The child swallowed a 10 ruble coin. What to do if a child swallows a coin?! What parental actions can be harmful?

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In the process of actively learning about the world, at a certain stage of its development, a child may swallow a coin of different denominations. What to do if a child swallows a penny or 5 and 2 ruble coin? When to call ambulance? And what are the possible consequences if a child swallows a coin? You will read about this and much more in our article.

Symptoms of a Swallowed Coin

The symptoms of swallowing various foreign objects are not specific and depend on the age of the baby, the size and shape of the object, and the specifics of its penetration into the body. The greatest danger to a child is the direct penetration of a coin into the respiratory tract. Typical symptoms that a child has swallowed a coin:

  • Severe barking cough with short intervals;
  • Blue discoloration of the skin on the face;
  • Significant deterioration in breathing with the formation of whistling noises in the lungs;
  • Panic state.

If the size of the coin is large enough, as well as its penetration and blocking of the respiratory channels, after a short period of time the child begins to choke and may lose consciousness.

If the coin did not enter the respiratory tract, but passed through the esophagus and stomach, then no immediate signs of the pathological process are observed. However, after some time the following symptoms may appear:

  • Indigestion;
  • Mild or moderate pain in the stomach;
  • Formation of vomiting;
  • The appearance of blood clots in the stool, severe constipation.

What to do if a child swallows a coin

Immediate first aid A child needs it if a foreign object gets into the respiratory tract. Possible scheme of measures if a coin is swallowed by a child under 1 year old:

  • Open the child's mouth and make sure that the coin cannot be reached directly using tweezers;
  • Place your baby's belly on your forearm, supporting your back and chin;
  • Lower the child's head at an angle of 60°, then apply light blows to the back between the shoulder blades with the edge of your palm. If there is no effect after several series of procedures, proceed to the next point;
  • Sit on a chair and place the child with his back on your lap;
  • Make pushes with your fingers into the child’s sternum area (moderate intensity). Repeat the activities in 3-4 approaches.

What to do if a coin is swallowed by a child aged 2 - 4 years and older:

  • Stand behind the child and grab him around the waist, clasping your hands;
  • Gently press your palms on your stomach below the navel;
  • Every 5 seconds, perform several strong pushes in the same location.

If the procedures performed do not have an effect, the child suffocates and loses consciousness, then immediately call an ambulance home.

Begin manual resuscitation measures, including: If the coin did not enter the respiratory tract, but passed through the throat and esophagus into the stomach, then specific first aid measures are not provided.

It is necessary to monitor the child’s condition and if signs of dyspeptic disorders, intestinal bleeding, or other alarming symptoms appear, visit a doctor.

If a child swallows a coin, first of all, try not to panic. Inappropriate behavior will additionally frighten the child, who may become hysterical. Even if there are moderate signs of a pathological process, they will intensify significantly for subjective reasons. Do not yell at the baby, calm him down and consistently carry out the necessary pre-medical actions if necessary.

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What not to do if a child swallows a coin:

  • Feed and water. Until the specifics of the pathological process are clarified, it is forbidden to give the child anything to eat or drink, especially if there is a suspicion that a coin has entered the respiratory tract.
  • Pushing a foreign object. In some cases, a coin stuck in the throat does not block the airways, but causes severe discomfort to the baby. If the coin is located in close proximity to the exit to the oral cavity, then you can try to remove it with tweezers. Otherwise, pushing the product in any way, for example, by allowing you to eat solid foods, bread, is strictly prohibited.
  • Shake out and knock out the coin. Hitting in the projection of the direct position of the coin, turning the child upside down and trying to shake it out does not give any results. positive effect, however, can aggravate the course of the pathological process.
  • Give a laxative or do an enema. If the coin has successfully passed the throat, esophagus and entered the stomach, then it is not allowed to induce the process of its elimination with the help of a laxative and an enema. You must wait for the natural process of defecation or consult a doctor.

