Magic land. WoD Engineering

Doing quests in starting location your faction, you will be able to receive a scroll that will allow you to upgrade your profession to level 700, as well as a plan for building a first-level Garrison.


  • Complete the quest Awakening Shadows and unlock the Gift of the Draenei to receive a Dwarven Spatial Transmitter.
  • Transmitter 047-B, Grab and drag.
  • Upon passing, we receive Draenor Engineering and .


  • Complete the quest Stonehorn's Reward and open the chest to receive a Fire-Blackened Bombard.
  • This item starts the chain: Heavy Weapons, "Spare" Parts, Ice Fire Large Cannon.
  • Upon delivery, we receive Draenor Engineering and Garrison Blueprints: Engineering Workshop, Level 1.

Using the scroll will teach you numerous Draenor recipes, including one that will allow you to purchase additional recipes from the Garrison or Ashran.

You will be able to learn the recipes: Secrets of Draenor Engineering, Exemplary Gnomish Army Knife, Mechanism Parts, Goblin Glider Assembly Kit, Mech-Breaking Missile, Shieldtronic Shield, Stealth Man 54. You can create items using these recipes and upgrade your profession with any skill level.

To level up Engineering, you will need to build an Engineering Workshop in your garrison to buy recipes, create Mechanism Parts and Secrets of Draenor Engineering, without which you cannot learn top recipes.

Engineering workshop:

  • Level 1: Allows you to create items using Engineering. You can place 7 orders.
  • Level 2: Allows fellow Engineers to work in the Engineering Workshop, grants unique bonus. You can place 14 orders.
  • Level 3: You can place 21 orders.

Each order gives Mechanism Parts, if you have upgraded the Engineering Workshop to Level 2 and a follower works in it - you can buy from a follower unique items: accessories, portable mailbox, bank access.

Once a day we do Secrets of Draenor Engineering, you will need 5 pieces of True Iron Ore. The most optimal way to level up a profession is to daily produce Secrets of Draenor Engineering and create Mechanism Parts. The bonus that you will receive by raising your profession to 700 is an increase in the number of Mechanism Parts produced daily (20 pieces at skill level 700).

With the release of add-on 6.2.2, new recipes became available to engineers: devices that allow you to increase the characteristics of created weapons and glasses and Primal Welding - new ability create Mechanism Parts without daily cooldown. You can buy recipes from a merchant corresponding to your profession who has visited a level 3 garrison. If you have a Primal Spirit and ore, your profession can be upgraded by Primordial Welding, and the resulting resources can be used to create weapons, points, and upgrades.


  • Improved muzzle guard- increases the level of weapons created by an engineer from 675 to 690. Resources: Deadly corruption 30 pcs., Magic earth 30 pcs., Mechanism parts 175 pcs.
  • Bidirectional misfire damper- increases the level of points created by the engineer from 685 to 700. Resources: Deadly corruption 30 pcs., Magic water 30 pcs., Mechanism parts 175 pcs.
  • Taladite striker- increases the level of weapons created by an engineer from 690 to 705. Resources: Deadly corruption 60 pcs., Magic earth 60 pcs., Mechanism parts 350 pcs.
  • Anti-blue lenses- increases the level of points created by the engineer from 700 to 715. Resources: Deadly corruption 60 pcs., Magic fire 60 pcs., Mechanism parts 350 pcs.
Cost of improvements
  • Small:
    • Level 1: 50 and 150 gold
    • Level 2: 100 and 300 gold.
    • Level 3: 300 and 500 gold
  • Average:
    • Level 1: 100 and 150 gold
    • Level 2: 300 and 300 gold.
    • Level 3: 600 and 500 gold
  • Large:
    • Level 1: 150 and 150 gold.
    • Level 2: 900 and 300 gold.
    • Level 3: 1200 and 500 gold
  • Other:
    • Level 2: 50 and 300 gold
    • Level 3: 100 and 500 gold
  • Level 1 drawings become available when your garrison improves to level 2. The only exception: the salvage warehouse, it is given for a chain of quests at level 96.
  • Level 2 drawings become available either upon reaching a certain level, or after completing a chain of tasks.
    • Small Buildings: Reach level 96, or complete the Talador Outpost quest.
    • Medium Buildings: Reach level 98, or complete the Spiers of Arak outpost quest
    • Large Buildings: Reach level 100, or complete the Nagrand Outpost quest
  • Level 3 blueprints become available for completing certain achievements in Draenor. All achievements, except for a large pile of orders, are scattered across the entire account.
  • Special buildings can be researched at different levels after a short chain of quests. These buildings can be built in a level 2 Garrison: the mines at level 92, the Fisherman's Hut at level 94 and the Herbal Garden at 96. The Menagerie can be placed in a level 3 Garrison. Level 2 drawings of these buildings can be purchased for 1000 gold, and level 3 drawings are received by level 100 characters who complete special achievements, also for 1000 gold.
To replace any of the constructed buildings in your garrison, simply go to the Architect's table and drag the new building onto the space occupied by the old building.

