Help for a newbie: World of Tank Blitz. World of Tanks Blitz: tactics of playing for different classes of tanks World of tank blitz how to play correctly

Collected here useful tips, which will help beginners familiarize themselves with all the intricacies gameplay, and will also help them in the game.

Know your role. At the first World launch Of Tanks Blitz, you will have three tanks at your disposal. They all have relatively light armor, which makes them vulnerable, but they also have high movement speed. You may feel like you can't do anything against the heavy tanks, but every team member has a role, and for new recruits, that role tends to be reconnaissance. You can also help the team by trying to shoot down the tracks on large tanks. Thus, in the preparation phase for the upcoming fight, you should decide who will play what role in the team, in order to know what kind of ammunition to take or buy.

Take the ammo you need for your role. By using starting tanks, you'll be focused on scouting, using the agility of the light tanks to escape the heavier ones. Carry plenty of armor-piercing shells and take some high-explosive shells, just in case, for emergencies. About 50 armor-piercing ones and about 5-10 high-explosive ones, they should be more than enough for you for one round. As you progress in your career, you'll want to bring more ammunition as you spend more time in high-pressure situations.

Keep emergency supplies on hand. If you want to take consumables with you, best choice is:

  • Repair kit used to repair any damaged equipment;
  • First aid kit, used to treat wounded members of your team;
  • A fire extinguisher, well, everything is clear here, is used to extinguish fires caused by an enemy shell.

Other items are also useful, but these are the ones that are vital. Keep in mind that consumables such as the “box of cola” (gives +10% to the crew’s skills and abilities for one battle) are used automatically at the beginning of the battle and you will have to pay for them every round, which can become very expensive.

Information on tanks

Light tanks. Light tanks are fast but easy to damage and are best used for reconnaissance. All three tanks given to the player when starting the game in World Of Tanks Blitz are of this type, and the best way you can help your team is if you are driving one of them and go in search of enemy tanks. Once you spot a member of the enemy team, you mark it on the map for all your teammates to see, thereby providing a valuable service for the entire team. Another advantage for a light tank is its maneuverability. You can easily end up behind heavy tanks where their armor is weaker. Once you reach a certain point in the tech tree, you won't see many light tanks anymore, so these are mainly intended for newer players.

Medium tanks. Medium tanks are average in every way and can fill a variety of roles. They are represented on the HUD with a diamond with a single stripe through it. You'll unlock them pretty soon after starting, at least one of them, and depending on how you'd like to play, this could end up being your favorite type of tank due to its versatility. You must be careful, as you may be outmaneuvered by light tanks and overwhelmed by the superior firepower of heavy tanks.

Heavy tanks. Heavy tanks can cause serious damage, but have a very low movement speed. Their symbol is on the HUD, with two bars across it. It will take a long time before you unlock your first heavy tank. Role heavy tank is to protect your teammates by taking enemy shots on yourself. This type of tank is very slow and if someone knocks down your tracks, the enemies will soon surround yours. weaknesses, so be careful.

Destroyer tanks. Destroyer tanks (in the game they are better known as tank destroyers) are referred to as tinny. Their HUD symbol is an inverted triangle. They are a bit difficult to use for newbies, as they are quite weak in almost every respect. They should be thought of as snipers, and if you're playing alone, that's what you should be doing. Stay back and find the hidden safe place to conduct targeted shooting from this place. A well-placed tank destroyer can turn the tide of a match.

Use cover correctly. No matter what your role, shelter is yours best friend. Do not walk in open areas unless you want to draw unnecessary attention to yourself. Move from cover to cover, especially if you are a scout. You will be informed that the enemy has noticed you, a light bulb will appear in the middle of the screen (in the computer version, such a signal had to be purchased separately, in mobile version it is available by default). If you see this signal, then head for cover as quickly as possible.

Wait for the right moment to shoot. If you see an enemy, first find good cover, take aim and wait for a good moment to shoot. Depending on the type of your tank, your target will be different parts of the enemy vehicle. For example, if you have a light tank, then it is best to hit the tracks, since you will not be able to penetrate other parts of the tank. Most tanks have a long reload time, if you miss the moment to shoot or miss, you will be in danger from an enemy counterattack, so hurry to take cover while the reload is in progress.

