All games drop plane minecraft. Island Survival Games

Famous analogues of this game are "Shipwreck" and "Landing on the Moon".

This game has a wide range of tasks:

  • practice the skills of behavior in the discussion,
  • ability to argue, to be persuasive,
  • to study the dynamics of a group dispute on concrete material,
  • discover the traditional mistakes people make in polemics,
  • to train the ability to highlight the main thing and weed out the “husk”, to see the essential features of objects,
  • learn to be aware of strategic goals and subordinate tactical steps to them, etc.

When discussing the results, it is necessary to focus on such aspects as receiving feedback from the participants about each other (due to its emotional richness, the game allows you to “turn off” the psychological defense mechanism at least for a while and become yourself - that is why it is effective at first stages of group work).

Format of the Disaster exercise

Each participant receives a special form (or draws it according to the instructions of the facilitator).

The facilitator gives the group the following instructions:

From now on, all of you are passengers of an airliner flying from Europe to Central Africa. While flying over the Sahara desert, a fire suddenly broke out on board the aircraft, the engines failed, and the airliner crashed to the ground. You miraculously escaped, but your location is unclear. It is only known that the nearest settlement is located at a distance of about 300 kilometers from you.

Under the wreckage of the plane, you managed to find fifteen items that remained intact after the crash.
Your job is to rank these items according to their importance to your salvation. To do this, you need to put the number 1 next to the most important item, the number 2 - the second most important and so on up to the fifteenth, the least important for you.
Fill in the first column of the form with numbers.
Everyone works independently for fifteen minutes.

List of items:

1. Hunting knife
2. Flashlight
3. Flight map of the surroundings
4. Polyethylene raincoat
5. Magnetic compass
6. Portable gas stove with cylinder
7. Hunting rifle with ammunition
8. Red and white parachute
9. Pack of salt
10. One and a half liters of water for each
11. Key to edible animals and plants
12. Sunglasses for everyone
13. A liter of vodka for everyone
14. Light short coat for everyone
15. Pocket mirror

After completing the individual ranking, the leader invites the group to break into pairs and rank the same items again within ten minutes already together with the partner (in this case, the second column in the form with the list of items is filled with numbers). The next stage of the game is a general group discussion in order to come to a common opinion on the order of the items, for which at least thirty minutes are allocated.

Observing the work of the participants clearly shows the degree of skill to organize a discussion, plan their activities, make compromises, listen to each other, argue their point of view, and control themselves. Heated debates often unfolding, when no one wants to listen to the opinions of others, clearly demonstrate to the participants themselves their incompetence in the field of communication and the need to change their behavior.

At the end of the discussion, the facilitator announces that the game is over, congratulates all participants on a safe rescue and offers to discuss the results of the game.

The time required to complete this exercise is at least one and a half hours.

The first question, which the facilitator asks all the participants to answer in a circle, is: “Are you personally satisfied with the results of the last discussion? Explain why".

The answers of the participants are necessarily accompanied by reflection, the purpose of which is to comprehend the processes, methods and results of individual and joint activities.

The resulting discussion is fueled by the facilitator asking clarifying questions like this:

  • What caused your satisfaction (dissatisfaction)?
  • How do you think your discussion was moving in the right direction or not?
  • Has a common rescue strategy been developed?
  • What prevented you from taking an active part in the discussion?
  • Do you disagree with the decision?
  • Why didn't you manage to defend your opinion?
  • Who most influenced the outcome of the group decision, that is, in fact, turned out to be the leader who managed to lead the group?
  • What exactly in the behavior of the leader allowed him to make him listen to himself?
  • At what stage did the leader appear?
  • In what ways did other participants seek agreement with their views?
  • What behaviors were the least effective?
  • What only interfered with the overall work?
  • How should the discussion be structured in order to reach a common opinion in the fastest way and not infringe on the rights of all participants?

Discussing the results of the game should lead the group to figure out on their own how to organize discussions in the best way, how to avoid rough clashes in an argument and encourage others to accept their opinion. The leader and his qualities, effective communication skills, self-presentation skills, etc.

If necessary, the facilitator only helps to more clearly formulate the patterns found by the participants. Self-analysis by the participants of their own behavior, which is enriched by feedback from other members of the group, is of great importance.

The facilitator is responsible for ensuring that this feedback does not turn into a series of mutual accusations, but is constructive and accepted by the participants.

