Assault and counter battle. Assault and Counter Combat: Basics, Basic Mistakes and Tips

Currently, the game features 5 types of battles: random, training, team, company and clan battles. Fights are held in one of three modes: standard combat, assault and counter combat. Standard combat is the main one, while assault and counter combat are optional. They are not available for all maps and types of battles; in addition, they can be disabled in the game settings.

Random battles

The probability of getting the “Standard Battle” mode is 50% and 25% for the other modes. When a player disables one of the modes, the chance of getting the rest is approximately as follows: 62.5% - “Standard battle”; 37.5% - "Assault" or "Encounter battle".


In the game, there is an opportunity for players to be guaranteed to get into one battle for one team. You can assemble a platoon of two or three players. The game features built-in voice communication for members of the same platoon, company or team (in the "Team Battle" mode). Thanks to the coordinated actions of the participants, the platoon is able to have a great influence on the outcome of the battle. If one of the platoon members is unable to engage in battle, the platoon commander may decide to fight without him.

Standard fight

Standard fight - first game mode in World of Tanks. Until version 0.7.4, when two new modes “Assault” and “Encounter Battle” were added to the game, “Standard Battle” was the only game mode in random battles. The essence of the game is as follows: a balancer gathers two teams of 15 players on a random map. Each team has a base, which is usually located in a well-defended area. The goal of the game is to capture the enemy base or destroy all enemy equipment. If two bases are captured simultaneously (or almost simultaneously), both teams are destroyed, or the battle time of 15 minutes expires, a draw is declared. If a team is captured and destroyed at the same time, destruction is counted.

The standard mode is implemented on all maps, while Assault and Encounter are presented only on some.


In the Assault mode, one team defends a base, while the other, in turn, tries to capture it. The defending team has clear advantages: usually a more advantageous position at the top; “Victory” if time runs out and at least one player of the defending team survives (provided that the base is not captured); 10 minutes of battle. Attackers, as a rule, have only the advantages of surprise and choice of direction of attack. In addition, they do not need to worry about base defense, since they do not have one.

  • Westfield
  • Malinovka - removed from the game in update 0.8.7

Meeting engagement

The goal of the “Encounter Battle” mode is similar to a regular random battle: destroy all enemy equipment or capture a base. However, there is a small peculiarity: there is only one base on the map for two teams. Teams spawn on opposite edges of the map, and there is one neutral base at the same distance from the spawn points.

The capture speed has been reduced compared to standard combat. When two teams are in the vehicle capture zone at the same time (quantity and numerical superiority do not play a role), the capture stops, and the filled part of the capture bar flashes. The battle time is standard: 15 minutes.

The mode is present on the following maps:

Team fight

In this mode, two teams of 7 players of equal skill meet. This format is the main one for most eSports competitions.

Rules and features

  • The maximum duration of a battle is 7 minutes.
  • The type of battle is “Attack/Defense”: one of the teams must defend its two bases, and the other must capture at least one of them or destroy all the defenders’ equipment.
  • Battles are held on the following maps: Lasville, Monastery, Prokhorovka, Ruinberg, Steppes, Himmelsdorf (Winter Himmelsdorf), Cliff, Murovanka, Siegfried Line, Polar Region, Tundra, Kharkov, Lost City.
  • Possible team compositions:
  1. six Tier VIII tanks + one Tier VI tank;
  2. five Tier VIII tanks + two Tier VII tanks.
  • Vehicles of levels I–V and IX–X are not allowed in battles.
  • Fair selection of an opponent based on the personal skill rating developed for this mode.

Company battles

Company battles - special kind battle, which differs from the others in that the company is created by the commander, and all players are connected by in-game voice communication. Recruitment of fighters to the team is carried out using a point system.

After all the fighters in the company are ready, the company goes to the lobby, where a team is selected for the battle. The selection algorithm requires the presence of at least four teams in the lobby, despite the fact that in company battles the balance weight of the teams is not taken into account.

After the battle, each team receives experience and credits depending on the damage they caused, lights, etc. However, the winning team, in addition to its own earned experience and credits, receives a fairly significant percentage of the enemy’s earned funds, which is why the payouts for winnings are quite significant, and the losing team leaves a big minus.

In company battles there are four levels of battles: junior company, middle company, champion company and absolute company. In each, only vehicles of a certain level and a minimum/maximum number of vehicle points are allowed. Experience and credits are not awarded for training battles, but you will have to pay for spent shells and equipment. Repairs after a training battle are free. Also, the results of a training battle are not recorded in the player’s statistics.


Garage fights

Before the battle, the player selects several tanks from the hangar. If his tank is destroyed during a battle, he is transferred to the next one from the list of selected ones.

