Increasing efficiency in world of tanks. How to increase statistics in World of Tanks?! Raising the WN8 rating and efficiency

Hi all! Today I would like to talk about how to increase efficiency and win percentage (%) in the game

Hi all! Today I would like to talk about how to increase efficiency and win percentage (%) in the game World of Tanks. This topic is very relevant for many players; many would like to know how to increase their statistics? And I’ll tell you the basis of this whole thing, that is, what you need to start raising % and efficiency. Basically we will talk about the % of wins, so those who already have 55%+ may not even read it :)
So, what points are important in order to take the first steps in your endeavors:

● The desire to play, win, think, be useful in battle
● Have certain statistics, 48% or more, and efficiency of 900 or more, since these values ​​​​indicate that a particular player is able to benefit his team, think correctly and make the right decisions. Players with a % below 48 who want to improve their statistics should watch World of Tanks guides and learn how to play (this can be done even in training battles, taking a couple of friends with you, study maps and tank penetration zones)

Suppose you have good statistics and you meet the parameters listed above, you are determined to increase your statistics, what should you do?
● The first thing you need is not to play SOLO, you will definitely need a platoon, and the platoon should consist of people who want to increase their win percentage and strive to win. If your platoon leader came in to join in, then such a platoon will not carry you and can only aggravate the situation
● Of course, even with a platoon of three people, victories will not come immediately. You will need to play together and begin to understand each other, you will gain experience and victories will begin to come
● What, now you can’t play solo at all? No, you can play solo, but you should primarily focus on playing in a platoon
● If you see that your win percentage for a session is lower than your own, then there is no point in playing any further. You need to either postpone it until the next day, or look for a platoon commander

What to do if you don’t have friends who want to increase your statistics, in general, you have no one to play with? We need to find such friends! The easiest way to do this is by creating a company; if you describe the cap correctly, you can select the right people. I advise you to choose either a junior or a middle company, depending on whether you are a beginner or not. In the header of the company description you need to write your requirements in the players, for example, if you have statistics of 50% and efficiency of 1000, then you need to write the same thing in the header. You can also specify the vehicle class and average damage.

Which tanks are best for a platoon?

Everyone must choose this for themselves. In some hands the tank bends, and in others, vice versa. Some people are lucky with this or that technique, but others are not. I would recommend the following equipment: KV-1S, M18 Hellcat, T110E4, Ob.268, T57 Heavy, T-62A. Perhaps I forgot something, but again this is at your discretion, because it’s not for me to raise the stat on these tanks, but for you.
Choose 1-2 favorite tanks that will have enough good qualities, put equipment on it, upgrade the crew and go bending! Don't forget that not only you must have a navigator tank, but also your platoon commander. Also, your tanks should be similar in class and playstyle.

How to play in a platoon so that you can bend?

● Play very carefully, don’t think that because you’re playing as a platoon you have to press and attack all the time. It is best to take defensive positions and wait for enemy actions
● Think 500 times before going anywhere. If you are sure, go, if not, don’t risk it.
● Coordinate actions with the platoon commander, be able to negotiate
● If you are unlucky, but you play well, change your equipment, server, play another day, but just don’t continue playing, because everything can get even worse

How to increase efficiency?

There's not much to say here, all that's needed is:

● Deal good damage
● Destroy a lot of tanks
● Capture and defeat a base
● Light up your enemies

This is the main thing on which your efficiency depends.

Services for checking and calculating efficiency on the Internet.

Many players who have been participating in the game for a long time World battles of Tanks, over time they come to the idea that it’s time to raise their statistics. However, they remain at the same level because they do not know how to achieve better results. Today we will talk about this topic and try to give effective advice for all beginners.

Rule of successful statistics

What is the point of bringing a tank onto the field? Of course, the goal is to remain in a combat-ready state for as long as possible and at the same time accomplish something useful, for example, inflict incredible damage, illuminate enemy tanks, prevent the capture of a base, and so on.

You should not immediately merge, even if your nickname is at the end of the list. You need to be patient and wait. As soon as it becomes clear what positions the tanks occupy, you can begin to plan your actions.

If you are a top player, then try to save more HP until the end of the confrontation, since everything is only in your hands.

