Tips on tactics. Tactical Tips Targeting Vulnerable Areas

The path to success in World of Tanks.

World of Tanks is an extremely massive and popular MMORPG online game. As a result, the game's audience is actively expanding, which is why a lot of newcomers appear in the game in a short period of time. They do not yet understand the gameplay, interface and playing techniques, as a result of which they make many mistakes. So how can a beginner or an experienced, but not very experienced and “handy” player achieve progress and improve his statistics and gaming skills? How to become good player in World of Tanks?

Preparing to go into battle.

To begin with, you should clearly understand which tank you went into battle with. You should become familiar with its strengths and weaknesses. This can be done by studying its performance characteristics in the game client or by watching a training video or guide on the tank you are interested in. Each tank plays its role in battle and you should know it, and most importantly, perform it. For example, with a heavy tank you should occupy strategically important areas on the map where active and prolonged firefights are taking place (for example, the Himmelsdorf “banana”, streets on the ENSC, Ruinberg maps). In turn, the offensive of the heavy forces should be supported by medium and light tanks, which will be engaged in reconnaissance, support and breakthroughs along the flanks. In turn, tank destroyers and self-propelled guns should support everyone else: tank destroyers are capable of inflicting large one-time damage in an area covered by a howitzer, and tank destroyers are perfect for ambush tactics. However, it should be noted that the playstyle of some tanks (such as T95 or Jgd.Pz.E100) is specific, and is more similar to the playstyle of heavy tanks. This knowledge is the basic knowledge that everyone should learn before going into battle.

Conducting the battle.

There are many game locations in the game. They differ quite significantly from each other, so if you are a beginner player, it will be difficult for you at first. To effectively fight, you should know not only your tank, but also the map you are on. You can study the maps in the game either through personal experience, having skated many battles on them, or by studying relevant topics on the game’s fan resources. But the optimal way is to combine both. Thus, if you find yourself on a map that is unfamiliar to you, but having previously studied it using a video guide or a topic on the official forum, you will be able to act much more effectively. It is also worth noting that “going where everyone else has gone” is not always the best option. The concentration of all tanks on one half of the map greatly affects the security of the opposite flank, and if it is occupied by the enemy, the outcome of the battle is usually a foregone conclusion - everything ends in defeat. Conclusion: distribute tanks evenly across the battlefield, with tanks of different types occupying those parts of the map that suit them best. Most cards allow this.

Knowledge is power!

Oddly enough, the above recommendations are practically useless if you do not know the advantages and disadvantages of other tanks in WoT game. For successful actions in battle, you need to know the armor of those tanks that you may encounter in battle. The armor of tanks indicated in their technical specifications will not be able to give you a complete picture of what is happening. Let's give an example: the frontal armor of the Royal Tiger's hull is 150mm - the upper frontal armor plate, and 100mm - the lower frontal plate. You may think that if the armor penetration of your gun is 175mm, you are guaranteed to be able to penetrate the CT. However, this is far from the case. If you still manage to penetrate his lower armor plate, then his upper armor plate will not. This is due to the fact that the Tiger 2 VLD is located at an angle of approximately 50 degrees, which in turn increases the thickness of the reduced armor by one and a half to two times. The conclusion follows from this: you must know the vulnerabilities of your opponents. Each tank has its own pain points, but there are certain patterns. For example, when shooting at the frontal projection of any tank, it is easier to penetrate it not into the turret, but into the hull. And the hull, in turn, is easier to penetrate into the lower armor plate. The turrets of most tanks are also not without weak points: the cheeks of the turrets and commander's cupolas are much more accessible to penetration than the main planes.


All of the above information is fundamental for a player who plans to achieve success in World of Tanks. From personal experience: when I started playing, the game was much simpler and clearer - there were fewer tanks and fewer maps in the game. However, the “road to success” algorithm is standard and extremely simple. Following all of the above, you will not immediately begin to “pull battles”, receive “Warrior” or “Redley-Walters” medals, but the fact that sooner or later you will achieve progress is obvious. The speed of achieving results will depend, first of all, on how you assimilate the information received in battles. Over time, following these recommendations, you will confidently be able to surpass the average players (who are the majority in the game) in terms of playing skills, as a result of which it will be more interesting and easier for you to play, and most importantly, you will continue to improve yourself, from which the amount of pleasure you get from the game will increase in geometric progression. Good luck in mastering the difficult science of “winning,” tankers!

