Cyclogram of educational work with children in the middle group. Cyclogram of educational work with children in the middle group Cyclogram of games in the middle group


Cyclogram of the teacher’s activities. Middle group

7.00 – 8.00. Reception of children in a group or outside (depending on the weather)

  1. Conversations with parents and children about the well-being of children or current problems.
  2. Education of cultural and hygienic skills.
  3. Independent games for children in play centers
  4. Work assignments in nature corners and play centers
  5. Didactic games.

Monday - Games to develop creative imagination, word games.

Tuesday - Environmental games.

Wednesday - Classification and seriation games.

Thursday - Speech games, games for the development of phonemic hearing.

Friday -Looking at paintings, illustrations, developing coherent speech

  1. Formation for exercise. Morning exercises)

7.50-8.05 Conversations with children.

Monday - Family, kindergarten.

Tuesday - Home country, home town.

Wednesday - Social and moral education, etiquette.

Thursday - life safety.

Friday - Adult work, objective world

8.20-8.45 Preparing for breakfast. Cultural and hygienic skills. Self-service. Canteen duty

1. Five minutes of health: finger games, logorhythmic games, elements of psycho-gymnastics

2. Breakfast. Formation of food culture rules, self-service. Canteen duty. Mouth rinse.

8.45-8.55 Individual work.

Monday - Individual conversations: - on the topic of life safety (I week); - ethical conversations (I, III); - behavior in society (II); - CG skills (IV).

Tuesday - Development of fine motor skills of the hands Cognitive development.

Wednesday - Games for the formation of spatial standards, color, size and shape.

Thursday -Work on expressiveness of speech (I); Vocabulary enrichment (III);

Friday - ZKR Development of phonemic hearing (IV).

8.55-9.00 Preparation for classes. Formation of workplace preparation skills.

1. Classes according to schedule. Between classes - outdoor games, exercises to prevent postural disorders, flat feet, and visual impairment.

9.00 –9.20

Monday - drawing.

Tuesday - The child and the world around him.

Wednesday - FEMP.

Thursday - modeling.

Friday - Speech development and familiarization with fiction.

9.30 – 9.50.

Monday - Musical.

Tuesday - Physical education.

Wednesday - Musical.

Thursday - Physical education.

Friday - Applique / design, physical education (evening)

9.50–10.10 Preparing for a walk, Development of self-care skills

16. 9.50–10.10 Outdoor games.

Monday - With poetic text.

Tuesday - Formation of spatial relationships.

Wednesday - With rules.

Thursday - To develop movement coordination.

Friday - folk games.

10-11.30 Walk.

Observations: the weather, seasonal changes in nature. Work in nature, on the site. Role-playing games. Didactic games, games for attention and erudition. Individual work on developing basic types of movements, consolidating knowledge and skills, and advanced tasks.


Monday - Wildlife observations (animals),

Tuesday - Observations of inanimate nature,

Wednesday - Observations of the phenomena of social life.

Thursday - Target walk. Didactic environmental games,

Friday - Observations of wildlife (plants).

Outdoor games:

Monday - folk games. Sports games and exercises,

Tuesday - P/n with jumping P/n with throwing. ,

Wednesday - P/n for balance, climbing. ,

Thursday - Folk games. Sports games and exercises,

Friday - P/n with running, dodging.

11.30-11.50 Return from a walk.

Hygiene procedures. Fostering a culture of communication. Games for psychological relief.


developing self-service skills. Dinner. Formation of food culture rules. Mouth rinse.

12.20- 12.40

Looking at books and illustrations. Getting ready for bed, air baths, barefooting. Reading fiction

12.40-15.00 Daytime nap.


Gradual rise, lazy gymnastics. Tempering procedures (air baths, barefoot walking, walking on massage mats and trails, elements of acupressure.)

15.25-15.50 Preparing for afternoon tea.Hygiene procedures. Developing self-care skills.

Afternoon snack . Formation of food culture rules. Mouth rinse.

15.50- 16.30 Individual work(Monday - Construction from paper, crafts from natural materials, drawing, Tuesday - Development of fine motor skills of the hands, Cognitive development. , Wednesday - Development of mental processes - memory, attention and spatial logic, Thursday - Work on the expressiveness of speech (I); Enrichment of vocabulary (III, IV); Friday - ZK, Development of phonemic hearing)

Activities of children in a group.

