! Vanguard: rules of the game. Cardfight!! Vanguard: rules of the game Vanguard card battles deck

Trigger effects:

Yggdrasil maiden, Elain ×4:

Silent Sage, Sharon ×2:

(RC): [Soul Charge These Wars]: Place this unit in your soul. Select one of your Royal Paladins and that warrior will gain +3000 Power until end of turn.

Flogal ×2:

Arms Dealer, Gowannon ×4:

Flower Paladin, Flogal ×2:

(RC): : At the end of the battle, when "Blaster Blade" attacked the vanguard, you can pay the cost by counter blast 1. If you do, raise the circled rearguard "Blaster Blade", return it to your deck and shuffle it (deck).

Future Knight, Liu ×2:

(RC): : Select the following units: "Future Knight, Llew", "Barcgal" and "Flogal", transfer them from your Rear Guards and place them in your soul. If you have a rank 1 vanguard, find no more than one card in your deck named “Blaster Blade” and make a special for it. shift.

Regular cards (that is, normal unit) of rank 0:

Claudia ×1:

(RC): Place this unit in your soul. Select one of your Royal Paladins and that warrior will gain +3000 Power until end of turn.

Barkgal ×1:

: forerunner - when a replacement of wars from the same clan was completed on top of this war, this unit can be transferred to the Rearguards.

(RC): [Rest]: Expand the card with this war horizontally, then find in your deck no more than one card with the name “Future Knight, Lew” or “Flogal”, call him/her to the Rear Guard and shuffle your deck.

Stardust Trumpeter ×1:

Ideal defense 1st rank:

Instant Shield, Isolde ×4:

Regular cards (that is, normal unit) of rank 1:

Pongal ×2:

(RC): & [Soul Charge with this card]: If you have a Royal Paladin Vanguard, search your deck for one card named "Soul Saver Dragon", draw it from the deck, show it to your opponent, then place it in your hand and shuffle the deck.

Little sage, Marron ×4:

Wingal ×2:

(RC): When this unit boosts a card named "Blaster Blade", the boosted unit gains +4000 Power for the rest of that battle.

Young Knight Pegasus ×2:

(RC): During your main phase when a card is put into your soul, if you have a Royal Paladin Vanguard, that unit gets +3000 Power until end of turn.

Regular cards (that is, normal unit) of rank 2:

Best dog breeder, Akane ×2:

: When this warrior is in Vanguard or Rearguard, you can pay the cost by doing a Counter blast 2. If you do this, search your deck for up to one "Royal Paladin" , Summon it to Rear-Garde and shuffle your deck.

Knight of Silence, Galatine ×4:

Blaster blade ×1:

: : When this war is in battle, you can pay the cost. If you do this, select one of your opponent's rear guards and remove it.

: : When this war is in Rear Guard and you have a Royal Paladin vanguard, you can pay the cost by doing Counter Blast 2. If you do this, choose one of your opponent's rear guards of rank 2 or higher and remove it.

Regular cards (that is, normal unit) of rank 3:

Lone Knight, Gancelot ×4:

(VC): If you have a card named "Blaster Blade" in your soul, that unit will gain +5000 Power, +1 until end of turn.

(Hand): Reveal this card to your opponent and place it on top of the deck. Search your deck for up to one card called "Blaster Blade", show it to your opponent, put it in your hand, and shuffle your deck.

Queen of knights,

Artoria Pendragon ×1:

Young Alfred ×1:

[AUTO]: When this warrior is placed in the Vanguard circle, select up to one card from your soul named "Blaster Blade" and Summon it. You can block the price of 2 cards with counter blast, if you do this, you can use the special. call "Blaster blade" from the soul when this Alfred is in the rear guard.

Soul of the Savior Dragon ×4:

[AUTO] (VC): During an attack on an opponent's Vanguard (when this warrior attacks the opponent's Vanguard),

he gains +3000 Power until the end of this battle.

: : When this war is in the Vanguard, you can pay the cost by doing Soul Blast 5. If you do, choose up to three of your "Royal Paladin" Rear Guards, and those wars will gain +5000 Power until end of turn.

