One of the fallout shelter raider groups. Secrets of Fallout Shelter: Wasteland

Fallout Shelter(Fallout Vault) is a game for Android and iPhone, created by computer game. The plot is about creating an underground bunker and its arrangement. You have 3 resources available to you (water, energy, food), the balance of which must be maintained with a reserve.

Fallout Shelter walkthrough / Full guide

SPECIAL system

  • Strength - increases the chance of damage from the enemy
  • Perception - increases the quality of things found
  • Endurance - increases time spent in the wasteland
  • Charisma (Charisma) - the likelihood of reaching an agreement with the enemy without a fight
  • Intellegence (Intelligence) - profitable deals with a merchant, breaking safes
  • Agility - increases the likelihood of avoiding dangerous enemies
  • Luck - increases the likelihood of finding things


In case of accidents and transitions to other rooms, the learning process is not reset. That is, for each training room it is saved. Upgrading these rooms speeds up learning by 5%.


Level up increases your health. The maximum level is 50.

The maximum number of residents is 200.

You cannot mix relatives - the message “Nothing like handing out at home with my family” is displayed.

Mood. It depends on health and the activities in which he is engaged. During the conception of children, the mood rises to 100%.


Rooms of the same type are combined with each other, increasing efficiency. Maximum 3 rooms connected.

Elevators - needed to connect between floors.

Living quarters. Increases the maximum number of inhabitants in a shelter.

Electric generator, nuclear reactor (Power generator, Nuclear reactor) - energy production, people are needed with pumped up power (S). When there is a lack of energy, rooms turn off and do not produce resources.

Dining room, garden (Diner, Garden) - provides food for residents with high dexterity (A). If there is a shortage of food, hunger begins and the residents' health decreases.

Water treatment (Water purification) - disinfects water from radiation. If there is a lack of clean water, people are exposed to radiation.

Radio - improves the mood of residents and finds new people in the wasteland. The level of charisma (C) affects the speed of finding people. Each room improves mood by 1% when fully loaded. Possibly attracted to Deathclaw.

Nuka-Cola plant (Nuka-Cola bottler) - production of Nuka-Cola drink, increases food and water at the same time.

Fortified vault door - Delays attackers to transfer residents for protection.

Upgrade rooms (arrow icon on the top right) to improve its characteristics. Each room purchase increases the cost of the next purchase.

Bonuses (Lunchbox)

When you complete tasks, you can win a Lunchbox. It contains money, resources, weapons, clothes. Sometimes you come across rare and valuable specimens.

Fallout Shelter translation into Russian

sturdy vault suit - reliable storage suit P5

Fires and attacks

Your bunker can be attacked by mutant cockroaches (radroach), mutant rats (molerats), raiders (raider), Deathclaw. At the same time, they steal your resources, they begin to flash red.

How to protect yourself from Deathclaws— you need to build a power plant of three sections immediately opposite the entrance, where everyone’s strength has been pumped up, and distribute improved weapons to them.

Children and pregnant women do not participate in eliminating emergency situations, but run around in panic and scream =).

Increase the level of your residents - at low levels they die very quickly.

Video review


objective (Tasks)

Assign 24 Dwellers in the right room - Assign 24 Dwellers to the right room, i.e. by his strongest skill

Everything you didn't know about Fallout, secrets
Well, at the end I’ll add a video about the computer game Fallout

There is an opinion that Fallout Shelter is like a vitamin for those fans of the game who have been waiting so long for the real Fallout 4 and have to wait a little longer. In this mobile strategy there really is a lot of stuff from the “big” Fallout.

Bethesda provides the user with the opportunity to work as a Guardian of one of the underground bunkers in a post-apocalyptic future. The shelter must be built, improved, protected and managed by its inhabitants, providing them with energy and the resources necessary for life and procreation.

And a lot is connected with the birth rate in Fallout Shelter, since without new residents the Shelter cannot be developed.

In general, it’s not difficult to play Fallout Shelter, but in practice, Fallout Shelter (by the way - Android games full versions download) we constantly have to solve a whole range of various problems and problems that arise every now and then for residents, so it’s not boring.

Of course, not to the same extent as in real Fallout, but there are downright dead-end moments when you have to strain your favorite brain muscle in search of exit options. Actually.

