upgrading. Of course, provided that you have people to work in it. If there are no people, it is urgently time for your non-pregnant ladies to relax in living quarters/apartments...In the end, you will have many floors and many rooms. Very good way To make it easier for yourself to navigate through them is to build rooms in vertical pairs (for example, a Garden and another Garden underneath it). This does not apply to training rooms - you won’t need so many of them. To the production of stimpacks/radpacks and radio stations - perhaps, too.

How easy is it to navigate the training rooms? And build them one under the other, in the order of the letters of the word SPECIAL.

What to build in column A, what - in column B, what - in column C (with two-room premises)?

As the game progresses, instead of the Power Generator, it will be possible to build a more expensive, but more efficient Nuclear Reactor; instead of Water Treatment - Water Purification; instead of Diner - a more efficient Garden. Therefore, it is logical to plan that you will demolish all these premises at some point in order to free up space for more advanced options.

For the same reasons, perhaps try not to upgrade the Power Generator/Water Treatment/Diner. And you won’t mind the money when you demolish it; and the drawdown of this resource in the period from demolition to the construction of an advanced version will be less noticeable.

You can only demolish a room on one of the sides (left or right) of which there is nothing! Due to the factors described above, it makes sense to build production premises (Power/Water/Diner) in column A, because to the left of them there will always be empty , and they can always be demolished; in column B - living quarters, training rooms, production of steampacks/radpacks, radio station; Column C contains warehouses and possibly small branches of training halls. By the time you unlock Nuclear Reactor/Water Purification/Garden, Column B will be able to build those as well.

Have you thought about what to train Endurance for? (well, except for increasing survivability in incidents and in the desert) The warehouse is marked with the letter E, and you can send people with high Endurance there... but this, in general, does not give anything. Well, besides the fact that there will be someone to put out the fire or drive away the cockroaches. Warehouses work great without people. But people with pumped up Endurance will work in... Nuka-Cola Bottler. Of course, Nuka-Cola Bottler will not replace Gardens and Water Purifications, but extra resources won't hurt; again, diversification.

Several hacks and cheats for Fallout Shelter

Quests like “dress 10 people” or “give 5 people weapons” can be completed in a couple of minutes if you already have a sufficient amount of clothes or weapons (even if they have already been worn/given to someone). It doesn’t matter whether this clothing (weapon) was put on someone before this quest or not - the quest counter only records the fact that some specific clothes have already been worn as part of this quest or not! Has such a quest begun? - ok, you look for a dressed person, take off his clothes, put them back on (the counter increases), and look for the next person.

Quests like “5 people went into the desert” are also no more difficult. After all, no one forces us to travel there for a long time, the main thing is that they leave, right? OK; you throw a person into the desert, the counter increases, you immediately call it back, repeat.

Since you already know how the elevators will go, here you go cunning: For the cost of one elevator section, you can build two - where you want it and (automatically) right underneath it! For example, if you have just completed a three-room space in Column B; the room underneath is not yet three-room (!); you are going to build elevator 2 to the right of this room; there is no elevator under it yet (no stones interfere with its construction, but you cannot build it yet, because there is not a three-room space there yet). If you build elevator section 2 in such a place, another section will be built right below it!

Have high-level “name” heroes come to you? At first, since they usually good level, they can be thrown into “hot spots” in production; but in the end they will most likely be the best dwellers. Although between outings it would be nice to pump them up to the maximum.

Its essence is that you can set a new time on your phone. Let's say you started the miner for 5 hours. OK. We set the time on the phone to 5 o'clock, launch the game - the resident is already standing at the gate, ready to hand over the loot. Cool, right? There is one unpleasant little thing: on Android this bug works over time, but no matter how much I try on the iPhone, it doesn’t work.

The lunchbox bug is simpler. It allows you to receive lunchboxes almost without stopping. Naturally - this will enrich you in the game. So, how to become rich in Fallout Shelter without much effort? This is quite easy to do at the beginning of the game. To do this, you need to wait for two of three tasks to be available:

  1. Give a suit to 1 resident (Equip 1 Dweller with an Out fit);
  2. Sell ​​1 Weapon or Outfit;
  3. Give weapons to 1 resident ( Equip 1 Dweller with a Weapon).

