Anti-tank self-propelled artillery unit Archer. Archer - British Tier V tank destroyer Equipment for Archer

If you saw it for the first time Ragnarok and you don’t know who is better to start playing with, then good choice there will be an archer. Due to the long-range attack and the ability to quickly and easily swing, you will quickly get acquainted with the game and will not experience unnecessary difficulties. Even if you don't like the archer, you can use it in the future to make money.

And so, you decide to create your own archer and immediately face the first difficulty, which stats to pump at the beginning of the game. Leaving the stats as they are (that is, all 5) is a bad option and we immediately abandon it. For a classic archer, you need DEX (Dexterity) and AGI (Dexterity). When creating a character, choose: 9 dex (DEX), 9 agi (AGI) and 9 int (INT). DEX affects the accuracy and damage of ranged attacks (every 10 dex gives a bonus to attack), and therefore is the main characteristic of an archer. AGI affects attack speed, as well as dodge chance, that is, the second most important characteristic of an archer. INT increases mana regeneration (every 6 intelligence gives +1 mana regeneration), and also increases the maximum amount of mana.

You can read more about the stats and features of the game in the general guide to the game. Also in this article you will find some useful tables such as: element table and weapon damage table.

We've figured out the initial stats of the future archer and it's time to go upgrade. At the very beginning of the game we will not have any bows. We, like all beginners, start the game with a simple knife and a simple shirt. Check if these things are equipped (Alt+E and double-click on them) and let's go swing. In order not to click on the monster with the mouse for each blow, you can hold down ctrl, in this case your character will attack the monster until it dies. If you don’t want to press ctrl every time, then this procedure can be simplified. To do this, call the special menu “alt+y” and in the window that appears, activate the “Noctrl” mod (click on it). Below I will give options for monsters that you can use to level up your noob. You can level up as a noob near any starting city. The main thing is not to go far. I advise you to choose the initial city of Prontera (this is the capital) and swing at the location below this city. The fact is that there are often people in this city who will be able to help you. Below is a list of monsters that will interest us primarily.

  • Poring(red drops) - location below Prontera (capital). Here you can ask the priests for castes (they are often there), thereby making your leveling a little easier. Bottles (Empty Bottles) drop very well from the porings, which need to be handed over to buyers (if there are any). You can earn a little extra money from empty bottles at the beginning of the game. If there are no buyers, then we can safely hand over the bottles to traders.
  • Drops(orange drops) - similar to porings. The only difference is that the drops give a little more experience, and also another rare card drops from the drops, which is in demand and therefore will be worth something.
  • Lunatic- harmless rabbits, for which you can get a good increase in experience. They bite a little more painfully than porings.
  • Fabre(slow green caterpillars) - location up from Gefen. There is a chance to get a good card from the factories.
  • Pupas(cocoons) - if it’s really hard for you to beat monsters, then this option is simply ideal. Pups are stationary cocoons that have a large amount of health and do not attack. The navel gives a lot of experience and a very good card drops from them, which gives +700 HP (if inserted into the armor). Very useful map for beginners. Navels in large quantities live in a location above Gefen and next to others major cities. In addition to Pup, you can also beat stationary eggs (Peco Peco Egg), which can be found in large quantities in Moroka locations. Eggs drop a very good card, which is usually worth a lot. Perhaps you will be lucky and from the very first levels you will earn very good money.

If you want to earn a little extra money as a noob, you can alternatively go to the anthill, which can be reached as follows: from Prontera go down → down → down (left teleport) → entrance at the top of the location (large black dot on the minimap). Here, at the very entrance, you will find a large number of ant eggs, from which you can fill bottles and other loot, for which you will get good money. If there are buyers near the city, then it is better to hand over the bottles to them. Bottles are used for brewing alchemical potions, so they are sometimes bought at a price that is higher than just turning in bottles to NPCs.

Of course, this is not the entire list of whom you can use as your future archer at the very beginning of the game, but you will definitely meet these monsters at the very beginning. Perhaps you will find your own individual way of leveling up a noob.

To speed up the initial leveling, you can improve your weapon. As soon as you have some money (zeny-zeny), we go to Prontera and buy a Main Gauche (knife) from the gunsmith (the shop to the right and a little higher from the fountain in the center). The weapons seller will be standing on the right behind the counter. Then we go to the blacksmith, whose building is located just below the gunsmith and sharpen the Main Gauche to +7 using Emveretarcon. Sharpening stones can be bought right there from the NPC. Do not sharpen the knife more than +7, otherwise you may break it. After you have a sharpened knife, you can try to train your future archer on stronger monsters, such as rockers (green grasshoppers) and poporings (green drops). Both of them can be found in a location located down → to the left of Prontera.

But keep in mind that these monsters cannot be easily killed. You'll have to eat a lot of meat to restore your health. Meat can be purchased in Prontera from the NPC at coordinates 64.123 (in order to find out your coordinates, you must enter the following command “/where”). If you don’t know how to find a merchant by coordinates, then just look for him in the lower left part of the city. He stands behind a small building, next to a sales counter.

With each new level you have the opportunity to upgrade your stats, as well as skills (JobSkill). For stats, download only Dex. This indicator needs to be increased to at least 70 at the beginning of the game and only then think about other characteristics. In order to pump up stats, press “Alt+A” (or Alt+Q) and opposite the Dex indicator, click the arrow to increase the characteristics. Be careful and careful, as you can easily miss and pump something else. With skills everything is much simpler. A noob has only one skill and needs to be upgraded to level 10. In order to upgrade your skills, you need to press “Alt+S” and click on the desired skill, and then confirm your choice. Beginner skills look like a book. Each level of this skill gives you new abilities, they are all listed below.

  • Level 1- the ability to trade with other players.
  • Level 2- the ability to express emotions using animated emoticons.
  • Level 3- it becomes possible to sit (Insert button). Increases HP and SP recovery speed.
  • Level 4- ability to create your own chat.
  • Level 5- allowed to join groups (parties).
  • Level 6- you are allowed to use a Kafra chest, in which you can put your things for storage.
  • Level 7- the ability to create your own group (patyu).
  • Level 8- It is allowed to kill players in specially designated areas.
  • Level 9- a change of profession is possible.

In order not to spend money on teleports between cities, use a free warper (Novice Warper). It can be found in every major city and only teleports noobs. This warper looks like an ordinary Kafra. Also, while you are a beginner, after each death you will recover with half your health and mana.

After the last job (JobSkill) is achieved, we go to complete the quest to become an archer.

And so, you have reached 10 jobs. Be sure to upgrade your nubo skills, otherwise the NPC simply won’t give you the quest to get a profession.

We fly to Payon, you can use regular kaffir or kaffir for noobs (to save money). In Payone we go up one location. Next, we look for the building (archers guild) in the upper right corner of the location.

Inside the archer guild, we turn to the head, who stands at the table in the center of the room.

The head will ask you to bring any pieces of wood (Trunk) worth at least 25 points (if you bring it worth 40 points, he will be simply happy). There are several types of wood that you can knock out from Willow monsters (gray stumps). You can find these monsters below or to the right of Payon. It is most convenient to beat these monsters in the location down from Payon. The main thing is not to be distracted by other monsters and especially not to touch the mushrooms with red caps. At low levels they will most likely kill you.

Each type of wood gives a different number of points and below you can see the exact values.

  • Fine Grained Trunk= 5 points
  • Solid Trunk= 3 points
  • Barren Trunk= 2 points
  • Trunk= 1 point

When the pieces of wood are collected, we return to the head of the archer guild and receive the coveted archer class. Also, the head of the guild will give us some arrows and a simple bow.

Required for: Vulture's Eye(Lv.3), (Lv.10 Sniper).
Max. level: 10
Class: Passive
Description: Increases DEX by 1*Skill Level.
[Level 1] : DEX +1
[Level 2] : DEX +2
[Level 3] : DEX +3
[Level 4] : DEX +4
[Level 5] : DEX +5
[Level 6]: DEX +6
[Level 7]: DEX +7
[Level 8]: DEX +8
[Level 9]: DEX +9
[Level 10] : DEX +10

Required for: Improve Concentration(Lv.1), (Lv.10 Archer), (Lv.5 Sniper), (Lv.10 Sniper).
Prerequisites: Owl's Eye(Lv. 3)
Max. level: 10
Class: Passive
Description: Increases firing range and accuracy.
[Level 1] : Firing range and HIT +1
[Level 2] : Firing range and HIT +2
[Level 3] : Firing range and HIT +3
[Level 4] : Firing range and HIT +4
[Level 5] : Firing range and HIT +5
[Level 6]: Firing range and HIT +6
[Level 7]: Firing range and HIT +7
[Level 8]: Firing range and HIT +8
[Level 9]: Firing range and HIT +9
[Level 10] : Range and HIT +10

Improve Concentration

Required for: Detection(Lv.1), (L9 Sniper), (Lv.10 Sniper), (Lv.10 Sniper).
Prerequisites: Vulture's Eye(Lv. 1)
Max. level: 10
Class: Auxiliary
SP consumption: 20 + 5*Skill level
Object: on yourself
Casting time: Instantly
Delay: No
Duration: 40 + 20*Skill level sec.
Description: Increases DEX and AGI for a certain time, formula (2+1*Skill Level)%. Increases Dex and Agi only from stats and skills, but not from cards. allows you to detect hidden enemies within 3 cells.
[Level 1] :+ 3% AGI/DEX
[Level 2] :+ 4% AGI/DEX
[Level 3] :+ 5% AGI/DEX
[Level 4] :+ 6% AGI/DEX
[Level 5] :+ 7% AGI/DEX
[Level 6]:+ 8% AGI/DEX
[Level 7]:+ 9% AGI/DEX
[Level 8]:+ 10% AGI/DEX
[Level 9]:+ 11% AGI/DEX
[Level 10] :+ 12% AGI/DEX