New players come to World of Tanks every day. The game developers lure newcomers with promotions, competitions and all sorts of combat missions. For example, in September 2014 World players of Tanks can get two unique tanks: the Chinese Type 62 and the Soviet KV-220. Both tanks are considered gifts at the time of writing. It is impossible to purchase them in a premium store. The Type 62 is a classic light tank designed for reconnaissance. As for the KV-220, nicknamed the “electrician,” it belongs to the fifth level “benders.” Reinforced hull and turret armor allows you to tank and benefit your team. Carrying battles on the KV-220 is a pleasure. Would you like to see the “electrician” in the hangar? Start up light tanks and complete combat missions. Don't know how to drag in World of Tanks? This article will definitely help you deal with this issue.

True, before you understand the basics of cheating, you need to understand that there are three classes of players in the game:

  • benders who destroy everyone in their path;
  • “deer” that merge at the beginning of the battle and do not benefit the team;
  • ordinary players who can show themselves in individual battles as benders or merge like deer.

In fact, all three classes of players are scary in battle, since no one knows what to expect from a “deer,” and even more so from a bender. But by following a number of rules, you will drag out battles over and over again. Moreover, by players who carry the battle on themselves, we mean gamers who scored the most frags, damage and experience during the battle. It is not necessary to carry it with top-end equipment. Often, players in level 5-6 tanks manage to destroy 7-10 enemy vehicles.

Rule No. 1. Prepare the game client.

As a rule, all experienced players with good skills have modifications installed. The developers do not prohibit the installation of mods on World of Tanks. Therefore, first of all, install the following mods on the World of Tanks client:

  • an improved sight will allow you to get information about charging time, projectile range (for art);
  • using a “smart” mini-map it is easy to determine the types of tanks on a particular flank;
  • complex XVM mod with “deer meter” (personal damage panel, determining the “combat efficiency” of players);
  • tank information panel is a small mod that allows you to find out the characteristics of the tank and the installed weapon directly in battle.

Rule No. 2. Learn to evaluate your opponent.

At the beginning of the battle, players have 30 seconds. Don't waste this time: identify the most strong enemies using a "reindeer gauge". They won't necessarily be the top ones combat vehicles. Very often on Mouse and E100 there are players with statistics below 47%. Such “warriors”, as a rule, are useless in battles and disappear in the first five minutes of the battle.

Analysis of enemy technology is also an important factor. For example, if the enemy has a lot of medium tanks, then you should take this factor into account and take positions far from them if you are on a tank destroyer or self-propelled gun. For example, several medium tanks can be the “initiators” of victory on Malinovka from the top spawn if they are sent along the first line.

Another example: while riding on artillery, you will eventually learn the most secluded places illuminated by light tanks and the location of artillery. For example, if you are thrown onto the Prokhorovka map and the enemy has a light tank, then there is a high probability that he will highlight the alley from square E1. Therefore, do not spare a shell, shoot into a bush - and in most cases you will get a frag.

Rule No. 3. Don't get into trouble.

As a rule, all those who drag out battles survive until the middle of the battle with a full margin of safety. If you want to bend, then do not climb into the first line of battle, regardless of whether you are at the top or not. If you merge in the first minutes or lose most of your strength, you will naturally be of no use. Try to damage the enemy from medium/long distance. The only class of equipment that must be on the front line is light tanks. But you also need to be able to bend over them. Most of the players shouted: “Olololo, light!” in the first minute of the battle they go to the enemy base and merge, and then complain about the artillery that it didn’t help them. Don’t be such a “deer”, and everything will work out for you.

Rule #4: Play as a platoon.