30 vs 30 battles

Even at the origins of the game, the developers promised the introduction of 30 vs 30 battles. As has been mentioned more than once, the main problem with the introduction of such a mode is the strong negative impact on client performance, as well as high loads on the server. At the moment this mode is still under consideration.

So, “Steppes” appeared in the game quite a long time ago, and during this time they managed to reveal to attentive players in their open spaces the secrets of successful play, various positions for ambushes and conditions for maneuvers. However, with the introduction of new battle modes, everything changed: positions that previously were only of a secondary nature or did not play a significant role at all became key. And the places of usual battles, where the fate of standard battles were decided more than once, are overgrown with grass.

Let's try to understand the advantages and disadvantages of appearing on a particular respawn, and also, based on this, create the most practical combat tactics.

Center of the map.

As mentioned above, the new battle modes have revolutionized the idea of ​​the main bridgeheads, primary and secondary positions on all maps. This also applies to the central part of the map (1). Largely because if in a standard battle part of the enemy team (mainly tanks) immediately try to position themselves so as to shoot through the center. Whereas in a meeting battle, teams often abandon the center and quickly try to take completely different positions: either go down to the base into the ravine first, take the best positions (1a, 1b, 1c, 1d) and shoot through the ravine along the entire length, defending the base until the others arrive forces (position 2 is reached faster from the green base, so most often it is another point of base defense for the “greens”); or proceed in the opposite direction and try to get around the enemies from the rear.

Based on the fact that in a meeting battle the teams pursue completely different goals, for LT the center of the map becomes new life and meaning. Moreover, there is plenty of room for maneuver, many folds of terrain, boulders and bushes.


Having touched on the topic of the ravine, we will also pay attention to it, because this is one of the most important parts of the map.

As in a standard battle, the ravine is the location of the battle large quantity tanks. But now, instead of simply seizing this bridgehead and moving on, the teams are forced to fight here until the end of the battle. Fortunately, the positions here are by and large old and have been studied for a long time. Of the new ones, only the aforementioned position 2 can be distinguished. It is a block of stone located in relation to the base and the sides protecting it in such a way that it is capable of completely covering a couple of tanks located there, allowing them to wait out reloading in safety and roll out only at the right moment.

As for the “already familiar” positions, from the side of the red base there are dense thickets of bushes (1a), from which a beautiful view of the entire span of the ravine opens up completely free of charge. At the same time, we should also not forget about the desirable presence of a stereo tube with camouflage. In other words, the position is clearly for a PT, given its low visibility coefficient. Position 1b is more suitable for tanks, which, hiding behind the slope of a hill, will be able to fire a shot at the right moment and go into cover to reload. It is also worth remembering that you need to stand a little on the hill, and not completely on the plain. Since enemy artillery may be hiding here, and the hilly terrain, as you know, gives a good chance that you will not be hit by its fire.

On the other hand, as mentioned above, position 2 is quite risky, but the most profitable. And although the boulder is visually located in the center, practice shows that it is faster to get to it from the green base. As for the “old” positions, this is position 1c - an analogue of position 1b on the other side, and also position 1d - an analogue of position 1a on the other side, however, very, very inferior to it in camouflage.

Summarizing the basic description of the ravine, it is worth saying that the desire to quickly capture the base with a large number of tanks rarely led to victory, since the defensive positions of the enemies were too good, no matter what side they were on.

Stone wasteland.

So it was decided in this material to name the shortest distance between the “landing places” of both teams, since despite the age of the map, this area never received a short and understandable name from the players, like “banana” on Himmelsdorf, “pants” in Karelia" or "ear" on the Monastery.

Often there is also a large mass of tanks coming here, as in a standard battle. The only difference is that now the PT part of both teams is not distracted by the central part of the map, but focuses on long-range support of their tanks that went to the described area (3a and 3b). The area is distinguished by a large number of shelters in the form of stone blocks. However, they do not entirely provide an advantage to the tanks that occupy them. After all, having occupied them, it is necessary to advance further - and then there is only a deserted, perfectly shot space, where up to a dozen enemy guns have already been reduced (3).

Often, the behavior of the teams here is quite predictable: TTs try to skillfully hide behind cover, moving out only to shoot for sure, CTs take advantage of the difference in maneuverability between themselves and enemy TTs, bypassing and stinging their sides. Part of the artillery is also brought here. As a result, if the team that took this bridgehead still has significant forces, then it will boldly attack the remaining enemy tanks, following towards them through the open field. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that anti-tank guns are always more powerful than tank guns of a similar level. Therefore, it is necessary to send CTs first, capable of boarding and thereby deconcentrating the AT fire, giving more time and space for their TTs to make the right decisions.

