Aerobatics school. Aerobatics school Airplanes in GTA "San Andreas"

Flight school will be available only after completing the mission “Suicide Bomber”. The lessons will allow you to strengthen the flying skills of the main character with which they will be completed.

To start the lesson, you just need to get to Los Santos airport or follow the airplane icon.
Stand on the yellow cone and press the right arrow to start training. To complete the game 100%, you can simply get a medal in all tests, but not necessarily gold.

1. Takeoff

In the first lesson you will learn how to take off from any runway. A gold medal will be awarded after completing the test in less than 32 seconds. You just have to hold RT (360) or R2 (PS3).

Once you've gained enough speed, pull the left analog stick towards you to raise the plane, then press the same lever to retract the landing gear. Go through the first checkpoint, trying to stay on track, then continue to the final checkpoint, located a few tens of meters away.

2. Landing on the runway

In the second lesson, or “Runway Landing,” you will learn how to land on any runway. A gold medal will be awarded for completing the test in less than 35 seconds. Once you are close to the runway, begin to land little by little by moving the left analog stick forward. Next, press the left analog button to open the chassis, and then hold L2 (PS3) or LT (360) to brake.

3. Inverted flight

In the third lesson, or “inverted flight,” you will learn how to perform some tricks. A gold medal will be awarded after completing the test in less than a minute and 40 seconds.

You will be at your airfield, according to the special program of agent Toreno. He recorded it on TV.

There are 10 tasks in total, in each of which you need to get at least Bronze. In order to receive a gold certificate, you must not damage the vehicle and meet the deadline.

Reward for completing aerobatics school: authority plus a pilot's license (pass to the airport), improvement in statistics, the ability to complete the following missions.

Also transport:

  • Rustler Airplane (Bronze Certificate)
  • Rustler and Stunt Plane (Silver Certificate)
  • These two aircraft + Hunter (Gold certificate)

Aerobatics lessons

Lesson 1. Take off
First, pick up speed along the runway. When the plane lifts its tail, begin to take off. Retract the landing gear for a smooth flight. Rise gradually. Fly through three red rings.

Transport: Rustler

Lesson 2. Airplane landing
Lower the landing gear. Fly through the first ring. Level the plane and begin to reduce speed. Closer to the marker, lower yourself almost to ground level.

Transport: Rustler
Time for gold certificate: 0:25

Lesson 3. Circle around the airfield
Select a course of travel. Pick up speed and fly through all the red rings. Try to maintain altitude and maneuver all the time. Do not release the gas button while flying. To rotate, press the Q and E keys respectively (default). If you want to turn faster, use rudder: A and D respectively (default).

Transport: Rustler
Time for Gold Certificate: 1:00

Lesson 4. Circular flight and landing
Everything will be identical to the third task, only with landing. As you approach the runway, slow down and lower the landing gear. Drop down and land at the marker.

Transport: Rustler

Lesson 5. Helicopter takeoff
Press and hold the gas button so that the helicopter begins to rotate its blades. After a while he will take off. Continue gaining altitude. Once you are a good distance from the ground, release the gas button. Turn the helicopter 180 degrees. Tilt 45 and move towards the ring. If you need to tilt the vehicle further, hold down the corresponding key.

Transport: Hunter
Time for gold certificate: 0:50

Lesson 6. Helicopter landing
Everything is the same as in the second task, only now with a helicopter. Pick up speed, gradually descend and fly towards the marker. At a distance of 20 meters from the marker, stop tilting the helicopter.

Transport: Hunter
Time for Gold Certificate: 0:30

Lesson 7. Destroying targets
This time we need to use the weapons of our helicopter. Destroy the three trucks at the end of the runway by tilting the helicopter. To fire a machine gun, use RMB, and to fire rockets, use LMB (by default). Do not spare bullets and rockets - they are endless. After the trucks, destroy the two moving cars. Get down, but not too low, and shoot. Finally, land at the marker.

