Eight wise men solitaire. Eight free cells solitaire

Description of the online game Eight Free Cells Solitaire:

The game uses 52 cards and all of them are open from the very beginning of the game. The player no longer has to reveal the cards himself; his only task in the game Eight Free Cells Solitaire is to be able to lay them out correctly. You will need to arrange all the cards into six columns, the remaining two remain free, these are reserve columns. Spare cells for folding those that are currently in the way gameplay cards are at the top playing field, in them you have the opportunity to place eight different cards, then you can get them from there at the moment of the game when you need them. The game Eight Free Cells Solitaire is a real puzzle game that will certainly appeal to all fans of online card games. Distinctive feature This game is that all the cards on the playing field must be laid out following strict rules: they all must be of the same suit and must be laid out in descending order. At the very beginning of the game, it would be best to place aces in the cells, then start collecting the rest of the deck of cards on them. The time in the game Eight Free Cells Solitaire is not limited, so you can calmly think through your every action.

Welcome to Eight Solitaire free cells": play online for free and without registering on the site! Here is an improved version of the game in Russian with a selection of pictures of classic Windows solitaire games. You can customize the look of solitaire to your liking and play on any device in full screen.

Solitaire “Eight free cells” or “Eights off” (Eight Off) - complicated version card game" ". The main difference lies in the way they are laid out on the gaming table: cards are transferred strictly in descending order of suit. The free space can only be occupied by the king, but as many as eight cells are allocated for reserve! In this online versions Solitaire "Eight Free Cells" can be played with a return move and use a free hint without restrictions.

Rules of the game

The player's task is to stack the entire deck into four bases according to suits, starting with aces to kings. All cards are dealt front side up 8 columns of six cards each. The remaining 4 cards occupy half of the eight free cells. All of them can be used for temporary storage of cards.

The four slots on the left are foundations or bases, as in the game “”, on which you need to collect cards by suit.

The table piles occupy most of the playing field; the main action of the game takes place in them - sorting and transferring cards to obtain the desired sequence. Technically, cards are transferred one at a time, but if there is a free cell, the number of cards that can be transferred at a time increases. If all eight cells are open, you can move nine cards at once!

An empty space can only be filled by a king (as in the game “”), this rule limits the number of possible moves, but it makes it all the more interesting to play, check it out for yourself!

Eight Sages

Number of decks: 2

Number of cards in the deck: 52

Number of players: 1

Solitaire goal: it is necessary to collect all the cards on the aces in ascending sequences into a suit.

Solitaire rules. The two decks are mixed into one. The deck is carefully shuffled and 8 cards are laid out face down; these will be the game piles. The remaining deck of cards is placed open next to them. On top of the row of eight cards are spaces for the eight base piles. Starting cards

Basic piles are aces, which are placed first during the game as they are opened. It is allowed to place cards on the game piles (cards) in a descending sequence alternating the color of the suit: black, red. Cards are taken by turning over the remaining deck one at a time. It is prohibited to move cards from one game pile to another game pile. If during the game any pile of cards is cleared, then you are allowed to put a card from the remaining deck on the empty space. The remaining deck is flipped through for matching cards only once.

The solitaire game is successful if all the cards are collected on the base piles in ascending sequences into a suit.

Eight Free Solitaire offers a challenge that only experienced or very talented players can solve. Do you consider yourself one of them? It's time to try your hand!


Now let's return to the main playing field. The main trick is that you can only place cards of the same suit on top of each other and only in descending order. For example, a jack on top of a queen. The opposite is not possible. We also emphasize that you can put any card from the playing field into the supply, but you can return it back only when there is a pair for it. From the top 4 cells, cards can also be sent to the reserve.

  • Before storing a card, it is worth considering whether it will be easy to use in the future.
  • Due to the fact that you can also put the top cards in the stock, you can create new combinations.
  • From the very beginning, try to put the largest number of aces in the cells for them.

Under the game there is a description, instructions and rules, as well as thematic links to similar materials - we recommend that you read it.

This solitaire game is one of the progenitors of FreeCell. Unprepared players may find it difficult, primarily due to the fact that this game takes into account suit. Thus, you will no longer be able to place, say, an eight of diamonds on a nine of spades. Diamonds to diamonds, hearts to hearts, spades to spades, crosses to crosses, and nothing else!

Such stringent requirements are compensated by the presence of eight free cells located vertically, on the right and left of the gaming table, where you can take cards that are currently in the way. Also, the rules of solitaire allow you to move stacks of cards arranged in a hierarchy (from the highest denomination to the lowest). The main task is to fold all the cards in order (from Ace to King) and taking into account the suit into the four central cells.

Can download game EIGHT FREE SOLITAIRE on your computer, it will not take up much space, but think about whether it makes sense to do this, because it is always available here, you just need to open this page.

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Full screen

A game in the categories Solitaire, Cards, Logic available for free, around the clock and without registering with a description in Russian on Min2Win. If the capabilities of the electronic desktop allow, you can expand the plot of EIGHT FREE SOLITAIRE in full screen and enhance the effect of completing the scenarios. Many things really make sense to consider in more detail.