Don't rush to the base to get the flag. Yes, this is a base capture, but since there is only one base in the game, both teams will strive for this place. Therefore, it is better to find yourself some secluded place from which the area closest to the base is clearly visible. Let the enemy give himself away, after which he can be fired upon. “Leaders” are just asking to be victims.

Also, significantly fewer points are awarded for capturing a base. Therefore, try with your team to track down all the enemies and destroy them. This way you will get more points and increase your rating.

Don't waste shots on the front armor. Almost every tank is difficult to damage in the front, where it has thick armor. The tower is also heavily armored, so don't try to get a headshot where you take out their guns. The sides, and especially the back, are usually very vulnerable. Use the zoom function to see which parts of the tank are most vulnerable. If a part is glowing red, it means you won't be able to hit it with your shot. If you are in a light tank, use your agility.

Consider possible ricochets. Tank armor is designed to take minimal damage from a hit. Very often it is angular, which contributes to the ricochet of the projectile when hit at a certain angle. Try to hit straight planes, which will make your budget much more efficient.

Diamond position. Similar to the previous advice, when you are being fired upon and there is no opportunity to hide in cover, then try to become a diamond towards the position from which you are being fired upon. This way you will minimize damage and increase the chance of ricochet.

Movement. In particularly difficult situations, when you are being fired upon, do not stop under any circumstances, try to constantly move, even in a circle, since it is more difficult to hit a moving tank, and you will have a chance to survive an enemy shell hit.

Sometimes it's better to run away. If you are in a difficult situation, do not try to confront the enemy in military power, rather get ahead of them. Remember about the high-explosive shells that you had to take in case of emergency. So, if someone is better armed than you, you need to run away from there. Use high-explosive shells to damage or destroy the enemy's track. This negatively affects their mobility and gives you an excellent chance to escape. Of course, it may also happen that the enemy has a repair kit, in which case this plan will not work. Remember, try not to turn your back on the enemy and do not let him get to the rear, since the rear of the tank is the most vulnerable.

Friendly fire. Under no circumstances open fire on your own team or its members. If you kill a member of your team, you will earn yourself a blue name, which means that anyone on the battlefield can attack you without penalty (including other team members). In addition, you most likely do not want to get your Wargaming account banned or banned. Accidents do happen (for example, during an active mix, when several tanks are gathered in one heap), but be careful and try to avoid them. The consequences will be severe. Likewise, if you see someone with a blue name, they are a direct target.

Stick to your team. It's a bad idea to approach a group of enemy tanks on your own. The best strategy will stick with his teammates. This guarantees you more chances when meeting opponents, while alone you were destroyed.

Always double check your ammunition. It's easy to forget to refill your ammo before heading into battle. Therefore, try to make sure that your tank has required quantity ammunition. You don't want to lose any chance of winning during a fight just because you ran out of ammunition and forgot to refill it. In addition to ammo, make sure you have plenty of other items, such as first aid kits or fire extinguishers.

Coordinate your actions with your team. During battle, use team chat to coordinate with your teammates to ensure everyone has the same game plan.

If you are killed, feel free to go out and play using one of your other tanks available in the hangar. Whenever the game ends, you'll still get your reward, so there's no point in sitting around watching your tank burn when you could be in the thick of another round. Time is money, as the old saying goes, and it's also experience points in this game.

However, if you are an absolute beginner and you die very often, then you should not go out. After a defeat, you have the opportunity to observe the actions of other players. Watch how other players behave and learn from their experience. This will allow you to understand a little better how to behave on the battlefield, as well as what not to do.

Decide on your specialization. The sooner you unlock more tanks, the better, so it's a good idea to pick one development branch and focus on that. American tanks, as a rule, are more balanced, which is great for beginners. Russian tanks are faster, but have weak armor. German tanks They have high shooting accuracy and good armor. You should also decide which tanks you want to focus on - medium or heavy, or maybe fighters.