It also happens that players on a team merge, and you have to be left alone with enemy vehicles. Just don’t give up right away, even if it seems like you can’t handle it, continue the game. Sometimes such tactics help to increase the number of unfinished tanks and recapture HP.

Join a platoon

During the time that you have been a “tanker”, most likely, you have already become acquainted with many gamers and even became a member of a clan, where there are those who will gladly participate in battle with you, regardless of the result - victory or loss. Be sure to team up with your friends and comrades in platoons, but remember that you can only win if the team acts as one well-coordinated mechanism.

If you still can’t find any friends, then go to random and try to join the skilled gamers.

What about the sandbox?

Another way to increase your statistics is to switch to low-level tanks, where you can use your entire skill to its full potential. Many tankers quickly abandon Tier 1 vehicles after driving them only once. This error needs to be corrected. However, remember that there will be many such freeloaders on the field.

What will lead to success?

First of all, this skill. Only personal experience will help you win in the future.

In second place is top technology. Experienced gamers do not recommend using stock vehicles, since slow tanks that do not provide effective fire support are too boring. That is why it is important to improve tanks to the top with the help of free experience.

An important factor is. Training and retraining are best done using gold.

Do not skimp on consumables, as only they can help in decisive battles. It is advisable to purchase an automatic fire extinguisher, a large first aid kit and a repair kit.

In every battle, you should have gold shells with you, which are more effective at penetrating opponents. The more often this happens, the better the team's result.

Raising the win percentage

This is very easy to achieve - just play every day, but only one session. Of course, not everyone can do this, since the game drags on, and you enter into another battle again.

Don't try to dial large number games, since the number of victories is more important here, because the percentage consists of them and systematicity.

Which tanks should you prefer?

Many are sure that it is better to use imbricated tanks, which have excellent characteristics. At different periods of the game, such machines were different, but soon the authors themselves nerfed them. Therefore, give preference to the tanks that you like best. Even if he doesn’t bend, you still enjoy the fight.

When World of Tanks was released, the players played the game, fighting each other on virtual tanks. Over time in World of Tanks came another goal of the game - numbers. Big numbers. The higher your numbers, the better your skills... your ability to play this game. Now we are talking about different ratings of player statistics. At the moment, there are several indicators of a player’s effectiveness. This Efficiency Rating, which has the meaning EFF or RE, rating WN6, WN7 And WN8, Bronesite rating, as well as your own rating Wargaming, with the designation W.G.R.. By the way, there is a rumor that a rating is currently being developed WN9, which will be even more detailed and better at calculating the player’s effectiveness on the battlefield.

You all probably know where you can look at your statistics. Well, if you don’t know, then we have a special section on our website where you will find out the rating WN7 And WN8, RE And W.G.R. (W.G.R. is shown directly in the client without installing additional modifications in the " tab Achievements») — .

By the way, a little hint what each rating is responsible for. WN(X) are responsible for the damage average damage, A RE— for the defense and capture of bases, as well as for the number of frags.

Not all players have good statistics. Over time, such players begin to wonder: “ How to raise yours Efficiency V World of Tanks and what needs to be done for this?" In this material we want to give all players advice on what and how to do to increase their efficiency in World of Tanks.

What are statistics in World of Tanks? This is the result of your actions on the battlefield. The more battles you have, the clearer the statistics.

Let's start from the very beginning. Many players with weak statistics often ask to join a platoon with experienced players who have good statistics. When asked to take them into a platoon, they say that they will supposedly look at how an experienced player plays and take something for themselves. If this is what you do, don't do it. You will learn absolutely nothing and, in general, will become an extra player in the team, because you will be monitoring the actions of a skilled platoon commander. In this case, you will not benefit the team. You will not be focused on winning, but only on the actions of your platoon leader. All that a weak player will get from these battles is a slight increase in the battle percentage. But it is unlikely that an experienced player will keep a player in his platoon who is not useful.

Remember! You are part of the team and you must bring part of the team's success. If you cannot penetrate enemy equipment, then you should not climb on it. Stand in the bushes or around the corner of a building and shine a light. After all, until the enemy deals with the one who shines on him, he will not move forward. The more your tank stays on the list of “living” ones, the better. When you can move and shoot, you provide some benefit to the team. Even just the psychological benefit that you have negatively on the enemy. When any player looks at what and how much equipment the enemy team still has, and if there is more of it... Then in most cases he will play more carefully.