How to drag into WoT? A platoon of two or three tanks is an excellent way to drag out battles. True, only platoons whose actions are harmonious and coordinated bend down. Platoons of newcomers are not able to drag out a battle, because they do not have experience and skill. Game experience comes with time. For example, when playing in a platoon of three medium tanks, you need to take into account the terrain and key points, but an artillery platoon is a formidable force. Typically, experienced platoon players will add another Firefly to their platoon. A light tank highlights enemies, and two artillery destroy them. As a result, the platoon fights and gains a huge amount of credits and experience.

If you are invited to a platoon, then take into account the player's rating. You should not go out in a platoon with a player whose efficiency is below 1000. He will not be useful in battle and will only spoil the statistics. Try to fight in a platoon with experienced players. In addition to victories, you will learn from them how to properly tank, shine and destroy the enemy.

Rule #5: Be reasonable.

Perhaps, this rule is the most important thing. Remember the fundamental principles:

  • do not lose your mind in battle and do not give in completely to emotions;
  • do not be alone in battles, break through the enemy’s defenses in “packs”;
  • do not stand in open areas;
  • don’t do anything stupid (rush on artillery, ololo-light on a light tank, etc.);
  • do not interfere with enemies merging and firing at each other;
  • do not stand behind tank destroyers and do not chase frags.

Remember that in WoT players They differ not only in their tanks and skilled crew, but also in their ability to play. If you think you are playing poorly, then learn from your mistakes. Record fights and view them later. This will allow you to determine what you did wrong in battle.

Learn from the mistakes of others, watch VODs from experienced players on Youtube more often, as well as videos with reviews of maps and tactics. The more you know about tanks, the higher your chances of winning.

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Good day, dear readers. Like any game, World of Tanks has small

1. We use tank armor correctly.

In almost any tank, the strongest point is the front of the turret. So you try to play from it, hiding your vulnerable lower armor plate and showing only the tower to the enemy. He is unlikely to penetrate you there, but if you have a tank with a large commander’s turret, then try to rotate the turret, drive back and forth, in order to make it difficult for the enemy to aim it.

This is roughly how we tank with a tower:

2. Clinch

When playing on a tank with a strong turret, especially against various tanks and tanks with commander turrets, we enter into a clinch in order to expose, again, our strongest armor. We also try to point the gun of your tank at the enemy’s gun, so we have a chance that when the enemy fires, our gun will take damage, maybe it will crit, but we won’t receive damage. We also rotate the turret to make it difficult for the enemy to target the hatches. Many heavy tanks with strong tanks, as well as ST (for example, T-62), are ideal for clinching.

This is approximately what a clinch looks like, on an IS-7 with a very strong turret, we huddle up to the E100 and don’t let him shoot at us at the NLD or VLD, he can only see our turret.

3. Side tanking

Many heavy tanks have powerful side armor, but many do not even know how to drive around corners correctly and quickly die. Let's analyze the situation, the enemy E100 leaves like many inexperienced players, thereby exposing our roller, we shoot at the roller, and if the enemy does not have a repair kit, then it is unlikely to get off (many simply do not even download the repair). So let's use this.

Here is an example of an incorrect exit:

This is how to properly drive a tank with strong sides, make a minimum angle and drive away from the side, thereby hiding our vulnerable NLD, which in most cases of shooting at us will result in ricochets and not penetrate.

4. Targeting vulnerable areas

No matter how strong a tank in World of Tanks is, it has its vulnerable areas. For example, even the strongest tanks of level 10 can be penetrated into the NLD or the commander's turret.

For example, with the E100 gun, which has weak armor penetration with an armor-piercing projectile, we can easily penetrate the T110 into the commander’s turret, since it is only the main frontal armor (even though the T110 is on the side, but that’s not the point).

5. Gold shells

Since many vehicles in the game have very strong armor, we are not always able to penetrate someone, especially if we are at a lower level. However, we can always load a cumulative or sub-caliber projectile (most often they act as gold projectiles) and penetrate a given tank, but we should not always do this, only in cases where you are dragging out a battle or really cannot penetrate the tank in any way point. If you shoot gold too often, you can run into big losses on loans, so don’t be overzealous. We'll definitely take a couple.