Required for: Arrow Shower(Lv.5 Archer), (Lv.5 Hunter), (Lv.5 Sniper).
Max. level: 10
Class: Attacking
SP consumption: 12
Object: Enemy
Casting time: Instantly
Delay: 0.1 sec. (depends on AGI on many servers)
Duration: Instantly
Description: Deals double damage to the enemy, formula 180% + 20%*Skill Level. Only 1 arrow is spent.
[Level 1] : 200% damage
[Level 2] : 220% damage
[Level 3] : 240% damage
[Level 4] : 260% damage
[Level 5] : 280% damage
[Level 6]: 300% damage
[Level 7]: 320% damage
[Level 8]: 340% damage
[Level 9]: 360% damage
[Level 10] : 380% damage

Required for: Arrow Vulkan(Lv.5 Minstrel and Gypsy)
Prerequisites: Double Strafing(Lv. 5)
Max. level: 10
Class: Attacking
SP consumption: 15
Object: Enemy
Range: Weapon range + Skill level Vulture's Eye + 4 cells
Casting time: Instantly
Delay: 0.1 sec.
Duration: Instantly
Description: Attacks the enemy and those next to him in a 3x3 cell area with a hail of arrows, damage formula 75% + 5%*Skill Level. Pushes the target back 2 squares.
[Level 1] : 80% Damage
[Level 2] : 85% Damage
[Level 3] : 90% Damage
[Level 4] : 95% Damage
[Level 5] : 100% Damage
[Level 6]: 105% Damage
[Level 7]: 110% Damage
[Level 8]: 115% Damage
[Level 9]: 120% Damage
[Level 10] : 125% Damage

Max. level: 1
Class: Attacking
SP consumption: 15
Object: Enemy
Range: 9 + skill level Vulture's Eye
Casting time: 1.5 sec.
Delay: ASPD
Duration: Instantly
Description: Allows you to push the enemy 4 cells back, dealing 150% damage.

To get this skill, you need to complete a small quest. We fly to the village of Payon and find NPC Jason there. Its coordinates are (103.63).

He needs to bring the following loot:

It is knocked out from the stationary monster Hydra, which lives in dungeons and often appears next to small bodies of water.

It is knocked out of monsters, but it is easier to do with the help of a small quest in Payone.

Max. level: 1
Class: Auxiliary
SP consumption: 10
Object: Item
Casting time: Instantly
Delay: No
Description: A unique skill of Archers, which can only be learned by reaching Job level 30 and completing the task. Transforms an object into an arrow. The class and number of arrows differs depending on the item. Cannot be used when outnumbered.

To obtain this skill, you need to complete a small quest. We fly to the city of Morok and find NPC Roberto there. Its coordinates are (121.109).

If there is no NPC at these coordinates, then perhaps he is located in a different location on your server. We get out of the trouble to the upper left teleport and at the coordinates (118.99) we find the desired NPC.

The NPC needs to bring the following loot:

The easiest way to knock it out is from Spore (red mushroom). You can find these monsters near Payon.

The easiest way is to buy it in a store from a regular consumables dealer.

Tough Scalelike Stem: 41 pcs.

This ingredient is obtained from Stem Worm, which can be found in the location below Aldebaran. There are other places, but it seems to me to be the fastest to get to.

On some servers, instead of Tough Scalelike Stem and Mushroom Spore, you need to bring: Pointed Scale: 41 pcs.(knocked out of Wormtail in the location down → down → down → to the right of Payon) and Poison Spore(knocked out from aggressive Poison Spore mushrooms that live in the vicinity of Payon).

Leveling up an archer is one of the easiest in Ragnarok. The most important thing is to save money for a good bow and practice a little in playing this class. Unlike most mmorpg, in Ragnarok there is no such thing as gradually changing locations and, accordingly, the complexity of mobs. In Ragnarok, players themselves find for themselves different places to level up their game character. Below we will look at the most common and most effective places to swing.

After completing the quest to become an archer, you will receive a bow and some arrows. You can safely sell the bow to the nearest NPC and go buy a new one. In Payone, in the lower left part of the city, there is a large building with merchants located inside.

We go inside the building and near the entrance we find a merchant girl who has various weapons, including bows. We buy Composite Bow. This bow can be equipped immediately and its attack will be higher than what we were given for the quest. We immediately buy Great Bow for the future. This bow can be equipped from level 18. You can also go and sharpen the Great Bow at the forge at +7.

Our next step will be to purchase arrows. Simple arrows can be purchased from almost any weapons dealer, but we are interested in fire arrows. They can be bought on the island "Sankenship" (sanken ship). To get to Sunkenship, we first fly to Alberta (a port city) and there, in the very right upper part of the city, we find a small sailor Fisk (perhaps he will have a different name) next to the ship. The main thing is to find the one who teleports to the island we need.

Once on Sunkenship, we go to the right side of the island, there is an NPC hidden among the trees, from whom you can buy fire arrows. The necessary merchant is located on a small island, that is, there is no need to go down into the hold of a ship with monsters. Try to buy as much as possible. You will have to return here more than once, since you will need a lot, a lot of fire arrows. But don't spend all the money, you will need some money to buy consumables (acceleration potions, restoration potions and teleportation stones).

And so, you are almost ready for battle. All that remains is to buy a few consumables. We fly to Prontera and there we go to the store to the left and just above the fountain in the center.

Now we take according to the list: 1) 20-30 Fly Wing. These stones allow you to instantly teleport to a random point in the current location. We will need them to avoid unwanted death and just to find the right monsters. In the future, you will use these stones everywhere. 2) 4 Concentration Potion. This potion temporarily increases attack speed. 3) 1 Awakening Potion. This potion temporarily increases attack speed, but more than the concentrate. Avaki can be drunk a little later (from level 40), so you shouldn’t take a lot of them. 1-2 pieces will be enough. 4) 2 Butterfly Wings. This item is popularly called ears, for external resemblance. The item allows you to instantly teleport to a save point. Accordingly, it is worth saving with some Kaffir in Prontera, to whom you will then fly. 5) Some meat for treatment. Don't take too much, as it is very heavy and if you take too much, you will quickly become overweight and have to return to the city.

Next we exit Prontera to the right. Then we go up to a higher location. Our main target in the location will be the Mandragora monster. The monster is immobile, but can attack with short distance. Fire on Mandrake will deal 200% damage, which is why we stocked up on fire arrows. We hit the monsters from afar and under no circumstances approach them, otherwise you can die quickly. Stem drops very well from Mandragoras. This item is needed for alchemy and is often purchased by players, so you can make some money on it. In the upper right part of the location there is a small lake, next to which a shimmering flower (Shining Plant) often appears. As you pass by, try to destroy it, as good objects may fall from it.

Also in this location there is a miniboss “Blue Rabbit”. Be wary of him at first, but if you feel like you can kill him, then by all means do it. This is a miniboss and some good things can drop from it. The location is also inhabited by butterflies (Creamy). They are quite strong, but if you see that you can calmly kill them, then it is better not to miss them either. They drop a good card, as well as a Silk Robe. You won't be able to wear this armor yourself, but you can sell it.

By killing just a few Mandragoras, you will immediately receive several Job levels. First of all, we pump Owl's Eye to level 3 to unlock the Vulture's Eye ability. Then we begin to pump up Vulture's Eye to level 10 to increase the firing range and not experience difficulties. Then we pump up Owl's Eye to level 10 to passively increase the DEX characteristic. After that, upgrade Improve Concentration to level 10 and activate this ability, as it increases DEX and AGI. Next, upgrade Double Strafing to level 10. This is the main combat skill of an archer, but we don’t level it up right away for the simple reason that we don’t have much mana and we can’t really use double shots. At the very end we download Arrow Shower. The ability is not required, but it is advisable to upgrade it.

Having reached level 18 and picked up the Great Bow, swing a little more on the mandrakes, and then slowly try to make forays into higher locations. Floras live there, who, like mandrakes, are motionless and fire hits them well. Be careful, there are two aggressive monsters in this location: blue beetles (Thief Bug Male) and caterpillars (Argiope). A little later you will be able to kill the beetles, but the caterpillars will pose a high danger to you; you need to run away from them or, in extreme cases, fly away using teleportation stones. Of course, you can also kill them with a few Double Strafing shots, but this is very dangerous. So look at the situation.

At level 33, we go to Payon and buy a Gakkung Bow from a merchant we know. We return again to beat the flora and mandrakes. Having received level 40, we go to beat new “Geographer” plants. New location It's located far away, so be prepared to run around a bit. Using Kafra, we fly first to Gefen, then to Aldebaran and then to Yuno. In Yuno we are looking for an airship on the left side of the city; you will need a little money to enter the airship. Next, we board the airship and wait for the Enbrouch stop. We leave Enbrouch airport and save at the nearest Kafra. We go to the location above, geographers and metalings live here. We hit the geographer, but remember that two adjacent geographers heal each other. To prevent this, you can scatter monsters using Charge Arrow (quest skill). We make sure to hit the metalings as well, since four metalings are equivalent in experience to one geographer. Fire arrows are also used, as they will deal bonus damage based on colors. Here you can swing up to the hunter.

To obtain the hunter profession, a minimum of 40 Job level is required and, in principle, it will be enough. But if you are not in a hurry, then it is better to wait until Job level 50 and improve the archer’s abilities.

Before you go on the Hunter quest, make sure you are prepared for it. Even if you decide not to level up to 50 jobs, the minimum you need to pump out is 42 jobs. This is done in order to maximize the abilities Owl's Eye, Vulture's Eye, Improve Concentration, Double Strafing and pump up Arrow Shower by one. Actually, up to 50 jobs are usually pumped up in order to pump up the Arrow Shower ability (Hail of Arrows) to 9 and after receiving the hunter profession, immediately get a Hunter Bow, with which you can run for a very long time until you have some more effective bow . I also strongly advise you to get the Arrow Crafting quest ability before switching to a new profession. When leveling up the Hunter, we will definitely need arrows of different elements, and if you do not get the ability, then you will have to wait a long time until you get 30 jobs on the hunter. It’s better to do it right away so you don’t regret it later.

Note: if you play on the 4game server, then the beginning of the quest will be slightly different. You don't need to fly to Hugel. In place of this, you need to find an NPC Member of the Hunter's Guild. It is located at the location to the right → down → to the right of Payon. Here, approximately in the center of the location, in the thicket of the forest, he will stand. By clicking on it, you will be taken inside the hunters' guild and then you will need to talk with the head of the guild in the center.