Rules of the game Cardfight!! Vanguard.
Latest edition: 22.05.2019.


At this point in time, there are three game formats in the game:
Standard– a new format in which only cards of the new era are allowed to be played. New Era cards are marked with a “V” at the bottom left.
Premium– a format in which all cards ever released can be played.
G Standard (H-standard)– a format that does not allow playing cards of the new era, marked at the bottom left with the letter “V”. This format will exist only until October 2018.
!!! Before building a deck, think and decide what format you want to play in in order to build the deck correctly.

*** DECK ***

IN basic deck:
there should be 50 cards– no more, no less (this number includes your starting vanguard);
can't be more than 4 cards of the same name;
● must be exactly 16 trigger effects;
cannot contain more than 4 healing triggers;
there cannot be more than 4 guards.

IN legacy deck :
● there can be up to 16 cards;
● Only heritage warriors can be found.


1. Main deck– represents all the cards at your disposal. Legacy Warriors cannot be placed in the main deck.

2.Cemetery– zone for already used/discarded cards.

3. Damage zone– a separate area for cards showing how much damage was dealt to your vanguard. If you have six or more cards– You are losing in battle.

4. Circle of the Avant-Garde– a zone of blue [in this case] color, your initial one, as well as all subsequent vanguards, are placed here. Only the warrior who is at the very top of this zone is considered a vanguard– all cards under it are called soul. The avant-garde is not considered part of the soul. If there is only one warrior in the vanguard circle, he is considered the vanguard, while you have no cards in your soul at that time.

5. Rearguard Circles– five zones of yellow [in this case] color, on which any of your warriors can be located. In these circles there can only be one warrior in each, and if a new one is called on top of an existing warrior, the old one goes to the cemetery. The rearguard, unlike the vanguard, cannot have a soul.

6. Circle of Protectors– a zone to which warriors are summoned and used for defense. After the battle, the defenders go to the cemetery.

7. Legacy Deck. This is a special zone in which your heritage warriors are stored. Other warriors cannot be placed in this zone. In total, the legacy deck can contain up to 16 heritage warriors.

There is another zone called restricted area, which is often not printed on the playing field, because it is not used very often. This is a separate zone that can be used for different abilities, if so indicated in the text of the card.

*** GAME CARDS ***

1. Warrior's name. Remember that you can only have up to four cards of the same name in a deck. Even if the cards have different artwork and abilities, but have the same name, you have no right to take more than four copies into the deck.

2. Race. Sometimes it matters for effects.

3. Clan. Unless otherwise agreed between the players, you cannot use warriors from another clan in your deck.

4. The strength of a warrior. It matters when attacking and defending.

5. Warrior's shield. If a warrior is called into the circle of defenders or sent to intercept, only his shield plays a role. Warriors of rank 3 and higher do not have a shield, with the exception of heritage guards.

6. Rank. There are a total of five ranks in the game - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Each rank has its own defense, its own power limit, and its own effect capabilities. Also, ranks reflect the ability that a particular card has [see. point 8].

7. Trigger. You can read about triggers below. One has only to add that only rank 0 warriors have triggers. All other ranks cannot have triggers.

8. Rank ability. Each rank has its own ability:
Support. This ability is available to warriors of 0-1 ranks. If a warrior with a support ability is standing in the back row when standing in front of him warrior attacks, you can send the supporting warrior to rest and then, until the end of the battle, his strength will be added to the strength of the attacking warrior.
Interception. This ability is available exclusively to 2nd rank warriors. If a warrior with the intercept ability is in the front row rearguard, when an opponent’s warrior attacks, you can send this warrior to intercept, that is, place him from the front row of the rearguard into the circle of defenders. In this case, the protection of the interceptor will be taken into account during the defense. After protection, the interceptor will go to the cemetery.
Double check. This ability is available to rank 3 warriors and some rank 4 warriors (NOT heritage warriors). Activated only if the warrior is in the vanguard. This ability allows you to make an effect check twice in a row.
Triple check. This ability is available only to legacy warriors. Activated exclusively from the vanguard. This ability allows you to make an effect check three times in a row.

