World of tank freezes in the game. World of Tanks crashes during battle

Every player has experienced World of Tanks crashing during battle. This is one of those situations that you wouldn’t wish on even your opponent. There may be just a few reasons, or there may be a whole set of reasons.

In any case, it's worth taking proactive steps to troubleshoot and fix issues that are causing your game to crash as soon as possible

Systematic ignoring of these factors can serve as a wake-up call and mean that the computer will stop working and will no longer be destined to win.

All reasons can be divided into just a few categories:

Problems that can be resolved by the player himself.
problems caused by factors beyond the player's control.

The most important among the first is the factor of unstable Internet connection. Possible “symptoms” - the game starts, continues until certain moment, then the picture suddenly stops or loops.

And therefore the most quick methods to check:
1) Disable any antivirus programs. Or convert them to game mode, very often helps solve the problem.
2) Opened the launcher with the game World of Tanks. Go to settings and select - support - check and restore the integrity of the game . The integrity check and game update and reinstallation will begin. Problem solved.
3) Update all drivers (primarily for the video card) Wargaming also always recommends disabling the mandatory NVIDIA PhysX (installed by default) for NVIDIA video cards.

There is no need to panic, it is better to immediately begin to solve this problem

Make sure that your personal account in the provider’s personal account has sufficient funds to pay for the period of Internet use. If at the moment you don’t have the required amount, but you need to finish the match, you can use a temporary trust top-up; many providers now provide this service. If you can't even log in personal account- then it is obvious that the problem is in the cable.

The above methods should help solve the problem, it definitely helped us, if you find out any other method, write in the comments.

The second group of factors should include situations where all equipment is working properly, but World of Tanks still crashes during the battle. The reason may be maintenance work on the server. As a rule, the administration notifies each player and, as an apology, gives small compensatory gifts. All that remains is to wait until the server starts working again.

WOT does not always work stably. Today we will look at the problem why World of Tanks crashes on startup. We will give recommendations on what to do so that you don’t get thrown out of World of Tanks.

Why does World of Tanks crash?

If you start the game, but instead of entering it kicks you out. This is the most common problem in World of Tanks for those who use mods or have used them before. When installing modifications for World of Tanks, problems arise with logging in. This happens because the files used to launch the game by default are overridden by mod files. Mods have priority at launch. This is exactly what becomes the problem of leaving World of Tanks. When processing mod files, the game client often cannot match the standard functions from the files with the functions specified by the mod developers. Because of this, conflicts with files arise and instead of starting the game in an unclear as World of Tanks kicks you out of the game. You can solve the problem of the game crashing by not using mods. Just rename the mods folder res_mods to run World of Tanks without mods.

World of Tanks freezing problem

So why does World of Tanks freeze? The fact is that the hash of the game files may differ from the original one and the server will simply refuse to serve such a client. In this case, you will need to check the hash of the files and update them using the World of Tanks launcher or Wargaming Game Center. However, this does not always help solve the problem with World of Tanks freezing and often players have to reinstall the game. In most cases, complete removal of World of Tanks and new installation games.

Why World of Tanks keeps crashing

But the problem with crashing from the game is not always associated with World of Tanks files. A very common problem is with video card drivers. Incompatibility of driver file versions for the video adapter with current version World of Tanks causes a conflict between image processing and output. Here, it is not only World of Tanks itself that will prevent the game from continuing to launch. But Windows will also stop loading the unstable process, which will lead to constant World of Tanks crashes. The peculiarity of this problem is that the problem can manifest itself both during the launch of the game, and directly during the game, after some time. To solve this problem, you need to install a stable version of drivers for your video card from the official website of its manufacturer. Do not try to install the latest available video card drivers; it is important to choose stable drivers. In most cases, updating drivers helps solve the World of Tanks crash problem and ensure smooth operation of the game.

Along with the problem related to the video card drivers, there is a hardware problem. The presence of hardware problems on the computer leads to the fact that throws you out of World of Tanks. The most common is damaged RAM. To find out if there is a problem with the memory, you need to test it. This also includes the problem with bad sectors of the hard drive. To fix it, you need to enable standard scanning for your hard drive. Windows itself can fix 99% of all hard drive problems that lead to World of Tanks kicking. If the hard drive has bad sectors, the standard Scan Disk program will prohibit accessing them and will assign good sectors instead. This will slightly reduce the size of your HDD drive, but will completely eliminate the problem with World of Tanks freezing and dropping out of the game. If there are problems with the RAM or SSD, they will need to be replaced. Otherwise, World of Tanks will not work stably. This is why hardware problems are the most expensive to fix.