When urgent medical attention is needed

If a child swallows a coin, then call an ambulance to the house or carry out emergency hospitalization at the nearest hospital on your own recommended in the following cases:

  • Getting a coin into the respiratory tract. Characteristic acute symptoms appear, requiring immediate qualified assistance;
  • Stopping a foreign object in the throat. If the coin is large enough, then there is a chance that it will stop between the oral cavity and the esophagus without entering the respiratory tract. The object brings severe discomfort to the child, it must be pulled out using a professional tool and the skills of an experienced doctor;
  • Formation of obvious pathological symptoms in relation to the gastrointestinal tract. If a coin has penetrated the esophagus or stomach, but does not come out naturally, then with a high degree of probability, after some time the child will develop dyspeptic pathological signs in the form of moderate or severe pain, vomiting, constipation, and sometimes intestinal bleeding. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How long can you wait for the coin to come out on its own?

Modern endoscopists and other specialized specialists recommend not to wait for the coin to come out on its own, but to consult a doctor without fail to undergo diagnostics and identify the exact location of the coin in the body.

Even if the child has not developed pathological symptoms, after some time the signs may appear suddenly.

If there is no possibility of immediate treatment and the child is feeling well, the maximum waiting period is 1-2 days. In this case, you should carefully monitor the child and clearly identify the moment the object comes out along with the feces.

Risk of swallowing coins of different denominations

There are differences between coins and the potential for a foreign object to come out on its own depends not only on the physiological characteristics of the child’s body, but also on the physical size of the product. The larger it is, the higher the likelihood of the coin stopping in the throat, gastrointestinal tract. Possible consequences if a child swallows a coin:

  • Airways. Pathology develops immediately after ingestion if the product gets into this area;
  • Throat. Large objects often stay there and cause great discomfort;
  • Esophagus. It is impossible to visually examine a coin in the esophagus without equipment. Even a short stay of a coin in this area with its sticking to the wall provokes serious consequences - swelling, bedsores, septic reactions;
  • Stomach. A foreign object can remain there for quite a long time without symptoms, but metal products, under the influence of the acidic contents of the organ, release oxides and other compounds that pathologically affect the entire body. Secondary consequences - gastritis, ulcer, other chronic pathology;
  • Intestines. Sometimes the coin stops in the intestines along the bends and provokes perforation of the organ.

As practice shows, if a coin has successfully passed the throat, esophagus and stomach, then with a 90% probability it will come out naturally with the process of defecation.

If a child swallows a coin, depending on its denomination, the following potential problems may occur:

  • Coins in denominations of 5 and 10 kopecks. They have a diameter of 15.5 and 17.5 millimeters, respectively. High risk of inhalation. If they are completed successfully, then with a high degree of probability the objects will leave the body naturally;
  • Coin with a face value of 1 ruble. Has a diameter of 20.5 millimeters. Low risk of inhalation due to the increased size. Sometimes it stops in the esophagus, stomach or rectum;
  • Coins in denominations of 2 and 10 rubles. They have diameters of 23 and 22 millimeters, respectively. Most likely, they will not get into the respiratory tract, but they are likely to get stuck in the throat or esophagus. If successfully completed, these parts leave the body naturally;
  • Coin with a face value of 5 rubles. The diameter of the product is 25 millimeters and practically guarantees that it will not enter the respiratory system due to its large size. However, with a high degree of probability, it will not leave the gastrointestinal tract on its own.

What to do if the coin did not come out on its own

First, you need to make sure that the foreign object did not come out with the feces. Quite often, a coin is found in the thickness of feces, so when regularly monitoring the child’s condition and the procedure for defecation, it is advisable to wash the biological material or separate it in order to search for a metal object.

If after 2 days the result is negative, and you are sure that the coin did not come out, then you should contact a gastroenterologist, endoscopist or surgeon. He prescribes the following procedures:

  • X-ray. Allows you to locate a coin;
  • Endoscopy. An alternative to x-rays, which also visualizes the presence of a foreign object in the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, with the help of an endoscope, it is removed non-surgically;
  • Surgical intervention. It is prescribed in cases where it is impossible to independently remove a coin, the endoscopy procedure does not produce results, the patient develops a pathological symptom complex, and it is impossible to get a foreign object in any other way.

Dr. Komarovsky first of all recommends clearly identifying the type of foreign object that has entered the child’s esophagus and stomach through the child’s mouth. Thus, batteries, sharp and long products pose a particular danger. The coins belong to the intermediate variant, have a streamlined shape and can come out on their own if their size does not exceed 2-2.5 centimeters.

You should immediately consult a doctor or take any initial pre-medical emergency actions if there are signs of a foreign object in the respiratory tract.