Prioritize upgrades to suit your play style. Do you like to play on offense? Upgrade your guns. Do you do a lot of exploration? Improve mobility and mobility. Choosing the right upgrades first will help you earn silver and experience, allowing you to move through the tech tree more smoothly.

There are two types of experience points. You will earn different types of experience depending on how you play. One type is free, meaning it can be applied to upgrading any tanks, while the other type can only be used for the tank in use. This means that you will have to buy each tank in the specific lane you follow, because in order to reach the next tank you must earn experience with the previous one. If you have fully upgraded a tank but are still using it, you have the option of converting its experience points into free experience at an unfavorable exchange rate.

Views: 3536 / Date: 10-04-2018 / Version:

Many newcomers, having started playing, are faced with the problem of pumping up a particular branch of tanks. But no one can help 100%, since it depends on individual abilities the player to carry out the battle and his playing style. Everyone must make such a choice on their own. However, first you should decide on the types of tanks, and based on this information, choose a branch for improvement.

Types of tanks

Tanks are divided into types that have special characteristics. It’s best to start leveling up two or three branches at the same time, since you won’t be able to play much with one tank.

Light tanks (LT) - used by the team as reconnaissance, as they are fast, maneuverable and stealth. The priority goals are to detect the enemy and the desired destruction of light objects.

Medium tanks (MT) are the golden mean, which are used both to support allies and to carry out an instant attack on enemy rear lines.

Heavy tanks (HT) are the leading power of the team. They move slowly, but they hit brutally, so they are forced to position themselves far in defense or, conversely, to make a hole in the enemy’s defense.

Tank destroyers (PT) are optimal vehicles for destroying the enemy, hitting with precision and precision. Their shells are capable of penetrating even the heaviest armor. However, their low mobility and lack of a turret make them vulnerable to light and nimble enemy tanks.

Self-propelled guns (or popularly “Arta”) - artillery is designed to provide fire support for allies, and being located anywhere on the map. Carrying out competent attack can affect the outcome of the battle.

But you shouldn’t focus only on the tank. After all, it is the map, landscape, game level and other indicators that determine the role of the tank and influence the course of the battle. The ability to work as a team is developed over time, so it is important for each player to learn to determine his place and correctly use the characteristics of the car for the benefit of his allies.

Important points about swinging

Let's pay some attention to all types of tanks and consider how their characteristics can affect the outcome of the battle. Among all tanks, the most nimble are considered to be light tanks, which are used by tankers to determine the location of the enemy. In order to benefit the team, with the help of a light tank you can thoroughly damage enemy tanks and self-propelled guns, which are characterized by low maneuverability.

Therefore, you can start developing with a branch of domestic light vehicles, which have an excellent balance between maneuverability and damage. When paying attention to ST, keep in mind that certain tank manifests itself differently in different locations, game modes and situations. CTs are dynamic and relatively maneuverable, which gives them an advantage over heavy tanks. Therefore, when planning to upgrade this branch, pay attention to the T-62A.

Paying attention to TT, the German branch should be highlighted. It is best for a beginner to start playing on them, since many mistakes are forgiven with such tanks. At the same time, the armor can withstand numerous hits, and the damage inflicted on the enemy will help decide the outcome of the battle. The German Mouse is the pinnacle of this climb and every player must ride it.

When focusing on tank destroyers, it should be taken into account that Soviet tanks have the most balanced tanks, Germany - the most best armor, and the United States delivers the most powerful damage to the enemy. When choosing self-propelled guns, keep in mind that they need mobility to frequently change location and deal damage most effectively. Before you start leveling up, study the selected tank and compare it with others.

There are several possible ways wot games blitz on a computer, namely, play blitz via steam on any computer with the Windows XP operating system; windows 7; but it's worth noting that blitz is on windows 8; Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 have some features that we will discuss in more detail below.

As a result, it turns out that you can simply install Steam and calmly play World of Tanks Blitz through it on a computer with any operating system, or use other methods.

How to play world of tanks blitz steam?

