A simulator for learning logical elements. Simulator for studying logical elements Program simulator logic passage

simulator for learning logic elements

What is it?

The “Logic” simulator is intended for conducting practical classes on the topic “ Mathematical logic " V game form. Similar game was previously written for Yamaha computers (programmers P. Menyailo And M. Shchekochikhin). The original program along with the MSX computer simulator can be downloaded (thanks Mikhail Bondarevsky).

The program runs under the operating systems of the line Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/2003 on any modern computers. After unpacking the archive, it is in working order and does not require no additional settings.


The program is free for non-commercial use. The source code of the program is not distributed.

The program comes " as is", that is, the author does not bear any responsibility for all possible consequences of its use, including moral and material losses, equipment failure, physical and mental injuries.


  • game uniform consolidation of educational material;
  • the program has a built-in set logic circuits(tasks) for each of the 10 levels;
  • it is possible to compose new schemes and check their work without leaving the program;
  • You can associate your own scheme with each level; list non-standard schemes stored in the initialization file LOGIC.INI; this way you can create several ini-files with different types of tasks;
  • In addition to the standard set of logical elements (AND, OR, NOT), in the circuits you can use the elements included (it is not clear why) in the school curriculum " implication», « equivalence"and also half adder, adder And RS trigger.

Rules of the game

The task is to sequentially transfer the crystal from the top platform to the bottom. By applying current to the input of the mechanisms on the right side of the circuit, you can put forward sites on the path of the crystal. If there is no current at the input of the mechanism, the platform is removed.

To control mechanisms they use switches on the left side of the field. Their condition changes with a mouse click. If the switch is turned on, current flows through the circuit and enters the logic circuits included in this circuit (the middle part of the field). Logic circuits convert input signals according to the following rules:

  • scheme NOT: there will be current at the output (signal 1) if there is no current at the input (signal 0), and vice versa;
  • scheme AND: the output will be 1 if both inputs are 1;
  • scheme OR: the output will be 1 if at least one input is 1;
  • scheme XOR(exclusive OR): the output will be 1 if only one input is 1;
  • scheme implication (1—>2 ): the output will be 0 if the first input is 1 and the second is 0; otherwise the output is 1;
  • scheme equivalence(): the output will be 1 if both inputs are equal; otherwise the output is 0.

The crystal cannot be transferred through several “flights” at once - in this case it breaks and you have to start the level again. In addition, you only have 5 crystals for the entire game, if you break them all, the task is considered incomplete.

The game consists of 10 levels. If you can complete all levels, keeping at least one crystal and score more than zero points, you will see a picture.

Open lesson “Logic elements” 8th grade

Planned educational results:

    Subject – an idea of ​​logical elements (conjunctor, disjunctor, inverter) and electronic circuits;

    Metasubject – the ability to present the same information in different forms (truth table, logical expression, electronic circuit);

    Personal – understanding the role of fundamental knowledge as the basis of modern information technologies.

Solvable educational tasks:

    familiarity with discrete information converters and simple electronic circuits;

    consideration of examples of analysis of logical circuits;

    generalization of issues related to the theoretical foundations of information technology tools;

    compliance with sanitary standards when working with a computer, compliance with safety regulations, the optimal combination of forms and methods to prevent overwork.

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson type: lesson-game.

Forms of work in the lesson: collective, group, individual.

Educational technologies: gaming, information and communication, health-saving.

Basic concepts studied in the lesson:

    logical element;




    electronic circuit.

ICT tools used in the lesson:

    teacher’s personal computer (PC), multimedia projector, screen;

    Students' PCs.

Electronic educational resources:

    presentation “Logic elements”;

    simulator “Logic2” ( ).

    simulator “Logic1” ( )

Lesson structure:

    Organizational moment.

    Testing previously acquired knowledge.

    1. Frontal survey.

      Group work.

    Learning new material.

    Physical exercise.

    Generalization and systematization of knowledge


    Summing up, marking.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Greetings. Checking absentees.

Setting lesson goals.

Students write down the date and topic of the lesson “Logic Elements” in their notebooks.(slide 1) .

2. Testing previously acquired knowledge.

Guys, in previous lessons we looked at basic logical operations. Since you have achieved considerable success in composing and converting logical expressions, I suggest that you become an electronics engineer. First you need to be divided into groups (4 groups in total)

a) Frontal survey (working with the screen).

To test whether you are truly suitable for a demanding assignment, you must pass an exam. There are 8 tickets on the screen. A representative from each group selects any two ticket numbers and answers questions. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point(Slide 2) .