If pathological symptoms are absent for more than 1 day, but the coin has not left the body, then you should not wait longer. It is better to visit a gastroenterologist, surgeon or other specialized specialist within 24 hours, and then undergo an examination. For more details from Dr. Komarovsky about what to do if a child swallows a coin, watch the video:

  • Regular cleaning of premises. Do not leave small objects on the floor that a child could put in his mouth or nose;
  • Creating a safe space for play. Actively moving kids find coins and other objects on the sofa, in the closet, and so on. Optimize the children's room and toys in such a way as to avoid potential risks;
  • Supervision. If the baby nevertheless gets to a potentially unsafe object and swallows it, then there are risks of rapid suffocation, due to which the child simply will not have time to signal the problem. You should check into the room regularly to make sure everything is in order.

Any parent should know in advance how to behave if a child swallows a coin, what to do if it is 1 ruble or even 10 kopecks. When should you seek medical help? Is it always?

Features of the condition

A coin is considered a very dangerous foreign object, which is primarily due to its mass. For example, a modern Russian ruble weighs exactly 3.25 grams, and a coin with a face value of 10 kopecks weighs 1.85 grams. Don't believe me? See Wikipedia “Coins of the_Russian_Federation”.

Heavy foreign objects have difficulty moving through the intestines and therefore there is a possibility that they will simply get stuck or will not be able to move through any part of the intestine.

In addition, the coin is created from metal that is not inert. For this reason, the foreign body will be exposed to gastric acid, as well as digestive enzymes, which will lead to corrosion and even chemical burns of the delicate intestinal mucosa.

Moreover, the coin can even damage the mucous membrane. It is clear that its edges are not too sharp, but in the presence of spastic contractions of the intestinal muscles, a condition arises when even not very sharp objects can cause harm to the mucous membrane.

What to do if a child swallows a coin?

Procedure and pathological manifestations

First of all, it is necessary to distinguish between swallowing a coin and getting a foreign body into the respiratory tract. Secondly, the condition should be considered as extremely serious. First of all, there is no need to panic. The first action is to immediately call an ambulance. All other manipulations should be performed while waiting for an ambulance.

Taking into account the physiology of the respiratory tract, it can be predicted that the coin will most likely affect the lumen of the larynx. The resulting coughing attack can push out the coin, especially if it is a small coin with a low denomination (from 1 to 10 kopecks).

The patient's condition will inevitably worsen: panic, fear, sore throat, noisy breathing with wheezing, coughing, pale skin and bluish complexion, severe drooling, and so on.

First, you need to use a flashlight to examine the child’s oral cavity. If the oral cavity is free, you should clasp the baby’s chest with your hands and press firmly on it, at intervals of 3 to 5 seconds.

You can also place the baby belly down on your knee and hit the back several times. If all the actions did not lead to the removal of the foreign body, one can only hope that the ambulance is already somewhere nearby.

When swallowing a coin, the situation will not look as threatening as in the previous case. If the foreign body is not too large, most likely the ingestion process itself will not lead to the appearance of any terrible symptoms.

If the coin is large, say, worth 1 ruble or more, it is possible that negative symptoms may appear: pain when a foreign body passes through the esophagus, the appearance of hiccups, drooling, nausea, vomiting.

As soon as the coin is in the stomach, the child’s condition should completely return to normal. There is enough space in the stomach and therefore a foreign body will not lead to spasms and pain.

The parents' actions in this case, in principle, come down to only one thing - this is still the same call for an ambulance. There is no need to undertake any independent manipulations. If the child is calm, there is no need to scare him with scary questions. If the baby is excited, he should be reassured by saying that nothing bad happened.

What not to do?

Obviously, any relative of the child wants to help him. But nevertheless, there are actions that are not recommended. First of all, you should not give your child stale bread to push a foreign body down the esophagus.

In addition, it is unacceptable to use enemas, induce vomiting, give laxatives, try to palpate a coin, or use semi-esoteric techniques carried out with the help of magnets, electrical appliances and other improvised objects.

Further tactics and forecasts

At the medical facility, the patient will be scheduled for an X-ray examination. Metals do not transmit x-rays and therefore the coin will be clearly visible.

Most likely, the patient will be hospitalized, and doctors will adhere to a wait-and-see approach. The patient is prescribed strict bed rest. In this case, the coin is more likely to be able to travel the entire length of the intestine.

Intestinal examinations will be repeated periodically. In addition, you will have to study the child’s stool to determine whether the foreign body has been independently removed.

