Quick ways to kill a yeti. Yetis hate dogs and will always try to kill them whenever possible.

About the search for a large baboon-like beast in Illinois in the 1940s, we mentioned the moment when something, most likely the same beast, brutally killed a farmer's dog. In fact, there are many such cases when Yeti maimed or killed dogs.

It seems that these Bigfoots, Sasquats and other Bigfoot people don’t care unknown reason Dogs are extremely hated.

"The killing of dogs is famous characteristic feature Sasquatch. To do this, they can chase the dog for a long time and track it down. Most often, when dogs smell them, they run away or tuck their tails in fear, but the dog that is not afraid and enters into a fight with a Sasquatch can be brutally maimed or killed. Some of these dogs were found torn to pieces and all traces indicated that it was done by a Sasquatch,” these words belong to one of the members of the American Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO).

Sometimes yetis kill dogs to elude their pursuers, and sometimes to eat them. Some might say that the dogs could have been attacked by wolves, but Bigfoot researchers are confident that it was the elusive humanoid cryptids who did it.

The police dog was afraid to go into the barn

Let's move on to the cases themselves. In 1973, in the same Illinois where a baboon-like animal was seen in the early 40s, a large bigfoot covered with long white hair was observed near the same Big Muddy River. Perhaps old and gray. All sightings were made by residents of the city of Murphysboro and were recorded by police officers. Later, cryptozoologist Lauren Coleman managed to obtain copies of these recordings.

One report described how dog handler Jerry Nellis arrived at the scene of a Bigfoot sighting with a dog. The vegetation there was heavily trampled, as if something large had actually walked here. The dog quickly picked up someone's scent and led the dog handler and police down the hill.

From time to time, on the way of the dog and people, they came across a strange dark mucus lying on the grass. When one of the policemen rubbed some of the mucus with his fingers, his fingers turned dark. And every time this mucus came across the path, the dog began to behave very restlessly.

The report stated that the dog led people down a hill and then to a pond, walked around the pond and headed towards the forest. In one place the dog began to pull the dog handler very hard, but it was impossible to get down there, the embankment was too steep. Police officers with flashlights were left in this area to check, and the dog handler and dog moved to another area to the south, where the creature was also seen.

There the dog also picked up the scent and he led it to the old barn. But as soon as the dog ran into the barn, it immediately jumped back out, as if greatly frightened by something. Officer Nash and dog handler Nellis searched the barn, but found nothing and did not understand why the dog was afraid.

According to Nellis, the dog was trained to find a target by scent and not to retreat, and it had never previously refused to search for something in buildings. In that area, the police never found any more traces of Bigfoot.

Momo - the monster from Missouri

In July 2012, NewsOk magazine published an article describing events that occurred in Louisiana, Missouri in 1972. These events were called "The Epic of Momo". For a short time, the entire state was in panic, and later the story spread throughout America. Momo is the nickname of a large, scary and very smelly Bigfoot, which children saw growling loudly and killing their dog.

It all started on July 11, 1972. Two boys, 8-year-old Terry Harrison and his brother, 5-year-old Wally Harrison, were walking through the forest with their dog on a beautiful hot day. The Harrisons' house stood at the edge of the forest and their older sister, 15-year-old Doris Harrison, was home that day. Suddenly the girl heard a loud scream of boys outside and when she jumped to the window and looked out, she saw a terrible picture.

There was a dark, tall humanoid creature, at least 7 feet tall (2.1 meters) and so thickly covered with long hair that even its facial features could not be seen. With one of its paws it was holding the bloody body of a dog and torn out shreds of dog hair were lying nearby. And the smell from this creature was incredibly vile!

“It was not a person and it was also not a bear,” Doris, who turned 55 in 2012, later said. “It was something incomprehensible.”

“Something you’ve never seen before?” the journalist asked her.

"Yes, that's right."

When the animal left, the boys and Doris told their father about everything that had happened, and a little later a local farmer announced that his dog had also disappeared. Soon, several more reports came from other local residents about the strange creature and the terrible smell it left behind. Then the monster was given the nickname Momo.

“A few days after that incident, we heard a terrible roar in the distance,” says a woman named Bliss, “I know how lynxes and other local animals roar and growl, it was like nothing else. My father at that time moment shouted “We all better get out of here, it’s coming here!”

Eyewitness observations accumulated like a snowball. One man claimed he was being chased by a beast with red eyes, a group of schoolchildren claimed to have seen the monster right out of their classroom window, and two women who had gone on a picnic along a stream described how the creature chased them until they sat down. into their car and did not leave quickly.

They described him as large and humanoid, yet intelligent. It managed to grab the car door handle and tried to open the door.

Another eyewitness, Ellis Minor, was sitting late in the evening on the porch of her house with her dog, and suddenly her dog, for no apparent reason, began to growl loudly at someone unknown. When Ellis went to look with a flashlight, she saw "a large dark creature by the side of the road running away." In addition, there were several other reports of strange aggressive behavior of local dogs.

Momo soon became a national phenomenon in Louisiana. Bigfoot hunters began to come to the city specifically, and locals found large, strange prints.

“He’s not human at all, he has a very large heel and only three toes,” said Christina Wildmiller.

