Raising statistics. Average damage per battle

Efficiency in the WOT game shows data on the effectiveness of your game, what damage you inflict on the enemy, what strategies you use, how you perform on various types of equipment. It is the efficiency calculator in World of Tanks that has become a random indicator by which players can judge the level of your game. The same criterion is used when selecting players for a clan.

The number of battles and the percentage of victories in battles are no longer taken into account, because this indicator has become not very correct

This calculator works automatically; you do not need to manually enter data each time and calculate it using a complex formula. It is enough to fill in the field with your game nickname and the efficiency calculator in World of Tanks will instantly produce a statistical result. The same program suggests how to increase this or that indicator. There are various ways to do this, not all of which are fair.

How can you improve your performance?

There are various increasing factors, for example, you can increase your rating using points earned by shooting down and capturing an opponent’s base. If the capture is carried out on a tank above level 8, then the efficiency will jump significantly. It is only important to withstand capture and it is advisable to do it alone.

You need to rush into every battle with a wild desire to win and be in time everywhere: to save your allies, to destroy your opponents and to inflict maximum damage. The more, the better; from this pace of play you will get not only a high efficiency figure, but also a sea of ​​adrenaline and positive emotions.

Even the choice of technology and development branch can affect the level of efficiency. What is better to choose to achieve your goal? It’s better to start with the branch of Soviet tanks, it has a lot of high-level TOPs, tanks can forgive you some game flaws, and the maneuverability and speed of the vehicles will make the game colorful and productive. In addition to USSR equipment, French ST and TT tanks or American TTs would be excellent options, because these vehicles pose a danger to enemy forces and are very interesting in their merits.

You can choose any technique, it is important to be active and cause as much damage as possible, only then will your account be able to boast excellent statistics.

Don’t forget about the factors that can spoil your stats, the main one being playing with artillery. After all, having chosen to play on art, it is impossible to earn points by capturing a base or shooting it down, it does not cause much damage and has a low level in the game.
Good luck in the battles and raising your efficiency.

To check the efficiency in the computer game World of tanks, you need to be a registered player and have a certain number of battles. During the game, the efficiency constantly changes depending on your results on the battlefield.

An individual player's efficiency is determined by the efficiency rating formula, which takes into account the average of the total number of battles and your losses. Points earned by defending your base and capturing enemy points are taken into account, as well as the average level of the equipment used and your victory percentage. Efficiency is calculated online on this website. To calculate, you will need to enter the name under which you play. You can find out your nickname this way: go to the website using the link, enter your registration data - email address and password. In the upper right corner we find<Мои игровые профили>, select the option<Личный кабинет>.

A window will open showing the names you are using in the game. Let's remember them. Now you can follow the link and use an online calculator to calculate the efficiency:
  • Enter the player's name and click calculate.
  • Information about your personal data and the calculated efficiency will be displayed.
The information that the calculator calculates makes it possible to determine the level of acquired skills during the game:
  • If your efficiency rating or efficiency rating is less than 600, it's a bad indicator, and you're still far from perfect.
  • Total number from 600 to 900 - you are an average player.
  • The results range from 900 to 1500 - the highest level, such players are legendary.
  • A number from 1500 to 1800 indicates that you are a master who has learned all the intricacies of the game; such efficiency is a rather rare occurrence.
There are many types of programs for calculating a player's efficiency in World of tanks: some can calculate not only the efficiency rating, but also the number of victories that remain to be achieved before the next level. Moreover, the calculation is carried out taking into account your individual playing style. The most popular types of programs are applications that calculate your efficiency during the game and at the same time provide information about your opponents. One of these user programs can be found at the link. These efficiency calculation systems are also called<оленеметрами>: a program that will allow you to see in numbers whether you are fighting with a beginner or an experienced player. Many gamers successfully use such utilities to increase their efficiency rating. The olenometer shows the following data:
  • Efficiency indicators of game participants in battle and when loading the battle.
  • Number of fights.
  • Total number of victories.
  • Analysis of possible victories, taking into account all the data above.

It is also possible to set up different configurations: for example, you can set the percentage of victories only for a specific tank. This program is very flexible in changing the parameters displayed on the screen, and each user can easily and quickly customize it according to their interests.

The game interface completely changes when installing such modifications, and you will be able to constantly see on the screen a mini-map with the necessary data: for example, a log of the damage received, other markers above the equipment, an indicator of the base capture (how soon the base will be captured and how many invaders are on it), light indicator for tanks at the base and much more.