Using Kafra's teleports, we fly first to Gefen, then to Aldebaran and then to Yuno. In the upper left part of the city we find the airport and for a small fee we get on the airship. We need a stop Hugel. In Hugel we go to the upper right part of the city and find the Hunter guild there.

Inside the Khanty guild, right at the entrance, we find a girl Hunter Guildsman (Sherin) and after a short dialogue we answer her questions in the following sequence: 3-3-3-2-1-3-3-2-1-2 .

On some servers there are both Russian and English answer options; you must choose English (if any).

After you answer all the questions correctly, in the same room we talk with.

He will ask you to bring one of the sets of loot, so get ready to run around the world a little and collect it.

Set 1:

You can knock it out from Elder Willow (red aggressive stumps) in the location down → to the left of Payon.

White Herb: 3 pcs.

Can be obtained from White Plant (white stationary flowers) on the 2-3 floors of the Geffen dungeon. To get into the dungeon, you need to go to the central Geffen tower and go down. It’s worth saying right away that the monsters will be serious and you should definitely stock up on silver arrows. Also take more teleportation stones so that you can simply teleport around the location and look for flowers. If you don’t want to take risks, you can look for flowers in the Payon dungeons or in the orc dungeons. In general, these flowers grow in small quantities in a huge number of locations.

Set 2:

You can get it from different skeletons, but it seems to me that the easiest way to get it is from the Orc Skeleton in the orc dungeon. You can get to it from Prontera: left → left (lower teleport) → left → left → down → the entrance is in the upper left corner of the location.

Can be dropped from a snake (Anacondaq). You can find snakes next to Morok: down down to the left or next to Prontera: down → down → down (right teleport) → down (left teleport). Just keep in mind that in the location near Prontera there are also aggressive wolves, which only hit 25% of the fire. Take simple arrows with you so as not to suffer.

Can be obtained from the red plant Red Plant, which is found in different places. Red Herb also drops from some monsters. Usually there are no problems with this ingredient. If you suddenly can’t find it anywhere, then you can try going down to the first floor of Paoina’s dungeon. To do this, you need to go upstairs from Payon and find the entrance to the dungeon in the upper left corner.

Set 4:

You can get it from Eggyra (mechanical eggs) at the location to the right → down from Payon. Just keep in mind that the loss is small. So you may have to kill more than a dozen monsters.

You can knock out Chonchon (flies) in the vicinity of Gefen in locations up or to the left of the city.

Can be obtained from Yellow Plants. This plant can always be found in the location down → down from Pronta. Here at the bottom of the location there is a small hillock, on which there is a whole clearing with these plants.

Set 6:

Can be knocked out from Poporing (green drops) at the location down → to the left of Prontera.

Can be knocked out with Caramel (a monster that looks like a hedgehog). This creature lives in the location: up → up from Geffen.

Can be knocked out with Coco (protein). You can find them in the same location as Caramel, that is, up → up from Geffen.

After the loot has been collected and brought to the NPC in Hugel, we will be asked to go to Payon to the Head of the Archers' Guild or to the NPC inside a small building in Payon. One of these NPCs will give us test task. Most often, the task is given by the head of the archer guild. Let me remind you that you can find it in the location above Payon in the upper right part.

If the head of the archers' guild didn't tell us anything, then we go to Payon and look for a small building approximately in the center of the city.

Inside the building, in the first room on the right, we find the NPC “Hunter”.

After a short dialogue, one of the NPCs will send us to the waiting room.

To complete this part of the quest you will need silver arrows. From the waiting room we will be sent to a small location with monsters.

Kill 4 monsters with the name Job Change monster(“I am your target”) They are easy to find a little higher, to the right and to the left. The main thing is to kill only these monsters and not fall into traps (holes in the floor). After the message “You killed everyone” appears in the chat, all other monsters will automatically die. We head to the center of this room and look for the key.

Immediately after the key is activated (just click on it), we run up the room, a teleporter will open there. Watch your time carefully, as it is limited.

We talk with the Head of the Guild again and get .

On some servers this quest is slightly modified. The NPC that is supposed to issue the insignia is sometimes located in Payon itself.

We return to Hugel (or to the hunters' guild for the 4game server). The head of the guild initiates us into the Khanty. If you received a profession with a job less than 50, then we get the Crossbow weapon. If you still get to 50 jobs, then we will be given a Hunter Bow as a reward.

To avoid having to return for the bird again in the future, it is better to deal with this issue right away. We leave Hugel downstairs, quickly get 2 jobs, pump up Beast Bane to 1 and Falconry Mastery, return to the Khanty guild and on the second floor contact Falcon Breeder(Falcon Trainer or other names) for the bird. We pay 2,500 zeni (on some servers - 800 coins) and get a bird. In Payon, the archer guild also has this NPC.

On the 4game server, the falcon breeder is located inside the hunters' guild, to the right of the chapter. That is, it is enough to simply go to the location to kill several Generals and return to the guild of bird hunters.

Required for: Ankle Snare(Lv.1), (Lv.1)
Max. level: 5
Class: Trap (Invisible)
SP consumption: 10
Object: Earth
Range: 3 cells
Casting time: 0.4 sec.
Delay: 1 sec.
Duration: 360 - 60*skill level sec.
Catalyst: 1 Trap
Description: Sets a trap. The enemy who steps on it slides in one direction for 5+skill levels of cells. Does not work on Bosses and Plants.
[Level 1] : Slide 6 cells, duration 300 sec
[Level 2] : Slide 7 cells, duration 240 sec
[Level 3] : Slide 8 cells, duration 180 sec
[Level 4] : Slide 9 cells, duration 120 sec
[Level 5] : Slide 10 cells, duration 60 sec

Land Mine

Required for: Blast Mine(Lv. 1), (Lv. 1)
Max. level: 5
Class: Trap (Invisible)
SP consumption: 10
Object: Earth
Range: 3 cells
Casting time: 0.4 sec.
Delay: 1 sec.
Duration: 240 - 40*skill level sec
Catalyst: 1 Trap
Description: An enemy who steps on the trap receives damage from the element of earth (Earth) according to the formula * * Skill level. There is a small chance of inflicting Stun status on the attacker.
Ignores Def and MDef, map size and family modifications, but not element modifications.
[Level 1] : Attack power 50%, duration 200 sec
[Level 2] : Attack power 75%, duration 160 sec
[Level 3] : Attack power 100%, duration 120 sec
[Level 4] : Attack power 125%, duration 80 sec
[Level 5] : Attack power 150%, duration 40 sec

Ankle Snare (Bear Trap)

Required for: Shockwave Trap(Lv.1)
Requirements: Skid Trap(Lv. 1)
Max. level: 5
Class: Trap (Invisible)
SP consumption: 12
Object: Earth
Range: 3 cells
Casting time: 0.4 sec.
Delay: 1 sec.
Duration: 300 - 50*skill level sec.
Catalyst: 1 Trap
Description: An enemy who steps on a trap is temporarily unable to move, but can attack.
Target hold time 5*skill level/(AGItarget*0.1) sec. (minimum 4 sec.). Bosses are held for 1/5 of the time and can teleport.
[Level 1] : duration 250 sec.
[Level 2] : duration 200 sec.
[Level 3] : duration 150 sec.
[Level 4] : duration 100 sec.
[Level 5] : duration 50 sec.

Required for skills: Claymore Trap(Lv. 1), (Lv. 1)
Requirements: Ankle Snare(Lv. 1)
Max. level: 5
Class: Trap (Invisible)
SP consumption: 45
Object: Earth
Range: 3
Casting time: 0.4 sec.
Delay: 1 sec.
Duration: 240 - 40*skill level sec.
Catalyst: 1 Trap
Description: Places a trap that takes away SP from anyone who steps on it.
Formula for SP loss = 5% + 15%*skill level from enemy SP.
Trap duration = (240-Skill Level*40) seconds.
[Level 1] : SP loss 20%, duration 200 sec.
[Level 2] : SP loss 35%, duration 160 sec.
[Level 3] : SP loss 50%, duration 120 sec.
[Level 4] : SP loss 65%, duration 80 sec.
[Level 5] : SP loss 80%, duration 40 sec.

Sandman (Sandman)

Required for: Land Mine(Lv. 1)
Requirements: Flasher(Lv. 1)
Max. level: 5
Class: Trap (Invisible)
SP consumption: 12
Object: Earth
Range: 3
Casting time: 0.4 sec.
Delay: 1 sec.
Duration: 180 - 30*skill level sec.
Catalyst: 1 Trap
Description: Places a trap that sleeps the enemy that steps on it and the enemies next to it in a 5x5 radius. Doesn't affect bosses.
Chance to put to sleep 30%+5*skill level%. Sleep duration 10 + 2 * skill level sec.
Chances of falling asleep are probably equal: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90%
[Level 1] : Duration 150 sec
[Level 2] : Duration 120 sec
[Level 3] : Duration 90 sec
[Level 4] : Duration 60 sec
[Level 5] : Duration 30 sec


Required for: Freezing Trap(Lv. 1), (Lv. 1)
Requirements: Skid Trap(Lv. 1)
Max. level: 5
Class: Trap (Invisible)
SP consumption: 12
Object: Earth
Range: 3
Casting time: 0.4 sec.
Delay: 1 sec.
Duration: 180 - 30*skill level sec.
Catalyst: 1 Trap
Description: Places a trap that blinds an enemy. Chance to blind 30% + 10%*skill level.
Does not work with Plants and MVP.
[Level 1] : Duration 150 sec
[Level 2] : Duration 120 sec
[Level 3] : Duration 90 sec
[Level 4] : Duration 60 sec
[Level 5] : Duration 30 sec

Freezing Trap

Required for: Land Mine(Lv. 1)
Requirements: Flasher(Lv. 1)
Max. level: 5
Class: Trap (Invisible)
SP consumption: 10
Object: Earth
Range: 3
Casting time: 0.4 sec.
Delay: 1 sec.
Duration: 180 - 30*skill level sec.
Catalyst: 2 Traps
Description: Places a trap that freezes an enemy who steps on it.
Chance to freeze 35% + 3%*skill level. Doesn't work on profit center.
[Level 1] : Action time 150 sec, freezing time 3 sec.
[Level 2] : Action time 120 sec, freezing time 6 sec.
[Level 3] : Action time 90 sec, freezing time 9 sec.
[Level 4] : Action time 60 sec, freezing time 12 sec.
[Level 5] : Action time 30 sec, freezing time 15 sec.