The couple of paragraphs described above are not the entire key to the success of good statistics. This is, let's say, just an introduction. We will now examine the main points.

Number of battles

Pay attention to how many fights you have had. If you have fought less than 5,000 battles and have not very good statistics, then do not be upset. You are still learning the game. Learn cards, techniques, game mechanics. I'm not going to say that you need to fight exactly 5,000 battles in order to learn everything. All people are different, and therefore they learn differently. Let’s say it took a certain Vasily 1,500 battles to study everything, but for Alexey 5,000 battles were not enough.

But again, the more battles you have, the more difficult it will be to correct the statistics.

Type of equipment

Be sure to determine the type of equipment that will be easiest for you to play. There are as many as 5 types of equipment in the game: heavy tanks, medium tanks, light tanks, self-propelled artillery installations(self-propelled guns) and anti-tank self-propelled artillery units (tank destroyers). One of the five types should definitely be easy and convenient for you to play. I would like to immediately add that the easiest to use are heavy tanks, but even that is not all. Heavy tanks can forgive the player's mistakes. The second type in terms of ease of play can be considered tank destroyers, and then you can take on medium tanks.

Now, and indeed always, experienced players are shouting everywhere... that the simplest type of equipment in the game is self-propelled guns. Maybe. But! Without playing other types, you will not be able to immediately understand where and how you can conduct high-quality shelling of the enemy. After playing with other types of equipment, you will learn all the pros and cons of self-propelled guns.

Completed equipment

Damage dealt

The main indicator that greatly influences various performance ratings is the damage you deal in battle. With low-level equipment you will not be able to hit big numbers damage, so get at least level VI equipment as soon as possible. On low-level tanks you can only get your win percentage, but this is not certain either. The percentage of victories has little effect on the statistics as a whole, but high average damage... The more damage you deal, the higher your indicator of various statistics ratings will be. In each battle, try to deal damage that equal to the sum your strength points is your minimum task for each battle.

Contemplating action

You must set yourself the goal that you only want to win and cause damage. If you can convince yourself of this goal, then you will do everything to achieve it. In the game you will begin to connect your head. Before the start of the battle, evaluate the equipment of your opponents and allies. Over time, you will begin to understand where this or that enemy tank will go, which sector of the map and from where the self-propelled guns can shoot. If you have already installed the so-called Deer measurer, then be sure to try to kill the player who has good statistics. It is he who can bring a lot of trouble to your team. But this must be done wisely, and not just fly at such a player. In a fight with a skilled player, when you simply fly at him, most likely your tank will be destroyed by this player. It’s better to think about how best and harmlessly to inflict damage on yourself. And most importantly, if your team has a player with very good statistics, NEVER stop him from playing. Do not interfere with the movement of his tank, do not cover the sight. And even if you need to cover it, cover it with your tank.

Position on the map

During his game in World of Tanks You've probably already found some places on each map where you're good at playing. There is no self-propelled gun fire there, there are no destructible objects. There you can deal damage to enemy tanks with impunity. Hold this position until the battle enters the offensive phase. The allies went to press the direction - help them do this. You shouldn't go anywhere alone.

Take advantage of your technology

Each vehicle has one or another advantage that allows it to be used on the battlefield. So, for example, if your tank has good angles vertical aiming, then take a position in some kind of hollow and cause damage to enemies without showing your entire tank. The enemy will only see your gun, and if you hit the gun, the damage will not go through. If your tank has a strong turret, then again find a hollow where you will hide your hull and deflect enemy shells with the forehead of the turret. If you are playing on a tank destroyer with high average damage, then simply do not get caught in the light and wait for the enemy vehicles to be illuminated.

Your computer

It seems like what impact can a computer have on the statistics in a game? And quite serious. If you have weak computer, then the game will freeze at inopportune moments, which the enemies will take advantage of by destroying your tank. You should strive to ensure that your computer produces as much as possible FPS(frames per minute). For a normal game there should be 60 FPS. Well, since this is an online game, there must be a good Internet connection. The lower ping, those faster game will respond to your actions.

If you still have a weakly configured computer, then install the program WoT Tweaker . The program will allow you to disable various additional effects and thereby increase FPS.