World of Tanks online efficiency is a collection of data that shows how effectively you play, deal damage, and perform in battle. It was with the help of the efficiency calculator that tankers began to be judged in random. This is the same way a player is evaluated when he is accepted into a clan. WOT combat effectiveness has become an alternative to the simple win percentage indicator, since the latter does not reflect in detail the game of a particular person. The automatic WOT efficiency calculator allows you to evaluate a set of factors that show how well a player plays in World of Tanks.

In game chats, on World of Tanks forums and in other places related to “World of Tanks,” players see questions like “Tell me my efficiency,” “Tell me efficiency,” “What color am I?” and so on... Many tankers know what it is, but some are wondering - what is the efficiency of World of Tanks?

In this article we will try to answer the questions:

  • What is efficiency?
  • What are rating points awarded for?
  • What equipment should you use to lift?
  • Give tips on damage techniques.

General concept of efficiency, or WOT efficiency

World of Tanks efficiency is a tanker’s personal rating, which shows your overall skills, abilities and mastery of the game. There are two types of statistics - hangar and combat. Combat efficiency is the rating that the player sees in battle, and hangar, or separate efficiency for a tank is xTE, that is, statistics on a separate vehicle, which is compared with the average performance of the same tank of all its drivers.

Color scale

To make it clearer, let's say this - the more useful and effective you are on the battlefield, the higher the WOT efficiency value. There are 6 color zones that reflect the tanker’s professionalism (nickname color). The first zone, scary for any World of Tanks player, is red. Such guys, as a rule, have overall account statistics of up to 47% and efficiency from 0 to 629. These terrible and hated players received in-game nicknames such as “crawfish” and “bottom”. Basically, these are World of Tanks newcomers who are learning and understanding the basics of the game, although there are exceptions.

The second zone is orange, World of Tanks efficiency is from 630 to 859, and the win percentage is about 47-48. Such players are treated more normally compared to the “crayfish”, but the “orange” ones also come under criticism from their allies because of their gaming decisions. This zone includes those tankers who enjoy the game not from the numbers after battle statistics, but during the battle. “He left first, fired a couple of shots, merged first, got on another tank and drove on” - this is the general concept of the “orange” from the top VOD producer of “World of Tanks”.

The third, extensive zone is the “yellow” players, whose statistics range from 860 to 1139, and their winning percentage ranges from 49 to 51. It is the players with yellow efficiency who are the bulk of the game.

These “tankers” are guys who understand the basics of the game:

  • How the main battles take place on the map.
  • They know the main directions and places.
  • They know the types of shells, penetration zones, and the style of “backlight.”

These are “shot” guys who are able to repel the enemy. Yes, these players are not “ideal”; they tend to make mistakes in important moments, or even lose their way at the beginning of the battle due to their stupidity. But the main thing is what they think during the fight, and not everyone succeeds in this!

WOT efficiency

After the yellow zone, the zone of “extras” begins - players who care about their efficiency and try to play on the technique that suits them to maintain or improve their statistical indicators.
So the fourth color is green. Players with a rating of 1140-1459 and a win percentage of 52-56. “Green” players are a support for the allied team, and a danger to opponents. As a rule, a platoon of three “green” players, if they are in the TOP of the team’s list, are able to change the outcome of the battle in their favor. Tankers of this class know the terrain of the game maps, they know where to appear first and where not to interfere - such players have a good reputation. It’s not for nothing that they start recruiting into TOP clans from the “green” zone.

The penultimate color scale is profiles with turquoise statistics, rating 1460-1734 and 57%-64%. Trained and “wolves armed to the teeth” who change the outcome of a battle, even a weak one. Take first place in experience and damage? These guys can handle such a task - they know how to “bend over” and what is the most convenient and easier way to do it.

And the last zone, which is conquered by the chosen ones, is purple. WOT efficiency from 1735 and above, percentage – 65 +.
Often, only avid twinks have such accounts, but there are exceptions. When the players took their heads and adjusted their values ​​​​to this framework. “Purple” guys are the most dangerous opponents on the battlefield. They tend to change any situation to suit themselves. Extras play on a technique that is called “imbo-shaped” - that is, one that has penetration and accuracy indicators, has drums and speed. Examples of such machines are drum 10s such as BatChat, T57 Heavy, AMX 50B. And as for comfortable shooting, these are the German and French ST Leopard 1, AMX 30B and E-50M, and the entire trio of 10th ST USSR. These cars are very demanding of their drivers, but they are also capable of doing incredible things.