Transport: Hunter
Time for Gold Certificate: 1:20

Lesson 8. Dead loop
Pick up speed and fly through the first ring to perform a loop. You should not turn, because the plane is very sensitive to control. Hold down arrow (default). Once the plane is balanced, fly through the second ring.

Vehicle: Stunt Plane
Time for gold certificate: 0:21

Lesson 9. Barrel
Pick up speed and fly through the ring to perform a barrel roll. To do this, rotate the plane 360 ​​degrees along its longitudinal axis - hold down the A key (by default). Maintain your speed and don't lose altitude. Fly through the second ring.

Vehicle: Stunt Plane

Since I am a fan of aviation technology, I decided to write about airplanes in. SA is the only part of the series in which aircraft were really given attention. There are 11 of them in total. Not enough, but they all have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the management of each instance is completely different.

Airplane physics are quite acceptable. For example, aircraft control in GTA: SA(2004) is not even useful to compare with management in (2010). This is not to say that the physics is realistic. On the contrary, sometimes it seems that you are controlling some kind of cardboard object, i.e. on the AT-400 you can easily do a “dead loop” without even accelerating. Airplanes require very little space to accelerate. Even too little. The huge AT-400 takes off on its own 5 seconds after pressing the gas button. This is very unpleasant, although there is an explanation - for some reason, when the landing gear is extended, the takeoff (in SA: takeoff/landing) gear is automatically engaged. As I already said, even on the largest plane you can easily perform various stunts. This is even more annoying, so you should fly just the way it should be. At least it won't get boring. The nice thing is that different planes can fly to a certain height, meaning you won't be able to fly the Dodo even to the level of the tallest skyscraper in Los Santos, while the Hydra can, even much higher.

I am very pleased that the difference between jet and propeller engines is quite noticeable. Jet planes take off higher than others, and controllability is noticeably better. In addition, an airplane with a propeller engine can easily lose control, and in strong winds they can be blown to the side.

Some aircraft have retractable landing gear, while others do not have this feature. Again, everything is as it should be. On airplanes where the landing gear cannot be removed, there is also no way to change gears.

Below is a list and description of each aircraft in the game.

Note: screenshots taken, I can’t make mine because I don’t have a game at the moment.

Name: Dodo
Relative speed: low
Controllability: 3/5
Description: this aircraft has been known to us since GTA III. He changed the appearance and characteristics. The Dodo is light and quite maneuverable, both on the ground and in the air. Landing it will not be difficult even for beginners in piloting. The disadvantage is the low speed and flight altitude. Can be found at all airports in the state.

Name: Beagle
Relative speed: low
Control: 3/5
Description: This tourist aircraft is very similar to the Dodo in terms of characteristics. Acceleration, required space for takeoff and landing, and everything else are almost the same. You can find it at San Fierro Airport.

Name: Crop Duster
Relative speed: low
Control: 3/5
Description: A prototype of Cornbush, can spray pesticides. Quite maneuverable, requires very little space before takeoff. The controls are quite sensitive, and this sometimes gets in the way. Can be found on one of the farms in the forest.

Name: Rustler
Relative speed: average
Control: 3/5
Description: an old military plane. There are machine guns mounted on the wings, but due to the lack of missions to destroy other aircraft, they are useless. The control is quite unstable, each maneuver must be performed as carefully as possible. It requires little space for takeoff, but it is better to retract the landing gear 5 seconds after takeoff. This model can be found at San Fierro Airport.

Relative speed: average
Control: 2/5
Description: a fairly large cargo plane, incredibly heavy, and therefore requires a lot of space to take off. It is not easy to control it not only on the ground, but also in the air. However, this specimen is capable of developing quite a decent speed due to two powerful engines. I do not recommend flying it for beginners. You can find it at San Fierro Airport.

Name: Skimmer
Relative speed: low
Control: 3/5
Description: absolutely the same as Dodo, only with floats instead of landing gear. You can find it near the dam in Las Venturas.