Almost always there is a question about the “correct” answer to the problem of discussion. This answer is given by the moderators, but with the proviso that this is the opinion of foreign experts, with which we have the right to disagree, but are forced to take into account the importance of choosing a rescue strategy for ranking items: either move through the desert to people, or wait for help from rescuers. If in the group during the discussion the question of strategy was practically not raised, then at this stage it is found that some of the participants tacitly meant the first option, while the other part meant the second. This reveals another reason for mutual misunderstanding.

So the answers are:

Option “Wait for rescuers”

By the way, according to experts, the preferred

Subject Importance. Rationale
1 Needed in the desert to quench your thirst
2 pocket mirror Important for signaling air rescuers
3 Light coat for everyone Cover from the scorching sun during the day and from the coolness of the night
4 flashlight Also a means of signaling pilots at night
5 Red and white parachute And a means of covering from the sun, and a signal to rescuers
6 hunting knife Weapons for foraging
7 Polyethylene raincoat Rainwater and dew collector
8 Can be used for hunting and for sound signaling
9 Sunglasses for everyone Help protect your eyes from the glare of the sand and the sun
10 Since you don't have to move, it can be useful for cooking
11 magnetic compass It does not matter much, since there is no need to determine the direction of movement
12 Flight map of the surroundings Not needed, as it is much more important to know where the rescuers are than to determine your location
13 In the desert there is not a wide variety of flora and fauna
14 A liter of vodka for everyone It is permissible to use as an antiseptic for disinfection in case of any injuries. In other cases, it is of little value, since if ingested, it can cause dehydration of the body.
15 Packet of salt Virtually no significance

Option “Move to people”

The importance distribution will have a slightly different form:

1 One and a half liters of water for each
2 Packet of salt
3 magnetic compass
4 Flight map of the surroundings
5 Light coat for everyone
6 Sunglasses for everyone
7 A liter of vodka for everyone
8 flashlight
9 Polyethylene raincoat
10 hunting knife
11 Hunting rifle with ammunition
12 pocket mirror
13 Key to edible animals and plants
14 Red and white parachute
15 Portable gas stove with bottle

Sometimes the exchange of impressions and feedback in the early stages is not easy, and although this game is useful and effective, it is not able to completely remove the psychological protection of the participants.

Survival games have become very popular lately. And now the developers are trying to experiment more and more, mixing the classic Survival with an action movie, then with horror, or even with a sandbox like Minecraft. We have selected the 10 most interesting games in our opinion, which you should definitely pay attention to.

1. The Long Dark

An unusual geomagnetic storm has thrown your plane into the wilds of Northern Canada. You wake up in a very cold and hostile world in which nature itself becomes your main enemy. It is she who can either kill you or give you hope for salvation. The game is a survival simulator in the icy desert, where you have to explore the world around you, search for food and other resources. No zombies, mutants and other evil spirits, just you and nature. There is no storyline yet, it will appear in one of the future updates when the game leaves the alpha version status. But already now playing The Long Dark is a real pleasure.

2. Rust

For those who are bored of living alone. Rust is a multiplayer survival game in which everything is done exclusively by the hands of the players. There is no plot, no scenario, there is only you, endless crafting and thousands of other players who dream of killing you in various sophisticated ways. Therefore, playing Rust is better and more fun for a large company on the same server or even just over a local network. There are a lot of resources and a bunch of objects for crafting, ranging from an ordinary ax in the form of a stone tied to a stick and ending with an automatic turret to protect your home, which, by the way, you will also need to build.

3. DayZ

The game takes place in the fictional post-Soviet republic of Chernarus. After a mysterious cataclysm, absolutely the entire population of this country turned into bloodthirsty zombies. You find yourself on a deserted shore with a minimal set of resources in your backpack. In front of you is 220 square kilometers of an area that used to be a prosperous land, and now has turned into a haven for the living dead. Your main task is to survive. Sounds simple. But as soon as you start playing, you will understand that danger lurks here at every turn and you can’t relax even for a minute. The game is designed so realistically that it sometimes resembles real life. Affects the specialization of the main author of the project - Dean Hall. Before becoming a hobby programmer, he had experience serving in the New Zealand military and surviving in the jungles of Brunei.

4. 7 Days to Die

What happens when you mix Minecraft and DayZ? That's right - 7 Days to Die. The game has absorbed all the best from these two genres and is ready to provide players with not only a cool action to destroy hordes of zombies, but also a huge and complex system of all kinds of crafting. This is not the kind of survival where you have to search every dark corner of some abandoned hut in order not to miss the cartridge lying around there. Here, if you get tired of killing zombies with a revolver, you just craft a machine gun for yourself, and if you run out of ammo, you make new ones. And, of course, clearing the world of zombies in a company is much more interesting than alone, so the game has multiplayer.