How to increase the efficiency of World of Tanks?

The moment when a player thinks about his statistics comes in different ways - for some it comes at the beginning of his “path”, and after a couple of dozen or hundreds of battles, and for others this period can last up to 5-10 thousand, not to mention those who won’t get it at all, who will still ride the red “crustacean” with 30 thousand battles and an efficiency of 540...

So, there are two solutions to the problem of “how to increase the efficiency of World of Tanks”:

  1. Create a new game account.
  2. The second is to come to your senses and begin to lift (or “overcome”) from the base.

A new account is a simple solution, but not every player decides to go down this path - many have high-level 8s on the “base”, for which they paid decent money. If there are no “preset premiums” on the “basis” or your pocket allows you to buy one or two more eights for a new “acc”, then the “twink” is a good choice, especially when on the main profile the level of battles has exceeded 30-50 thousand, and the total the percentage is only a pitiful 47, and the efficiency is below 900... The process of raising statistics on such a profile is delayed, so “twink” is a good choice. Another thing is if there are 5-8 thousand battles on the “base”, then this can be fixed – choosing the right fighting style, choosing the right and “imbal” branches, smart play and – voila! With such plans, the account will turn green, or even turn turquoise by 20 thousand battles!

So, after the player has decided for himself what he wants - a new game profile or “overcome on the basis”, the question comes up - “which tanks to play on and what to download first?” We will try to answer this too.

Which vehicle is easier to increase the efficiency of World of Tanks?

A good choice would be to start playing tanks from the USSR branch. Soviet heavy vehicles forgive mistakes of their driver, and the USSR ST of the 10th level is included in the list of the best TOP tanks in the game. If for some reason you don’t like the USSR or have these vehicles, then pay attention to the drum TT and ST of France, TT of the USA - these vehicles are interesting and dangerous on the battlefield. In general, if you put your hand on your heart, you can “bend” and raise statistics on everything except ART-SAU.

Almost any high-level tank, starting from 5, has its own flavor that can be used. The main thing you shouldn’t forget is to deal as much damage as possible in battle. The first rule is to beat off the HP of the machine you are playing on, and then your account will have excellent statistics!
Well, this article comes to an end! Good luck on the battlefields and in increasing your World of Tanks efficiency!

Participation in World Of Tanks tank battles is exciting, plunging you headlong into the atmosphere of heated battles. Over time, questions begin to arise:

  • How do I know how well I'm playing?
  • What numbers can tell about my achievements?

Then the time comes and the player learns about the existence efficiency statistics, simultaneously studying formulas and ways to improve it.

How to find out efficiency in World of Tanks

You need to enter your game nickname in the form below and the efficiency calculator will calculate everything for you!

Player statistics
Number of fights:
Number of tanks:
Destroyed during the battle:0
Damage per battle:0
Discovered during the battle:0
Base defense points per battle:0
Base capture points per battle:0
Average tank level:0
Win percentage:0
Efficiency Rating:0

Formula used when calculating efficiency

When calculating efficiency, the Efficiency Rating formula is used, because it is one of the most popular:
  • R is efficiency and it depends on six player parameters:
  • K – average number of tanks destroyed;
  • L – average level of the player’s tank;
  • D dmg – average damage dealt;
  • S – average number of detected tanks;
  • D def – average number of base defense points;
  • C – average number of base capture points.

How does this work?

User efficiency is remembered. Thus, you can monitor the dynamics of changes in the Efficiency Rating (ER). In order to see changes in RE, you need to play several battles and re-enter your nickname.

Change the efficiency plus or minus. The countdown starts from the last OM check:

It is also possible to view the entire history of changes in efficiency in the form of a graph:

Useful information

Count it yourself? Well, no!

Calculate every time, add new data to the formula? - This is not required. In order to determine your efficiency, you need to enter your game nickname in the form (above), start the data download process and wait for the result. There they will explain to you in detail what and how you need to do to increase the value of this indicator. There are honest and not so honest ways. Although open cheating is punishable by a (permanent) ban.
There are many varieties of this program. World of tanks efficiency calculator can show not only your coefficient, but also calculate how many fights are left until the required percentage of wins. And not victorious battles, but games in the style inherent to you.

A look into the future or a funny named device.