Small buildings

You can choose 3 small buildings for your Garrison once you upgrade it to level 3.
  • Level 1: allows you to produce inscription items. Order 7: 2 Blue Dye is exchanged for Battle Paints and Magic Water (or Magic Earth)
  • Level 2: Allows your followers to work in the workshop, giving you a bonus (creating items to sell to merchants). 14 orders.
  • Level 3: 21 orders.
Engineering workshop
Big pile of orders
  • Level 1: Allows you to produce engineering items and 7 orders at a time. For 2 True Iron Ore or 2 Blackrock Ore you will receive Gear Parts and Magic Fire (or Magic Air)
  • Level 2: Allows followers to work in the workshop, giving you a bonus (get a task to craft an item for a decent amount of gold). 14 orders.
  • Level 3: 21 orders.
Gems shop
To obtain a level 3 drawing, you must complete a Big Pile of Orders
  • Level 1: Allows you to produce items that require Jewelry Making as a profession. 7 orders: 5 Blackrock Ore in exchange for Taladite Crystal and Enchanted Ground (or Enchanted Air)
  • Level 2: Allows followers with Jewelcrafting to work in the shop, giving you a unique bonus (get a task to craft an item for a decent amount of gold). 14 orders.
  • Level 3: 21 orders.
Scrap warehouse
To obtain a level 3 drawing, you must complete Salvage - this is prestigious!
  • Level 1: Allows you to find Salvage during quests for your followers. Salvage may contain garbage and old BoE items (good for transmog).
  • Level 2: Increases the chance of finding Salvage during quests. In addition, among the scrap you can find things for followers.
  • Level 3: Greatly increases the chance of finding salvage while completing quests. Additionally, you can now find player-specific items in salvage.
To obtain a level 3 drawing, you must complete Money on Draenor - not rubbish
  • Level 1: gives access to a personal bank and increases the number of active orders for all buildings by 5.
  • Level 2: Gives access to your guild bank.
  • Level 3: Grants access to your Void Vault and Transmogrifier. Also, increases the number of active orders for all buildings by 15.
Sewing shop
To obtain a level 3 drawing, you must complete a Big Pile of Orders
  • Level 1: Allows you to produce items that require Tailoring for production and allows you to complete 7 orders: 5 Luxurious Fur for a Piece of Magic Cloth and Magic Water (or Magic Air)
  • Level 2: Allows followers with Tailoring to work in your shop, guaranteeing you a unique bonus. 14 orders.
  • Level 3: 21 orders
To obtain a level 3 drawing, you must complete a Big Pile of Orders
  • Level 1: allows you to produce blacksmithing goods and 7 orders: 5 True Iron Ore for True Steel Ingot and Magic Fire (or Magic Earth)
  • Level 2: Allows followers to work in your Forge, guaranteeing you a unique bonus. 14 orders.
  • Level 3: 21 orders.
To obtain a level 3 drawing, you must complete a Big Pile of Orders
  • Level 1: Allows you to produce leather items, as well as complete 7 orders: 5 Raw Beast Hide in exchange for Shiny Leather and Magic Earth (or Magic Water)
  • Level 2: Allows your followers with Leatherworking skills to work in your Tannery, guaranteeing you a unique bonus (the follower can craft decorative tents that provide a rest bonus). 14 orders.
  • Level 3: 21 orders.