Depending on which ticket number the student has chosen, questions appear on the screen. After the student has given an answer, the correct option is displayed on the board.


    How many simple statements are contained in this complex one: “The transparent forest alone turns black, and the spruce turns green through the frost, and the river shines under the ice”?(Three)

    How many sentences are statements: “The number 6 is even”, “Attention!”, “Some fish are predators”, “Do you like to read?”(2)

    A=“Laser printers are silent and provide best quality press"
    В=“7*7=47 or 7*8=56”
    Which of these statements are true?(IN)

    Write down a statement in the language of logical algebra: “Mercury is a planet solar system and has no companions"(A&¬B)

    What is the value of the logical expression A and (not A)?(0)

    Write down the statement in the language of logical algebra: “It is not true that the Sun moves around the Earth.”(¬A)

    Calculate: 1vA&0(1)

    Determine the truth of the compound expression: (2*2=4 or 3*3=10) and (2*2=5 or 3*3=9).(True)

b) Work in a group (work with the Logic 1 simulator).

So, we found out that you are quite prepared theoretically, let's see how you cope with the practical task.

Students are asked to complete a practical task. For this purpose, the “Logic1” simulator by Vladimir Vasilievich Popov is used. The program is designed to reinforce the concepts: conjunction, disjunction, inversion. Consists of 5 tasks performed sequentially, in which it is necessary to calculate the values ​​of logical expressions. Each team completes tasks on the computer and receives points (maximum 5 points).

At the end, students will see:


3. Studying new material (perception and comprehension of knowledge).

You have successfully completed the test and are ready to receive important information necessary to complete a responsible task.

I'll tell you how to analyze electronic circuits.

Algebra of logic is a branch of mathematics that plays an important role in the design of automatic devices and the development of hardware and software for information and communication technologies.

You already know that any information can be represented in discrete form - as a fixed set of individual values. Devices that process such values ​​(signals) are called discrete. A discrete converter that, after processing binary signals, produces the value of one of logical operations, calledlogical element .

The slide shows symbols(circuits) of logical elements that implement logical multiplication, logical addition and inversion.

AND gate (conjunctor) implements the logical multiplication operation. A unit at the output of this element will appear only when there are units at all inputs.

OR gate (disjunctor) implements the logical addition operation. If at least one input is one, then the output of the element will also be one.

NOT gate (inverter) implements the negation operation. If the input of an element is 0, then the output is 1 and vice versa.

Computer devices that perform operations on binary numbers and cells that store data are electronic circuits consisting of individual logical elements.

Draw diagrams of logical elements in your notebook.

4. Physical exercise.

Exercise for the eyes. The first exercise is to follow a moving object along a closed path with your eyes.

The second exercise is to alternately move your gaze from a point to a large circle. Change focus.

5. Generalization and systematization of knowledge (working with the Logic2 simulator).

Students are invited to go through the last stage of the game - the “Logic2” simulator by Konstantin Yuryevich Polyakov.

Rules of the game: your task is to sequentially transfer the crystal from the upper platform to the lower one. By applying current to the input of the mechanisms on the right side of the circuit, you can move the pads along the path of the crystal. If there is no current at the input of the mechanism, the platform is removed.

To control the mechanisms, use the switches on the left side of the field. Their state changes with a mouse click. If the switch is turned on, current flows through the circuit and enters the logic circuits included in this circuit (the middle part of the field). Logic circuits convert input signals according to the following rules:

    schemeNOT : there will be current at the output (signal 1) if there is no current at the input (signal 0), and vice versa;

    schemeAND : the output will be 1 if both inputs are 1;

    schemeOR : the output will be 1 if at least one input is 1;

The crystal cannot be transferred through several “flights” at once - in this case it breaks and you have to start the level again. In addition, you only have 5 crystals for the entire game, if you break them all, the task is considered incomplete.

The game consists of 10 levels. If you can complete all levels, keeping at least one crystal and score more than zero points, you will see a picture.

Each student brings to the team a point equal to his maximum level completed in the “Logic2” simulator. The arithmetic mean is calculated maximum levels members on the team, and are added to previously earned points. That. The winning team is determined.

6. Homework.

Prepare for the test.

7. Summing up. Reflection.

Informatics Federal State Educational Standard: textbook for 8th grade: L. L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2016.

Computer Science Federal State Educational Standard: Workbook for 8th grade (2 parts): L. L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2016.