As an example, the E100 tanks with a turret; if you don’t have time to aim, as often happens in tense situations, we load a gold shell and freely shoot the E100 into the cheek of the turret. We wouldn’t be able to do this with an armor-piercing projectile; we would have to aim the bar under the turret or the rangefinder on the roof and hope to pray to the VBR for a hit.

6. Penetration skins

A very useful thing that shows the weak zones of tanks, where it is easiest to penetrate, as well as the location of all modules (ammunition rack, engine, etc.) and crew members. This will make it easier for beginners to shoot at weak spots, so try to always crit the ammo rack, tanks and engine first, which can have a very bad effect on the enemy tank. You can download penetration skins from our website, for example, at.

7. Study the performance characteristics of the tanks you are fighting

Especially their armor and weapons, which will be a huge plus for you in the future. You will know reloading, armor, its strengths and weaknesses, you will understand whether it is worth entering into a duel with this tank. If you spend a couple of days on this, you will get much more. As they say, know the enemy by sight.

8. Carousel and swing.

Such simple names are also found in World of tanks. A carousel is a “spin” of an enemy tank due to its speed. Extremely useful thing for ST and LT, which will allow you to safely rotate tank destroyers and many tank destroyers, with a slow rotation of the turret. But any competent TT player will not just move the turret after you, so we knock down his track, which will reduce the chances of catching us even more, and so we spin, keeping him on the rink with shots. The main thing is not to let them press against the wall, otherwise they can easily push us away and smack us. However, we will not be able to rotate all AT and TT; knowledge of their rotation of the chassis and turret will be useful. We use it wisely.

Here in the screenshot, we shot down the track of the enemy E100 and are just spinning this slow barn.

Swing. This is also a very useful element that will be useful on Soviet and Chinese STs, as well as on some others. A low silhouette and a strong tower play a big role here. In tanks there are many tall tanks with a high silhouette, for example, E100, Mouse, Goose, etc., by getting used to the side of which we will make them practically helpless. You can do the same with other tanks if you have a strong turret. When “pressing” the enemy’s tank, we make sure to drive back and forth, thereby worsening the enemy’s chance of targeting our hatches on the turret.

This is how we got used to the E100 at object 140 and simply killed it by CD, rolling back and forth.

9. Artillery

This is what you should always remember when playing any class of vehicle. If you stand and shoot outside cover for a long time, the brown ones may attack you and take you away. So, let’s not be too heroic and play carefully.

10. Correct shooting from behind a bush

Almost every map has various bushes and trees that camouflage the tank well. Trees, for example, can be felled and they will work like a bush. So, many stand in the bush, shoot from there and wonder why they lit up. That's right, drive back 15 meters from the bush and shoot (15 meters is when the bushes become opaque). At the same time, our visibility is limited, you will only be able to shoot at the red outlines, but most likely we will not be illuminated. However, don't rely on not being exposed to light when shooting at close range. Also, do not try to stand in the bushes on huge tanks (such as Mouse, Waffentrager E100, etc.), even in them you can be easily detected.

This is how bushes should be displayed for safe shooting.

11. Deer Measuring

This mod downloads full player statistics and displays them in battle, according to different ratings (RE, WN8, WN6, LR, etc., depending on the player’s choice. It will be extremely useful for players who have already played a couple of thousand battles to learn how to analyze lineups commands. It is also useful for assessing the enemy with whom you are skirmishing, what to expect from him, and so on. This modification is also available in.


Another integral part of the game. When playing on heavy tanks, on ST, you can always accelerate well and ram a lighter enemy tank. But you need to do this wisely, try to fly into the stern or sides of the enemy with your ram in order to inflict as much damage as possible. Also, do not try to ram enemies that are larger than you in mass, if this is vitally necessary.

Using the E100 as an example, with a mass of 130 tons, even after accelerating from a couple of meters, we shoot 110, which always weighs 2 times less. If you accelerate down the mountain, you can fly at 1000+. But it’s better without fanaticism, only if necessary and confident.