In this regard, we offer several useful tips from experienced Guardians on solving the most pressing issues in Fallout Shelter and successfully completing the game. So, how to play and win in Fallout Shelter:

we place rooms wisely

The haphazard placement of rooms in the game is one of the typical mistakes of new Guardians who do not yet know how to plan ahead when it comes to expanding the Vault. When designing your construction, try to group resource and energy-generating rooms, and then you will not have to frantically swipe across the screen and rush around the entire bunker every time it comes time to collect the energy, food and water produced.

In turn, timely collected resources, in particular energy, make it possible to maintain weapons in combat-ready condition, with which residents will defend themselves both from raiders and from more dangerous enemies - death claws, radroaches or mole rats.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - SPECIAL - but we distribute responsibilities between the inhabitants of the Vault

It is imperative to understand the specialization of the characters. Only by properly upgrading everyone’s skills and accurately distributing residents among work areas can maximum efficiency of the entire “work collective” be achieved. For example, characters with high Strength, which, by the way, is pumped up in gyms, are better placed in rooms with power plants, Attentive ones - near water treatment equipment, but those with developed survivability indicator.

Intellectuals make excellent doctors (who make Stimulants) and chemists (who make antiradin). But charismatic comrades not only work well for Radi, attracting new residents, but are also more effective than others in improving the demographics, let’s say, in a natural way.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - We arm everyone (except pregnant women, of course)

As they explore the surrounding area, residents will bring more and more samples of various weapons to the Vault. At the very beginning of the game, you should not store it, distribute it to residents and constantly update their arsenal with more advanced rifles and machine guns. Stocks of old and ineffective weapons can be safely sold off for caps, but good weapons can be left in one of the storage rooms. The main thing is to arm everyone quickly.

Some statistics: if all combat-ready residents have guns with damage of 4 or higher, then the threat from raiders and radroaches can be considered insignificant; weapons with damage of 5-6 are guaranteed to solve problems with mole rats, moreover, without your direct intervention and without loss of personnel, but only on the condition that the attacked rooms are completely filled. Pregnant women do not need to be armed at all, since in dangerous situations they, as expected, are the first to run away.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - we are in no hurry to produce resources

Fallout Shelter provides an option to quickly produce resources, but you should not abuse it. Haste is an invaluable tool if risks are properly assessed and the Vault economy is strong, but using it too often inevitably leads to higher costs for resources and an increase in the number of “industrial accidents.” In addition, the planned production cycle (which is marked by a timer) allows you to maximize income from a particular resource.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - We do not leave characters outside the Vault for a long time

Anyone who has played Fallout at least a little knows that the wasteland is an extremely dangerous territory, replete with all sorts of super mutants, places with high background radiation and other murderous “joys”. But it’s also impossible not to go out into the Wasteland, since its research gives the inhabitants of the Vault many useful things, and the longer and further they work, the more significant the results. However, one must see their capabilities. Characters with pumped-up Endurance, well-armed and protected, with a large supply of stimulants and antiradin should be released outside the gates of the Vault, then they will return alive (and sometimes healthy) and not empty-handed.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - maintaining the birth rate

In order for children to start appearing in Fallout Shelter, you don’t really need to work hard. We bring together at least one man and one woman with the highest possible charisma and the same level in one living room, and the process will begin. Just the normal number of kids (that is, not too many and not too little) in Fallout Shelter is often a problem. Low birth rate means economic decline and poor protection of the Shelter, too many children and pregnant women - actually the same thing. With the development of the Shelter and the growth of the population, it is necessary to constantly take care of the placement of children: collecting them in a heap is dangerous due to the risk of all kinds of emergencies and accidents, they cannot be left without protection (at least one well-armed resident must be nearby at all times), otherwise they will be dragged away by raiders.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - follow fashion

From the Wasteland, residents will bring not only weapons, but also various clothes, which, if used correctly, are an excellent way to level up your characters. The principle is simple: they need to be dressed in clothes that increase more than one of the special characteristics. Thus, over time, you will receive one or several super-talented characters who will become a real boon for your Shelter and will themselves help you play fun in Fallout Shelter. As with weapons, ineffective clothing can be sold for caps, but, again, only after all residents are dressed “to the highest standard.”

However, this did not reduce the popularity of mobile " shelter manager«.