You should talk about a negative development of the situation when the coin stops in some part of the intestine. It is quite difficult to predict where exactly this will happen, but most often foreign bodies get stuck at the border of the small and large intestines.

In this case, the patient's condition will rapidly deteriorate. There will be acute pain, an increase in the size of the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, and so on. In this case, there is only one way out - immediate surgical intervention, the purpose of which is to remove the foreign body and restore normal intestinal patency.

In unadvanced cases, surgery is usually simple. But in any case, it will take time for the body to recover. After a period of several months, only a scar on the abdomen will remind of what happened.

Young children need parental control and attention. As soon as a child begins to crawl and walk independently, he needs an eye and an eye. Shelves, drawers, small objects - all this should not be accessible to the baby. Children explore the world around them in two ways: tactile and taste. Having seen an interesting, bright, attractive or hitherto unfamiliar object, the child will immediately want to study and understand what it is intended for. Therefore, it is possible that a coin lost on the floor will become the object of “research”. It is necessary to remember that even such a small object is dangerous to the child’s health.

Dangerous coins: a penny, a ruble or ten?

If a baby swallows, for example, a penny, it is not so dangerous. It will pass through the stomach, intestines and come out naturally. If a ten-kopeck coin enters the body, it will come out on its own within a week.

A ruble, a two- to five-ruble coin will come out on its own. A ten-ruble iron circle is much heavier for the body, because it is quite large. If the object is more than two centimeters in diameter, this is fraught with unpleasant consequences. If the swallowed object does not appear in the stool within three days - a maximum of a week, you should consult a doctor. Be sure to take an x-ray, on the basis of which you can decide on further actions. It is possible that surgical intervention will be required. With this option, anesthesia and an endoscopic apparatus are used to make the removal procedure painless.

Coins for children are not a toy. It is necessary to remove all coins from the baby’s access area

If a six-month or one-year-old child eats a coin, you need to be as careful as possible, since an object of any size can injure the baby’s body. Plus, you need to take into account that he cannot verbally express what happened. If the baby can more or less express himself, then game form we need to establish what happened. Older children, with stronger bodies, may not feel any changes in their well-being, but even in this case there is no need to lose vigilance and consult a doctor.

How can you tell if a child has swallowed a coin?

As soon as a foreign object enters the child’s body, into the stomach, some signs appear:

  • aching, increasing pain in the tummy;
  • chest pain;
  • nausea and vomiting for no reason;
  • blood in the stool.

Indirect symptoms

  • the child is restless, whiny;
  • refusal to eat, excessive salivation and even hiccups;
  • Large coins put pressure on the respiratory tract, causing shortness of breath and coughing.

There are cases that even after swallowing a coin, a child feels well and no unusual behavior is noticed.

How to urgently consult a doctor?

If a swallowed coin enters the digestive system, it will be released naturally. If it does not cause any symptoms or inconvenience, it would still be a good idea to monitor your child for a few days to make sure everything is okay.

When a small foreign body gets stuck in the digestive tract, coughing, pain when swallowing, and vomiting appear. In this case, do not hesitate - consult a doctor.

What should you not do?

As a parent, you always want to help your little one. The desire to react quickly and deal with the problem yourself is commendable. Therefore, you need to know how to properly help a child who has swallowed a coin.

Attention! You should not give a laxative or emetic, or give an enema to a child who has swallowed a foreign object. This will complicate the situation. There is a huge risk of injury to the intestines from the edges of the same object located in the baby’s body.

  1. You cannot give water or food to a child to advance a coin.
  2. You cannot “shake” a small object out of a child.
  3. You should not be forced to chew bread crust.

How can I help?

Initially, if you decide not to wait for the coin to come out on its own, but call an ambulance, sit or lay the child down and monitor his condition.

Make sure there is no object stuck in the airway. If respiration is not difficult, there is no shortness of breath, it means that the coin has passed through the digestive tract. You just have to wait for the doctor and a solution to the problem.

Emergency: coins out!

If a child chokes and immediately develops symptoms of suffocation, wheezing or persistent coughing, remember that you have approximately four minutes to provide assistance.

If the child cannot cough up a foreign object on his own, you need to open his mouth and press the root of his tongue with your thumb, thereby inducing vomiting.