Monday - Reading Russian folk tales, Role-playing games, Sedentary play. ,

Tuesday - Memorizing poems. Role-playing games Board and printed games. Mobile game with words

Wednesday - Reading stories and tales about nature, Evening entertainment. Dramatization games. Didactic games in the music and theater center.

Thursday - Reading fairy tales of peoples and writers of the world, Construction games. Sedentary play Sensory games.

Friday - Genres of small folklore. Work in the environmental center, in play centers. Board-printed games. Mobile game with words

16.30 -17.30. Children going home.



1. “Morning of joyful meetings” Goal: to ensure the gradual entry of children into the rhythm of group life, create a good mood, and ensure friendly communication with peers.

2. Work assignments in a corner of nature. Goal: to create a desire to take care of plants; develop a caring attitude towards plants; expand knowledge about the plant world. Learn to identify which flowers need watering.

3. Morning exercises

4. Practical exercise “Mirror” / “Body position during meals”, “My towel”, “Friendly guys”, “When I eat..”/ To form cultural and hygienic skills, a conscious attitude towards one’s appearance. Learn to pay attention to your appearance.

5. D/games for patriotic education.

6. Conversation with children. Family, kindergarten. (topics: My family, relaxing as a family, Our grandmother, Our grandfather, Family management - responsibilities of family members)

7. Canteen duty. Learn to perform the duties of attendants, develop the ability to properly set the table, and observe safety and personal hygiene rules. Cultivate hard work and accuracy.


2. Conversation on life safety. "Safety Islands"

3. Organization of activities in the art corner. Artistic activity on a free theme. Using stencils. Goal: to continue to develop interest and desire to engage in artistic activities, develop aesthetic feelings, consolidate skills in using a brush and pencil, and encourage imagination.

4. Five minutes of health (breathing exercises - teach children to breathe correctly through the nose, mouth, and perform various exercises while breathing . )

5. Reading thin. literature (Russian folk tales). Goal: to cultivate interest and love for books and the poetic word.


1. Examination of albums, illustrations “My City”, “Monuments of Kursk”, “Animal World”, “Birds”. To develop an interest in looking at paintings and illustrations. Develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked, answer it clearly.

2. S/r game Goal: to develop the ability to create game situations with toys, develop a plot, apply your experience and knowledge in the game. Activate dialogic speech.

3. Printed board games Purpose: to teach how to accept a given task in a game, to develop logic, thinking, attention, perseverance, and visual perception.

4. Speech games. D/s on speech development. Develop coherent speech, enrich vocabulary.



1. “Minutes of entering the day” Goal: to ensure the gradual entry of children into the rhythm of the group’s life, to create a good mood, to ensure friendly communication with peers. Develop self-confidence. Promote psychological and personal growth.

2. Work assignments: cleaning the group room / washing toys, wiping cabinet shelves, bathing dolls, washing doll clothes. Goal: learn to provide assistance to adults; to teach to work in a team, to teach how to perform labor actions, to develop a desire to maintain cleanliness and order in the group.

3. Morning exercises

4. Practical exercise “Rules of Etiquette” To develop cultural and hygienic skills, to introduce the rules of behavior at the table. Learn to maintain proper seating at the table and exercise self-control. “Appearance” to form a conscious desire to be neat, the habit of taking care of one’s appearance. Learn to notice problems associated with your own appearance.

5. Conversation with children. Home country, home town. Instill love for the Motherland and a sense of pride. Reinforce the material covered - the name of the city, streets, squares. Generate interest in your area. Expand your horizons.

Minutes of safety /walk, in a group/


2. Conversation on healthy lifestyle.

3. Organization of activities in the music corner. Disco. Learn to perform dance moves to music.

“Nature Orchestra”, “Sounds of the Forest”, “Funny Dances”. Listening to songs, music. Goal: expand sensory experience, develop imagination, stimulate the desire to convey images in dance, develop auditory perception, develop a sense of rhythm, develop aesthetic taste.