If the team does not have a big advantage, then the game of “light up the enemy for your neighbor” is usually used - namely for artillery. Thus, the winner here is the one who is most attentive and knows where enemy artillery is capable of covering and where it is not.

Actually victory and capture.

Prolonged scrambles in the rocks usually have a detrimental effect on the efforts of those holding back the ravine in the meantime. Since it is the tanks of the winning side in the stones that bring the final victory, squeezing the enemy into a ring (Fig. below). By the way, if one team managed to gain an advantage in a ravine and began to capture the base, and another team did so on the rocks, then it would be most reasonable for the first team to leave up to 3 tanks to capture (since a larger number of tanks will not lead to a significant increase in the capture speed) , for the rest it will be more useful to place themselves in position 2 so as to impose a battle on the enemy advancing from the center and hold him back for a time sufficient to capture the base. Often, the base is thoughtlessly captured by a very large number of tanks and no one stops the enemy from hastily approaching its defense. Meanwhile, the rate of capture does not increase due to the fact that the base is captured by more than 3 tanks at the same time.


An encounter battle on the Steppes is a battle where there is room to unleash the potential of all types of equipment: TT, PT, ST, LT and artillery, as described above. The main rule that works in oncoming battles on other maps is that you cannot try to take the base quickly. This happens extremely rarely and depends only on the degree of “armor-hoofedness” of your enemies. It is on the Steppes that it is important to simply restrain enemies at the base with small forces and without risk, directing the main firepower in other directions. Since by occupying only one base, you risk being surrounded in a time during which you cannot capture the base.

/ Reply to online game: / What kind of battles are there in game World of Tanks?

What types of battles are there in World of Tanks?


The battles in World of Tanks are quite different: there are quite enough game modes. Thus, random battles involve battles between teams, where the composition is randomly selected; there are three modes available: standard battle, assault and oncoming battle.

In the first case, the point is that the balancer assembles two teams of 15 players per random map, both teams have a base, theirs needs to be defended, and the enemy’s needs to be captured. Assault - one team is exclusively occupied with defense, the other with capture. Well, the Counter Battle is quite similar to a regular random battle, where you need to either destroy enemy tanks or capture an enemy base.

There are also team battles in World of Tanks, where teams are selected with players of approximately equal skill, consisting of seven people each. Modes such as Company battles, Fortified areas and Global map. In the case of Company battles, we have a special mode in which the commander himself creates a company using a point system.

Fortified areas are a clan mode, and the Global Map is a strategic struggle between clans for territories. Note also that there are also training battles in World of Tanks - this mode is selected in the hangar.

Currently, the game features four permanent modes: random, training, clan battles and battles in fortified areas. In addition to permanent modes, there are those that are held in seasons, for example, ranked battles and Frontline. Random battles are held in one of three modes: standard battle, assault and counter battle. Standard combat is the main one, while assault and counter combat are additional modes of the World of Tanks game. Available within Standard Battle for X levels general battle. Additional modes are not available for all maps and types of battles; in addition, they can be disabled in the game settings.

Random battles

The compositions of two opposing teams are selected randomly using a special software mechanism - a balancer. All three modes are available for random battles: standard battle, assault and counter battle.

Standard fight

Standard battle is the first game mode in World of Tanks. Until version 0.7.4, when two new modes “Assault” and “Encounter Battle” were added to the game, “Standard Battle” was the only game mode in random battles. The essence of the game is as follows: a balancer gathers two teams of 15 players on a random map. Each team has a base, which is usually located in a well-defended area. The goal of the game is to capture the enemy base or destroy all enemy equipment. If two bases are captured simultaneously (or almost simultaneously), both teams are destroyed, or the battle time of 15 minutes expires, a draw is declared. If a team is captured and destroyed at the same time, destruction is counted.

The standard mode is implemented on all maps, while Assault and Encounter are presented only on some.


In the Assault mode, one team defends a base, while the other, in turn, tries to capture it. The defending team has clear advantages: usually a more advantageous position at the top; “Victory” if time runs out and at least one player of the defending team survives (provided that the base is not captured); 10 minutes of battle. Attackers, as a rule, have only the advantages of surprise and choice of direction of attack. In addition, they do not need to worry about base defense, since they do not have one.

Meeting engagement

The goal of the “Encounter Battle” mode is similar to a regular random battle: destroy all enemy equipment or capture a base. However, there is a small peculiarity: there is only one base on the map for two teams. Teams spawn on opposite edges of the map, and there is one neutral base at the same distance from the spawn points.

The capture speed has been reduced compared to standard combat. When two teams are in the vehicle capture zone at the same time (quantity and numerical superiority do not play a role), the capture stops, and the filled part of the capture bar flashes. The time of an oncoming battle in WoT is standard: 15 minutes.

