The elder scrolls legends invulnerable. How is The Elder Scrolls: Legends different from other card games? Contemplation of two moons

Card computer games are constantly being developed and game developers surprise gamers with new CCGs. Now collectible card games really a lot. There are browser-based and client-based cards, and there is also a setting to suit everyone’s preferences. The Elder Scrolls: Legends, as the name suggests, is a game created based on the universe known to all players Elder Scrolls.

Card computer games

The Elder Scrolls: Legends is a collectible card game developed by Dire Wolf Digital based on world The Elder Scrolls. The game takes place in Tamriel - a large continent with an abyss of nomarchies, demos and a rich chronicle. Tamriel extends across the planet Nirn. The peoples who occupy it live in a wide variety of climatological conditions - from snowy mountains to the deserts.

As for a card game, there are really a lot of races here. Namely, you will meet Argonians, Bretons, Dark, Forest and High Elves, Imperials, Khajiit, Nords, Orcs and Redguards. The classes in the game are personified by Archers, Assassins, Battle Mages, Crusaders, Monks, Scouts, Sorcerers, Won Mages and simply Warriors. Each hero is also endowed with his own characteristics in the form of various attributes, such as power, agility, willpower, intelligence and endurance.

If you have played before, then you will quickly understand the game. The games' combat mechanics are very similar. The passage starts with the story mode - in it the player understands the principles of the game and gets his own initial set of cards. After this, a set of modes that is actually similar to Hearthstone is revealed to him.

The Elder Scrolls: Legends is based on turn-based matches between two opponents. The available game modes are: Duel (each player plays with his own personal deck) and Arena (before the start of the arena, any player is forced to accumulate a deck of a small number of cards). True, an important difference from Hearthstone is the complexity of card battles.

Cards in the game are divided into neutral ones, and those relating to one of the seven “color” skills - in addition to this, you can only add two colors to the deck, as well as neutral ones. The set of cards is completely ordinary - the player takes out a decent set at the start, after which the same cards can be taken out when passing through the arena and purchasing them with in-game currency. Along with this, cards fly out in an irregular manner - in order to take the necessary ones, you must split up some of the cards from your own selection, and then produce new ones, and at an unprofitable rate. Finally, card sets can also be purchased for real money.

And how to assemble a playable collection in the shortest possible time.

When Bethesda first announced that its upcoming plans to expand The Elder Scrolls franchise would include free-to-play development, fans were understandably disappointed. Despite the success of games like Hearthstone, the phrase “free-to-play card game based on the universe” is still perceived by many as “another attempt to make money from the fanbase,” and for good reason.

Be that as it may, after a series of release date delays and a protracted period of closed beta with invite access, The Elder Scrolls: Legends has finally entered the open beta. And this is good news, because now more people will be able to try out the game, which is a mixture of Hearthstone and Magic: The Gathering, based on the rich gaming universe of The Elder Scrolls, and you no longer have to wait 10 minutes to find an opponent in the arena.

In the first days of the open beta, many new players will have to deal with some rather confusing and non-obvious game mechanics TES: Legends. In this regard, we decided to put together a couple useful tips for a successful start of the game.

Card games aren't usually played for the single player experience, but playing through the TES: Legends single player campaign should be the first thing a newbie does when first getting into the game. Completing the three Acts of the campaign will unlock new cards and even entire 50-card decks, allowing you to quickly build a working collection to begin the game. In addition, the passage of the story part is accompanied by a brief excursion into the game mechanics such as Lines or Providence.

There are a total of 10 races in the game, each of which has 4 portraits available.

Try playing as different races

In addition to the in-game portrait and phrases, the chosen race determines the appearance additional cards received for increasing the level. For example, as a Khajiit, you'll regularly add cards to your collection that rely on Dexterity and Willpower and use the Thievery mechanic. Just by trying on the cat's whiskers, you can quickly put together a decent Haji deck with many racial epics and legendaries. You can change your race without restrictions, and if you suddenly want to switch to a Dunmer control deck or an aggro-Nord, then simply change your character and start receiving bonus cards characteristic of his race.

In addition to receiving cards through racial bonuses, the player is free to build his collection using the Rookie mechanic. Cards with this mechanic enter the collection in their initial, weak form, but become stronger as the player’s level increases, often allowing them to choose one of the proposed development paths. Such maps can be created manually, using dust, but it would be wiser to simply have patience and experience. If you still decide to craft a card, make sure that you do not have a weaker version of it in your collection that is awaiting improvement in the near future. Otherwise, you will waste soul stones.

Endurance is represented by the strongest creatures for late game, but they are also not easy to unlock.

