Complete collection of despicable me 3 magnet cards.

16/07/2017 - 07:41

A large-scale campaign, especially for children and teenagers, started in the Magnit series of stores. Although, in fairness, we note that not only the younger generation is involved in the pursuit of “collectible” cards with minions. Some adults, no worse than children, have taken up exciting “collecting.”

About how to collect complete collection of 84 cards (!!!) and what it might even look like, read the material on the website

"Despicable Me 3" cards from Magnit: the entire collection

Firstly, let us remind you that cards can be obtained at Magnit supermarkets for the purchase of goods worth 400 rubles (a bag with 2 cards), as well as at Magnit hypermarkets for a purchase totaling 800 rubles (a bag with 4 cards ). Attention: alcohol and tobacco are not included in the promotion. You can also get additional cards for special promotional items.

Now let's talk about what the whole collection looks like.

In fact, the organizers do not reveal all the cards, because otherwise there will be no intrigue. And so, please, buy the album for 169 rubles (!!!). Find fields to store all 84 cards and build your collection.

You can exchange repeating cards with friends. By the way, rare cards are distinguished by their special shine (in the literal sense of the word).

But if you're itching to see what other cards look like (not just the ones you have), it might be worth watching a number of videos of users mass unboxing bags of cards. Here you are:

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Surely many people are familiar with the popular promotion held in Magnit stores, where when purchasing goods worth more than 400 rubles, a person receives two cards depicting characters from the cartoon “Despicable Me 3”. Mostly, children rejoice at such an acquisition, collecting a funny and bright collection of cards.

You can not only admire the cards, but also play them. Even if the collection is incomplete, you can still have fun. How? Now we'll tell you. There are several games with cards, we suggest you familiarize yourself with their rules.

Rules for playing cards "Silomer"

There can be two or more participants. Everyone must have 6 Despicable Me 3 cards, but you can negotiate a different number if you wish.

Players lay out one at a time and begin to compare the strength indicated on them. Here it is worth considering the type of hero depicted in the picture and his strength. It could be a fluffy, a lodolucha or a banana.

The strength meter can be open or closed. In the first case, you need to hold the cards in a fan and make your own choice. In the second case, they choose a card blindly.

In the game, each participant must collect all the power, that is, the power of the banana and the ice beam are added to the power of the fluffy. You need to count the points and decide who is stronger. The one with the most points wins.

You can understand how to play Silomer with Despicable Me 3 cards by watching this video:

How to Play Speed ​​with Despicable Me 3 Magnet Cards

Here players will need good memory and incredible speed of reaction. To play you will need a picture, which is located in the lower left corner.

The first participant must choose a card without looking. He places it on the table so that the image is at the top. Then the next player takes out a card, but he should not see what is shown on the card before he puts it down.

When there is a card on top of the deck with the same picture as below, any most observant participant must say “Slap” and cover the stack with his hand. He's a winner.

Game "Adventure"

We invite the reader to familiarize yourself with the rules of another entertaining game into “Despicable Me 3” cards, which depict funny characters from the already beloved cartoon.

Here you need an additional field; it is located in the album. It can be purchased at the Magnit store for 169 rubles. The game resembles an ordinary adventure game; here, instead of a cube, cards received upon purchase will be used. The game is very simple, but exciting and educational.

How to play the adventure game “Prison Escape” with magnet cards, watch the video:

We can say with confidence that the kids will enjoy the entertainment offered. The larger the collection, the more interesting the game, when there are many cards, the action is brighter and more exciting.

Unpacking Despicable Me 3 Cards

Watch also a fascinating video of unboxing cards for collection and games:

Let's start from the very beginning. The start of this promotion has passed June 28, its name was “Simply to collect, fun to play!”, it will end September 12 this year. However, I didn’t notice the ease of collection at all. Here Magnit became insolent at the end. They released 84 cards! Shopping at 800 rubles in the hypermarket you get 4 cards(and this does not include tobacco and alcohol!), and in ordinary Magnets you need to buy at 400 rubles and get 2 cards. The question is, why can’t you also buy 400 rubles in hyper and get 2? Or even buy for 200 rubles and get one? I answer, although everyone already knows the answer, such a move is designed precisely for you to grab unnecessary goods from the shelves in pursuit of these same cardboard boxes. This is how we live, we grab everything and get the coveted bags of cards.