Required for: Claymore Trap(Lv.1)
Requirements: Land Mine(Lv. 1), (Lv. 1), (Lv. 1)
Max. level: 5
Class: Trap (Visible)
SP consumption: 10
Object: Earth
Range: 3
Casting time: 0.4 sec.
Delay: 1 sec.
Duration: 30-5*skill level
Catalyst: 1 Trap
Description: Places a trap that automatically explodes after a certain time equal to 30 - 5*skill level sec., causing damage in a 3x3 area.
Damage is dealt by the Wind element according to the formula * * skill level. Ignores Def and Mdef.
[Level 1] : Duration 25 sec
[Level 2] : Duration 20 sec
[Level 3] : Duration 15 sec
[Level 4] : Duration 10 sec
[Level 5] : Duration 5 sec

Requirements: Shockwave Trap(Lv. 1), (Lv. 1)
Max. level: 5
Class: Trap (Visible)
SP consumption: 15
Object: Earth
Range: 3 cells
Delay: 1 sec.
Casting time: 0.4 sec.
Duration: 20*skill level
Catalyst: 2 Traps
Description: Places a trap that, when activated (if someone steps on it), deals damage to all enemies in a 5x5 square area.
Damage is dealt by the Fire element according to the formula * * skill level.
Ignores Def and Mdef, as well as cards that increase damage by race and size, but not by element.
This trap in a PVP zone causes damage to other players, including the one who set it.
If no one steps on the trap, then after the duration has expired it turns into a trap that can be picked up.
[Level 1] : Duration 20 sec
[Level 2] : Action time 40 sec
[Level 3] : Duration 60 sec
[Level 4] : Duration 80 sec
[Level 5] : Duration 100 sec

Remove Trap

Required for: Spring Trap, Talkie Box
Requirements: Double Strafing(Lv. 5)
Max. level: 1
Class: Auxiliary
SP consumption: 5
Object: Trap on the ground
Range: 2 cells
Casting time: Instantly
Delay: No
Duration: Instantly
Description: A skill similar to the Hunter's skill. Allows you to remove an installed trap if no one is standing in it. You can get Trap. Also works on a triggered Bear Trap. Can only be used on your own traps.

Required for: Falconry Mastery(level 1)
Max. level: 10
Class: Passive
Description: Increases attack power against animal and insect monsters by +4*skill level.
Damage ignores DEF and VIT DEF.
[Level 1] : Attack power +4
[Level 2] : Attack power +8
[Level 3] : Attack power +12
[Level 4] : Attack power +16
[Level 5] : Attack power +20
[Level 6]: Attack power +24
[Level 7]: Attack power +28
[Level 8]: Attack power +32
[Level 9]: Attack power +36
[Level 10] : Attack power +40

Required for: Blitz Beat, Detecting, Spring Trap, True Sight (Sniper), Falcon Assault (Sniper)
Requirements: Beast Bane(Lv. 1)
Max. level: 1
Class: Passive
Description: Allows you to take the Falcon from the Hunter's Guild.

Required for: Falcon Attack(Lv. 3 Sniper)
Requirements: Blitz Beat(Lv. 5)
Max. level: 10
Class: Passive
Description: Increases the Falcon's attack power according to the formula 6*skill level.
[Level 1] : Attack power +6
[Level 2] : Attack power +12
[Level 3] : Attack power +18
[Level 4] : Attack power +24
[Level 5] : Attack power +30
[Level 6]: Attack power +36
[Level 7]: Attack power +42
[Level 8]: Attack power +48
[Level 9]: Attack power +54
[Level 10] : Attack power +60

Required for: Steel Crow(Lv. 5), (Lv. 5 Sniper)
Requirements: Falconry Mastery(Lv. 1)
Max. level: 5
Class: Attacking
SP consumption: 7 + 3*skill level
Object: Enemy
Range: Weapon range + skill level Vulture's Eye cells
Casting time: 2
Delay: 1
Duration: 0.2*skill level sec.
Description: Allows you to attack an enemy with a Falcon, causing damage to those standing nearby in a 3x3 cell area. Damage formula ( + + 3*Steel Crow skill level + 40)*2).
There is also a chance that the Falcon will attack the enemy automatically if the Hunter is using a Bow class weapon.
Auto attack formula 1% + 0.3%*LUK.
The maximum number of attacks is 3 and the damage is divided equally among each target.
The number of strikes is calculated using the formula [(Prof. Lv.-1)/10]+1.

Requirements: Remove Trap(Lv. 1), (Lv. 1)
Max. level: 5
Class: Auxiliary
SP consumption: 10
Object: Trap on the ground
Range: 3 + cell skill level
Casting time: Instantly
Delay: No
Duration: Instantly
Description: Allows you to destroy a set trap using the Falcon. Works on enemy traps.
[Level 1] : Range 4 cells
[Level 2] : Range 5 cells
[Level 3] : Range 6 cells
[Level 4] : Range 7 cells
[Level 5] : Range 8 cells

Max. level: 1
Class: Attacking
SP consumption: 10
Object: Enemy
Description: Deals 150% damage to the enemy and pushes him back 3 cells. In this case, the arrows are not consumed.

To obtain the skill, you must complete a quest in which you must bring the following items: 1) Cursed Ruby 5pcs. It doesn’t fall often and it might even be easier to buy this item. If you decide to knock it out, I would recommend knocking it out of the Gibbet monster in Niflheim; 2) Harpy Feather 5pcs. In my opinion, the easiest way to knock out feathers is from the Hill Wind monster in the vicinity of the city of Rachel; 3) Pet Food 30pcs. We simply buy the last resource from a vendor who sells meat. On some servers, slightly different combinations of ingredients are possible, such as harpy feathers and pet food.

Having collected all the ingredients, we go to the village of Payon. Next, we go up one location and find a small building at the top of the location. Coordinates of the entrance to the building (93.167).

Inside the building we talk with NPC Albest. We give him all the loot and get the quest skill.

The ability is very controversial and there is a high probability that you will use it extremely rarely. So, if you have difficulty collecting resources, then just leave this quest for the future. You won't lose anything.

Description: The effect of the skill is similar to the effect of [Double Shot], but deals additional damage to animal monsters. The damage dealt depends on the Hunter's Strength.

The skill can only be used after using Double Shot and only against animals. This skill appears in a hunter when the Medium spell - Spirit of the Hunter - is used on him. The skill is absolutely unnecessary for the Hunter, since it largely depends on the strength indicator, and this characteristic no one is downloading. Don't waste time learning this skill.

Don’t think that Hunter’s new profession will open far horizons for you. The only exception is the Traper, that is, the Hunter who uses various explosive traps. In this case, leveling up will actually go faster than with a simple archer. Hunter has practically no combat skills (not including traps), as well as good passive abilities. Ragnarok is an mmorpg where, in principle, it is not the skills that make your game character strong, but the combination of correctly pumped stats and skills. We will talk about how exactly to upgrade your main characteristics and skills in. Well, now let’s move on to the main places of pumping.

Having received the Hunter profession, you should level up a little, for example, on geographers (if they are available on your server) in order to gain some Job levels. First of all, we download the bird, that is, Falconry Mastery, Blitz Beat and Steel Crow. These abilities are not used for the Trap Hunter, so be sure to decide on your final build first. If you are seriously not going to stay on the hunter, but get to level 99 as soon as possible, then you can take Beast Bane. This skill increases attack against “animal” type monsters. From the ladders (traps), you must definitely take Ankle Snare; this ladder will be useful in pumping and for GW. Take the rest of the ladders as you wish.

On the 4game server, the location with geographers is very dangerous due to the presence of Steppe Punks on it, so if you play on this server, then I would recommend sitting on the Great Generals, who live in the location to the right → down → to the right of Payon. It is advisable to shoot ice arrows at Generals, but most likely you won’t have them yet and simple arrows will do. Slowly moving Khorongs also live here. They should also be killed.

Separately, I would like to highlight 2 locations where you can get a large number of arrows for future upgrades. At about level 60+ (you need to make sure that monsters hit you very rarely), you should definitely go swing on Bailan Island (looks like a skull). You can get to this island from Izlude (this small town is located down → to the right of Pronta). In the upper right part of Izlude there is a small sailor who sends you to the island for a small fee. On Bailan we immediately go down to the dungeon (it is located in the center, as if in the nose of the skull). We pass the first 3 locations. We are interested in (iz_dun03). Various types of sea creatures live here and, in principle, you can beat everyone. We are primarily interested in Swordfish (Swordfish) and Marc (Mark). Not only do these monsters fall good cards, but also seemingly unremarkable loot Gill (Gills). Many players simply take these items to the store and do not realize that using the Arrow Crafting quest ability, this loot can be used to make arrows with the element water. I advise you to sit in this location longer and collect as much of this loot as possible. Crystal arrows will be useful for leveling up in the orc village, in the magma dungeon and many other places. Maybe you will be lucky and at the same time you will knock out expensive card. The next important location after Bailan Island is again an inconspicuous location (yuno_fild08), which is located up → up → left of Aldebaran and is home to the monster Grand Peco. If this location is not on your server, then Grand Peco can still be found at the location (yuno_fild02). She is down → to the right → to the right of Yuno. Royal Peko has a good chance of dropping Wind of Verdure (Yellow Wind) and other expensive loot. Actually from these yellow balls we will make air arrows, which will be useful for leveling up on the beach, on Anolians, and in general on all monsters that are heavily hit by air. Air arrows are very expensive and even if you don't use them, they can be sold at a profit. By the way, with these arrows you can return to Bailan Island and you will hit the fish noticeably harder. Yes, by the way, it is no coincidence that these locations are listed in this order. The water hits the Grand Peco monster 175%, that is, the arrows that we got on Balain Island will be very useful. In general, the Grand Peco monster is not very pleasant. These birds have good accuracy, hit hard and help each other. The good news is that at least they are not aggressive. Eventually you will have arrows of all elements. Fire arrows can be purchased from the merchant next to the ghost ship. It is fashionable to buy silver from ordinary merchants. Arrows from the elements of water and air were described above. Of the running arrows, only earthen arrows remain. Personally, I get them from the monster Sleeper (Sonya). Great Nature has a good chance of dropping from this shapeless pile. Earth arrows are made from this loot. The monster is not very convenient, since it periodically activates protection and it becomes very difficult to break through it, but for the sake of arrows you can be patient. Of course, this is just one of the options where you can get arrows of different elements, but personally it seems to me that these methods are the simplest and fastest.