Learn colors

Factions in TES: Legends are represented by five attributes, much like the colors in Magic: The Gathering. For clarity, let's take a quick look at each of the attributes:

  • Strength: maximum aggression. Lots of creatures with Charge and an extensive toolkit to strengthen them, complemented by several sources of targeted damage. Evokes strong associations with the color red and fire in MTG.
  • Intelligence: The main attribute of all mages, giving access to the best mass spells in the game. It is mainly represented by spells, creatures with Shield (a mechanic similar to the Divine Shield in Hearthstone), and also has several powerful combos in its arsenal.
  • Willpower: An attribute that loves to spam the board with small creatures, but somehow combines it with a control playstyle. This is possible due to the many sources of healing, as well as cards for destroying enemy creatures and strengthening friendly creatures.
  • Agility: This attribute is almost entirely based on creatures, most of them equipped with clever mechanics like Steal, Movement and Lethality (similar to Deathtouch). The lack of spells is compensated by creatures with the Summon ability (identical to Battle Cry).
  • Endurance: A slow and defensive attribute with mana boost options that allows him to play huge, expensive minions before his opponent. It also features a large number of creatures with Last Breath (think Deathrattle in Hearthstone), an effect that triggers when killed.

Story mode remains the best environment for familiarizing yourself with game mechanics, but it is the arena that provides the opportunity to try out cards and attributes in action. In the arena, almost all the cards in the game are available, which will allow you to get acquainted with unfamiliar cards in practice, which in the future may well find a place in your deck for construction. Victories in the arena are rewarded with gold and card packs.

For example, in two weeks of successful play in the arena it is quite possible to accumulate up to 5000 gold, which will allow you to assemble a decent collection without spending a penny real money. In addition to battles with other players, there is also a single-player mode in the arena, where the player will have to face various bosses. Each victory adds one new map into an Arena deck, which is especially useful for beginners who want to see rare cards in action.

Try to pay less attention to drawing cards, focusing on “bombs”.

Building a deck in the arena

Entrance to the arena is not free, but with the right skill it is easy to recoup the price for participation, while earning a little extra. To achieve this, ideally, your deck should include the following: “bombs”, that is, very powerful cards that can win the match almost single-handedly; cards for destroying enemy creatures; cards with versatile and strong mechanics; cards for finishing off the enemy (for example, damage spells or creatures with Charge); and dilute it all with dummy cards that had to be taken only because it was best choice out of three proposed. Also worth special mention is the Prophecy mechanic, which is extremely useful in 30-card decks.

Less is more

Decks in TES: Legends can contain from 50 to 70 cards, but a compact deck size of 50 cards is considered the most optimal. Some slow control and combo decks are designed to benefit from more cards, but fast and aggressive decks need stability, which is much easier to achieve with 50 cards in the deck. If you are not sure what to add to your decklist first, start with 6 cards to destroy enemy minions, continue with 3 cards to heal and 6 to draw cards from the deck, and end with 3 big creatures for the late game. On top of this, create a smooth mana curve by adding some early and late game mana to your deck, and more mid-game mana. This will provide you with many victories in the first stages of getting to know the game.

When you first start playing TES Legends, your eyes just run wild among all the variety of cards, and you don’t know what to make a starting deck from. Our team SIMHOST took away best cards category “Willpower”, from which you can make a good starting deck.

We warn you right away - this guide was not compiled by a CCG professional, and you should not take the information here in such a way that you need to run and immediately make similar decks. We shared our opinion on some cards that we consider very effective, and you should analyze for yourself whether something from the list is worth adding to your deck.

Guardian Septima

Pros: A very good card for its price. For 0 mana we get a 1\2 creature, and also with the “guardian” ability. Guardian Septima can be useful when you just need to fill the board with minions and you don't have much mana. But still, if we take into account only these qualities, the card is very controversial. But it gains its power if you have creatures that can strengthen others. Like, for example, the artisan of Wrothgar, with whom you can get two 2/3 creatures in the third turn, which will make you feel more confident. Also a good option for aggro decks, as it allows you to fill the board as quickly as possible.

Cons: Still, the map is very controversial. It can also be harmful if it drops instead of more effective creatures.


Pros: For 1 unit of mana, it prevents an enemy creature from attacking for an entire turn, which makes it quite effective card, capable of changing the outcome of the battle. You can prevent an enemy creature from attacking your hero, or you can save your important creature and put other creatures on the table. Overall, using this card correctly can help you change the outcome of a fight in your favor for as little as 1 mana. Also, as the level increases, it can improve to a card that can kill a creature, but only when the field is filled. In some decks, it gets incredible useful map.