Name: Stunt Plane
Relative speed: average
Control: 2/5
Description: This plane is ideal for performing various stunts, but it is incredibly difficult to control due to its high sensitivity. It takes off almost immediately after pressing the gas button. It is possible to spray a stream of red color for beauty. Airplane for professional pilots. You can find it in the abandoned Las Venturas airport after completing some missions.

Name: Shamal
Relative speed: high
Control: 5/5
Description: the most balanced and most comfortable aircraft in the game. It takes off quickly and obeys controls perfectly. I advise you to learn to fly on it. Can be found at all airports in the state.

Name: Andromada
Relative speed: high
Control: 3/5
Description: a huge cargo liner. It requires a lot of space for takeoff and landing, and it is also “difficult” to turn due to its large weight and size. But nevertheless, Andromeda is quite easy to use. You will not be able to find this plane. But it can be called using SA Control Center or Car Spawner.

Name: AT-400
Relative speed: high
Control: 3/5
Description: This passenger airliner is the largest aircraft in the game. Requires a lot of space for takeoff and landing. Many people are afraid to even take the helm of this plane, but don’t: a couple of flights and you’ll get the hang of it. Landing this monster is a kind of art that only real professionals can handle. The plane can be found at Las Venturas Airport.

Name: Hydra
Relative speed: very high
Control: 4/5
Description: undoubtedly the best and most functional aircraft in the game. Very fast and maneuverable. It is notable for its ability to perform vertical takeoff and landing; therefore, it can be used both as an airplane and as a helicopter. On board there are heat-seeking missile launchers, as well as special shells for deflecting enemy missiles. You can find it at the Las Venturas military base.

Thanks to everyone who read.

Flying school in GTA: San Andreas
The flying school is available after the mission "Verdant Meadows". And the mission was to get there and buy just this airfield for $80,000. To pass the school, you need to complete 10 tasks, which will be available in the TV room. Each task is passed if it is completed with a score of 70%. There are medals at school. Medals are given for each completed task.

Types and requirements of medals:

Advantages of the awards: POINTS in %
Silver85% - 99%
Bronze70% - 84%
Failed0% - 69%
Takeoff70% = 45 sec.85% = 37.5 sec.100% = less than 30 seconds.
Land Plane70% = 40 sec.85% = 32.5 sec.100% = less than 25 seconds.
Circle Airstrip70% = 75 sec.85% = 67.5 sec.100% = less than 60 sec.
Circle Airstrip and Land70% = 95 sec.85% = 87.5 sec.100% = less than 80 sec.
Helicopter Takeoff70% = 60 sec.85% = 52.5 sec.100% = less than 45 seconds.
Land Helicopter70% = 45 sec.85% = 37.5 sec.100% = less than 30 seconds.
Destroy Targets70% = 105 sec.85% = 92.5 sec.100% = less than 80 sec.
Loop the Loop70% = 27 sec.85% = 24 sec.100% = less than 21 seconds.
Barrel Roll70% = 23 sec.85% = 20.5 sec.100% = less than 18 sec.
Parachute onto Target70% = 70 sec.85% = 62.5 sec.100% = less than 55 seconds.


Mission goal: Take off and check in at the checkpoint.

Walkthrough (All default controls): Press W (Gas), smoothly press the down arrow to get off the ground. We remove the landing gear using the "+" button. You will make a big mistake if you fuss. Calm down and everything will work out for you. You need to fly through 3 checkpoints. Is it difficult? You become a pilot, you are given a license to fly airplanes and helicopters, and most importantly, you are given a pass to all airfields throughout the state. I congratulate you.

Land Plane

Mission goal: Land the plane at the specified point.

Walkthrough: We descend to the red checkpoint, lower the landing gear ("+") and slowly glide towards the red circle. In order to reduce excessive speed, you need to release the gas (W) and slow down with the engine (S). As soon as the landing gear touches the ground, we smoothly taxi the tail ailerons (Q-left) and (E-right). Roll into the red circle and hold (S). You all sat down.