Team game

World of Tanksteam game and this must be remembered every battle. You play not alone, but together with other 14 players. By teaming up with another player, you will be one step ahead of those who play alone (but do not forget about what we talked about at the very beginning of the material). Find yourself a player who is equal to or slightly superior to you in terms of statistics. Be sure to communicate by voice during the game, so you can coordinate your joint actions and bring success to the team as a whole.

Your condition

Everything depends on you as a player. This is not work, but just a game. You don’t have to go there every day at the appointed time. If you have no desire to play, then simply do not enter the game. If you have a headache, don’t sit down to play, but rather eat, sleep, etc. Neither the computer nor the game itself can escape you. They will obediently wait for you when you come and sit down to play.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about raising your game statistics. You just need to set all your priorities correctly and smartly. We hope that our material helped you and you understood what you need to do so that your performance ratings begin to grow. Good luck!

How to increase efficiency in World of Tanks?

Game World of tanks is extremely popular in the world, especially among the Russian-speaking gamer community. The game about tank battles has captivated many minds. However, among gamers there are both ordinary casual players and professionals for whom the statistics of victories and defeats, account efficiency and the opportunity to participate in competitions are important. It is these players who are often looking for a way to increase their efficiency in the game.

We will talk in detail about how to increase efficiency in World of Tanks.

You can also read about efficiency in our article.

How to increase efficiency in tanks

First of all, you need to choose from two options:

  1. Increase efficiency on a newly created account.
  2. Or increase efficiency on the old account.

It all depends on your attachment to your account and the number of battles played. Naturally, on an old account where more than thirty thousand battles have been played, it will be almost impossible to increase the efficiency. Therefore, if you are not afraid to start all over again, then it is worth creating new account and start this difficult task.

Below will be given useful tips, how to increase efficiency in wot.

Purchasing premium equipment from WOT

The first thing you need to do is buy excellent equipment in order to quickly gain experience and efficiency. A premium tank of the eighth level, in which you have already had experience playing, is suitable for purchase.

This technique will help in pumping and further development in the field of powerful technology. Such a tank will save you from problems with silver and free experience, which will allow you to skip level 3-4 trifles, because you will have a powerful level of damage and protection. By killing small things, you can get a lot of silver from the equipment on them.

Installing mods on WOT

Before the start of the battle, it is necessary to install skins on the penetration zones, which will allow you to find weak points. The skin will also show your weak points, which will give you the opportunity to hide them behind obstacles in battles.

Over time, thanks to such skins, you will be able to learn to shoot accurately at weak spots various tanks, which will speed up progress and allow you to play more professionally.

You can also install various mods to make the game easier, like the Olenometer, which will allow you to find out who is playing how and adjust battles. You should not install mods that will load your computer too much. Usually these are mods like minimap and UGN.

You can see more about mods.

Don't think that mods are installed by players who don't know how to play. Most professionals have almost a full range of different mods for a successful game.

It is also worth remembering that even if you lose, good efficiency will be awarded if you capture the flags correctly and deal damage. Mods will help significantly in this case.

Game settings to increase efficiency

Regardless of how powerful your computer is, you need to set the game settings so that there are no lags, slowdowns and other unpleasant things that will prevent you from playing and gaining efficiency.

You can also use programs that give a good increase in FPS. For example, the Auslogics program.

It is also worth removing the Assault, Encounter and Confrontation game modes. They are too unpredictable. Play in Standard mode and disable boost in Sniper mode.

In "Word of Tanks" every player sooner or later thinks about the level of proficiency of their armored vehicles - tanks. And from this moment the analysis of your mistakes and the search for the right solutions begins. As you know, there is always a solution in this regard and you just need to approach it correctly. Statistics is a question that interests everyone over time. And if you think so, then this article was written just for you! Let's get to the heart of the matter.

What is efficiency?

Today, “Word of Tanks” has many calculated player parameters. Let's look at the efficiency in "Tanks". This parameter is deciphered as: In our case, this is a certain efficiency specific player, that is, the calculation of efficiency in “Tanks”. This is important to know.

What does the efficiency of “Tanks” depend on?

The indicators of this parameter change for the following reasons:

  • Shooting down the capture of your base.
  • Damage caused to enemy vehicles in battle.
  • Points for capturing an enemy base.
  • Number of enemy tanks destroyed.
  • Damage caused to enemy vehicles by your “lighting”.