9. Warrior type. There are four types in the game − ordinary warriors 0-4 ranks [warriors without trigger effects, located in the main deck, their bottom is colored black color], trigger warriors [rank 0 warriors with trigger effects, their bottoms are colored yellow color] Legacy Warriors [found in the Legacy deck, their bottom is colored red color] and Legacy Guardians [also found in the Legacy deck, their bottom is colored green color].

10. Critical hit. Shows how much damage will be dealt to an opponent if this warrior's attack reaches the enemy vanguard.

11. Motto. Doesn't matter at all to the game.

12. Ability. This is a special ability of the card. There are warriors without abilities.

13. The gift of imagination. Present only in some 3rd ranks. You can read more about the gift of imagination below.

14. Nation. All clans are divided into six nations, but in the game the nation only matters for the six special heritage warriors [Primordial Dragons].


1. Each player selects a rank 0 warrior from the deck and places it face down in the vanguard circle. This warrior is called starting vanguard.

2. The player to go first is randomly determined. You cannot attack during the first turn.

3. Both players shuffle the deck and draw five cards from it.

4. Second try: If a player does not like the cards he was dealt at the beginning of the game, he can return any number of cards from his hand to the bottom of the deck, and then draw exactly the same number of cards from the deck, after which the deck is shuffled. The second attempt cannot be used more than once per battle.

5. Both players simultaneously move their starting vanguard into an open position. The game begins.


● If a player ends up with six cards in the damage zone after completing all abilities, he loses the battle.

● If a player has no cards left in his deck at any point in the game, he immediately loses the battle.

● If a player's vanguard disappears due to an ability, that player selects one card from his soul and switches to it. If that player has no cards in his soul, he loses the battle.

● You can win using special abilities, for example, using Star-vader, “Omega” Glendios.


1. Rising phase– all your warriors who are on vacation rise to battle. There may be exceptions if some condition or effect prevents warriors from rising into battle.

2. Draw phase– You take the top card of your deck into your hand.

3. Rank support step– matters only if your vanguard Not 3rd or 4th rank and you don’t have a change to the next rank in your hand.

How does this work:
● The action takes place between the card draw phase and the switch phase.
● Show your opponent the cards in your hand (so that he is convinced that you really do not have a change to the next rank).
● Look at the top five cards of your deck and draw from them into your hand one card whose rank is one higher than that of your vanguard. The remaining cards are returned to the deck and shuffled. (If you didn't take any warriors into your hand, simply return all five cards to the deck and shuffle it, after which the change phase immediately begins.)
● If you take a warrior of the next rank into your hand, send two cards from your hand to nowhere, that is, simply remove them from the game. These cards can no longer be used during the game.

4. Vanguard change phase– You can place a card in your hand on top of a warrior in your vanguard circle. The warrior you place a new vanguard on top of becomes part of the soul. Only a warrior whose rank is equal to or one higher than the rank of the current vanguard can be called up to replace the vanguard. The vanguard can only be replaced once per turn. If you do not want or cannot change the vanguard, you don’t have to do it. Changing the vanguard does not heal the damage points you previously received.

5. Ascension phase. How does this work:
● Ascension can be performed if one of two things is true: both players have a rank 3 warrior in their vanguard, or if your vanguard was rank 3 at the start of the turn. You must also discard cards from your hand that have a total rank of at least three.
● Select a locked Legacy Warrior in your Legacy Zone and place it on top of your Vanguard Circle. Your past vanguard becomes his with my heart[it does not become part of the soul]. If your vanguard was in the legion, both warriors become the heart. If your vanguard is removed, flip it to the open position, then it becomes a heart (vanguard abilities like “when your legacy warrior ascends...” in this case are not activated).
● When you ascend, the Legacy Warrior receives the name of one of the hearts, and also increases its power by the power of the chosen heart. The ascended warrior does not receive any other heart characteristics. If the ascension was completed over the legion, you choose one of the hearts and it is its name that your new vanguard receives.
● At the end of the turn, the Legacy Warrior returns from the Vanguard Circle to the Legacy Deck, face up, and the Heart becomes the Vanguard again. If the heart was in the legion, the legion is not destroyed. Ascension Not is considered a change.