4. Five minutes of health (finger games / develop fine motor skills of the hands, learn to pronounce sounds correctly; enrich vocabulary; develop fingers for writing;

develop patience and the ability to concentrate on one action without distractions; teach to fantasize/)

5. Guessing riddles. Develop thinking, attentiveness, observation.


1. Construction and design game “My House”, “Garage”, etc. Acquire the ability to build buildings using construction kits; learn to make buildings in the correct sequence, develop creativity when creating buildings.

2. R/R game Purpose: to organize children’s use of the ability to select objects and attributes for the game, to teach how to conduct role-playing dialogues.

3. D/s on cognitive development.

4. Memorizing poems. Learn to read poetry correctly and with expression.

Improve children's speech-creative abilities. Strengthen children's ability to read poems by heart.

5. Individual work. Preparing for a future lesson.



1. “Minutes of entering the day” Goal: to ensure the gradual entry of children into the rhythm of the group’s life, to create a good mood, to ensure friendly communication with peers. Develop self-confidence. Promote psychological and personal growth.

2. Work assignments in a corner of nature. Goal: to create a desire to take care of plants; develop a caring attitude towards plants; expand knowledge about the plant world.

3. Morning exercises

4. Education of cultural and hygienic skills (teaching the procedure for dressing and undressing) Situational conversation while dressing and undressing. Didactic games.

“Let’s dress the doll for a walk”, “Let’s undress the doll after a walk”, “Let’s teach Katya how to undress after a walk”, “Let’s put the doll to sleep”, "Olya woke up", “Dress the doll after sleep”

"The doll is going to visit", “What first, what then?”

Target: Learn to remember the sequence of dressing and undressing. Work off received skills. To develop children’s ability to dress a doll according to the season of the year and the weather.Learn to hang and fold clothes neatly. To consolidate children's knowledge about clothing and the purpose of things. Distinguish objectsclothes by name.Encourage the use in speech of the names of items of clothing, their parts, as well as actions (take off, put on, hang up, put, etc.) .

Systematize children's ideas about health

Cultivate accuracy and mutual assistance.

5. Independent games in play corners.

Minutes of safety /walk, in a group/


1. Gradual rise, lazy gymnastics, warm-up after sleep. Tempering procedures (air baths, barefoot walking on massage mats)

2. Conversation, games of environmental content.

3. Organization of activities in the book corner. (design of a book exhibition: my favorite book, exhibition of writers’ books, book hospital) Continue to improve the reading experience, experience the pleasure of meeting poetry, and develop interest in the book. Activate vocabulary on the topic (librarian, readers, form, shelving)

4. Five minutes of health (elements of psycho-gymnastics - teach expressive movements, relieve mental stress and preserve the emotional well-being of the child)

5. Etiquette “Politeness Lessons” Introduce the rules of behavior.

6. Free play activity. Learn to find your own interests. Foster a sense of collectivism and mutual understanding.


1. Conversation “My favorite toy.” Games in play corners with your favorite toys.

2. S/r game Goal: to consolidate the ability to distribute roles, use substitute objects, independently build a plot, role interaction.

3. D/s in mathematics.

4. Reading “Wise Tales”. Generate interest in the book; teach to enjoy meeting with a funny book, teach to listen carefully to literary works, express your attitude to what you read, and develop imagination.

5. Conversation about proverbs and popular expressions. Expand vocabulary, enrich spoken language, develop imagination and logical thinking.

6. Individual work. Preparing for a future lesson.



1 Work assignments in play corners. Goal: learn to provide assistance to adults; teach to work in a team, teach to perform labor actions.

2. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills. “Visiting Moidodyr” Queen Comb. Queen Toothbrush. “Getting your hair done” - teach your child to hold a comb in his hand and comb his hair using top-down movements, “The doll is sick.” “Noses - snub noses” - using a handkerchief. “Clean Children” will test knowledge about hygiene items and their purpose. (" What can you say about them! The task of the game. Get acquainted with hygiene items and their use.

Benefits. Comb, nail brush, soap, towel, washbasin, scissors, water in a mug, rubber dolls.)

3. Morning exercises

4. Conversation about the work of adults. To give children specific knowledge and ideas about work and to cultivate respect for the work of adults, to teach them to value it, and to develop an interest in work.

5. Independent games in play corners. Strengthen children’s ability to unite in play, independently assign roles, and use attributes for the game.