Cons: A card can often be ineffective and simply lie dead weight, or prevent something more useful from falling out. The improved version will not be effective in all decks.


Pros: A good destroyer of creatures for 1 unit of mana. It can help to profitably exchange with creatures for 2, 3 mana, as well as more expensive ones.

Cons: Limit of 2 attack units. You may be unlucky and the enemy will throw creatures with attack 3 or higher. Also, in the game, very often creatures with attack 2 and lower quickly gain strength, which makes it impossible to destroy them with this card.

Reconnaissance patrol

Pros: Not a bad card for controlling both sides of the table. A very effective combination with a Daedric dagger, which allows you to sometimes exchange for very strong enemy creatures. Also incredibly effective with buff creatures.

Cons: Almost useless if there are no creatures, magic or items that can strengthen the rank and file.

Cheydinhal Sapper

Pros: Not bad characteristics for a creature. It is also able to quickly increase the hero’s health, especially with an enhanced attack. Also capable of killing a more expensive enemy creature. A good option for fighting aggro decks.

Cons: Sometimes excessive healing prevents you from spending runes, which is why you won’t be able to draw cards, and in certain moment, you will be left with almost an empty hand. Therefore, a very controversial card.

Instructor of the 5th Legion

Pros: When you have a lot of mana, it can quickly put a very powerful army on the table. Particularly effective when combined with Reconnaissance Watch, Septim's Guard, and Imperial Reinforcements.

Cons: It is not always possible to summon a creature for strengthening. As a result, instead of strengthening, you can get a weak creature on the battlefield for 2 mana, as a result of which you lose the table.

Legionary shield

Pros: Very effective against aggro decks, capable of strengthening a weak creature, taking a hit from creatures and killing them, especially those with 2 health units. Can also impact the battlefield, help kill a dangerous enemy minion, or keep your minion on the board.

Cons:+1 attack, + 3 health for 2 mana is not always an effective cost.

Skingrad Patrolman

Pros: a good creature for 2 mana, capable of trading with stronger creatures.

Cons: Frail health and lack of any abilities. In principle, the card is good for beginners, but in stronger decks, I think the need for Skingrad Patroller will disappear.

Kvatch Soldier

Pros: Cheap defender, good characteristics.

Cons: A card for a beginner, and nothing more.

Bruma Merchant

Pros: Could be a good replacement for the Skingrad Patrolman. Can make it easier to fight against aggro decks. Also, the card is very useful in decks that need to maintain a large supply of health.

Cons: Card draw delay from broken rune.

Imperial Legionnaire

Pros: Just decent stats for turn three. 4 health units allow you to survive a lot.

Cons: lack of ability. The card is good for building initial decks and nothing more.

Executioner of Morthal

Pros: One of the strongest cards in the “Willpower” category. When used correctly, it can decide the entire outcome of a battle. Can be a distraction for the mute, saving other valuable creatures. Perhaps it will help to take over the table, since enemies can use destroy cards. Not bad stats for a 3-mana creature. 4 health provides good survivability.

Cons: Lack of action during the challenge, as a result of which the enemy can quickly get rid of the card, and you lose your turn.

Contemplation of two moons

Pros: Capable of taking control of two lanes with the help of creatures. With a high probability, it is capable of forcing the enemy to attack you in the face, which may disrupt his plans.

Cons: Summoned creatures will not always be effective on two different lanes. Low effectiveness against aggro decks that already hit you in the face. With similar aggro decks, Contemplation of Two Moons can take away board control.

Cloud of arrows

Pros: Good clearing of small creatures.

Cons: The use is not always beneficial. Often creatures with 2 attack are 0-2 mana, and this can prevent you from trading profitably.

Battle cry

Pros: Very strong card, which can help get rid of strong creatures, or finish off your enemy. Great combo with Imperial reinforcements.

Cons: Without creatures or with a small number of them, it is practically useless.

Defender of the Hive

Pros: Excellent characteristics for a defender. Can help hold off aggro decks and other small creatures.

Cons: Didn't find it.

Imperial reinforcements

Pros: Summons many creatures that are not easy to get rid of. Enhancements are very effective, especially in combination with the 5th Legion Instructor. A battle cry, strengthening the rank and file, can quickly finish off an enemy, and a Daedric dagger or heavy ax can be used advantageously against a strong creature

Cons: Mass spells will quickly clear the side of the rank and file. Vulnerable to Guardian cards.

Divine Zeal

Pros: The ability to strengthen existing creatures also makes it possible to quickly deploy powerful creatures on the board. Not a bad option if you didn’t get anything good at 5 mana.