Solving the World of Tanks freezing problem

Firstly, we found out why World of Tanks crashes. To do this, the use of mods has been disabled. Reinstalled video card drivers. We scanned the RAM and hard drive. If at these stages it was not possible to solve the problem, it is better to reinstall the game. Please pay special attention that the presence of anti-virus software on your computer software in most cases it requires preliminary configuration before launch of World of Tanks. You will need to ensure that the ports needed to run the game are open. Once the ports are open, add an exception for World of Tanks to all firewalls and firewalls on your PC. Don't forget that your router may also have a built-in firewall. You will also have to configure your router, opening unhindered access to World of Tanks connections.

Secondly, instability of work, freezing and then when throws you out of World of Tanks may cause your computer to have insufficient system resources. At installing World of Tanks you are prompted to choose to install the SD version or the HD version. The top HD version runs on the Core engine and uses the most advanced technologies, saving PC resources and delivering maximum graphics in the game. However, if your PC is not the newest, we recommend installing SD World versions of Tanks. This will allow the game to run much more stable and faster. In addition, choosing the SD version allows

Is World of Tanks slow? Or you weak computer? Or did you log into the game after the next update and WoT began to slow down terribly? If all this is familiar to you, but this course of events does not suit you, then read this article to the end, delving into every line of text. And, if everything is done correctly, then you will part with the game brakes forever...

So let's begin:

Why World of Tanks slows down:

First, let's check such banality as system requirements. I know, I know, now you start:

So, minimum system requirements for playing world of tanks:

Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.
256 Kbps.
Processor (CPU): and here's the most interesting thing, in 2014 this figure was 2.2 GHz, in 2015 added to the numbers: "supporting SSE2 technology", A in 2016, the 2.2 GHz numbers were removed, but wrote in words "With two or more physical cores"(but as far as I know, 2 cores began to be released as soon as the processor frequency exceeded the threshold of 2.6 GHz, so we draw conclusions)
Random access memory (RAM): 1.5 GB for Windows XP, 2 GB for Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10.
Video adapter: GeForce 6800/ ATI HD X2400 XT with 256 MB of memory, DirectX 9.0c.
Audio: DirectX 9.0c compatible.
about 27 GB.

Minimum Requirements, and therefore are minimal, because you will launch the game, but it will be difficult to play comfortably, believe me. So it is unlikely that it will be possible to remove the “brakes” and “freezes” of the client. Here you can’t do without upgrading your hardware... The parts recommended for replacement are, of course, the processor, video card and RAM...

Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 - 64-bit.
Internet connection speed: 1024 Kbps or higher (for voice chat).
Processor (CPU): Intel Core i5-3330 (for those who don’t know: 4 cores at 3 GHz - not bad).
Random access memory (RAM): 4 GB (or more).
Video adapter: GeForce GTX660 (2 GB) / Radeon HD 7850 2 GB, DirectX 9.0c.
Audio card: DirectX 9.0c compatible.
Free hard disk space:~36 GB.

The recommended requirements are certainly not exorbitant, but for old computers this is, as they say, “like walking to China” and if you are reading this article, it means that you have something in between these two characteristics. As usual, either the video is weak, or the RAM is not enough, or the percentage was inherited from someone’s hardware.

World of Tanks is slow! Well, what can you do here?

If your lags and slowdowns are due to the processor and even more so if this same processor is single-core, there’s nothing you can do about it, will have to change, well, he doesn’t “take out” the game now, although in 2014 it was still possible to play on this... alas

By the way, about how to choose good computer I wrote in the article, I recommend reading it.

Next comes random access memory (RAM). What can you do with it? Physically, of course, nothing. But you can remove unnecessary garbage, all programs that are loaded in your tray (for those who don’t know, the tray is where the Windows clock is, usually the lower right corner). That's why you need all sorts of managers when playing (viber, mail, icq, skype, etc.) - close it! Torrent?! Definitely OFF! Not only does it “eat up” the RAM, but it also clogs the Internet channel. Next is the browser, brrrrr... Look in the manager how much Google Chrome is eating. You will be horrified! We're closing! We close the rest of the browsers (because they also consume quite a lot)! I would even close the antivirus during the game (by the way, NOD32 has a game mode that frees up a certain amount of RAM for games), and it’s not possible to completely disable any antivirus so easily.