IMPORTANT! Don't do these tasks. You only need to complete the third (not these) task. Then it is guaranteed that for completing the third task you will receive a lunchbox. Okay, I was joking about the guaranteed one, but 1 of the two tasks is true. Of course, this will slow you down a little in completing tasks, but this way you will definitely collect a lot of lunchboxes.

Another way to get free lunchboxes is to follow the official account

Fallout Shelter is small but addictive mobile strategy, created in the spirit of the Fallout universe. The game will allow you to take on the role of the Overseer and immerse yourself in managing your own shelter, taking care of the well-being of its inhabitants and helping them survive in the Wasteland full of dangers and enemies.
You can download Fallout Shelter and test your abilities as a strategist on our website.

Gameplay Features

Progression in the game requires careful planning of your shelter. To do this, you need to build and improve production and auxiliary rooms for the game currency - caps. The resurrection of researchers and shelter residents who died in the Wasteland, who could not withstand the attack of radio cockroaches with mole rats or the attack of raiders and the terrifying claws of death, is also not free. Therefore, it would be wise to always have a supply of a couple of thousand caps.

You earn in-game currency by exploring the Wasteland, completing tasks, successfully speeding up production in rooms, and increasing the level of residents. But there is another not always obvious way: use a funny Easter egg from the developers - visits from a mysterious stranger.

How to find a mysterious stranger

This character may already be familiar to you from previous games in the series. In Fallout Shelter, he cannot be a full-fledged resident of the shelter, but his appearance can support others in a critical situation. If you manage to find the mysterious stranger and tap on him, you will receive a reward from hundreds to several thousand caps - their number is determined randomly each time. When luck favors you and the reward exceeds five hundred, you will see an animation in the form of an avalanche of caps and a pleasant replenishment of your game account.

How to find out about its appearance and not miss the opportunity to earn money?

  1. What does he look like? The secret stranger is a man wearing a brown hat and a beige raincoat. He hides his face behind a high collar. This appearance helps the mysterious stranger to camouflage well; it is especially difficult to notice him in rooms with walls of similar colors: living rooms and storage rooms.
  2. How to find out about a visit from a secret stranger. A special sound signal notifies you of the occurrence of this game event. When mysterious stranger appears, you need to move the camera as far away as possible as soon as possible and carefully examine all the rooms of the shelter. The visit only lasts a few seconds, and if you fail to spot it, it will disappear with a correspondingly disappointing sound, leaving you without a reward. This game event occurs every 5 minutes in real time.
  3. Places where the mysterious stranger appears. It can appear anywhere in the shelter: industrial premises, living and training rooms, storerooms and elevators. Often equipment or furniture covers it almost completely, so if possible, the mysterious stranger should be carefully examined in order to later be recognized even by the protruding brim of his hat.

The volume and direction of the game music can tell you which direction is best to look.

The appearance of a mysterious stranger can bring you not only additional caps, but also more significant rewards from lunchboxes if you wait for the task to “capture” him. The reward received is also taken into account in frequently occurring tasks for collecting a certain number of caps, so this secret will help you cope with them much faster.

And most importantly, “hunting” for a secret stranger is a good distraction from the monotonous collection of resources, during which you won’t be able to fall asleep for long, trains attention, reaction speed and fills you with excited anticipation.

Just before the release of Fallout IV, Bethesda SoftWorks released a free toy for mobile devices- Fallout Shelter. I couldn't miss this toy and even did review on it.

It seemed that after the release of the commercial project, Beth would abandon the free toy on Android. But no, the game has acquired such a heap of significant additions that we can talk about the presence of a walkthrough of the game :)

So, let's go through Fallout Shelter from v 1.9 and higher.

Growth strategy

The development strategy has not changed over the year. All you need for the bunker to function is labor. Where can I get new settlers?

You can build a radio point and invite people from the wasteland. This tactic creates additional risks and requires certain costs. And at the beginning of the game there are no extra caps, no people, and resources are obtained completely “back to back”.

Another possibility is to breed settlers inside the vault.

I choose the most charismatic bastard from among the settlers, dress him in a suit with the maximum charisma bonus and give him carte blanche to play tricks with all the girls in the bunker :). Very soon my bunker is filled with pot-bellied mothers, then children, and then workers ready for hard work.