Therefore, the number of points, based on the above indicators, directly depends on the pumping of the tank, the skill of the crew, the survival factor, as well as the difference in the levels of the enemy’s equipment and yours in battles.

Efficiency check

This process is not complicated. In order to check the efficiency in “Tanks”, just go to the official website of the “Word of Tanks” game. IN alternative You can use special programs. During the game they calculate efficiency indicators (Word of Tank). People call them “reindeer measurers”. With this program in World of Tank, finding out the efficiency will not be difficult. You just need to install it correctly.

Raising efficiency

In order for the parameters of this value to begin to grow, there are a couple of directions:

1. Twink - after gaining experience in the game, create a new profile and transfer all experience to free. Afterwards, select two key tanks and set a goal, which is to cause maximum damage to your opponents.

2. Use already existing account. However, at the same time, you should use your participation as efficiently as possible: create a platoon team, causing significant damage, including with ammunition from gold shells. It is necessary to exclude a negative psychological and physical state, as well as, if possible, low PC and Internet performance.

With efficiency in World of Tanks below 800, the player does not have much value. Having a score of 1100, he can join a good clan. And if this level is 1600 units, then the player is considered a professional in his field. Of course, there are always exceptions, but in this case they are minimal.

Selection and upgrade of tanks

This action is not difficult. However, it is worth taking it seriously. Most players level up every branch. In this case, it turns out that “tanking” occurs mainly in the stock state. This is a negative factor. From such a situation, your efficiency in “Tanks” is unlikely to be high. Therefore, if you still decide to increase your statistics, you need to choose the most effective technique for yourself and bring it to perfection. At the same time, one should not forget about additional equipment. The right to choose an armored “friend,” of course, belongs to you. However, there are excellent tanks that are more popular. From the 6th level we highlight the M18 Hellcat and KV-1S; from the 7th - T29, IS-2; from 10th - T110E4, Ob. 268. It is also necessary to note important criteria. They consist in the fact that after balancing changes, levels 7-8 and 9 are most often at the bottom of the list. This is a rather sad fact. However, at the same time, vehicles up to category 6 and separately category 10, as well as premium tanks of level 8, feel confident in Word of Tanks.


This direction also affects the increase in efficiency. Many players significantly increase their statistics in company battles. These battles have considerable usefulness. It involves inexperienced players learning tactical and team-related actions. But if you have low damage in company battles, you significantly harm efficiency. This is important to know.

Ways to improve efficiency

You shouldn’t get too hung up on statistics, but the desire to change the indicators in better side completely acceptable.

Let's consider methods for improving efficiency:

Using gold shells

In this regard, everything depends on the specific tank. Let's take T69. AP shells have a penetration rate of 173. In this case, it will be difficult to get excellent damage. This should be taken into account. But as soon as you load cumulative ammunition with a penetration of 300, you will be able to create impressive damage, which helps to increase the efficiency in “Tanks”. “Golda” bears fruit and often allows you to look at technology in a new way. The only problem is the price of such shells, so proceed from your financial capabilities.

Never sit down to play WoT in a depressed state. This will negatively affect efficiency and, accordingly, the winning percentage. You should be in a good, fighting and positive mood, and a depressive state will only drag you further into the abyss of defeat.

Don’t try to quickly upgrade your equipment to the next level and tank again at stock. Each fight should be equal to the others. Deal as much damage as possible, try to be as useful as possible for the team. Remember, the more you like the technique you play, as well as the better quality skill and crew, the higher the effectiveness of combat skills. Also understand that you shouldn’t overplay, your body tends to get tired, and this causes you to lose concentration, and consequently, the quality of the game is significantly reduced.


This article contains recommendations that make it clear how to play much better, increase your efficiency level and win percentage. It is important to realize that every action has its consequences, and they may not always be good. So don't overuse it. By adhering to the above points, you can discover a new “World of Tanks”, where there is strategy, morale and mutual assistance! Every player has a chance to “break out into the world”, the main thing is to have the desire to achieve better results! This is important. Desire is victory, and everything else is just a matter of technique. Statistics speak specifically about the quality of the game. Learn to tank competently and constantly improve your combat technique.