6. Main phase. During this phase you can:
Make a normal call for warriors– only those warriors whose rank is equal to or lower than the rank of your vanguard can be summoned to the field by regular summoning. The summoned warriors are placed in the rearguard circle - no more than one in the circle. You can call as many warriors as you want to the rearguard per turn. To summon a warrior to the field you do not need to pay anything. You can call a warrior to an already occupied rearguard circle, but to do this you will have to send the warrior located in this circle to the cemetery.
Move warriors– You can move your rearguard warriors forward and/or backward. Rearguard soldiers cannot move right and/or left, and also cannot move into or out of the vanguard circle. Therefore, if a warrior is in a circle behind the vanguard, he cannot move at all. Two warriors in the same rearguard column can change places.
Activate warrior abilities– Any abilities that activate during the main phase can be activated. ACT-abilities can only be activated in the main phase. Also during this phase can be activated AUTO-abilities, if their conditions are met.
Finish the main phase– when you have done all the actions that you could/wanted to do in the main phase, you move on to the combat phase.

7. Combat phase– during this phase you can attack your opponent’s warriors. The number of attacks is not limited - you can attack as many times as you like, if, of course, you have the warriors for this. Once you enter the combat phase, you can no longer return to the main phase or perform actions that require you to be in the main phase (for example, you cannot attack with any warrior and then move it anywhere).
Attack: to declare an attack, you need to choose someone standing in the front row warrior and send him to rest. Then, select the target of the attack from among the opponent’s warriors in the front row.
Important! If the attacking warrior disappears from the field before the battle ends, his attack is lost.
Support: if there is a standing warrior behind your attacking warrior 0-1 rank, then you can also send him to rest in order to transfer his strength to your attacking warrior until the end of the battle.
Important! If a supporting warrior disappears from the field before the battle ends, his support is lost.
Summoning the defenders. To protect your warrior under attack, you can call on defenders or send interceptors. Until the end of the battle, the shield of the summoned defenders/interceptors is added to the strength of the warrior under attack. If the total strength of your warrior under attack becomes greater than the strength of the attacking warrior, the attack does not go through. Normal Summoning of Defenders is done from the hand, Special Summoning of Defenders can be done from anywhere, Summoning of Legacy Guardians is done from the Legacy Deck, and Interception is done by rank 2s from the front circles of the rear guard. Warriors of rank 3 or higher do not have a shield [except for legacy guards], but they can still be called upon for protection, they just won’t be able to provide protection. Summoned defenders are placed in the circle of defenders and remain there until the end of the battle. At the end of the battle, all summoned defenders are sent to the cemetery.
Can be used for protection heritage guardians. This special kind warriors whose bottoms are colored green and are in your legacy deck. All Legacy Guardians have 15,000 shield and have different abilities. To summon a legacy guardian, you must discard one card with a healing ability from your hand as payment. In addition, at the time of summoning the Legacy Guardian, the vanguards of both players must be rank 3. After the battle ends, the Legacy Guardian returns to the Legacy deck in the face-up position. If you have four open Legacy Guardians in your Legacy Deck, you can no longer summon Legacy Guardians.

Checking the effects. This ability is only available if the attacking warrior is a vanguard. Reveal the top card of your deck (at this point the card is in the trigger zone, which is not usually shown on the playing field; both players are looking at the revealed card), then send it to your hand. If the revealed card turns out to be a warrior with a trigger effect and, at the same time, you have a warrior of the same clan on the field, then the trigger effect can be activated.
If you have a rank 3 vanguard, then effects are checked twice. If you have a legacy warrior in your vanguard, the effects are checked three times. If during the first check you come across a trigger effect, it is activated immediately, that is, before the second or third check, you must choose the warriors who receive the effects of the trigger.