During the “production” cycle, the population increases approximately 1.5 times (since there are approximately equal numbers of women and men in the bunker).

We must remember that close relatives will not enter into any relationship. That’s why the “charismatic bastard” sometimes needs to be replaced.

Construction requires enormous costs. You need to build wisely, planning how your bunker will be arranged. Where will the residential sectors be, how will you install elevators, storage facilities - everything needs to be planned in advance.

All unsuccessful decisions can be rebuilt, but when rooms are demolished, only a symbolic part of the invested resources is returned.

Here are some tips:

When moving a room, first remove it in the old location and then build it in the new one. Save some caps :).

The unit cost of upgrading a room decreases when sections are combined. Therefore, it is more profitable to first build a room in 2 or 3 sections, and then start improving it.

There is little point in building training rooms and connecting them in 3 sections. For them, the optimal size is 2-section blocks. Why?

Sooner or later you will build all types of training rooms - a total of 7 types for training each of the parameters. Then the rooms in 3 sections will occupy three whole floors and will be designed for a clearly excessive number of settlers: 6 * 7 = 42! Meanwhile, the two-section training halls will compactly occupy only two floors of the shelter.

Silent defense

Great guns don't lie on the road. How to use them rationally, and to whom to issue them? The correct answer is the most cool guns keep it in stock, in factory lubricant :)

Indeed, keep 5-6 of the most powerful guns in your warehouse. They must be issued at the time of attack to those settlers who take the blow. After the battle, the weapon is returned to the warehouse. This tactic allows you to most effectively repel an attack at any point in the shelter, with only a few “barrels” in your arsenal.

If you decide to allocate a couple of soldiers to guard the entrance, accept the fact that the guards do not develop and do not gain experience while they wait on “watch” for the next visiting raiders. It is practical to place high-level characters here, because... They have a large supply of health, but with mediocre characteristics: i.e. those who are not suitable for other work in the shelter.

Crafting from trash

If earlier you could only find something ready-made, now you can create items according to drawings. Two new rooms - the weapons workshop and the costume workshop - provide access to crafting.

To create, you will need ingredients and some lids.

Where can I get junk?

  • it is picked up by your scouts during forays,
  • you can disassemble unnecessary items,
  • may drop as loot from raiders,
  • V large quantities you will bring from the missions of the Overseer's office,
  • found in lunch boxes.

Junk, along with equipment items, takes up space in the warehouse.

You will receive the first few recipes when building workshops. The rest can be found in the wasteland, obtained by completing missions. Sometimes blueprints “fall out” from raiders who attack the bunker!

Each item has its own icon basic characteristics. Workers with a high value of this parameter will reduce production time.

Production speed

Since we mentioned production speed...

Resources are not produced immediately; it always takes some time. The following factors influence time:

  • how many employees have you hired?
  • the total level of the required skill (for example, at a power plant, residents with a high strength indicator will be more effective),

What does not affect:

  • character level,
  • his mood
  • injuries.

Opens up the ability to complete quests. Unlike wandering through the wasteland, here you have a plot, tasks and requirements for performers. And of course a reward awaits you :) How could we live without it?

Typically, you equip a squad of up to 3 people for a mission. Take care of their equipment, take plenty of steam packs and radiator. Far from the base, squad members can only rely on themselves.

Many missions are multi-pass, in which you will complete part of the plot at a time, moving towards the final goal. The journey to the place and back takes time, but it can be sped up by spending Nuka Cola.

Upgrading the caretaker's room will allow you to send several units at the same time to complete different quests.

Random locations in the wasteland

Your scouts may stumble upon random places in the wasteland. These are small locations where you can complete one of many missions associated with this place.

If you agree to explore the location, your character switches to mission mode.

After successful completion, you return to wandering the wasteland.

Catch the stranger!

This secret, elusive well-wisher can significantly replenish your treasury. I have repeatedly managed to squeeze about 5,000 caps out of it at a time! So don't miss the stranger - he's worth running after.

Here the "stranger" is hiding in the Overseer's office.

The appearance and disappearance of this NPC occurs with a characteristic sound signal. You have just seconds to detect and “catch” him.