13. Maps

Many players simply do not know the maps and go as a “herd” in one direction. If you re-read the forums and consider each tactic separately, you will increase your effectiveness in battle. So knowing the maps is no less important than knowing where to break through. Be sure to study the location of the art so that you know where they can attack you.

14. Blindshots

They're shooting blindly. Try in those moments when a standstill occurs to leave the bushes where enemy tanks usually stand. So, for example, on the Malinovka map you can leave from the lower respawn along the edges of the stones, where enemy tanks usually hide and simply remove their HP without being exposed, which will always be useful in battle. The main thing is not to blindshot too much; a couple of projectiles at predictable positions will be enough.

An example of a fake blindshot, but in a random game in 90% of cases there is someone standing and waiting for the light to appear

One of the most important components of a good game, when playing with a calculator you are unlikely to become a bender. Don’t chase a good picture, try to keep the FPS at least 30-40, anything less will make the game extremely uncomfortable for you. Lower the settings, use it (in a modpack) and just keep an eye on the clutter of your computer/laptop, update the drivers, clean it on time and you will play well. Personally, the author rides on a laptop with 40 fps, because he’s studying, but nothing, it seems to play well.

16. Know your tank

Always, if you don’t know what your tank is, what tactics to use on it, what modules and perks to install, always read the forum or watch reviews from water makers (you can find a guide for almost any tank). By knowing your tank, its strengths and weaknesses, you will increase the effectiveness of playing it.

17. Platoon

In tanks, you can create a platoon of two or three people and play together in battle, which will increase your chance of winning when competent game. However, try to play with more experienced players or friends first to learn tactics, etc. In a platoon you will play coherently and you can hope that your platoon mates will help you in difficult times, which is not the case in a solo random game.

18. Useful mods

Currently, a huge number of modifications are being released for the game, from tank skins to hangar clocks. I would like to touch on the topic of useful mods. Try to install the most necessary things, because if you install everything in a row you can simply specifically reduce the FPS, install only what can help you, all the pretty things are of no use to you. Many useful mods are provided in, install wisely, or better yet, watch the video to understand what each mod is.

Each class of technology in game World of Tanks has its own specialization. Light tanks are reconnaissance vehicles, artillery performs a support function, tank destroyers are ideal for defense and directional control, and medium tanks, including the A-44, are generalists. However main role in any battle, without a doubt, heavy tanks play - TT in World of Tanks, or as they are also called - strands. And today we have TT guide.

The best TTs for tanking

Possessing the most powerful weapons and armor, vehicles of this class are capable of pushing through a strategically important direction on the map and deciding the outcome of the battle. However, you have to pay for this with a strong dependence on the team - without flank cover or competent artillery support, heavies will become easy prey. Plus “Serbogold”, which allows you to penetrate most cars in the game. As practice shows, currently only a few machines can play “from armor”. The legendary Soviet IS-7 and ST-1 (the latter has an indestructible turret) plus the German “slipper”, which will soon be replaced by the Mouse prototype. We recommend that you read our article on how to tank broadside correctly. This is the most important part in TT guide. To play successfully, you must be aware of how to do it correctly.

Comparison of TT-10 which is better?

It's also worth mentioning drum heavy tanks in World of Tanks– they have average armor, but thanks to the charging mechanism and excellent dynamics they are capable of delivering a huge amount of damage. Playing on vehicles of this type is reminiscent of playing on medium tanks, so they can only be called “heavy” based on their class. And finally, a video on the most popular drum TT in wot - T57 Heavy.


Don't knock down trees! This gives away your position, even if you are invisible to the enemy.

Use terrain elements!“Fire from behind cover” and “Shot and hide.” Find an indestructible cover, such as a building, a rock, a hill, or the wreck of a destroyed tank. Drive out to shoot, then duck back to reload. This way you can deal damage and reload safely.

Use the uneven terrain! Fire from the reverse slopes, from behind the crests of the hills. In this case, the tank's hull is hidden from the enemy by the ridge and only the turret is visible. Rise up to shoot and step back to reload. If you rise obliquely, the tower will move to the side in the enemy's sights - it will be more difficult for him to hit.