6. Duty in class: preparing materials for work. Teach those on duty to select the necessary attributes in accordance with the content of the work ahead, and check that other children have correctly prepared the workplace.

Safety islands /fire safety/


1. Gradual rise, lazy gymnastics, warm-up after sleep. Tempering procedures (air baths, barefoot walking on massage mats)

2. Introduction to the origins of Russian folk culture.

3. Five minutes of health (articulation gymnastics). to develop high-quality, full-fledged movements of the organs of articulation, to prepare for the correct pronunciation of phonemes, to develop the raising of the tongue.

4. Experimentation, experimental work

5. Folk games.

S/r game Goal: to teach how to independently create and implement a game plan, improve the ability to unite in a game, and distribute roles.

6. Conversation “Boy and Girl” Form primary gender ideas, the image of “I”, cultivate respect for peers of the same and opposite sex.


1. Consideration of illustrations for fairy tales. To develop an interest in looking at paintings and illustrations. Develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked, answer it clearly.

2. Gymnastics for the eyes - fun, useful, interesting! relieve visual tension, develop oculomotor functions, strengthen the eye muscles.

3. D/s on sensory development.

4. Conversation with children about human participation and virtue. /kindness, hospitality, mercy, loyalty, truth and lies, what is good and what is bad, tolerance and forbearance, love and affection./ Expand ideas about the world, awaken the imagination, cultivate hard work, responsiveness, mercy, goodwill, kindness and love to your neighbors.

5. Independent games in play corners. Learn to act as organizers of the game: invite friends to participate in the game, explain the rules, monitor execution. Learn to organize games yourself, find something to do that suits your interests.

6. Reading “Good Tales”. Generate interest in the book; teach to enjoy meeting with a funny book, develop imagination.

7. Individual work. Preparing for a future lesson.



1. Work assignments in a corner of nature. Goal: to create a desire to take care of plants; develop a caring attitude towards plants; expand knowledge about the plant world.

2. Conversations with parents and children about the well-being of children or current problems.

3. Morning exercises

4. Independent activity of children in the corner of the book. Organize children’s viewing of illustrations, teach them to discuss their content, and come up with short stories based on familiar fairy tales and at random.

5. Canteen duty. Learn to set the table correctly, act independently and carefully.

Teach to understand the importance of the work of the duty officer, the role of work in people’s lives.

6. Games-exercises for the emotional sphere.

Minutes of safety /on a walk, in a group, dangerous objects/


Independent motor activity. Provide prevention of emotional stress in children, assistance in organizing outdoor, sports, and recreational games. Learn to independently organize your leisure time and engage in playful interactions.


1. Gradual rise, lazy gymnastics, warm-up after sleep. Tempering procedures (air baths, barefoot walking on massage mats)

2. Multi-hall. Cartoons.

3. Five-minute health (finger games / develop fine motor skills of the hands, learn to pronounce sounds correctly; enrich vocabulary; develop fingers for writing; develop patience and the ability to concentrate on one action without distraction; learn to fantasize /)

4. S/r game Purpose: to teach how to independently distribute roles, taking into account the capabilities and interests of each child. Promote the formation of friendly relationships between children.

5. Competitions. Quizzes. To evoke and maintain a feeling of joy, to promote the unification of children, to develop the emotional sphere, to foster optimism, a sense of collectivism.

"Fairy tale" - continue the name of the hero: “Red …”, “Snowy …”, “Crocodile …”, “Baba …”, “Koschei …” and so on.

“Make Nesmeyana Laugh” - make Nesmeyana laugh with funny movements and dances.

"Our home" - at the leader’s signal, place the whole team in the hoop, that is, have time to be in the “house”

Theatrical games. Learn to expressively pronounce the words of your role, supplement speech with appropriate facial expressions and movements.


1. Theater games. To develop onomatopoeia skills in children. develop object-based play activities; form accompanying speech, encourage children’s attempts to participate in a collective conversation, and make joint decisions; develop creative imagination; encourage children to improvise.

2. Printed board games. Goal: to teach how to accept a given task in a game, to develop logic, thinking, attention, perseverance, and visual perception.

3. Reading fiction. Generate interest in the book; teach to enjoy meeting with a funny book, develop imagination. develop an understanding that you can learn a lot of new things from books.

