Increased visibility of world of tanks. We increase the visibility range in WoT on any map

The visibility range on maps is limited by the size of the maps and the game's capabilities. To mask these limitations, the maximum distance at which any object can be seen has been further reduced, and a foggy haze has been added, which is visible at long distances.

The maximum visibility range is limited by the size of World of Tanks maps, which, in turn, are limited by the capabilities of the game engine. To ensure that the sharp edge of the map is not too noticeable, the developers added decorative “fog” or haze, which makes it difficult to see distant objects in battle. As a result, the map looks something like this:

The far edge of the map is still visible, albeit poorly, but the game spends significant system resources on gaming computers to draw this haze. Besides, few people have time in battle or interest in looking at the edges of the map. So the fog is on World maps of Tanks is a completely unnecessary element of the game. Fortunately, the mod for increasing visibility range and removing fog allows you to disable this unnecessary effect. As a result, the map looks like this:

(screenshots were taken using the mod " ".)

After installing the mod, in arcade and strategic aiming mode you will only notice fps increase in battle. In addition, in sniper mode It will become easier for you to aim at long distances - the picture will become clearer. In the screenshot, the enemy is at a distance of five hundred meters:

  • Update date: 20 Mar 2018
  • Total ratings: 9
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Updated 03/20/2018:
  • tested for 1.0;

Game world world of Tanks is limited to maps with a maximum size of 1000x1000 meters, and the foggy haze hides part of this small space. The presence of fog and the draw distance limit directly affect FPS, and therefore also affect the comfort and performance of the game.

The mod for increasing the visibility range of World of Tanks exists in three versions:

  • You can maximize the viewing range and remove haze from all maps, or
  • Increase viewing range only
  • Remove fog without changing viewing range

Maximizing the viewing range combined with removing fog is the most expensive modification in terms of using the system resources of your gaming computer. The system has to render large number parts over a long distance, which loads memory and computing power.

The viewing range mod only increases the maximum distance at which objects in the game world are displayed, but does not remove the fog at the limit of visibility. This option allows you to maintain the familiar appearance of the maps and not show the “end of the Earth” where the map ends, which is the problem with the other two options for the mod for increasing the visibility range.

The mod to disable fog saves the performance of your gaming machine as much as possible. Only one additional effect is removed - haze at the limit of visibility - thereby reducing the load on the computer's processor and memory.

If gameplay is important to you and your gaming computer allows it, install a mod to increase range and remove fog. If you have a goal to save the performance of your gaming machine, install the mod only to turn off the fog.


  • Download the file with the smoke and fog removal mod
  • Copy the mods folder to the game folder (WOT/).

The new render, introduced in patch 0.8.0, brought not only positive aspects to the game, such as new visual beauties. The disadvantage is that now at long distances there is fog, which sometimes interferes with shooting and hides part of the map. But this mod will fix everything.

Modmakers do not stand aside, and now we have received MFPM for WoT - a modification that completely changes this annoying oversight - with its help you can easily remove fog and limited visibility.

1. No to fog! Now, even at a distance of five hundred meters, it is very comfortable to shoot, since all the details of the terrain and, in fact, the enemy tank are visible. Thanks to this, you will be able to hit much more often than miss. Great start.

2. Increased visibility range. Thanks to the fact that the author of the mod removed the fog, almost the entire map is now visible. Fog no longer hides the terrain from the gunner’s watchful eye, which will allow for a more sober assessment of the situation. The entire map is open for viewing, enjoy!

3. Increased frames per second on some configurations. When the mod was just beginning its victorious march, the author thought that increasing the distance would have a bad effect on the overall performance of the game. But fortunately he was wrong - his modification not only improves appearance World of Tanks, but also allows you to increase the number of FPS. I have a theory about this - I think that the fog loads the PC much more than drawing the map and therefore the absence of fog had a great effect on optimization. But it all depends on your computer - try it!

We smoothly approached the main topic of our article - installing the mod. Everything is simpler than ever here, the entire installation will consist of just one step.

Texture rendering and viewing distance in game World of Tanks is regulated, but only up to certain point. That is, this means that it will be impossible to make the map drawing range infinitely far; the limitation in any case will be what is specified in the settings. But how can these default indicators be removed?

We increase the visibility range in WoT on any map

Visibility is an important aspect in game world tanks, and if you can increase the visibility and drawing of objects on the maps, you can get a lot of advantages in battle. By increasing the range of visibility of the landscape, you will at the same time allow yourself to see the tank at the enemy at a moment when he does not yet suspect that you are watching him somewhere. Accordingly, with such additions you can easily deal with the enemy even before he can somehow inflict damage on you.

Simplifying maps in World of Tanks

In addition to the fact that the visibility range will be significantly increased with this modification. One more key point is the fact that you can easily remove fog, various smoke effects and other unnecessary aspects in the game to increase FPS indicator and a more comfortable game.

The new render, introduced in patch 0.8.0, brought not only positive aspects to the game, such as new visual beauties. The disadvantage is that now at long distances there is fog, which sometimes interferes with shooting and hides part of the map. But this mod will fix everything.

Modmakers do not stand aside, and now we have received MFPM for WoT - a modification that completely changes this annoying oversight - with its help you can easily remove fog and limited visibility.

1. No to fog! Now, even at a distance of five hundred meters, it is very comfortable to shoot, since all the details of the terrain and, in fact, the enemy tank are visible. Thanks to this, you will be able to hit much more often than miss. Great start.

2. Increased visibility range. Thanks to the fact that the author of the mod removed the fog, almost the entire map is now visible. Fog no longer hides the terrain from the gunner’s watchful eye, which will allow for a more sober assessment of the situation. The entire map is open for viewing, enjoy!

3. Increased frames per second on some configurations. When the mod was just beginning its victorious march, the author thought that increasing the distance would have a bad effect on the overall performance of the game. But fortunately, he was wrong - his modification not only improves the appearance of World of Tanks, but also allows you to increase the number of FPS. I have a theory about this - I think that the fog loads the PC much more than drawing the map and therefore the absence of fog had a great effect on optimization. But it all depends on your computer - try it!

We smoothly approached the main topic of our article - installing the mod. Everything is simpler than ever here, the entire installation will consist of just one step.