Remember! The projectile flies in an arc. If you take cover behind the reverse slope of a very gentle uneven surface, you run the risk of getting hit in the turret by a projectile that has gone around the uneven surface. Use this feature yourself: if, due to a long and gentle irregularity, the enemy is visible even a pixel, point at him and shoot - the projectile will arc around the irregularity and, quite likely, will hit the roof of the enemy car.

Don't expose yourself to multiple guns! This rule covers a lot of ground, from using cover to pick off enemies one at a time to avoiding obvious bottlenecks on the map.

Tanks crossing the ridge are very vulnerable! They expose the lower armor plates without the ability to return fire. Shooting down the tracks of the most dangerous enemy tanks when they are on the crest of a hill will allow your allies to shoot them without damage and will not allow you to retreat.

Shooting from the edge of a high cliff can be dangerous by exposing the lower armor plates of your tank, but can give good results by shooting at weakly protected enemy roofs.

Attack the enemy, especially the slow ones, from the flank or rear! Tanks, as a rule, have a well-protected bow, worse sides and the weakest stern. Fast medium tank can defeat a heavy one by simply walking around it and shooting at weak points, while simultaneously moving away from its slowly rotating turret. This is especially effective in one-on-one duels in open areas without cover.

One on one, don’t expose the side and don’t let him come in from the flank! When faced with an enemy who is trying to get around you, turn your body with your forehead towards the enemy. This will force him to make a wider turn, exposing vulnerable spots when he himself has to shoot at your thick frontal armor.

Don't let yourself be flanked - several opponents / threat from the front (more common option)! When several opponents intend to flank you, or one is almost on board, and another is firing from the front, simply move back, exposing your forehead to the most serious enemy (this can be either one coming from the flank or shooting from the front). This will delay the enemy's outflanking from the rear, allowing for some time to receive shells into thicker armor. Remember to concentrate your fire on one target until he or you die.

By knocking down the enemy's tracks, you make him motionless! Damage to the tracks stops the tank until the crew repairs them. You can knock down a caterpillar by ramming it (depending on the speed and mass of the opponents) or by firing at the tracks. "Always deprive dangerous opponents tracks in open areas where they are exposed to artillery. If your comrades are crowded behind you in a narrow passage (for example, on a city map) and the enemy jumps out in front of you from around the corner... shoot down his caterpillar! Each tank behind you can fire a shot, knock down the track again and together finish off the enemy, preventing him from driving behind cover.”

The ram is the weapon of heroes! But ramming a heavier enemy is often not heroism, but stupidity, if it is not done wisely. In order to immobilize a strong enemy, hit his guide and drive wheels with your frontal armor. With a regular blow to the side, you will not only immobilize the enemy tank, but you will also lose the tracks. Yes, this is a difficult technique - learn, practice.

A frontal attack by anti-tank missiles can mean certain death thanks to their sloped armor and powerful front-mounted cannon. But their weak side and rear armor and inability to fire in all directions except forward makes them extremely vulnerable if their tracks are down.

In a group, your chances of survival increase. Barring special circumstances, supporting each other in a group is preferable to heroism and risk. When you're together, you deal more damage and spread the damage between you, attacking and defending more effectively. This can also mean waiting in place with everyone else, even if you don't agree with this tactic - a coordinated bad plan has a better chance of success than an uncoordinated good plan. This does not mean that the whole team should be huddled together. When the bulk of the team goes in one direction, the rest open up, giving a coordinated opponent an easy victory.

Destroy one at a time. Concentrating fire on one enemy until he is destroyed is better than spontaneously shooting at several targets, since in the first case the tank is quickly taken out of the game along with the damage it could cause.

Set your priorities. Remember who you are. Are you a heavy tank, a medium tank, a self-propelled gun? For example, as a heavy tank, you shouldn't waste time chasing a "light frag" when there is a more significant threat, such as an enemy tank behind cover, waiting to ride out and shoot. Likewise, when playing CT, don't waste time on targets you can't hit, look for someone easier to help your heavies. The exception is when a “light frag” hits your enemy artillery position or an enemy tank captures your base - in both cases, this tank becomes the main threat and number one target.