4. Organization of activities in the sports corner. “We are friendly with physical education - we are not afraid of diseases.” Consolidate knowledge about a healthy lifestyle; continue to develop physical qualities - speed, strength, agility, jumping ability, and induce a positive emotional attitude.

5. Relaxation minutes: Learn to relax, concentrate, relieve excitement, mental and physical fatigue.

Svetlana Busareva
Cyclogram of educational work with children in the middle group


I half of the day


2. Educational games (thinking, imagination)

3. Individual Job(on music)

4. Experimental activities

5. S/R games

7. Working in a natural area(observation of plants, labor)

r/m Drawing

2. Exercises to develop speech breathing

3. Individual Job for the development of fine motor skills of the hands

4. Finger games

5. ERS (didactic game, folk game)

6. Interest classes at development centers

r/m Modeling/Applique


2. Educational games (thinking, memory)

3. Individual Job on sensory development

4. S/R games

5. Interest classes at development centers

2. ERS (conversation, looking at illustrations, reading fiction)

4. Individual design work

5. S/R games

6. Interest classes at development centers

2. Musical and didactic games

3. Learning poems, songs, works of small folklore forms

4. Individual Job

5. S/R games

6. Interest classes at development centers

7. Children's workshop (circle Job)

Organized daily: morning exercises, duty, self-service, household work, hygiene procedures - KGN, situational conversation, speech situations, communication between an adult and children in different types of activities, hardening

Directly- educational activity: in accordance with the educational activity plan groups


According to “Educational activities on walks. Card index of walks for each day according to the program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. Middle group(from 4 to 5 years)/auth. -composition O. N. Nebykova, I. S. Batova. - Volgograd: Teacher. – 199 p.

1. Observation (of weather, natural phenomena, animate and inanimate nature, phenomena of social life)

2. Outdoor games

3. Individual Job on the development of basic movements

5. Independent activities of children

II half day


1. UMK (didactic games)

3. Finger play

4. Individual Job on artistic and aesthetic development (drawing)

5. S/R games

1. Educational games

2. Reading fiction (memorizing a work of art)

3. Individual Job on artistic and aesthetic development (modeling/applique)

4. Conversations and games on traffic rules

5. Construction games


1. UMK (didactic games)

2. Theatrical activities

3. Reading fiction (story)

4. Watching cartoons

5. Individual Job on cognitive development (FEMP)

1. Games for developing skills (sound culture, grammatical structure)

2. Reading fiction (working with poems)

3. S/R games

4. Interest classes at development centers

5. Individual Job on speech development (vocabulary, grammar)

1. Didactic games on ecology

2. Reading fiction

3. Joint activity in the art corner

4. Work activity indoors

Publications on the topic:

Cyclogram of planning educational work for the 2016–2017 academic year in the second junior group Cyclogram of planning educational work for the 2016-2017 academic year in the 2nd junior group. Days of the week Joint activities.

Cyclogram of planning educational work in the section of theatrical activities in junior groups cyclogram of planning educational work in the section of theatrical activities in junior groups 1 and 2 MORNING: MONDAY.

Cyclogram of planning educational work for the day. Mode Joint activity of adults and children Taking into account the integration of educational areas Independent activity of children in groups.

Cyclogram of educational work Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Morning 1. ORU 2. Articulation gymnastics 3. Finger gymnastics 4. Breathing gymnastics.

Calendar plan for educational work with children Calendar plan for educational work with children Date of the week Regular moments. Joint activities. Independent activity.

Calendar plan for educational work in the middle group. Educator: Ovsyannikova N.I. April 1 week Theme of the period: “Spring” (continued). Topic of the week: “Indoor plants” Goals: to introduce children to the variety of indoor plants.

Cyclogram of the teacher’s activities. Middle group

7.00 – 8.00. Reception of children in a group or outside (depending on the weather)

  1. Conversations with parents and children about the well-being of children or current problems.
  2. Education of cultural and hygienic skills.
  3. Independent games for children in play centers
  4. Work assignments in nature corners and play centers
  5. Didactic games.

Monday - Games to develop creative imagination, word games.

Tuesday - Environmental games.

Wednesday - Classification and seriation games.

Thursday - Speech games, games for the development of phonemic hearing.