Circle Airstrip

Mission goal: Take off and fly around in a circle.

Walkthrough: You will first be asked to fly a circle clockwise or counterclockwise. You choose according to your taste. Here you will have to sweat. Not every one of you will pass this test the first time. Take off first (W)+ Down arrow. And now the most important thing, do not press the gas too much, release it from time to time. Maneuver, I don’t know about you, but I prefer to work with the tail ailerons (Q-left) and (E-right). It's all a matter of taste, but also skill. Since I spend most of my time in the air, all these exercises do not cause any particular difficulties. Fly past all checkpoints and the mission will be completed.

Circle Aistrip and Land

Mission Goal: Fly around and land the plane.

Walkthrough: We do everything as in the previous description, but after you finish flying the circle, you will direct the plane to the runway (Runway). Release the landing gear ("+") and slowly begin to descend, then everything is the same as in the "Land Plane" mission. Mission completed.

Helicopter Takeoff

Mission Goal: Take off on the Hunter and fly through several checkpoints.

Walkthrough: If you think that this is a piece of cake, you will be mistaken. The mission is quite ordinary for the average person, but the controls have changed, and the flight physics on the Hunter have now been changed. Take off (W) + Up Arrow (Forward Flight). Practice and move forward. The mission is completed.

Land Helciopter

Mission Goal: Land the Helicopter.

Walkthrough: You see a red circle. This is where you need to land. We pick up speed (For professionals, do not repeat it for the rest), the rest simply fly peacefully, and smoothly descend to the landing point by pressing (S) + Down Arrow. For those who were flying at high speed, I advise you to sharply hold (S) + Down Arrow + Shift. Slow down immediately! Mission Complete!

Destroy Targets

Mission goal: Destroy several targets using a helicopter.

Walkthrough: Place the helicopter in attack position: (S)+ Up Arrow, hold down LCtrl and destroy 3 parked trucks that are located perpendicular to the GDP. Next, we make a sharp turn: (W) + (Q - aileron to the left) or (E - aileron to the right) + (A - turn to the left) or (D - turn to the right) + Up or down arrow, depending on where you need to fly. We fly towards two moving cars. We shoot them. The mission is over!

Loop the Loop

Mission Goal: Perform a Dead Loop.

Walkthrough: Hold down the gas (W), fly past the checkpoint and sharply hold down the Down Arrow. The plane will make a long Dead Loop. Did you do it? YES! Mission Complete.

Barrel Roll

Mission Goal: Perform a Barrel Roll.

Walkthrough: We fly and pass the first checkpoint, hold down the Left Arrow or (A). If you need to adjust the height, click the down arrow. You must maneuver until the second checkpoint. Finished. Everything is over.

Parachute onto Target

Mission Goal: Land with a parachute at the specified point.

Walkthrough: You are parachuted. In order not to fly for a long time, and this is a VERY long time, speed up the fall, without opening the parachute, with the (W) button. When you are approximately halfway off the ground, as indicated by the altitude indicator, release the acceleration and continue to free fall. Sharply open the parachute and fly to a point on the ground. If you feel like you're flying fast, press (S) to slow down. As soon as you approach a point you think you'll miss, start circling with the (S) button pressed. You are 100% guaranteed to land. Mission completed. And meanwhile there is a flight school.

School is over. If you finished it at:

Bronze Rustler.

Silver, then there will always be: Stuntplane.

Gold, then there will always be: Hunter.

Driving a car in GTA games is an integral attribute, because you will spend a lot of time behind the wheel. These games always had a huge variety of cars for you to try out. They have different handling characteristics, can accelerate to different speeds, and so on. Therefore, every gamer could have a lot of fun for long periods of time. However, it is worth noting that planes and other aircraft did not appear for a very long time. But in GTA San Andreas everything has changed, and a variety of means of air travel have become available to users. However, it is worth noting that almost everyone had difficulty with the controls because the process was made more realistic and you have to make adjustments for various factors. Therefore, special attention should be paid to how to control an airplane in GTA San Andreas. It is at this point that most gamers have serious questions.