To do this you need to go to the website // and download the familiar SteamSetup application by clicking on the green Download Steam label in the upper right corner of the site, as shown in the image below. The size of this application is no more than 2 MB.

It is worth noting that the installation occurs quite quickly, but after launch the application is updated, which takes up more than 135 MB. A warning to those who have restrictions on the use of Internet traffic.

Find World of Tanks Blitz through a search on Steam and download it to your computer. On Steam itself, the game is completely free, you just need to download it.

The game can be easily installed on a personal computer, just don’t forget about the system Blitz requirements for a comfortable game.

That's all the main points of the game in world of tanks blitz steam on the computer.

Play wot blitz windows 7

For full game V wot blitz through windows 7 you can easily use the method described above and play fully, but If you are not satisfied with Steam or are unable to play through it, no problem, you can easily use BlueStacks App Player, which is designed to run various Android applications on your computer. To do this, you can download it via a direct link from drive google . Where in the downloaded version of BlueStacks you will not encounter such a problem as a lack of allocated memory for applications.

There is no point in detailed instructions for installing BlueStacks; there are quite a lot of them in the public domain. There is nothing difficult about clicking the “Next” button. Let us dwell only on the main points where difficulties may arise.

Where after installing BlueStacks, your application starts as usual Android device and you need to authenticate through Google. To do this, enter the details of an existing account or register again.

After authorization, find the World of Tanks Blitz application and install it, this is done through the existing Play Market on BlueStacks.

After installation, the application must download additional resources, which will take up at least 3.1 GB of hard drive space. It won’t be very convenient to play, because the BlueStacks application is not initially open in full screen, this can of course be corrected by pressing a button, but the point is that BlueStacks acts as an Android device, which imposes some difficulties, in terms of possible freezes or long loading time applications.

WoT Blitz on windows 10 and windows 8

The easiest and simplest way to download blitz to your computer for windows 10 and windows 8 is to go to the Windows store, find wot blitz and install it for free. And to do this, you need to enter the word “STORE” through the windows search (cntrl + F or use a magnifying glass near the start) and select the windows store application, as shown in the picture below.

Already in the Windows store itself we find the application WoT Blitz and click on it.

Having selected the application, click “Get”, thereby trying to download world of tanks blitz to your computer.

That's all, the installation of blitz on your computer has been successfully completed, all that remains is to launch the game and break into tank battle. The fastest and easy way Blitz games on the computer.

What is the best way to play WoT Blitz on a computer?

The choice of how to play World of Tanks Blitz on a computer is, of course, yours, but we will only advise you to take advantage of our experience and play through installed application in the Windows Store. If it is convenient and available operating system Windows 8; Windows 8.1; Windows 10

At the same time, there are no problems with downloading and authorization via STEAM, unless, of course, you are already a full-fledged STEAM user. The main thing is not to choose the method of playing wot Blitz through BlueStacks, since it has problems with installation and possible glitches when using it.

Successful passing World of Tanks Blitz knowledge will provide you with game secrets and tricks. Our knowledge base will tell you how to play correctly and defeat your opponents without dying.

Haste is the enemy

Don't rush through the gameplay. Anyone who rushes forward dies quickly enough. Moreover, in most cases, he does not have time to bring at least some benefit to his team.

Before the start of the battle, you should figure out what tanks your team has, see who is attacking and in what direction. It is also very useful to study the mini-map and the markers that your comrades place.

If you notice that someone is working in a team, then it is worth providing possible assistance in their direction, because the actions of such players are more coordinated.

Proper use of the selected tank

In this game project Three types of tanks are provided: light, medium and heavy. Also here you will find a sufficient number of anti-tank self-propelled units(tank destroyer). Its main characteristics depend on the “weight” of the tank: speed, armor and gun power. That is why your role in the battle should be determined by paying attention to the characteristics of the tank.

Make it a rule to buy new tank, do not rush into battle. Read its manuals first, study its characteristics to understand its weaknesses and strengths. Try your best to gain similar knowledge on all tanks that you encounter on the battlefield.