Use your more armored comrades as cover from enemy fire, especially helping allied heavy tanks against enemy heavy tanks. By staying alive, you can continue to cause damage to the enemy and help your team. Think through their intentions and do not block their path to retreat to cover.

Shoot ahead at fast-moving targets! The projectile does not hit the target immediately after being fired; it remains in flight for some time. During this time, the target can change its location. This means that you must aim at a certain distance in front of the target, depending on the speed, direction of the target and the distance to it. When the target moves frontally, it is done range lead, when flanking (to the side) - angular lead. If everything is calculated correctly, the projectile will be in in the right place just when the enemy sets himself up for her.

A quick dash from cover to cover will minimize your chances of being discovered and destroyed! When moving from cover to cover, especially between two buildings, take into account the acceleration. The higher the speed you develop by the time you leave for open terrain, the faster you will get through it and the shorter the period you will be open to enemy fire. If the situation allows, you can move back a little before the jerk to give yourself more distance to accelerate.

Don't be afraid to run away! If the team's plan fails or the odds are slim, instead of making a suicidal rush, they should retreat, regroup, and change strategy.

Place your armor at an angle to reduce the angle at which the projectile hits your armor! Turning your tank further (by 20-30 degrees) relative to the enemy will reduce the angle at which the projectile hits the armor and increase the chances of non-penetration or ricochet. But don’t lose sight of this, you can expose the opponents’ side to the far right or left of you, so this maneuver is preferable to use in confined spaces and one-on-one battles.

Continue to coordinate your attack as events unfold! In the example above, while the two enemy heavy tanks are distracted, the medium tanks flank them. Break into groups and work together to defeat your opponent with a coordinated strike. Use cover, camouflage, terrain and tank features to your advantage.

Always change direction! It is much more difficult to hit a maneuvering enemy.

Stay close to cover when driving around it to expose yourself to as few enemies as possible. In places where tanks line up different sides from the crest of the hill, an open exit means certain death. Knowing who is there waiting for you is a key factor in deciding whether to move through an obstacle or stop and hold your position. If you are not able to help knock out the enemy by driving over the ridge, try changing tactics and going in a different direction. When your comrades prevent the enemy from going around the ridge, you can use this opportunity to flank the enemy.

Beware of enemy luring tricks and learn to use them to your advantage! You may take more enemy projectiles than you expected when leaving cover or moving towards a narrow passage in pursuit of an easy kill. Learn to recognize obvious bait, take into account the enemy’s behavior and his potential sniper positions on the map.

Don't be predictable, it's easy to resist! Use all kinds of tips on tactics for the game from different sources.

Advanced tactics

Try using a roll shot to hit a low target when reaching the ridge. The tank rolls forward and backward when it starts and stops moving. Tanks with small vertical guidance angles are weak in battle on hills. Accelerate to a decent speed, and then, when your tower appears over the hill and sees the enemy, brake. The tank will tilt forward and the sight will go down, increasing the declination angle of the gun, making it possible to fire a shot at an angle unforeseen by the characteristics of your tank. Keep in mind that you will have a very short window of time to get the shot and the accuracy will be poor, but those few extra degrees of declination will give you the opportunity to land a hit. If your enemy isn't aiming at you, try rocking the tank back and forth (by pressing W and S alternately) to see if you can destroy the enemy. This technique is very important in dynamic combat.

Reverse diamond

This maneuver works better on tanks with a rear turret (like the FV215b (183), Soviet medium tanks of the alternative branch, and other vehicles). It is desirable that the tank have a strong turret without weak points, such as commander's turrets, and medium-thick sides. The essence is shown in the picture: the enemy is exposed only to the side at a ricochet angle, and the caterpillar. If the caliber of an enemy projectile is not three times greater than the thickness of such armor, then there will be a ricochet. In this way, you can inflict damage on the enemy in exchange for ricochets and a downed caterpillar.