The outcome of the battle. The winner of a battle is determined by comparing the strength of the fighting warriors.
If the strength of the attacking warrior is less than the strength of the defending one, the attack fails and none of the players takes damage or loses warriors.
If the strength of the attacking warrior is equal to or greater than the strength of the defending warrior, then the attack is successful. If the target of the attack was in the rearguard, it is removed from the field to the cemetery, no damage is dealt. If the attack was directed at the vanguard and was successful, then the defending player receives an amount of damage equal to the number of critical hits of the attacking warrior. Next, a damage check occurs, which is the revelation of the top card of the deck - as with the effect check, trigger effects may be activated at this time. Then the card revealed during the damage check is sent to the damage zone and represents the amount of damage you received during the entire game.

End of the combat phase. Summoned Defenders and Interceptors are sent from the Defender Circle to the Graveyard. If the attacking player in the front row still has standing warriors, he can send them to attack. The battle process is repeated according to the same pattern.

8. End of turn. Signifies the end of your turn and the beginning of your opponent's turn.


Trigger effects only activate if they are revealed during an effect check or during a damage check. Trigger effects can be transferred to any of your warriors and remain until the end of the turn.
Pay attention! In the old game format, triggers gave a boost of +5,000, but in the new game format, triggers gave a boost of +10,000. On the trigger cards it is written what kind of boost each card provides.

There are five types of trigger effects:

- healing trigger effect.

If this trigger is revealed by the player during an effects check or during a damage check, the player increases the power of one of his warriors by 5,000/10,000. In addition, if the player had more or the same amount of damage as the opponent before receiving the healing trigger, then he can heal one point of damage. To do this, a card from the damage zone is moved to the graveyard. (A deck cannot have more than four healing trigger effects.)


The gifts of imagination are abilities that appeared with the advent of the new era of the avant-garde. Gifts of imagination are present exclusively in the 3rd and 4th ranks of the new era, and even then not in everyone. When you make a change to a warrior who has the gift of imagination, you thereby activate this very gift of imagination. Gifts of Imagination themselves are cards that are not contained in any deck and appear only when you fulfill the conditions for their appearance.
There are three types of the gift of imagination. Each type has two options. When you switch to a warrior with the gift of imagination for the first time in a battle, you choose which of the two gift options you want to receive. Once the choice is made, until the end of the battle, no matter how many times you change, you can only receive the previously selected gift option. That is, for example, if you play for the Kagero clan, when you first change to a warrior with the gift of imagination, you are given a choice: to get Power I or Power II. If you choose Power I, until the end of the battle in all subsequent changes you will only be able to receive Power I and nothing else. The same goes for gifts created by abilities.
The picture shows Gifts of Imagination I. Options II look the same, only turned vertically.

Acceleration I (Accel I) . A yellow gift that focuses on offensive strategy. When you change to a warrior with this gift, you place the resulting gift of imagination card on the field and thereby create an additional rearguard circle. The additional rearguard circle remains with you until the end of the game. During your turn, the unit in the extra rear-guard circle gains 10,000 power. This circle is considered the front circle of the rearguard, meaning the opponent can choose it as a target for attack. The additional rearguard circle cannot have support.
Acceleration II (Accel II) . Yellow gift, second option. When you switch to a warrior with this gift, you place the resulting gift of imagination card on the field and thereby create an additional rearguard circle, after which you take one card from the deck. The additional rearguard circle remains with you until the end of the game. During your turn, the unit on the extra rear-guard circle gains 5,000 power. This circle is considered the front circle of the rearguard, meaning the opponent can choose it as a target for attack. The additional rearguard circle cannot have support.
Force I. A blue gift that focuses on both offensive and defensive strategies. When you switch to a warrior with this gift, you place the resulting gift of imagination card on one of your circles. Until the end of the game, during your turn, the strength of the warriors located in the circles on which this gift is located increases by 10,000. You can place multiple Imaginative Gifts on the same circle, giving you +20,000 Power or more.
Force II . Blue gift, second option. When you switch to a warrior with this gift, you place the resulting gift of imagination card on one of your circles. Until the end of the game critical hit of the warrior located on the selected circle increases to two. Please note that this gift does not increase critical by one, but makes it equal to two.
Shield I. A green gift that focuses on a defensive strategy. When you switch to a warrior with this gift, you place the resulting Imagination Gift card into your hand. This Gift of Imagination card can be used as an ideal protector: when called for protection, you can discard one card from your hand to provide yourself with an ideal protection. Once used, this gift of imagination disappears. This gift of imagination should have a back side that is different from your main deck, so that it is always visible to everyone in your hand. This gift does not have a rank, so it is not affected by effects that block defenses of a certain rank. This gift cannot exist anywhere other than the hand and the circle of protection, so if you try to place it anywhere else, it simply disappears.
Shield II (Protect II) . Green gift, second option. When you switch to a unit with this gift, you place the resulting gift of imagination card on your rearguard circle. A warrior in the selected circle receives +5,000 strength and +10,000 defense during an interception. The effects overlap each other.