In the photo below, Christina is holding in her hands a plaster photograph of one of the footprints that her father managed to take in those years.

Despite the print and the testimony of witnesses, many are now confident that Momo was not real, and that all this was originally just an invention of the Harrisons. For example, 76-year-old Priscilla Gilter, who worked as a school teacher in those years, is sure of this. She also suggests that the same Harrisons could use the gorilla fur suit to scare the locals.

Now there are almost no witnesses left from those events. The Harrison house was abandoned and destroyed long ago, and Momo is remembered only by long-livers like Gilter or fingerprint holders like Christina.

Was Momo a fiction or a real monster, at the end of the note, we remind you that if you want to look for Yeti, it is best to leave your dog at home.

Good afternoon everyone. Today I will tell you a few secrets on how to kill a yeti safely, at the initial stage, and how to kill it instantly, only for this you will need a friend and the punisher's bows.

Method No. 1

First way:

Let's go to the ball/globe, whatever they call it. There's a yeti spawning right next to the road. We see a tree near the rock, which stands point-blank towards it. And here the bug itself begins. You can jump onto this ledge and shoot at the yeti from there, he will get angry and run towards you. But he won’t be able to touch you, and you can calmly beat him with an axe/pick, or whatever, or shoot him.

Second place: This is 2 RT. If you are a beginner, there is a map of the game on the Internet, you will find it there. Again, he spawns near the road. You jump onto the container, through the concrete ring, and shoot it from there again. He won't be able to reach you.

Another way is to place a concrete foundation, just so that you can jump on it. And if you have a car, then jump from the car to the maximum height. And again, this is how you kill him.

Method number 2 (Need punisher bows)

Tax. A method I call a one-shot. Find the yeti, approach it with your friend. ATTENTION You must have a punisher's bow. So here it is. Approach him so that he doesn't get angry. Aim for the head together, and shoot together on the count of three. 90% of the time you both get hit and he dies instantly. With the machine, we farmed about 40 regular wool and 40 white wool in 1 hour.

Once the game is completed 100 percent, in the state nature reserve located at the foot of Mount Chilliad, an icon will appear on the map marking a bonus task for Franklin (the task is only available to Franklin, since he is the only one guaranteed to remain alive after completion story campaign games).

It is noteworthy that the mission may not become available immediately after reaching 100 percent in the game completion statistics, but some time later, and there is a possibility that you will have to wait several in-game weeks. However, as a rule, the task appears either immediately or in a day or two.

Even if the mission does not appear immediately, finding an interesting activity that will brighten up the wait will not be difficult. And as soon as the mission marker appears on the map, you can switch to Franklin and go there. If you don’t want to wait, you can speed up receiving the mission. To do this, you need to go into GTA Online and then return to scene mode by switching to Franklin directly from network mode game - the quest marker will already be waiting for him at the southern slope of Mount Chilliad.

"The Last One"

In the forest near Raton Canyon, Franklin will meet a hunter reminiscent of the hunter from Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare - an add-on for another game from Rockstar Games, available, unfortunately, exclusively on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles.

The Yeti hunter will tell you that for the last eight years he has been trying to catch yetis in the local forests. More than once he saw the mysterious Bigfoot from afar, but he never managed to make a successful shot - the agile bigfoot was hiding in the thicket. The hunter will tell you that he saw fresh Bigfoot droppings in the lowlands not far from here, and will send Franklin to inspect the pile. The path is not short, so it would be logical to overcome it in a buggy parked nearby, but one of the conditions for receiving “gold” at the end of this task is to get to the place on foot. Well, on foot, on foot.

After examining the Yeti excrement, Franklin will notice Bigfoot himself at the edge of the forest. The Sasquatch will jump out of the thickets and immediately hide behind the nearest trees. Bigfoot is marked with a red dot on the mini-map, so it’s quite easy to keep track of it. As soon as he appears again, you need to shoot - to get “gold”, you need to hit the yeti at least three times when he runs from bush to bush, trying to hide from the person.

At the same time, we must not forget that the forest is a dangerous place. Having heard the close howls of a cougar, which are found in abundance here, you need to switch to a wild cat - it will instantly kill Franklin if you don’t shoot it. And in order to get the coveted “gold” in this mission, you need to kill at least four pumas during the chase.

It's worth noting that this is not the first time a Yeti has appeared in the game - in story mission he could be seen playing as Michael targeting enemies from a helicopter through an infrared sight. However, then the bigfoot appeared for only a second, and then disappeared into the thicket of the forest, as if it had not been there. If you don’t know in advance, then you can wonder for a long time: “Did it appear or not?”

After several runs between bushes and trees, the yeti will finally collapse. The dashes themselves are scripted, and the Bigfoot is invulnerable during them, so it makes no sense to fire clip after clip at him - it’s enough to hit him three times, shooting each time the yeti appears again. Having fallen to the ground, Bigfoot will demand that the hunter finish what he started and finish him off, the last representative of his species. What? Talking yeti? No matter how it is. Another freak! Apparently, San Andres has a special attraction for a variety of eccentrics. Decide for yourself what to do with this would-be role-player after completing the mission. You can finish it off - I asked for it myself.

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