If you manage to find the “cursed” coin, carefully remove it with your fingers. This must be done very carefully so as not to push the object further.

Place your baby on her stomach in your lap and tap her on the back, as you would when someone chokes on food.

If your baby is choking, gently turn him over onto his stomach and pat him on the back.

Video by Dr. Komarovsky: “What to do if a child is choking? First aid"

How long can you wait?

If the coin does not cause any symptoms, then you can wait 12-48 hours and monitor the child's condition. If a coin does not come out within a day, this does not mean that it is stuck. Since the body cannot recognize what kind of material is in the stomach, it will try to digest it until it finally gives up.


Often, unpleasant situations happen due to parental negligence. Therefore, as soon as the baby begins to move independently around the apartment or house, it is necessary to remove tiny dangerous objects that he can reach.

Do not let the playing baby out of your line of sight. He needs an eye and an eye.

Video about what to do if a foreign body enters a child’s body

Be vigilant, attentive and caring. A child needs affection, warmth and love. If you give all this to your baby, then he will not put unfamiliar objects into his mouth without asking.

Young children should always be monitored especially carefully, since in their quest to understand the world they often endanger their health.

And the habit of pulling small objects into your mouth is only a way to taste them and their strength.

Children often spit out inedible objects, but they may also accidentally swallow something.

That is why, if a child swallows a coin, parents must know what to do.

A child swallowed a coin: what to do - first steps

Most often, children swallow small foreign objects between the ages of one and three years. But even a baby less than a year old who has just learned to crawl can swallow a coin. Around this time, all babies begin to put everything in their mouths. Despite the statistics, older children sometimes become patients with foreign objects in the esophagus. They swallow small objects either inadvertently or for experimental purposes. But this does not reduce the danger that exists in this case.

Often, moms and dads only find out that their child has swallowed something when they discover the item in the potty. Or at an appointment with a doctor, to whom you came with a number of incomprehensible symptoms. But even more often, children swallow coins in front of their parents, who do not have time to stop it. And we can only hope that the coin will come out on its own and will not cause harm to the baby.

The main thing that parents must determine in this case is the size of the swallowed coin. If it is, say, a penny, then due to its size it can easily and quickly exit the baby’s body. It’s another matter if its denomination is much higher, so a 5 or 10 ruble coin can cause significant harm to a child.

Next, it is important to monitor your baby especially closely, trying to find out whether a coin is stuck in the throat or esophagus. This becomes clear immediately, as the baby will begin to choke or suffer from sharp pain in the abdomen. Most often, his body temperature may rise sharply, vomiting or severe salivation.

If he is calm and continues to lead an active lifestyle, the only thing parents can do is wait. In order for the coins to leave the body faster, you can feed it foods rich in fiber. This stimulates digestion. But it is better not to use laxatives.

A child swallowed a coin, what should I do if he still begins to choke? To do this, parents need to know how to provide emergency assistance. You need to open the baby’s mouth and try to feel the coin, and then carefully remove it. If the coin is stuck too deeply, then you need to press on the root of the tongue and thus induce vomiting in the child. You can also place him on your lap, belly down, and tap him on the back. Or hug him from behind and try to press on his stomach at intervals of 4-5 seconds.

If parents do call an ambulance, it is important to let the child know that there is no need to worry. It is much easier to explain what is happening to a child aged 3–4 years than to a one-year-old. Therefore, it is important to make every effort to calm the baby and distract him from unpleasant sensations.

Under no circumstances should you do the following while waiting for a doctor:

Give the child food or drink;

If a coin is stuck in the throat, then it is forbidden to give bread and other solid foods to push it through;

Use laxatives or an enema to quickly remove the coin;

You should not try to “shake out” a foreign object by turning the child upside down.

These actions cannot in any way help in removing the coin; on the contrary, they can only make the situation worse. The consequences of such behavior can be very unpleasant, since the mother’s actions can frighten the baby or cause him additional discomfort. It is better to call a doctor and try to alleviate the child’s condition.

A child swallowed a coin: what to do - what the consequences might be

The most serious consequence of swallowing a coin can only be problems with the digestive tract or respiratory tract. In this case, it is impossible to do without the intervention of a surgeon. But even if the coin is not stuck anywhere and eventually comes out naturally, it can still cause harm.