After the geographer, you can try swinging in the trees in Gongryun (Enchanted Peach Tree). It is better to swing on trees from level 80 or even from level 90. You can go to a party with a priest earlier and it will be beneficial for both of you. Trees, like geographers, are plants, but on many servers they move at low speed. Gongryun can be reached from Alberta. There is an NPC on the right pier who will warp to Gongryun for a small fee. Please note that Gongryun will most likely have a different name, such as Kunlun. After the NPC teleports you to the island, you need to get to the upper teleporter. There will be an entrance to a dungeon (cave) where trees live. You can also save nearby here. The attractiveness of this location is that you can earn some money from the trees using Royal Jelly. They are sold to the store with a markup for about 4.3k. This option is good for players who have problems with the Internet or are unable to play for a long time. Also, in addition to trees, butterflies (Bloody Butterfly) live in the dungeon; against them it is worth carrying some earthen arrows with you, since the earth hits butterflies 175%. Just hang fire and earth arrows on the spell panel and change them in time. Don't miss the Zipper Bears, they drop honey and pianos well. Even if you only sit in this location until level 99, you will be able to save a large amount of money and your earnings will not depend on the success of market prices. After all, you can safely hand over all the loot to the store, and only honey can be sold to merchants.

Below you will find more serious places to upgrade your Hunter, for which you will need good and, so read the section Weapons and Armor. The places are selected with maximum benefit for your pocket, that is, you will not only get a lot of experience, but also earn good money.

Before you start hunting new monsters, you first need to upgrade your merchant. This way, you can sell all the loot you collect for 25% more expensive, and buy consumables for 25% cheaper. It’s best to pump out the merchant as early as possible. Leveling up a merchant won't take you too much time, since you already know how to level up at the beginning of the game. Having received the profession of a merchant, you need to upgrade: Enlarge Weight Limit (level 3), Discount (level 10) and Overcharge (level 10). Later, you can level up Vending in order to sell rare items in your own store.

Glast Heim

Glast Heim is a large and confusing dungeon. We will consider it first, since there are several interesting places to upgrade and make money here. You can get to Glast from Gefen: left → up → left → left. At this location there are several entrances that lead to different dungeons (some of them are connected). To make it a little easier for you to navigate. Below you will find a general map with all the transitions. This way you can find the location you need and understand how to get there.

There are a lot of tasty monsters in Glaset and we'll start with Raydric and Abysmal Knight. A lot of elinium falls from them and great cards. Both monsters are large and belong to the human race, one is shadow 2, and the other is shadow 4. It is better to take arrows with the Holy element. It is advisable, of course, to collect some kind of bow with cards, but at first you can run around with a regular Hunter Bow. Read carefully how to collect bows for certain monsters. We will talk about this briefly in paragraph. It is also important to note that most of the monsters in Glast hit very hard and it is better to go there with a priest. This way you will be calmer and your farming will not suffer much from this.

It is best to beat the ride-driving horses and horses in this location (gl_knt01.gat). In the big picture, this is Chilvary 1. This location is good because you get to it right from Glast itself, that is, you don’t spend a lot of time getting to the farming place. Of course, there are other monsters in the location, it’s best to beat them all.

Stings also live in Glast Heim, but in a different location (gl_sew03.gat). In the big picture this is Culvert 3.

There are a lot of Stings in the location and about half as many Gargoyles. Stings drop slot gloves (Gloves), and Gargoyles drop Bow Thimble (an accessory for an archer). Stings are hit 200% by fire, and gargoyles are hit 200% by earth. So it's better to take 2 sets of arrows. These monsters are fairly easy to beat since they both have little health. Gargoyles will certainly be annoying, but you can get used to them. Personally, I don’t really like Stings, since it takes a long time to get to the location, but the farm itself with Stings is good.


One more thing interesting place, which is located in Glast Heim. We are interested in the location (gl_sew03.gat). In the big picture, these are Underprison 1 and Underprison 2. First, it’s better to run around on the first level of the prison, and when you get the hang of it and pump yourself up, you can move on to the second level. The good thing about the prison is that here we only need silver arrows and many monsters move slowly. That is, you can kill them before they approach you. Expensive loot drops with the enemy and you should collect everything. It makes no sense to list the monsters, since everyone needs to be put in prison. Just be careful on the second level, as very strong Phendark monsters live here.

In principle, you can walk around other Glast locations and, for example, beat Evil Druid monsters, but the places mentioned above are definitely good.


Niflheim is a remote location, getting to it on foot will be very difficult, or rather long. If you decide to swing in Nifa, then it is better to buy a warp to the city from some priest and not waste a lot of time. The monsters in Nifa are serious and usually level up at level 90+. Niflheim itself is divided into 3 locations. If you buy a warp, you will most likely be sent to the rightmost location. Here in the center of the city there is a kafra, where you can save and use the warehouse. It's very convenient. You can level up right at the same location, just keep in mind that MVP is wandering around here. In the future, it’s worth swinging at the location a little to the left (nif_fild02) and here we will be mainly interested in Loli Ruri. They are strong, but their loot is also very good. Of particular value are the Black Cat Doll cats, which are needed to craft the Drooping Cat hat. In general, Niflheim is good because there is a very large concentration of monsters and a huge amount of expensive loot drops from them. Together with the priest, you can earn a huge amount of experience per hour and by selling loot, you can earn a lot of zeny. The location, which is located even further to the left, that is (nif_fild01), is also very good for farming. Mostly for farming in Nifa, silver arrows are required, which is also a big plus.

Before flying to Muscovy, make sure that this location is on the server. It may not exist, and to enter Muscovy you may need to complete a quest that will take a very long time. If there are no problems with this, then we go first to Alberta. In the lower right corner of the city there is an NPC who warps to Muscovy Island (another NPC can stand at the pier). Next, on the pier, immediately click on another NPC (rotate the map a little, otherwise you won’t see him because of the ship’s sails) and select “ dense forest" We are interested in dungeon 3, go up → up → then on the right side of the map there will be a pointer stone (not marked on the mini map). Click on the signpost stone and select “Go left”. If you did everything correctly, you will get to this location:

Several types of monsters live here, but we are only interested in Mavka. On some servers it may be called Lesavka. This cute green fairy has a good chance of dropping mirrors and roses. We don’t touch the rest of the monsters, we just run or teleport around the location in search of Mavka. Mavka's characteristics are absolutely identical to trees, that is, one and the same bow. It’s very convenient to alternate monsters when one or the other gets really boring. An MVP boss spawns at the location, and basically nothing good drops from it. At least the effort won't be worth it.

Nameless Island

We are not interested in Neim itself, but in the abbey on the first level. As with Muscovy, first make sure that this location is available on your server.

Here we are interested in Banshee and Ragged Zombie. Banshee: race - Demon, size - medium, element Shadow2. Of them falls into good percentage wool scarf. Zombies: race - Undead, size medium, element Undead 3. Tidal shoes drop from them. The rest of the monsters in this dungeon are not interesting to us. For both monsters we take arrows with the Holy element.

As a rule, small parties (groups) gather in Neim, so for the first time try to visit Neim not with the goal of making money, but to gain as much experience as possible.

By beach we always mean one location cmd_fild02. From Komodo we go right → right → down.

A large number of monsters live here and almost all of them are not aggressive. We are only interested in seals, the air hits them at 175% (we take Wind arrows). They live in the lower part of the location. Beware of the "water ball" ability. If the monster has already started casting it, you can simply quickly use teleport to a random point on the map (wing). It’s good to swing on the beach, but in terms of money you won’t be able to make money here.

In addition to these farming options, there are many more tasty places, such as: jellyfish in Komodo, Odin 3, Hephenia, Abbey 2nd floor, Valkyries, Anolians (who live either in Komodo or in the clock tower) and others. It's also worth looking around for MVP. Either in a party for serious MVPs, or in solo, but for simple MVPs.

The rebirth quest is not easy, but usually players don’t notice the difficulties, because they understand that after rebirth a new stage in character development awaits them and for this they can be patient a little. First of all, you need to fulfill several conditions, which are described below.

  • The character's base level must be 99.
  • JobSkill level should be 50.
  • You must use all available skill points. Just upgrade something with your free points.
  • Your profession must be class 2-1 or 2-2. That is, for example, you cannot complete the quest as a simple archer. It is necessary to have a second professional. For example Hunter.
  • You are not baby class.
  • You should not have any things, either on your character (you need to take everything off and put it in a chest), or in your bag (except for a wedding ring or quest items, such as a sign from quest The Sign).
  • You must have exactly 1,285,000 zeny. If you have more, then put the extra money in the bank. If you use teleports for zeni, then count them too.
  • You must not have a falcon (if you are a Hunter), a Pekopeko (if you are a Knight or a Cruise), or a cart (if you are an Alchemist or Blacksmith).
  • All quest skills you received will return to you as soon as you receive your first upgraded profession.

We fly to Yuno and in the upper left part of the city we find a large building.

Inside the building we go left and at the first large intersection we go up. Near the column, next to bookshelves, find NPC Librarian (the name may be different) and talk to him. Detailed coordinates: (yuno_in02 (91, 176).