Cons: Controversial use if there are no creatures on the table, or there are very few of them. You can quickly lose your table because of this.

Piercing Spear

Pros: Very strong card! Quick Kill strong and annoying creatures. Prophecy sometimes allows you to kill an enemy creature without spending any mana. Sometimes, for free use, you can demolish not the most powerful creature, clearing the table, or save yourself from an attack by an enemy creature.

Cons: It's just that the price of 5 mana makes using this card not always a profitable move. Sometimes replaced by cheaper destruction.

Loyal housecarl

Pros: A very versatile map. A +2\+2 bonus and a guard for another creature will help the call of the Loyal Housecarl immediately affect the board. It is very effective if you get a prophecy using the ability, as it can not only put a creature on the table and buff an ally, but also, perhaps, save the hero.

Cons: Not effective if there are no creatures on the battlefield. Then you will get a weak 2\2 creature.

Golden Saint

Pros: A great way to stay on both sides of the table. On one there can be a defender with good characteristics as an additional creature, and on the other it can protect against small creatures. If you have buffing creatures or spells on the board, then this card will be incredibly effective.

Cons: You should be focused on maintaining health, as a result of which you will become more dependent on cards to help fill your hand.

Prefect of the Legion

Pros: A card that can change the outcome of a battle! Enhancements take effect immediately, which can help kill a strong creature, or finish off an enemy, or help your creatures survive. Even if it buffs 3 creatures, this card has already paid for itself!!!

Cons: No creatures - no efficiency.

The Elder Scrolls: Legends - Build Your Deck

Universe computer games global like space and deep like a parallel reality. The variety of taste preferences of gamers is replete with genres and types. Strategies, quests, logic, action, role-playing - come and find something to suit every taste and mood. There are unrealistically many of them. But the creators still can’t calm down and continue to release more and more. One of the new products is a game that we will talk about later. By the way, you can easily download The Elder Scrolls: Legends to your computer through the Play Market.

About the game

This card story game strategy that causes exclusively positive emotions. Popularly called “TESLa”, thanks to the abbreviation. It will appeal to sophisticated gamers with high demands on high-quality graphics, interface, and so on.

Colorful design of the cards, fantastic backstory of the characters, freedom of action, which strictly influences the process itself and the final result. Associating a player with a character can develop imagination and greatly captivate the knowledge of thematic literature.

The Elder Scrolls: Legends on PC is the perfect way to broaden your horizons and have a great time in the company of fairly realistic characters.

In the body of the game you will undoubtedly meet familiar characters, creatures, and mechanics. But the difference between this series is the need to use tactical thought. The only traditional things left are fighting monsters and, of course, magic.

The time of action is the Fourth Era, when the Great War took place. The Almeri Dominion then fought the Tamriel Empire. As you play, you will discover previously unknown details of the Battle of the Red Ring.

Lord Naarifin, a Daedra worshiper and Altmeri general, wants to open the Oblivion Gate portal in order to summon a horde of Daedra. To realize his intentions, he is willing to sacrifice the population of the empire.

Video review

Gameplay and features of the game on PC

Mastering the game is as easy as possible. In the process of passing plot story you can easily master the basics of mechanics. If it's confusing that the game is presented on English, don’t worry, it’s so simple that you don’t need any special knowledge.

First, you need to create your own deck. Take into account the fact that when competing in Versus battles, it should consist of from fifty to seventy cards. Most can be obtained by studying history. And you will need to add new ones and change unnecessary ones yourself.

The game involves hundreds of cards with a variety of gifts and keywords. By skillfully operating them you can become omnipotent. If you want, drain health from the enemy or break through his defense. And by destroying runes, you can play cards during an enemy attack. Thus, turning the game in an unexpected direction.

Unneeded cards can be dispelled on the Soul Stone, and needed ones can be purchased there. If you manage to win the games, the reward will be packs, like boosters. They contain six cards, and among them there are legendary and epic ones. And what? more unique card, the better its characteristics. Accordingly, it becomes more valuable when sprayed.

There are five types in the classification of gameplay attributes. You can use two of them to choose from when organizing your decks.

  • Strength - allows you to march ahead to victory. When choosing this attribute, crush your opponent directly, without delay. With the help of “force” you can clear the territory and destroy enemies.
  • Intelligence – helps in creating your own strategy and mass destruction enemy.
  • Willpower - allows you to create a large-scale army, build fortifications and multiply the forces of hordes with magic.
  • Endurance equals protection and healing. A universal quality for increasing the level of magic.
  • Agility is proactive action. Adaptation in any difficult situation and maneuverability, stealth.