Fallout Shelter is an interesting mobile toy in which you have to manage your own shelter where those who were able to escape and survive after a nuclear war took refuge. You have to build and develop new rooms, extract resources, make sure that all your residents are involved in useful, and most importantly, work they love. And of course, you will have to monitor the development of the offspring and the replenishment of the workforce in your “den”. In addition to monitoring and developing, you also have to equip your residents and send them on expeditions outside the shelter. Thanks to such “outings” you can get new equipment, weapons, gain experience and earn extra caps (game currency).

It should be noted that you can now download Fallout Shelter for free on Android and iOS, however, the game contains microtransactions: you can purchase various bonuses that will help speed up your development, but if you try, devote time to the game and follow the tips, recommendations, and also use some game secrets Fallout Shelter, you will not need to purchase bonuses.

What do you need to know to succeed in Fallout Shelter?

- Quick upgrade of the shelter gate!
During the game, you will be raided by raiders with weapons who want to get resources from you and generally destroy your secluded hideout. Each time the raids will become more and more noticeable for you, so you should take care of protection. One of the points to ensure the security of your shelter is to modernize the front door (entrance compartment), which will increase the time it takes for raiders to enter the shelter, during which time you can place guards with weapons. At the first opportunity, spend 500 caps (the so-called caps - the game currency) to improve the entrance to level 1, and then, if possible, upgrade again. Let's move on...

— What to do if raiders attack a shelter in the game Fallout Shelter?
You have time while the raiders are breaking the gate, don't waste it. Move your soldiers to the gate, give them weapons and ammunition (put them on), and don’t forget to replenish their health so that they meet the enemy fully armed. And then - wait. Until your fighters successfully repel an attack on their home.

— Correct location of the shelter rooms!
This is important! Very, very important! You've probably already noticed, and if not, take note: by placing two rooms of the same type (level!) of your shelter next to each other, you increase their effectiveness. The rooms are combined, but they can also be modernized in the future. It is better to arrange the rooms - two at a time. This is the best option.

If suddenly you are trying to connect two rooms, but they do not combine, then perhaps you are placing a room of the 1st level next to a room on the 2nd or 3rd level. Having corrected this oversight, the rooms are combined. Maximum - three rooms together.

— Improve rooms, especially resource ones.
Of course, all players want to quickly build up their shelter, more inhabitants, more resources and other things, but we should not forget about upgrading the existing facilities. Building rooms requires additional resources, energy and water, so in some cases it is much more appropriate to upgrade, which will increase efficiency with fewer important resources.

— Personal selection of each resident for the room
Each character in the game Fallout Shelter has its own skills, some have developed one, some have another, so placing inhabitants in the shelter is a very important moment in the game and you must do it taking into account the needs of each character. To view a character's properties, you need to click on it (tap).

By clicking on a room, below you will see a letter (S,I,P,A,E...), according to which you must select your resident. If everything is done correctly, then residents will always be satisfied with their work.

Here is a list of character skills with translation:
Strength(Strength) - a character with an increased value of this parameter will be a more effective worker at power plants;
Perceptio(Perception) - this parameter affects the outcome of the battle, or rather, its favorable outcome :);
Endurance(Endurance) - the more, the more health our residents have;
Charisma(Charisma) - if your character has this parameter increased and he is a girl, she will get pregnant faster and this character will be able to quickly establish relations with his enemy on the surface;
Intelligence(Intelligence) - residents with increased intelligence work better in the first-aid post and laboratories;
Agility(Dexterity) - will be masters in the kitchen;
Luck(Luck) - luck.. the higher the luck, the more cool things you will find outside.

- The main thing is care.
Remember: your goal in Fallout Shelter is to create the most comfortable and cool shelter possible, so the condition of the residents is very important to us. For a successful game, sometimes you don’t even need to carry out construction, but you just need to put your shelter in order, figure out if everything is in its place, and then the level of “happiness” of your residents will be much higher than if you set up additional rooms.

Don't forget to equip your residents as well. Things should also be selected taking into account individual characteristics. Those who go out on a sortie, to the surface on an expedition, must be equipped as much as possible. It is advisable to give them an additional 10 steampunks and 5-7 radoxes so that they can survive longer in the trials that await them during the study.

