Work plan of a teacher-defectologist. General information Work of a defectologist in the summer

On the eve of summer, I would like to give parents some recommendations on how to spend time with their children to benefit their development. A full summer can provide children with a supply of energy for the entire next year. This means that in the summer there must be new experiences, communication with peers, and proper nutrition.

At the same time, we must not forget about consolidating in the child’s memory the knowledge and skills acquired during the school year. The most productive method of repeating the material covered is to include the knowledge and skills acquired over the year into the framework of entertaining games. There is no need to force your child to take special classes in the summer. The main thing to remember is that the main activity of a child is play; it is during play that a child can learn something new or consolidate already acquired knowledge. Here are some tips and a selection of games to help you understand the principles of summer “learning.”

Ball games “Edible - inedible”, “Living - inanimate”, “Names”, “On the contrary” (for words with opposite meanings: high - low, light - heavy), “What around us looks like a circle, square, triangle, rectangle?" Such games captivate children and bring a lot of positive emotions, which is essential for the successful development of a child. Children take part in the game with pleasure.

Word games. They can brighten up a long journey in transport, a boring trip “on business” or garden chores, and at the same time they develop vocabulary and auditory memory very well. Such games include:

What words and colors can describe the time of year;

Name a word-object, a word-action, words-associations, a word-color, only funny words;

Tell us about the object: what is it like (name as many adjectives as possible): what kind of apple? – green, large, firm, juicy, fragrant;

What can it do (name as many verbs as possible): what does the flower do? - grows, blooms, blooms, withers, etc.

Play words where only one sound changes: kidney - daughter - dot - hummock...

“Find the mistake in the sentence.” (Mushrooms grow in the forest. Cones grow... on the Christmas tree.)

Teach your child to write a story based on a picture. Explain that a story has a beginning (short like the morning), a middle (long like the day) and an end (short like the evening).

Talk to your child during all activities such as cooking, cleaning, dressing, undressing, playing, walking, etc. Talk about what you are doing, what you see your child doing, what other people are doing, and what your child is seeing.

Speak calmly, at a normal pace, with intonation.

Speak using CORRECTLY constructed phrases and sentences. Your sentence should be 1 – 2 words longer than the child’s. If your child still speaks only in one-word sentences, then your phrase should consist of 2 words.

Ask OPEN questions. This will encourage your child to use multiple words to answer. For example, ask “What is he doing?” instead of “Is he playing?” If the child finds it difficult to answer when asking a question, use the word “or.” For example: “The boy is jumping or running.”

Maintain a temporary pause so that the child has the opportunity to speak and answer questions.

Listen to the sounds and noises that surround us. Tell your child: “Listen to the dog barking, but listen to the wind,” etc. And then ask: “What is this?” This could be the barking of a dog, the sound of the wind, an airplane engine, the rustling of leaves, the babbling of a stream, etc.

Tell a short story, a story. Then help your child tell the same story to you or someone else. If you have any difficulties, ask your child guiding questions.

If your child uses only a few words in his speech, help him enrich his speech with new words. Select 5-6 words (body parts, toys, products) and name them to your child. Give him the opportunity to repeat these words. Don't expect your child to pronounce them perfectly. Encourage your child and continue to memorize them. After the child has said these words, introduce 5-6 new words. Continue adding words until the child recognizes most of the objects around him. Exercise every day.

If your child only says one word, start teaching him short phrases. Use words that your child knows. Add color, size, action. For example, if a child says “ball”, consistently teach him to say: “Big ball”, “Tanin ball”, “round ball”, etc.

Motor development

* Collect and sort berries;

* Weed the beds;

* Post drawings from stones, cones, matches, cereals);

* Play with clay, wet sand;

* Look for “treasure” buried in the cereal;

* Play with balls and balls (throw, catch, hit the target);

* Throw and catch flying saucers;

* Collect mosaics, construction sets, puzzles;

* Sort through cereals;

* Play with fingers (folk games like “Magpie”);

* Color coloring pages with colored pencils;

* Fold simple paper toys (origami);

* Screw nuts (toy and real);

* Weave from beads;

* Sculpt from plasticine, plastic, dough.

Read aloud to your child more often. This brings the child and the adult closer together and is developmental in nature. Discuss what you read, look at the illustrations - let the child train his memory and tell you what he remembers, what he liked best about the fairy tale or story. Ask him to describe his favorite character. Try to draw, color, shade the characters of a fairy tale or story.