First of all, it can scratch the internal organs, thereby causing bleeding. Another danger that awaits a baby who swallows a coin is an allergic reaction to the metal. To be on the safe side and not worry about this anymore, you can show your baby to the doctor and have an x-ray done.

In addition to coins, a child can easily detect and swallow a lot of other objects that are more dangerous to health. These could be batteries, needles, magnets, nails or splinters. If your baby swallows anything from this list, you should urgently seek medical help, as the consequences can be very unpredictable.

A child swallowed a coin: what to do - in what cases is a doctor needed?

So, the baby finally swallowed the coin, and the parents are in a panic, imagining the most terrible consequences. But do not panic, as in most cases the object enters the intestines and eventually comes out naturally. The main thing is that the coin does not get stuck in the windpipe. This is very dangerous, as the child begins to choke and is unable to speak or scream. And in this situation you cannot do without medical help.

Another danger that a child faces when swallowing a coin is that it can get stuck in the digestive tract. In this case, the baby develops a severe cough, difficulty swallowing and increased salivation. Severe vomiting often occurs. The appearance of these symptoms means that you should immediately consult a doctor.

The specialist will most likely order x-rays, ultrasound and other tests to find out exactly where the coin is. If it does not pose any danger to the life and health of the baby, then the doctor will advise you to wait for its natural release. But at the slightest complaint of discomfort, he will immediately remove it. For this, in most cases, endoscopy is performed, less often surgical intervention is required. This is a rather traumatic way of removing foreign bodies from the body and sometimes leads to some complications, especially for very young patients.

However, these two methods are very often used by doctors in children who have swallowed a small object. Many experienced surgeons even keep entire collections of items they removed from babies. After the doctor’s intervention, it is especially important to monitor the child’s well-being. If the temperature rises and the child loses appetite, you should consult a doctor again.

It only takes a few minutes for a child to swallow a foreign object. Therefore, parents should not blame themselves for oversight. But it is better not to allow the possibility that the baby can easily find and taste the coin or other objects. All objects dangerous to him, especially piercing and cutting objects, must be securely hidden. And on the street or at a party, the child must be constantly monitored.

Young children often put everything in their mouths in their mouths. Babies especially like miniature objects - construction elements, Kinder Surprise figurines and even coins. The tiny part is easy to swallow, which happens to babies regularly. What to do if a child swallows a coin? Should I wait until it comes out naturally or sound the alarm?

Children regularly put small objects into their mouths - coins also fall into this category.

What is the danger?

A coin is an item of public use and there are certainly entire colonies of harmful bacteria on it. A baby who puts it in his mouth runs the risk of getting stomatitis or another oral disease. However, this is not the most unpleasant scenario. One of the dangers is that the metal object can be inhaled

together with the air, it will enter the respiratory tract - the trachea or bronchi. This situation is fraught with suffocation, and sometimes a metal product in the bronchi can remain for quite a long time without causing discomfort. In this case, over time, inflammation will certainly arise at its location.

If the coin has safely entered the esophagus, its path should pass through the stomach, then the small and large intestines, and finally end in a child’s potty or diaper. However, not everything is so simple. There are quite narrow places in the baby's intestines in which a round object can get stuck. The consequences are fraught with complications - blockage of the intestines, as well as the development of inflammation when the penny begins to oxidize.

Symptoms to watch out for

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Parents are not always sure that the child managed to swallow something. The absence of money that was in the mother’s wallet does not mean that all of it ended up in the child’s esophagus or stomach. The kid could have moved the coin somewhere, or thrown it into the far corner. In this regard, it is worth taking a closer look at a child who has been playing with small objects before calling an ambulance. Let's look at the symptoms that may mean that the offspring has swallowed an object:

  • the baby is restless, he constantly cries and experiences discomfort;
  • the baby has profuse salivation;

Restlessness and increased salivation indicate a possible swallowing of an object.
  • refusal of food, water;
  • the child is vomiting, and the contents of the stomach come out in clots;
  • the baby complains of pain in the chest and abdomen;
  • The baby's stool is dark, almost black.

What should parents do?