— Acceleration is useful, but careful...
There is a secret to success in Fallout Shelter, which lies in the careful, timely and infrequent acceleration of rooms. You can click on the room, then on the push button. Many people recommend using this function rarely, but after a successful acceleration, you receive the result of the work of the inhabitants of this room instantly, as well as caps for success. This way you can earn a little extra money and speed up your gameplay. However, you shouldn't overdo it... keep in mind.

— Forays to the surface
You, as the owner of the shelter, have the opportunity to send your inhabitants to the surface to conduct reconnaissance, where they receive experience, caps, as well as various cool stuff, such as weapons or clothing. A character who goes on such a dangerous mission must be well armed, equipped, and also have several first aid kits and radiation medicine capsules with him. While the survivors are on the surface, make sure that they do not die and recall them in time. Upon arrival, it is advisable to carry out full treatment.

Of course, there are those characters who love forays, and there are those who like to sit in their native shelter. This factor should also be taken into account when sending a soldier on reconnaissance. And of course there is the factor of luck.

- Multiply, but think with your head!
One of the in-game ways to increase the population of a shelter is reproduction. If you don’t know how to reproduce residents in the game Fallout Shelter, then everything is very simple, we’ll tell you. All you have to do is place a man and a woman in the same room to rest, and then wait. They will do everything themselves :) After a woman becomes pregnant, she walks for about 3 real hours, then gives birth to a child, he grows, about 3 more hours of real time, and after that you can use him as a full-fledged resident. Always keep an eye on resource limits, because if you have a lot of residents, it will be difficult for you to feed and water them. Keep an eye on these indicators, don't let them go down, and always remember - characters can die unexpectedly, and this is always unpleasant.

There are two ways to get characters in the Fallout Shelter game, one you already know, and the second is to wait. From time to time, survivors themselves will come under the wall of your shelter. To increase the frequency of the appearance of new residents, you must build a radio station that will work to attract survivors.

— How to revive residents in the game?
It's simple. In the Fallout game, residents can be brought back from the afterlife by paying the ransom price. Usually quite large. Do not spare money on this, because in order to then upgrade a new tenant to a certain level of skills, you will need quite a lot of time. The price for tenants is always not small, it is noticeable, but you should not be greedy.

— Completing game tasks.
Of course, so that the game does not seem dull and uninteresting to you, the developers have come up with many game tasks that you must complete to receive various bonuses. In the item there is a radio, at the top there is a list of tasks. For some tasks you get a decent amount of caps, and there are those for which you get boxes that contain very valuable items, which are extremely difficult to find on the surface during expeditions. Those who don't mind spending money buy these cases for real dollars, but you can get them for free, so why spend the money? Go for it!

Since you already found out general information about the game, we have prepared a fast guide to the game and answers to frequently asked questions questions about the game Fallout Shelter:
- monitor the amount of water; if there is not enough of it, residents become infected;
- the one who goes to the surface must have 20 steampunks (first aid kits) and 10 radx (radiation syringes);
— acceleration (rush) speeds up the acquisition of resources and gives caps (money);
— how to give birth to residents in a fallout shelter? for the birth of new dwellers - bring the man and woman into the same room, wait;
- pregnancy lasts 3 hours, child growth 3 hours;
— to attract new dwellers you need to build a radio;
— to improve the mood of the shelter residents, send them to their favorite job;
— on the surface you can find weapons, clothes, capsules, medicines;
play Fallout Shelter on PC- you can, but through various emulators;
- characters who have leveled up the skill - Endurance - work effectively in Nuka-Cola Bottler;
— you can demolish rooms in Fallout Shelter, but if there is nothing next to them. You should take the planning of buildings seriously;
how to get lunchboxes in fallout shelter? either buy for real money or complete game missions;
- to protect the shelter from attacks - place guards and improve the entrance;
- to protect the shelter from underground rats - supply the characters with weapons.

We tried to collect in this article the main secrets, features and interesting points Fallout games Shelter and we hope that this guide will help you build your own gaming shelter in which hundreds of inhabitants will be saved.

The world after nuclear war is harsh. Lack of food, energy, clean water and a roof over their heads make the inhabitants of the “Wasteland” aggressive and intolerant of competitors. Let's figure out what threats, in addition to the lack of resources, the outside world promises our Fallout Shelter shelter.