You always want to predict what the fight will be like. Who will be your opponent - a seasoned tank ace or a “green” player with stock equipment. To do this, you need to install a special mod “ ”, with which you can find out the efficiency without leaving the battle.

For those who have already played, the name “deer meter” speaks for itself. For the uninitiated, it should be explained that in the game “deer” are players who are not very successful. At the very beginning, when the loading table appears, several numbers appear next to each player. They show: the percentage of victories, the value of efficiency, the total number of battles fought. During the download, you can choose potential “victims” for yourself, and remember who you want to stay away from. It also provides general data on the chances of winning based on the analysis of the players and comparison of the equipment participating in the battle.

Don't get hung up on numbers

I would like to immediately note that these indicators are relative. World of tanks player efficiency may be artificially high. Or vice versa, it does not reflect the player’s real fighting qualities. How can this be? You can improve your coefficient well and bring zero benefit to the team (break into the enemy’s “rep”, “light up” everyone and die courageously). The allies did not have time to do anything at this time. The “heavies” had just begun to move into position, and the “art” had not even “reduced” to this square. The situation is the other way around. Huge benefit for the team in battle. He shot down the enemy's harp, restrained the advance of an entire group, preventing the enemy from deploying his battle formation. Transmitted the coordinates of the self-propelled guns. Based on the results of the battle - low efficiency.

Chance to Win

It happens that a team that has no chance of winning (data from the “deer meter”) wins in a matter of minutes. Sometimes the low numbers of the opposing team's players have a relaxing effect. Everyone understands that victory is in your pocket. And they successfully lose.

How to increase efficiency?

Why not use some tricks to your advantage to raise your score and scare others with high numbers.

Increasing factors

The points of shooting down and capturing a base greatly increase the efficiency rating. This means that this must be used in combat. Moreover, if you embark on a capture on a heavy tank of level 8 or higher, this will greatly improve your efficiency.

Reducing factors

It is not recommended to use artillery:
  • No capture or shoot down points;
  • Not very high damage numbers;
  • Low level of technology.

Combat options to improve efficiency

  1. Act according to the principle “Our shooter managed to get everywhere.” Rush, help your own, kill strangers, inflict maximum damage. Significant efficiency figure, lots of fun.
  2. Modestly “squeeze sideways” to the enemy’s base and stand for capture. As a result, we get a large amount of efficiency, a well-played game and victory over the enemy. But provided that you survived and almost single-handedly captured someone else’s base.

In World of Tanks, player statistics are very important for many tankers. This is not surprising; it is the competitive element that is paramount after leveling up most tanks. Our service will allow you to evaluate many indicators, from win rate to time spent in the game.

Why do we need statistics?

In any multiplayer game, everyone wants to be the best, and statistics allow you to see how the results of one tanker differ from another.

  • Using the XVM mod you can check your WoT stats right in the battle. And not only your own, but also your enemies, as well as your allies. As a result, the player more competently assesses the overall balance of power of the team, seeing how skilled the players are.
  • Advanced statistics services in WoT are a must-have tool for every recruiter looking for new players for his clan.
  • There is also clan statistics for communities in World of Tanks, thanks to which the entire clan is assessed.
  • Evaluating your achievements is quite pleasant to watch your indicators grow from day to day.

What does a stat consist of?

Before moving on to describing the various ratings and performance calculators in WoT, you should go through the fundamental data with the help of which these ratings are compiled.

  1. Win percentage- this is the main indicator demonstrating the success of a tanker on the battlefield. Since the probability of winning is 49.9%, the player's contribution to the battle and his ability to play can lead to victory. Thus, skilled tankers can boast statistics of 51% and higher.
  2. Damage per battle- the efficiency rating in WoT also includes this data, which objectively shows the contribution to the battle. But keep in mind that this indicator is completely optional for light tanks, whose task is to detect the enemy. But for tank destroyers and tank destroyers, damage per battle is a critically important indicator.
  3. Survival- controversial data, since until the moment of his death the player can inflict a huge amount of damage and destroy many enemies. But still, survival perfectly shows the tanker’s tendency to go on a suicidal attack. If you are a fan of LT, then survival is a very important indicator, along with enemies detected during the battle.
  4. Accuracy (percentage of hits)- Efficiency includes information about the percentage of hits. It is critical to have good accuracy on art, secondarily on other classes.
  5. Kill/kill ratio- 30 vehicles collide in battle, 15 on each side. One destroyed tank is already a full-fledged contribution to achieving victory; everything that was done above indicates the effectiveness of the tanker, so a ratio equal to, for example, 1.50 is a good indicator.
  6. Average level of battles- shows at what levels the player most often fights.