You must have exactly 1,285,000z to complete the first stage of the quest. Next you need to go up a little and talk to the book in the center of the room. Detailed coordinates: Book of Ymir yuno_in02 (93,207).

Then we go down to the end and go left into the portal. We walk along the path (in the shape of the letter S) and enter the portal again. Next begins the most difficult part of the quest. You need to get into a room with a spiral blue path going down. I honestly didn’t understand the logic by which portals teleport. Every time I complete a task, I simply jump from portal to portal and wait for the desired room to appear. This usually takes a couple of minutes.

What the room looks like is shown in the picture below. Just keep in mind that when you find a room, you need to go into the central portal. Avoid side portals. If you go into them, you will have to wander around again and wait for the room you need to appear.

Then we approach the car (NPC Heart of Ymir) and talk to it.

We leave this room (to the same port through which you entered this room) and go to the very top. Talking to again Book of Ymir. Select “Continue reading” and get into the Hall of Fame.

We go all the way up. Along the way, you will meet various NPCs, which in the future will be needed in order to obtain an improved profession. We go into the portal at the end and find ourselves on a small platform.

We speak with Valkyrie (coordinates 48, 86). She will make us High Novice and send us to a city corresponding to our profession. After rebirth, we will have 100 status points, which can be distributed as desired. That is, for example, you can spend all your points on pumping up only one characteristic.

After rebirth, you need to get 9 initial jobs (JobSkill) again and contact the NPC you contacted when you received your first profession. There is no need to go through the quest again. You will be immediately given the required profession.

When you are ready to get an improved profession, you will need to fly to Yuno, talk to the book and, after entering the hall of fame, select the desired NPC (the picture is above).

Requirements: Owl's Eye(Lv. 10), Vulture's Eye(Lv. 10), (Lv. 10), (Lv. 1)
Class: Auxiliary
Max. level: 10
SP consumption:
Lv. 1-2 - 20SP,
Lv. 3-4 - 25SP,
Lv. 5-6 - 30SP,
Lv. 7-8 - 35SP,
Lv. 9-10 - 40SP
Object: To yourself
Casting time: Instantly
Duration: 30 sec
Description: Temporarily adds 5 points to everyone basic characteristics and increases accuracy, weapon damage and chance critical hit.
[Level 1] : Accuracy +3%, damage +2%, crit chance +1
[Level 2] : Accuracy +6%, damage +4%, crit chance +2
[Level 3] : Accuracy +9%, damage +6%, crit chance +3
[Level 4] : Accuracy +12%, damage +8%, crit chance +4
[Level 5] : Accuracy +15%, damage +10%, crit chance +5
[Level 6]: Accuracy +18%, damage +12%, crit chance +6
[Level 7]: Accuracy +21%, damage +14%, crit chance +7
[Level 8]: Accuracy +24%, damage +16%, crit chance +8
[Level 9]: Accuracy +27%, damage +18%, crit chance +9
[Level 10] : Accuracy +30%, damage +20%, crit chance +10

Requirements: Vulture's Eye(Lv. 5), (Lv. 1), (Lv. 5), (Lv. 3)
Class: Attacking
Max. level: 5
SP consumption: 26 + 4*Skill Level
Object: Enemy
Casting time: 1 sec
Delay: 3 sec
Description: The falcon strikes the target.
Damage is based on DEX and INT.
[Level 1] : Damage 220%, 30 SP
[Level 2] : Damage 290%, 34 SP
[Level 3] : Damage 360%, 38 SP
[Level 4] : Damage 430%, 42 SP
[Level 5] : Damage 500%, 46 SP

(Lv. 10), (Lv. 5)
Max. level: 5
Class: Attacking
SP consumption: 15 + 3*Skill Level
Object: 1 Enemy
Range: 9 cells
Casting time: 2 sec
Delay: 1.5 sec (reduced by mash)
Description: An arrow fired with great force flies straight to the indicated target, causing significant damage to all enemies in its path.
The chance of landing a critical hit increases by 20.
The skill covers the area - 12 cells in front of the caster and 3 in width.
Monsters on the 13th square receive reduced damage.
[Level 1] :+20 crit chance, +50% ATK
[Level 2] :+20 crit chance, +100% ATK
[Level 3] :+20 crit chance, +150% ATK
[Level 4] :+20 crit chance, +200% ATK
[Level 5] :+20 crit chance, +250% ATK

Wind Walk

Requirements: Improve Concentration(Lv. 9)
Class: Auxiliary
Max. level: 10
SP consumption: 40 + 6*Skill Level
Object: Party members
Casting time:(1.6 + 0.4*Skill Level) sec
Delay: 2 sec
Duration:(100 + 30*Skill Level) sec
Description: Increases the movement speed and dodge of the character and his party members.
Cannot be used in conjunction with other skills that provide similar effects, such as [Increase Agility].
Additionally, other movement speed-reducing spells, such as [Quagmire], will cancel the skill's effect.
[Level 1] :+2% to movement speed, +1 FLEE
[Level 2] :+4% to movement speed, + 1 FLEE
[Level 3] :+6% to movement speed, +2 FLEE
[Level 4] :+8% to movement speed, +2 FLEE
[Level 5] :+10% to movement speed, +3 FLEE
[Level 6]:+12% to movement speed, +3 FLEE
[Level 7]:+14% to movement speed, +4 FLEE
[Level 8]:+16% to movement speed, +4 FLEE
[Level 9]:+18% to movement speed, +5 FLEE
[Level 10] :+20% to movement speed, +5 FLEE

Only those bows that deserve due attention will be considered below. A bow for an archer is the most important thing, so the purchase will begin with good weapons. At first, you can easily run around with a Hunter Bow sharpened to +5, but in the future you definitely need to think about something more serious.

Peculiarities: When using Fire Arrow, damage is increased by 25%. Increases defense against fire attacks by 10%.

  • Weapon level: 3
  • Attack: 95
  • Weight: 140
  • Number of slots: 1

There is a good chance that this bow will drop from the Kasa monster in Thor's dungeon. The monster is serious and perhaps it will be beyond your strength, but sometimes assassins swing there, so this bow can be bought from other players.

Peculiarities: When using Arrow of Wind, damage is increased by 25%. When receiving physical damage, there is a chance to cast lvl 5 Wind blade on the enemy. If your character has more than 40 (base) intelligence, the chance of triggering increases.

  • Minimum level for use: 55
  • Weapon level: 3
  • Attack: 95
  • Weight: 140
  • Number of slots: 1

You can get this bow with a good chance from the Breeze monster. The monster is very simple, so you can try to knock out this bow yourself.

Peculiarities: When using Stone Arrow, damage is increased by 25%. Has a small chance to inflict a Stone curse on the enemy during an attack.

  • Minimum level for use: 55
  • Weapon level: 3
  • Attack: 95
  • Weight: 140
  • Number of slots: 1

You can get this bow from a very simple Knocker monster, but the chance is small.

Elemental bows have one free slot in which you can insert one card per element of the monster. That is, for example, fire hits monsters with the earth element more, so you can insert a Kaho Card into the bow (increases damage against earth-type monsters by 20%). Accordingly, you can insert a Vadon Card into the Freezing Bow, a Drainliar Card into the Gale Bow, and a Mandragora Card into the Earthen Bow. But keep in mind that this is just one of the options that can be inserted from cards.

The Rudra Bow, which drops from the MVP Sniper Shecil (Sniper Cecil), was not listed. The drop chance is quite high, but it is not a fact that you will be able to kill this monster yourself. The onion itself is good, but don't go crazy over it.

Now let's consider how to properly collect bows for certain monsters. The most powerful weapon for archers are a prefabricated composite bow, with cards for a specific mob. I'll tell you in more detail what it is. Take a Composite Bow sharpened to +10. It contains 2 cards per monster race, 1 card per monster element, and 1 card per monster size. Well, or the combination will give almost the same damage: 2 cards per monster race and 2 cards per monster element. Below is a complete list of cards that need to be inserted into the composite. Attention: Information on the Composite Bow assembly is relevant only for regular servers. If you're playing on a 4game server with new mechanics, the prefabricated composite bow won't be the strongest bow. The fact is that in the revoclassic mechanics, damage is calculated differently and the basic attack of the weapon plays a big role. In this mechanic, bows with a large number of cards are usually used to inflict status rather than achieve high damage. Accordingly, you need to rely on the bows described above.

Monster race cards, damage +20%

Strouf Card (for demons)
Caramel Card (by insects)
Hydra Card (Demi-Human people)
Pecopeco Egg Card (by Shapeless)
Goblin Card (by animal)
Flora Card (by fish)
Scorpion Card (by plants)

Monster element cards, damage +20%

Vadon Card (by fire)
Drainliar Card (by water)
Mandragora Card (by air)
Kaho Card (on land)
Anacondaq Card (by poison)
Santa Poring Card (by Shadow ghosts)
Scorpion King Card (by Undead)
Orc Skeleton Card (according to Holy Saints)

Cards per monster size, damage +15% +5 attack

Minorous Card (large)
Skel Worker Card (average)
Desert Wolf Card (small ones)

Also, in addition to damage cards, there are cards with some effects. Such cards are used in PvP battles. To apply any effect, use a bow with 4 cards of the desired element. The bow into which to insert such cards is best to choose a regular Bow, as it is slightly lighter than the Composite Bow. For us, it is important to apply some effect, and not cause damage. Of course, you also need to have another bow with damage, which you will switch between. Remember that the effect is applied even if you miss the enemy or, for example, shoot at Priest’s pneuma (a skill that allows you to dodge ranged attacks). Below is a list of cards that apply various effects.

Status cards (5% chance + 5 atk)

Familiar Card - blind
Magnolia Card - curse (curse)
Marina Card - freeze
Metaller Card - silence
Plankton Card - put to sleep
Snake Card - poison

And a few more cards, slightly different in their characteristics:

Savage Babe Card - stun (without adding 5 atk)
Skeleton Card - also a stun, only the chance is less than 2% + 10 atk
Zenorc Card - 4% poison the victim + 10 atk

Weapons for MVP monsters

If your target is serious monsters such as MVP, then in this case you ideally need two bows: 1) Composite Bow +10 with 3 Abysmal Knight Card and 1 Minorous Card. 2) Composite Bow +10 with 3 Abysmal Knight Cards and 1 Skel Worker Card. The first bow is for large MVPs, and the second one is for all medium MVPs. Of course, such bows are very expensive, since usually the Abysmal Knight Card is expensive, and you need as many as 3 of them.