Friday -Looking at paintings, illustrations, developing coherent speech

  1. Formation for exercise. Morning exercises)

7.50-8.05 Conversations with children.

Monday - Family, kindergarten.

Tuesday - Home country, home town.

Wednesday - Social and moral education, etiquette.

Thursday - life safety.

Friday - Adult work, objective world

8.20-8.45 Preparing for breakfast. Cultural and hygienic skills. Self-service. Canteen duty

1. Five minutes of health: finger games, logorhythmic games, elements of psycho-gymnastics

2. Breakfast. Formation of food culture rules, self-service. Canteen duty. Mouth rinse.

8.45-8.55 Individual work.

Monday - Individual conversations: - on the topic of life safety (I week); - ethical conversations (I, III); - behavior in society (II); - CG skills (IV).

Tuesday - Development of fine motor skills of the hands Cognitive development.

Wednesday - Games for the formation of spatial standards, color, size and shape.

Thursday -Work on expressiveness of speech (I); Vocabulary enrichment (III);

Friday - ZKR Development of phonemic hearing (IV).

8.55-9.00 Preparation for classes. Formation of workplace preparation skills.

1. Classes according to schedule. Between classes - outdoor games, exercises to prevent postural disorders, flat feet, and visual impairment.

9.00 –9.20

Monday – cognition (construction)

Tuesday – learning about FEMP.

Wednesday – artistic creativity

Thursday - - Speech development and familiarization with fiction

Friday – formation of a holistic picture of the world..

9.30 – 9.50.

Monday - Musical.

Tuesday - Physical education.

Wednesday - Musical.

Thursday - Physical education.

Friday - Applique / sculpting

9.50–10.10 Preparing for a walk, Development of self-care skills

16. 9.50–10.10 Outdoor games.

Monday - With poetic text.

Tuesday - Formation of spatial relationships.

Wednesday - With rules.

Thursday - To develop movement coordination.

Friday - folk games.

10-11.30 Walk.

Observations: the weather, seasonal changes in nature. Work in nature, on the site. Role-playing games. Didactic games, games for attention and erudition. Individual work on developing basic types of movements, consolidating knowledge and skills, and advanced tasks.


Monday - Wildlife observations (animals),

Tuesday - Observations of inanimate nature,

Wednesday - Observations of the phenomena of social life.

Thursday - Target walk. Didactic environmental games,

Friday - Observations of wildlife (plants).

Outdoor games:

Monday - folk games. Sports games and exercises,

Tuesday - P/n with jumping P/n with throwing. ,

Wednesday - P/n for balance, climbing. ,

Thursday - Folk games. Sports games and exercises,

Friday - P/n with running, dodging.

11.30-11.50 Return from a walk.

Hygiene procedures. Fostering a culture of communication. Games for psychological relief.


developing self-service skills. Dinner. Formation of food culture rules. Mouth rinse.

12.20- 12.40

Looking at books and illustrations. Getting ready for bed, air baths, barefooting. Reading fiction

12.40-15.00 Daytime nap.


Gradual rise, lazy gymnastics. Tempering procedures (air baths, barefoot walking, walking on massage mats and trails, elements of acupressure.)

15.25-15.50 Preparing for afternoon tea.Hygiene procedures. Developing self-care skills.

Afternoon snack . Formation of food culture rules. Mouth rinse.

15.50- 16.30 Individual work(Monday - Construction from paper, crafts from natural materials, drawing, Tuesday - Development of fine motor skills of the hands, Cognitive development. , Wednesday - Development of mental processes - memory, attention and spatial logic, Thursday - Work on expressiveness of speech (I); Enrichment of vocabulary (III, IV); Friday - ZK, Development of phonemic hearing)

Activities of children in a group.

Monday - Reading Russian folk tales, Role-playing games, Sedentary play. ,Theatrical activities.

Tuesday - Memorizing poems. Role-playing games Board and printed games. Mobile game with words

Wednesday - Reading stories and tales about nature, Evening entertainment. Dramatization games. Didactic games in the music and theater center.

Thursday - Reading fairy tales of peoples and writers of the world, Construction games. Sedentary play Sensory games.

Friday - Genres of small folklore. Work in the environmental center, in play centers. Board-printed games. Mobile game with words

16.30 -17.30. Children going home.