Special aesthetes use programs like Wise Memory Optimizer, which clear the memory of unused data (personally, I would not recommend using such programs, because I myself caught the “blue screen of death” on a test computer with WinHR installed).
It’s better, of course, to buy up to a decent 4 GB of RAM, especially if you have an old computer, then the RAM for it (DDR, DDR2) will cost mere pennies, and the comfort from it will be felt for a very, very long time. On the test machine I played on dual-channel RAMe (DDR2) 4 GB (2x2GB) and everything was fine!

Next in line for us video card.

If there is not enough video memory, then we try to remove the excess using the program WOT Tweaker downloading it for the current version of the game client on the Internet. In the tweaker you can remove such extras. effects that cannot be disabled from the game client, such as flying dirt from under the tracks, optical effects from a burning tank, etc. But it's worth it, take my word for it!

If the fps in the game shows too little 5-10, then you can try running the client in “safe mode”:

this will turn everything off installed mods and we can safely say that fps drops due to mods. For example, I met fps drop from fashion. I will post a video clip about more detailed graphics settings at the end of the article. Read on...

It happens to someone that the computer hardware is far from weak, and up to latest versions, and there’s nothing unnecessary hanging out in the tray (like a torrent), but Worl of Tanks still slows down. Then the problem is most likely with the Internet provider. Pay attention to the ping in the game, if it exceeds 50 ms, then something is wrong, either the provider is to blame, or you are running some program that requires an Internet connection to work, or your computer has a virus, such as a Trojan, that constantly sends packages via your Internet channel.

A word about 3G modems

About 3G modems(4G modems) I don’t want to talk about it here. A whole article has been written about this: . In it I explained why everything is so bad when playing via a USB modem and on which server WoT games don’t connect, the ping is still huge, sometimes up to 300 ms. One can only feel sorry for those people who, apart from 3G, have no Internet of any kind, and there are quite a few of them. And to say that their world of tanks is slow is to say nothing...

Well, probably the last reason for this is actually the operating system. As programmers say “windows must die”... And it’s not for nothing that they say it. During the operation of Windows, all sorts of slag is collected in the system registry, starting from old entries about long-deleted programs and games and ending with new entries from some mail satellite, Yandex browser and, God forbid, from some virus that alone can create up to a million false registry entries in order to load the percentage to full.

So, over time, all this loads the work of the operating system itself, just as it takes a really long time for programs to start, or the same text editor takes a very long time to open or save documents. Here you know that the end has come for Windows. And don’t expect it to exceed speeds, much less comfortable game in WoT.

There are only 2 ways out. The simplest and almost painless for the brain is to remove Windows and install a new one. The second is to start a complete cleaning of the computer, not deleting necessary programs, disk defragmentation, registry cleaning. Long and tedious. But it's up to you.

Well, as promised, I’ll post it at the end of the article video from the developers themselves(by the way, many thanks to them for it) about that how to optimize graphics in World of Tanks. This video talks in detail about what fps is and what each slider in the settings is responsible for, how you can achieve an increase in fps and what it will cost.

Setting up graphics in WoT from version 1.0

And that's all for me! Thank you very much to all those who made it through this article to the end! Good luck in setting up the client, huge fps for you and no lags, so that later they don’t ask why World of Tanks is slow.

Don’t forget to share in the comments who and how defeated lags, brakes and freezes in World of Tanks. After all, your comment can help a hundred or even a thousand people!

Dear players, before asking your question, take the trouble to read all the comments, perhaps there is already an answer to it. All duplicate questions will be ignored. Thanks for understanding!

In order to objectively analyze the causes of problems with the game, you first need to understand how its client works. When you tear off the game folder, you will notice that it weighs a lot compared to most other games. This is due to the fact that WOT stores the bulk of data on your device and only downloads a small part of it during the game itself. Unpacked, with high video settings, you can see the client's size up to 55 GB. Any damage to these files may result in the game not working.