5. The Forest

The protagonist of the game miraculously survives after a plane crash and finds himself on a desert island. However, this island seems uninhabited only during the day, with the onset of night, natives get out of their holes - terrible cannibal mutants. In the fight against these creatures is the main point. The whole day passes in preparation for a new night fight. You need to stock up on food, water, take care of weapons, create fortifications and traps. Yes, and the forest itself in this game, as if it were a living organism, it breathes, changes, plants grow and die, wild animals migrate in search of food. It also has a huge network of underground caves and lakes. All in all, the game is definitely worth a try.

6. Rim World

If the vast majority of "survivors" prioritize the personality of the protagonist, then RimWorld proceeds from the opposite: personalities are not important, the survival of the colony is important. At the very beginning of the game, you take control of a small group of space travelers whose ship crashed on an unknown planet. Fortunately, there is air, water, flora and fauna. Your main task is not only to survive, but also to build a new spaceship to fly home. At the same time, the planet on which you ended up is by no means uninhabited. There are local tribes with whom you can be friends or fight. And then there are space pirates and space traders. In order to ensure the survival of the colony, you will need to take care of food, a roof over your head, protection from raiders, and a backyard after all.

7. ARK: Survival Evolved

Who needs those wretched saber-toothed tigers from Far Cry Primal anyway, if you can tame a huge dinosaur in ARK: Survival Evolved! But do not think that they all look like cute pets. Dinosaurs are one of the biggest threats you'll have to fight in ARK: Survival Evolved. The developers have created a whole world in which ancient dinosaurs quite organically coexist not only with fantastic technologies, but also with other extinct creatures, such as giant scorpions and the same saber-toothed tigers. Finding yourself on the shore of a large island in the middle of a vast ocean, you have to use all your strength and all available resources in order to survive. But what a thrill it is to fly on a real pterodactyl! It's worth playing this game just for that.

8. This War of Mine

Action and action films like Call of Duty or Battlefield tend to over-romanticize the image of war, making it nothing more than a light stroll with a bunch of weapons in hand. This War of Mine is unique in that it shows a different, real war with the pain and suffering of ordinary people. Here you have to play not as a super-fighter of some elite unit, but as a group of civilians, whose main task is to simply squeeze out in a besieged city. The player will experience all the "charms" of a military blockade: lack of food, medicine, as well as the constant fear of being a victim of enemy snipers, or, even worse, their own marauders. In between the search for provisions, you need to remember to rebuild shelters to protect your people at night.

9. Shadows of Kurgansk

A game that could be really great. It was the unusual hand-drawn graphics in the style of Borderlands that attracted many in it. Shadows of Kurgansk has two independent storylines. In the first, you play as one of the tourists who went on a seemingly ordinary hike, but quite by accident ended up in an unusual anomaly zone. In the second, you are a passenger of a helicopter that crashed in an anomalous zone. The cards in the two stories are different. There is also a survival mode in which you are not constrained by any plot frames and are free to provide yourself with everything you need, exploring the game world. And everything seems to be fine, but ... The game, apparently, has been abandoned by its developers and will forever remain in "early access". However, it is quite possible to spend several evenings with her until she gets bored.

10. Life is Feudal: Your Own

This game is not just survival, but a real simulation of a medieval society. However, life in those days was more like survival. The key to a successful existence in this medieval world is a competent division of labor. Yes, there is multiplayer here and it is he who is the main component of the game. Each of the 64 players in a 3x3 km location must take on one side of life. You can be a hunter bringing food, you can be a blacksmith creating new tools, or you can even become an alchemist. Everything depends on you. The game is very realistic, as much as possible, in order to keep the interest and excitement of the players.

Download Roblox

Maps where the user has to escape from a natural disaster are especially popular. This is a drive and a desire to stay alive, often there is a leaderboard on such sites. They indicate how many rounds were in the game and which ones they won. Sometimes there are points for which you can purchase additional objects or fun decorative accessories.

What can be done

Appearing on the map, the user sees around him a small airport. Placed NPCs that provide important information. They are scared and write that a storm is coming, it is better not to fly at this time. But the plane still flies up to the ladder and goes into the thick of the impending storm.

Wandering around the plane while the crash is happening will not work. The problem is that the aircraft enters the turbulence zone and immediately shakes. Strong shaking is the cause of the destruction, falling down all the players. Heroes can be near dangerous factors, but are more likely to fall apart.