The mode is present on the following maps:

General battle

The general battle is the classic gameplay of standard battles, but large maps, where you can fight 30 vs 30 using Tier X vehicles. For participating in battle, you will be able to replenish your resources not only with silver and experience, but also with bonds. The number of bonds is directly proportional to the total amount of experience earned.

Other modes

Ranked battle

Ranked battles are seasonal competitions where the strongest tankers compete, and the best of the best receive well-deserved rewards.

Mode " Ranked battle» is based on the rules of Standard combat and is available only for Tier X vehicles. The balancer of this mode selects participants with equal levels of gaming skill into teams. Based on the results of battles, players are awarded a rank, which can then be increased by winning battles and earning chevrons.

Front line

Front Line is 30 vs 30 battles on a huge special card with an area of ​​9 square kilometers,

many new game mechanic and additional rewards for overall progress and personal performance. Frontline is available for Tier VIII vehicles.

Fortified areas

“Fortified Areas” is a game mode for clan players. It is available in the game client and is in no way connected with battles and campaigns on the Global Map. A fortified area is the property of a clan, which consists of a command center, directions leading to it, and additional buildings. A fortified area can be created by the clan commander for free, if desired.

Global map

"Global Map" is a special mode in the game World of Tanks. It represents a strategic struggle between gaming clans for territories. This article presents general information about the "Global Map".

Detailed information about this mode can be found on the World of Tanks Clan Portal.

The interface itself and the Global Map are also located on the official game portal.

Training fights

The training mode is selected in the hangar, in the tabs under the “Battle!” button. Many parameters in this mode can be edited: mode selection, maps, team composition, battle duration, room privacy, description. How to play training battle described in the instructions for the game Tanks. An online training battle has a standard limit on the number of participants: 15 for 15 players, plus extra seats in "reserve".

Experience and training credits fighting World of Tanks is not required, but you will have to pay for spent shells and equipment. Repairs after a training battle are free. Also, the results of a tank training battle are not recorded in the player’s statistics. Video World of Tanks in a training battle clearly demonstrates the tactics and strategy of combat.

Patch 0.7.4. introduced two new modes into the online game World of Tanks: “Assault” and “Encounter Battle”. In Assault, one team defends a base, while the other tries to capture it or destroy all enemy tanks. In the "Encounter Battle" mode, two teams fight for a base, which is located in the center of the location.

Meeting engagement

· Siegfried Line;

· Robin;

· Murovanka;

· Pass;

· Sandy River;

· Ruinberg;

· Steppes;

· Himmelsdorf;

· El Hallouf;

· Ensk;

· Sacred Valley.

The capture speed has been reduced compared to standard combat. When two teams are in the vehicle capture zone at the same time (number and numerical superiority do not play a role), the capture stops, and the filled part of the capture lane is frozen. The standard time for an oncoming battle in WoT is 15 minutes. Very often, players forget and play out a standard battle, dooming themselves to obvious defeat. In most cases, the winner is the one who gets to grips before the opponent and takes aim at all approaches to the base. There are players who confuse respawn points (the place where an object or character permanently appears game world) with bases and try to capture them, causing ridicule and smiles from their opponents.

A little advice: if enemy equipment begins to capture the base, do not rush to fly headlong to shoot it down. Scout the situation, choose the most convenient position for shooting and only then act. The capture can always be stopped by entering his zone. Don’t forget about the allied artillery; timely illumination (revelation of positions) of the enemy will help the ART-SAU send a couple of weighty gifts from the sky and discourage rivals from climbing to the point for a long time.


The mode is present on the following maps:

· Siegfried Line;

· Karelia;

· Sandy River;

· Erlenberg.

In Assault mode, one team defends a base while the other tries to capture it. The defending team has clear advantages: usually a more advantageous position at the top; “Victory” if time runs out and at least one player of the defending team survives (provided that the base is not captured); 10 minutes of battle. Attackers, as a rule, only have surprise and choice of direction of attack. In addition, they do not need to worry about base defense, since they do not have one.

The main mistakes of the attacking side are haste and forgotten direction. It is necessary to put pressure on the opponents' defense from all sides, since unexpected reinforcements may arrive from the abandoned flank and then the aggressors will have a hard time.

Defenders often make a noticeable mistake - a blind defense without attempts to counterattack or at least conduct active reconnaissance of enemy forces. Thus, the defenders doom themselves to agonizing waiting and inevitable destruction. The defenders huddled together in a tight group are often highlighted by a single scout on a light tank and the battle turns into a real beating. This cannot be allowed to happen. You need to defend much more actively in the mode: cover the flanks, constantly keep at least half of the map under control and do not forget to conduct reconnaissance. In World of Tanks, data on the location of opponents is the most valuable information that should never be neglected.