Parents who notice one or more of these symptoms should immediately call an ambulance or go to the doctor themselves. However, it happens that the baby suffocates because a foreign object has entered the respiratory tract. In this case, you should try to extract it yourself:

  • If a child coughs or chokes on saliva, it can be assumed that a coin is stuck in the throat. Then you should open the baby’s mouth and try to remove it with your fingers. This method is the simplest, but it is not always possible.
  • The baby began to suffocate - he turned red and was breathing whistling. This means that a foreign object could have entered the respiratory tract. In this case, you should act quickly, without waiting for the baby to suffocate. If he is not yet 1 year old, the baby should be placed on his stomach on his knee and his lower jaw should be clasped with his hand. The head should be below the level of the buttocks. Then, with your free hand, give 4 claps on the back between the shoulder blades. Then turn the baby over (head below hip level) and rhythmically press 4 times with two fingers on the sternum below the nipples. These actions must be alternated until the ambulance arrives.

Knowing first aid techniques can even save a child's life
  • If the child is over a year old, you should ask him to cough. If you can’t cough up a coin, you should use the Heimlich maneuver. To do this, stand behind him and wrap your arms around his stomach. Clench one hand into a fist, press your thumb to the center of the abdomen - below the sternum, but above the navel. Press the child’s belly with a sharp upward push several times, bending your elbows. Do this until the coin falls out.

An important point is the peace of mind of the parents. Do not panic, causing stress in the child. If the baby is calm, cheerful, active, then even more so.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, statistics indicate that if an object is not stuck in the esophagus, but gets safely into the stomach, then there is an 80-90% chance that it will bypass the entire intestine and come out naturally.

When should you urgently call an ambulance?

Most often, a coin in the esophagus does not require the intervention of specialists, even if it is large, for example, a ruble. It will move on its own through the gastrointestinal tract along with food. However, some factors increase the risk of complications. If a child has swallowed a large ruble coin and the foreign object causes discomfort and prevents the child from breathing, you should immediately call an ambulance. The table shows typical situations, as well as the actions parents need to take before the specialists arrive.

Most often, the coin passes through the intestines and comes out of it on its own.

What to do it is forbidden?

Many parents, panicking, act imprudently. To avoid harming the child, you should never:

  • feed the baby if a foreign object causes discomfort - that is, if it is stuck in the esophagus;
  • give the baby a laxative or immediately give an enema;
  • there is no need to artificially induce vomiting or rinse the stomach;
  • Many pediatricians warn that you should not turn the child upside down and try to shake a foreign object out of the throat.

Doctors' actions

What do doctors do if a child swallows a coin? After the little patient is taken to the hospital, the doctor usually orders tests. As a rule, this is either an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity or an x-ray. This must be done in order to understand in which part of the gastrointestinal tract the foreign object is located. The further actions of specialists depend on the information received:

  • If the image shows that the coin is stuck in the esophagus, the doctor will most likely prescribe endoscopic removal. For children, such procedures are usually performed under general anesthesia. The doctor removes the foreign object using a flexible fibroesophagoscope. Sometimes this cannot be done, then the coin is simply pushed into the stomach.
  • If the foreign body is already in the stomach, doctors recommend waiting until it leaves the body naturally. How long will you have to wait? Usually the waiting time is from 3 to 5 days, sometimes this period extends to 10-11 days. The child is not admitted to the hospital, but the parents are only asked to carefully monitor the baby’s stool in order to see a metal product in the stool in time. If the coin does not go lower, a decision is made to remove it.
  • You can also see in the image that a foreign object is in the intestine. This option allows us to hope for a favorable outcome. It is important not to try to speed up the release of the coin - do not do enemas, do not give the child a laxative. If a metal object begins to move rapidly along with feces, damage to the intestinal walls may occur. Experts recommend feeding your baby vegetables containing large number fiber, give juices, compotes from dried fruits and prunes.

An x-ray or ultrasound can help identify the presence of a foreign object.

If your baby often puts inappropriate objects in his mouth, you should try to wean him from the bad habit. To do this, select several toys that can be licked and chewed without harm, and give them to the baby as soon as he is about to try something on his teeth. In addition, try to protect the little researcher from potentially dangerous objects - hide money away, secure batteries in children's toys well, store cogs, screws, needles, etc. in an inaccessible place.

Coin – potentially dangerous item for the baby. It can enter the respiratory tract, cause suffocation, and the sharp edges can damage the esophagus and intestines. If it is an object with a large diameter, the risk of damage to the esophagus increases. However, as soon as a metal product enters the stomach, it is best to be patient and wait for it to come out along with the stool. In this case, it is advisable to consult a specialist who will tell parents how to act in the event of an unforeseen situation.