Versus battle

A game with real random players who can play their game from anywhere in the world. You can win new cards for your deck, gold, and Soul Stones for winning the competition.

Solo arena

Absolutely going here new deck. This can be done by choosing one new card from three, one at a time. As a result, you can play with the assembled deck against the computer. During this battle, you must win at least nine battles. Moreover, you can only lose here twice. To fight in the Solo Arena you need to fork out 150 septims.

Versus arena

Similar to the previous mode, but now you have to play with real opponent. This is the most difficult stage. After all, in version battles you can choose a previously assembled deck. And with a real enemy, it will be more difficult to predict his subsequent actions.

Among the features are the colorful design of the cards; story video before each chapter; choice of event, which will be reflected on reward cards. Users also noted stylish, high-quality graphics, cool voice acting, and titles. In general, the game is pleasing to the eye and is fun to spend time with.

Game controls

Elder Scrolls Legends for Windows is managed by default. For your convenience, you can reconfigure it in the main menu, in the game settings. How to build hotkeys? Mark the required item in your inventory as “favorites”, by default with the “F” button. Open the map with the "M" key, and center it on the hero's mark with the "E" key. When exiting the inventory, you can enter the favorites menu with the “Q” button.

How to install The Elder Scrolls: Legends on your computer

Playing The Elder Scrolls: Legends on your computer couldn't be easier.

There are 3 ways to install the game on your computer:

  • Method one. Bethesda took care of all users and therefore you can find a full version of the game on their official website -
  • Second way. You need to make sure that there is an emulator on your computer. If not, you can download it on our website. Once the installation is complete, wait a certain time, following the program commands. Then you type the name of the game into the search and, having found it, download the file with the toy directly to your personal computer. Follow the instructions and open the game using an emulator. Ready.
  • Following the third method, you can download the archive on the site, which will contain the APK file, step by step instructions installation instructions and emulator. The APK file allows you to install necessary programs on Android, will allow you to log into the Play Market and install the application using the traditional method.

Let's sum it up

The fact that you will not regret downloading The Elder Scrolls: Legends to your computer is one hundred percent! After all, the creators of the game did a great job to make it bright and interesting. We deliberately omit all the features of the game so as not to destroy your interest and not to deprive you of the pleasure of getting to know a new galaxy of a high-quality game made with taste and imagination.

The Elder Scrolls: Legends is an acclaimed free-to-play strategy card game. Play online card game, based on the famous role-playing series games The Elder Scrolls, and prepare your deck for battle!

Become a part of The Elder Scrolls stories, defeat your opponents and join an exciting adventure that is so easy to get into and impossible to put down! Start collecting cards and building a deck, then travel to Morrowind, fight dragons in Skyrim, and explore the Clockwork City.

The adventure in The Elder Scrolls never ends. Turn-based strategy card combat in The Elder Scrolls: Legends takes you on an epic journey. Download today!


- In single player modes you will find tactical turn-based battles,
requiring a thoughtful strategy from you.
- Learn the basics of Legends as you play through the campaign. waiting for you
many hours of play and various rewards.
- Go through everything The campaign Elder Scrolls, from the history of the Dark Brotherhood to the quest
the famous Clockwork City, and more.
- IN single player in the Arena you can test your decks for strength, and in
sets of exclusive puzzles - to rack your brains to your heart's content.

- This strategy card game is unlike all the others. In Legends field
battle is divided into “lines”, which turns the simple placement of a card into
strategically sound decision.
- The mechanics of runes and prophecies in card duels can turn anyone
an unsuccessful battle in your favor, if luck smiles on you and the necessary
the card will appear at the very last moment.

- Create your own decks and battle other players for prestige and
numerous awards.
- Arrange card fights with friends
- Rise to the top of the list of winners in rating game and win in
competition in Arena mode
- Participate in tournaments – global weekend competitions within
in which participants from all over the world fight against each other.

- Upgrade your cards to make your decks bigger and stronger
suit your playing style.
- Collect card backs and unique titles that will allow you
demonstrate your achievements in the game to both friends and opponents.

- There's always something to look forward to in The Elder Scrolls: Legends:
- New maps appearing every month
- Time-limited events
- Rewards for daily and monthly login
- Full add-ons
- Constant balance improvements
- Gameplay Legends is constantly improving, but remains unchanged
interesting and unusual!
- Past expansions include: “The Fall of the Dark Brotherhood”, “Heroes of
Skyrim”, “Return to the Clockwork City” and “Great Houses of Morrowind”.

Collect cards and prepare for battle in Elder Scrolls: Legends! Download now.