Parents must remember:

1. Don’t force your child to study, get him interested. The child's interest is the key to success.

2. Classes should be held in the form of a game, moving on to the next exercise only after mastering the previous one.

3. Don't scold your child for mistakes. Criticism can destroy a child's interest. Help your child correct mistakes, do everything fun, together, without coercion or blame.

4. Encourage the child’s speech activity, stimulate speech.

5. Don't show that you expected more from him if he couldn't do something. The main thing is to be patient and not turn fun games into boring activities with many demands. If your child is interested and tries, then you are on the right track.

6. Remember that you have a wonderful child and together you are capable of much!

Material prepared by: Rybakova A.V. – teacher-speech pathologist

275 Kb


by decision of the pedagogical council
protocol dated 01/01/2001


Head of municipal educational institution kindergarten No. 000




municipal educational institution of combined type kindergarten No. 000

Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd

Academic year

Target: creating conditions conducive to the health of the child’s body in the summer.


1. Ensure the protection of the life and health of children, the prevention of morbidity and injury.

2. Implement a system of measures aimed at the improvement and physical development of pupils, their moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive abilities of preschoolers.

3. Carry out pedagogical education of parents on the issues of raising and improving the health of children in the summer.



1. Educational work with children


Joint activities of the teacher and children in the main areas of development according to the approved schedule (Appendix 1. Appendix 2)


Art. teacher



Work on developing a safe lifestyle in children - conversations, games, entertainment to familiarize themselves with the rules of the road, preventing domestic injuries (thematic planning)


Environmental education of children: excursions and walks in the forest, conversations, observations, games, experimental activities, work in the flower garden, vegetable garden, etc. (thematic planning appendix No. 3)


Cognitive and speech development of children: conversations, didactic games, reading fiction, simple experimentation, observation, excursions (thematic planning - Appendix No. 3)


Development of communication skills, ensuring a positive emotional mood: conversations, game communication situations, role-playing games (thematic planning - Appendix No. 3)


Holidays and entertainment according to the plan of events with children for the summer health period (appendix

№ 4)

2. Physical education and health work with children


Maximum stay of children in the fresh air (morning reception, gymnastics, classes, walks, entertainment).Appendices No.

During the summer health period


Creating conditions for increasing physical activity in the fresh air by expanding the range of outdoor equipment (balls, bicycles, scooters, etc.)

Implementation of hardening in everyday life:

Lightweight clothing;

Compliance with the ventilation regime;

Washing with cool water

Art. nurse



Organization of special hardening events:;

Walking barefoot before and after sleep (junior group - 2 minutes, middle group - 3 minutes, middle group - 4 minutes);

Sunbathing for the purpose of hardening;

Water procedures;

Pouring feet


Implementation of the educational field “Physical Education”:

Conducting physical education classes outdoors;

Carrying out physical education;

Carrying out sports exercises (biking, scootering, small towns, ring throwing);

Carrying out elements of sports games (football, basketball, badminton);

Carrying out outdoor games;

Individual and subgroup work with children on walking development



Daily inclusion of fresh vegetables, fruits, juices in the menu, expanding the range of vegetable dishes


Art. nurse

Applications No. 5,6,7)

3. Methodological work


Preparation of thematic planning for the summer period

Until 31.05


Art. teacher


- “Features of planning educational and health work in the summer”

- “Motor activity of children on a summer walk”

- “Features of planning the educational process in the summer period, taking into account FGT”

Until 31.05.


Art. teacher


Briefing with preschool employees:

To protect the life and health of children in preschool educational institutions and on the playground;

On the prevention of poisoning of children by poisonous plants and mushrooms;

About the rules of behavior on the water;

To prevent child road traffic injuries;

To prevent child injuries and provide first aid;

Prevention of food poisoning and intestinal infections

Until 31.05.




Head nurse


“Organization of work with children in the summer”

“Features of a summer walk”

"Outdoor games and exercises with children in the summer"

"Games with sand, water and clay"

“Walks – trips outside the kindergarten territory”

“Games and activities in natural conditions”

“Basic criteria for a child’s adaptation to kindergarten conditions”








Art. teacher


Replenishment and updating of gaming and development centers.

Until 25.08



Updating the content of parent corners.