They are the best scouts at the beginning of the gameplay. When playing with this type of tank, try to move into enemy territory as quickly as possible and open up hidden targets for more powerful teammates. When conducting reconnaissance, try not to stop for a moment, because while moving at speed it is very difficult to hit you, and in your case this is better than any armor. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid a battle, and the enemy is more powerful than you, then try to “outwit” him. To do this, you will need to constantly ride in circles around the enemy tank and at the same time shoot at its rear. In any case, try your best not to go into various villages if necessary - it will be much more difficult for your tank to maneuver there, which means it will be much more difficult to defend yourself. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the movements of your team, because reconnaissance will be pointless in a direction where more powerful comrades are not present.

They have some similarities with light ones, but are armed and also equipped with armor that allows them to enter into battle and take a blow for quite a long time. Reaching more high level development, their speed increases to such an extent that they are able to completely take over the role of scout from light tanks. In any case, during a battle on a medium tank, you need to carefully monitor your position. Try to attack the enemy from a direction that is more advantageous to you. After all, you are not endowed with such armor that could withstand a head-on battle with heavy equipment.

Are the most powerful weapon with excellent armor, but simply disgusting movement speed. It is quite easy for a heavy tank to hold out even against several opponents. Just don't assume that it's suitable for single player- this is a big mistake. It's the other way around - this is a command fighting vehicle. After all, it is very difficult for a heavy tank to escape from a difficult situation, and when left alone with a large enemy, it eventually dies. Constantly and closely monitor the progress of your comrades; representatives of faster vehicles should be let ahead, choosing more convenient positions for shooting. For example, so that some kind of shelter is very close, and at the same time a large area is well covered.

Anti-tank self-propelled guns equipped with good protection and excellent weapons. It’s just that it’s quite difficult to use. After all, the self-propelled gun does not have a turret, and therefore for guidance it is necessary to rotate the entire body, which happens very slowly. During an open battle, there is a chance that any tank can outwit you. That is why you should try to act in such a way that you always have the opportunity to calmly aim at the enemy. That is, it is best to be at the very end of the battle formations and always take some kind of cover, from which you can then work on the enemy.

It's better to forget about auto-aim

You should resort to auto-aim only during combat on the move, and even in this case its use should be kept to a minimum. Even at the very beginning of the gameplay, you should pay a lot of attention to aiming in order to learn well. Get used to waiting until the gun is fully aimed. Practice being proactive and successfully searching weak points enemy tank hull.

How to position a tank correctly

The forehead is the most protected place in the tank, but its sides and rear are equipped with much less armor. Judging by these parameters, the decision to turn your forehead to the enemy suggests itself, but this is not quite the right decision. The best position for the tank towards the enemy is a diamond shape. Place the tank in such a way that the forehead and one side are turned towards the enemy. This makes it more likely that the projectile can ricochet and not cause much damage.

Proper use of shelters

For successful World walkthroughs of Tanks Blitz remember the first simple rule - if possible, do not stop the tank in open areas. An exception may be the moment when you are given a convenient moment to shoot at enemy positions. Otherwise, always take some suitable cover before stopping.

Also, do not forget that while moving it is also possible to use shelters. For example, in hilly areas, you can get close to the enemy by moving along the reverse slope of the hill. While driving around the city, it is worth “cutting” turns so that your combat vehicle comes around the corner in a diamond shape. Thus, it is worth placing the tank even when you need to take cover around the corner.

Hills make good cover

In any tank, the gun can be deflected vertically both downward (reverse declination angle) and upward. Try to position your tank at the top of a hill on a slope so that only the top of the hull is visible, but at the same time you are under cover.

Proper maneuvering during close combat

When the enemy tries to twist it, you should use one simple trick- rotation of the turret and hull in one direction. With this simple maneuver you can speed up the rotation of the tank's gun barrel.

Attack with your team

If a large-scale battle is expected somewhere, then in this case it is worth remembering one simple truth - the whole team goes on the attack, and in a fairly simple formation. Everything is simple here: if your team has at least one more tank in service, then there is a high probability of defeating the enemy thanks to additional weapons and armor, which will take part of the damage inflicted by the enemy. In the event that that additional tank remains somewhere in cover, then at the most crucial moment of the confrontation it simply will not have time to work on the enemy.