Weapons for WoE (GW) and PvP

In this case, there are practically no options. Required: Composite Bow +10 with 2 Hydra Cards and 2 Skel Worker Cards. Please note that this bow will only be effective if your DEX is above 140-150.

Remember that with each new episode, more and more new types of weapons are introduced into Ragnarok, so the bows presented above may not be the best, but they are likely to be on the server and you can safely play with them.

Remember that the remaining jobs from the archer profession cannot be used to upgrade sniper skills. You are given 50 jobs for Archer and 70 jobs for Sniper. There are a large number of different calculators on the Internet, and if you don’t like this one, then feel free to use another one. The main thing is that it displays the correct values.

Perhaps the calculator will not contain all the things available on your server. In the calculator you can not only estimate different items, but also calculate damage for different monsters. You can compare the damage of different types of weapons, using all available cards.

The tables show bonuses to various characteristics. The top line shows the bonuses themselves (+1 +2 and so on), the left column shows all the characteristics, and inside the table itself the Job levels at which bonuses are given are indicated. Unlike the main character level, Job levels up much faster, so you should always count on bonuses to characteristics. Usually, in all calculators, these bonuses are immediately taken into account when you set maximum level character.

Archer (Archer)

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
STR6 38 40
A.G.I.26 33 49
INT10 47
DEX2 14 18 30 36 42 50
LUK22 44

Hunter (Hunter)

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10
STR5 10 11 44
A.G.I.12 19 20 31 39 47
VIT17 22
INT2 34 41 46
DEX1 4 8 14 21 27 33 38 43 49
LUK7 15 29 42


+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14
STR8 24 45 61
A.G.I.2 6 10 11 21 28 33 38 43 48 58
VIT12 32 55
INT5 20 42 54 65
DEX1 3 4 16 17 22 26 30 35 40 46 51 60 69
LUK14 25 32 36 50 57 62 70

Due to the increase in armor on German tanks during the Second World War, the British Army needed more powerful vehicles. For this purpose, the designers used Valentine infantry tanks, which were equipped with 17-pounders with a caliber of 76.2 mm. The 17-pounder at that time was a universal weapon for murder and could penetrate virtually any german tank, which means this weapon was an ideal choice for any anti-tank self-propelled gun.

The idea of ​​this vehicle appeared as a replacement for the Bishop self-propelled gun with an anti-tank system. Several designs were created, but as a result it was decided that the Valentine infantry tank would be most ideal for these purposes. In addition, these tanks and components were available in large quantities in warehouses. And adapting the chassis of this tank for a 17-pounder turned out to be quite easy. Valentine was already considered as a base for a self-propelled gun in 1941, but then it was decided to use the chassis from the Crusader tank, which fully met the requirements of that time.

At the beginning of 1943, work had already begun on a new anti-tank self-propelled gun at the Valentine base. In March, several prototypes were released with different ways of mounting the gun, both rear and front. Over the course of two months, these prototypes underwent a period of intensive testing and as a result, it was decided that the rear placement of the gun provided a tactical advantage. The tank's turret was replaced with a rigidly mounted, lightly armored welded structure with an open top. On the basis of this prototype, mass production was carried out. The self-propelled guns were equipped with the same components as the Valentines to simplify and speed up production. The latest engine from Valentine, a 6-cylinder diesel General Motors, was also used as a power plant, along with a transmission. At the same time, the gun rotation mechanism was improved, new system cooling for the engine and new monitoring devices.

An order for 800 vehicles under the designation “17-pound self-propelled gun Valentine” was entrusted to Vickers-Armstrong, which began at the end of 1943, and during the first months of service these self-propelled guns became known as. the name "Archer" ("Archer").

The Archer had a low profile and therefore good camouflage, while the weapon was very powerful in order to inflict significant damage on the enemy. Its uniqueness was in the gun mounted in the rear of the hull above engine compartment. Archer's successes were noticeable throughout the second half of the Second World War, which he spent serving in the British Royal Artillery regiment.

These self-propelled guns mainly served in Northwestern Europe in 1944, and participated in the Allied landings in Italy. Mainly ambush tactics were used, Archet could fire many rounds before being discovered, and if detected, quickly change position to continue firing from a new one.

The installation was serviced by a crew of four people: commander, driver, loader and gunner. A place with machine guns was also equipped for defense against enemy infantry and aircraft.

At the same time, the Archer tank destroyer also had its drawbacks. For example, the fact that it had very limited horizontal aiming angles, which means that in order to aim at the enemy it was necessary to turn virtually the entire body of the vehicle. Also, the open top and light armoring of the sides did not protect the crew very well. It could only resist light weapons and fragments from landmines. And besides, there was no room for the driver in the car, which means this took away precious minutes in movement after the shot, dodging the enemy’s return fire.

In May, Germany officially capitulated and the order for the Archer dropped from 800 examples to 655 vehicles, which followed global practice when many military orders were canceled or cut. However, the Archers were in service until the 50s, until they were completely decommissioned.

Archer production and characteristics:

  • Manufacturer: UK
  • Produced: 1944
  • Produced: 655
  • Crew: 4
  • Total length: 6.68 m
  • Width: 2.76 m
  • Height: 2.25 m
  • Weight: 16,257 kg
  • Engine: General Motors 6-71 6-cylinder diesel engine with 192 horsepower
  • Maximum speed: 32.2 km/h
  • Maximum range: 225 km


  • 1 x 76.2 mm 17-pounder gun
  • 1 x 7.7 mm general purpose machine gun

15-02-2017, 14:40

Hello, dear fans of bush gameplay, the site is here! Friends, now we will talk about one of the most interesting and unique vehicles in our favorite game, the fifth-tier UK tank destroyer - this Archer guide.

Of course, many have already guessed that the uniqueness of this device lies primarily in its design features. The car has a faster reverse gear, that is, it drives backwards, while the rotating wheelhouse has a barrel Archer World of Tanks look in the direction opposite to the movement. However, let's move on to analyzing the parameters of the British woman and get to know her better.

TTX Archer

First of all, I would like to say that this self-propelled gun has a small margin of safety at its disposal, but the basic viewing radius of 360 meters is almost the best indicator among all PT-5s.

If we talk about the survivability of this machine, then in this regard it has both frankly weak side, and very strong. First of all, Archer characteristics reservations are terribly weak. No matter how you stand, absolutely everything will penetrate you into any projection, and large landmines will leave only tracks in place of our self-propelled gun.

The bright side of the coin can rightfully be considered the camouflage coefficient. British Tank destroyer Archer WoT It has a rather low silhouette, due to which a decent level of invisibility is achieved. But you must understand that our body is quite long, especially if you want to hide from someone.

From the point of view of driving characteristics, everything is also not very good. Driving backwards is more a feature of the tank, but the point is that maximum speed at Archer World of Tanks weak, the number of horsepower per ton of weight gives one of the worst dynamics indicators among classmates, but we spin in place briskly.


As always, the tank’s armament needs to be given special attention, but I want to say right away that in our case the gun practically does not have any pronounced pros or cons, however, overall its parameters are good.

So, to begin with, have Archer gun has a small, or rather even average alpha strike by the standards of its classmates, which is supported by a good rate of fire, which in total gives a good figure of 1915 units of damage per minute.

Breakout parameters tank Archer World of Tanks is not a record, but at the same time very high for its level. This suggests that we will feel confident even in battles at the bottom of the list and only for the thickest targets should we carry 10-15 sub-calibers with us. In addition, you must understand that we have small ammunition, which means we need to manage it wisely.

The situation repeats with the accuracy characteristics. The dispersion of our gun is compact, but it could be better, however, the same can be said about the moderately fast aiming, but the stabilization of Tank destroyer Archer weak.

The last thing worth mentioning in terms of weapons is the vertical and horizontal aiming angles. The downward bend of our gun is average, only 7.5 degrees, but this is quite enough, especially considering the so-called rear location of the wheelhouse. But the horizontal aiming angles that Archer WoT a total of 45 degrees leaves no doubt about the comfort of firing.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the tank and its gun, one can form a general impression of this vehicle. But in order to properly equip it and understand combat tactics, it is better to highlight the most significant advantages and disadvantages Archer World of Tanks separately.
Excellent basic overview;
Decent camouflage;
Good alpha strike and high DPM;
High penetration rates;
Excellent horizontal aiming angles.
Very bad booking;
Small margin of safety;
Mediocre mobility;
Average accuracy;
Small ammunition.

Equipment for Archer

In order to avoid mistakes in the matter of purchasing and installing additional modules, it is better to look at the list of pros and cons of the machine, and set priorities based on the information received. In our case tank archer equipment It’s better to set it according to the following principle:
1. – will make the already existing good damage per minute even higher, which will undoubtedly have a good effect on your time in battle.
2. – another way to improve the accuracy of the gun by installing additional equipment no, but it needs to be improved, so the choice is obvious.
3. – during positional play, this module will immediately give us maximum visibility, which means in 99% of cases you will have the right to the first shot, which is also very important.

However, there is a good alternative to the above set, with the second item being replaced by. The point is that our accuracy is already quite good, besides, it can still be slightly improved with perks, and increasing camouflage will have a good effect on your survivability.

Crew training

By upgrading the skills of crew members, you can achieve even greater comfort in battle, because there are more opportunities here. The main thing is not to make mistakes, because correcting them will take a lot of time and effort, so for Tank destroyer Archer perks We will teach in this order:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver - , , , .
Loader (radio operator) – , , , .

Equipment for Archer

You can be less pedantic in the selection and purchase of consumables, and if you have insufficient reserves of silver, a regular set of, , , will suffice. However, situations in battle can be very different, sometimes every little thing plays a huge role, so it’s better to carry Archer equipment in the form of , , , and due to the fact that our British fire rarely burns, the fire extinguisher can be replaced with .