Is it possible to play with friends

There are no statistics or other indicators on the map. Even after falling into the fire, the player will not see the life bar, but will simply be thrown into the sea. There is also no shop where you can purchase additional items. Plenty will become simple entertainment, but without rewards.

Playing with friends is more fun, because you can fly many times. As soon as the storm subsides, the sun comes out and it becomes easier to fly. The plane rarely leaves the danger zone, so getting into good weather is a rare event. To play with your friends, just invite them or send an active link.

Players do not need to pay for VIP or buy anything in the store. There is also no leaderboard, so the site does not offer competition for the best survival in the environment of the crash of the airliner. Try to survive with your friends by playing Roblox Plane Crash.

Category Fighting- Original name RedEye 1031

During the crash of the plane in the air, only one passenger of the ill-fated flight survived. Help him cope with various monsters that attack him at the moment when the remains of the liner continue to fall!


Rather, grab an oxygen mask and use it to deal with all the creatures that try to attack your hero. Try to constantly move and do not let them surround you. In doing so, do not forget that the body of the aircraft continues to move, so you need to be very careful not to fall overboard.

For each killed enemy you will receive a certain number of points to your account. If you manage to destroy several opponents in a row, then you can earn even more bonus points. At the same time, keep an eye on the hero's life energy, which is displayed on the red indicator, and do not let the enemies defeat the brave passenger!


  • To move the little man, use the left and right arrows or the A and D keys.
  • To jump, use the "W" button or the "up" arrow.
  • To attack an enemy or use items, press the spacebar.
  • To pause the game, press the "P" button.

Survival games with sandbox elements have become incredibly popular since the advent of RUST, the classic survival game. As a rule, in games of this genre, the game character needs to eat, build a dwelling, or equip an entire fortress. In the game, the main opponents are wild animals, natives, mythical creatures, such as dinosaurs, as in Ark: Survival Evolved, or simply wildlife.

We have prepared for you a list of the 12 best island survival games according to the editors. The backstory of the protagonist is not original: you survived after a plane crash, like in The Forest, after a shipwreck, or survived the apocalypse. Against this background, Dead Island looks bright - the main character found himself on a tropical island with infected zombies. We invite you to get acquainted with other games of this popular genre.

rising world

Release date: year 2014
Genre: survival in open world wilderness
Developer: JIW-Games
Publisher: JIW-Games

A game for those who like Minecraft but don't like cubic graphics. The player is invited to survive in a multiplayer world full of not only players, but also wild animals, as well as several hundred different types of resources from which you can create items that are very useful for survival.

Craft, although not diverse, is more than enough for survival. The building system is extensive, the game allows you to build whatever your heart desires: from small survival huts to huge castles and fortresses.


Release date: 2018
Genre: island survival game
Developer: Redbeet Interactive
Publisher: Axolot Games

The original game, where instead of an island you are offered to survive on a raft, or rather, what is left of it. Around the player there is only an endless ocean, which is fraught with many different types of resources: from fish to boards and iron. Just taking these resources does not give sharks swimming around the player and ready to start lunch at any time.

To catch the necessary resources is offered with a special hook, or in the water, if you have the courage. You can make items from the caught resources and equip your “vessel” to create a small paradise on it. But keep in mind that not only sharks want to eat, the main character also needs to drink and eat, otherwise, after the death of the character, you will have to start over.

out of reach

Release date: 2018
Genre: island sailor survival game, MMO
Developer: Space Boat Studios
Publisher: Space Boat Studios

Out of Reach - this multiplayer island simulator offers the player not only to survive on the island, but also to unite with other players in groups in order to jointly hunt animals or other survivors. The archipelago on which the hero is stuck is large and hides many secrets and resources from which to build dwellings and craft interior items.

The weather conditions of the island are merciless, so without a home you can consider yourself a corpse, and other survivors will take apart the lifeless body for useful items.

Escape The Pacific

Release date: 2018
Genre: a game about survival and travel on a raft on the sea
Developer: Gamers4Gamers Team
Publisher: Gamers4Gamers Team

A game with an original idea about an ever-generating island, in the vast expanses of which the game will have to survive. The emphasis of the game is on the climate, on the changing seasons and on the geographical features of the locations, which can be infinite. Crafting is also not quite ordinary, materials and buildings have an expiration date and easy destructibility, which will make itself felt during storms.

The game is not about survival on the island, but about repairing and rebuilding new buildings.