What’s going on with Cardfight!! Online? Why isn’t there more information? Shouldn't the game be launched right now? Why isn’t the next closed beta happening already?

It’s been slightly more than two months since the closed beta test had ended and the se are some questions which we know, have been running through your minds. Firstly, we would like to apologize for not being able to share much about what’s going on behind the scene. There are a lot of changes happening to the core of the game, most of which, are things that take place under the hood. Players will hardly be able to tell the difference on the surface but essentially, we’re tearing apart the codes and overhauling key features of the game that are unsatisfactory so that repeated issues won’t appear again in the next closed beta. All of this goes deeper than simply fixing a bug or an issue. Of course, we do have additional features that we wish to add from the awesome feedback received. However, these aren’t our priority right now as we want to ensure that the foundation of the game is working perfectly before adding things on.

Our goal is to offer the best experience Cardfighters can get, whether they are new or veteran, on the online platform. Since the initial game client just wasn’t able to deliver, overhauling and taking the necessary time and effort to rework and test it again was a decision that came very naturally to us.
We will share more about Cardfight!! Online and the current state of progress in 3 to 4 months from now. In the meantime, all efforts will be focused on getting the foundation right.

As we get closer to the next closed beta phase, we will be releasing more information once we are ready, on the revamped features and new additions to ease everyone into the all new Cardfight!! Online game.

At this stage, the next Cardfight!! Online Closed Beta Test will be sometime in late 2016. We sincerely hope for your utmost understanding and patience until we are ready to release more information.
In the meantime, for those who weren’t lucky to get in the closed beta, you will find demo stations at key Bushiroad booths or appearance in events across the world. You will be able to get a feel of how the game is like and try out the tutorials. For larger events with at least 2 demo stations, you will be able to have a game between the 2 demo stations with the available trial decks within the game. The staff assigned to the demo stations at the events will still be collecting any feedback you may have for the game. We are always looking for suggestions and feedback on interesting concepts and features that would be cool or fun for Cardfight!! Online.

Do check out the full announcement on our website at !

We’re now looking through all the reports and feedback. We will head into another phase of beta once we’ve improved on the game.

Based on the feedback, we are overhauling key features of the game, such as the inbox, crafting and more. As we are overhauling major features, we will need more time for development. In addition to the overhaul, we are working to implement some of the features highly suggested by players during the Closed Beta Test.

There’s no specific dates for the next phase of beta yet. We will only announce the dates for the next phase of Closed Beta phase when we are ready. We are not announcing any specific dates for the Open Beta nor release date yet.

Release date: 2016

Enter a whole new world of "Cardfight!! Vanguard" with "Cardfight!! Online"!

The ever popular trading card game "Cardfight!! Vanguard" is now available digitally and online in "Cardfight!! Online"!
Build your own deck, honor your skills, and challenge against others online!

Cardfight!! Vanguard is a trading card game where players take up the role of the Vanguard and lead their allies to victory. The story of the game takes place on a planet called Cray and revolves around the conflicts between the various factions of that planet. Players choose from these factions, called clans, which feature creatures such as dragons, faeries, insects and even dinosaurs to form their decks and do battle with their opponents.