Medium buildings

You can choose among 2 medium buildings in the level 3 garrison.
  • Level 1: Increases the speed of health recovery outside of combat in Draenor locations and allows you to collect broken bones from defeated enemy players (they are necessary for the Conqueror's Trophy
  • Level 2: allows you to avoid taking damage when falling from a great height and use underwater breathing in open areas of Draenor. It also opens the “Sworn Enemy” quest chain, during which you will need to kill enemy players of a certain race in exchange for an Apexis Crystal and Honor Points.
  • Level 3: If a player's health falls below 35% in one of the open areas of Draenor, the damage taken by the player is reduced by 50%. Opens access to gladiator battles in the Highmaul Coliseum.
Trading shop
To obtain a level 3 blueprint, you must complete Wild Friends (or Wild Friends)
  • Level 1: allows you to exchange rare resources for garrison resources and vice versa. 7 orders: random resource for 20
  • Level 2: gives access to the auction. Also, it opens access to the Defenders of Sha'tar (Alliance) or the Laughing Skull Clan (Horde) factions. 14 orders.
  • Level 3: Speeds up reputation gain on Draenor by 20% for all characters on your account. 21 orders.
To obtain a level 3 drawing, you must complete Master Trapper
  • Level 1: Allows you to capture hooves, elekks, wolves and talbuk, from whose skins you can obtain leather and fur. Used in leather and tailoring. 7 orders: Capture the beast and receive the reward: Raw Beast Hide, Wild Feast, Luxurious Fur. Elite creatures give the best reward: Savage Blood
  • Level 2: Allows you to catch boars and river monsters, from which you can obtain rare meat.
  • Level 3: Allows you to capture elite beasts that provide the wild blood needed to craft all epic weapons and armor.
Moonfall Tavern / Ice Cliffs Tavern
To obtain a level 3 drawing, you must complete Come and listen to me...
  • Level 1: Every day a new stranger will visit your tavern and give you a quest to a random dungeon with an interesting reward. He will only stay at the tavern for a day.
  • Level 2: Recruits random followers every week. You can specify their preferred features and abilities.
  • Level 3: Unlocks particularly lucrative treasure hunting missions.
To obtain a level 3 drawing, you must complete the Sawmill Improvement
  • Level 1: Allows you to mark small trees on Draenor for felling. The extracted wood can be used to produce the necessary products in the garrison workshops. 7 orders: 10 Wood in exchange for 20
  • Level 2: Allows you to mark mid-sized trees to receive extra wood. 14 orders.
  • Level 3: Allows you to mark large trees to get even more wood. 21 orders.

Large buildings

At Garrison level 3, you can build 2 large buildings to choose from.

The first level mine allows players to dig ore in their garrison mine, even if they do not have Mining. The task to build mines becomes available at level 92:
Woe and Goren (Alliance) / Woe and Goren (Horde)
You also need to upgrade the garrison to level 2. A level 2 mine blueprint costs 1000 gold and becomes available for purchase as soon as you build an outpost in Talador or level up to level 95. Level 3 Blueprint requires the player to complete the Draenor Stone Collector achievement.

  • Level 1: Allows you to mine Draenor stone from mineral deposits on Draenor. Draenor Stone can be converted into orders of Draenor Minerals. 7 orders.
  • Level 2: Allows followers with mining knowledge to work here, providing a unique bonus. Also opens a new mine shaft, providing access to additional ore deposits, and allows you to place up to 14 orders at a time.
    • Level 1: Every day in the garden, herbs grow from Draenor seeds and places to collect them appear. Allows you to place up to 7 orders.
    • Allows followers with herbalism knowledge to work here, providing a special bonus. Also increases the number of herbs that can be grown in the garden and allows you to place up to 14 orders at a time.
    • Grows a unique Draenor fruit tree in your garden that bears fruits with positive effects from use. Also allows you to place up to 21 orders at a time.
    To obtain a level 3 drawing, you must complete Draenor Tamer
    Menagerie - best way add variety to your pets' routine fights.
    • Level 1: Attracts elite pets that you can fight with for rewards. Also allows 5 of your battle pets to be garrisoned.
    • Level 2: Increases the chance of prey being trapped on Draenor and reduces the cooldown of the Resurrection ability. Also allows you to keep up to 10 of your battle pets in the garrison.
    • Level 3: Unlocks daily pet battles with unique pet rewards.
    Fisherman's hut
    To obtain a level 3 drawing, you must complete Fisherman of Draenor
    • Level 1: Allows you to catch small Draenor fish in the garrison's waters. Also gives access to daily fishing quests.
    • Level 2: Allows you to catch medium Draenor fish in garrison waters.
    • Level 3: Allows you to catch huge Draenor fish in the garrison's waters. It also makes it possible to catch unique fish, which can be used to lure mysterious creatures ashore.