  • Remember the simple truth - almost any tank in its original condition (immediately after purchase) is not good at all. Rate combat vehicle possible only after pumping the main modules. And during the game, also pay attention to their characteristics, some of them unnecessarily.
  • From the very beginning, get used to playing carefully. Do not break away from your team, being the first to push through the enemy’s flag, do not engage in single combat with an enemy who is stronger than you. If necessary, call your allies for help; this is what the SOS button is for.
  • Carefully select positions where there is good cover. This is especially true if you play as a very mobile tank with weak armor. Constantly scan the mini-map so that the enemy does not sneak up unnoticed from the flank or from the side.
  • Pay a lot of attention to a good and detailed study of the map in order to identify more advantageous points for shooting and reliable shelters. In World of Tanks Blitz, on each map there are already several typical routes for teams to follow; it is worth taking them into account as well.
  • Visit specialized forums where there is information about your tanks and the enemy’s main tanks. Learn correct use armor of your combat vehicle (for example, it is better to play from a strong turret) and know exactly where it is better to shoot at the opponent (at the sides above the caterpillar, the rear, hatches and machine-gun nests of the front). Always mount a tank in a diamond shape if it is equipped with any significant or ricochet armor.
  • At lower game levels preference should be given to a high-explosive weapon. It has, of course, poor accuracy and takes quite a long time to reload, but you can destroy enemies of levels 1-3 even without a sight. And at the fifth level this weapon can be very useful. If you don't have a high explosive in your arsenal, you can take a cannon, just pay attention to its armor penetration ratings; the higher they are, the better, of course.
  • Don't waste your free experience. With its help, you can purchase pre-top or top-end guns, without which it is almost impossible to enjoy playing on some tanks.

Sep 13, 2016 Game guides

Welcome to the front, tankman! Now you can play World of Tanks Blitz using BlueStacks and this means that your time for heroic military exploits with your mouse and keyboard at the ready has finally come! But wait, don’t rush into battle - first read the instructions for using BlueStacks in combat conditions and understand the simple and understandable rules of the game even for greenhorns, which the in-game training mode will not teach you.

How to start?

First, make sure that you have installedBlueStacks version 2.4.44or higher - you can download the current version of the program at home page our website or simply by clicking on the “” right here.

Secondly, deal with your BlueStacks by connecting a personal Google account to it or creating a new one. It's not difficult - just follow step by step instructions on the screen and everything will be fine. Having done this, type “World of Tanks Blitz” in the search bar and you will see the game icon. Click and you will find yourself in the Play Market on the game page - click on install, wait a little and open the application. As you will see, he will need to download data for installation - 1.6 GB (currently) of archives will be downloaded and they will be unpacked into 3 GB of data. Tanks will ask where you want to install the data - choose any option offered, it doesn't matter for BlueStacks. The main thing that is necessary is to provide at least 12 GB of free space on the hard drive of your computer that is used by BlueStacks (by default this is the C: drive).

Thirdly, wait until the game data is downloaded and installed. After this, the game will launch and you will be asked to log in with an existing account or create a new one. If you already have a login password from account for - you most likely know what to do, and if not, just create a new one and wait for a letter in the mailbox specified during registration (Be sure to check “Spam” or “Promotions” if you don’t see the email in your inbox! ). There will be a link in the letter - click on it and your account will be activated. You're ready to play!

If something goes wrong at any stage, first of all try restarting BlueStacks and starting over.

How to move and shoot

When the game starts, first of all you will be taken through a tutorial. One of the first training points, incredibly “important” for you, is “Learn to hold the tablet correctly.” You will be required to simultaneously press two fingers on two areas of the screen - and, of course, not your monitor screen. What if you have only one mouse and you can’t click on two points at once? You need to familiarize yourself with the controls! For this specific task, you can click on the left side of the screen with the mouse, and clicking on the right is emulated by the Spacebar. The actual control of the tank using the keyboard and mouse looks like this:

WASDare responsible for controlling the tank. Press them and you will see an image of a joystick on the left side of the screen, and a green trajectory will appear in front of the tank and it will begin to move. If suddenly the motion control gets stuck (which doesn’t happen often), try pressing the keyZ— it emulates tapping on the cross-pad movement.