This is not all the information available in our service; only the most important data is described.

Main types of ratings

Since there is a lot of input data for statistics, they can be interpreted slightly differently. However, despite the large number of different systems for measuring skill, all of them, in principle, one way or another converge in their evaluation gradations. In other words, a good player according to RE will be good in WN8.

There are three main ratings on our website.

Personal rating (according to Wargaming)

  • win percentage;
  • experience and damage per battle (average);
  • survival;
  • total number of battles;
  • light damage and assistance to allies (when a player knocks down an enemy’s track and his allies finish him off).

Players with a large number of battles experience the most difficulty in raising this efficiency rating in World of Tanks. To increase the HR indicator, you need to damage enemies as much as possible, thus gaining experience. Light tanks will not be left out either, because their rating will increase thanks to their light damage.

RE (efficiency rating)

It consists of the following data:

  • Average damage.
  • Points for shooting down and capturing a base.
  • Number of illuminated enemies.
  • Frags (destroyed tanks).

To make the statistics calculator in WoT happy with positive emotions, we recommend increasing your rating in several ways at once.

Increasing the win rate - if things are not going well in random, you can go to companies or team battles, where, if you have a good commander, you can maintain an excellent win rate. But in companies only the percentage of victories increases; to increase the average damage you should play on a high-level vehicle. At the tenth levels you can not only deal more damage, but also gain many times more experience than, for example, at the fifth or sixth levels. As a result, efficiency in WoT will increase, and with it RE.


Advanced statistics in WoT continues to be improved and the new WN8 efficiency calculator is the next iteration after WN7. Unlike the previous calculator, in WN8 damage is valued more than frags, as it was in WN7.

In addition, WN8 cannot be called a full-fledged formula, it is rather a skill calculation system, since it uses a huge database with information about all tankers and their successes on a particular vehicle. For each tank in WN8, so-called “reference values” or ideal indicators are used, and the closer (or higher) you are to these ideals, the better your rating will be in this system.

To quickly increase the efficiency coefficient in WoT, we recommend playing on those vehicles that work best, because the more effective the battle is, the more damage the tanker will have. And since damage is one of the main indicators of WN8, the numbers will grow. But keep in mind that WN8 calculates damage differently on each tank. For example, when playing on some kind of imba, for example, FV215b (183), it will be more difficult to increase the rating than when playing on the same IS-7, because the standard damage on a tank destroyer is greater than on a tank destroyer.

  • Article on the topic: .

What should you pay attention to in statistics?

The first thing you need to pay attention to is three different ratings that objectively show the success of a tanker. This is RE, WN8, and also a rating from Wargaming.

Winrate- the holy of holies of almost every player. If the winrate is above 50%, this means that the tanker is beneficial to the team.

The third important indicator is damage per battle. Most tankers prefer damage-dealing classes, so you can evaluate the tanker and his average effectiveness.

Average level of battles- if a player has an average level of five or, for example, sixth, then it immediately becomes clear that he doesn’t really like riding at levels ten. Thanks to this information, it is possible to evaluate applicants for joining the clan, which often fights in the Civil Code.

Two ratios - killed/killed and caused/received damage. For experienced tankers, this indicator will be higher than 1, because the player brings benefits in battle. If this indicator is lower, then it becomes clear that most often it is not the player who is dragging the battle, but the team is dragging the player. But if the account has the most battles on LT, the ratios will not objectively show the effectiveness of the tanker.

Features of advanced statistics on our website

Statistics will greet you with a window like this, in which you need to indicate your game nickname:

Select the desired nickname from the list:

The main statistics window will open, in which you can see three ratings, as well as other information, such as win rate, number of battles, damage received, etc. Thanks to this, you can evaluate the success of any player.

An interesting feature of our statistics is that you can see how much time was spent on all battles. The data is approximate; for the calculation, the average duration of the battle was taken (more than two million battles were taken into account).

Have you ever wondered how many times you've seen the timer click before a fight starts? In our statistics you can see how much time you spent clicking the timer. And yes, be careful, the truth is simply amazing, for example, on the demo account the countdown took almost five days. Incredibly high, right?

Another interesting feature is tracking progress over time. The progress of events is shown for four weeks, one week and one day. Thanks to this information, you can see whether a tanker is developing or whether his performance indicators have decreased.