Archer game tactics

When playing on this device, you should always remember about its small safety margin, very weak armor, and, of course, specific controls. These three nuances certainly lead us to the fact that Archer tactics combat will be classic in the understanding of many fans of tank destroyers, that is, a cluster one.

To realize the potential of this self-propelled gun, namely its weapon with high damage per minute, good accuracy and excellent penetration, you must be able to fire unhindered and safely. To do this on Archer World of Tanks It’s better to take a beautiful spreading bush somewhere away from the first line, think about having good coverage of the main key positions and constantly shoot at the allied light.

However, remember that standing in one place throughout the battle is, firstly, unsafe, and secondly, ineffective. That is British Archer tank must periodically change its location, depending on the situation, look for more advantageous and successful positions, but do this with extreme caution.

Finally, it is worth mentioning caution. Close combat is strictly contraindicated for our Briton, and as soon as you are caught in the light and see that the enemy is aiming at you, you need to hide as quickly as possible. In such situations Tank destroyer Archer WoT must leave the dangerous place as quickly as possible, hide from everyone, including artillery, until she disappears from the light. Accordingly, you should not let anyone near you; in many cases, excellent visibility, a powerful gun and good camouflage will help you with this.

Self-propelled gun "Archer" (Archer - archer),
SP 17pdr, Valentine, Mk I.

The self-propelled gun has been produced since 1943. It was created on the basis of the Valentine light infantry tank. At the same time, the power compartment with the liquid-cooled diesel engine "GMC" housed in it remained unchanged, and instead of the control compartment and the fighting compartment, a lightly armored conning tower open on top was installed, which accommodates a crew of 4 people and weapons. The self-propelled gun is armed with a 76.2 mm anti-tank gun with a 60-caliber barrel. The initial speed of its armor-piercing projectile weighing 7.7 kg is 884 m/s. A horizontal guidance angle of 90 degrees, an elevation angle of +16 degrees, and a descent angle of 0 degrees are provided. The gun's rate of fire is 10 rounds per minute. Such characteristics guns made it possible to successfully fight almost all German vehicles. To combat manpower and long-term firing points, the ammunition load (40 shells) also included high-explosive fragmentation shells weighing 6.97 kg. Telescopic and panoramic sights were used to control fire. Fire could be carried out both direct fire and from closed positions. To ensure communication, a radio station was installed on the self-propelled gun. Archer self-propelled guns were produced almost until the end of the war and were first used in some artillery regiments, and then were transferred to tank units.

Development of a 17-pounder gun with a high muzzle velocity, comparable in armor penetration to the German 88-mm gun, began in 1941. Its production began in mid-1942, and it was planned to install it on the Challenger and Sherman Firefly tanks ", self-propelled guns - tank destroyers. The Crusader had to be excluded from the existing tank chassis due to its small size and insufficient power reserves for such a weapon; of the available chassis, the only alternative remained the Valentine.

The original idea of ​​installing a 17-pounder gun on it was to use the Bishop self-propelled gun and replace the 25-pounder howitzer gun with a new gun. This turned out to be impractical due to the long barrel of the 17-pounder gun and the high height of the armored cabin. The Ministry of Supply invited the Vickers company to develop a new self-propelled gun based on the Valentine mastered in production, but subject to size restrictions when installing a long-barreled gun. This work began in July 1942, and the prototype was ready for testing in March 1943.

New car; Received the name "Archer", built on the "Valentine" chassis with an open top deckhouse. The rear-facing 17-pounder had a limited field of fire. The driver's seat was located similar to the base tank, and the front sheets of the wheelhouse were a continuation of the front sheets of the hull. Thus, despite the large length of the 17-pounder gun, the axis will be a relatively compact self-propelled gun with a low silhouette.

Fire tests took place in April 1943, but changes to a number of components were required, including the installation of the gun and fire control devices. Overall, the car turned out to be successful and became a priority in the production program. The first production vehicle was assembled in March 1944, and from October the Archer self-propelled guns were supplied to anti-tank battalions of British armored vehicles in North-Western Europe. The Archer remained in service with the British Army until the mid-50s, and after the war they were also supplied to other armies. Of the initially ordered 800 vehicles, Vickers built only 665. Despite the limited tactical capabilities due to the adopted weapon installation scheme, the Archer - initially considered as a temporary measure until better designs became available - proved to be a reliable and effective weapon.

Performance characteristics

Combat weight

5450 mm


2630 mm


2235 mm


4 people

Armament 1 x 76.2 mm Mk II-1 gun

15-02-2017, 14:40

Hello, dear fans of bush gameplay, the site is here! Friends, now we will talk about one of the most interesting and unique vehicles in our favorite game, the fifth-tier UK tank destroyer - this Archer guide.

Of course, many have already guessed that the uniqueness of this device lies primarily in its design features. The car has a faster reverse gear, that is, it drives backwards, while the rotating wheelhouse has a barrel Archer World of Tanks look in the direction opposite to the movement. However, let's move on to analyzing the parameters of the British woman and get to know her better.

TTX Archer

First of all, I would like to say that this self-propelled gun has a small margin of safety at its disposal, but the basic viewing radius of 360 meters is almost the best indicator among all PT-5s.

If we talk about the survivability of this machine, then in this regard it has both a frankly weak side and a very strong one. First of all, Archer characteristics reservations are terribly weak. No matter how you stand, absolutely everything will penetrate you into any projection, and large landmines will leave only tracks in place of our self-propelled gun.

The bright side of the coin can rightfully be considered the camouflage coefficient. British tank destroyer Archer WoT It has a rather low silhouette, due to which a decent level of invisibility is achieved. But you must understand that our body is quite long, especially if you want to hide from someone.

From the point of view of driving characteristics, everything is also not very good. Driving backwards is more a feature of the tank, but the point is that the maximum speed is Archer World of Tanks weak, the number of horsepower per ton of weight gives one of the worst dynamics indicators among classmates, but we spin in place briskly.


As always, the tank’s armament needs to be given special attention, but I want to say right away that in our case the gun practically does not have any pronounced pros or cons, however, overall its parameters are good.

So, to begin with, have Archer gun has a small, or rather even average alpha strike by the standards of its classmates, which is supported by a good rate of fire, which in total gives a good figure of 1915 units of damage per minute.

Breakout parameters tank Archer World of Tanks is not a record, but at the same time very high for its level. This suggests that we will feel confident even in battles at the bottom of the list and only for the thickest targets should we carry 10-15 sub-calibers with us. In addition, you must understand that we have small ammunition, which means we need to manage it wisely.

The situation repeats with the accuracy characteristics. The dispersion of our gun is compact, but it could be better, however, the same can be said about the moderately fast aiming, but the stabilization of Tank destroyer Archer weak.

The last thing worth mentioning in terms of weapons is the vertical and horizontal aiming angles. The downward bend of our gun is average, only 7.5 degrees, but this is quite enough, especially considering the so-called rear location of the wheelhouse. But the horizontal aiming angles that Archer WoT a total of 45 degrees leaves no doubt about the comfort of firing.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the tank and its gun, one can form a general impression of this vehicle. But in order to properly equip it and understand combat tactics, it is better to highlight the most significant advantages and disadvantages Archer World of Tanks separately.
Excellent basic overview;
Decent camouflage;
Good alpha strike and high DPM;
High penetration rates;
Excellent horizontal aiming angles.
Very bad booking;
Small margin of safety;
Mediocre mobility;
Average accuracy;
Small ammunition.

Equipment for Archer

In order to avoid mistakes in the matter of purchasing and installing additional modules, it is better to look at the list of pros and cons of the machine, and set priorities based on the information received. In our case tank archer equipment It’s better to set it according to the following principle:
1. – will make the already existing good damage per minute even higher, which will undoubtedly have a good effect on your time in battle.
2. – there is no other way to improve the accuracy of a gun by installing additional equipment, but it needs to be improved, so the choice is obvious.
3. – during positional play, this module will immediately give us maximum visibility, which means in 99% of cases you will have the right to the first shot, which is also very important.

However, there is a good alternative to the above set, with the second item being replaced by. The point is that our accuracy is already quite good, besides, it can still be slightly improved with perks, and increasing camouflage will have a good effect on your survivability.

Crew training

By upgrading the skills of crew members, you can achieve even greater comfort in battle, because there are more opportunities here. The main thing is not to make mistakes, because correcting them will take a lot of time and effort, so for Tank destroyer Archer perks We will teach in this order:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver - , , , .
Loader (radio operator) – , , , .

Equipment for Archer

You can be less pedantic in the selection and purchase of consumables, and if you have insufficient reserves of silver, a regular set of, , , will suffice. However, situations in battle can be very different, sometimes every little thing plays a huge role, so it’s better to carry Archer equipment in the form of , , , and due to the fact that our British fire rarely burns, the fire extinguisher can be replaced with .

Archer game tactics

When playing on this device, you should always remember about its small safety margin, very weak armor, and, of course, specific controls. These three nuances certainly lead us to the fact that Archer tactics combat will be classic in the understanding of many fans of tank destroyers, that is, a cluster one.

To realize the potential of this self-propelled gun, namely its weapon with high damage per minute, good accuracy and excellent penetration, you must be able to fire unhindered and safely. To do this on Archer World of Tanks It’s better to take a beautiful spreading bush somewhere away from the first line, think about having good coverage of the main key positions and constantly shoot at the allied light.

However, remember that standing in one place throughout the battle is, firstly, unsafe, and secondly, ineffective. That is British Archer tank must periodically change its location, depending on the situation, look for more advantageous and successful positions, but do this with extreme caution.

Finally, it is worth mentioning caution. Close combat is strictly contraindicated for our Briton, and as soon as you are caught in the light and see that the enemy is aiming at you, you need to hide as quickly as possible. In such situations Tank destroyer Archer WoT must leave the dangerous place as quickly as possible, hide from everyone, including artillery, until she disappears from the light. Accordingly, you should not let anyone near you; in many cases, excellent visibility, a powerful gun and good camouflage will help you with this.