The Forest

Release date: 2018
Genre: game about survival on the island after a plane crash, horror
Developer: Endnight Games Ltd
Publisher: Endnight Games Ltd

The player plunges into the role of a loving father, flying in an airplane with his son. The plane crashes, everyone dies, except for the hero and his son, who, while the hero was unconscious, was dragged away by some natives. Now the goal of the protagonist is to find his son on a mysterious island, but also try to survive on his own.

You can build, make weapons and hunt, but you need to remember that the island is dangerous and fraught with many secrets. Wild animals are the most harmless thing on the way, and hunger is not as strong as ever-growing fear.

Survival: Last Day

Release date: 2018
Genre: Island post-apocalyptic survival game
Developer: Blood Moon Games
Publisher: Blood Moon Games

Post-apocalypse, the world is destroyed after the epidemic of a terrible virus that destroyed almost the entire population of the planet. The protagonist was able to survive, and now he travels alone through the ruins of human civilization, collecting everything that remains after the disaster.

Hunger and thirst are not the most terrible enemies of the hero, the main zombie is chasing him, having great speed and a strong sense of smell, with the help of which he seeks out the protagonist. You can build a shelter or find a deep cave, but you can't hide from it.

Stranded Deep

Release date: 2015
Genre: survival on a desert island after a plane crash
Developer: Beam Team Games
Publisher: Beam Team Pty Ltd

The player takes on the role of a survivor of a plane crash that crashed somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. The hero turns out to be the only survivor after the tragedy, and therefore he will have to explore the huge game world, which consists of a bunch of islands and reefs, alone.

There are still many resources from the destroyed ship left in the sea, and many representatives of different faunas and species live on the island. Each island is not like the previous one, in each you can find something useful and build a house, or even two.

Wurm Unlimited

Release date: 2015
Genre: RPG about survival in the world of fantasy and the Middle Ages
Developer: Code Club AB
Publisher: plug in digital

A version of the popular MMO Wurm Online that brings all the goodness of the multiplayer version to the single player game. The player is given complete freedom of action and choice: choose a class and skills - character development is long and detailed, build your own house or castle, choose and pray to one of the deities or become a deity yourself, the ability to catch animals and cross them - this is not all the possibilities of this legendary games.

A game that is not about survival, but about building your own world.


Release date: 2018
Genre: open world survival game with crafting and building, MMO
Developer: Facepunch Studios
Publisher: Facepunch Studios

The popular multiplayer game has become synonymous with fun and insanity. The session begins with the birth of the protagonist, naked and helpless, but surrounded by resources. Resources are the most important thing in the game. With the help of them, you can build a shelter that will protect you from other players - the main danger in the game, and the weapon you need for the same.

Crafting and building in the game are limitless, as is the game world itself, which has a huge size. One of the main achievements in Rust is to survive at least an hour.

ARK: Survival Evolved

Release date: 2017
Genre: island survival game with dinosaurs
Developer: Studio Wildcard, Instinct Games, Efecto Studios, Virtual Basement LLC
Publisher: Studio Wildcard

A game with the most interesting and unusual world, which is inhabited by various mythical creatures, such as giant spiders, and dinosaurs. At first it may seem that the game is about primitive customs, but it is not. In addition to bows and wooden swords available at the start, the player can craft combat turrets and an exoskeleton.

Another unusual feature is the ability to tame animals and the ability to ride them. The game is ideal for those who like to shoot other players with energy rifles while sitting majestically on their personal dinosaur.

Dead Island

Release date: 2017
Genre: Zombie island co-op survival game
Developer: Techland
Publisher: deep silver

Everyone loves zombies, especially when it comes to fighting them on tropical islands. The player is only required to choose a hero class and welcome to the world destroyed by the zombie apocalypse. And the epidemic was truly terrible, since the world is replete with different types of zombies, which the player needs to exterminate.

But extermination will not be easy, firearms are rare, so you will have to destroy the carrion with sticks or makeshift weapons. The game has a plot, but it is only for beauty, since the player's freedom is not limited by anything.

Far Cry 3

Release date: year 2012
Genre: island survival shooter
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal, Massive Entertainment, Ubisoft Shanghai
Publisher: Ubisoft

A group of teenagers went to the tropics for a vacation, but they did not know that the island they had chosen was the base of local pirates. Pirates grab the protagonist and his friends, but he manages to escape. Having set himself the goal of freeing his friends, the protagonist will have to travel through the vast world of tropical islands, meet with representatives of local tribes, hunt, craft equipment and participate in skirmishes.

The game perfectly shows how from a youngster - revelers can grow into a pirate hunter.

In addition to our article, we suggest watching a detailed video review of other interesting island survival games.