In one of the city markets, among other traders, stood a man with a small pot of earth. He did not say anything to those passing by, but rather looked closely at them.
- Take magical land, - he turned to the beggar.
- Why do I need your land? I would like some bread... - the beggar was surprised.
“Look what this land can do,” said the merchant and lowered it into the ground. copper coin. Then he lightly poured water on her.
At first nothing happened, but then...
Then two coins grew out of the ground. The merchant took them out of the ground - they were absolutely identical.
“Wow,” was all the beggar could say.
- Well, what - will you take it? - the merchant asked him.
- I would take it - I see that the thing is good, but I have nothing to give you in return.
“I don’t need anything, take it this way...” said the merchant and disappeared.
The beggar was left alone.
“Hmm... so he left me some coppers - I’ll have something to plant.” And the beggar went into the alley. There he planted copper trees and watered them with water. Each time the coins doubled.
The next morning he opened his eyes, saw a pile of coppers and realized that all this was not a dream - and now he is rich.
The first thing he did was eat, buy clothes, and then think about it. Then he exchanged the coppers for gold and imprisoned him. Now he only grew gold coins.
Day after day he collected gold, first in bags, then in chests. All day he did nothing but plant coins in a pot, reverently wipe them and fold them... fold them... forgetting peace and sleep...
Of course, thieves found out about his wealth.
They climbed into the house, took everything out, and killed the rich man.

Another sequel.

One poet was walking through the market. He had recently lost his inspiration and was now wandering around in despondency.
“Take my pot, you won’t regret it,” the merchant suggested to him.
He lowered a copper coin into the ground, watered it, and after a while pulled out two identical coins from the pot.
The poet was amazed at such a miracle and his face lit up with a smile. Ignoring the people, he hurried home. There he took one of his scrolls and placed a piece of it in the ground. He waited a little, then remembered and poured water on the ground.
After some time, the top of the scroll appeared from the ground. It grew and very soon a scroll of paper appeared from the ground.
With trembling hands, the poet unfolded the scroll, expecting to see a new poem there. However, the same thing was written there as on the scroll, a piece of which was planted.
In deep grief, the poet knelt down and cried...
Then he calmed down and decided to adapt the land differently. He planted a withered flower there and watered it.
A sprout appeared from the ground, which began to grow very quickly, and finally became a beautiful flower.
Immediately inspiration struck the poet, and he wrote a new poem.
The next morning a bee flew to the flower, and the poet wrote the poem again. So every day the flower attracted a butterfly, a bird, and sometimes all kinds of people.
Inspiration no longer left the poet and he was happy.

Another sequel.

A widower passed by the merchant. Just recently he buried his wife and was very sad about it.
“Take my pot of earth - it works wonders,” said the merchant and showed a trick with a coin.
- My wife would have liked it - she loved such entertainment, she was cheerful. How do you do this? - asked the widower.
- This is not a trick - this is magic. Take it, you won't regret it...
The widower did not object, took the pot and went home. There he took the earring of his wife, who had long ago lost a pair - and now there were two earrings. The widower smiled - his wife loved these earrings very much.
“What a pity that you’re not around...” he was upset again.
Then he suddenly remembered that he still had a lock of his beloved’s hair. And the widower decided to put it in the ground.
“What if something works out?”
He spent the whole night at the potty, crying and praying for a miracle, but nothing happened and he fell asleep...
He woke up from the words of his wife:
- Did you find my earring? I'm so glad, my love!
A miracle did happen...