The view is controlled by the mouse: press the mouse button on the right side of the screen and move it in any direction - the tank’s turret and your sight will turn in the same direction.

To shoot, click onSpace- the projectile will go to the point at which you are aiming. To zoom in, use the keyF. That's basically all!

If you want to look at the controls while playing or want to try reconfiguring them, just click on the WASD key icon in the upper right side of the screen.

Basic game rules

Most likely, excellent game training will teach you everything - but if for some reason you did not read it and skipped all the messages, or simply did not fully understand something, now I will try to put everything in order.

Most often in the game you will see two main gaming screen- a hangar in which tanks and equipment are configured and purchased, and a battlefield on which you will test all your tanker abilities (battlefields, of course, are different).

In your hangar, as was written above, you are setting up your combat vehicle. At the beginning of the game you will be allowed to choose one of five tanks - Soviet, American, German, English or Japanese. Remember that the game has no plot - just because someone plays on Axis tanks doesn't make anyone a Nazi, just like choosing Soviet tanks does little to characterize you as a patriot. This is first and foremost a game, so rely primarily on the technical characteristics of the tank if you want to find the right one for you! But just choosing a tank is not enough - you also need to improve it. The training will walk you through the basics of upgrading and buying a new tank, but I’ll clarify that during the game you will be downloading a specific branch of tanks from a particular country. To open some tanks you need some improvements, and to open others you need, respectively, different ones. Choose between a machine gun or a new turret and you will come to different tanks in its development! Of course, no one is stopping you from buying all the upgrades and unlocking all the tanks - but in this case, you will be fighting for a long time at the lower levels and controlling not the most powerful tanks. Also, of course, you can always change the “branch” by buying and upgrading tanks from another country. Didn't like the English ones? Switch to Soviet! But keep in mind that you will not be able to keep all the tanks in your hangar at the same time - the number of slots for tanks is limited to eight (but you can buy extra seats for gold). In addition to purchasing tank upgrades, you can buy equipment for tanks - camouflage, equipment, ammunition and ammunition. These items last for one or more battles and should be purchased again from time to time - if you use them, of course. Also, in addition to improving and equipping tanks, you can start training the crew - each new tank must be driven around, so at first the crew’s level of proficiency in each tank is only 50% and some combat characteristics initially reduced. You can increase these characteristics through training - 12,500 credits will increase ownership to 75%, and 150 gold to 100% - or through participation in battles. Having trained the crew to 100%, you will be able to train the skills of the crew - they give certain bonuses in battle and allow you to drive faster and shoot more accurately.

But the most interesting thing is, of course, the battle! By clicking on the bright yellow button in the middle of the hangar screen, you will be thrown into battle with other players. The goal is quite obvious - kill all opponents! By moving intelligently across the battlefield and using cover, avoid contact with enemy projectiles and deliver decisive blows to your enemies! The main advice I can give is to try to move more often and always face the enemy, or even better, at an angle. Why is this so? Because the frontal armor of a tank is its most powerful part and you will suffer less damage, and a shell that hits the corner of the tank can ricochet and you will suffer virtually no damage from it. This is where they come from following tips- shoot the enemy in the side or back and you can kill him faster than he can kill you (most likely). Height is also a deciding factor in World of Tanks Blitz. It’s easier to hit from above and you can always hide from the sight of the enemy sitting below you. Otherwise, remember that the main thing in a tank battle is to work together, so enter the battle only next to your comrades and try not to interfere with anyone’s retreat or maneuver. Experience and my next guides will teach you many combat tactics and you will be able to come out of most battles alive!


Now you have become a tough tanker and can play World of Tanks Blitz on a computer using a mouse and keyboard, and you also roughly understand what and how the game works. I hope this will help you and you will get a lot more pleasure from the game, assembling the perfect combat vehicle and blowing up enemy tanks!