The integrity of files as a whole may be compromised for the following reasons:

  • Emergency shutdown of the PC during a game or update;
  • Network disconnects while updating the game;
  • Deleting a file by a malicious virus or while your antivirus is running;
  • Installing low-quality modifications to the game;

According to statistics, Word of Tank game crashes most of all precisely because of the last point. There are many modifications, but not all are done in good faith. New files come into conflict with the game client, which causes the game to close. Even the game developers themselves have repeatedly stated that it is better not to use mods to avoid such problems. But if you really like playing with them, let’s consider the main options resolving departure problemsWOT.

Why does the word of tanks game crash when starting the game and what to do about it.

The first thing you should do if you encounter a game crash immediately upon launch is to check the minimum requirements of the program itself. It is possible that your device simply does not have the minimum parameters required to start.

If your hardware is suitable, but the game still stubbornly prevents you from playing it, you need to pay attention to the graphics settings. Unfortunately, the game is designed in such a way that the minimum parameters for being able to play and the maximum are very different. If the game settings are set to maximum, then perhaps your computer simply cannot handle them. As a result, the game crashes. In the settings, there is a button for “recommended” parameters. By clicking on it, the client will configure itself for your hardware.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the WOT game may conflict with the installed OS. It is recommended to run the game launcher “as an administrator”, in compatibility mode with your OS. Another reason could be an outdated game driver. Before starting, you should update the video driver and install Windows system components, such as: DirectX, . Net Framework, Visual C++

If none of the above methods suits you, we recommend that you contact the forum Of course, you will have to wait with your application on the forum, but they will certainly answer the question there, why does the game crashwordoftanks on an individual basis.

Why does Word of tanks crash during the game?

The game launched normally, there were no problems in the menu. You start the match, clientwot crashes when loading a battle. Every second player faces this problem. As mentioned earlier, there is most likely a problem with the integrity of the game files. To solve it, first of all, it is recommended to disable the antivirus program, or add WoT to its exceptions. Then you should remove all installed mods for the game. If this does not help, use the launcher to check the integrity of the game itself. It is advisable to do this as an administrator and with the antivirus program.

If it's all the same World of Tank kicks you out of the game, then you should pay attention to the condition of your PC. First of all, download the utility Everest and check the device temperature during running game. WoT tends to load your video card during battle, especially on maximum settings. If your hardware overheats, your OS is designed to automatically close the program that poses a threat. It is quite possible that it is simply time to clean your computer from dust or change its thermal paste for better performance of the cooling system. Having done this, the temperature will become lower and the game will stop crashing.

WoT game crashes during battle

Since the game has started and the battle has loaded, the task of finding the problem is greatly simplified. If only because we now know for sure that the game files are in order. If this happens, first of all you should pay attention to the readings of your system. The reason may be the same overheating. Download Everest and check the temperature using the utility.

If the temperature is normal, open the task manager and look at the load on your processor and RAM. The computer can be loaded by third-party processes that are accidentally or deliberately launched. For example, most of the utilities. Which could get onto your computer when installing a browser or torrent. They have the ability to scan your device in real time. Of course, this will load your system, and under heavy load the game will either freeze or close completely. It is recommended to close unnecessary processes and try playing. If WoT will stop flying, the reason is found and solved at the same time.

There may also be a variation that your computer does not have unlocked RAM. That is, physically you have it. The minimum requirements are suitable, the game sees it and starts, but the system has set a limit on its use. In order to unlock the memory, you should do the following:

  1. Open either the command line or the Windows “Run” tab. You can find it in the pop-up menu in the lower left corner.
  2. There we uncheck the “Maximum memory” parameter

If there was a limitation, then it is quite possible that this was the answer to the question, why does it throw you out of the game?wordoftanks. The system simply did not allow memory to be used beyond the specified limit.

Another reason for frequent game crashes may be a clogged cache memory of the program itself. In order to clean it, you need to delete the contents of the folder along this path. C\Users\\AppData\Roaming\\WorldOfTanks. Where USERNAME is your username. When deleting files, the system may display a message that this deletion may affect the performance of the program. There is no need to be afraid of this, everything will work, only your login and password, which were saved with the “remember” button, will be lost. Moreover, if this operation has never been done before, then your game will run faster, since clogged cache memory also tends to slow down gameplay.

After these operations, problems with the game crashing should stop. In special cases, you should contact the project forum for help. I hope this article helped solve your problems.