Airplanes in GTA "San Andreas"

Before we consider in detail the question of how to control a plane in GTA San Andreas, you need to understand the appearance of these vehicles in the game. There are more than ten of them, and they all have different characteristics. First of all, it is worth noting that they are divided into jet and screw, each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, and most importantly, control features. To start flying a plane, you first need to get it, and this can only be done in certain places. You can wait for the moment when, as part of the story mission, you have the chance to fly in the air, or you can rush things and find the places where the planes are located on your own. So, let's say that you have already found yourself. What should you do next? How to fly a plane in GTA San Andreas?

Airplane control

Don't think that this action in the game is something unimaginable. The fact is that you have to use almost all the same keys as when driving a car, but at the same time you will need much more diligence and attentiveness, as well as smoothness in your movements. But how to fly a plane in GTA San Andreas? First of all, you should understand that you will need all the same movement buttons. The A and D keys are responsible for turning left and right respectively, but for a smoother turn it is better to try the Q and E keys. The W button is responsible for acceleration, that is, you can speed up when you hold it and slow down when you release it. Don't forget that the plane can also go higher and go lower. The up and down arrows are responsible for this, but just pay attention that the down arrow allows you to go higher, and the up arrow allows you to go lower, and not vice versa. That's all the basics of flying an aircraft, the rest is a matter of practice. Complete missions in GTA San Andreas in which you need to use an airplane, fly on your own, and over time you will be able to pilot any aircraft without any problems.

Alternative management

However, this is not the only way to control the aircraft; there is also an alternative. It is not recommended to use it when you need to complete important missions in GTA San Andreas. The fact is that here you need to have very fine control of the computer mouse, since control is carried out exclusively with its help. When you hold down the right key, you will be able to look around, otherwise you will control the plane. This is not very convenient, but if you are completely unable to play the keyboard, you can try this method - maybe it will be easier for you. Codes in the GTA San Andreas game can also help you in this case. You can get airplanes by entering combinations of symbols, rather than exploring the city in search of the right one. However, please note that the codes will not teach you how to fly, so you will have to deal with this yourself.


Taking off is one of the most important moments of a flight. Naturally, if you can't take off, then you won't have to learn to fly the plane, so first of all, understand this process. Here you have two additional keys to learn. Num 2 allows you to retract the landing gear, and Num 8 allows you to take off directly. So, if you want to take off horizontally, then you will need to accelerate to a certain speed, which varies from plane to plane, and then press these two keys to get off the ground and retract the landing gear. It may seem that Num 2 is not a particularly important key, since you can fly with it, but this is not so. It will be much more difficult for you to control the plane if you do not retract the landing gear. Also note that this key allows you to perform a vertical takeoff if you have a fighter jet that supports this function. In this case, also do not forget to disable this mode so as not to experience difficulties with control. Airplanes for GTA "San Andreas" are a real find, as fans really liked this innovation. But the controls raise a lot of questions, but if you study these instructions, you will be able to soar like a bird without any problems.


But landing is the stage with which users have serious difficulties. And here it is very difficult to advise anything, because in this case everything is decided by practice. Don't forget to lower the landing gear, land only on long flat areas without any obstacles, approach the landing smoothly on a tangent - that's all the advice. Here you will have to practice and maybe even crash a couple of planes, but over time you will develop the necessary skill.

Variety of aircraft and codes for them

What pleases many people in this game is the variety of different aircraft. By the way, there is a way that will allow you to add even more aircraft to GTA San Andreas - mods. Airplanes are added without any problems, but even those that are in the game will give you incredible pleasure once you learn how to fly them. If you don't want to search for aircraft throughout the city, you can use codes. For example, JUMPJET gives you the coolest fighter jet, and URKQSRK gives you a simple propeller plane.