The desire to get a reliable home, to take possession of resources without wasting effort on their extraction leads to the inexorable appearance of raiders. The dashing guys will happily destroy all the inhabitants of your shelter, taking away your resources along the way.

How to deal with raiders in Fallout Shelter? The most important thing is not to overestimate their strength. As a rule, bandits can be easily dealt with by a couple of characters stationed at the gate. The main thing is to give them best weapon and reliable armor.

During the attack, keep an eye on your villagers' life bar. If it is completely empty, the defenders will die. To save them, you should use stimulants (just select a character and press the appropriate button). The faster you destroy enemies, the fewer resources will be stolen.

When a shelter room is attacked, whether by raiders, deathclaws, radroaches or mole rats, damage is evenly inflicted on all residents in that room.

In Fallout Shelter, as in the classic parts of the franchise, deathclaws are very dangerous opponents. The incursion of genetically engineered hellish creatures will put you on edge. During a deathclaw attack, you will lose a lot of resources and people. Try to get flamethrowers and energy weapons - these toys will make the deathclaws change their minds about the “defenseless” inhabitants of the shelter. And don't skimp on stimulants.

Don't expect to stop the deathclaws at the gate. As a rule, before they die, they manage to get to the second or third level of the shelter (here everything depends on the structure of your Volt and the leveling up of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. residents on the path of the claws). Try to move the best fighters to rooms that lie in the path of the death claws.

The attack on each room is limited in time. If the inhabitants of the room are well pumped, they will withstand the attack of the death claws and lose almost all their health, but will not die. At the same time, the claws, moving to the next room, will already have damage.

To slow down the penetration of guests from the wasteland into the shelter, in order to have time to organize a defense, you can improve the gate. It is worth noting that after the first attack of the claws, this improvement becomes almost mandatory, since ordinary gates hardly stop monsters.

Speaking about guests from the Wasteland, we have not yet talked about those who cannot be stopped by a pressure door. Radroaches and mole rats are sneaking into our shelter from underground, and they too can only be stopped by force.

Exploring the wasteland

  • There can be a maximum of 25 inhabitants in the wasteland (34 when completing three tasks at the same time)
  • Return time from the wasteland is half the travel time
  • While in the wasteland, residents automatically equip equipment of the best quality
  • While in the wasteland, residents automatically use stimulants and antiradins
  • When 100 items are found, the resident automatically returns home
  • If, while exploring the wasteland, a resident dies and the caretaker removes the corpse, then the pet will carry all of his things to the shelter, except for those worn by the resident.


  • S - accelerates energy production; reduces the chance of failure when accelerating
  • P - accelerates water production; reduces the chance of failure when accelerating
  • E - accelerates the production of food and water [Nuka-Cola bottling point]; reduces the chance of failure when accelerating
  • C - accelerates the attraction of people to the shelter and increases the happiness of its inhabitants [Radio Studio]; speeds up the acquaintance of couples in living rooms; speeds up services at the hairdresser.
  • I - accelerates the production of stimulants and antiradin agents; reduces the chance of failure when accelerating
  • A - accelerates food production; reduces the chance of failure when accelerating
  • L - increases the chance of caps falling out of production; reduces the chance of failure when accelerating
  • S - increases the chance of killing an enemy without taking damage
  • P - increases the chance of finding a rare item
  • E - increases resistance to radiation
  • C - allows you to bargain with the inhabitants of the wasteland, thus getting caps and loot
  • I - allows you to avoid fights with the enemy
  • A - allows you to evade enemy attacks
  • L - increases the number of items and caps found
  • S - reduces damage taken
  • P - reduces the speed of movement of the icon arrows for a critical attack
  • A - increases attack speed
  • L - increases critical attack chance
Features of pumping
  • Leveled up in special rooms: S - Room with exercise equipment, P - Weapon room, E - Fitness room, C - Living room, I - Classroom, A - Gym, L - Game room
  • If you move a training villager to another room, progress is not lost, and you can then continue where you left off.
  • Costumes and weapons do not affect training
  • When the end of the training time is reached, the next level will not begin to be pumped until the caretaker increases it
  • The pumping speed increases with each resident in the room (by 2%)
  • The characteristics of the inhabitants are summed up (i.e. at the initial S-10, we put on clothes S+7, and in the end we get S-17)
  • If the resident's parameter is E-11, then the resident becomes invulnerable to radiation (wasteland)