Until 17.08


Review of group readiness for the school year



Art. teacher

Ped. advice: “Results of summer health work. Approval of the plan for the new academic year"



Art. teacher

4. Control activities


Morning reception (outdoor exercises, walk)

During the LOP


Art. teacher, senior nurse


Planning educational work in the summer


Art. teacher


Checking the presence and safety of removed material



Head of the economic department


Executing Instructions




Organization of medical and pedagogical control

(Appendix 8)

During the LOP

Head, Art. teacher, senior nurse


Organization of work with parents



Head, Art. teacher

5. Working with parents


Design of screens and sliding folders on a summer theme




Design of sliding folders – “Prevention of sunstroke”, “Prevention of intestinal infections”


Art. nurse


Consultations for parents:

“To the museum with my parents”

"Child's leisure time in nature"

“Games with children on vacation in the summer”

"The Use of Fiction

in environmental education of preschool children in the family"

"Child nutrition in summer"

"Vacation with a child in the summer"

"On compliance with traffic rules"







During the LOP

Art. teacher


Organization of joint exhibitions and competitions

"Beautiful Flowers"

Exhibition of crafts made from waste material using PDDT

Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials “summer fantasies”




Art. teacher


Consultations for parents of newly admitted children “Adaptation of children to kindergarten conditions”


Head, Art. teacher


Involvement in landscaping and group design




6. Administrative and economic work.


Partial cosmetic renovation of kindergarten premises

During the summer health period


Head of Economic Department


Organization of work to prepare the heating unit for the winter period


Repair and painting of equipment on site


Changing sand, treating it with boiling water


Planting flowers, vegetables, herbs. Caring for flower beds and vegetable gardens

General information about the material and technical equipment of the organization

Purpose of the object: preschool educational institution, purpose: non-residential
Ensuring access to the building for disabled people and persons with disabilities: GBDOU kindergarten No. 23 is adapted to the conditions of unhindered access to an educational organization for children and adults with disabilities. A detailed description with a photo report is contained in the "Accessible Environment" section

The two-story standard building of the first building and the three-story building of the second building of the kindergarten are located in the center of the residential area, have a landscaped area, reliably protected by a metal fence. A video surveillance system with an image recording function is installed on the territory; the entrance to the building is equipped with an intercom for adults and people with disabilities. An automatic fire alarm system, a warning and evacuation control system, a security alarm system, a warning and evacuation control system, a security alarm system, an alarm button, and an internal fire water supply system have been installed.

The walking areas of each group are equipped with play and sports equipment. With the help of teachers and parents, flower beds were laid out in the areas and ecological corners were decorated.

The catering unit is equipped with the necessary technological equipment. Children's meals are organized in accordance with the current "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of work in preschool organizations." Children receive 4 meals a day according to a ten-day menu developed by the Social Nutrition Administration of St. Petersburg. In the winter season, - fortification. Medical staff monitors the quality of food.

Medical personnel also monitor the physical condition of children and employees, carry out preventive work to prevent colds and chronic diseases, carry out vaccinations according to schedule, and prepare medical records for future first-graders. The GBDOU has a medical office and a treatment room.

The institution has built a multifunctional subject-spatial development environment in group rooms and in specialists’ offices. The GBDOU has the necessary conditions for the comprehensive development of children: group rooms, a music room, a physical education room, speech therapy rooms, and a speech pathologist's office. In order to optimize joint educational activities, teachers create and use innovative educational products that are successfully used in the educational process. Kindergarten teachers actively use new technologies and share their creative potential with colleagues at open events, district and city methodological associations, seminars, conferences

Wellness plan for the summer period


for the 2015 – 2016 academic year

(senior group)

I . Organizational work

1. draw up an annual and long-term work plan for the 2016-2017 academic year.

2. select consulting materialFor parents and teachers for the 2016 - 2017 school year.

3. select appropriate literature in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards

4. think over an individual educational route for working with disabled children for the 2016 - 2017 academic year

5. choose a didactic manual for the development of children’s cognitive abilities

6. systematize the material for creating a portfolio.

II . Working with children.


- development of children’s cognitive abilities through play and recreational activities;

- enriching children's vocabulary;

- development of fine and gross motor skills

    Cognitive development





Educational games based on FEMP:

“Pick a shape”, “Name and count”, “Tell about your pattern”, “Yesterday, today, tomorrow”

Games for sensory development:

“Find a patch”, “Compare and find out”, “Find a pair”,

"Magic bag"

“Outfits of Mother Earth”, “Life in Seeds”,

“Guess by the description”, “The fourth odd one”

"Drowning - not drowning" "Egg Submarine"

« How to get drinking water from salt water »
"Grape Submarine"


Educational games based on FEMP:

“Is that enough?”, “Parts of the day”, “Stand in place”, “Where is the figure?”