What does this “miracle of Magnet” look like?) Nothing remarkable, really ordinary cardboard! They show strength, endurance and other crap for games.

But there are some really cool cards - shiny. As far as I understand, they are considered the strongest, but I just like them - at least some variety.

Next, you can buy an album to store your cards, which I do not advise you to do. Now it's price 169 rubles, but as practice shows, somewhere by August, it will already cost 69 rubles, that is, a hundred less. In addition, it is made terribly poorly - the cells where the cards are inserted quickly tear, even among neat children. The only good thing about it is the poster game and the storage box that needs to be assembled. Well, you can color and play in the album, but you can’t use it as storage.

How to play Despicable Me 3 cards from Magnit?

All games are described in a booklet, which you can pick up for free in the store at the checkout.

Games are designed for different quantities people, so you can connect the whole family. Of course, if you do buy the album, then you will get the most exciting adventure game, by the way, a great pastime.

Now about the main thing, my impressions. We started collecting quite by accident; at Magnit, the cat food we buy usually costs 85 rubles, but here we were lucky - there was a discount and its cost per jar was 52 rubles. There are three hypermarkets in the city, I went to all of them and bought canned goods. This is how we received our first 12 packs. By the way, yes, in order to collect 84 cards, considering that you will never come across a single repeat, you need to buy for 16,800 rubles! And we come across repetitions extremely often, we already have a lot of them, but we are changing, because there are also quite a lot of such crazy collectors. We even sell them already, the starting price was 25 rubles apiece, now it’s 15 rubles. We’ll put together a collection and sell the replays ourselves, I’ll open a business)))

You can also download receipts on the official website, accumulate points and receive other prizes. Prizes include toys. puzzles, movie tickets and even a certificate for a trip to Miami. Maybe someone will be able to win!

But what I want to say is that the game is absolutely not worth the candle! When there were knives or toys from Star Wars- it was much cooler, and even the stickers in the album were cool! But this is a complete mess, the most uninteresting action, IMHO.

The promotion for the issuance of Despicable Me 3 cards in Magnit stores continues. Children ask their parents to go shopping at this retail chain in order to get a few more cards for their collection. And while you are collecting this very collection, don’t waste your time! Play! And we’ll tell you how here on the site.

Minion cards contain several fields and images, which allows you to come up with your own game. Well, the organizers of the action themselves offer 3 basic games. We'll talk about them.

Game "Silomer"

Each participant receives 6 cards. Participants choose one card each and place it on the table. At the same time, they immediately agree on what strength they will be measured by (the strength of a fluffy, the strength of an ice ray or the strength of a banana). The one who has the card turned out to be “stronger” wins, which means he takes all the cards laid out on the table into his piggy bank.

You can play open-up, when players turn the cards face-to-face (fan-shaped). Or you can play closed, when the participants do not see which card they choose.

You can also play Silomer with all your might. To do this, you need to add up absolutely all the forces on the map (the power of the fluffy + the power of the ice beam + the power of the banana) and find out who has the greater sum of forces on the card.

Game "Slap"

For this game you will need to look at the picture that is shown in the lower left corner of the card.

The first player places any card face up. The second player places his card on top of this card. But you need to turn over the card directly above the deck. As soon as a card with the same picture as below lies on top (on the very first, initial card of the game), the player who managed to cover the entire stack of cards with his palm and shouted “Slap” wins the game.

Game "Adventure"

For this game you will need an album, which is sold in Magnit for 169 rubles. It has a playing field, according to which you play the game according to the rules of a regular adventure game. Only instead of dice the cards themselves are used.