  • Random: Deathclaws, Raiders, Feral Ghouls
  • Random; if acceleration fails: Radroaches, MoleRats, Radscorpions, Fire
  • If the attackers manage to reach the last room, they hastily return to the wasteland
  • If an accident occurs in an empty room and residents do not eliminate it in time, the incident spreads to adjacent rooms
  • No accidents happen when offline
  • In the event of an incident, most of the Overseer's functions become unavailable
  • Pregnant women, children and pets leave the attacked rooms
  • Residents moved by the player to other rooms during the incident will return back after its elimination.
  • More than 5 explorers of the wasteland, as well as the return of residents to the shelter, increase the likelihood of a Deathclaw attack. Raiders attack more often when the number of caps is more than 15,000. Mole rats appear at about zero energy balance (production/consumption)

Increasing the number of inhabitants (reproduction)

  • You can start reproducing by sending one man and one woman to the living room
  • From the moment of pregnancy to birth, approximately 3 hours pass, the same amount is required for growing up
  • One man can have several women (for example: you can put 1 man and 3 women in one living room and they will breed)
  • Incest is prohibited in the shelter, so couples of relatives will not be able to have children (you can guess the relationship by last name)
  • Ways to obtain residents: breeding, radio studio, lunchboxes, caretaker tasks and wastelands. Also, at the beginning of the game, residents will come to the shelter for some time.
  • Maximum number of shelter residents - 200
  • When a resident's level increases, only his health increases, and the shelter receives caps in an amount equivalent to the level received (the amount of health received when the level increases depends on the E parameter); maximum level resident - 50
  • The queue of residents coming from the wasteland (including Mister Helpers) cannot exceed 10 people. If this limit is reached, it becomes impossible for a resident attracted by the radio studio to come and open the lunchbox.
  • ! We increase the health of a resident to the maximum: take a level 1 resident and send him to upgrade skill E (E-10), put on clothes (E+7), the result should be (E-17). Next, we send the resident into the wasteland to level up to level 50.
  • An ordinary child has a sum of parameters of 12 (born to parents with a low SPECIAL parameter)
  • A rare child has a total of parameters of 28, and can be born to parents with a total of 122+; for maximally pumped parents (sum 140) the chance of birth is about 13.3%.
  • A legendary child has a total of 39 parameters and can be born to parents with a total of 134+; for maximally pumped parents (sum 140) the chance of birth is about 6.6%.
  • Maximally pumped parents always pass on to their children the main parameter “intelligence”
  • Pets that increase children's SPECIAL stats at birth add the specified number to each to the SPECIAL parameter child, that is, a pet +3 gives 21 additional parameter points
  • ! We give birth to children with maximum efficiency: we take a fully upgraded, non-pregnant woman and a man, give the woman a pet “Probability of having twins: 75%” and send the couple to mate. As soon as the woman is ready for birth (the icon above her head), we change the pet to “+3 units to all SPECIAL values ​​of the child.” We give birth to children. Ready.
  • Reduces time: resource production, item production, skill increase speed in training rooms, hair salon service, speed of attracting residents from the wasteland [Radio Studio]. It also increases the amount of your daily reward.
  • Increases: by procreation (+50% both parents), using a stimulant or antiradin (+20%, but not more than 55%), working as a resident in the right room (up to 75%), successful acceleration (+10%)
  • If there is a resident in the room with a happiness level of 76% or higher, then the happiness indicators of everyone else present increases to 75%

Mister Helper

  • Automatically collects energy, water, food, stimulants and antiradin; does not increase the levels and skills of residents; helps in eliminating incidents
  • Can explore the wasteland collecting caps. There can be a maximum of 5 Mr. Helpers in the wasteland (sums with the maximum number of inhabitants in the wasteland)
  • Mister Helper does not increase the number of inhabitants of the shelter (i.e. with 200 inhabitants you can easily have 10 Mister Helpers)
  • There can only be one Mr. Helper on each floor.
  • It can only be repaired after death by spending 2000 caps

Game mode "Survival"

Differences from normal mode
  • At the beginning of the game, residents have level 5 and ordinary weapons
  • Residents cannot be resurrected
  • More frequent incidents and stronger opponents during them
  • Deathclaws start coming from 35 villagers