Games for sensory development:

“Name the color”, “Compare objects”, “Warm - cold”, “Hard - soft”

Games to familiarize yourself with the natural world:

“River fish”, “Who has whom?”, “Name it in one word”, “Flies - does not fly”

Cognitive and research activities

“Is the air ever cold?” , "Properties of seeded sand" , "How much does air weigh" , “Is it possible to glue paper with water?”

    Speech development





Games for speech development:

“Pick up a sign”, “Name it affectionately”, “Find out by description”, “Whose? Whose? Whose?"

“Sunny bunnies”, “Sun”, “The sun warms the earth”, “The sun sleeps and the sky sleeps”.

Finger games:

« Your fingers”, “This is how fingers walk”, “Prickly hedgehog”, “Frogs”


“Good morning” S. Yesenin,

“Dandelion” by E. Serov,

“The Sun” K. Kubilinskas


“Havroshechka”, “Winged, shaggy and oily”, “Fox and jug”, “Bone” by L. Tolstoy.


Games for speech development:

"Which? Which? Which one?”, “Where is the beginning of the story?”, “Finish the sentence,” “close words.”

Coordination of speech with movement:

“A flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up”, “The children stood in a circle”, “A flock of birds”, “Stop, car”

Finger games:

“Rain”, “Orange”, “Castle”, “Press your finger”

Introduction to fiction


“Summer” by A. Ekimov, “Rainbow” by P. Obraztsov, “Chamomile” by E. Serov, “Aspen” by I. Tokmakov.


“The Braggart Hare”, “Cucumbers” by N. Nosov, “The Lion and the Dog” by L. Tolstoy, “Sivka – Burka”.

III . Working with teachers


Interaction with preschool teachers on children’s cognitive development






“Development of creative thinking in preschoolers”

Teacher - defectologist



“Features of play activities of children of senior preschool age”

Teacher - defectologist

IV . Working with parents


Involve parents in the correctional process for children's development





Teacher - defectologist


"Educational games and rules for their implementation"



“How to raise a child’s attention, concentration, and overcome absent-mindedness”

Teacher - defectologist

Explanatory note

The content of the work of a teacher-defectologist in a secondary school is determined by the goal of the teacher-defectologist - to provide timely specialized assistance to students with disabilities in mastering the mandatory minimum content of education in a public school. A teacher-defectologist carries out work aimed at maximizing the correction of deviations in the development of students with special needs, which helps to further ensure the level of training meets the requirements of the state educational standard.

Main tasks:

  1. Correction and development of thought processes, all types of memory and attention;
  2. Formation of the most important social skills that contribute to the successful adaptation of students with developmental disabilities in society;
  3. Timely warning and students’ completion of general education programs;
  4. Clarification among teachers and parents (legal representatives) of children with special needs of special knowledge in the field of defectology, in order to provide maximum assistance to this category of children and to understand the importance of the problem posed within the framework of psychological and pedagogical support.

Main activities:

  1. Organizational and methodological
  2. Diagnostic
  3. Correctional and developmental
  4. Educational and preventive
  5. Analytical

provides for activities that contribute to further fruitful practical work of the teacher-defectologist throughout the entire school year.

Diagnostic direction involves conducting a frontal and in-depth diagnostic of the cognitive sphere of students with disabilities. Based on the results of the examination, students who have various types of disabilities and experience learning difficulties are enrolled in groups of correctional and developmental classes and in individual lessons with a speech pathologist teacher.

provides for conducting classes to correct and develop the cognitive sphere of students:

  • development of attention, memory of students, activation of memorization processes and reproduction;
  • development and activation of mental operations;
  • development of creative abilities and learning to use them in practice;
  • formation of a careful attitude towards one’s physical and mental health, as well as the most important social skills that contribute to successful adaptation in society.

IN educational and preventive direction This means providing advisory assistance to teachers and parents (legal representatives) of students in determining the causes of academic failure and providing recommendations for overcoming various kinds of difficulties in raising and educating children.

Analytical direction, which determines the interdisciplinary interaction of specialists and allows you to adjust the training programs of the teacher-defectologist in accordance with the achievements of the students.

Goals Specific actions, events Document Responsible Deadlines
Organizational and methodological direction
1.Planning activities for the new academic year.

2. Preparation of theoretical and didactic materials for carrying out correctional and developmental work with students with disabilities.

1. Drawing up a work plan for the year

2. Preparation for frontal examination of students with developmental disabilities.

3. Enrollment and staffing of subgroups, drawing up an individual lesson schedule.

4. Registration of individual escort cards.

5. Preparation of documentation, selection of educational material.

6. Development of special individual-oriented, group correctional and developmental programs.

Work plan

Diagnostic journal lists of students with disabilities


Student development maps

Journals Basic documentation of the Program

Defectologist Defectologist


Defectologist Defectologist




August September


August - September August - September

Diagnostic direction
1.Identification of the characteristics and level of development of various aspects of cognitive activity of students with disabilities.

2. Identifying the “level of communication”, i.e. degree of mastery of educational skills in accordance with age standards.

3. Differentiation

1. Frontal in-depth examination of students with disabilities at the beginning and end of the 2017/2018 academic year, determining the level of formation of mental processes

2. Dynamic observation of children in the process of correctional education

3. Diagnostics of students based on requests

4. In-depth examination and correctional support of students represented at the PMPK.

Diagnostic journal, characteristics

Examination protocols.


class hands


During the academic year

During the academic year

Upon request during the academic year

Correctional and developmental direction
1.Studying and monitoring the level of development of cognitive activity of schoolchildren with disabilities.

2. Construction of effective correctional and developmental education and development of schoolchildren with disabilities.

3. Security and strengthening

1.Organization and conduct of individual group correctional classes with children with special needs, ensuring the assimilation of program material and the transfer of skills and abilities developed in classes into educational activities, namely:

— development and activation of mental operations;

— formation of spatio-temporal representation;

- formation of diverse ideas about objects and phenomena of the environment

Monitoring log of individual and group lessons of the Program defectologist During the academic year
physical and psychological health of students. reality, enrichment of vocabulary, development of coherent speech;

— formation of skills and abilities necessary for mastering program material;

- formation of methods of mental activity and methods of educational work.

— formation of methods of social adaptation in society and development of social skills of children with disabilities

2. Participation of children with disabilities in quizzes and competitions

Material for quizzes and Olympiad assignments


I half of the year II half of the year

Educational and preventive direction
1. Further development of comprehensive management by all participants of educational and psychological-pedagogical support for students with disabilities.

2. Development of psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers and parents of children with disabilities.

3. Increasing the level of self-education and professionalism.

1. Interaction with a pediatrician to monitor the dynamics of development of students with disabilities. Providing mutual advisory assistance.

2. Providing advisory assistance to parents of students with disabilities, teachers, and general education teachers (in individual and group form).

3. Attending classes 1-4 grades. in order to track development dynamics.

4. Speech at parent meetings, teachers. councils, meetings (on request).

5. Participation in the work of the Moscow Region (on request)

6. Participation in intra-school events on the problem of children with special educational problems.

Journal of consulting, methodological materials Defectologist, pediatrician During the academic year

77.Planning work for the new academic year

annual plan



During the year

Analytical direction
1. Give a comparative assessment of the quality of work.

2. Track the dynamics of changes in results from year to year.

3. Monitor the effectiveness of children’s education using adapted programs.

1.Analysis of the process of corrective influence on the development of students and assessment of its effectiveness.

2. Implementation of interdisciplinary cooperation with school PMC specialists.

3. Preparation of analytical reports based on the results of a survey of students with disabilities at the beginning and end of training.

4. Preparation of a report on the results of work for the 2017/2018 academic year.

Analytical information

Consultation log

Analytical reports, results tables Annual report


Defectologist, participants of PMPk



During the year

According to the PMPk plan

September, January, May


The main indicators of the achievements of the results of my work can be considered the development of positive dynamics in the field of formation and development of a child with disabilities as an individual, namely:

  1. formation and development of the abilities of schoolchildren with disabilities, techniques of mental activity and all mental processes in general, development of the ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in practice;
  2. formation and development of communicative and social competence of a child with disabilities. in interaction with adults and children; social and everyday adaptation in society.

Thus, in my work I must be actively involved in all areas of the educational process. Organize your activities in conditions of interdisciplinary interaction of specialists. Together with a psychologist, speech therapist, teacher, and nurse, develop and implement comprehensive correction and development programs for children with disabilities, participate in school council meetings, and conduct advisory and educational work with teachers and parents.

The work plan was compiled by: _____________ teacher-defectologist I.L. Knyazeva
